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December 03, 1950 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-03

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I I I _____________________________________________

- -

Riots, Snowballs. Enliven
Harvard, OSU Activities

Violence was the keynote of
campus activities this past week.
At Harvard, the students turned
from invading Radcliffe dorms to
unadulterated rioting while at
Ohio State, the students showed
their ire by snowballing any au-
thorities they found within range.
described by hard-pressed police
as the largest riot since the war.
What lit the spark this time was
the mere fact that it was the Yale
weekend, evidently a time when
practically anything goes.
When the battle was over 12
' students, 10 from Harvard and
two from Yale, had been picked
up by the police.
The following Monday the Cam-
bridge city council decided it was
time for steps to be taken. It unan-
imously adopted a resolution ask-
Will Be Sold
Generation, sporting a gay hol-
iday jacket, will appear for the
third time on campus Wednesday.
Created last year by the Board
in Control of Student Publications,
and with two issues to its credit,
the magazine will again attempt
a comprehensive view of the arts.
As formerly, poetry will be an im-
portant part of the contents. An
essay by Siegfried Feller, Grad.,
"Shorter History of the Decline
of Poetry," and verses will com-
plete the poetry section.
An essay, "Movies Aren't New-
Fangled Anymore," by Dan Wald-
ron, '51, promotes the inclusion of
a movie course in the literary col-
lege curriculum.
Three short stories, a sympo-
sium on modern composers, art
pages and an architectural design
will comprise the remainder of the
Bob Andrus, '51, a last semes-
ter's Generation artist, painted
the cover.
Exhibit To Open
Drawings by Prof. Carlos Lopez
of the architecture college will be
on exhibit beginning tomorrow in
the lobby of the Architecture

ing Harvard to pay damages for
what its students accomplished in
its two riots.
* * *
THE ORDER was introduced by
Councilor Edward Sullivan. In a+
speech supporting his proposal,+
Sullivan thundered, "It is about
time that somebody showed the
students that they cannot get
'away with unnecessary outbreaks
in this city.";
Getting really warmed up, Sul-
livan pounded on, "This would-1
n't happen at Yale. They would
be clubbed if they tried it in
New Haven."
Sullivan didn't say so in his;
speech, but the Harvard Crimson
found out that the councilor had
unwillingly gotten embroiled in the
Yale weekend. During it a student
pushed Sullivan's hat off and at-
tempted to strike him. The attack-
er was arrested but-evidently this
didn't satisfy Sullivan.
* * *
THOUGH THE Ohio State riots
have already been reported brief-
ly, there seemed to be a few de-
tails that escaped the watchful
eye of the Associated Press but
were duly noted by the Ohio State
The irate Buckeyes struck up
an effigy of a Michigan player.
When a policeman-arrived to cut
it down, he *as splattered with
snowballs. W h e n university
President Howard Bevis arriv-
ed to quiet the rioting he was
splattered with snowballs.
The students, however, finally
ran out of snow and dispersed.
Play Tryouts
Will Continue
The Student Players have sche-
duled additional tryout meetings
for their production, "Hanlon
Won't Go," by Tom Danelli.
Readings for the Hopwood Award
winning play will be held at 2,
and 7 p.m. today and 7:30 p.m.
tomorrow at the League.
"We had some good results from
the last readings, but there is
nothing definite yet," Burt Sapo-
witch, '51, the group's producer,
said. "We want to keep on read-
ing until we get the best student
talent available."
Essentially the play is a comedy,
but there is a great deal of sus-
pense throughout. The action takes
place in a bar in a tough section
of a large midwestern city.

Perkins Will
The managing director of the
National Tuberculosis Association,
Dr. John Perkins, will address the
weekly assembly of the public
health School at 4 p.m. tomorrow
in the school's auditorium.
Dr. Perkins will speak on "Suc-
cess of the Fight Against Tuber-
After serving as Deputy State
Health Commissioner in New York,
Dr. Perkins took his present job
with the association four years
The association yearly sponsors
the nation-wide Christmas seal
drive whose proceeds go toward
fighting tuberculosis.
Since organized in 1905, the As-
sociation has also provided educa-
tional programs and research.

't. p

It seems a shame that actresses vision at 9 p.m. tomorrow. ThisI

as lovely as Veronica Lake should
have to resort to playing witches
to get before their audiences, but
the young woman with the flow-
ing locks has had to do just that.
Miss Lake started on this broom-
riding career several years ago
when she played an up-to-date
witch in "I Married a Witch," a
movie which enjoyed great suc-
cess. This blend of black cats, evil
brews and beauteous witch recent-
ly was re-released for TV, and
Miss Lake garnered additional
Nobody objects to her playing a
witch just once, but now she's been
cast as one again, in the fanciful
"Lights Out" production of "Be-
ware This Woman" on NBC tele-

time she tangles with a unicorn
who flies through windows and a
scientist who wants to solve the
dilemmas of a twentieth centuryl
* * *
Program Highlights for the
week: "The Big Show" 6 to 7:30
p.m. today, WJR. "Our Miss
Brooks," "Jack Benny," and
"Amos 'n Andy," at the same
time over WWJ; Bob Hope, 9
p.m. Tuesday, WWJ; "Cavalcade
of Music," 10 p.m. Wednesday,
WJR; New York Philharmonic,
8:30 p.m. Friday, WJR; First Pi-
ano Quartet in a program of
moderns, 6:30 p.m. Saturday,
WWJ; and "Living, 1950," 7 p.m.
Saturday, WWJ.

..with Wendy Owen

Choral Rites

o e Held .
A choral evening prayer, provid- 0
ed by the Alice Lloyd memorial LOVE THAT DRESS!
fund, will be given at 7 p.m. today LOVE THAT DRESS?
in St. Andrew's Episcopal church.
The fund was established by the LOVE THAT DRESS?
late Dean Lloyd's family to pro- o You'll shout it to Santa's chimney tops when you
vide two special music services in buy an Ann(e) Owens' pretty-party'dress. Choose
St. Andrew's church, one to be . .hoose
held in Advent and the other be- one in soft velvet, for instance, with imported
fore Easter. . -French ribbon trim. Your choice of materialso
The Schola Cantorum, a choir ^ and colors, and custom-designed for only $25
composed mostly of University stu- to $29.95.
dents under the direction of
George Hunsche, will sing a num- 500 EAST LIBERTY TELEPHONE 3-8781
ber of special anthems. o to c o o aom oe=tt ( y


(Continued from Page 4)
and selling will be taken into con-
sideration. Engineers with writing
interests may be interested also.
All applicants must read their
training program booklet before
an interview. For further infor-
mation and appointments call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Bldg.
The National Bureau of Stan-
dards will not be on campus this
semester, but they will be happy
to see anyone who will be in Wash-
ington, D.C. during the holidays.
We will be glad to see anybody to
give them introductions.
The United States Civil Service
Commission announces the follow-
ing examinations: Intelligence Re-
search Specialist, Military Intelli-
gence Research Specialist, Foreign
Affairs Officers. No closing date.
Salaries $3825 to $6400.
The Michigan Civil Service Com-
mission announces examinations
for Occupational Therapists and
Dietitian. Closing date December
United States Rubber Company
representatives will be coming
Thurs. and Fri., Dec. 7 and 8, from
New York, Mishawaka, Indiana
and Chicago. The New York repre-
sentative can interview for any of
their other plants. They are inter-
ested in Feb. graduates for produc-
tion supervision, chemical en-
gineers or chemists for control or
development work, management
engineering, industrial engineer-
ing, product engineering, plant en-
gineering, mechanical engineer or
design major for style and design,
marketing or busines administra-
tion majors for supervision of cleri-
cal personnel, and accounting.
There are also a limited number
of openings for women.
Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Com-
pany representative will be coming
Thurs., Dec. 7, to interview chemi-
cal and mechanical engineers with
strong preference for industrial en-

gineering or business management
background or interests.
For further information on
above notices and appointments
for interviews please call at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg.

bert Coburn Backus, Bacteriology;
thesis: "A Serological and Elec-
tron Micrographic Study of the
Bovine Sibrinogen-Rabbit Anti-
b o v i n e Fibrinogen Reaction,"
Mon., Dec. 4, Room 1562, East
Medical Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, W. J. Nungester.

Lectures Mathematics Colloquium: Tues.,
University Lecture, inaugurating Dec. 5, at 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell
the Netherlands Visiting Professor Hal. Dr. Jack McLaughlin will
at the University of Michigan. speak on "Distributivity."
"Freedom and Democracy in the -
Netherlands. "Dr. Th. J. G. Loch- Geometry Seminar: Wed., Dec.
er, Professor of History at the 6, at 2 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Mr.
University of Leiden and Neth- Kilby will continue his talk on
erlands Visiting Professor at the Fary's Paper on Knots.
University of Michigan. 8 p.m., -

ABOVE: Ring of glittering le
rhinestones is 5.00. fr
Give jewelry

Mon., Dec. 4, Rackham Lecture
Hall, to be followed by an infor-
mal reception in Rackham Assem-
bly Hall.
University Lecture, auspices of
the Department of Psychology.
"The Education of Scientists." Dr.
Robert H. Knapp, Associate Pro-
fessor of Psychology, Wesleyan
University. 4:15 p.m., Mon., Dec.
4, Kellogg Auditorium.
University Lecture, auspices of
the Department of Astronomy and
the Department of Physics. "The
Origin of Radio Frequency Radia-
tion and Cosmic Rays in the Gal-
axy." Dr. A. Unsold, Professor of
Theoretical Physics, Kiel Univer-
sity. 4 p.m., Tues., Dec. 5, '1400
Chemistry Building.
Lecture, auspice of Delta Sigma
Pi, Professional Business Frater-
nity. "How to Sell Yourself." Mr.
L. Clayton Hill, Professor of In-
dustrial Relations. 8 p.m., Tues.,
Dec. 5, 130 Business Admin. Bldg.
All students invited.
Academic Notices
Game Theory Seminar: Mon.,
Dec. 4, 7:30 p.m., Room 3001, An-
gell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Ro-

I The University Extension Ser-

vice announces that registration
may still be made in the eight-
week course on general semantics,
titled Scientific Living II. A con-
tinuation of Course I, the lectures
deal with the effective use of lan-
guage in the professions and in the
home; practical suggestions on the
correct use of words; general se-
mantics and social reconstruction;
the mind-body problem. Registra-
tion in Course I is not a prerequi-
site. Noncredit course, eight weeks,
$5.00. Prof. Clarence L. Meader.
Tues., 7 p.m. (beginning Nov. 28.)
171 Business Admin. Bldg.
(Continued on Page 6)

The Ann Arbor Art Association presents
COLOR FILMS: "Adolf Dehn's Technique in Water Color"
"Art in Action with Dong Kingman"
Speaker: DONALD L. WEISMANN, Professor of Fine Arts,
Wayne University
Tuesday, December 5 of 8:00 P.M.
Pattengill Auditorium, Ann Arbor High School

Buy your Christmas Cards now.
Fountain Pens repaired by
a factory trained man.
314 S. State Ph. 7177







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r A

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