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November 11, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-11

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See Page 4


Latest Deadline in the State

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Kell *



* *

* * * '







Red China
AskedIn UN
Malik Demands
End of Hostilities
ted States and five other countries
called on the United Nations Se-
curity Council yesterday to order
the immediate withdrawal of all
Chinese Communist troops from
North Korea.
Russia's Jacob A. Malik prompt-
ly served notice anew that the.
Korean conflict can be settled
peacefully only if U.S. and all UN
troops get out.of Korea.
"A peaceful settlement of the
Korean question can be secured
only by a cessation of the fighting
and withdrawal of the foreign in-
terventionists," Malik told the Se-
curity Council in a vain attempt
to prevent the Council from dis-
cussing the Chinese Communist
* * *

HIS MOTION to knock out the
Korean question was defeated, 10
to 1, as he cast the lone dissent-
ing vote. The Council then voted
9 to 0 to put the question of Chin-
ese Communist intervention ahead
of the Palestine case. Malik re-
fused to take part in this vote and
Egypt abstained.
The Council was called to meet
on Palestine but the United
States, France and Britain ask-
ed it to discuss the Chinese Com-
munist action' instead. Malik ac-
cused the three of making a
"sneaking attempt" to bring up
the Korean question and said
it is impossible to discuss Com-
munist China here without re-
presentatives of the Peiping re-
The United States, France, Brit-
ain, Cuba, Ecuador and Norway
sponsored the resolution calling
for withdrawal of -Red troops. It
notes that Gen. Douglas MacAr-
thur, UN commander, has reported
that Chinese Communist forces are
deployed for action in Korea
against UN troops.
The resolution affirms that
the UN policy is to hold the
Chinese frontier with Korea "in-
violate and fully to protect legi-
timate Chinese and Korean in-
terests in the frontier zone."
The Security Council last Wed-
nesday invited Peiping to send re-
presentatives here to discuss the
charges lodged by the United
States and based on the report of
MacArthur, but so far has not re-
ceived an acknowledgement of this
invitation. Secretary-General Tr-
ygve Lie sent another message late
yesterday calling attention to the
Warren R. Austin, U. S. delegate
to the Council said that interven-
tion cannot be excused and that it
must cease. He added that the at-
titude of the Council may save the
Peiping regime from a grave and
tragic miscalculation.
Predict Drive
Zo BarReds
publican Leaders today forecast a
new drive to root Communlists out
of government when the 81st Con-
gress returns for its "lame duck"
The lawmakers, scheduled to re-
convene Nov. 27 unless President
Truman summons them back ear-
lier, face a number of other con-
troversial proposals.
These include strengthening and
extending the rent control law,
lirna Pt'. nrR nrnfif.n~zr.fnvoc nn nr- i

Student Bookie
Tells of Trade
Describes Pool Card Distribution,
How Newspaper Polls Aid Betting
(EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the third of a series of interpretative articles
dealing with student-run football pools here on campus.)
He looked just like an average student-which was what he was
--but for a time he had also been a novice bookie, the lowest rung
in a vice ladder which; stretches no one knows how far up into the.
country's gambling hierarchy.
It all started for him quite simply.
"I was sitting in the living room of my house the Monday after
the State game, when this guy I knew came in and asked me whether
I'd like to distribute some pool cards to the guys in the house.
"He said there was nothing to it. All I needed to do was give
them out at dinner, and then collect any bets that were made and
turn the money over to him. For this I was to get 15 per cent of the
bets made and 10 per cent of any winnings in the house.
"I thought about it momentarily, then said yes. The guy gave
me the-cards-about 30 of them-on Wednesday and I passed them
out,.Just as he said. Some of the guys bet, a couple of them won.
"That first week I made about $5. But I lost it all again."
"You mean you bet on the cards too?".I asked him.
"Yeh. The guy I got my cards from gave me a few tips on the
good games."
"But you still lost?" I said.
"The tips were lousy. None of them won. After that I was
"Well anyway, things went on like this for a couple of weeks.
Each cards a few more guys bet.
"They even had me covering the sorority across the street. The
girls weren't so interested though. They didn't seem to understand
the cards very well.,
"Some of them took to betting on two cards, picking three games
in one column on one card, and the opposite three games on the other
card. That way they thought they'd have to win. They didn't realize
the number of possible combinations."
"Well, anyway, this went on for four- weeks. Then my contact
called me up and told me that if I didn't increase my sales, he'd take
the cards away from me. Well, I didn't need the money so I told
him where to go, and to take his damn cards with him.
"About a week later. the guy called me up and asked me to take
the cards back, even offered me a raise-all the way up to 16 per
cent. But I turned it down.
"For the risk I was taking and what I was making on them,
they just weren't worth it."
Then the interview turned to the morel theoretical facets of
"You know who encourages this? The newspapers. They run
those football contests every weekend where you pick up all the
winners alid get prizes. Main difference between the newspapers
and the pool cards is that the cards are easier. You only need to
pick three games right on them.
"I've been betting on these newspaper contests since the eighth
grade. My parents used to encourage it. It gave me something to do.
They still send me the contest blanks from the papers back home.
"No wonder these cards have gone over so well on campus,
because once you start it, that gambling instinct is a hard one to
root out.
"And it's really not wrong. I don't think anyone condemns
gambling morally, it's just the people who run it.
"Yeh, once you start a guy gambling it's hard to stop him," he
repeated quietly. "I'll gamble on anything now."
Police BeginPool Investigation

Error Gives
Slim Margin
Macomb Blunder
Causes Reversal
DETROIT-P).-Discovery of a
major election error in Macomb
County last night tossed Republi-
can Harry F. Kelly back into the
lead in Michigan's fantastic gov-
ernorship election by a margin of
319 votes.
LouiseLuchtman, Chairman of
the Macomb County Board of Can-
vassers, reported the error which
gave Kelly 381 votes more and
subtracted 525 from the total for
Gov. G. Mennen Williams, the
first-term Democrat who once was
considered beaten and then pulled
into the lead late yesterday in the
midst of a maze of election errors.
With 32 of 52 Macomb County
precincts canvassed, the state to-
tals changed to give Kelly 934,851
votes and Williams 934,532.
LUCHTMAN said the remaining
precincts would not be canvassed
until Monday.
Thus Michigan's most chaotic
and' closest election in history
reached almost an absurd stage
as county after county reported
continual changes in their elec-
tion figures.
Luchtman said he "had no al-
ternative" but to certify the new
Kelly gain in Macomb County al-
though he implied that it did not
agree with other election figures.
LUCHTMAN said that the bulk1
of the Macomb County change'
occurred in one Warren Township
precinct which had gone heavily
Democratic in all other contests
this week.
Luchtman said he understood1
after a study of the tally books
that the precinct had '70
"straight" Democratic ballots
and 221 straight Republican bal-
lots, but that the tally sheets
showed only 504 votes for Kelly
and 209 votes for Williams. The
implication, was that the election
board had failed to count all the
Any correction of the suggested1
error would have to come in a re-i
BEFORE THE Macomb muddle
was discovered, Williams had a
lead.of 587 toveeovrs itangled
lead of 587 votes over Kelly in a
state-wide tally which was a maze
of mistakes and errors.
Wayne 'County election offi-
cials, producing their first vote
totals for both candidates late
yesterday afternoon, said they
had included all known major
errors, but had not yet tabulat-
ed discovered errors in arith-
The possibility of more errors
was heightened by the fact that
no reports had been received from'
the official canvassers in such
large counties as Genesee, Sagi-
naw, Calhoun, . Ingham, Macomb,
Monroe, Oakland and Wayne.
A recount appeared certain.
Attorney General Stephen Roth
conferred with State Police Com-
missioner Donald Leonard and
Secretary of State Fred Alger and
asked them to notify all local elec-
tion authorities to guard carefully
the ballots in their possession.

ON THE WAY OUT??-Rumors circulating around the nation's
capital say that the President is having a hard time deciding
whether or not to fire Secretary of State Acheson (left) and Sec-
retary of Agriculture Brannan (right).
New Policy Sends Phone
Workers Back to Posts


By The Associated Press
Workers of the Michigan Bell
Telephone Company returned to
their switchboards, at least tempo-
rarily, yesterday after the CIO
Communications Workers invoked
their new "push button" or "hit-
and-run" picketing policy.
The union admitted that the
"push button" strikes were design-
ed as plague tactics.
The new strategy means that
"the people may leave their jobs
at unexpected moments and re-
turn when' not expected.
World News
By The Associated Press
CINCINNATI - S e n. 'Robert
Taft (R-O.) declared yesterday
that he would not run for Presi-
dent, but admitted he is open to
a draft.
NEW DELHI, India - Tibet
has appealed directly to the
United Nations to intervene in
the Chinese Communist invasion
of that little Himalayan coun-
try, usually reliable sources said
WASHINGTON - The nation's
railroads yesterday got orders from
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion to drop segregation of white
and Negro travelers on interstate
dining cars.
* *' *
DETROIT - United States
District Judge Thomas Thorn-
ton ruled yesterday that Attor-
ney General J. Howard McGrath
showed no abuse of discretion in
ordering the jailing of suspected
alient subversives without bail
under the new internal security
ISLIP, N. Y. - Rep. Kingsland
Macy (R-N. Y.), the "Dear King"
of the famous Hanley letter, was
defeated for reelection, a recheck
of Tuesday's election vote revealed
HOUSTON. Texas - General
Dwight Eisenhower today said
there is no such thing as preven-
tive war.
U.S. Grand Jury

Straffon To Fill Jinx
D'Achille Passes, Robertson's Runs
Pose Main Hoosier Scoring Threats
Daily Sports Editor
On paper, Indiana looks definitely formidable.
But what will happen when the Hoosiers appear on the field of the
Michigan Stadium at 2 p.m. tomorrow will depend largely on the
weatherman-who predicts snow flurries-and the effectiveness of
the short-pass defense drilled on by Wolverine gridders this past week.
In black and white, the Hoosiers boast a record that reads in
QUARTERBACK LOU D'ACHILLE-leading offensive player in

IN DETROIT, about 200 long
distance operators in the com-
pany's Detroit headquarters walk-
ed out a few hours after they had
returned to work.
A call to the Bell Telephone
Company's Ann Arbor office re-
vealed last night that it is still
possible to make long distance
phone calls from Ann Arbor to
all points.
Governor Williams yesterday re-
fused to appoint a special com-
mission to mediate the strike on
the Michigan Bell' Company on the
grounds -that the firm is engaged
in interstate commerceover which
the state can exercise no authori-
* * *r
IN NEW YORK; the Federal
Government yesterday launched
its first try at ending the three-
day-old strike as federal mediators
met with company and union ne-
One session between t h e
CWA's Division 18, representing
the 5,000 striking warehouse and
distribution workers, and the
Western Electric Co. ended with-
out results.
In another session between the
American Telephone and Tele-
graph Co. the Union's Division six,
representing 11,000 striking in-I
stallation workers also ended in a
A prime issue in the Union walk-
out is the demand for an unspeci-
fied "substantial boost" in wages
that now average $1.55 to $1.62
per hour.

Air Attacks
Blast Reds
On Border
arines Seize
Power Plants
SEOUL, Korea -(R)-- Furious
Allied air blows knocked out two
border bridges in the supreme ef-
fort to choke off the stream of
Chinese Red troops and arms pour-
ing into North Korea, official ac-
counts said today.
Aground, the U.S. Marines in a
five-mile dash on the northeast
front seized the last of four big
hydroelectric plants which supply
power to North Korea and parts
of ,Communist Manchuria.
On the northwest front, air ob-
servers said units of the U.S. 10th
Corps from the east coast linked
up with the U.S. Eighth Army
from the west coast at Tokchon,
60 miles northeast of the fallen
North Korean capital at Pyong-
* * *
AN EIGHTH ARMY spokesman
said, however, there was no ground
confirmation of the report and it
could be in error.
Villages were set afire by
ceaseless fighter and bomber at-
tacks on enemy movements in
this sector.
It appeared efforts were being
made to keep the Chinese Com-
munists from striking south and
turning the flank of the Eighth
Army in the northwest or the 10th
Corps in the east.
THE ARMY in Washington re-
ported that two B-29 Superforts
in a series of raids yesterday were
so badly shot up by enemy fighters
that one ditched at sea and an-
other was destroyed in landing at
its base.
The U.S. Air Force said enemy
jet planes were believed to have
used rockets for the first time
yesterday in an air battle with
U.S. jets near Sinuiju. Neither
side suffered damage in the dog
fight between four U.S. jets and
seven swift enemy MIG-15s.
One Russian jet was shot down.
A U.S. jet fighter was damaged
I but got back to its base.

the Western Conference, who has
run and passed for a total of 571
yards in three games;
A Conference record-breaker last
season, he has hooked 11 passes
for 147 yards to date in three Big
Ten contests to rate third-best in
that department;
SON-Who ranks second in kick-
off returns, fourth in punting with
a 41.2 yard average, and who has
averaged an impressive 5.4 yards
per carry; and,
A PASS DEFENSE that has li-
mited six opponents to 407 yards
on aerial gains this season.
* * . *
gan's best defensive halfback on
the bench with a knee injury suf-
fered a week ago, Wolverine Coach
Bennie Oosterbaan was forced to'
experiment in mid-week drills. Two
sophomores with limited experi-
ence, Don Oldham and Tom Wit-
herspoon, will be called on to fill
in .for Peterson, defensively at
Oosterbaan has shifted back-
field men from slot-to-slot,
searching for a replacement for
injured Leo. Koceski, regular
Koceski will dress for the game,
but will probably not start and
whether he will see action at all
is still doubtful.
QUITE LIKELY, second-string
fullback Ralph Straffon will get
the starting nod at wingback, with
reserve speedster Wes Bradford
likely to receive a share of offen-
sive assignments.
Bradford, who's number 19
didn't even appear on the pro-
gram, made several eye-opening
end sweeps on muddy ground in
last week's losing battle against
Michigan's attack will be led as
usual by Chuck Ortmann in the
air, and Don Dufek on the ground.
Pre-game dopesters have for a
week been predicting a high-po-
wered battle-between Ortmann
and D'Achille if the day is clear,
but featuring Dufek and Robert-
son if the turf is slow.
(Continued on Page 3)
Faulkner Wins
Nobel Prize
In Literature
STOCKHOLM, Sweden -(R)-
The 1949 Nob1 literary prize, with-
held last fall was awarded today
to William Faulkner of Oxford,
Miss., author of the best-selling
"Sanctuary," "Intruder in the
Dust" and other novels of the
Bertrand Russell, 78, British
philosopher, mathematicianrand
moralist who is now on a lecture
tour in the United States, received
the 1950 literary award "in re-
cognition of his many-sided and
significant writings, in which he
appeared as a champion of hu-
manity and freedom of thought."
Prof. Cecil Frank Powell, 46, of
Britain's Bristol University, won
the physics prize for his develop-
ment of a simple photographic
method to probe the secrets of the
atom nucleus and his discoveries
regarding mesons, the particles
that are believed to hold the nu-
cleus together.
A German teacher-pupil team-
Prof. Otto Diels. 74. and Prf

Police, accompanied by Asso-
ciate Dean of Students Walter B.
Rea, conducted a day long inves-
tigation of student-run football
pools on campus yesterday, but
would not comment on what re-
sults-if any-they had achieved.
However a spokesman for the
police did say, "The investigation
will be continued until an arrest
is made or the situation is other-
wise cleared up."
Dean Rea would not comment
on the investigation either except
to say that he was not along as
an investigator but as 'a "friend
of the court."

It was learned, however, that
the West Quad was one of the
spots visited by Dean Rea and
Sergeant Walter Krasny, who is
handling the investigation.
A spokesman on the quad staff
claimed that the results , there
were nil. "I know that they found
nothing," he declared emphatical-
The probe, which today enters
its third day, was prompted by an
article in Thursday's Daily which
charged that, unnoticed by Uni-
versity and town officials, football
pools had grown on campus to the
point where they were taking bets
totaling up to.$2,000 iveekly.

SnOW, Cold Expected'
To Accompany Game


Gridiron fans may be in for the
same kind of football Saturday if
weather reports are accurate in
predicting snow and continued cold
for this afternoon.
Today's expected high of 30 to
35 degrees combined with possible
snow flurries should be enough to
prevent the Wolverine Club spon-
sored flashcard section from going
into action.
THE 1,650 blue and yellow cards
will probably never be set up in

of spectacular gyrations whether
the playing field at half time be
covered with crusty snow or not.
On the traffic side, an esti-
mated 25,000 cars will have con-
verged on Ann Arbor by kick-
off time. Police will have their
usual hectic time even though
the traffic load has been eased
by chartered buses and a special
train from Detroit.
* * *
AND THE preponderance of the
vivid colors of winter clothing will
also greatly add to the psycholo-

Snag Snarls Pajama Party Plains

A "Breakfast in Pajamas" party
ntannhd by Sigma Ampha Mn fra-

were to be worn over warmer gar-
ments to prevent everyone from
fatchiny eold "

"It's a shame," said Lee Schek-
ter, '51 BAd. "After I went to all
the trmnohla +n oi' nn arit ondl

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