See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
m iil
Malik Against
Chinese Red
Attacks U.S. Role
In Korean War
NEW YORK-(P)-Russia's Ja-
cob A. Malik served notice yester-
day that he will veto a six-power
demand that' Communist China
pull its troops out of the Korean
War immediately.
Confronted with that impasse,
the United States read to the Se-
curity Council President Truman's
statement that the U.S. never had
any intention of sending troops
into China.
* * *
role in Korea and the Far East
once more, said the resolution was
based on illegal council decisions
and he would vote against it. There
were reports last night that the
backers of the resolution, includ-
ing the U.S., might not press for a
vote immediately in view of a cer-
tain Soviet veto.
Malik insisted that the Coun-
cil hear a three-page statement
from Peiping denouncing the
U.S. on charges of aggression
against China and Korea.
When Malik had spoken and the
statement of the Peiping regime
was read, Ernest A. Gross, U.S. of-
ficial, read into the record Presi-
dent Truman's pledge that the U.S.
"never at any time entertained any
intention to carry hostilities into
Malik's announcement that he
will vote against the resolution had
been expected from the start of
this case in the Council. The back-
ers are expected to urge the Gene-
ral Assembly to act after the veto.
Malik said the resolution is bas-
ed on illegal actions of the Secur-
ity council in ordering UN forces
into Korea while the Soviet Union
and Red China were not on the
Egyptians Ask
British Troops
To QuitSuez
CAIRO, Egypt-()-Egypt yes-
terday challenged the validity of
the Egyptian-British defense trea-
ty of 1936 and pledged cancella-
tion if Britain does not remove
her troops from the Suez Canal
The threat was made in a for-
* mal speech from the throne, read
by Premier Nahas Pasha for King
Farouk I at the opening of Parlia-
It marked the first time an
Egyptian government has official-
ly pledged before Parliament to
denounce the treaty unilaterally if
Britain does not agree to Egypt's
longtime demands for withdrawal
of the troops and transfer of the
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan to Egyptian
King Farouk's speech declared
"'the treaty is no longer regarded as
legal and "there is no other alter-
native than to decide its cancel-
With unusual speed, Britain re-
jected the Egyptian views. A for-
eign office spokesman told a Lon-
don news conference Britain does
not recognize Egypt's right to
upset the 1936 treaty, which binds
the two countries together for 20
years. The spokesman said Brit-
ain's -attitude on the 'Sudan-that
the Sudanese should have the
right to decide their own future-
remain unchanged.
Plane Crash
Over Desert
Kills 10 Men
TUSCON, Ariz -( ')- Thirteen
airmen were killed and 10 survived
a collision of two Air Force planes
over the desert 50 miles west of
here, the Air Force reported yes-
The public information officer
at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base
here said the two four-notor
planes, a B-29 tanker and a B-50
bomber, plunged to the ground af-
ter coming together in flight five
miles north of the Papago Indian
village of Silnakya on the Sells
The rugged country is extremely,
Allies Gain Five
Miles i n Korea
Red Resistance Spotty AlongvIront;
Sleet Hampers Army Maneuvers
Truman Stands
o f
SEOUL - (IP) - Allied troops
scratched out gains up to five miles
against spotty Red resistance in a
general advance along the sleet-
struck fighting front in North Ko-
rea yesterday.
The sleet made the going rough
for the foot soldiers, and cut down
the around-the-clock bombing of
Red bases and supply centers.
Foreign Aid
Vital To Stop.
Communist aggression must be
fought on two fronts-on the mili-
tary front and on the economic-
political front, Donald C. Stone,
administration director of the Eco-
nomic Cooperation Administra-
tion, said yesterday.
In a Rackham Amphitheatre
lecture sponsored by the Institute
of Public Administration, Stone
focused his speech on "ECA's Role
in the Defense of the Free World."
* * *
THE KOREAN WAR, he said,
has pointed out the immediacy of
the dangers of Communist aggres-
sion; yet there is danger in the
fact that Korea may cause Ameri-
-cans to emphasize military as-
pects in neglect of foreign eco-
nomic aid.
"Preventive war is the most
horrible means of solving the
problem," he declared. "More-
over, we've learned that you
can't stop ideas with bullets."
Stone cited examples of the
success of ECA in assisting the re-
habilitation of both European and
Far Eastern countries.
IN 1947, there was nothing but
despair in Europe, according to
Stone, but immediately after Con-
gress voted Marshall Plan appro-
priations and ECA aid, the feeling
of futility was replaced by hope.
"Within a two year period,
European production has ex-
ceeded pre-war production by
25%," he asserted. "With this
new capacity to meet the neces-
isary elementals of life, living
standards also showed a marked
"However, more important is the
strengthening of democratic gov-
ernment in Europe, particularly in
France, Italy, Greece, and Tur-
key. There has been a steady de-
cline in Communist strength in
these countries," he explained.
"ECA is trying to demonstrate
that better living conditions exist
under freedom, and its programs
have put emphasis on bread and
butter for the masses," he added.
" -
Temperatures rose from previous
near-zero levels, however.
* * *
CHINESE and Korean Commu-
nists pulled back a little more in
the northwest and north-central
sectors. The steam went out of a
North Korean Red counterattack
in the far northeast.
The U.S. First Corps advanced
on a 30-mile front in the north-
west against practically no op-
On the west end of the line, the
Korean Republican First Division
moved four miles northwest of
Pakchon, seven miles north of the
Chongchon River, and the British
Commonwealth 27th Bridgade roll-
ed through Pakchon and pushed
about three miles north.
* * *
NORTHEAST of Pakchon, the
U.S. 24th Division advanced up to a
mile and one-half and sent patrols
as far as Yongsong. The U.S. First
Cavalry Division moved almost a
mile north of the old walled city
of Yongbyon.
These advances swelled the Al-
lied Chongchon River bridge-
head northward and westward.
On the bridgehead's east side,
the Korean Republic's Second
Corps struggled back to Tokchon,
25 miles east of Yongbyon, and
thereby regained most of the four
miles lost to counterattacking Reds
earlier in the week.
* * *
Seventh Infantry Division sent one
spearhead up the east banks of the
Pujon reservoir and another-the
U.S. 17th Regiment-five miles
north to the 41st parallel against
Red tanks, artillery and infantry.
The advance, yesterday's biggest,
put the 17th only 20 miles south
of the Manchurian border on the
road to Kapsan.
Meanwhile, U.S., British and
Turkish troops cleared highway
and rail lines for shipment of more
winter clothing to the troops at
the front.
Vote Recount
To Be Honest
Wayne Canvass
LANSING -(P)- The chairman
of the State Board of Canvassers
promised yesterday an all-out ef-
fort to make certain the Michigan
governorship election recount is an
honest, impartial affair.
The chairman, Secretary of
State Fred 'M. Alger, Jr., said he
was determined the recount will be
operated to restore public confi-
dence in the election system, re-
portedly badly strained by a se-
ries of post-election errors and
* * *
ALGER SAID he hoped to see
the recount start by Dec. 4. He ex-
pressed belief that the official can-
vass of all 83 counties could be
completed today.
Reports from Wayne County,
however, indicated the Wayne
canvass would not be over until
Dec. 4, and the state would need
a day or two to complete its end
of the transaction.
Former Governor Harry F. Kelly,
the Republican nominee, has call-
ed for a state-wide recount of 4,361
precincts to contest his "defeat"
by Governor G. Mennen Williams.
Williams' margin of victory in
an unofficial tabulation of official
county canvasses was 1,152.
"As far as I am concerned," Al-
ger said, "there will be no jockey-
ing for votes but a straight recount
no matter who wins."
** * *
Joe GentileTo Be Hst
A t Varsity Night T onit
High Hat
TOLEDO, Ohio-()-Edward
Allen, Temperance, Mich., has
changed his mind about the
hospitality of Toledoans.
Allen strolled down a Toledo
street in a high wind. His hat
blew off. He started in pursuit,
but another man motioned him
not to hurry,,then assured him:
"I'll get it."
He did. And then he fled
with the hat.
State Swept ir
By Scattered is
Phone Striks
Local Service
Uninterrupted C
By The Associated Press t
T h e C I 0 - Communications b
Workers of America staged a se-
ries of 55 hit-run attacks against
the Michigan Bell Telephone com-
pany yesterday while mediators re- t
ported no progress in settlement I
The assault was the heaviest
since the strike started eight days3
ago. Detroit was the hardest hit
in the state but not the most ser- .
iously affected.
* *.* * f
ELSEWHERE In the nation p
court orders curbed picketing by "
striking telephone workers as the t
Bell System sought additional an- t
ti-picketing injunctions.-w
With the wage talks between the
Bell System and the CIO Com-
munication Workers of America ti
still stymied, the company moved
to broaden a pattern of anti-pic- t
keting injunctions.
A hearing was set Saturday on L
an application of the Bell Tele-
phone Company of Pennsylvania
for ,a court ban on picketing in
Philadelphia, scene of picket line q
battles Tuesday and Wednesday.
* * *
STRIKERS in Detroit by-passed o
the main Bell Building and ringed
all 30 exchanges with pickets, in- c
cluding the Manual Garfield ex-
Except for 7,500 Garfield custo-s
mers, service was reported nearly h
normal. Service in Ypsilanti wass
also disrupted, while in Anm Arbor s
no effects of the strike were felt.
Reveal Korean s
Casualty Total'
. , r
WASHINGTON -(IP)-- Ameri- 1
can forces have suffered a total of
28,881 announced casualties in the
Korean fighting, a Defense De-
partment summary showed today.
The new total was 646 larger than
that announced a week before.
The latest list showed 4,798 dead,1
including 4,049 from the army, 627]
marine corps, 49 navy and 73 air
SL Evaluation Proj ect
Abandoned by Students
A five-man group of students
last night dropped a plan design-
ed to evaluate independent Stu-
dent Legislature candidates for the
benefit of the 800 foreign students
on campus.
Lack of time and finances were
the preventive factors, according
to Ed Lanning, who with Uzoma
Ojika, Sadyesh Sanerjee, Anasta-
sio Farjo and Ram Desai make up
the informal committee.
Merry Christmas?
Originally the group had ,plan-
ned to send letters to individual
foreign students which would set
forth some of the issues involved
in the election and list candidates
taking specific stands on particu-
ral issues. It was reported that
only independent candidates were
When approached by tele-
phone, the SL candidates were
not told with whom they were
The callers simply aske'd, "What
will you do if you are elected?"
-* *
ISSUES considered by the group
to be important to the foreign stu-
dents included dormitory and
rooming restrictions and the new-
ly organized Human and Interna-
tional Relations Committee of the
Although the original plan for
evaluating candidates failed, the
informal committee did take
some action.
It decided to recommend that all
foreign students read next Sun-
day's SL section in The Daily with
the idea of selecting candidates
who might best represent them.
The group also urged all foreign
students to attend an open house
to be held for the benefit of SL
candidates from 8 to 12 p.m. to-
morrow at the International Cen-
World News
By The Associated Press
NEW DELHI, India - Tibet
plans to drop her regency and
give full rule to the 16-year-old
Dalai Lama today in a move to
unify resistance against the Com-
munist Chinese invaders, a reli-
able source said here yesterday.
BERTTN - Th Western Allies
Radio and television star Joe
Gentile will be host to an expected
full house tonight at Hill Auditor-
ium, as the University Bands pre-
sent their twelfth annual Varsity
The two-hour variety show.
scheduled to start at 8:15 p.m. will
be stocked with both local and pro-
fessidhal talent.
THE FEATURE of the evening
Phoenix Drive
The student Phoenix fund-
raising drive has been moving
ahead at an increasingly rapid
pace, according to campaign of-
ficials who yesterday announced
that $7,553 has already been pled-
"We have only totaled up the
pledges received for the first three
days of the drive and they are
still pouring in from all over cam-
pus," Marv Lubeck, '51, drive
chairman said.
Lubeck noted that his commit-
tee hopes to have most organized
houses taken care of by Thanks-
giving vacation.
will be a performance of the Uni-
versity Concert Band under the di-
rection of Prof. William D. Revelli.
The band will play "Pig Skin Pag-
ent,"'"Swingin' the Ingots," and
"The Victors."
Among the top campus acts to
be presented will be an acrobatic
ballet by Patricia Herman, a
trumpet solo of "Indian Love
Call" played by Beverly Schu-
bert, '51 SM, and a jazz combo,
Bob Leopold, '52, and his Dixie-
land Five.
Other student acts on the pro-
gram will be a barber shop quar-
tet, the "Legalaires," composed of
law students James Kendall, Vern
Witham, Bob Rizley and Phil Ro-
bertson, and a piano solo of Ger-
shwin tunes played by Patty Joy,
'52 SM.
TERRY RAY, "America's Fore-.
most Ladder Artist," and comedy
juggler Danny Daniels will make
up the professional part of the
Tickets for Varsity Night are
$.65. They are still available at
Harris Hall, Rm. 1020 Administra-
tion Bldg., the League, the Union,
at local radio and music shops, and
from all Band members. Tickets
will also be sold this afternoon and
this evening at the Hill Box Office.
No Early Call
)f Congress
Acheson To Stay
Says President
ruman declared yesterday that
e's going to keep right on press-
ig for adoption of his whole
Fair Deal" program as long as he
He brushed off the Republican
[ection gains as normal hin a
on-Presidential year and said
hey don't make him blue, even
hough they're not what he ex-
** -*
THE PRESIDENT said he'll pre-
ent his full program to the 82nd
ongress when it convenes in Jan-
ary-this in face of GOP claims
hat the "Fair Deal" was killed
y the Nov. 7 election.
But he told his first news
conference since the election
that he has decided against call-
ing Congress back in advance
of the Nov. 27 date it set for
Truman said, to get a Korean
itself. There won't be time,
war funds bill ready for pre-
sentation before Nov. 27.
Before turning to domestic af-
airs, Truman read a statement
ledging this country to take
every honorable step" .to keep
he Korean War from spreading
o China or elsewhere. But he
rarned at the same time:
"If the Chinese Communists
hare the desire of the United Na-
ions for peace and security in the
'ar East, they will not take Upon
hemselves the responsibility for
bstructing the objectives of the
nited Nations in Korea."
* ** *
uestioner that Secretary of State
cheson is going to keep his job
-period. Acheson has been a
rime target of Republican critics
f the Administration foreign poll-
y, and many have demanded his
When the questioning turned to
olitics, the President grinned and
aid of his own wrong guess-he
ad predicted a Democratic land-
lide-he was like all the pollsters
nd prediction-makers.
The GOP gains, Truman assert-
d, were the smallest scored by
ither party in an off-year election
ince 1916-with the single excep-
ion of 1934.
The President also said he's not
eady to make any comment on
vhether he'll seek reelection in
Army Invents
Atom Gamma
Ray Detector
A simple and inexpensive de-
vice which individuals can carry
wround with them to tell if they
have been exposed to atomic ra-
liation after an A-bomb attack
has been developed in Army Sig-
nal Corps laboratories.
The device, called the "photo-
raphic dosimeter," can be made
for less than a dollar, and is worn
around the person's neck like a
soldier's "dog tags," according to
an Army bulletin released yester-
The dosimeter will measure very
slight to fatal doses of radioactiv-
ity. Large quantities of the new
gadget will not be available for
at least six months, the bulletin
Developed by a private company
under Army sponsorship, the dosi-
meter is made of a metal case con-
;aining photographically sensitiz-
ed film and a pod of developing
When the film strip is exposed
to the dangerous gamma rays, the
center turns white in degree to
Adding Machines Bow To Abacus
Two of the latest model Ameri-
can adding machines met defeat
last night at the hands of the an-
cient oriental calculator, the aba-
However, Eton Suh of Seoul, Ko-
rea, was unable to match the pace
set by a competometer, operated by
Chester Jensen, Certified Public
Accountant from Lansing and an
expert in handling his machine.
Suh was able to complete the
set of addition, multiplication, and
subtraction problems in four min-
utes, 50 seconds. The other add-
ing machines, operated by Don
Kauskas, '51BAd, and Tom Skou-
ros, '51BAd, finished the problems
in times of seven minutes, 20 sec-
nnds and eight minutes. 26 seconds
* * * *
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