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December 10, 1950 - Image 8

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-10

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TV Ad Campaign Arouses Protests





A recent campaign n adver-
tising television products has questions put to the readers in
aroused angry protests nation- the ads:
ally and locally. "Are children whose families
In hawking their wares, a na- don't ow n television sets
tional organization of television ashamed to mingle with their
dealers and manufacturers re- TV-viewing friends?" "Does not
cently bought full-page ads in having television cause a deep
m o r e than 1,000 newspapers bruise within a youngster?"
throughout the nation. Moreover, the sponsors resorted
* * * to depicting two small, sorrowful-
HERE ARE s o m e of the looking children under a caption:
Riots, Fires, Blasts H it
Nation's Collegiate Life

Violence was making the head-
lines on campuses across the na-
tion last week.
Some of the news was serious.
Two students at Harvard got the
bounce for their part in the riot
on the Yale game weekend and at
least 20 others were put on proba-
* * *
lege an early morning, blaze broke
out in an astronomy lab and be-
fore the fire was doused, some
$10,000 worth of damage had been
An explosion of chemicals at
Cornell injured five, none of
Prem ature
Babies Lack
Air~-Dr. Wilson
One of the tough fights a pre-
mature baby must overcome is to
get enough oxygen into its sys-
tem, according to Dr. James Wil-
son, of the Medical School..
Dr. Wilson was speaking in New
York City before a post graduate
assembly sponsored by the New
York State Society of Anesthesi-
Hemoglobin, the oxygen-carry-,
ing red pigment of the red cor-
puscles, doesn't release oxygen to
body tissues as readily in prema-
ture babies as in "full-term" ba-
bies, but it takes up oxygen faster
from the "lungs, he explained.

them seriously. As a result of
the incideit, school authorities
demolished a small house on the
roof of one of the campus build-
ings used to store rarely used
chemicals. From now on all
chemicals will be stored in un-
derground rooms.
"Maybe that way they'll blow
up the whole school," one Cornell
student was heard to remark hope-
fully but unrealistically.
* * *
SOME OF THE news was not so
Fraternities at the University of
Illinois were threatened with so-
cial pro if any of them indulged
in inter-house snowball battles.
The edict followed a 50-minuteI
battle between the Phi Delta The-
tas and the Chi Phis in which the
not-so-accurate fraternity men
had broken about 40 windows.
At the University of Califor-
nia school spirit was manufac-
tured in preparation for the
Rose Bowl. Reporters for a San
Francisco paper came out to
campus and found that Cal stu-
dents evidently had as much spi-
rit as Michigan does-that is,
hardly any.
Undaunted, the reporters lined
tip a crowd of curious students,
picked up an effigy left over from
recent upperclassmen - freshmen
warfare and daubed an "M" on
it. They then had the effigy hang-
ed with cheering students around
it, and then took a picture of the
The result: a story about a spon-
taneous demonstration of anti-1
Michigan sentiment.

"There are some things a son or
daughter won't tell you."
These methods, however, creat-
ed such violent protests from the
nation's parents that many news-
papers refused to run the remain-
ing ads of the series. The adver-
tising agency intolved decided to
cancel the remainder of the ads.
* * *
LOCALLY, Prof. E d m u n d
Wooding, of the journalism de-
partment, said that although the
ad displayed a skilful technique,
It was certainly an example, of ad-
vertising power used for anti-so-
cial elements.
"Such basic appeals are emo-
tionally loaded," he added, "and
are bound, to stir up reactions.
However, it must be conceded
that television, or the lack of
it, does create a real problem
in American homes today."
Commenting on parents' reac-
tion to the ad, Prof. Wilbert Mc-
Keachie, of the psychology de-
partment, pointed out that such
an appeal is directed at middle
class parents, who are anxious to
provide their children with every
possible advantage.
He explained that this type of
advertising might prove quite ef-
fective because these parents will
go to. almost any limits to keep
their children from being hurt.
* * * *
JOSEPH NEWMAN, advertis-
ing instructor in the business ad-
ministration school, agreed that
the ethics in the series left quite
a bit to be desired.
"It is this type of thing," he
remarked, "which opens the
field of advertising in general
to public criticism."
Newman said the television in-
dustry may have resorted to this
appeal to stimulate sales for two
reasons: government credit re-
strictions have cut into appli-
ance sales; and many people are
waiting to buy color television
Engel To Give
Records to 'U'
The official records of Rep. Al-
bert Engel (R-Mich), covering a
16-year term in Congress are now
being shipped to the University.
Rep. Engel, who is leaving Con-
gress at the end of his current
term, is sending the records here
for use as source material in gov-
enment courses.
Requested by Prof. James Pol-
lock, chairman of the political sci-
ence department, the documents
include details. of the congress-
man's trips before and during the
Second World War to visit military
establishments, ordnance plants
and factories working on govern-



FLOATING ' C I R C U S T E N T'- This new 20-man
life raft, developed by Air Force's Air Materiel Command at Day-
ton, Ohio's Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, can support more
than 5,000 pounds without sinking. Top, raft is inflated, canopy
raised to provide added ventilation. Bottom, canopy is, closed.
Raft's designed especially for use in ditching operations.

SUN D A YS S I N G I N G S AlI L OdR S - Members of Vienna Boys' Choir wear sailor
suits during practice session in London's Westminster Cathedral. The Austrian choir, visiting London
for first time since 1938. Is touring the country.

The hemoglobin in premature ,r Atwater 1 w ii
babies, known as "preemies," Is I
different from that in full-
term babies. Speak _o orrow
"Because of this difficulty in
getting oxygen into the system of Dr. Reginald Atwater, executive
preemies, they need more than secretary of the American Public
can be obtained from ordinary I Health Association, will review the
sources of oxygen," Dr. Wilson1 organization's annual meeting at
said. the weekly public health lecture at
"This, difference in physical and 4 p.m. tomorrow.
chemical processes in the preemies Speaking in the auditorium of.
means that the treatment of ill- the School of Public Health on
nesses in newborn babies must be "Health in War and Peace," Dr.
different, from the chemical point 'Atwater is expected to discuss
of view, than the treatment of problems of national defense, .lo-
older children," Dr. Wilson con- cal health units, research and edu-
cluded. cation.


ancient painting of Madonna, called the Madonna of "Salus Populi
Romano (Salvation of the Roman People)," arrives at St. Peter's
Basilica in Rome where it was placed on temporary display.

ROYAL S M I L E -Queen
Mother Mary of England smiles
during the recent christening of
Princess Elizabeth's daughter,
Princess Anne, in London's
Buckingham Palace.

Workmen of Allentown, Pa., structural steel firm view fashion
model sent by local department storey Max Hess, Jr., store's presi-
dent, believes men should have more to say about women's clothes.

ment contracts.
Rep. Erigel indicated he planned
to give the University at a later
date the records of his war-time
investigations of the Manhattan
Project, which developed the atom-
Ic bomb.

,E 1I



S A L T M I N E U N D E R A C I T Y - Far beneath Detroit, Mich., streets, a group of
visitors watches modern machinery mine rock salt. The mine produces some 4,000 tons daily and has
60 miles of smooth streets and alleys with traffic lights, stop signs and car trucks.

The wealthy Sultan of Johore, 77, and his 34-year-old Romanlin
wife pose in London with their infant daughter, born Sept. 18.




As seen in Vogue

N A M E D- Dr, KathrynMe-
Hale of Logansport, Ind., was
named by President Truman as
member of board of five which
will help administer the new
subversives' cqntrol law.

FAITHFUL TO HER P U P 5'- This little girl evi.
dently wants to stay with her two bulldog pups, booked for theta-
peutic treatment in this newly-developed low pressure chamber
at Frankfprt, Germany. Chamber, containing infra red and ultra
violet ray lamps, has been used successfully in cases of animal
distemper, bronchitis, rheumatism and skin diseases.

of Beverly Hills, Calif., examines squirrel cage made -in 1780 in


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