See Page 4
C, r
Latest Deadline in the State
,. VOL. LXI, No. 67
I a
U.S., Britain
OK Korean
Truce Plan
TN Committee
United States and Britain yester-
day endorsed a proposal by 13 As-
ian and Middle East countries for
the United Nations to see if there
can be a cease fire in Korea.
The United States, however,
barred any political decisions on
the Far East until a cease fire is
in full effect.
THE PROPOSAL was laid be-
before the UN Assembly's Political
Committee by India's-Sir Benegal
N. Rau. Rau told the delegates
that China apparently is movingj
toward a Monroe Doctrine for the
Far East. He said also that Red
China's Ambassador here, Wu
Hsiu-Chuan, had told him Peip-
ing wants peace.
The doctrine laid down by Pres-
ident Monroe in 1823 said the
United States would regard as an
Yank Hungnam
Force Evacuated
AP Photographer Reports Move;
Ships Load Troops and Material
TOKYO-(P)-A fleet of ships today was reported evacuating
United Nations forces from Northeast Korea.
An Associated Press Photographer said men and material were
being loaded aboard transports and freighters at Hungnam when he
flew over the area yesterday.
* * * *
UN FORCES OF THE U.S. 10th corps in Korea have been esti-
mated at 60,000 men.
Yesterday a field dispatch disclosed that the corps' scattered
forces had eluded traps set by 100,000 Chinese Reds and had
made their way. out of the mountains to the coast.
Meanwhile AP correspondent Stan Swinton reported "Chongjin,
Songjin, Kapsan, Kyesanjin, Kilchu, Wonsan and the other bleak
northern towns either are back in
I e Communist hands or only await
SRece ves enemy occupation."
Janu y
__-- _ } V
Polio Grant
unfriendly act any interference by
Europe in the affairs of indepen-
dent American states. The University has received a
The Committee adjourned at five-year grant amounting to
1:09 p.m. until today so several $358,290 from the National Foun-
delegates could obtain instructions dation for Infantile Paralysis.
on the cease fire idea. With the The announcement was made
backing of the United States and yesterday by President Alexander
Britain and various other resolu- G. Ruthven. The. funds will be
tions, however, it appeared the res- used to continue the search for a
olution would be approved by the chemical means to prevent or
Committee and go speedily to the control poliomyelitis, commonly
General Assembly. known as polio.
If the resolution finally is ap- The chemical research program
proved, Assembly President Nas- will be -headed by Dr. Thomas
rollah Entezam of Iran would ap- Francis, Jr., chairman of the de-
point two other persons to help partment of epidemiology in the
him and then would determine the School of Public Health. Dr.
basis on which a satisfactory cease Francis, who has been directing
fire in Korea can be arranged. He research work in polio at the Uni-
would report his recommendations versity since 1941, revealed that
to the General Assembly. the majority of the work would
be carried on in the department
of epidemiology.
W est Germ an Dr. Francis said that in general
they will look for three types of
iem obilization chemicals. They are:
1. One that may prevent the
Mo es Ah ad multiplication of polio vrsi
M oves Ahead. t'e tsia tracs"of p"rsons
and thus prevent its spread.
LONDON -(AP)-- The Atlantic 2. One that may halt invasion
Pact Allies took another step yes- of nerve cells by the virus.
terday toward formally asking a 3. One that may prevent mul-
reluctant West Germany to fur- tiplication of the virus If it should
nish 150,000 troops to help defend reach nerve cells where it does
,the West. major damage.
The Military Committee of the The search for these new chem-
12-nation alliance agreed on the icals will include methods where
setup of its high command and on polio virus are grown artificially
the mechanics for the use of Ger- in test tubes.
This dispatch did not say out-
right that the 17th Regimental
Combat Team of the U.S. Sev-
enth Division had reached safe-
The combat team had reached
the North Korean border, captur-
ing Kapsan and then moving into
the border city of Hyesanjin,
across the Yalu River from Man-
churia. Its precise whereabouts
has been a well-guarded secret
ever since it was ordered to with-
draw more than a week ago.
Swinton reported that the Chi-
nese Reds were "ominously silent"
in the northeast sector.
This quiet was in market con-
trast with fierce resistance by the
Reds during the two weeks that a
25,000-man United States Marine-
Army escape force battled out of
a series of enemy traps from
Changjin Reservoir to the Ham-
hung-Hungnam area on the east
coast where a UN evacuation fleet
was waiting.
QUIET also was reported in
West Korea today except for pa-
trol actions - largely by South
Koreans against bypassed North
Koreans near the 38th parallel.
American and South Korean
patrols continued to operate north
of the 38th parallel, U.S. Eighth
Army, Headquarters reported.
The Far East Air Force report-
ed that its raiders attacked Com-
munist convoys north of the 38th
parallel last night.
The convoys - as usual -were
trying to operate under cover of
darkness. A Communist train was
attacked by light bombers at Sin-
anju which is on the Chongchon
river, 40 miles north of Pyong-
War vessels meanwhile contin-
ued to shell the coast and carrier
aircraft hammered Chinese troop
concentrations. These assaults ap-
parently slowed down Chinese ef-
forts to capitalize on their original
attack which nearly cut off the
Marines and threatened the whole
New Letter
By' President
Stirs Wrath
Truman Attacks
Louisiana Politics
Truman, the trigger-tempered let-
ter writer,has dashed off another,
one-deploring the "low" state of
politics in the recent campaign.
It was addressed to Rep. Hebert
(D-La), a states' righter and cri-
tic of the administration, who
promptly replied that this display
of "political distemper" was re-
* . .*
IT ALL started Dec. 5 when
Hebert wrote asking the President
to appoint a day of prayer that
Providence would endow officials
with the wisdom and courage to
make the right decisions in the
present world crisis.
In a two paragraph reply on
Dec. 7, Truman called attention
to his Thanksgiving Proclama-
tion urging prayers for peace,
and said he believed that "ef-
fectively answers your sugges-
The President then added:
"I am extremely sorry that the
sentiments expressed in your let-
ter were not thought of before No-
vember 7, when the campaign in
your state, Utah, North Carolina,
Illinois and Indiana was carried on
in a manner that was as low as
I've ever seen and I've been in this
game since 1906."
* * *
Herbert wrote Truman :
"I am stunned by the con-
tents of your letter, of Dec. 7 in
reply to my letter of Dec. 5.
"It is indeed exceedingly regret-
table that you failed to grasp the
real purpose and intent of my
suggestion, but it is even more re-
grettable that you saw fit to gra-
tuitously inject political distemper
in your reply."
Truman's letter was written one
day after he threatened to beat
up a Washington Post music cri-
tic for saying his daughter Mar-
garet's voice was flat.
In other letters the President
Said he wouldn't appoint John
L. Lewis dogcatcher.
Described the Marines as a
Navy police force with a propa-
ganda almost like Stalin's-a crack
for which he later apologized.
SNOW BABIES-Jeannine Maxwell (left), Jacksonville, Ill., and
Shirley Black, Kankakee, Ill., sophomores at Millikin University
at Decatur, Ill., recently donned bathing suits, overshoes and head
shawls to cavort in the snow.
Michigan Forum Debate'
Discusses Bias Clauses
man troops.
The committee will meet today
with the pact Council of Deputies
to write a joint recommendation
for the Defense and Foreign Min-
isters, meeting in Brussels next
Monday and Tuesday.
So far, German officials have
been gun-shy of the plan, which
would sprinkle brigade units -
4,000 to 6,000 men-throughout
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
tion armies in Europe.
West German officials insist the
occupied country must be treated
as an equal partner. France, how-
ever, demands that Germany must
not be allowed to rebuild its Gene-
ral Staff or a war ministry.
~'Triuman Will
Focus Speech
SOn Economy
WASHINGTON - (P) - Signs
that the United States economy
is about to be shifted sharply near-
er a war basis grew yesterday as
President Truman arranged to
give the nation a radio report on
the world crisis Friday or Satur-
day night.
The indications developed in ad-
vance of a conference of Demo-
cratic and Republican congres-
sional leaders and top officials at
the White House today to con-
sider the proclamation of a na-
tional emergency.
* * *
FOR ONE, the National Pro-
duction Authority disclosed that it
is contemplating a slash of about
25 per cent in the amount of tin
that can be used for civilian pur-
Another omen was the Eco-
nomic Stabilization Agency an-
nouncement that it has tele-
graphed leading producers in the
steel. conper. lead and zinc
World News
By The Associated Press
Catholic Holy Year Jubilee is to
be extended through 1951 to all
the rest of the world after its
close here Christmas Eve, Vatican
sources disclosed yesterday.
* * *
SIGNAPORE - Moslem riot-
ing over the custody of Dutch
girl Bertha Hertogh eased yes-
terday under a dusk-to-dawn
curfew after casualties of the
two-day outbreak mounted to 14
dead and 188 injured. U.S. Con-
sul Kenneth C. Beede said the
riots there are Communist in-
* * *
WASHINGTON - Senators said
yesterday that two men had de-
nied key testimony by a witness
who alleged that Mrs. Anna Ro-
senberg, President Truman's nom-
inee for Assistant Secretary of De-
fense, attended Communist meet-
ings in the 1930's.
With all four speakers on the
Michigan Forum last night agree-
ing that discriminatory clauses in
campus group constitutions should
be removed, the debate centered
around how to remove them.
Phil Dawson, Grad., and Al
Blumrosen, '53L, spoke in favor of
the SL's time limit motion, while
Pete Johnstone, '51, and John Ry-
Ballots Opened
Yesterday To
Decide Election
DETROIT-UP)-The final batch
of ballots which will decide wheth-
er the Republicans will surrender
or fight on with the governorship
vote recount was opened here late
Former Gov. Harry F. Kelly and
other GOP leaders admittedly were
ready to call it quits barring a ma-
jor upset of canvass returns in
the 67 out-countyWayne precincts.
Behind their reasoning was the
knowledge that Democratic Gov.
G. Mennen Williams held a 4,101
vote margin with roughly three
fourths of the nearly 1,900,000}
votes recounted.
With the count complete in 3,201
of the State's 4,355 precincts re-
counted, these were the totals:
Williams (D) 934,213
Kelly (R) 930,112
For the first time since the re-
count got under way Dec. 2, Kelly
picked up a big chunk of votes in
one of the first of the "priority"
precincts checked.
A total of 649 ballots were
thrown out in nearby Nankin
township precinct over vigorous
protests by Democratic leaders.- Of
these 432 were for Williams, 210
for Kelly and seven had no vote
for governor.
The invalidated, ballots appar-
ently had been initialed on the
corners before the corners were
torn off. Only three ballots in the
entire precinct were allowed.
der, '53L, argued against action
by the SL or the University.
* s
THE SL motion if passed would
have the Student Affairs Commit-
tee deny recognition to any cam-
pus group which, by 1956, had not
eliminated bias clauses from its
constitution. The SAC could grant
yearly extensions to this time li-
mit if the group could prove that
there was a substantial probability
that the clause would be elimi-
nated in the near future.
Dawson argued that it would
be a wise move for the SL to
pass and the University to en-
force removal of discrimination
clauses because it would force
action at the group's national
Johnstone countered, saying that
the time limit in the SL motion
would be unfair to many house
groups which were sincerely in-
terested in removing the -clauses
but couldn't because of opposition
at the national level.",
BLUMROSEN emphasized that
the SL motion is aimed at dis-
crimination, not at fraternities.
"Fraternities are now under
pressure with attacks mounting
each year. Removal of the dis-
crimination clauses would elim-
inate a wide area of attack on
Ryder said t h a t legislation
against the discriminatory clauses
would only result in pushing the
clauses underground through the
use of secret rituals and gentle-
man's agreements among the fra-
Ryder asked that representatives
of the Association of Independent
Men and the IFC meet together
and discuss the problem openly.
The small crowd of 120 included
many SL members and some mem-
bers of the SAC.
Also last night, Bill McIntyre,
'53, SL cabinet member indicated
that a clarification of the SL dis-
criminatory clause motion would
be introduced at tonight's SL
Santa Tagged
Santa Claus received a present
from Louisville police yester-
day-a pair of parking tickets.
Santa's automobile was tag-
ged by police while he and Mrs.
Claus were making the rounds
here visiting shut-ins. Santa's
automobile bore a two-f oot-
high sign reading "Mr. and
Mrs. Santa Claus, guests of
County Recreation."
Stac's Trial
Slated Today
In CityCourt:
The trial of Robert H. Stacy,
University teaching fellow charg-
ed with arson in the June 6 Haven
Hall fire, is scheduled to begin at
9 a.m. today in the Ann Arbor
circuit court.
Stacy stood mute at his Oct.
31 circuit court appearance, when
a not guilty plea was entered for
him by his attorney, Leonard H.
** *
HE ADMITTED setting the
blaze soon after his arrest on Oct.
10, but later repudiated his con-
fessions, according to police.
Today's court session will
probably be taken up largely
with picking a circuit court
jury to hear the case.
Circuit Court Judge James R.
Breakey, Jr., who will reside,
earlier denied a motion by tacy
lawyer to have the start of the
trial delayed until next week. He
also denied a move to force the
prosecution to issue a statement
explaining the exact place and
way tat Stacy is alleged to have
started the blaze.
Yesterday morning, Judge Brea-
key granted a motion by Young
to compel the state to include four
psychiatrists as prosecution wit-
Prosecutor Douglas K. Reading
will handle the state's ease against
Revise GI Bill,
Teague Asks
WASHINGTON - (P) - Chair-
man Teague (D-Tex.) of a special
House committee digging into al-
leged abuses in the GI education
program said last night a "thor-
ough overhauling" of the system
is needed.
The statement came after two
days of testimony from trade
school operators dealing with the
practices of furnishing tools to
trainees at government expense.
He said arrangements and agree-
ments between manufacturers,
supply houses and school oper-
ators "resulted in some detriment
to the government in the form of
higher costs for these tools than
would have been necessary."
Drive Progress
The Michigan Memorial
Phoenix Project has received
contributions from 80 per cent
of the members of these addi-
tional groups: Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Wenley House (WQ),
Sigma Delta Tu.
Quotas Will
Reach Total
Of -160,000
Committee Plans
Strict Draft Law
Army called yesterday for a to-
tal of 160,000 draftees in January
and February, nearly doubling the
quotas it had announced previous-
ly for that period.I
It acted in line with President
Truman's decision that the U.S.
must raise its military manpower
sights beyond the goal set before
the recent reverses in Korea,
2,800,000 men by next June 30.
* * *
JANUARY'S QUOTA was'raised
from 40,000 to 80,000 and that for
February from 50,000 to 80,000.
The Navy and Air Force continued
to rely on volunteers.
Selective Service Headquarters
said the Army's increased calls
would require the states to dip
at a faster pace into the pool of
men now subject to the draft.
This pool is composed of those
aged 19 to 25, inclusive.
A Selective Service spokesman
told a reporter that he believed
the new January and February
quotas could be filled without
changing the draft law or the
existing regulations issued by the
President, like the one which
exempts a man who has any de-
* * *
A MOVE to marshal support at
the Jan. 3 session of Congressfor
a systemof Universal MilitarysSer-
vice was started during the day
by 25 scientists and other public
Under their proposal, every
man except the totally unfit
would be called up for two years
service on reaching 18 or on
graduation from high shool.
Sponsors said the plan would
protect the Nation against -the
day when Russia no longer fear-
the atomic bomb.
In the first statement by a new-
ly-formed Committee on the pre-
sent danger, President James B.
Conant of Harvard University and
the 24 other committee members
"THE HOUR is at hand when
our country must mobilize its
manpower and resources on a scale
great enough to meet the real and
present danger, and that scale is
very great indeed."
To meet this danger, the com
mittee said the U.S.,will need an
armed force of at' least 3,500,000
Meanwhile, in Helena, Mont.
two Roosevelt County Draft Board
members, who wanted to stop call
ing men unless the atom bomb *
used, were fired yesterday.
* * *
Reserves May
Be Called Upa
,; .
Student Morale To Be Topic
Of Lane Hall Conference
Problems of student morale, and
possible means to solving them
will be the basis for an all-campus
student-faculty discussion meeting
which will be held at 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow in Lane Hall.
Sponsored by the Board of Re-
ligious Counselors of the Univer-
sity, the meeting will be an open
participation affair, aimed at, pro-
Student Peace Meeting
Will Be Held Saturday
viding a foundation for faith in
the light of present international
* , *
TO BEGIN the meeting, several
members of the Board, all student
pastors, will speak for five min-
utes each, presenting representa-
tive religious viewpoints and pos-
sible answers to the student enig-
ma in relation to religious teach-
ings. -
Following these short presen-
tations, the discussion will be
thrown open to student com-
ment. Prof. Howard Y. Mc-
Clusky, of the School of Educa-
tion, will act as moderator.
t Increasing evidence of falling
morale lead the religious leaders
to appoint a special committee
yesterday which arranged for the
meeting, and drew up a statement
of intention.
* * *
HEIGHTENED student tensions
have been evidenced, the commit-
tee statement said, by the increas-
ing numbers of students coming
for help to both psychological
counselors and religious leaders.
Phoenix OfficiTals Laud 36 Groups
* * *
In Emergency
WASHINGTON- (M)-Military
reservists all over the country are
asking: "What happens to us if
President -Truman declares a na-
tional emergency?"
Defense Department officials,
asked to clarify the situation, ex-
pressed the following views today:
1. The October "slow-down"
policy in calling reserves to active
duty, though technically still in
effect, is not being carried out as
originally planned, because of the
pressure of events in Korea.
2. If a national emergency is de-
clared, this might be the occasion
for throwing the "slow-down" pol-
icy out the window entirely.
3. But a declaration of national
emergency would not, in itself, re-
quire reservists to report for ac-
tice duty. It would not automati-
cally mean the mobilization of re-
servists. The Army, Navy and Air
I Force would continue to use their
I ~ m~. n .nnot-a on M"T-.-
A student-sponsored peace con-
ference will be held Saturday in
Lane Hall.,
Dean Hayward Keniston, of the
literary college, will act as moder-
ator of the conference, organized
by four students who "regretted
that no drive for peace has been
recognized as anything but Com-
The originators, Dave Klaus, '51,
Phvl Mnrris. '52 .Henry Jarecki.
"T h e Christian Pacificst Ap-
proach"; Sohon Lah Sharma,
Grad., is expected to defend the
Ghandi passive resistance, and a
faculty representative of UNESCO
willgive the United Nations view.
After the speeches 30 faculty
members and 25 student leaders
will conduct group discussions of
the various approaches to peace.
All campus religious groups have
hppn invite t+ send nhserwvrs nd
** *
. _'
As the student Phoenix drive
entered its final week, campaign
officials announced that 36 -or-
ganized house groups have done
the bulk of the work in putting
pledges over the $100,000 mark.
All of these have turned in
pledge cards for 80 percent of
their members.
* * *
Beta Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon,
Tlnf 7nt (rn n- - nt
the 80 per cent figure will have
their names on display perma-
nently in the Phoenix Memorial
They are: Alpha Omicron Pi,
Pi Beta Phi, Kappa Alpha Theta,
Phi Gamma Delta, Zeta Psi, Sig-
ma Alpha Epsilon, Pi Lambda Phi,
Chi Omega, Alpha Phi, Betsy Bar-
bour House, Alpha Gamma Delta,
Kanna Delta. Angell House. Theta