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November 11, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-11

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PAGE °Fult




Football Programs

A SEEMINGLY minor campus issue has
resulted in a major revelation:
Student opinion is not being ignored
by the administration! more, it is having
a real effect on policy formulation.
In a recent investigation by Student
Legislature's Campus Action Committee of
the controversy over the hawking of ten
cent football programs, it was discovered
that the only possible area where the cards
could feasibly be sold was owned by the
University athletic department.'
Even the most astute SL predictors of
administration moves felt that it would be
an impossible task to sell the Athletic Board
on granting permission for student vendors
to sell their inexpensive wares in the area
surrounding the stadium. They based this
assumption on a generally accepted notion
that the economically autonomous board has
been completely oblivious to the desires of
the student body.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

They were wrong.
Fritz Crisler and the student representa-
tives on the Board called a special meeting
which resulted in granting this permission
to SL in relatively quick fashion.
Under the new ruling, SL, the only repre-
sentative body of all University students,
has the sole right to sell or control the
selling of the. programs on athletic depart-
ment property. Thus, SL has once again
proved its worth as an honest and diplo-
matic liaison.
But, more importantly, students can now
see clearly that their problems and interests
are of concern to the University powers that
Mr. Crisler and the other Board members
are to be congratulated for placing the
economic interests of the students above
those of the athletic department.
By virtue of this move and their cour-
teous relations with SL officials, they are
to be' numbered among our many friends
on the administration.
This example proves that we can, by pre-
senting the issues squarely and objectively,
find University officials and students work-
ing as members of the same team.
S--Barnes Connable.

Washington MerryGo Round

WASHINGTON - Some important soul-
searching is going on among Truman ad-
visers regardig th future of Secretary of
State Dean Acheson. Here is what it boils
down to:
The President would never fire Acheson,
considers him a great Secretary of State.
But, on the other hand, many Truman ad-
visers feel that Acheson was the chief reason
for losing the election. His statement de-
fending Alger Hiss left him wide open, they
say, and the Republicans made the most of
it, Sen. Scott Lucas of Illinois, who talked
to Truman about this in advance of the
election, is especially bitter, feels that several
Senators were defeated because of Acheson.
They compare the present situation to that
of Sumner Welles, who was Undersecretary
of State in the Roosevelt administration and
resigned in 1934 because of differences with
Cordell Hull. At that time FDR offered
Welles the post of special Ambassador to*
Moscow to iro out differences which were
beginning to crop up between the U.S.A.
and U.S.S.R.
Welles refused.
"The most important problem facing you
and the world," he told FDR at that time,
"is a peace treaty and its ratification by the
Senate. Cordell Hull has powerful friends
in the Senate. I have not. And any agree-
ment I brought back from Russia or any
peace treaty I helped to plan would not be
approved by the Senate."
So Welles resigned and Cordell Hull went
to Moscow.
* * *
Today, unfortunately, Acheson policies
have been under such political fire that bi-
partisan foreign policy has blown up
in smoke.
Actually, important Republicans are work-
ing inside the State Department with Ache-
son-among them, John Foster Dulles, right-
hand adviser to Governor Dewey. He helped
establish U.S. policy in China.
Also Warren Austin, former Republican
Senator from Vermont, is U.S. Ambassador
to the United Nations; while Walter Gif-
ford, a top New York Republican, is Ambas-
At The Orpheum*.*
with Tito Gobbi and Gina Lollobrigida;
directed by Mario Costa.
makes it especially suitable for adapta-
tion to the screen. Mario Costa, who has
directed this Italian picture, has started with
this advantage and produced an exciting
film that makes good drama and, within the
limitations of the recording, good opera.
Not only does Mr. Costa not have to cut
the opera to get it all within the usual 90
minute movie run, he is able to add an ap-
posite introduction by Sinclair Lewis that
sketches Leoncavallo's effort to create Pagli-
acci. Further, he makes it a moving picture,
allowing the camera wide scope in some lush
Italian terrain. The action of the opera it-
self is swift and tense and is only short of
being exceptional drama in a few places
where the mediums clash.
For those not addicted to listening to
Milton Cross on Saturday afternoons,
Pagliacci is the story of a professional
clown in a small, shabby touring com-
pany. He is married to a beautiful and
sensuous girl who cuckolds him with a
swain from one of the villages they visit.

sador to London; and Andrew Mellon's for-
mer son-in-law, David Bruce, is Ambassador
to France. Various other Republicans hold
other State -Department posts; while it re-
mains a fact that original U.S. policy in
China was fixed by nonpolitical Gen. George
Nevertheless, Acheson has received the
blame. Chief result is strained relations with
Congress, inflexible foreign policy, and the
loss of Democratic Senators at the polls.
AT 11 P.M., just after Secretary of the
Interior Oscar Chapman had been bit-
terly attacked by Senator Schoeppel of Kan-
sas for being pro-Communist, Chapman's
phone rang. He had just finished testifying
before a senate committee in which he set
forth an array of convincing facts blistering
Schoeppel, and Acheson phoned to congratu-
late him.
"I am not in the habit of calling people
as late as this," he told Secretary Chapman.
"But I wanted to tell you what a masterful
defense you made today. It made me realize
that if I had taken the time to do the same
thing when I was first attacked, my situation
today might have been entirely different."
Note 1-Many diplomats feel that a Secre-
tary of State who cannot carry public opin-
ion with him, cannot mold foreign policy in
a government where policy must be ratified
by the Senate.
Note 2-Truman, who has publicly defend-
ed his old friend, boss Tom Pendergast of
Kansas City after he went to jail, can forgive
Acheson for defending his friend Alger Hiss
when on trial. What neither seems to realize
is that when you hold high public office,
friendships must play second fiddle to na-
tional policy. FDR, who did realize this, was
bitterly criticized for not being loyal to his
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
THE GAUDS and baubles of a synthetic
Christmas have already begun to ap-
pear along State Street. Despite the early
date, we may be cheered by the sight of
small fir trees resting uncomfortably on top
of a store front, and, if we like, may begin
singing Christmas carols. For, after all, is
not the joyous Yuletide season close at
With this happy thought in mind, we
may also begin shopping. This is quite
important, because if we do this, the true
spirit of the real old Merry England
Dickensian Christmas will carry on, un-
tarnished. And the sprite of Clement
Moore may continue to exist in all his
rotund grandeur.
So rest ye, merry gentlemen, for the mer-
chants will supply your Olde Plum Pudding
(artificially rum flavored) and see that you
do not forget your obligation to your fel-
low man. They will remind you send a
Christmas present to your aging auntie-
in fact, they have already begun.
Do not fear, fellow, if the Christmas
spirit has not yet struck you. It will. An
amalgamate of Santa Claus and Old England
will convert you as so many others have been
converted. And, if, perchance, the essence
of the genuine Pickwickian Christmas con-
tinues to elude you, the beautiful enthusiasm
of the merchants has swayed many more
blase hearts.
-Chuck Elliott.
COMING closer to home we are met with
the not surprising returns which gave

Cam paign
W ASHINGTON-The obviously enormous
sums that were spent in this year's
Congressional election campaign, especially
in hotly contested Senatorial contests in big
states, has become a matter of concern to
the special Senate subcommittee charged
with watching Senatorial campaign expen-
ditures, it is learned.
This is the Privileges and Elections
Subcommittee of the Senate Rules and
Administration committee. Senator Gil-
lette (D., Ia.) is chairman. The other
subcommittee members are Senators Sten-
nis (D., Miss.) and Schoeppel (R., Kan.).
This subcommittee is authorized to make
recommendations for legislation, in this
field. There is a growing sentiment that it
exllore thoroughly the expenditures in the
1950 campaign as a basis for remedial legis-
lation to close up loopholes in the numerous
existing statutes, all of which are evaded in
one way or another. It is, indeed, time again
for an exhausctive case study into the ques-
tion raised here the other day:
"How much does a United States Senator
With, of course, the corollary question as
to who is paying for him and how much.
* *
SENATOR GILLETTE has had previous
experience in this subject. He once was
chairman of the special Campaign Fund In-
vestigating Committee which the Senate
created regularly every two years and which
was replacel in the 1946 Congressional Re-
organization act by the Privileges and
Elections Subcommittee of the permanent
Rules and Administration committee. Sena-
tor Gillette has an opportunity to perform
a needed public service by grappling with
this old and elusive problem. He is expected
to call the subcommittee together in the
special session of Congress, or before, to
decide upon its course.
His sub'committee acts only on com-
plaints in policing election campaigns and
does not initiate proceedings. However, in
this year's campaign the subcommittee's
staff has done considerable sampling by
inquiries into eight states, covering pri-
maries in some instances and regular elec-
tions in others. The states are North and
South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Kentucky,
Iowa, Nevada, Idaho and New York.
In addition there also is to be an inquiry
into campaign expenditures in Ohio, prob-
ably the top in any state this year.
A request was made by Joseph T. Fer-
guson, Democratic candidate for the Senate,
who charged expenditures by corporations
on behalf of Senator Robert A. Taft in vio-
lation of the Corrupt Practices Act. Senator
Taft countered with a request for an in-
vestigation into expenditures on behalf of
his Democratic opponent to which organized
labor contributed heavily. Senator Gillette
said the complaints came in too late for an
inquiry before the election.
ON THE BASIS of findings in these vari-
ous situations, which the subcommittee
will report to the Senate in due course, it
could ask authority from the Senate for a
general and comprehensive investigation of
1950 campaign expenditures. This would be
most timely and helpful. Preliminary re-
ports on some phases of activity in Penn-
sylvania indicate very large expenditures by
both sides in that key state and probably
altogether far more than the $2,793,000
spent in the 1926 Republican Senatorial
primary there which became a national sen-
sation in that day. The outcome was the
denial of a seat in the Senate to the success-
ful candidate in the subsequent election, the
late William F. Vare, on whose behalf some
$800,000 of the nearly three million total
had been spent in the three-cornered 1926
It is held to be important to get correc-

tive legislation on the books before the 1952
presidential election. The aim would be to
check the increasingly lavish expenditures in
such elections which have run upwards of
$25,000,000 for both parties in recent years.
The $3,000,000 limit for each party aimed at
by the Hatch Act, which specified that
naximum for "political committees"-mean-
ing the two national committees-has be-
come a dead letter through creation of all
sorts of state- and local committees not
touched by the law. The Gillette subcommit-
tee is interested especially in the maze of
such special committees, and that story
could only be told through a general and
comprehensive nation-wide investigation.
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Looking Back-
LITERARY college frosh politicos backed
R. J. Brumm, '04, in his bid for the presi-
dency of, the University's freshman class.
Brumm's promises were intended to capture
the pivotal engineering college vote.
ALICE PALMER, '76, one of the first wom-
en to graduate from the University, was
admitted to the Hall of Fame, along with
Patrick Henry, Roger Williams and Mark
Twain. Mrs. Palmer had died in 1902.

The Driver's Seat
S fQ
v iC

Reply To Sarri ...
To the Editor:
I AM SURE that I am not with-
out the support of the majority
of the more mature-minded Mi-
chigan students when I whole-
heartedly condemii the letter
printed in the Nov. 8, 1950 issue of
The Daily by the rah-rah Michi-
gan alumnus, Romilos Sarri. It is
a pity that Mr. Sarri was not able
to return home and vividly des-
cribe the glorious details of a tre-
mendous upset by Michigan over
a favored Illinois team. Wouldn't
it have been a pleasure for him to
tell of how "a Michigan player
could block out three opposing
players, all by himself ,. . . . ?'
But instead, Mr. Sarri had to
tell his friends how he and his
fellow alumni had to watch a de-
moralizing defeat. It certainly is
not a compliment to such Michi-
gan alumni, or any Michigan stu-
dent if they cannot accept defeat
with grace and some degree of so-
Were this type of attitude more
widespread I would not wonder
that Michigan football teams
would lose consistently. For Mr.
Sarri has given the impression
that his attitude is completely a
selfish one.
But is winning or losing foot-
ball games that important? I
think that more stress should. be
placed on the spirit of competi-
tive sportsmanship and clean-
playing than on simply winning
-or losing. I blame many of our
reverses this year on the latter
attitude; that of the demoralizing
effect on the team of the opening-
game loss to Michigan State. That
need not have been. Had the pro-
per spirit of competitive sports-
manship and clean-playing been
fostered, the team would not have
"lost face," and could very well
have gone on to beat Army, Min-
nesota and Illinois. Sarri's atti-
tude constitutes a vicious cycle-it
makes for defeat.
Need our team be humiliated
into winning? I hope not, and al-
so hope that this sickening kind
of attitude will no longer be con-
tinued. And it is a downright
shame if alumni such as Mr. Sarri
encourage this kind of attitude by
setting a bad example.
-Victor Bloom
M usicCriticismn .
To the Editor:
[N REGARD TO The Michigan
Daily's reviews of the recent
symphony orchestra performances
I feel compelled to make a few
comments. I feel a reluctance to
compare any two musical groups,
especially on the basis of a single
performance. However, as your re-
viewer did make such a compari-
son, here goes.
In many, ways the Boston Sym-
phony is magnificeit. As far as
individual performance goes, I
doubt that any other group has
their resources. Many consider
Laurent to be the finest flutist in
the world, their horns are beyond
compare, individual and group
tone and intonation is always out-
standing. I would not deny that
the Boston Symphony should be
considered a finer organization
than the Cleveland Symphony.

However, single performances
were compared by Miss Goss, and
there I must disagree.
Some of this disagreement is a
matter of taste. I have heard and
played the Stan Kenton type of
modern music with real enjoy-
ment, but I don't want to hear
Brahms a la Kenton. Music is es-
sentially an art of restraint. Emo-
tions are implied through the mu-
sic, not forced by it. -
My real gripe with Miss Goss is
her statement that the musicians
of the Cleveland Symphony
"sounded disinterested." My im-
pression was totally the reverse. As
far as I could ascertain Mr. Szell
had perfect control. The delicacy
of his interpretation demanded
and received the utmost individual
attention from each performer. In
contrast, Mr. Munch did not have
that conrtol. Often his musical re-
quests went unanswered. Attacks
and releases were poor. In short, I
felt that the Boston Symphony
had an "off day." The feeling for
ensemble was lost. The Cleveland
Orchestra, on the other hand,
demonstrated a solidity of concep-
tion,-a real clarity of detail. Mr.
Szell must be given primary credit
for this result.
-Glen R. Rasmussen.
+ * *
To the Editor:
FOR MORE years than I some-
times like to admit, I have fol-
lowed with deep interest the for-,
tunes of Michigan athletic teams.
During those years I have seen
some poor Michigan teams, but I
have seen a lot more that were
good or even excellent. In the 12
seasons preceding the present one,
Michigan football teams have won1
52 Conference games, lost 12, and
tied 4. This is far and away the
best record made by any Confer-
ence team during that period. In
no one of those seasons did the
Michigan team win fewer than
three games and in no season did
it lose more than two. It is a rec-
ord of which the Michigan family
may justly feel proud.
But prolonged periods of suc-
cessubring their problems, one of
the most annoying being the de-
velopment in the minds of the stu-
dents and alumni and other sup-
porters that winning to the same
extent is going to go on indefi-
nitely. Too many supporters get

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers ox# matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Republicans in Congress
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
ALL THE world will be watching to see how far Republican exuber-
ance over Tuesday's election results will carry them in opposition
to current American foreign policy.
Initial statements from the now much stronger minority in
congress indicated strong belief that the public had expressed
dissatisfaction with results under the Truman-Acheson policy.
The bi-partisan approach was tottering on the sill if not completely
out the window.
Defeat of Scott Lucas, Senate Democratic leader, in a hot fight
in Illinois where the foreign policy he so often sponsored was a key
issue, increased this Republican attitude. So did the re-election of
Senator Taft in Ohio.

EVEN BEFORE the returns were in Taft had prepared a statement
demanding a broad review of foreign policy. He attacked the whole
concept of defending Europe against possible Russian aggression.
Taft has always been doubtful about aid to Europe, but went
along fairly well as long as Senator Vandenberg was active in bi-
partisan policy. But Taft was a born isolationist who learned only
late in life of the inevitable involvement of the United States in
world affairs. He goes along hesitantly and with a wary eye for
the slightest sign that anyone will go beyond the most obvious
American interests. With Vandenberg playing a small role now
because of ill health, and Taft's overwhelming ascendancy in the
Party due to his smashing victory over a tremendous opposition
coalition in Ohio, his caution will likely set the Republican pace
in both houses of Congress.
Marshall Plan aid will be threatened, not only in the last years
of the current operation, but especially in planning for some form of
extension on which the administration already had decided, and upon
which Western Europe has based many of its plans for rearmament.
Taft also indicates that the rearmament program itself is in dan-
THE REPUBLICAN hue and cry over Communists in the Adminis-
tration also can be expected to continue, along with the sniping at
Secretary Acheson on this and other scores. Administration miscalcula-
tion on Korea in the first place, and on Chinese Communist inter-
vention in the second place, will be taken as grounds for questioning
its judgment on other situations as they arise.
All of this tends to create a feeling of unease among America's
allies, weakening their will to resist-which in some cases is not
too strong anyway-and encouraging those elements which are
thinking wishfully about the possibilities of neutrality in the cold-
hot wars.
Yet Taft's record, and that of his Party in general over the past
several years, suggests strongly that in any given emergency the Re-
publicans will go along, since Administration policies have been and
are being forged to meet outside forces over which it has no control.
Post-election exuberance can be expected to settle down into sober
acceptance of the responsibilities of increased power. The quicker that
is done, the quicker uncertainties are removed, the better it will be
for American relations with the anti-Communist allies.
HINESE COMMUNIST intervention in the Korean War has revived
demands for use of Chiang Kai'Shek's Nationalist forces in the
In addition, two "old China hands," Gen. Claire Chennault,
writing in Collier's, and explorer Roy Chapman Andrews, in This
Week Magazine, have come forward with their own ideas about
the long-term conflict with Communism in China.
Chennault's line is in some respects closely akin to that of Chiang,
and in others, to that of General MacArthur. He advocates a formal
American commitment to fight Communist aggression in any non-
Communist state, with inclusion of Formosa in a formally designed
Pacific defense line. He stresses the need of encouraging, arming and
supporting anti-Communist guerrilla warfare on the Chinese main-
land, where Chiang has estimated 1,600,000 men are available for the
purpose. The Reds themselves admit they are still opposed by from
200,000 to 400,000. Chennault would work through the Formosan Na-
ANDREWS, who has worked in China off and on for 35 years, has
a more novel suggestion. He would buy off the Communist troops,
reminding that under the war lords money had produced the laying
down of arms, or firing into the air,- in many a battle. A few million
dollars, he says, would buy an important parcel of passive resistance.
He stresses that it would have to be done through Chinese, the occi-


men taking their bumps and
bruises out on the field must feel
more than a little bitter over the
savage fault-finding of the arm-
chair critics who have not felt or f
yielded to the urge to get out there
and show how the game should be
The Michigan family may well
take pride in the fact that our ath-
letic teams are made up of men
drawn from the student body who
have not been hired for the pur-
pose of taking part in athletics.
The men that make up our teams
in almost Overy instance go on to

Cy P
' tf [t. i11 tt l

graduation and follow careers
thereafter, usually not in profes-
sional athletics but rather in busi-
ness and the professions. Consider-

into a state of mind in which they ing the fact that football teams,
cannot take defeat gracefully; they as well as teams in other sports,
expect too much. have to be made up from the ma-
terial that is available in the stu-
These observations are prompted dent body, it is inevitable that we
by the letter signed by Romilos shall have our ups and our downs.
Sarri published in your columns Instead of being moved to such

Sixty-First Year
!Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger...........City Editor
Roma Lipsky.. ....Editorial Director
Dave Thomas........ Feature Editor
Janet Watts............Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan ..........Associate Editor
James Gregory ........ Associate Editor
Bill Connolly..............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell..Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton.....Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans.......:....Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor

of Wednesday. Would it not be well
for the Michigan family, particu-
larly the students and the alum-
ni, to learn to take defeat as well
as victory graciously? I dare say
that the members of the coaching
staff are as much distressed by
the inadequacies of the Michigant
team this year as is your corre-
spondent, Mr. Sarri. I think it may
be taken for granted that they
want to put on the field the l3est
possible team, and it is therefore
rather ridiculous for anybody to
suggest that they are keeping men
on the bench unless in the judg-
ment of the staff those men are

extravagant, even bitter, expres-
sions as was your correspondent'in
Wednesday's Daily, we should all

congratulate ourselves that our Business Staff
successes over the last dozen years Bob Daniels.........Business Manager
have been as good as they have Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible....Advertising Manager
been, Bob Mersereau........ Finance Manager
-Ralph W. Aigler Carl Breitkreitz.....Circulation Manager
TT IS CLEAR that, at intervals Telephone 23-24-1
no farther apart than a fort- Member of The Associated Press
night, everyone should go away The Associated Press is exclusively
for two days. Not going away entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
makes for trouble. Not going away otherwise credited to this newspaper.
makes for personal dissatisfactions All rights of republication of all other
pI matters herein are also reserved.
and discontentments, the effects Artered at the Post Office at Ann
Abor. Michigan as second-class mail
of which soon spread, matter.
- e Yo r kT es Subscription during regular school
-New York Times year: by carrier, $6.00; by mal, $7.00.

not as good as those that are out
on the field. Then, too, those young


Well behaved bird...
Calm. Poised. The noble
bearing of one created
to, lav gorlde-n e -..

It's mother, John..Ca i
long distance. Yes, mother.
Yes, the goose arrived but-
Yes.. But.. Ys.. Bu..


She's coming for Thanksgiving.
She'll have a fit if I tell her
the goose she sent got away-

-2 Ellen? Are
C r r .vou there?




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