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November 14, 1950 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-14

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Strange Souvenirs Shown at Open House

* * *

* * *

* * *

Cosmopolitan hospitality and
down-to-earth friendliness charac-
terized the atmosphere at the J.
Raleigh N e 1 s o n International
House.open house Sunday.
The twenty-nine residents of the
house were host to more than a
hundred and twenty guests as Un-
iversity administration officials,
faculty and students mingled in
the spacious three story house on
Oakland Street.
VISITORS in the house were
treated to a variety of sights that
ordinary student quarters would
rarely offer.
Hanging on the wall of one of
the bedrooms is a mammoth
leopard skin, complete with a fe-
rocious, open jawed head and
glassy staring eyes. It is the pro-
perty of Faiq Husain, '52E, of
Another unusual sight is a large
Burmese gong, which is used as a
dinner bell by the Nelson house
** *
WHEN STRUCK, the gong emits
an eerie vibrating sound which is
reminiscent of the introductory
theme to Terry and the Pirates ra-
dio program. It is typical of the
gongs which are used by Burmese
chieftains when they call their
tribesmen to assemble.
Another Burmese piece is a
heavy black wooden screen. Mas-
sive and with intricate hand
carved designs, it was found un-
wanted in a Ranjan bazaar, and
brought to this country by De-
witt Baldwin, Director of Lane
Hall and advisor of the house.
Scattered throughout the rooms
are various other small oddities
which the resideits have brought
from their homes in Asia, Europe,
or South America.
NAMED AFTER J. Raleigh Nel-
son, founder and first director of
the International Center, Nelson
House was founded by a group of
war veteran students who felt the
neeq for a residence dedicated to
inter-cultural living.
This seniester, its second on
campus, it has representatives of
twelve foreign nations and the
United States.
The ideal of the house is prob-
ably best expressed by a chalk
mural which was sketched by Clay
Bredt, '51, on a wall of one of the
A surrealistic picture, it repre-
sents the spirit of Nelson Inter-
national, determinedly chasing
away the evils of blindness, folly,
and hate.

Tact Needed
In Chinese
Chinese intervention in the Ko-
rean War has put us in an inter-
national impasse fraught with ex-
plosive possibilities, according to
John W. Hall, instructor in the
history department.
"The most delicate diplomacy is
required to prevent this incident
from developing into a general war,
not the 'let's get tough' attitude
advocated by numerous arm-chair
strategists," Hall emphasized.
* * *
IALL, an expert in far eastern
affairs, was somewhat puzzled as
to why the Chinese intervened in
the first place. "Whether the Chi-
nese acted on their own or whether
they are merely playing the role
of Russia's cat's paw is hard to tell
at present."
"Two possible Chinese motives
can be listed. Either they hope to
set up a "buffer" area between
UN forces and the vital Yalu Ri-
ver hydro-electric plants or they
hope to gain from an all-out war
with the United States, Hall
ponted out."
The Yalu River, dividing line be-
tween Manchuria and North Kor-
ea, was developed by the Japanese
as the source of most of the power
for both Korea and Manchuria.
It may be that they wish to
maintain a sort of no-man's land
belt of 50 miles or so between the
Yalu and UN troops, Hall pointed
However, Hall could see no
possible gain for China in a war
with the United States. "Their
industry in Manchuria is an in-
viting target for our strategic air
power. Their big coastal indus-
trial cities would be sitting
ducks for the big guns of the
Seventh Fleet to train their
sights on."
Destruction of these industrial
centers would completely wreck
the Chinese industrial economy.
Even if the Chinese could drive us
off the Korean peninsula in a fair-
ly short time, the gain in prestige
would hardly compensate them for
the economic loss destruction they
would incur, Hall continued.
This Chinese behavior seems to
show strong Russian influence, he
said. "The Russians are undoubt-
edly afraid of a strong China and
would like nothing better than to
see them wear themselves and us
out in a pointless war."

To Call at
Barn Dance
The call of "swing your partner
and promenade" will ring through
Waterman gymnasium tonight
where Eddie Gilmore, nationally
known square dance caller, will be
featured at a square dance party.
Gilmore, an employee of the
Riverside, California recreation
department, is making a nation
wide tour of guest appearances as
a caller and dance instructor.
* * *
HE WILL demonstrate various
calling techniques as well as pro-
vide instruction in square and
couple dances. The dance, which
will begin at 8 p.m., is open to the
public at a small admission charge.


DOWN THE FIELD-Drum Major Dick Smith and "Drum Minor"
Eugene Waxman, 6 years old, lead the Marching Band into a
formation at Saturday's game. Ann Arborite Waxman, who was
making his first appearance of the season, was a favorite of the
gridiron crowds last year.
Ypsi Beats International
Center in Soccer Game

FROM FARAWAY PLACES-Guests at the Nelson International House party had their refreshments
in a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Shown here, reading from left to right, are: Rick Kurland, '51, fom
the United States; Kumar S. Singh, '52, from India; Mr. and Mrs. J. Raleigh Nelson (Mr. Nelson
founded the International Center and was its director for 35 years); Bob Wu, Grad., from China;
Rosemary Jones, '51 (temporary chairman of the Woman's International House committee); and
Emile Abdel-Malek, Grad., from Egypt.
Choosing Lecturers Poses Problems


Arranging for a famed person-
ality like Charles Laughton to
speak on the Oratorical Associa-
tion Lecture Series involves every-
one from the Board of Regents to
Laughton's personal manager.
The Board gets into the act by
appointing the Lecture Committee
which approves all lectures held
on the campus. The rest of the
negotiations which include con-
tacting celebrities, their personal
managers, and tour agencies are
left up to Committee Secretary
Prof. Carl G. Brandt.
PICKING lecturers for each year
follows a definite four-point pro-
gram. There must be two or three
public figures in government, na-
tional or international politics, one
or two in theatre or entertainment,
someone in the field of writing or
literature and at least one ad-
venture motion-picture commen-
Getting such famous figures
as Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt or
Ralph Bunche usually involves
years of invitations and refusals'
before the celebrity can find,
time to squeeze a trip to Ann Ar-
bor into his routine.
But the fact that such famous
personalities usually come can be
'attributed to the high reputation
the Ann Arbor lecture series main-
tains in the United States.
* *, *
"WE'RE SO CLOSE to it here,
that we don't realize, but the Ora-
torical Series is considered one of

the outstanding lecture courses in
the country," Prof. Brandt ex-
This high status makes it
easier for Prof. Brandt' to ob-
tain the speakers that the com-
mittee has approved. Not only
can he go through regular chan-
nels booking registered speakers,
but managers will often contact
him about special speakers who
are making limited tours.
Such speakers as John Mason
Brown, editor of the Saturday Re-
view of Literature, and William L.
Laurence, science reporter for the
New York Times don't spend the

year playing one night stands to
explain their views on the, atom
or modern literature.
They usually take off one or
two weeks a year to speak and
spend the rest of their time on
their jobs.
Plans for the new lecture series
will be getting under way within
the next month, and already man-
agers have hinted to Prof. Brandt
of specialties which they can pro-
vide. Maurice Evans and Alice
Vurhab, according to Prof.
Brandt, have ' been considering
tours, and he has been considering
them as candidates for next year.

Campus Mascot To Leave 'U' for Kennel

But the most unusual and ex-
clusive selection of personal-
ized Christmas Cards in Ann
Arbor . . . You'll have to
hurry, though.
1319 S. University
Phone 3-1733

Polish Sausage . . . Potato
Salad or Vegetable
Roll and Butter . . . Beverage
211 South State

Major III, huge St. Bernard
mascot of Lambda Chi Alpha fra-
ternity, will leave this morning for
a Grand Rapids kennel.j
Major, one of the best known
and best loved personalities on
campus for five years, has become
so fierce and anti-social that his
masters have reluctantly decided
he must go.
The dog's favorite felony was
chewing the clothing and anatomy
of mailmen. Lambda Chis have had
to journey to the post office to get
Besides his anti-social behavior
toward humans, Major III had
recently acquired the habit of
leaving home for four to five days
at a stretch.
Members of the fraternity theo-
rized that a possible cause of the
dog's misbehavior was his having
to deal with 40 different people
with widely divergent personali-
The Grand Rapidshkennel wil
try to recondition the saucy St.
Bernard for life with a family.
Failing this, they will do away with
The cantankerous canine's de-
parture marks the first time since
1930 that the fraternity has been
without a St. Bernard mascot. It
was then that Major I came to the
Lambda Chi house, and started a
campus tradition.

, , s

Cries of "score" rang out in
half a dozen different languages
Sunday when the International
Center soccer team met the team
from Ypsilanti Normal College on
the field behind the football sta-
Anything went in this rough
and tumble game, as the two
teams met in the first intercol-
legiate soccer contest in Michigan.
BALLS BOUNCED off feet, bod-
ies, and even the players heads as
the participants charged up and
down the field, trying to score for
their teams.
The Ypsilanti team walked off
the field with honors when the
final whistle blew. Despite the
efforts of the hard-fighting
Deadline Set
For OSUT rip
All reservations for the Wolver-
ine Club special bus to 'the Ohio
State football game must be made
not later than Friday, according
to George Benisek, club iublicity
The club has chartered buses
which will leave Ann Arbor early.
Saturday morning. Nov. 25. On the
return trip,,one bus will leave Co-
lumbus shortly after the game,
with a second bus leaving at 10
a.m. Nov. 26.
Round-trip fare for both groups
is '$8.50, and reservations can be
made this week from 8:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. at the Student Affairs
window in the lobby of the Ad-
ministration buildng, Benisek said.
No game tickets are available
with transportation reservations,
Benisek emphasized.
Music Lecture
Series To Begin
The School of Music will begin
its series of guest lecturers at 4:15
p.m. today in the Rackham Am-
phitheater with a talk by Prof.
Donald Grout of Cornell Univer-
Prof. Grout, who is editor of the
Journal of the America Musi-
calogical Society, will speak on
"Modern Editions of Renaissance
He will remain in Ann Arbor
through Thursday during which
time he will meet with candidates
for the MA and PhD degrees in

Center team, the score stood 3
to 0 in favor of the visitors.
From the sidelines a few brave
spectators huddled to keep warm
in the visitors' cars, watching the
lively spectacle. They were too
cold to cheer, however.
TROUBLES, both major and
minor, hindered the game. Soon
after the contest had started Tul-
si Wimbul, '50, of India, collided
with a teammate as he was charg-
ing in for a goal. Wimbul suffer-
ed a broken leg as a result of the
collision, and was removed to Uni-
versity Hospital, where he is still
A more minor tribulation oc-
cured when one of the side
boundaries was temporarily re-
moved. A pair of blue jeans
which belonged to one of the
players had been serving for a
marking. But, deciding that he
was too cold in his skimpy play-
ing shorts, the owner suddenly
retrieved his property from the
The referee quickly arose to the
occasion, however. He caught a
piece of red wrapping paper that
was blowing across the field and
violently stamped it into the
ground, where it remained
throughout the rest of the game.
A cross between basketball,
hockey, and football, soccer is a
fast, moving sport with compara-
tively loose rules. "The only
things we can't do are use our
hands and trip our opponents,"
one of the players said.
222 Nickels Arcade
Phone 2-9116J

Accompanying Gilmore on
tour is his wife and chief assis-
tant, Drusilla. The couple makes
regular radio and television ap-
pearances in California. This
summer they participated in the
world's largest square dance at
Santa Monica, Cal. where an
estimated 15,000 dancers were on
the floor at one time.
The purpose of tonight's party is
to bring together the many square
dancing groups in Ann Arbor, ac-,
cording to Howard Leibee, super-
visor of physical education, who is
in charge of the event.
He explained that the increased
interest in this type of dancing
has prompted the men's and wom-
en's physical education depart-
ments to offer classes in both
square dancing and social dancing
as part of their regular programs.
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Friday, November 17

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RETIRED MAJOR-The huge St. Bernard mascot of Lambda Chi
Alpha lies motionless awaiting his departure today for a Grand
Rapids Kennel. Due to anti-social behavior on campus he is being
shipped out, for rehabilitation. Should this fail the walking cam-
pus tradition will be done away with.







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