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November 09, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-09

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GOP Victory

PLEAS OF SANITY in the form of Re-
publican votes have bombarded Demo-
crats across the nation. The Grand Old
Party has cut the heart out of the New
Deal majority and leadership in Congress.,
Voters have given a majority of governors'
seats to Republicans. Big-city residents,
tired of being taken for granted by corrupt
Democratic machineshave chosen Republ-
cans as their Congressmen, legislators and
local officials and have given unexpected
majorities to GOP senatorial candidates.
The implication is unmistakeable-the
American people do not believe the myth
that the Republican party is the party
of privilege and the Democratic party is
the party of the people. Given a clear-cut
choice between the socialist, internation-
alist policies of the Democrats and the
free enterprise, American policies of true
Republicanism, the people will choose the
GOP. They were given such a choice in
1946 and they gave the Republican party
control of both houses of Congress.
In 1948 the me-too, internationalist, "lib-
eral" wing of the party controlled over the
national convention, as it has every con-
vention since 1936. The result was a platform
and candidates which were carbon copies of
Democratic leaders and policies. The voters
couldn't tell the difference between the
original and the carbon copy so they kept
what they had-President Truman.
This year in congressional and senatorial
races across the land the Republicans offered
voters a choice, an alternative to New Deal
Editorials Published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
WASHINGTON-The final decision as to
how far the Russo-Chinese alliance will
go toward all-out world war will depend
largely on one factor-how many atomic
bombs we have, compared with the number
Russia has.
The preponderance of atomic weapons
in our favor continues to be the most re-
assuring thing in the otherwise unhappy
international picjture.
For definite information has been obtain-
ed that Russia has been able to manufac-
ture only 24 atomic bombs and is making
- them only at the rate of two per month.
On the other hand, the American atomic'
stockpile, while a secret, is vastly greater.
Furthermore our rate of production is much
This superiority of atomic strength has
been the main factor beterring the Soviet
from world war up to now, and the chances
are it will.continue to be a deterrent in the
future. It is also why the Russians have
adopted. the policy of wearing down Ameri-
can resources by wars of attrition n which
satellite nations, not the Red army, do the
In brief, it is likely that the Kremlin
will not risk a major war in which Russian
troops must do battle and in which Russian
cities are- exposed-until there is a better
balance between our atomic stockpile and
Until the recent attempt on his life, Presi-
dent Truman had given little thought to
his personal safety. He once told my as-
sistant, Fred Blumenthal, that he had figur-
ed out what he wouldd o if an assassin came
into the room. Most assassins, he said, would
expect the President to get under the desk,
but he was planning to reverse things and
attack the attacker-just as Andrew Jack-
son did when attacked in the halls of Con-
gress. ... When last week's shooting started,

Mrs. Truman rushed into the President's
bedroomwh ere he was napping, to tell him
a Secret Service man was lying wounded in
the street. Actually she mistook assassin
Collazo for a plain-clothes man. . . . One
secret service man. was in front of Blair
House at the time of the shdoting,the others
were in the rear eating lunch. The White
House police, which bore the brunt 4f the
attack, are under the secret police. ...The
Secret Service have been under some criti-
cism in recent years for having become par-
tially political. Maj. Gen. Harry Vaughan
intervened in the early days of the Truman
administration, fired Mike Reilly, who oper-
ated under Roosevelt, and gave the impres-
sion he wanted to run the service. This would
not have been tolerated in the old days of
Chief William Moran. . .. Later, during the
Senate five-percenter probe, Reilly was hast-
ily rehired and given a $10,000 job in the
Interior Department. (He knew too much
about how the Secret Service gave a special
pass to Vaughan's friend, John Maragon,
and about other political wiire pulling.) ...
Despite occasional politics, however, the sec-
ret Service does a good job.
THE NORTH KOREAN-Manchurian area
is an ideal one for United Nations co-
operation-if Moscow would permit it. Rea-
son is that the Japanese, who once controlled
both Korea and Manchuria, developed power
and industry regardless of international
boundaries, just as Grand Coulee and Bonne-

socialism and internationalism-and the Re-
publicans emerged victorious.
The lesson of this election must be
learned by the Republican party before its
convention' in 1952. A canddate must be
named who will truly oppose New Deal
leftism. Senator Robert Taft of Ohio is
the most obvious and the wisest choice. His
unalterable and outspoken criticism of the
New Deal brought about his overwhelming
election in Ohio Tuesday. The myth that
Senator Taft cannot win the labor vote has
been dashed by the huge support given him
in the Cleveland industrial area.
The supposedly overwhelming support of
the American people for the "bi-partisan"
foreign policy was shaken by the election
of Republican Everett Dirksen to Senator
Scott Lucas's post in Illinois. The cry "iso-
lationist!" was repeatedly raised against
Dirksen, because he is not a backer of the
"bi-partisan" foreign policy. Senator Lucas,
as President Truman's majority leader, was
the symbol of all Administration policies,
foreign and domestic. He was decisively
beaten by the people of Illinois.
That the American people will not accept
the whitewash of charges of Communists in
the government is shown in the defeat of
Senator Millard Tydings of Maryland, who
handled the investigation and the election
of Senator Alexander Wiley, partner of Re-
publican Senator Joseph McCarthy in Wis-
consin's senatorial team.
Proof that there is a limit to how much
crime and corruption even regular Demo-
crats will tolerate in their big-city ma-
chines is found in the resounding defeat
of Chicago's crooked Capt. "Tubbo" Gil-
bert, the world's richest cop, in his cam-
paign for sheriff. John Babb, a Republi-
can, was elected.
The Democrats have been beaten in the
city and in the South. They have been re-
jected by labor. The supposedly impregnable
Democratic fortresses have been invaded.
The American people have been offered a
choice and they have made it. The revival
of the Republican party has arrived.
-Floyd Thomas.

EIFTEEN STUDENTS who were apparently
uninterested in Tuesday night's elec-
tion returns wandered over to the Architec-
ture Auditorium and heard four student de-
baters contest whether or not students
should be given special considerations un-
der a peacetime draft.
Student Legislature's Michigan Forum
pulled a prime boner in holding their
debate on an exciting election night, but
the debate was a decently argued affair
which had some rather interesting side-
For one, it appears that there are more.
women on campus worried about losing their
men than there are men worried about losing
their lives, for of the fifteen students sparse-
ly scattered through the 367 seat auditorium
nine were women and six were men.
This, incidentally, does not take into ac-
count the four debaters and one moderator
(all men), the two ushers (one a woman,
the Daily reporter (male? and the janitor
who dropped in a little before the debate
ended to sweep the floor and listened with
indifference (he was over 26 years of age)
to the dying gasp of the argument.
One of the debaters, Dave Belin, '51 BAd,
should gain the "subtlest man of the year"
award. A candidate for Student Legislature,
Belin took his debate notes on the back of
one of his election posters, which was easily
recognizable from the audience. It's a pity
such political shrewdness was wasted on
only 15 electors.
Tiring of the debate, the reporter ques-
tioned a demure enough looking coed as
to why she attended the thing in the
first place.
With a not so demure answer, she indi-
cated that she had a blind date with a
member of the pro team, and had simply
come to look him over. What her opinion was
on the subject, the'inquisitor never learned.
It sufficeth to say that she did not remain
to the end of the debate.
-Rich Thomas.

"Nah! Let's Wait Till They Go Communist,
Then Spend A Few Billions Fighting Them"
-N -..
at ~


- S, Aa -914T~ Ps 4

Elections & The 'Experts'
WASHINGTON-It was' much more exciting that we came up to
election day this year without knowing in advance exactly how
it was going to turn out, as we did, you remember, two years ago.
More interesting for the voters and for the pollsters and for
the newspaper political experts. And no possibility of a headache
afterward. Such a headache, for instance, as the experts had after
the 1948 election when we were all so sure in advance, and all so
wrong we found out later.
Politicians were very cagey this year and so were the political
reporters. And, as for the pollsters, only Dr. George Gallup stuck out
his neck, and that not very far, for he hedged himself with all the
finesse of a politican trying to please everybody.
A FEW years ago, when the polling business was in its heyday, one
of our leading pollsters-not Dr. Gallup-who used fewer samples
than Dr. Gallup and came amazingly close on national results, was
quoted as saying, perhaps facetiously, that he expected some day to
find the one "Typical American" to whom he could go and find all
the answers without need for any other samples.
There is obviously none such. That same pollster, using his
system that has been so good previously, came a cropper in 1948.
So he not only stopped looking for his one infallible, "Typical
American," but he has stopped looking, period.
Clearly, there is no "Typical American" and it is good to have that
myth exploded.
People were not very talkative this year about their politics, which
left the politicians confu§ed-and disturbed.
* * * *
THIS MAY have indicated confusion among the voters and inde-
cisiveness that they didn't care to expose. That is understandable
in the uncertainty of the times. It is difficult to make hard-and-fast
decisions in the turmoil of the world today, with rapidly developing
situations, and quick crises, as, for the example, that in/Korea which
at first looked very bad, then suddenly cleared up in what appeared
to be victory, and then suddenly became tense again on the eve of
the election with the movement of Red Chinese across the Manchurian
These are complex factors, and forecasting and polling that expect
simple answers off-hand are risky. The answer in the end, when the
voter gets in the booth, must be simple; but the fact that he had
trouble making up his mind is all to the good, for it indicated that he
did some hard thinking.
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the waiter
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withhe'd from publication at the discretion of the

I i





Greatest Show On Earth
which grandly and magnificently illustrates
together with myriads of
Elegant and Costly Features"
IN THE argot of the carnival barker of 1891
the yellowed handbill extols the diversi-
fied attractions of Barnum & Bailey's fabu-
lous wonderland of entertainment and mo-
mentarily revives the quaint charms that
bewitched our fathers. "Grandly and mag-
nificently" the University Museum of Art
announces to-day's opening of the "Greatest
Show" of the year, "SPORT AND CIRCUS,"
under the big top of the Alumni Memorial
Hall until November 29. A gaudy rocking
horse, survivor of a forgotten carrousel, re-
awakens to the ghost-echo of a departed
calliope. The three crowded rings-North,
South, and West Galleries-invite the young
in heart to submit to the aura of enchant-
ment of yesteryear.,
The gay spectacle constitutes the reali-
zation of a dream: the first loan exhibition
of paintings and drawings organized by
the Museum in its short but active, history.
Unlike shows circulating on a rental basis,
these splendid selections are the personal
achievement of Professor Jean Paul Slus-
ser and Miss Helen Hall, who sought them
out with painstaking effort among the mu-
seums, dealers' galleries, and private col-
lections of the country. Rarely was their
merit as works of art sacrified to the ex-
pediency of the theme.
The enormity of the accomplishment can
/be appreciated only through understanding
of the tact that several years of mental pre-
paration preceded the negotiations begun
last April, which proliferated into an in-
credible amount of correspondence. Each ex-
hibit involved the arrangement of many de-
tails of packing, transportation, and insur-
ance-expenses borne by the Museum's bud-
get. Disappointments were not infrequent,
when substitutions had to be found for co-
veted pictures that were not made available.
Special significance lies in the theme of
the show for all associated with a Univer-
sity renowned for athletic preeminence-
distinguished for producing sports enthu-
siasts as well as participants in intercollegi-
ate combat. Numbered among the former,
as an alumnus "of the year one" is the Mu-
seum's Director, who conceived this original
show as a natural for the Museum's first
independent project, on a national scale.
DESPITE the exhibition's limited scope,
the actual variety of the selections is im-
pressive. As manifold as the aspects of sport
represented are the sundry techniques and
styles signalling the talents of an illustrious
assemblage of artists. Generally represeta-
tional, the exhibits range from the rock-
solid realism of Winslow Homer and Thomas
Eakins to the schematic frivolities of Paul
Klee and Calder.
Few are unfamiliar with the name of
Degas, which conjures pastel visions of
+hii a +a cth__mA fn f na ha rn

rainbow-hued ballerinas. His superb oil,
"Race Horses,* reputed to be the most
valuable painting of the show and a marvel
of anatomy and observation, takes second
place to none in treatment of the subject.
Toulouse-Lautrec's lithograph, "The Joc-
key," imbued with all the instantaneous
vigor of a high-speed action photograph,
repeats the Gallic absorption with eques-
trian sport and contrasts a caricature of
agitated motion with the relaxed vitality
of Degas' horses and riders.
The show is fortunate in having a Demuth
watercolor, without which ittcouldrnot be
complete. "The Circus," with its clear, lumi-
nous color and delicate but precise design
of silhouetted forms is an exquisite example
of his series of vaudeville and circus.
Most notable among such well-known oils
as Curry's "Flying Codonas" and Walt
Kuhn's poised and monumental "Blue
Clown" is Bellow's celebrated "Dempsey and
Firpo," immortalizing an episode of ring his-
tory. Wooden, rigid stylizatiorr, inflicted by
the artist's late theory of "d'ynamic symme-
try," makes this less successful than his
earlier "Stag at Sharkey's,'' in which he did
not inhabit his flair for expressing the flow
of violent action.
DEPICTING a more leisurely sport, Kuni-
yoshi scores one of the hits of the show
with his "Swimmer," who serenely navigates
in her limpid, personal sea-charming hy-
brid offspring of oriental linear grace and
western expressive distortion. Smoky nuances
of color are accented by the vivid green and
white of the island. Also at leisure we find
the "Seated Clown," Rico Lebrun's ink'and
crayon masterpiece, a sensationally-success-
ful statement of a circus cliche. The largest
of the drawings, its distinction lies in the
vigorous calligraphy and the penetrating in-
sight that reveals the mountainous disdain
of the unmaskeddprofessional buffoon.
Completely modern is Ben Shahn's tem-
pera, "Handball," with its concern for peo-
ple-here in a characteristic context of
vast space, whose oppressiveness perhaps
symbolizes overwhelming social forces. The
contrast between decorative detail and
broad planes is striking. Less modern but
technically unusual, Charles Prendergast's
two panels make use of a Renaissance
medium, tempera and gold leaf on gesso
(fine plaster), in which the linear design
is heavily incised. Pattern and color com-
bine the influences of Persian miniatures
and the post-Impressionism of the artist's
better-known brother, Maurice.
Klee's "Sketch for Traveling Circus" is
one of those disappointingly flimsy efforts
whose delusive effect is to prompt the clas-
sic remark: "Why, my little girl could do
better than that." Also disappointing, Marin's
"Circus Forms," employing the technique
responsible for his reputation with water-
color, loses the latter's fresh transparency
for a pasty opacity.
The College of Architecture and Design is
well represented with the work of Weddige,
Gooch, La More, Prendergast, Wilt, and Lo-
pez-oils by the last two taking their place
among the best of the show.
If names alone are drawing cards, the fol-

Hitchcock.. .
To the Editor:
o, NO, NO, where does John
Briley ever get the "evident"
idea that Alfred Hitchcock hadn't
developed his own distinctive style i
by 1939? The 39 Steps came out in
1935, The Lady Vanishes was made
in 1937 or 1938. It is true that
Hitchcock first went to Hollywood
in 1938, but -did that make him
distinctive? He had been making
movies since 1925, and if some of
his early opera achieved success, it
was surely because of the Hitch-
cock touch.
-John Neufeld.
To the Editor:
IN ORDER that most students
can contnue to enjoy having a
football program at home games
why not publish a roster of both
teams in the Saturday Issues of
the Daily? This practice is sure
to endear you to many many stu-
-Ted Lawrence Dunn
(Editor's Note - Shop restrictions
prevent us from using type that is
small enough to permit running
complete rosters of each team
weekly. To run the lineups, other
thin the starting teams as is now
done, with the type-sizeswe now
have available would restrict our
coverage of other games in the Big
Ten and around the nation.)
S* **
Russia .
To the Editor:
I NEVER met Mr. Stalin and I
don't know the brand of Vodka
he drinks. but my mother came
from Russia and my father was a
Russian Pole, so, I think I can
rely on the words of my parents,
and if I can not I can pick up a
history book and read the history
of czarist Russia.
When did working people ever
eat butter in Russia? And when
did they wear any kind of shoes?
Why try to compare that country
with our progressive civilization
any more than our southern neigh-
bor Mexico? How do the people
dress there? How much money do
they receive in wages? How much
food do they get?
Mr. Papajiak is a bit short-
sighted on the length of time that
the Russians have used the com-
pulsory conscriptive system. In
'Old Russia' a man of age was au-
tomatically enlisted into the army
for twenty years-my mother said
Would dropping the atom bomb
prepare the Russian soil for a bet-
ter potato crop or would it cause
the mules to kick up their heels
and be therefore producing more
leather for shoes?
I always thought I was sort of
a pacifist myself and thought there
were other ways to solve issues
rather than agitate war.
-S. Kesicki '54
Gay Life...
To the Editor:
IMUST cast my vote in favor of
your column, "It's a Gay Life."
I almost failed to write this let-
ter of support. How many others
are in my position? I haven't "ask-

ed forty people" (what a nice,
round figure.
School spirit does not necessi-
tate lack of consideration for oth-
ers. The directors of our track
meets have to plead with the spec-
tators to remain seated. Is that
lack of school spirit?
Away with such drivel as "an
overt act of enthusiasm." How
could waving a pom-pom in a
neighbor's face be interpreted as
an overt act?
-John Haver
** *
Student. Directory...
To the Editor:
EDITOR Roger Wellington of the
Student Directory recently
complained of my "peddling misin-
formation." I had made a general
criticism about the late publica-
tion of the directory and its boost
in price from 75 cents to a dollar,
instead of giving specific facts as
Wellington desired. He is absolute-
ly right; all the facts were not in-

(Continued from Page 2) 1
W. Parry. Topic: "Our Most Im-
portant Natural Resource." Every-
one invited.
Cotn ing Events
Westminster Guild: Oppn house,
First Presbyterian Church, 8:301
p.m., Fri., Nov. 10.
W e s I e y Foundation: "Sadie
Hawkins" Party, Fri., Nov. 10, 8

to foreign countries. Subjects for
Commonwealth of Nations -
Nov. 10.
International Travel-Nov. 17.
American Family-Nov. 24.
Students interested in partici-
pating in the programs may con-
tact Hiru Shah, Moderator of the,
Roundtable, 2-1644 or Charles Ar-'
nade, Organizer of the Program,
International Center.
Russian Circle: Meeting Mon.,

cluded in my first letter-nor in 1 8 +*t4 4' C
Nov. 13, 8 p.m., International Cen-
his "factual" answer. A baseball Acolytes: Meeting, Fri., Nov. 10, ter. Miss Irene Balaksha will
bat presentation is not to my lik 7:45 p.m., West Conference Room, speak on A. S. Pushkin. Everyone
ing, but since his manner leaves Rackham Bldg. Prof. G. Williams, welcome.
no other approach, and so that my philosophy Department, Univer- em
"ignorance may not be foisted up- sity of Toledo. "Naturalism, ItsP
on others." Here are the facts: Nature and Importatce." WE PASSIONATELY long that
FACT: The Student Directory-. there may be another life in
made mioney last year-at 75 cents Visitors' Night: Department of which we shall be similar to what
apiece-according to the report of Astronomy: Fri., Nov. 10, 7:30-10 we are here below. But we do not
the Board in Control of Student p.m., Angell Mall. Short illustrated pause to reflect that, even with
the BadiCnr ofSitinfrtha her life .in

Publications. It shows a net in- talk, by Mr. Raphael LaBauve,
come of $1,531.31 for the Directory, "Is There Life on Mars?" Room
or a profit of practically one-quar-.! 3017, following which the Angell
ter of the $6,336.59 gross sales. Hall Student Observatory, fifth
This figure may be reduced silghtly floor, will be open for observation
if assessed with a fair share of of Jupiter and a star cluster. If
some expenses not allocated by the the sky is not clear, the observa-
Board. tory will be open for inspection of
FACT: Student Publications as the telescopes and' planetarium.
a whole did lose money last year Children must be accompanied by
as Wellington carefully pointed out adults.
-$300 in a gross business of over IninFsial;DWL
$140,000. So what?sDoes the d Indian Festival, "DIWALI &
rectory have to make up losses of NEW YEARS DAY." 7:30 p.m.,
all the publications just because Fri., Nov. 10, Lane Hall. Every-
it has a monopoly in the wide- one invited.
spread distribution of student ad-
dresses and phone numbers? In University Museums: Program
my opinion each publication should I for Friday evening: "Fur-Bearing
attempt to carry its fair share. Mammals of Michigan." Films:
"imc "zer±w~ ".iy.~4±

this life, after a 'few years we are
unfaithful to what we have been
to what we wished to remain.
-Marcel Proust
+ M ci!an~ ti~

FACT: The directory was small-
er this year. It contained 10%
fewer names by my rough misin-
formed methods-8% by the edi-
tors more refined techniques; 351
pages insteand of 388, a saving in
cost no matter how you calculate.
Wellington is not responsible for
the price of the directory, although
he saw fit to defend it-nor am I
or any other individual. I have
therefore contacted some members
of the Board in Control of Student
Publications who have indicated
that the Board will weigh the mat-
ter. Their authoritative explana-
tion should eliminate the seed for
a continuance of individual clrms
and charges.
--Keith Beers
Monroe St. Journal'...
To the Editor:
N A LETTER last Saturday, Nov.
4, a correspondent referred to
the Monroe Street Journal, Bus Ad
school weekly newspaper, as an
unofficial publication.
He was mistaken. The Board inl

"Black Bear Twins," **ray squir-
rel," and "Fur Trade," 7:30 p.m.,
Kellogg Auditorium.
A series of mounted Michigan,
mammals is on display in the
third and fourth floor exhibit
halls, Museums Bldg., open from
7-9, Friday evening. In the small
zoo on the Museum grounds may
be seen 2 live black bears, 5 rac-
coons, 2 skunks, and a badger.
International Radio Round Table:
Auspices of International Center
and WUOM. Discussions are held
Friday at 2:30 p.m. on WUOM
and are transcribed on WHRV on
Friday at 7:15 p.m., and are
broadcast on the Voice of America

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the.Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown..........Managing Editor
Paui Brentlinger...........City Editor
Roma Lipsky:......... Editorial Director
Dave Thomas............Feature Editor
Janet Watts............Associate Editor
Nancy Byan............Associate Editor
James Gregory.........Associate Editor
Bill Connolly .............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell.....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton..Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans..........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels.........Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible..Advertising Manager

Control of Student Publications Bob ersereau........inance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz .... Circulation Manager
does not exercise supervision over
publications sponsored by other Telephone 23-24-1
University groups: The Journal is
immediately controlled by a board Member of The Associated Press
in control within the school. This The Associated Press isexclusively
boar oprate uner adelgatin etitled to the use for republication
board operates under a delegation of all news dispatches credited to it or
of authority from the University otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
board. matters herein are also reserved.
-Charles F. Strickland Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mall
-Editor matter.
Monroe Street Journal Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

McSnoyd, I assure you !
had nothing to do with
the escape of your goose-

Here, goosey,
goosey, goosey-



Come, Barnoby. There's
something your Fairy
Godfather must explain.
And come quietly, m'boy.


I . , I \

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