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November 14, 1950 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-14

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Hillel ...
Dance Will Feature
Hellish Decorations
"Demons' Holiday" is the title
of Hillel's all campus semi-annual
dance which will be presented
from 8:30 p.m. until midnight Sat-I
urday in the League Ballroom.
The theme of the dance will be
carried out in the "hellish" decora-
tions. The balcony will be Heaven
with the pearly gates, while the'
dancing floor will represent Hell.
No one will be able to get to
A smoking cauldron with a fire
and flames completely surround-
ing the bandstand will "heat
things up." Devils and various
vices will complete the scene.
Art Starr and his orchestra will
provide the music for dancing.
Tickets may be purchased at the
Administration Building this week
from 1 to 4:30 p.m. Tickets will
also be: sold at the door of the
Joyce Dudkin and Al Friedman,
co-social chairmen, are in charge
of the dance.
JGP-Members of the Central
Committee of JGP will meet at 5
p.M. today in the League.
* * '*
League House Presidents-There
will be a meeting at 5 p.m. today,
in the League.
Read Daily Classifieds

* *




Pauline Betz Will Meet 'Gorgeous Gussie'
T hursday in Tennis Match on Yost Courts

V. T

Union. Dan
Thanksgiving Dance
Slated for Saturday
Campus couples will become ac-
quainted with Thanksgiving a lit-
tle early this year when the Union
presents "The Cranberry Ball"
from 9 p.m. to midnight Satur-
day in the ballroom of the Union.
Frank Tinker and his orchestra
will provide the musical back-
ground for this early preview of
an annual holiday.
COUPLES will find themselves
dancing in a regular Thanksgiv-
ing atmosphere complete with gi-
ant turkeys and pumpkins which
will decorate the walls of the ball-
A preview of the forthcoming
Sophomore Cabaret will be pre-
sented when the members of
the Cab stage a glimpse into the
project of the class of '53. A
review of past Soph Cabs will
also be featured along with
songs and dances planned for
this year's floorshow.
General chairman of the dance
is Craig Ramsay, and Richard
Demmer is planning the decora-
* *' *
DONALD WAATTI will be in
charge of the entertainment, and
Robert Thorson will handle the
The committee promises at-
tending couples an intermission
entertainment with an entirely
different slant to it.
Admission will be $1.50 per
Square Dance
Clinic Planned
Ed Gilmore, a famous Califor-
nian caller, will conduct the
square dance clinic to be held
from 8 to 11 p.m. today at Water-
man Gym.
Gilmore, who has the distinc-
tion of teaching over 5,000 people
from eleven states to square
dance, is now touring in this area
of the country.
Gilmore assisted in the organi-
zation of the world's largest square
dance, festival, which was held.
last July in Santa Monica. Gil-
mere is responsible for the or-
ganization of the "Cow Counties
Hoedown Association," which has
the membership of 8,000 Califor-
The clinic is being sponsored by
the Department of Physical Edu-
cation for Men and is open to all
men and women.
The evening will begin with the
review of the fundamental steps.
Then Gilmore will call some well
known dances and some compli-
cated California numbers. Among
such hoedown favorites will be
"Yucaipa Twister" and the "Cow
Counties Allemande. '
Both square dancing and couple
dancing will be part of the eve-
ning's activities. The charge will
be $.50 per person.

West Quad.

. *

'Holly Hop' To Show
Christmas Customs
"Christmas in Many Lands" is
the theme around which the an-
nual West Quad "Holly Hop" will
be centered this year.
The semi-formal dance, sponsor-
ed by the West Quad Council, will
he held from 8:30 p.m. to midnight
Saturday, Dec. 2.
In keeping with traditional
"Holly Hop" atmosphere, a mythi-
cal Yuletide journey for West Quad
men and their dates is being plan-.
ned by the committee in charge
of the dance.
Yuletide customs around the
world will be featured. Japan, Mex-
ico, England and Holland will be
included in the itinerary. Displays
will show how Christmas is cele-
brated in these countries.

"Gussie" may be gorgeous, but
Pauline Betz Addie, partner in
tennis, can hold her own as far as
looks are concerned.
The slim, quick-moving straw-
berry blonde will appear with Gus-
sie Moran, Jack Kramer and
"Pancho" Segura at 7;30 Thursday
in Yost Field House in an engage-
ment which is part of a tennis tour
sponsored by Bobby Riggs.
ONE OF THE most perfect styl-
ists the court has seen, Miss Betz
was four times winner of the
United States women's singles
championship, four time national
indoor champion, twice national
clay-court champion and Wimble-
don Queen in 1946.
She turned professional in
1947, and has since proven her-
self to be not only a great ten-
nis star, but an excellent golfer
and a fine participant in a fast
game of table tennis.

catching up, and even passing,
Gorgeous Gussie on the fashion
angle. Since the lace panties
episode, Gussie's tennis styles,
have been as much in the news
as her playing.
However, during a recent match,
Miss Betz was reported to have
worn leopard skin shorts and a
shocking pink sweater, which
would seem to indicate that the
petite blonde is unwilling to be
by-passed in fashions or in sports.
* * *
ised at the game Thursday night.
Neither girl plays defensive tennis
for its own sake; both like to slam
the ball for winners whenever pos-
sible. The decision will go to the
girl who is best able to keep down
her percentage of errors.
The M Club is sponsoring this

match. Tickets will be on sale from
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. through
Thursday at the Athletic Admini-
stration Building. The price is $.75
for students, $1 for general ad-
mission and $1.50 for reserved


FIRST APPEARANCE-Dean Deborah Bacon, right, made her
first social appearance on campus at Helen Newberry's initiation
dinner. She is seen above with Mrs. Henry B. Joy, the daughter
of Helen Newberry.
New Women's Dean Speaks
At Annual Initiation Dinner

i~eurawonsjwillillustrate the In -her school days, she also
Mexican Christmas custom of
breaking a Jar full of presents. The played basketball, hockey and
Dutch children's custom of leav- sb . *
ing their wooden shoes for Saint " WAS Aprettyood catcher,
Nichlas to fill will also be featured she says, grinning, "but a lousy
in the displays, hitter "
Ted Smith and his orchestra will he
provide the music as couples dance Miss Betz's opponent, Gussie
from country to country. Moran, slams a fast ball across
The West Quad men in charge the net, but Betz, although her
of planning the mythical holiday tennis triumphs are at least four
tour are: Geoffry Leigh, general years behind Gussie's, can swing
chairman; Joe Simpson, music a mean racquet, and she is
chairman; Don Edwards, Remus known to be much more con-
Boila and John Der Derian, deco- sistent than her celebrated rival.
rations chairmen and Don Ander- It is, in fact, this steadiness that
son, finance chairman, has a majority of tennis experts
The list continues with Fred placing their money on her to win
Teague, programs and favors; the majority of the matches.
Marshall H e r s h o n, . publicity; * * *
Ralph Puchalski, buildings and MISS BETZ, who in real life is
grounds and Noah Fischman and the wife of Bob Addie, noted sports
Nick Adams, tickets.'I commentator, was originally from


University Wives Club
To Hear Book Review
University Wives' Club of Wil-
low Run will meet at 8 p.m. today
at the Community Center.
John Frederick Muehl, English
instructor at the University, will
review his book, "Interview With
Michigan Dames
Michigan Dames will present a
style show at 8 p.m. tonight in
the Rackham amphitheater.
Members of the club will model
the latest styles in clothes which
are being lent by an Ann Arbor
dress shop. The show is open to
all Dames members and all women
who are eligible for membership
in the organization..

Jouth InhaleL_
.Stops Bad..



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1 I

At Helen Newberry's annual
initiation dinner Sunday, Deborah
Bacon, new Dean of Women, made
her first social appearance on the
university campus.
As a part of the initiation cere-
mony each new woman in the
house is presented with a rose
and asked to sign the official dor-
mitory register following the din-
ner. As a newcomer to the cam-t
pus Dean Bacon also received a
rose during the initiation cere-
AFTER THE presentation, Dean
Bacon introduced herself to the
women in the house. She spoke on
the importance of flexibility in.
everyday living.
The Newberry dinner is held
every year on the Sunday near-
est to Nov. 15, in honor of the3
birthday of Helen Newberry. It
is attended by the patronesses:
Mrs. Henry B. Joy, daughter of
Helen Newberry; Miss Claire
Sanders, Mrs. William Trow,
Mrs. Charles Stevenson and
Mrs. Hayward Keniston.
Mrs. Joy spoke to the women
Sorority Holds
Welcome Tea
Members of the Alpha Chi
Omega sorority held a tea Sunday,
November 12 to welcome their new
housemother, Mrs. Clarence E.
Approximately 200 guests at-
tended the tea, including other
house directors, faculty members
and personal friends of Mrs. Net-
Former house director of the
sorority, Mrs. William Goodale,
retired last spring after fourteen
returned last spring after fourteen
years with Alpha Chi. She now
has her own home in AnnhArbor.
Mrs. Netting, who is from De-
troit, began a career as a house
director and as a grandmother at
the same time, since she recently
welcomed a baby girl into the
Because this is Mrs. Netting's
first experience as chaperon of a
sorority house, she wishes to ex-
press her appreciation for the
help given her by her colleagues.
i 4
world's most
wanted pen
with exclu-
sive Aero-
N o E
"51" Special $10.00
"21" $5.00 Parkette $3.00

following the dinner. She told 1
them abouthher mother'shschodl
days and how conditions today
differ from the ones prevailing
about 100 years ago.
* . .
THIS DINNER IS only one of=
the many traditions associated
with the dormitory. Newberry is
the oldest women's dormitory on
campus. It began with a summer
session in 1915. Originally 85 wo-
men were housed. Today it acco-
modates 104 women.
The university took over the
dormitory in about 1935. Before
that time the house was run by
a Board of Governors. Petitions,
and interviews were requiredfor
Ever since the house was organ-
ized, the freshmen women put on
a Christmas skit of "St. George
and the Dragon" which is present-
ed at the annual Christmas din-
THE REMAINDER of the wo-
men in the dormitory throw pen-
nies at the players. These pennies
are collected and gifts.are bought'
and sent to the children's ward in
the University Hospital.
An Honors Day dinner is also'
traditional. This dinner is held
in the spring to honor the wo-
men in the house who have
completed the school year with
a three point average or better.
The staff of the Office of the
Dean of Women attend this din-
n e r . Newberry Scholarship
awards are presented at this
Other traditions include the
freshman skits which are prelim-
inary to the formal initiation
ceremonies and the Senior Ban-
quet. During the latter the seniors
present their will, and the juniors
enact the senior prophecies.
Women's Employment
The number of women in the
labor force was nearly eighteen
and a half million in May, a third
of a million more than in May
1949. The all time record for wom-
en's employment stood at over
twenty and a half million.

Dorm To Hold
Open House.
Newly re-decorated Allen Rum-
sey willbe displayed at an open
house from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. this
The lounges, recreation rooms!
and mens' individual rooms will
be open for the guests to visit.
A program in the lounge is plan-
ned with the Allen Rumsey Glee
Club performing. The Glee Club,
is under the direction of Chuck
Stephenson. Phil Young is the
chairman of the group.
Also featured on the program
will be a jazz combo under the di-
rection of Bob Leopold, a member
of the Hot Record Society and
president of the House.
After the program, there will be
dancing and refreshments in the
recreation room.
The open house isi being spon-
sored by the first floor men un-
der the direction of Luman Hugh-
es, social chairman, and Bill Allen,
first floor representative.
PLEASE come in early while
selections are complete and
the help is still in a holiday
Smood. We'll give you lots
of time and attention this
1319 S. University
Phone 3-1733

Los Angeles, California and is now
living in Washington, D.C.
She not only ranks with Alice
Marble as one of the best female
tennis players of all time, but
she is a fine writer who needed
no ghost to help her write her
autobiography a few years ago.
A graduate of Rollins College in
Florida, she is something of a
linguist, and plans to give Gussie
a little aid in the latter's cam-
paign to gain a workable French
vocabulary during the tour.
RANKED AMONG the top ten
tennis stars for eight straight years
before she turned professional,
Miss Betz offers a record far su-
perior to that of Miss Moran. Both
women are the highest paid female(1
stars in the history of sports.
Miss Betz is reported to be

Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classifieds


Antique Show



November 14, 15, & 16
Sponsored i by Antique Dealers Association of Ann Arbor
Witl be held in
American Legion Memorial Home
(North of Stadium)
Open from 11 A.M. to 10 P.M. Admission 50c (tax incl.)




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