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November 29, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-29

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Srt uan
Latest Deadline in the State

:43 tiy









Korean War


v n

Tide Shocks
Use of A-Bomb
Urged by Some
United States Government, shock-
ed and spurred to fresh action by
the grave turn of events in Ko-
rea, yesterday sought urgent mea-
sures to halt the Red tide in the
Far East and at other danger
spots all along the Iron Curtain.
There were plain indications of
official concern that a Third World
War could be developing-and
that the threat might not be con-
fined to Korea.
ON CAPITOL HILL, some voices
were raised in favor of using the
Atom Bomb against the onsurging
Chinese Communists.
President Truman met with
the National Security Council,
the government's top policy-
making agency in matters af-
fecting the country's safety. His
military and diplomatic advisers
left his office in sober, tight-
lipped silence.
Secretary of Defense Marshall,
after conferring earlier with Tru-
man, said the free world is faced
with "a very critical situation"
which the United Nations must re-
solutely "face up to."
Senator Taft said it may force
Congress to stay in session through
Christmas. Leaders had hoped the
Lame Duck session which opened
Monday could end in about three
Senator Robertson (D-WVa)
said, "I think the next three days
will determine whether we are at
war with China and Russia."
FROM Senator Brewster came a
proposal that Gen. Douglas ?Iac-
Arthur be given authority to use
the Atom Bomb, if he sees fit,
against Red Chinese troops, con-
centration centers and war plants.
Similar proposals that the A-
Bomb be dropped came from two
House members, Reps. Rivers (D-
SC) and Cole (R-NY), both mem-
bers of the Armed Services Com-
High defense officials said, how-
ever, no consideration is being gi-
ven to using the A-Bomb now.
Secretary of State Acheson call-
ed for foreign policy unity in the
light of the developing crisis.
Members of the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee who heard
Acheson said his plea got a favor-
able reception despite recent con-
demnations of his policies by many
Williams Hits
State Board
Of Canvassers
LANSING-(RP)-Governor Wil-
liams yesterday blasted the State
Board of Canvassers for refusing
to certify his reelection and so
"attempting to grab the powers of
the governorship."
His charges, the first such ofi-
cially raised in Michigan's mud-
died gubernatorial election, were
made in a formal statement. His
Republican opposition promptly
denounced them as "terribly pre-
Williams, who held only the
slimmest of leads over his Repub-
lican opponent, former Governor
Harry F. Kelly, added that he
would take his charges "To The
People" via a radio address today.
"The people," he said, "should
be told what kind of shenanigans

are going on here." He labeled -he
all-Republican board's action in
refusing to certify his electioa as
a "gross perversion of the election
The board, at its Monday meet-
ing, found that Williams ha" a
majority of the votes, but failed
to okay his election. Instead, it
went ahead with plans for a stcte-
wide recount, as asked 'y Keliy
and +ha (OP r-n-i.atinn

Police Nab Two
Student Bookies
Police yesterday arrested two students as the brains behind the
football pools which operated on campus for five weeks this fall.
The two are Robert "Butch" McGuire, '53 A&D, and Lee Setomer,
Grad. When they waived examination in Municipal Court yesterday
after being charged with registering bets they were bound over for
arraignment in Circuit Court tomorrow.
* * * *
MEANWHILE the two were released on $500 bond each, furnished
by an unidentified friend. If convicted McGuire and Setomer face a

Bowl Ticket
Plans Near
Final plans for Rose Bowl ticket
distribution are being completed by
University ticket manager Don
Weir and his staff in spite of hun-
dreds of requests which already
are piling up.
"Ever since we defeated Ohio
State Saturday letters, telegrams
and phone calls have been pouring
into the office requesting infor-
mation and tickets," Weir said.
BUT HE noted that no applica-
tions will be considered for tickets
before Monday, and then student
and faculty orders will get first
Tickets left over will go to Pa-
cific Coast alumni. If any ducats
still remain, the rest of the Un-
iversity's alumni throughout the
country will split them up by
means of a national lottery.
Application blanks are already
in the mail to the West Coast
alumni, who must return them by
Deco 7 if they wish to be consider-
ed for tickets. Dec. 7 is also the
final day for student and faculty
THE PLAN is essentially the one
under which tickets were, distribut-
ed the last time Michigan went
to the Bowl. Written.requests in-
cluding a check, or money order
or cash should be sent to the Ath-
letic Administration Bldg., Ticket
Department, Weir said.
The tickets are priced at
$5.50, and each student or facul-
ty member, is allotted one tic-
ket only. An additional ticket will
be granted married students and
faculty. Alumni may request two
Following a plan drawn up by
Rose Bowl stars Bob Chappuis and
Pete Elliott, who were members of
the 1947 Board in Control of In-
tercollegiate Athletics, students
will have to pick up their tickets
in Pasadena. On Dec. 31 and Jan.
1 tickets will be available for stu-
dents who present their ID cards
and ticket purchase receipt.
This year the ticket situation is
a little brighter than in 1947 when
the Western Conference was allot-
ted only 12,500 ticket-. Now with
the Bowl's seating capacity upped
to 100,000 the Big Ten will receive
,14,000 tickets.

-maximum penalty of one year in
jail or a $500 fine.
Assistant County Prosecutor
Edmund DeVine said that Mc-
Guire and Setomer had admit-
ted that they were the leaders
of the campus bookies. At times
they had distributed up to 1500
cards a week, DeVine said.
But they lost money even
though. they handled $2500 a,
week, he added. They stopped
their operations, it was reve.aled,
shortly after The Daily published
a series of articles exposing cam-
pus gambling.
* * *
DeVINE SAID the only tieup
with the outside discovered so far,
was a Chicago printing firm, the
Arcadia Sales and Publishing Co.,
from which Setomer and McGuire
are said to have purchased the
DeVine declared, however, that
the police were continuing their
investigations by checking on
those who worked under Seto-
mer and McGuire.
He also said that the police
would check further on the print-
ing firm and possible connections
it might have with the rackets.
DeVine didn't know when the
police would make this latter
check. He said he was leaving it
up to them. When contacted on
the matter, Capt. Albert Heisel
first said any statement about it
would have to come from DeVine.
YESTERDAY afternoon The
Daily had The Associated Press
check in Chicago on the firm. The
AP got this statement from Harry
Freedenberg, who identified him-
self as the company's owner: "We
are printing brokers, who do job
printing. We have our own shop
and we don't print betting football
Last night The Daily sent a
communication to The Daily
Northwestern, asking them for
any information they might
have on the printing firm.
DeVine was not sure whether or
not the Chicago firm or the two
students had violated any federal
laws in handling the cards.
* * *
McGUIRE and Setomer declined
to comment on their arraignment.
They referred all questions to their
counsel, local attorney Louis Burke.
Among those present at the
arraignment were Associate
Dean of Students Walter B. Rea
and University Public Relations
Counselor Arthur L. Brandon.
Brandon released a prepared
statement, detailing the situation,
which said, "The Office of Student
Affairs and the Ann Arbor Police
have carried on an extensive in-
vestiggtion of a football pool on
the University of Michigan cam-
(Continued on Page 2)

SL To Hear
New Bias
Clause Plan
Group Modifies
Controversial Act
A new proposal, enlarging upon
the anti-discrimination clause mo-
tion recently passed by the Student
Legislature, will be presented by a
special four-man committee at to-
night's SL meeting.
On Nov. 15, the SL passed by a
slim two vote margin, a motion
stating that fraternities, which
have not removed discriminatory
clauses from their constitutions by
1956, should be refused recogni-
tion by the Student Affairs Com-
THE NEW motion provides that
campus groups can gain a yearly
extension of the deadline if the
group can prove to SAC that it
has made a sincere effort to have
the clause removed.
Herb Ruben, '51, author of
the original motion and member
of the special committee, said
that the new proposal contains
what in reality was the intention
of the first motion. Ruben had
explained to the SL at its last
meeting the unwritten substance
of the motion before the legisla-
tors had voted on it.
"Unfortunately Ruben's inten-
tion was not written into the mo-
tion nor was it fully explained to
the students," Bill McIntyre, '53,
chairman of the special-committee,
said. "In reality we are not plan-
ning to change Ruben's original
motion; we are just clarifying it."
SL President George Roumell,
'51, appointed the special commit-
tee when it was realized that leg-
islators had only a muddled im-
pression of Ruben's motion.
Disagreement to the new pro-
posal was voiced yesterday by SL
member Tom Walsh, '51L. He
maintained that a time clause, to
be effective, had to have an ulti-
mate limit. He reported that he
would offer an amendment to the
proposal at tonight's meeting plac-
ing a two or three year maximum
on the number of extensions to the
deadline that could be granted by
SAC. And the SAC would allow
the extension only if there was a
substantial possibility of the bias
clauses being deleted during the
The SL meeting will be held at
7:30 p.m. in Rm. 3KLM of the Un-
ion. It will be open to the public.
* * *
SAC Shelves
Anti-Bias Act
The Student Affairs Commit-
tee yesterday unanimously agreed
to postpone consideration of the
SL anti-discrimination measure
until further reclarification of the
In postponing the motion SAC
took cognizance of the Michigan
Forum debate on the anti-discrim-
ination measure to be held Dec.
Walter asked that all committee
members attend the forum debate
and study the entire issue as close-
ly as possible.
Dean Walter also said that
when the SAC does meet to dis-
cuss the anti - discrimination
measure speakers from both sides
will be invited to present their

Previous to the postponement
SL President and SAC member
George Roumell pointed out to
the committee that future reclari-
fication of the motion would prob-
ably be made.
Education Parley
Will OpenToday
The University will be host to
the fourth annual Conference on
Higher Education opening on cam-

Peiping Charged
With Aggression
LAKE SUCCESS-W)-The United States yesterday charged the
Russian-backed Chinese Communists with "open and notorious" ag-
gression in Korea.
Red China replied that those Chinese Communists in Korea are
volunteers and that Peiping will not stop their departure for the
American Delegate Warren R. Austin used the term aggression
in the Security Council on instructions from Washington after Genera
MacArthur reported there are 200,000 Chinese Communist soldiers in
Korea and "We face an entirely new war."
* * * *
POKER-FACED Wu Hsiu-Chuan, Chief Chinese Communist
spokesman at the UN, said in his first speech to the Council that the
security of his country is endangered by United States aggression
* * * oagainst Korea and is alarmed by

--Daily-Roger Reinke
HONORARY TROMBONISTS-Members of the trombone section
of the Marching Band look on as Prof. William Revelli and Jack
Lee, Band Directors, are presented handsome certificates, naming
them as honorary members of the trombone section.
*' * ,. *
U' Band Names Directors
'Honorary Trombone Men'

Band Directors William D. Re-
velli and Jack K. Lee last night
received new and unique recogni-I
The members of the trombone
section of the Marching Band,
Phoenix Drivre
Near $60,000
As the student-Phoenix Project
drive gets well into its second half,
campaign officials announced yes-
terday that gifts total $59,965.
During the first two weeks of
the drive 1,808 students contribut-
ed to the Phoenix Memorial fund.
The gift average is $33.18. Phoenix
officials suggested at the start of
the drive that each student set a
personal goal of $30.
"IN ALL the student response
has been very good," drive chair-
man Mary Lubeck, '51, said.
He noted, however, that the
Phoenix staff is disappointed
that so small a portibn of the
student body has been carry-
ing the drive along.
"Although most students seem
to realize their responsibility in
making the Project a success, we
would like to have more of them
taking part in the contributing,"
Lubeck remarked.
WITH LESS than two weeks left
in the campaign only 11 house
groups have reached the goal of
receiving donations from $0% of
their members. Only one of these
has been a University residence
President Ruthven will meet
with house presidents at 7:30
p.m. today in the Union Terrace
Room to discuss future plans for
completing the drive.
Lubeck noted that as yet many
students living in private resi-
dences have not been contacted.

after careful consideration, named
Prof. Revelli and Lee as honorary
members of the trombone section.
* * *
PRESENTATION of the certifi-
cates of membership was made
last night at an informal banquet
thrown 4y the trombone section at
a South State Street refectory.
Both Prof. Revelli and Lee
were highly gratified by their
admission to the select society
of trombonists.
Prof. Revelli even promised that
he would set himselfrto the task
of learning to play a trombone, an
instrument which he ironically
enough has never before attempt-
PROF. REVELLI paid high trib-
ute to the trombone section, which
he labelled -"the backbone of the
Meanwhile, Prof. Revelli and
Dean Walter B. Rea, Band Busi-
ness Manager, announced that de-
tailed plans for the band's second
Rose Bowl appearance will be
worked out within the next ten
* * *
THE BAND'S trip will be spon-
sored by the Buick Motors Divi-
sion of General Motors. Buick al-
so paid the expenses for the first
Rose Bowl visit in 1948.
According to Dean Rea, the
band will probably leave Ann Ar-
bor December 26 or 27, and re-
turn by January 6.
Wolverine Club
Plans BowlTrips
To ease transportation worries
for Rose Bowl bound students, the
Wolverine Club hasannounced
that it is working on plans for
train and air trips to California.
Rates and dates have not been
decided on yet, but George Beni-
sek, club publicity chairman, said
that it is fairly certain that start-
ing points for the trip will be
New York, Buffalo, Detroit and

Reds Crash
UN Lines on
East Flank
TOKYO - W) - Chinese Reds
swung 13 miles in behind Ameri-
can positions in northwest Korea
today through the crushed east
flank of the 75-mile United Na-
tions front.
American reinforcements and
tanks rushed up to meet the flank
menace while UN forces in the
west and center of the line made
an orderly withdrawal up to 10
m ii e s southward toward the
Chongchon River.
.* * *
THE critical 4ituation, posed by
200,000 Chinese Reds and 70,000
North Koreans, amounted to "an
entirely new war," General Mac-
Arthur said in a special communi-
From Red-captured Tokchon,
at the east end of the front, the
onrushing Communists rolled 23
miles southeast to the town of
MacArthur's 110,000-man UN
Army in northwest Korea, which
had launched an end-the-war of-
fensive last Friday, fell back be-
fore the onslaughts of 14 Chinese
Divisions and elements of seven
North Korean Divisions.
* * *
Quick Action
Called for by
TOKYO--(R)--General MacArt-
hur yesterday told the non-Com-
munist powers they must decide
quickly what to do about the grim
prospect of ''an entirely new war"~
against Red China.
He issued a special communique
suggesting that the war actually
had begun and could be stopped
only by a last-minute political so-
MACARTHUR'S communique
carried a veiled request for au-
thority to bomb Chinese Commu-
nist troop assembly points in Man-
MacArthur said the Chinese
Communists a 1 r e a d y have
thrown "a major segment" of
their armies--200,000 men-into
They have shown "the obvious
intent and preparation" to rein-
force this spearhead with perhaps
300,000 more men now on the
move in Manchuria, he added.

the spread toward China of the
"flames" of the United' States
"war of aggression."
Wu counter-charged in the
Council that the United States
is guilty of. "cunning" aggression
also against China, Vietnam, the
Philippines and other Asian
countries. He demanded the
Council condemn the United
States and slap strong sanctions
on the Washington government.
He also called for expulsion
from the UN of Nationalist
The Security Council adjourned
until 2 p.m. today without further
action, but. western delegates
gloomily said that instead of
showing any sign of conciliation
the Chinese Communists had out-
done the Russians in blasting the
United States.
* * *
AUSTIN SAID in a statement
after the meeting:
"The Chinese Communist
spokesman revealed that his ap-
praisal of the United Nations ac-
tion in Korea is the Soviet ap-
"He has admitted that they
have been preparing for a lo
time to resist the United Sta es.
Wu took notes afs Austin told
the Security Council the grave
facts of Chinese Communist ag-
gression must be faced squarely by
the people of the world-and es-
pecially the Council.
Austin asked Wu 20 direct ques-
tions which, in sum, boiled down
to: why have you thrown 200,000
troops into Korea against United
Nations forces and what do you
* * *
WU DID NOT answer Austin's
questions directly and said he had
come here to talk about American
aggression against Formosa. But
before he completed his one houf'
and 50 minute statement he had
ranged all over Asia.
He told countries backing the
United States not to "pull.the
chestnuts out of the fire for the
United States - because if you
support United States aggres-
sion you must bear the conse-
quences of your actions."
Military reports from Korea say
the Chinese Communists are or-
ganized along regular military
lines and are not volunteers.
AEC Choses
New H-Bomb
Expansion Site
Atomic Energy Commission picked
a 250,000-acre tract in South Car-
olina yesterday for development
work on the hydrogen bomb.



Macher Traces Growth
Of Economic Doctrines

The growth of private economic
power gave the middle class the
means to resist ruling classes, and
helped it build the road to democ-
racy, Prof. Robert M. Maclver, of
Columbia University, declared yes-
Delivering the second speech of
the 1950 William Cook lecture se-
ries on "Democracy and the Eco-
nomic Challenge," MacIver traced'
the development of private econo-
mic power, describing its relation-
ship to the strength of the middle
class and the growth of democracy.
* * .,

doctrine caused a dimming of the
idea of democracy," he continued.
* * *
ENHANCED by the French Revo-
lution in political thought late in
the 18th century, democratic prin-
ciples took on hn enlightened
meaning and the next hundred
years they were nourished by a
period of apparent prosperity and
peace, MacIver continued.
"It seemed that civilization
and democracy were meant to go
together," he said. "But actually,
the nineteenth century was preg-

Laurence To Lecture on H-Bomb

At the same time a vast expan-
sion of atomic energy and electri-
cal power production in the Ten-
nessee Valley was forecast by a
Congressional source.
ject will cost $260,000,000, with a
possibility of more funds to come.
If fully successful, it will give this
country by far the deadliest wea-
pon in history.
Yesterday, following the an-
nouncement that the site had
been selected, Rep. Gore (D-
Tenn) said he expected Presi-
dent Truman to ask for much
larger sums to build plants
whan wnv ,,,.ndn, .. h A-

William L. Laurence, who ex-
plained the secret of the atom
bomb to the American public, will
tell "The Truth About the Hydro-
gen Bomb," at 8:30 p.m. today in
Hill Auditorium.
Laurence, who has twice won the
Pulitzer Prize for his science re-

and doing play adaptations, chief- men met. Laurence accepted, and
ly from Russian authors. became a science reporter at large
Laurence was born in Lithu- for the famous New York paper.
ania and scaped from that His big scoop on Einstein's de-
country during the Red purges bate on the uses of atomic fis-
when he was only 17 years old. sion in 1930 brought him to the
He arrived in Hoboken with less attention of the editors -of the
than 50 cents in his pocket. New York Times, and he trans-


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