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December 13, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-13

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__________________ I H I

Time Limit

AMA Approach

"How's That Again?"


LAST NIGHT'S Michigan Forum debate
on the time limit for removal of frater-
nity bias clauses was a clear example of the
value public airing of a controversial topic
in crystalizing and clarifying the areas of
It is unfortunate, however, that more
members of the Student Legislature and
the Student Affairs committee, the two
campus groups who will be called to vote
on the issue, were not in the audience.
Beginning on the assumption that dis-
criminating clauses should be removed, de-
bators tackled the question of how best to
accomplish this end. And .the logical con-
clusion to be drawn from the discussion is
that the 1956 time limit with authority to
grant extensions left to the SAC, is the best
plan yet presented.
Passage of this motion by the SL and
SAC puts the entire University'community
behind a plan to eliminate a recognized
evil, gives University delegates to national
fraternity conventions a strong talking
point, and provides a reasonable length of
time for eliminating the clauses.
Passage of the motion would not cause
-fraternities to disband, and should not cause
them to feel persecuted or imposed upon by
outside groups. Both the Legislature and
the SAC contain a substantial number of
affiliates. But more important, anything in
this community which affects a group as
sizeable as the fraternities is of legitimate
concern to the entire community; and any-
thing pertaining to the functioning of stu-
dent groups, is, obviously, of necessary con-
cern to the University.
Debators last night pointed to the In-
ter-Fraternity's long range discrimination
program now underway as a possible way.
of handling the problem. But this pro-
gram, certainly valid in itself, would not
conflict with the time limit proposal, and
by itself does not supply the needed direct
The debaters on both sides of the ques-
tion admitted that mistakes have been made
in past action on the bias clauses by both
IFC and SL. A forward step can be taken,
however, by Legislators reaffirming their
stand on the removal of the clauses and by
IFC working with instead of against the
Legislature. -Roma Lipsky
Editorials "Published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

THE AMERICAN Medical Association's ex-
travagant publicity campaign to thwart
the Administration's national health insur-
ance plan is bpth farsighted and deceptive.
That health insurance of some kind is an
economic necessity is tacitly admitted by the
campaign's slogan "The voluntary way is
the American way." The AMA points out
that the health insurance programs of pri-
vate companies whose protection in most
cases is only partial, already covers 50% of
the population. They completely ignore the
fact that this statement also means that
almost 50% of the population is not covered,
and that those who are in greatest economic
need of insurance are precisely those who
do not have it.
The AMA has labeled national health in-
surance "socialized medicine" in hopes that
this epithet, even if misapplied, will create
an automatic aversion to the program. The
Administration simply proposes to collect in-
surance through social security machinery
and distribute them through local agencies
controlled in large part by doctors. Doctors,
pharmaceutical houses, hospitals, medical
schools, even the AMA will continue to be
private entities, no more in the employ of
the government than they would be in the
employ of the private companies if they take
on the job of health insurance. This could
EVERYONE KNOWS the old witticism
about everybody talking about the wea-
ther and nobody doing anything. about it.
In the' British House of Commons, however,
everybody is talking about the climate, pre-
cisely because somebody is doing something
about it-and everybody else intends to.
It all comes of a new-fangled notion that
engineers in control of machinery to control
the temperature of the chamber can control
the temperature of the chamber. They can
control the machinery, period. But the tem-
perature is subject to too many other in-
fluences -- some 600-odd of them. These
seem equally divided between two proposi-
tions: (1) the House is too hot; (2) the
House is too cold.
Apparently the question eludes party dis-
cipline and is argued on a completely indi-
vidualist basis, with results foreseen or
rather forsworn by Private Willis, Westmin-
ster Palace yard sentry, in "Iolanthe"-
But then the prospect of a lot
Of dull MP's in close proximity,
All thinking for themselves, is what
No man can face with equanimity.
-Christian Science Monitor

Party 'Poli-tics in a Glass House

hardly be "socialism" even in Colonel Mc-
Cormick's lexicon.
Another argument of the AMA is that the
mv~oaTd T Lons MxpaAx o AIu Al oneaan q
would be very expensive. If the job is done
by private companies, each will have'to set
up its own little bureaucracy, many of which
will be performing duplicate functions in the
same area. If the government handles na-
tional health insurance using already exist-
ing social security machinery, they will elim-
inate the initial costs of organization in ad-
dition to sales and advertising costs. The
only way private companies could do the job
cheaper is to practice the false economy of
providing inadequate coverage.
AMA's strongest argument is that a na-
tional health insurance would result in over
worked doctors who could not give more
than cursory attention to patients. This is
not an argument AGAINST national health
insurance. It is a statement that bririgs us
near the truth about our growing shortage
of doctors, and illuminates a real danger
in our national health picture that must be
solved before it makes all other issues aca-
demic. Our medical schools are dangerously
in debt. Some of them'actually face bank-
ruptcy. Though our University medical
school's finances are relatively sound, it
could accept only 7,095 students this year
out of some 22,000 applicants. With funds
diminishing and costs rising, the situation
is growing worse.
The shortage of doctors and the growing
need for medical schools and hospital space
are of paramount importance to all of us.
They are the special concern of the govern-
ment and the AMA. The Administration's
plan, whatever its shortcomings, has the
merit of facing up to the total problem real-
So far the AMA has ignored the existence
of these basic shortages; perhaps expecting
government assistance (taxpayers' money)
to rescue the medical schools and hospitals
without any nasty qualifications about com-
pensating the public for the use of the mo-
ney. This is an unreasonable expectation.
If the AMA disapproves of the Administra-
tion's methods of providing adequate medi-
cal facilities, then it ourght to provide an
alternate solution. If none exists at present,
then it had better redirect some of that 20
million it is spending to propagate irrelevant
slogans to the discovery of a solution it can
-John Briley
WASHINGTON - The press of the world
speculated last week about what Presi-
dent Truman was saying to Prime Minister
Attlee during a highly secret stag dinner at
the British embassy.
The dinner lasted until 12:15' p.m.-un-
usually late Tor Truman to be out. At the
dinner were some of the most important
British-American advisers - Secretary of
State Acheson, Secretary of Defense Mar-
shall, Secretary of Treasury Snyder, Chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Omar
Bradley, Field Marshall Sir William Slim
Lord Tedder, Sir Roger Makins and Averell
Harriman, Special Adviser to the White
After the dinner was over, those present
greeted newspapermen with a blunt "no
comment." However, here is what actually
happened behind the sacrosanct doors of
the British Embassy.
"Capt." Harry Truman, once of the U.S.
Field Artillery, and "Maj." Clement Attlee,
once of His Majesty's Infantry, spent most
of the evening swapping stories about World
War I. Truman served in the Missouri Na-
tional Guard which was active in the cam-
paign of the Vosges Mountains. Attlee en-
listed in the British Army, was wounded at
Gallipoli, re-enlisted and came out with the
rank of Major.
Despite the presence of the top-rapking
generals in the British and American army,

"Captain" Truman and "Major" Attlee de-;
voted part of their time to cussing out gene-
* ,* "',
Here is some of the closed-door Republi-
can debate when GOP policy-makers hag-
gled over the question of a formal resolu-
tion to remove Dean Acheson as Secretary
of State.
Taft argued that any formal Republican
statement should deal with policy not per-
sonalities. Millikin also doubted the wisdom
of putting the Republican Party on record
against Acheson; while even Wherry, who
has never hesitated to raise his voice against
the Secretary of State, preferred to keep
hands off a formal resolution.
"Everybody knows how I feel," the Ne-
braskan shrugged. "If a resolution comes
out with my blessing, it will help rather than
help it."
Senator Ives of New York, whb read the
text of a proposed resolution, drew sharp
attack in regard to one paragraph of his
"We are compelled to point out," Ives
read "that unless this change in Adminis-
tration personnel which we here recommend
is, made, our efforts to cooperate must prove
futile and national disunity and lack of con-
fidence are likely to increase."
Millikin protested that this was an "im-
plied threat" that Truman must fire Ache-
son-or else. Taft also criticized the threat-

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(Continued from Page 2) 1
Academic Notices
Written test in History 11, Lec-
ture Group 2, on Fri., Dec. 15, 10
a.m. Dillon's, Hoffman's, Hooper's
sections meet in West Gallery
Alumni Memorial Building. Nich-
ols', Slosson's, Smith's sections
meet in Wacf T anfIl"m13 ,,4

Kellogg Auditorium. Open to all
interested students and faculty
j members.





The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamato6~ or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

S n w eure Room of 1
Old Physics Building.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:4
Wed., Dec. 13, 4 p.m., Room 101,l
W. Engineering Bldg.' Prof. Ha-
gerty will speak on "Heat Trans-
fer II, Dynamic Similitude in<
Heat Transfer Problems."
Geometry Seminar: Wed., Dec.
13, 2 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall.'
Dr. Wright will continue his talk4
on Flats in Meta-projective Geo-
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
tics: Thurs., Dec. 14, 4 p.m., Room
247, W. Engineering Bldg. Prof.
N. Coburn will speak on "Correla-
tion Tensors in Homogeneous
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-
matics: Meeting, Thurs., Dec. 14,
4 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall.
Mr. Line will conclude speaking
on "Simple. Continued Fractions.",
Doctoral Examination for Ro-
bert P. Barrell, Psychology; the-
sis: "The Relationship of Various
Types of Movement Responses in
the Rorschach Test to Personal-
ity Trait Ratings," Wed., Dec. 13,
East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., 4 p.m. Chairman, M. L.

Modern Dance Club:
7 p.m., Dance Studio,
Gym. 'Ensian picture to

Student Science Society: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Room 1036, Chem-
istry Bldg. Prof. C. L. Markert of
the Zoology Department will
speak on "The Relatioris between
Genes and Enzymes." All those in
terested are welcome.
W.A.A. Square and Folk Dance
Club: Meet in W.A.B. 7:30-9:45
Ullr Ski Club: Meeting to dis-
cuss week-end ski trip. Movies.
Room 3-D, Union, 7:30 p.m.

Coming Events
Canterbury Club': Thurs., Dec.
14, 10:15 a.m., Holy Communion
followed by Student Breakfast.
Young Democrats: Meeting,
Thurs., Dec. 14, 7:30 p.m., Union.
Unfinished business and nomina-
tion of officers.
Delta Sigma Pi: Informal Ini-
tiation, Thurs., Dec. 14, 7:30 p.m.
3rd floor, Union. Attendance by
all actives and pledges will be ex-
International Center Weekly Tea
for foreign students and American
friends, 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Dec.
Michigan Sailing Club: Thurs.,
Dec. 14, 'Room, 311, W. Engineer-
in o Bldo 730 " hnf1..4


be taken.

WASHINGTON-It is sometimes hard for
us, as a nation, to realize that we live
in a glass house.
We do, literally. The United States is
constantly the center of world' attention
and furthermore, and most important
now, this city is the capital of the free
nations of the earth. They look to us for
leadership and support. That imposes
upon us a responsibility for our words
and actions as never before. Everything
that happens here goes skyrocketing all
over the world.
The eyes of both our friends and our
enemies turned our way with special con-
centration when British Prime Minister
Clement Attlee flew here to consult with
President Truman about the Korean crisis.
* * *
cans chose this crucial time -to open a
more or less frontal party attack upon our
Secretary of State, Dean Acheson, who was
at President Truman's side in the all-impor-
tant discussions with the Prime Minister of
the nation which is our chief ally.
Mr. Acheson represents us before the
world as our foreign minister and he
represented us in that role, too, in the
critical conferences with Mr. Atlee. He
and the President deserved united support
Truman Letter
rJHE LATEST episode in "The Letters of
Harry Truman" is certainly the most in-
cendiary and shocking of the series.
The letter, in which Truman reportedly
threatened to beat up a music critic, was
obviously written in a moment of great an-
ger and dispatched in great haste, before the
President could cool off and think logically.
This was the third such angry tirade that
Truman has recently issue. The first was
the celebrated "S.O.B." comment to Drew
Pearson and the second was the note call-
ing the Marines the Navy's police force.
The President should realize that these
actions impair both his prestige and that
of the office he holds. People can disagree
with his political policies as much as they
like, but there should still remain an ele-
ment of respect, for the President's position.
He should also realize that his political
ambitions suffer when he goes off on these
tangents, for when one loses respect for a
man, one tends to lose respect for his poli-
It is understood that the President is
now going through a period of great anx-

and a truce on partisan politics. This is
a time when we, as a nation, should
present a solid front.
Instead, the Republican attack gave the
appearance of division among us in the
basic approach to the dilemma that con-
fronts us. That naturally would disturb our
friends and likewise give comfort to the
Russian-Chinese Communist axis.
This hardly seems the time to indulge
ourselves in the search for a scapegoat, in-
self a sign of weakness. That is no solution.
* * *
IT WAS SURPRISING to many that the
"get-Acheson" campaign had as its spon-
sor this time Senator Ives of New York, a
usually responsible and thoughtful leader.
Hitherto he has exhibited a cooperative at-
titude in meeting the tough problems that
face our government without a tinge of
partisanship. He is, too, a close associate of
New York's Governor Thomas E. Dewey,
who also has manifested a spirit of coopera-
tion in the approach to the /Communist
threat and has exercised restraint.
It was temporarily encouraging that the
Senate Republican policy committee,. of
which Senator Taft of Ohio is chairman,
side-stepped Senator Ives' proposal that
the party call formally for Secretary Ache-
son's resignation. The excuse was that
it was not certain of its authority. This
was some slight concession to propriety.
At least time was allowed for Prime Min-
ister Attlee to get out of town.
But the issue is still alive. Further con-
sideration merely was deferred until next
week. The policy committee referred the
Ives' proposal to the Senate Republican
conference, which embraces all Senate Re-
publicans and of which Senator Millikin of
Colorado is chairman. At a meeting next
Tuesday the conference will have before it
a resolution calling for the Secretary of
State's resignation to be drafted by a com-
mittee of four appointed by Senator Taft,
with Senator Ives as chairman.
* * *
THE OPEN REPUBLICAN guerrilla war-
fare disrupts the bipartisan approach on
foreign policy in which Senator Vandenberg
of Michigan was so influential. Unfortun-
ately he is withdrawn from active partiti-
pation in affairs because of' illness.
President Truman is confronted with
an issue that deeply involves his own
jurisdiction and prerogatives in the call
for Dean and in Republican belligerence
on foreign policy indicated in other moves.
These include the demand signed by 20
Republican Senators that any agreements
with Prime Minister Attlee be submitted
in the form of treaties for ratification by

MSC .. *
To the Editor:
ON SUNDAY, December 10th,
there appeared in the Daily
an editorial written by Cal Samra
entitled "MSC Shortcomings."
Now I consider myself as loyal to
Michigan as anyone else, but I
think it's about time the students
at this University got off their
high horse, disposed of their air of
pseudo-sophistication, and faced
In reference to MSC, Mr. Samra
states that " ... the most appall-
ing aspect of this overgrown high
school is the paternalistic attitude
of the Administration. First, they
suspended the Michigan State
News, college daily, for printing an
editorial of 'ill-taste'." Tell me,
Mr. Samra, what happened to our
Gargoyle? (And let's not be naive
and childish and attribute its
failure to financial difficulties.)
Aren't we walking on thin ice,
Mr. Samra, especially when every
move WE make is controlled by an
Administration set up as omnipo-
tent gods?
Th'Pi editorial goes on to say
that " . . they (the Michigan
State News) fill their pages with
articles of the most juvenile sort -
. I recall that on the front
page of the Daily a few weeks ago,
there appeared the earth-shaking
news that Burton Tower had
missed a note! ' ,
Mr. Samra goes on to criticize
the Mihigan State News for pub-
lishing editorials dealing with
school spirit. I would suggest that
copies of these editorials be dis-
tributed to every student at the
University of Michigan. A couple
of weeks ago, our football team ac-
complished what almost everyone
thought was impossible-we be-
came Big Ten Champs and con-
tenders in the Rose Bowl. But did
we have a gala celebration or
even a trace of school spirit on
campus? No, we were told that
we're used to championship teams,
and we take them in our stride.
Undoubtedly, Mr. Samra, you've
heard about people who live in
glass houses. Well, we at the Uni-
versity of Michigan haven't a right
in the world to condemn another
school for "apparent lack of good
-H. E. Criel,53E
* ***
To the Editor:-
RE: MSC Shortcomings by Cal
Narrowness of the mind is one
of the least forgivable sins of an
individual, university or news-
paper. This seems to be the point
of view of Mr. Samra in his Sun-
day editorial, however, a look at
Mr. Samra's' reasoning, and the
remainder of that day's news-
paper, proves that both are just
as narrow as tey claim MSC
and its newspaper is.
Your writer is perturbed be-
cause MSC is rubbing it in that
MSC beat Michigan while Michi-
gan is going to the Rose Bowl, and
because MSC is beginning to cast
a shadow upon Michigan's claim
to fame.
Let's take his editorial point by
1-MSC's paternalistic attitude
towards its students; what about

the fact that Provost (pappy)
Adams (front page on Sunday) is
worried about his Michigan boy's
morale. Quote: "The University
will make every possible effort to
keep you informed regarding de-
velopments which bear upon your
plans. It accepts this as a- part of
its obligation to you." Don't wor-
ry, fellas, study' hard, the draft
won't get you-until June.
2-Juvenile articles in the MSC
News; what about Mr. Samra's
article and its childish reasons
for claiming that MSC hasn't
grown up.
3-Five consecutive editorials in
the MSC News about school spirit;
what's wrong with school spirit,
perhaps Michigan could use some
(Army rally, post OSU game rally).
Quote from Sunday's Daily, page
8: "Reporters for a San Francisco
paper came out to (sic) campus
and found that Cal students evi-
dently had as much spirit as
Michigan does - hardly any."
Query. Is school spirit inherently
4-MSC thumbs her nose at
Michigan's Rose Bowl team;
granted, MSC's comments con-
cerning Michigan have been in
bad taste BUT is thatvany reason
for Michigan or for us to belittle
the MSC win over Michigan. Isn't
this the pot calling the kettle
5-MSC News has articles on
pigs, girls, buildings, trees, sports,
and beer; what about the articles
in Sunday's Daily? A picture of
a ewe won by the Delta Chi
House (pigs); pictures of five
HVISCco-eds with an article that
starts this way: "In line with the
policy of the best coverage of
facts at any cost . . . " (girls); Hil-
lel building a new center (build-
ings); premature babies (nothing
about trees, but this is close
enough); nine sports articles in-
cluding the WAA basketball tourn-
ament (sports); lack of any story
about liquor (beer).
We think we have proved our
point. Let's not have any more of
these childish editorials; MSC and
Michigan can live in the same
state and both can be great uni-
versities. Everyone expects friend-
y rivalry, but when such biased
irades are printed, what can you
expect but retaliation.
This is supposed to be an insti-
tution of higher learning-when
are some people going to drop
this "holier than thou" attitude
and grow up?
-Jack Miller,
-Frederick Stannard.
* * *
To The Editor:
SOME OF my ftiends have been
wondering when to expect a
University ban on Hadacol. After
all, it contains twice as much al-
cohol as beer and not too much
less alcohol than wine. The aug-
ust and omnipotent demagogues
seem to be overlooking a p'art of
their "assumed" duty of guiding
us miserable and immoral sinners.
-R. Bruce MacGregor
The highest possible stage in
moral culture is when we recog-
nize that we ought to control our
-Charles Darwin

harpsichord. The program will be,
open to the public.
Museum of Art, Alumni Me-
morialHall. Work in Progress In
Michigan; Water Colors and
Drawings from the Newberry Col-
lection; and Work of University
Printmaking Class; through Dec.
31. Galleries open to the public,
weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5.
Events Today
Wesley Foundation: Do-Drop-
In, Wed., Dec. 13, 4 to 5:30 p.m.
Weekly announcements will be
made at 5.
Congregational, Disciple, Evan-
gelical and Reformed Guild: Sup-
per Discussion at the Guild House,
5:30 p.m.
inter-Religious Executive Com-
mittee for Religion in Life Week
meets at Lane Hall, 4:30 p.m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Bible Study, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall
(Fireside Room). Topic: Romans,
chapter eleven.
Displaced Students Committee:
Meeting, 4 p.m., Lane Hall.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Postal
match with the University of Wy-
oming, 7:15 p.m., R.O.T.C. rifle
Sigma Xi. 8 p.m., Rackham Am-
phitheatre. Prof. C. L. Meader will
speak on "General Semantics and,
Language Study." Public invited.'
Dr. Pendleton Herring, presi-
dent of the Social Science Re-
search Council will lead a discus-
sion on the general topic: "Social
Science Research in the Univer-
sity in Time of Mobilization," 4:15.
p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.

Ulm), c i assncontemporary Edu-
Beacon Association: Meeting,
Thurs., Dec. 14, 7:45 p.m., Ieague.
Topic of discussion: "India's
Foreign Policy."
Polonia Club: Thurs., Dec. 14,
7:30 p.m., International Center.
Plans to be made for coming elec-
tion. All members are urged to
University Marketing Club pre-
sents Mr. Raymond Danto, Busi-
ness Development Department,
General Motors Corporation, who
will speak on "Opportunities in,,
Marketing." Thurs., Dec. 14, 7:30
p.m., Room 131, Business Admin-
istration School. Open to the pub-

ing .hug., jJ:j p.m. snort busi-
Concerts ness meeting to approve purchase
Christmas Concert by the Uni- of new sails and investment of
versity of Michigan Choir, May- fundswAllpasdmembers please
nard Klein, Conductor, and the attend as we must have a quorum.
Little Symphony Orchestra, 8:30 An all Education School Christ-
Wednesday evening, Dec. 13, in mas Party and Dance: Thurs.,
Hill Auditorium. The Choir will Dec. 14, 7:30 p.m., University High
sing Bach's Christmas Oratorio, School Recreation Room (second
with Norma Heyde, soprano, Glo- floor). All Education students and
ria Gonan, contralto, Richard faculty are invited. 'Co-sponsored
Miller, tenor and Jack Wilcox, by the Dean's Advisory Commit-
bass, appearing in the solo parts, tee, The Michigan. Edcation
and George Exon playing the , T01,, heA- Mich gan- F~- con


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under Ie
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown..........Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger............City Editor
Roma Lipsky,.......Editorial Director
Dave Thomas...........Feature Eidtor
Janet Watts............Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan...........Associate Editor
James Gregory........Associate Editor
Bill Connolly............Sports Editor,
Bob Sandell.... Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans .....WmnsEio


Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Student Legislature: Meetiig,
7:30 p.m., Union. Business Staff
Bob Daniels.......Business Manager
Generation Literary Staff: Meet- Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
ing, 7 p.m. New members and lit- Paul Schaibe....Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau.......Finance Manager
erary contributions welcome. Carl Breitkreitz.... Circulation Manager
Bridge Tournament: 7:30 p.m.,' Telephone 23-24-1 /
Union. Master points will be
awarded. Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
Graduate History Club: Meet- entitled to the use for republication
ing, 8 p.m., East Conference, of all news dispatches credited to it or
Room, Rackham Bldg.; otherwise credited to this newspaper.
m Allrights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Conference on Pre-Medical Edu- Entered at the Post Office at Ann
cation. Panel discussion by faculty Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
membrs o th Litrar Colegematter.
members of the Literary College jSubscription during regular school
and the Medical School, 7:30 p.m.,, year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.


John! What on earth did
you say to that child?

Quiet, Barnaby. Your
MIS-TER Fairy Godfather is
O'MALLEY! cogitating on what
your mother should


Mr. O'Malley, it's a
TERRIBLE problem!.

Mom and Pop are in an awful mess
over their presents to each other
and I can't do a THING about it
because I promised not to tell-


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