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December 19, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-19

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II U,,

Stacy Verdict

appeal the circuit court decision which
found him guilty of arson, the 30-year-old
University Latin scholar will find himself
looking forward to a jail term up to ten
years in duration.
Let us say at the outset that the ques-
tion of whether or not Stacy actually set
fire to Haven Hall will not be involved in
this discussion. This is problematical; the
immediate question is whether the jury
was justified in arriving at a verdict of
guilty from the evidence at hand.
SATURDAY morning, when both the
defense and the state had rested their
cases, several things were fairly established
as fact: first, that Stacy had confessed in
a signed statement to setting the Haven
Hall fire; second, that Stacy had told police
he lit the fire; third, that he told Zelda
Clarkson essentially the same thing; fourth,
that Dorothy Strauss, a former University
research assistant, saw a man "resembling"
Stacy in Haven Hall at about 4:30 p.m.,
just before the fire; and fifth, that Stacy
repudiated all his confessions shortly after
his arrest.
During the trial, the state presented tes-
timony of witnesses in an attempt to show -
that Stacy's, signed confession was true;



At The State...
Archer, Warner Anderson, Tom Powers,
Dick Wesson and Erin O'Brien Moore.


that he had actually done the things listed
in the confession statement.
Zelda Clarkson testified that Stacy had
told her of setting the fire last summer. In
detail, she said he had told her of entering
Haven Hall, going into a map room, and
setting a fire to a wastebasket full of papers.
Dorothy Strauss testified that at about
4:30 p.m. the day of the blaze she saw a
man "resembling" Stacy in the second floor
corridor of Haven Hall. She would not posi-
tively identify Stacy as the man she saw.
She said that he went down the north stair-
way of the building.r
In his own confession statement, given to
police after hours of continual questioning,
Stacy said: that he wentinto Haven Hall
at 3 p.m., a few minutes later walked into
Rm. G., set a match to a pile of maps in
the northwest corner of the room, and im-
mediately walked down the south stairway.
His oral confessions to the police followed
these statements "closely.
Prof. Dwight C. Long of the history de-
partment testified that there were maps in
the room-but in the northeast corner.
* * ,*
WHAT exactly did the jury have to go on
as fact? The prosecution claimed that
Stacy was guilty, apparently because he was
able to write out such an accurate and logi-
cal confession statement, thouh he later
denied everything.
Instead of helping to establish the ac-
curacy of the confession, the evidence
showed: that a discrepancy of an hour
and a half existed between the time Stacy
said he was in the building and the time
that Miss Strauss saw a man "resembling"
him; that confusion exists concerning the
stairway which Stacy went down; that
confusion exists concerning what Stacy
set fire to in the room, and if it was a
pile of maps, where that pile of maps was
If anything, the evidence presented
through the various testimonies showed only
that either the confession statement or the
testimonies themselves were in part or en-
tirely false.
The individual testimonies were generally
on small matters, tiny pieces of evidence
intended to form, as usual, a body of corro-
borating information. They were, for the
most part, of a nature that could not easily
be confused. They are, placed in contrast
with the confession, the most easily ac-
cepted of the two.
On the other hand, the validity of Stacy's
confession is dubious. There are several rea-
sons why he might have confessed a crime
which he did not commit. He might have
been, as his repudiation statement claimed,
so frustrated by the loss of Zelda Clarkson
that he made it all up to impress her. His
psychological condition as attested by the
doctors who examined him make possible
almost any theory. And the contradictions
contained-in the testimony indicate that
you or I might just as easily have made
up the confession, had we been so motivated.
The other testimonies by themselves are
extremely insignificant bits of circumstan,
tial evidence. They will not stand alone.
Despite this apparent unsubstantiality of
legitimate evidence, the jury found this man
guilty of setting Haven Hall on fire. The
nature of the verdict is necessarily depen-
dent on the nature of the evidence. Robert
Stacy may or may not have burned down
Haven Hall, but neither was proven in the
courtroom, and until one or the other is,
the jury's verdict cannot be considered a
just one.
-Chuck Elliott

German Letter
(EDITOR'S NOTE-The following is a reprint
of a letter written by a University graduate
now studying in Germany.)
HEIDELBERG, Germany-Almost anyone
who speaks of his impressions of Ger-
many will state quite dogmatically that
Germany is an area of great contrasts.
Whether he considers the contrast in lan-
guage areas, the contrast between the rural
and urban sections, or the present East-West
contrast, the observer can make an effective
case for his point. In addition to these, there
exists the more subjective contrast between
the Germany which the average tourist sees
while passing through the country and the
Germany which the more thorough observer
sees through a wider series of experiences.
I can remember very clearly an inciden
which occurred while I was working for a
student relief group at the University of
*Michigan. I happened to see a photograph
of a small group of German men and wom-
en dressed in evening clothes enjoying
themselves at a formal party. For a few
days I had to force myself to believe in
the necessity of sending food and clothing
to a country which could afford to enjoy
this sort of entertainment. This is, how-
ever, exactly the form of naivete which
follows as a result of little or no sympa-
thetic understanding of a country's people.
To be sure, one can still chance upon the
occasional formal dinner party; one can still
see a certain number of smart automobiles in
the parking area of a large theater; one can
still see very beautiful and very expensive
silver services in the local store windows. The
observer cannot take these as typical of
present day German life anymore than he
can accept the opening night of the Met with
all its splendor as typical of contemporary
American living standards.
One German student of economics has
described the plight of the middle-class Ger-
man individual, as a reversal of America's
labor-material relationship. He phrased his
thought in this manner: "In America, ma-
terial is relatively cheap while labor is ex-
pensive, but here in Germany the opposite
condition exists." While this cannot be taken
as a summation of all of Germany's prob-
lems, it does throw some light on the con-
dition of the middle-class worker.
The average hourly wage in Germany is
approximately DM 1.20 which amounts to
slightly les than thirty American cents. The
claim might quite naturally be made that
the average German can buy more with his
DM 1.20 than the American with his equiva-
lent amount, but here again, the picture is
not quite so simple. For example, this Ger-
man midle-class individual must pay slightly
less than one DM to send an air-mail letter
to his brother in the United States; his wife
must pay DM 3 for a dozen eggs and DM 3.50
for a pound of veal or beef, while his son
will pay DM 200 for a suit of clothes if he
can afford it. The high price of such items
which we in America consider an essential
part of our diet is ample reason for the
absence of the items from the German table.
These are a few of the conditions which
face the German of today. These, com-
bined with his fear of Russian aggression
and his belief in the need of rearmament
only if the German army is accepted on an
equal basis with other European armies,
are major problems with which the Ger-
man citizen is concerned.
As he lights the candles on his Christmas
wreath, the German is asking the same
question which the American, the French-
man, and perhaps even the Russian is ask-
ing. He is wondering if, in spite of his
tragic past, in spite of his present unsettled
world, peace on earth can be a reality
toward which his people must continue to
strive. -Lewis W. Towler, '50.


*mp 'm a. r.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Another Racket To Crack Down On
I'L S A ' %
CL1OM - Y . 4

(Continued from Page 3)
Doctors Landecker, Newcomb,
Swanson and Wood will remain in
their present offices.
The New York State Civil Ser-
vice Commission announces op-
portunities for probation officers.
All positions require at least one
year's residence in New York
State. The last filing date varies
in different counties. The exami-
nation date is February 17, 1951.
Persons who will graduate from
college next June or who will
complete two years of college work
next June may compete if they
have been residents of the coun-
ties designated in the bulletin.
For further information call at
the Bureau of Appointments,
room 3528, Administration Bldg.
Summer Positions: Mr. Ken-
neth Smith, Director of Camp
Charlevoix (a private boys camp),
will interview students interested
in camp counselor positions at
the Michigan Union from 2-6 p.-
m., Tues., and 9 to 12 a.m., Wed.
Interested candidates should in-
quire at the main desk of the Mi-
chigan Union for the room num-
The Standard Oil Company of
New Jersey has just asked for
February graduates as follows:
mechanical, civil, and architec-
tural engineers for employment in
Venezuela. Must be single. If
enough men are interested in this

WITH THE recent developments in roc-
kets, television, atomic energy, and su-
personic speed, science fiction is ceasing to
be a lowly pulp-magazine member of the
literary brotherhood. And coupled with the.
increased interest in the Moon as a possible
site of future military operations, it was
almost inevitable that Hollywood should be
the instrument by which the new marvels
were to be brought before the public eye.
To some, interplanetary travel is old stuff,
but Flash Gordon has had his heyday and
even H. G. Wells has run his course. The
trend now is to portray scientific miracles
as well within the limits of probability, and
not as pure fantasy.
"Destination Moon" is the most recent
and spectacular, as well as the most ac-
curate, of the attempts to combine science
and politics'into a plausible extra-terres-
trial adventure. By employing the tech-
niques of the semi-documentary, the pic-
ture gains realism, and by translating
most scientific explanations into the lay-
man's vocabulary it becomes credible
(though it still requires at least a rudi-
mentary knowledge of physics to under-
stand parts of even the de-technicalized
In his attempt to underplay the sensation-
alism and fantasy, writer Robert A. Hein-
lein was operating under his previous level
and far below that of such masters of sci-
ence fiction as August Derleth, Louis Pad-
gett and A. E. Van Vogt. The result is the.
conventional and episodic story of the strug-
gle of free enterprise to build the militarily
necessary space-ship before a "foreign pow-
er" and in spite of governmental apathy,
with innuendoes of sabotage and interna-
tional wire-pulling in the background.
To make up for this defect, Heinlein
achieves suspense and continuity by plac-
ing his four heroes in predicaments some-
what reminiscent of the weekly perils of
Flash Gordon et al.
The difficulty of the film lies in that t
-must walk the tightrope between science fic-
tion addicts on the one hand who will find
it far too simple and prosaic, and the un-
interested layman on the other who will find
hinself lost in scientific mumbo-jumbo and
weirdly garbed men fantastically floating
through space. But to the average movie-goer
in this atomic age of television and radar.
super-sonic speeds of 25,000 miles per hour
can be swallowed with only an extra gulp.
and he will find himself along on a stimulat-
ing and exciting adventure.

AMA Policy *
To the Editor:
RE: John Briley's editorial o
Dec. 13 titled "AMA Ap-
Mr. Briley neglected to mention
the fact that, until the threat of
national health insurance ap-
peared on the horizon, the AMA
vigorously opposed even the grow-
ing plans of voluntary health in-
surance. Why, it is hard to say,
except that any self interest
group can construe a plan benef it-
ing the public as a possible drain
on its own coffers. We might as
well ask why the money changers
opposed Christ. At any rate the
AMA, with a bigger stick now held
over its head, wants to be a bed
partner with a former enemy.
-Robert B. Bentley.
Bias Clause.,
To the Editor:
L AST WEEK'S Student Legisla-
ture meeting was rather in-
teresting. A number of people
sought to have SL rescind its rec-
ommendation to the University's
Student Affairs Committee for a'
six-year time limit on discrimina-
tory clauses which was passed last
November 15th.
Some were opposed to the whole
idea. Others held that this is not
the time, the place, or the method
of getting action.
But most disturbing, to me at
least, was the third group who
said, in essence, that since they
didn't believe that the SAC would
adopt the time limit recommenda-
tion, they would vote for the
rescission and support the "sub-
stitute" motion which only re-
quires organizations with clauses
to try to remove them at their
national conventions by present-
ing motions to that effect.
They supported the substitute
on the ground that this was "some
progress" and that it had a
chance of being passed by the
To test just how far my col-
leagues intend to carry SL back-
ward with this theory of trying
only what we can be sure of ac-
complishing I shall propose Wed-
nesday night that the SL discon-
tinue all discussion and negotia-
tion with the University on the
question of a long Thanksgiving
holiday on the same ground-that
it is quite possible that the Uni-
versity will reject the idea again
this year. This I submit is a
stronger case, since I shall have a
couple years of rejections as pre-
cedent on my side.
The consequences of rescinding
the time limit recommendation at
this time should be noted.
First of all, rescinding would
make many University adminis-
trators uncertain about and hesi-
tant to act upon any SL recom-
mendations in the future on topics
of a controversial nature. This
will certainly be true if the mo-
tion is rescinded because SL mem-
bers vote on the basis that "the
SAC won't agree with it anyway."
Secondly, the repeated sugges-
tions in last week's debate that
"the newly elected members ought
to have a chance to vote on this"
indicates very clearly that the
would-be rescinders are ready and
consciously willing to make this

question a campaign issue in fu-
ture SL elections.
Third, and of considerable con-
cern to the student body generally,
is the fact that in a political at-
mosphere such as that described
above, the existence of a human
*relations program like that sug-
gested last week by John Ryder
aimed at developing better con-
tact and better feeling between af-
filiates and independents will
continue to border on the impos-
t The issue of rescinding is liable
to come up again Wednesday
night. Why not drop in to Room
' 3 RS of the Union about 7:30 and
' see how it comes out?
-Tom Walsh.
* * *
To the Editor:
SUNDAY'S editorial, "Religion
and Morality," showed the
author, Mr. Zander Hollander's,
contempt for the Lane Hall "mo-
rale conference" and the people
who usually attend "such meet-
ings." We would like to clear up a
few . of the misunderstandings
which seem as always to accom-
pany contempt. First this was a
unique meeting, bringing together
for the first time in our campus
experience leaders of the different
religious affiliations to discuss
this particular need with the stu-
dents. They did so because each
had been approached during the
past few weeks by many students
who were concerned with their
own problems and some hadalso
felt that a joint public meeting
might be welcomed by others. It
was something extra in the busy
lives of these men who felt they
should give any opportunity of aid
they could to students. We feel
that they deserve thanks not con-
Mr. Hollander seemed to feel
that the meeting was hampered by
the small numbers. We feel that
quantity is a poor riterea for
judging the success or failure of
any meeting. The students who
were there had as great problems
as those who were not there. We
find no excuse for saying the ob-
jects of the concern were all at
Mr. Hollander was impressed by
the "lesson in futility," because
the questions which he called the
students' balls and chains-draft,
marriage,. school, destruction -
went unanswered. We point out
that it is not the tradition of this
University in any of its phases to
give us answers for every situa-
tion we will meet. Rather we are
offered principles in terms of
which we can solve specific prob-
lems. Especially the religion sup-
ported by intelligent, thinking
people deals with the basic deci-
sions and principles of life. The'
specific decisions are made on the
basis of previous more fundamen-
tal decisions. Religion is a frame'
work within which we answer
these ball-and-chain questions'
and this total area was the topic
of the proposals offered by the'
speakers Thursday evening. We
feel that anyone could approach1
these men, separately, to find help
with specific problems after they
had learned the individual's situa-
tion and in terms of their own re-
ligious background. But there are

no over-all answers for these ques-
It seems to us that religion-
morality-faith-convictions were
more than words "tossed around
like so many bean bags." They
have a depth of meaning given
by the experience of all mankind.
We learn from those with a great-
er understanding and from our
own experience to see beyond the
words themselves.
The, discussions which followed
the general addresses brought out
the feelings of uncertainty, the
questions, and, perhaps, our frus-
trations. Yet we were not disap-
pointed. We did not go home
clanking our balls and chains be-
hind us. No one session can ever
give the whole answer. But it was
an experience which, added to
others past and future, will help
us find our own answers.
-Rosemary Jones,
Don Haskell.
Radio ..
To the Editor:
SO YOU DON'T like modern
radio! So the programs are a
disgrace and an insult to your in-
telligence . . . the commercials
too long and, what's more, ob-
noxious. Well, this may surprise
you, but it's mostly your own fault
. and not entirely that of the
sponsors' or radio management.
Not by a long shot.
The most important factor de-
ciding whether or not a program
remains on thehair is its popu-
larity. Unlike the printed medi-
ums, radio can't count it's circu-
lation to arrive at a popularity
rating. At best, to get a bare idea
of who's listening to what and
when, radio must take cumber-
some and infrequent surveys of
its audience. And knock out that
fallacious idea that radio man-
agement isn't interested! ! Audi-
ence reaction is on theirdminds
constantly because In order to
sell radio time, they have to have
listeners . . . and then be able to
prove it as much as possible to
current and potential sponsors.
Consequently, the most concrete
gauge of public response is fan
Who writes the fan mail? Not
you, obviously. What programs re-'
ceive fan mail, Not the Metro-
politan Opera . . . Not the sym-
phony. No, it's the soap opera,
the disc jockeys and the quiz pro-
grams that receive almost all of
Radio is a social medium, and a
frighteningly powerful one. It is
also a democratic medium, con-
trolled by your votes of approva
and disapproval. Why those who
gripe most about radio, will not
support the programs they like,
is another problem for social psy-
chology. Beefing over a cup of
coffee won't help. You have to
speak directly to radio, like the
supporters of our disc jockeys and
soap operas do. If you only gripe
or refuse to listen to radio, you'ree
not only ignoring your own power
to improve radio, but you're also1
shirking. an important social re-
sponsibility. . . .
-Audrey Riddell,
Continuity Director,I



position, they will come here to
interview in January. If interest-
ed, please call immediately at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
min. Bldg.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Mal-
colm Edwin McDonald, Forestry
and Conservation; thesis: "The
Ecology of the Pointe Moulsiee
Marsh, Michigan, with Special
Reference to the Biology of Cat-
Tail (Typha)," Wed., Dec. 20, 20-
45 Natural Science Bldg., at 9 a.-
m. Chairman, W. W. Chase
Doctoral Examination for James
Alfred McFadden, Physics; thesis:
"Conformal Mapping and a Per-
turbation Method in the Study of
Conical Flows." Tues., Dec. 19,
East Council Room, Rackhan
Bldg.. 3:15 p.m. Co-Chairmen,
Otto Laporte and R. C. F. Bartels,
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues.,
Dec. 19, 4:10 p.m., Room 3011, An-
gell Hall. Prof. George Piranian
will speak on "The Needles and
Blisters Technique in Conformal
Botanical Seminar. Wed., Dec.
20, 4 p.m., Rm. 1139 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Guest speaker, Mr.
Howard A. Crum. Subject, "The
Distribution of Temperate Species
in the Mexican Moss Flora." All
interested are invited to attend.
Program of Concertos and An-
as featuring student soloists with
the University Symphony Orches-
tra, Wayne Dunlap, Conductor,
8:30 p.m., Wed., Dec. 20, in Hill
Auditorium. Music of ozart, De-
bussy, Brahms, Sibelis, Strauss
and Rachmaninoff, performed- by
Digby Bell, Bethyne Bischoff,
George Exon, Repah LaMed and
Donald Wyant, pianists, Theodore
Johnson, violinist, and Carol Neil-
son Wilder and Rose Marie Jun,
sopranos. Open to the general
The University Musical Society
will present three concerts during
the month of January, following
the holiday vacation, as follows:
ERICA MORINI, Violinist, in
the Choral Union Series, Tues.,
Jan. 11, 8:30 p.m.
ge Jaroff, conductor, in the Extra
Concert Series, Mon., Jan. 15, 8:30
nist, in the Choral Union Series,
Fri., Jan. 19, at 8:30 p.m.
A limited number of tickets for
each . of these performances are
available at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
Events Today
Electrical Engineering Depart-
ment Research Discussion Group:
Meeting, 4 p.m., Room 2084, E.
(Continued on Page 6)
















-Allan Clamage

THE BEHAVIOR of Chinese Communist
delegates at Lake Success is so boorish
that it makes the Russians seem friendly by
Occasionally, however, one of the Chi-
nese will relax and let his mask down.
This happened at Secretary-General Try-
gve Lie's private dinner at which General
Wu surprised other guests by being quite
Instead of the torrent of denunciation
which he usually launches against the west,
Wu drank a couple of cocktails and told
some amusing stories about his military ca-
While it couldn't be said that Wu got
around to any slap-you-on-the-back inti-
macy. he let drop some hints that the demo-
cratic system had some pleasing aspects. For
instance, he expressed surprise that the
United Nations had done him the courtesy

ACTIVITY IN THE local art world has re-
cently advanced beyond the ability of
one frustrated reviewer to appraise and re-
port with due timeliness. Currently showing
in the Museum of Art and the College of
Architecture and Design are, respectively,
CARLOS LOPEZ, exhibitions that should be
of great interest to the University commun-
ity. And during the coming week, it is ex-
pected that the Rackham Gallery will have
something exciting to offer-of which more
If the burden of Blue Books, term papers,
seasonal shopping, et al, is not too oppres-
sive, by all means find time to shrug off
the weight of the wor d's crises and revive
your morale with an hour's escape into the
realm of the spirit.
One of the best-known and most respected
of our own artists, Carlos Lopez, sustains
his reputation for Expressionist eloquence
in the linear and emotive concentration of
the drawings whose powerful personalities
people the south wing of the College of Ar-
Of the color media he finds oil most con-
genial but derives the greatest pleasure from
drawing (including the decoration of his
wife's pottery),swhich for him isan end
in itself. Intensely sincere, his work is the
antithesis of the superficial. It is always an
unaffected statement of something he needs
to communicate, something from within that
cannot always be put into words-but to him
is "truth." Beauty he does not regard as a
criterion of worth; a disturbing picture can
be a good one-provided it is a true trans-
lation of its motivating emotion.

quickly, developing his concept with fluid
ease, "thinking with brush in hand."
Reality of detail is willingly sacrificed to
the total impact. Largely executed with
brush these drawings are rich texturally,
elaborated with an extreme diversity of line.,
In recent works, of which the phenomenally
muscular horses and bulls are typical, he has
created grays of silky softness and subtlety
with a pointed dry brush. Though most of
the drawings are in black and white, some,
such as the portrayals of the toreador and
the soldier, find color necessary to the exact
revelation of inner character.
* * I
THE EXHIBITION of student prints in
Alumnni Memorial Hall, for the show is
a summary of the best work of Emil Wed-
dige's.pupils since the fall of 1949. The range
embraces a variety of media in which etching
and lithography predominate.
The general impression is of a persistent
focus of interest on design and pattern,
stated in the prevailing idioms of the ab-
stract-in varying degrees-and Expres-
sionalism. There is little color and perhaps
not little enough of the tendency toward
obscure, and dreary or morbid, symbolism,
which seems the inescapable trend of our
Technical competence is there-adaptation
of the means to expression of the idea. Imag-
ination and originality imbue the works of
some with exceptional vitality; many are
mediocre. Names I would single out for praise
are: Jansma, Massnick, Kull, Goodyear,
Owsley, McIntosh, Sosna, and Wheeler. Num-
erous others deserve commendation and
doubtless will find it in their special appeal
to some spectators.

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsky...... .Editorial Director
Dave Thomas.......... .Feature Eidtor
Janet Watts ......... .Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan.. ........ .Assoclate Editor
James Gregory......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly..........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell.... Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton.. .. Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.......Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor,
Business Staff
Bob Daniels........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau....... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz.. Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news, dispatches credied to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; b¢ mail, $7.00.




Oh, dea...... can't see you
worry this way...Barnaby-
Your fattier and I decided
that the only way we could



I know. So, if you promise
to keep it secret, I'll tell
you.../ sold my old silver
teapot and got some EXTRA

Your father's calling-

So I'm really not breaking
my promise to your mother-
Because 1 SOLD my golf
s clubs to buy her the pieces


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