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December 06, 1950 - Image 12

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1950-12-06

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of?'. M+ l L J ~ ll' +.ae 1.


a A
is filled with the kind of Christmas gifts women can't resist
and men can't go wrong on. Come in and let us help you get
RIGHT on the holiday track.{
$1.00 to $5.003
Jewel boxes Half Slips Hosiery cases
Eisenberg cosmetics Slips Anklets
Mukluks Red Sleepers Handkerchiefs
Plastic rain coats Flannel gowns FABRIC GLOVES
Lollipops Flannel pajamas Mittens
Quilted satin robes Scarfs
Flannel robes String Gloves
$5.00 to $1000
Crepe pajamas SLACKS . Kid gloves
Bed jackets Sweaters Lined gloves
Cotton quilted robes Blouses Doe skin gloves
Smocks Sheer Batiste! Blouses EISENBERG PEARLS
Nylon lingerie Jersey blouses +. Shoulder bags
Nylon blouses Umbrellas
s10.oo to $50.00
Formal wraps Coats casual or dressy
Formal separates Separate jackets
Daytime and cocktail dresses HOSTESS ROBES
Quilted satin robes Lounging pajamas
Flannel robes Television robes


Daily Associate Editor
Want to beat the peanut racket?
For the benefit of its many pea-
nut-eating readers, The Daily re-
cently undertook a quasi-scienti-
fic survey of peanuts-in the ma-
chine and out-and discovered
that you get more for your money
when you buy peanuts over the
counter in the bulk than from
machines or in cellophane pack-
* * *
USING controls in their experi-
ment in true scientific spirit, Daily
investigators discovered that for
five cents a peanut-buyer can pur-
chase 122 shelled peanuts weigh-
ing 1 % oz. in the bulk, 103 pea-
nuts weighing 1 % oz. from regu-
lar peanut vending machines; and
only 50 -peanuts (100 halves)
weighing 1 1/16 oz..already pack-
Statistics compiled by the
surveyors showed that an equal
amount of peanuts from the
vendor and the machine have
an entirely unequal weight.
While 103 machine peanuts re-
gister 1 % oz., the same number
of over-the-counter or "bulk"
peanuts weigh 1 /2 eoz.
To secure identical weight
measurements between the two
"varieties," Daily experimenters
hadto reduce the number of bulk
peanuts to 95, as compared~ with
the 103 of the machine peanuts.
"These figures prove conclusive-
ly that bulk peanuts not only give
you more for your money but are
also meatier in quality, hence
their greater weight," the sur-
veyors explained.
* * s
FIVE CENTS of packaged, fac-
tory-skinned peanuts proved the
lpaltriest of all, a mere pittance
compared with the other two
varieties used in the experiment.
It took only 84 machine pea-
nuts and even less-76-bulk
peanuts to register the same
You'll be surprised at what
a couple of bucks will buy at
1319 South University.

-Dally-Tom Seyferth
SCIENCE AT WORK-Surrounded by peanuts of several varieties,
colors and textures, as well as a thrice-tested ounce scale, two--
Daily investigators compile information to help their readers
beat the peanut racket, While one investigator jots down im-
portant statistical findings, the other prepares to test the taste
quality of one of the varieties on a helpless member of the Im-
partial Board.

Group Gives Results of Scientific Peanut Survey

weight as the tested amount of
50 package peanuts.
The survey also showed that
109 package peanuts were re-
quired to weigh the same as 103
machine peanuts, while 115 of the
former had to be placed on the
scale before a weight could be
reached equal to that of 104 bulk
In view of these startling fig-
ures, The Daily investigators were
forced to consider why many pea-
n u t-consumers prefer package
peanuts to those of any , other
An on-the-spot questionnaire
revealed that most package-buy-
ers are susceptible to the bitter

taste of skins and are too lazy to
skin the peanuts themselves.
THE DAILY investigation also
found that for five cents peanut
dilettantes can dabble in 1 1/16
oz. worth of Giant Redskins. (38
1/ peanuts) and those who prefer
peanuts mixed with molasses, the
same price will buy a jumbo block
peanut bar, which weighs 1 % oz.
denuded of wrapper.
The actual number of pea-
nuts in the bar defied count-
ing, even by Daily peanut ex-
Realizing that price alone is not
a complete criterion for the pru-
dent purchaser of peanuts, The

Daily conducted a peanut quality t
survey among a board of six im-
>artial judges.
Though the judges were picked
at random, one of them proved to
be a peanut connoiseur, having
worked in a peanut factory for 1
two weeks last summer, before be- I
ing transferred to the company's o
potato chip division. it
* * * t
THE JUDGES were blindfolded E
and were given three peanuts lab-
eled A, B and C-machine, bulk C
and packaged peanuts respective- f
ly. s
The peanuts were tested for
bouquet, flavor, freshness, salti-
ness, and general appearance.
For the last factor, the judges c
were permitted to remove their
blindfolds. f
An A, B, C, D, E ranking stand-
ard was adopted for the test, A
being equated to 4 points, B to
three, C to two, D to one, and E
to zero. Results of the.survey were
amazingly conclusive.
Bulk peanuts copped a total
rating of 81 points, while pack-
aged peanuts followed with 78
points, 11 more than machine
peanuts. Vendor peanuts led in
flavor and freshness, while pack-
age peanuts were chosen as hav-
ing the most fragrant aroma and
the best general appearance.
Machine ,peanuts, which
polled third in every other qual-
ity, headed the list in saltiness,
which more than half of the
board considered an undesirable
None of the peanuts polled an
E in any of the five qualities
tested. From this fact the inves-
tigators concluded that even bad
peanuts taste good to the peanut-
* * *
"I PUT A nickel in the slot and
all I ever got was five salted pea-
nuts," many peanut customers de-
clared several years ago, and no
wonder. They should have used
Daily investigators strived to
establish once and for all an
answer to the perpetual ques-
tion: which coaxes more pea-
nuts out of the machine-a
nickel or 5 pennies.
After several attempts to dis-
cover the more lucrative coin, the
surveyors conceded victory to the
pennies which averaged 7 peanuts
more than their competitor. This
was about half the average haul
of one penny alone..
The entire survey cost The
Daily 85 cents, plus the wary,
look of one Ann Arbor drug-
gist, who, questioning the au-
thenticity of the test, some-
what reluctantly departed with
his peanuts-at a price.

London Trip
Planned by
To most of the students on cam-
pus, Christmas means a trip to
Detroit, a vacation to Los Angeles
r maybe Florida, or a journey, not
infrequently made, to the home
own somewhere in the United
But for Geoffrey Leigh, '52NR,
Christmas 1950 will afford him the'
irst opportunity in 15 months to
pend a few weeks with his family
and friends in London, England.
* * *
LEIGH'S Christmas present
came early this year in the form
of a long distance telephone call
rom his family and subsequent de-
ivery of a round trip ticket- to
At present, he is busying him-
self with complying to all the
provisions of the recently-passed
McCarren Bill to assure himself
of speedy reentry into the States
next month.
Leigh came to Michigan to study
furniture production. He claims
that the University has a world
wide reputation in the field.
AS A LLOYD House resident, he
is also availing himself of the op-
portunity to actually experience
American social customs.
"I decided to extend myself
and behave as American students
behave," he said. "British stu-
dents are more conservative in.
every way.
"This is a place where you can
lose your inhibitions. In England
nobody in his right mind would
wear white 'bucks,' go to pep ralt
lies or do any of the other rah-rah
He is a member of the Union
staff, chairman of the West Quad
Holly Hop and belongs to other
campus organizations.
* * *
DURING the vacations he tra-
veled all over the Northeast and
Eastern Canada and attended &
University extension course in
Grand Rapids.
Leigh, who spent a year at
London University, claims that
in English schools the student is
expected to be able to make his
own decisions. "For instance, all
students are allowed to drink,"
he explained, "and there is even
liquor in the dormitories."
What does he intend to do,
ree weeks at home? *1 am going
to eat some good food, visit rela-
tives and friends who I haven't
seen in over a year, go to as many
parties as I can and help celebrate
my brother's 21st birthday, which
in England is an important event."

New Bulletin Board Plan Used

Bulletin boards in University
buildings traditionally cluttered
with a conglomeration of out-
dated notices are being brought
up to date by Alpha Phi Omega,
national service fraternity.
APO has inaugurated a new
system designed to eliminate the
overcrowding of bulletin boards
because of notices which are not
removed after they are no longer
of current interest.
* * *
UNDER THE new plan all no-
tices and advertisements destined
for bulletin boards (except offi-

cial departmental boards) are to
be left in a basket provided for
them in the Office of Student Ar-
The originator of the notice
is asked to designate the bulle-
tin board on which he wants it
placed and the length of time
for which it will be valid, ac-
cording to Bob Lapham, '52E of
Notices wil be placed on any
number of bulletin boards the
originator desires after being
picked up each day in the Office
of Student Affairs by members of

C oi'f

_- ---

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For the woman who adores distinctive
jewels, there's nothing finer than Trifari.
Magnificent rhinestones, stones
glowing with the fire of emeralds and
sapphires . . . all in settings of golden
or platinum-like Trifanium.
From the top: "Lucky Clover" pin
and earrings, $5 each. "Forbidden Fruit"
bracelet, $10; necklace, 7.50.
"Diadem" necklace, $20. "Coronet"
necklace, 7.50; earrings, 7.50;
cuff bracelet, $10. "Golden Maze"
Necklace, $5; earrings (under the
tree), $4. "Jeweled Symphony"
pin, $25; earrings, $15.
prices subject to Fed. tax

Another Harmony First!






4 I




on hot


. . . .... . ......


At th~p


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