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December 03, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-12-03

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II_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _


topoj liete


WE ON THIS CAMPUS live in an atmos-
phere of pressure and tension. And we
are surrounded by cynicism. We know that
if we drink in our fraternity houses we will
be fined $2,000 or be asked to move out. We
realize that if we invite a controversial fig-
ure to explain his views to us in an open
campus meeting we probably will be re-
fused. We know that if we go to our friend's
apartment for an unauthorized party we
will be subject to disciplinary action. We are
constantly reminded that if we don't study
that extra hour for tomorrow's exam we
may not be back next semester. We know
that if we drive a car or hold an un-
authorized party in Detroit we may be called
before the disciplinary authorities. And fi-
nally we know that if we rise up and pro-
test we will be slapped down-or worse yet,
layghed at or ignored.
Why does this fear and cynicism Exist?
Most of the regulations are basically well
justified. There is a state law which im-
plicitly states that intoxicating beverages
shall not be served on state property nor
be sold at any time to minors. This is a
fact-it must be accepted until the law is
changed. There may be excellent reasons
why a certain speaker would in some in-
stances be undesirable. We want our cur-
riculum to be tough because we are proud
to attend an institution with high aca-
demic standards. And certainly if every
student were allowed to drive, the Ann
Arbor streets would be continually
We realize these facts-and still we live
In an atmosphere of pressure and tension.
The University, in the eyes of many Uni-.
versity students, is cold and unfriendly.
That warm feeling of loyalty and comrade-
ship which exists elsewhere, seems to be
Why? Basically it stems from a failure
by the University's faculty and administra-
tion to project themselves into the student's
world. They have failed to accept the ma-
turity, or at least the search for maturity,
which exists in the majority of the student
body. They apparently have felt that a stu-
dent must be pampered and protected. Un-
doubtedly they have legislated and admini-
stered with the best interests of the students
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


No Way Out'
i H COUNTRY is the land of the
"mosts," or at least, "one of the mosts."
America is probably one of the most pow.
erful nations, one of the most democratiec,
and one of the most bleautiful. But para-
doxically, it is a nation that suffers most
severely from a social tragedy-the racial
Individuals, groups, and the govern-
ment have been trying and still are try-
ing to erase this American dilemma. Re-,
cently the movie industry has put forth
effort in this direction. Their latest en-
deavor, "No Way Out," however, appears
to the writer as a blunder. The picture
seemed to be an anti-Negro film and the
most dangerous of the lot. The fact that
most reviewers thought otherwise is quite
disturbing. It is depressing to find the Na-
tional Association for the Advancement
of Colored People chortling with satisfac-
tion over it.
Certain negative elements begin to ap-
pear that might well counter-act on a deep-
er level, the good intentions of the movie-
makers. While the verbal explanation in-
dccates that the Negro doctor in the picture
is innocent, what one sees is that an inex-
perienced, insecure Negro doctor, whose
procedure looks dubious to everyone present,
treats a man with a seemingly minor injury
in such a way that he immediately dies.
What one sees confirms the fantasy of the
Negro as a killer, and the emotional im-
pact of this remains though it is explained
away later.°
As to the riot scene: it contains images
which tend to confirm the fantasy of the
Negro as a dangerous attacker. At the mo-
ment when the Negroes rush in, one sees
standing beside the brutal bully a clean-cut
young girl who does not appear before or
after in the film.
Another white girl is shown screaming in
close-up but has no other part in the pic-
ture. These two images would seem very
likely to evoke the fantasy of 'white woman-
hood' assaulted by 'bestial Negroes'. If the
whites had been shown striking the first
flow, the position of the Negroes would
probably have seemed stronger.
Also shown is the typical white hero who
ineets his difficulties self-reliantly and
fights alone for safety, while the Negro is
here dependent on others to fight his battles.
The very title of the film, extremely,
puzzling in terms- of the plot expresses
the basic' ambiguity; though the Negro-
hater is supposed to be defeated and the
falsely accused Negro saved and vindi-
cated, the title seems to state a deeper
belief and draws a contrary 'moral'; there
- J, _ . FT

and the University at heart. We certainly
do not doubt their sincerity. But they have
seriously failed to convey their convictions to
the students. They have not made him a
party to their actions and they have failed
to convince him that their actions and
rulings are both necessary and justified.
This, however, is not intended as a
complete indictment of the faculty and
administration. Many of them have spent
hours explaining their positions to stu-
dents who have sought their counsel.
The Office of the Dean of Students has
always been most willing to talk to any
student about his problems or complaints.
The Deans have even sought the advice of
student leaders on many questions. Presi-
dent Ruthven's door has always been open
* to any student. And there are numerous
other faculty members and administra-
tors who have spent long hours consult-
ing with, advising and championing stu-
dent leaders.
But this is not enough. It is all well and
good to work with a few students at the
top-the so-called "student leaders." But
the faculty and the administration have
failed to reach the student body as a whole.
They have failed to voluntarily justify their
actions in the eyes of the entire student
body. In short, they have held themselves
aloof from the average student who goes to
his classes, looks forward to the weekends
and then reads in The Daily that some
fraternity has been fined $2,000 or booted
off campus without a full explanation of
the reasoning behind the action.
* *
WHAT CAN BE DONE: First, the faculty
and administration should make every
effort to strengthen student participation in
administrative and disciplinary matters. For
if a student realizes that his fellow students
-his elected or appointed representatives-
are helping to shape the policies which
govern his campus life and are at the same
time sitting in judgment on him if he steps
out of line, much of the bitterness towards
the University would be alleviated. This
would involve placing students as voting
members on such committees as the lecture
committee and the sub-committee on disci-
pline. It would mean seeking student advice
for such groups as the Conference of Deans
or the administrative boards. In this way
the student would feel that through his
own representatives he is actually an im-
portant part of the University. And at the
same time it might reshlt in an administra-
tion and interpretation of the existing regu-
lations which would be more closely in step
with student attitudes and opinions.
Secondly, the faculty and administra-
tion should make every effort to explain
their actions and attitudes to the student
body as a whole-not to just a few iso-
lated individuals. This could be done
through public statements or interviews
in The Daily explaining why a certain
ruling was made or what the reasoning
behind certain disciplinary actions might
be. It would mean calling special all-
campus meetings to explain to all inter-
ested students why such and such a
fraternity was suspended or why this or
that speaker should not speak in a campus
building. Students might not agree but
at least they would not feel that they
were being handed an ultimatum from an
all-powerful administration which was
afraid to justify its own actions.
We realize that the University is re-
sponsible to the people of the State of
Michigan, to the alumni and to the parents
of the students. And we realize that these
responsibilities give to the faculty and ad1
ministration a certain ascendancy in the
governing and supervising of student af-
fairs here on campus. But at the same time
we ask that they explain their actions to
the student-at-large and that they work
with him and make him a part of the

TOMORROW NIGHT, if the Ann Arbor,
City Council passes an amendment now
under consideration, many fraternity and
sororities, as well as a few co-ops, may find
the foundations of their houses not so
firmly planted in the good old "A" or "AA"
soil of this city as they once were..
The proposal, which involves a redefin-
ition of terms in the city's zoning ordi-
nance, may in time conceivably serve to
clear the major part of the campus area
of organized group houses, by preventing
them to build new houses or to make al-
terations on existing ones.
The proposal is not new, but it is strong-
ly backed this time, and unofficial word has
it that it may easily pass the Council. As-
suming that it is made law, all of the
groups now living in the area will be placed
in a peculiarly precarious position. They
may, of course, continue living there. but
they must hang on rather firmly. If the
front porch happens to fall down they can't
build it back up again, because that would
be violating the alteration portion of the or-
dinance. If something happens to force
them to vacate their house, they -must move
into a lower zoned area. Eventually, after
watching their houses disintegrate under
them; most groups will probably give up.
If the Council would consider rezoning
the fraternity areas as a "B" zone, before
taking any action on the redefinition pro-
posal. it might save the concerned groups

The Military
THE MILITARY LEGEND is a glamorous
thing' and it dies hard. Our history is
studded with the figures of outstanding
men, embroidered by exploit and magnified
by account, who achieved near-immorta-
lity on the battlefield-men like "Stone-
wall" Jackson, Anthony Wayne, "Blackjack"
Pershing, and a battalion of others.
In its non-malignant form the military
legend does no harm for it provides a
dash of color and bravado in an always
dirty and bitter war. But General Doug-
las MacArthur serves as a grim warning
of disasters to come if the man comes to
believe in his own legend.
For MacArthur no longer examines a
problem and arrives at a course of action
which seems fitting to him. He believes in
any course he follows simply because it is
Mac Arthur who directed it. Super.egotism
has replaced self-confidence.
There is no denying that MacArthur pro-
vided an excellent framework for the con-
trivers of myth. And the times too, peri-
lous and bleak in 1941, called for inspiration
to relieve the blackness of events. Most of
all, perhaps, MacArthur leaned toward the
legendary His flair for the dramatic, his
feeling for the stirring phrase, his knack
of the "grand-stand play," even his very
distance made him a natural for the role
of hero.
The combination of parlous times and
the General's propensity for the creation of
myth overwhelmed the protests of dis-
senters. The gripes of veterans who served
under MacArthur and the criticism by li-
beral voices throughout the land were
drowned in the wave of publicity which mo-
dern communications and periodicals made
Thus as the MacArthur legend took
form the man who was its all-too-human
base came to believe it; a legend which
embodied the genius; the supercoura-
geous leader, the stern, the indomitable,
the kindly, the anything at all.
Perhaps the chief component of the Mac-
Arthur legend was the belief in wishful-
thinking quarters that the General was the
shrewdest, in fact the only fathomer of the
oriental mind.
Today in Korea this blind trust in Mac-
Arthur's insight has backfired for not only
did the gullible public fall for it but the
General himself trusted his supposed in-
fallibility as the mastermind in all things
Thus despite the fact that Nehru of
India had warned that China planned
to attack if UN forces approached the
Manchurian border, MacArthur, trusting
his "infallibility," ignored the warning.
Maintaining that the Chinese would res-
pect only force, he pushed South Korean
units into the forty mile buffer strip the
UN had tacitly established at the border.
When these were cut to bits as Nehru had
predicted, he blindly continued in his stub-
born self-belief, sending Amer can forces to
aid the ROK units.
And then fired by temporary success he
launched a drive into what most non-mili-
tary observers could tell him was one of 'the
most dangerous traps in the history of
warfare. The trap sprung, For the Chinese
attacked in overwhelming force just as
Nehru warned and just as MacArthur
was sure they would not.
MacArthur has been guilty of much more
than blind self adoration. Just prior to his
drive, he stupidly bragged that he would
have his troops home for Christmas. Un-
fortunately even the most ardent hero-
worshiper could have told MacArthur that
if the war had ended that very day, bring-
ing the troops home by Christmas would
have been not only politically unwise but
logistically impossible.
And of course his use of the "end the
war" tag in describing the mounting drive
was an idiotic affectation.
This drive, too, refutes better than any-
thing else the myth of MacArthur's mili-
tary genius. None of his achievements

have ever shown genius. When MacArthur
had superior forces he won-when he
didn't, he lost. The end-the-war drive was
no more a stroke of genius than if he had
plunged his hand into a bag of cobras.
It is hard to admit that our military le-
gends are only legends and nothing more.
If untarnished by fact they are stirring and
reassuring things for generations to come.
But their place is in the ranks, on the home
fronts or in the history books. They do not
belong in the high places of command.
Certainly in our perilous situation we
dare not continue to trust our fortunes to
the command of a man who believes in his
own legend.
-Zander Hollander
Co-ed Union
in admitting coeds to the innermost
dens of campus men is a change that has
been demanded for some time, by both
men and women on campus.
The change is directly in line with the
Union staff's numerous discussions of
how to improve the Union. They are
making a concentrated effort to make
the Union a more vital part of campus,
and these changes are a great step in
that direction.
But the decision on the adoption of the
plan as a permanent Union policy really is
up to the members of the Union.
To help the men express their positive
opinions, the Union is putting up sugges-
tion boxes around the facilities which

"A Couple Of Stars Would Certainly Brighten It Up"


Statehood Issue

opposition appear to have sent
statehood bills for Alaska and Ha-
waii fluttering into the Senatorial
wastebasket this week.
Despite an urgent, compelling
need for a full, grant of state-
hood to these two territories,
fearful Southerners have col-
laborated with a few Republican
backers of the status quo to ren-
der passage of the bills almost
hopeless, at least in the present
The grumbling opponents are
reverting to filibustering tactics to'
drive the bills off the Senate floor.
They maintain that the territor-
ies aren't ready for full equality
(despite the fact that both have
been closely associated with the
UnitedlStates, for years and have
developed democratic government-
al structures certainly compatible
with our own).
They assert that statehood would
give the two territories unreason-
ably strong representation in the
senate (although such thinking re-
pudiates the very states rights
philosophy which the conserva-
tives at other times so heartily
In short the statehood debunk-
ers are utilizing double-talk and
distortion to beat down legisla-
tion which they consider a blow to
themselves. They fear that Sena-
tors from Alaska or Hawaii will
side with Truman onucivil rights
and with all non-southerners in
forcing cloture to kill filibusters.
They have forgotten Pearl Har-
bor and remembered their long-
time struggle to achieve southern
control of the federal government.
It is this sectional opposition
which forms such a sad commen-
tary on our country in the eyes of
the two involved territories and
the rest of the world. And the
lack of respect for us is heighten-
ed by the Communist propagand-
ists, for whom this one controversy
provides double-barreled ammuni-

tion. The Communists point to
the snub at statehood as an indi-
cation that our interests are pure-
ly imperialistic and selfish. And
they link the civil rights angle,
with their general blast at this
country for its discriminatory
Statehood for Alaska and Ha-
waii would not only reduce the
grist of the Red propaganda mill;
it would in addition heighten the
morale of the peoples of those ter-
ritories and strengthen their ties
with us. And by showing that we
regard the Hawaiian and Alaskan
citizens as our equals we would
improve our relations with other
distrustful people of the Pacific
area, thus bolstering our strength
among them idealogically as well
as militarily.
True, Hawaii is dominated by
the "Big Five" economic inter-
ests and statehood could extend
the voice of these interests into
the U.S. Senate. But the "Big
Five" have done much good for
Hawaii. And there's no sound
reason why any bad practices
could not be thwarted by ef-
fective federal anti-trust ac-
tion, whether the islands are
brought into the Union or not;
Eventually statehood is bound
to come to Alaska and Hawaii..
Why not let it come now, when
the need is so great and the re-
sults would be so beneficial. Com-
munists do not wait for their ob-
jectives to come about through
what they consider to be the tide
of history. To combat the Reds, we
cannot wait for so-called "natural
historical progress" either, wheth-
er the question be European unifi-
cation, development of backward
nations, elimination of discrimin-
ation, or statehood for territories
which deserve it.
-Bob Keith

The Week's News
The Big Crisis
FEAR AND DESPAIR gripped the free peoples of the world this
week as a disastrous turn of events in Korea pointed up more
than ever the menacing threat of a third world war.
At the Front
GENERAL DOUGLAS MacARTHUR'S "end the war" offensive sput-
tered, stalled and then collapsed into sickening ruin early in the
week. Hordes of Chinese Communists poured over the allied'lines,
momentarily trapping whole' regiments and sending others into full-
scale retreat. MacArthur called it "an entirely new war."
Hitting first at South Korean opposition at the eastern flank
of the UN line, the Communist onslaught ripped open a huge gap
and plunged through it against faltering resistance. Swinging south-
west, the Reds infiltrated behind U.S. forces in the Changjin Reser-
voir area.
The Communists threatened to push through all the way to t17j
west coast, trapping almost the entire UN army.
Fortunately, American troops in the Changjin area managed to
hold off the advancing Chinese until the bulk of the UN forces in
western Korea could pull back and regroup about 25 miles north
of Pyongyang.
But as things stand now, UN units in the Changjin reservoir
area are still under fierce attack, with six full-strength Chinese
armies bent on pounding them apart and driving through to the
west. Meanwhile more Communists are clawing directly at the
western defense line, putting Pyongyang in immediate peril.
Already evacuation of the former North Korean capital has begun.
With UN forces outnumbered almost three to one, the greatest
crisis of the Korean war has rapidly come to a head. The future of
the world could partially hinge on its outcome.
The World Reacts
SHOCKED AND WORRIED, the non-Communist nations this week
belatedly strove to do something about their crucial plight. These
were the significent developments:
UN-Early in the week the United States charged the Russian-
backed Chinese Communists with "open and notorious" aggression.
After several days of debate, the Security Council voted on a six-
power demand for the Chinese troops to withdraw from the battle-
field. As expected, the Soviet Union vetoed the measure, but its
passage seems assured next week in the veto-free General Assembly.
STATE DEPARTMENT-"No one can guarantee that war will
not come," Dean Acheson solemnly told the nation in a crisis broad-
cast. The world has been put in "unparalleled danger" because of
the "brazen aggression" of the Chinese, he warned.
BRITAIN-Prime Minister Clement Attlee told a cheering House
of Commons Thursday that he would fly to the United States and
talk over the critical situation with President Truman. Attlee left
today and will see Truman Tuesday. On the eve of his flight Attlee
met with French Premier Rene Pleven to discuss European defense
and German rearmament, as well as Korea.
ARMS-Hard on the heels of a statement that the United States
would use every means at their disposal-even the A-Bomb, if neces-
sary-to help end the Korean war, President Truman came out
Thursday with a request for 18 billion dollars for armament. To
facilitate home front mobilization, Truman set up a Civilian Defense
I Administration. On Friday the Army stepped up its draft call.




(Continued from Page 2)
Ph.D. Candidates: The Bureau
of Appointments will hold a gen-
eral meeting for all Ph.D. candi-
dates interested in obtaining
teaching positions in Feb., June or
Sept. of the coming year. Calls are
being received for college and uni-
versity teaching positions in all
fields and from all parts of the
country. The purpose of the meet-
ing is to discuss the opportunities
in the teaching field and some of
the procedures necessary in secur-
ing teaching positions. The meet-
ing is to be held Tues., Dec. 5, at
4 p.m., in Room 3B, Michigan Un-
ion. All Ph.D. candidates are urged
to be there.
A representative from the Gen-
eral Electric Company will inter-
view February graduates (men
only) for their Industrial, Adver-
tising Training Program at the
Bureau of Appointments on Mon-
day and Tuesday, Dec. 4 and 5.
The training course lasts 18
months and provides experience
in advertising planning, advertis-
ing production, sales methods, etc.
Experience in writing, advertising,
(Continued on Page 5)

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger...........City Editor
Roma Lipsky........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas . .....Feature Editor
Janet Watts........... Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan........... Associate Editor
James Gregory.......Associate Editor
Bill Connolly............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell..Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton.....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans........... Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daneis.........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.....Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau ....... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreita.... Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively,
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
Year: by carrier. $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

-Daily-Bill Hampton

"...Greetings . .
* * i *

PA SADENA PLANS-After it was over, and the cheers had died
down, the rest of the week was spent in trying to figure the angles;
trying Po see how the long trip could possibly be made. Practically
everyone was taken by surprise except the University Calendaring
Committee, who, either inadvertently or with near-phenomenal fore-
sight, .set the Christmas vacation period to take in the Bowl game
and leawe a few days besides.
TRADITION TUMBLES-One of the last bulwarks of masculinity
on campus appeared this week ready to give up the archaic fight.
Permission was given to coeds, if properly escorted by a Union mem-
ber, to make use of certain of the building's facilities during a three
and a half month experimental period. One tradition stood firmly
amid the shambles, however. Coeds still may not use the Union's
front door.
OAMBLING-Things finally broke open this week. On Tuesday,
police arrested two students, charging that they were the ringleaders
in tyw campus-wide pools uncovered in a series of articles in The
Daily. Robert McGuire, '53A&D, and Lee Setomer, Grad., waived
examination in Municipal Court and were bound over to Circuit
Court for arraignment. Yesterday they registered a plea of nolo
contegndere, which meant that they neither pleaded guilty nor denied
the charges, and in effect threw themselves at the mercy of the court.
They will be sentenced on Dec. 17.
MISSING NOTE-It got so cold for a while this week that one
of Burton's big bells bonked out because the mechanism froze up.
A rain Friday brought the melody-and Ann Arbor weather-back
to normal.
--B. K.&EC. E.



if your folks wish, we'll
forget that Christmas list
I prepared. It was a bit of
a problem-.. .Selecting
such a large number of

Yes. An idea of your
Fairy Godfather's. Most
k people give useful gifts
,f Chriman time. ..

And because the gifts are useful,
the ecipient has to use them. Sox
that'don't fit-Neckties he wouldn't
ordinarily wear to a dog-fight...
.---- - I

Your Fairy Godfather is going
to change.all that-By:giving
+ only gifts that are completely
USELESS to begin with.-..


0 1





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