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November 08, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-08

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Cost of Senators
WASHINGTON-How much does a United
States Senator cost? Apparently the
price is pretty high this year in some of
our bigger states, a great deal more, in
fact, than the lucky gentlemen on election
day could make from their salaries and
allowances if they served many times their
allotted six years. And, as for the unlucky
ones-they could retire, if the money had
not gone down the drain.
This all serves to bring up again the
once-lively subject, to which little atten-
tion is paid any more, of excessive politi-
cal campaign costs, the evils of the "buy-
ing-in" process on candidates (like having
a piece of a prize fighter) and what to
do about it. As to the last, the answer has
been sought in vain for a long time. Laws
have been passed that haven't worked;
new solutions have been offered which get
no place for one or another reason, in-
cluding lethargy and perhaps a lack of
the old moral sense that used to stir our
Time was when great moral indignation
was aroused over large campaign expendi-
This reporter can remember the great
furore here during the 'twenties, the great
debates in the Senate, when two men were
denied seats there because of what were
considered too lavish expenditures in the
1926 primaries.
* * * *
BEFORE THAT, to attract national atten-
tion, was the attempted ouster of Sen-
ator Truman H. Newberry of Michigan, a
Republican, because of an expenditure on
his behalf of $190,000 in the primary cam-
paign against Henry Ford. The Newberry
case dragged along for three years, finally,
the Senator was seated, 46 to 41, in Janu-
ary, 1922. But the resolution seating him
condemned such expenditures as "contrary
to sound public policy, harmful to the honor
and dignity of the Senate." When seven
senators who had supported him were de-
feated in the November election, in which
the case was an issue, and there was a
threat of pursuing the case further, he 're-
signed his seat.
The Newberry price tag today would be a
bargain in some states.
No one can estimate what the totals on
both sides will be in the critical Taft-
Ferguson contest in Ohio, which probably
will be the pleak this year, nor in hot
sontest's in some other big states. Reports
submitted to the clerk of the house here
do not tell the whole story of the cost of
campaigns, and never do. But it is inter-
esting, as a sample, that the Republican
Finance Committee of Pennsylvania re-
ported it had spent $747,841 from January
1 to October 25 of $835,259 it had collected.
Every state is full of all sorts of other
committees financing both parties, so one
such report as this is only part of the
Ways have been found around all laws
passed to regulate campaign expenditures,
beginning early in this century with sta-
tutes sponsored by Teddy Roosevelt with
emphasis on prohibiting bank and corpora-
tion contributions, continuing with the 1925
corrupt practices act, which actually lim-
ited expenditures for house and senate cam-
paigns, now forgotten and a dead letter, and
culhinating in the Hatch Act of 1939 and
subsequent revisions. Limitations by the
latter of $5,000 from any one contributor
are circumvented by various devices, among
them, of having several members of a
wealthy family each credited with a contri-
bution up to the limit. The $3,000,000 limit
for political coinmittees, aimed at national
party committees, is evaded by creating all
sorts of state and local committees of each
party which are not covered.
SINCE LABOR has grown strong and has
organized politically it likewise is raising
big campaign chests to counter big political
expenditures on the other side and protect
its interests. Attempts to prohibit those
also have failed, and logically, since it would
be unfair to penalize one group.

This would seem to be a good time for
thee, congressional campaign investigating
committees to explore this whole subject, to
find out, firsthand, how much this year's
campaign is costing, and just who and what
various interests are paying the bills, so
that we might get a real look-see into this
phase of our democratic process. Among
other things it would help us to understand
what goes on here in congress.
(Copyright, 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
a a

Washington Merry-io "Round

"Say, What Ever Happened To Sea
Monsters Anyhow?"


WASHINGTON-Now that the elections
are over, President Truman is consider-
ing important Cabinet changes. He will also
be faced with important vacancies on the
Supreme Court. As a result, he is contem-
plating the most sensational shift he ha§
made since he eased out various Roosevelt
Cabinet members right after FDR's death.
The double-play between the Cabinet and
the Supreme Court involves:
1. Secretary of State Dean Acheson, who
will resign. '
2. Chief Justice Fred Vinson, scheduled
to take Acheson's place.
3. Justice Felix Frankfurter, who will re-
sign. Acheson will then be appointed to his
Supreme Court seat.
4. Justice William O. Douglas, who expects
to resign-probably to replace General Ei-
senhower as President of Columbia Uni-
5. Attorney General Howaid McGrath, who
will be appointed to the Supreme Court.
6. Secretary of Commerce Sawyer, who
will probably resign. Discussed as his suc-
cessor are New York Attorney Morris Ernst
and Stuart Symington.
7. Secretary of the Navy Francis Matthews,
who will be made Ambassador to Ireland.
STUDENT disinterest in the Union is go-
ing to boomerang sharply soon, and the
men of the University will have no one to
blame but themselves.
Few students realize the mar.- services
the Union performs for them. Consequent-
ly, the quantity and quality of these ser-
vices is declining because of their neglect.
In addition to the usual recreational fa-
cilities of bowling, billiards and weekend
dances, the Union also has numerous minor
projects like ski trips, football ticket resale,
parliamentary procedure classes, travel ser-
vices, bridge tournaments and theatre par-
The Union has continued to sponsor these
things, in spite of discouraging turn-outs
and participation. Sometime soon the Union
staff will tire of presenting opportunities
which no one uses. They'll quit.
This quitting day draws nearer as financial
loss is added to general disinterest. The de-
cline of dance attendance in the last two
years has been noticeable.
Furthermore, fewer men are turning out
to carry the Union burden on each year.
True, the Jnion is forboding in several
ways. It is old, dingy and gloomy, and
there is traditionally a dearth of women
there. But the Union should be more than
a place to go when there's nothing else to
If adequate student interest isn't ,forth-
coming, the Union and its services to the
University may disappear from the campus

George Killion, head of the American Presi-
dent lines, will take his place.
While these switches will not occur at
once, the most important-the exit of Dean
Acheson-will probably take place within 60
*" * *
Truman is more fond of Acheson per-
sonally- than of anyone else in the cabinet
-except Secretary Marshall. He has told
friends that he believes history will show
Acheson to be one of our greatest Secretaries
of State. However, he also fears that Ache-
son, because of his defense of Alger Hiss,
will never be able to regain public confi-
dence. Furthermore, Acheson, physically ex-
hausted, has wanted to resign.
Meanwhile, Acheson's old professor at the
Harvard Law School, Felix Frankfurter, has
been toying with the idea of stepping down
from the Supreme Court, and may time his
resignation with Acheson's so the latter can
be appointed to his seat.
r Also, though a closely guarded secret, Chief
Justice Vinson has been briefed at least once
a week on foreign policy. He is invited to
the White House frequently, and Truman
has even been asking distinguished foreign
visitors to confer with Vinson. -
The fact that the President picked Vinson
to go to Moscow in October, 1948, was no
accident. He has long had the greatest re-
spect and affection for the Chief Justice.
And though he called off the Vinson Mis-
sion to Moscow, Truman has privately ex-
pressed regret that he did so.
Howard McGrath, now Attorney General,
is scheduled to be appointed to the Vinson,
Court vacancy, though not necessarily to the
chief justiceship. It is more likely that Jus-
tice Hugo Black will receive this honor.
Meanwhile, Justice Douglas has been
sounded out by Columbia University about
succeeding Eisenhower. In fact, while Ike
was in Washington conferring with Tru-
man, Douglas was in New York conferring
with certain Columbia trustees. Douglas was
graduated from the Columbia Law School
and would be a natural to replace Ike.
* * *
A backstage controversy had been taking
place between Washington and Tokyo for
some time prior to Chinese intervention in
Korea as to how far American troops should
go toward the Manchurian border.
Secretary of State Acheson had argued
that the U.S. and U.N. troops must stop be-
fore they got near the hydroelectric pro-
jects along the Yalu River, which supply the
power for much of Manchuria.
Therefore, the State Department long ago
urged that U.N. troops stop 40 miles this
side of the Manchurian border. The Joint
Chiefs of Staff heartily concurred in this,
and this was one of the main points dis-
cussed with General MacArthur at Wake
Island. At that time MacArthur agreed.
However, when he reached the 40-mile
neutrality belt, he wired Washington for
permission to send South Korean troops oe-
yond to the Manchurian border. He said that
they were to go on mopping-up missions and
as military police to maintain order.
However, MacArthur's intelligence was
faulty and the South Korean troops found
themselves badly outnumbered. When they
got into trouble, MacArthur wired Wash-
ington for permission to send U.S. troops
to rescue them.
While the Joint Chiefs of Staff didn't like
this, they found it difficult to overrule the
commander in the field, and wired permis-
(Copyright, 1950, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Stacy and
IThe Press
A WEAKENING of journalistic principles
is clearly shown by those newspapers that
brand Robert Stacy as "firebug" and "pyro-
maniac." With little more than accusation
to go on, this sensationalizing by the press

helps create a dangerous thought trend.
In the courts of law, a man is innocent
until he is proved guilty. But with the help
of unfavorable publicity by the newspapers,,
that rule has been somewhat altered by
the public mind to mean if a man is ac-
cused, he is guilty. But until proof has
been established and a verdict passed, Sta-
cy is still innocent.
The police who work daily with criminals
of all sorts cannot themselves discriminate
between the innocent and the guilty. So-
ciety, with fewer facts and at a greater dis-
tance from the suspects, cannot possibly be
is any position to judge. The smear con-
nected with Stacy's being called a "hairy
creature dancing around a ritual fire" will
very likely remain, even after the trial.
This thought trend can quickly spring to
other avenues of thought. If a person is a
suspected Communist, premature "Red" la-
bels attached to him can have a disastrous
effect. Owen Lattimore's newspaper beating
was dealt before proof was established con-
cerning his suspected Communist affilia-,
Preston Tucker was blacklisted by the



C k'
f/ 1\

Division will interview February
graduates from the Business Ad-
ministration School who are in-
terested in accounting, purchas-
ing, technical sales and personnel;
and electrical, mechanical, and
industrial engineers for design, de-
velopment, and manufacturing.
United States Rubber Comtpany
in Detroit, will interview Chemical
and Mechanical Engineers, both
February and June graduates on
Thurs., Nov. 9. Applicants must
have a "B" or above average.
On Thurs., Nov. 9, Merck &
Company, Rahway, New Jersey,
will interview Chemists and Chem.-
ical Engineers, February and June
graduates, on B.S. and M.S. levels.
National Lead Company Re-
search Laboratory, South Amboy,
New Jersey, will interview Thurs.,
Nov. 9, Chemists, Chemical Engi-
neers, Physicists, and Metallurgi-
cal Engineers on the B.S., M.S., or
Ph.D., level for research and de-
velopment. Work will be on ti-
tanium, with emphasis on pig-
ments and metal.
For further information and ap-
pointments call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Ext. 371.

.e+EE t..o1

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters o
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Med School Blanks ...
To the Editor:
WAYNE L. Whittaker, Secretary
of the Medical School, at a re-,
cent meeting of the Unitarian Stu-'

through the holes the Michigan
lines opened for their ball carrier.
After the Illinois game every Mich-
igan man has to lower his head in
shame, whenever the fact is men-
tioned that three Michigan block-


dent Group claimed that "no in- ers several times could not remove
formation concerning an applica-
tion for the University medical the last obstacle between the ball-
school is irrelevant." On the basis carrier and the opponent's goal.
of this he assumed that questions Gone is the fury.
of national origin and religion and What are the reasons and
a request for a photograph are causes of our gridiron incompe-
necessary information on the med-
ical school application blank. tence? Are we the victims of the
It is extremely doubtful that on dreaded disease of senioritis? Is it
It i exremly oubfultha ondue to the fact that name players
any application blank (especially and favorites of the coaches get
one as short as the University the starting assignments while the
Mnedical blank is) it is possible to worthy players warm the bench
get any real insight into a person's for them? Is it due to the fact
character. Questions of national that we are loaded with too many
origin, race, and religion can give glory boys, who do not considerC
no knowledge as to a person's abil- blocking worthy of themselves?
ity to be a successful student. They I have no way of knowing what
tell nothing of a person's person- I he nousa of ou ing wht
ality or integrity. Surely these can- is the cause of our troubles but
not be pertinent questions on so at the back of my mind linger
short an application blank. questions like, why was our best
pass receiver used only in two plays
Possibly, after a student has al- and the next best warmed the
ready been accepted into the medi- beh alst fo the whole g e
cal school, there will be a need of so that men prominent with thei
this information for the school to incompetence to hang onto a pass-
be in a better position to under- ed ball were filling those positions?
stand and thus help the student .w.l .p. i
in his individual problems. How- The talk of injuries is no ex-
ever, there seems ,little reason to cuse. Too many injuries mean only
ask a student these questions be- one thing, the Michigan team is
fore he has been accepted, not in the best physical condition.
Weather conditions do not bother
The request for a photograph a well schooled team as it was
might possibly be valid as a means proven by Michigan against Wis-
by which tuie medical school in- consin in 1947. Weather conditions
terviews. It seems a bad policy, were as bad then in Madison, but
however, that this photog'raph the score was 40-6 in favor of
should be made an integral part Michigan.
of the application blank. The pho-
tograph is associated with the in- Things are bad as they stand
terview, not the application. If a now, but the future looks bleaker.
photograph is desired it can be It is a common secret that we were
brought by the applicant to the able to acquire only 14 out of a
interview, list of 50 desirable players for our
Ter ~iw. hfreshmen team. It is my humble
Th i..a h~±Iu ±1 h vc.

Freshmen and junior college
transfer students who have been
notified of the Principal-Fresh-
man Conference are reminded of
their appointments in the Rack-
ham Bldg., Thursday morning,a
Nov. 9.
Academic Notices
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
Wed., Nov. 8, 4 p.m., 101 W. Engi-
neering Bldg. Mr. Naghdi will
speak on "Elementary Neutron,
Diffusion Theory."
Seminar in Applied Mathema-
tics: Thurs., Nov. 9, 4 p.m., 247
W. Engineering Bldg. Prof. R. V.
Churchill will speak on "Integral,
Geometry Seminar: 2 p.m.,'
Wed., Nov. 8, 3001 Angell Hall. Mr.
MacDowell will speak on Milnor's
paper in knots.
Orientation Seminar in Mathe-,
matics: Meeting, Thurs., Nov. 9J4
p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Miss Shien
will speak on "Pohlke Theorem."
Set Theory Seminar: Wed.,
Nov. 8, 3 p.m., 3201 Angell Hall,
Mr. Shoenfield will speak on "The
Operation A."I
Topological Groups Seminar:
Will meet on Fridays, 4 to 5:30
1 p.m., 3011 Angell Hall, Instead of
Tuesdays as previously arranged.
First meeting, Fri., Nov. 10.
Organ Recital by Squire Haskin,
Guest Organist, 4:15 p.m., Wed.,
Nov. 8, Hill Auditorium. Mr. Has-
kin is organist of the First Pres-
byterian Church, Buffalo, New
York. Program: Works by Bach,
Gabrieli, Clerambault, Couperin,
Copland, Bingham, Langlais, Dur-
ufle, and Franck. Open to the pub-
Program Cancelled: Opera Work-
shop program, previously announ-
ced for 4:15 p.m., Tues., Nov. 7,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, has
been cancelled.

Wood Technology Meeting: 7:30
p.m., 2039 Natural Science Bldg.
Mr. Earle Fingerle will speak on
"Modern Practices in the Mer-
chandising of Lumber."
U. of M. Rifie Club: Shoulder
to shoulder match with .the Ann
Arbor Rifle Club, 7:15 p.m. at the
R.O.T.C. range.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Profes-
sional Geology Fraternity: Meet-
ing, 12:15 p.m., 2054 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. Speaker: John S. Wil-
liams. "Adventures in Colombian
(South America) Geology." Open
to members and faculty.
Zeta Phi Eta: Meeting, 4 p.m.,
Zeta room, fourth floor, Angell
Congregational, Disciple, Evan
gelical and Reformed Guild: Sup-
per Discussion at the Guild House,
5:30 p.m.
Displaced Students Committee:
Meet at 4 p.m., Lane Hall. Please
he there or send a substitute.
Flying Club: There will be no
meeting this evening. Next meet-
ing, Wed., Nov. 29. Members with
memberships to transfer must do
so before Nov. 27. Contact John
Hammersmith at 9692.
Pre-Med Society: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., 1400 Chemistry Bldg. Speak-
er: T. H. Schmale, Neuro-Psychi-
atric Institute. "Psychological
Factors in Medicine." New mem-
bers invited.
Sigma Xi: 8 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. Prof. H. R. Crane
will speak on "Recent Develop-
ments in Hig-Energy Physics."
Public invited.
WAA Square and Folk Dance
Club: Meeting place, Waterman
Gymnasium. 7:30-9:45 p.m.
Senior and Graduate Aeronauti-
cal Engineers: Meeting with Pro-
fessor Nelson, 1042 E. Engineering
Bldg., 7:30 p.m., to discuss factor
relating to employment in the
aircraft industry.
Tau Beta Sigma: Meeting, 4:15,,
p.m., Harris Hall.
ULLR Ski Club: Get-together
meeting, 7:30 p.m., ABC Room,
League. Aspen movies.
Michigan Arts Chorale: Regular
rehearsal, 7 p.m., Lane Hall. All
members must be present.
Israeli Singing and Dancing:
:30 p.m., Union. Students inter-
sted are invited. Beginners es-
pecially welcome. The group will
be led by a competent and experi-
enced teacher.
Go Club: First meeting, 7:30 p.-
m., Kellogg Room, League. All Go
players and those interested in
learning the game invited.
- Chess Club: Meeting, Kalama-
zoo Room, League, 7:30 p.m.
Members note change in time and


-Harry Reed

! ,1


(Continued on Page 5)

L ~
THE Cleveland Orchestra under George
Szell gave a creditable if unspectacular
perforihance Sunday evening in Hill audi-
torium. It is perhaps unfortunate that Szell
was scheduled to follow Munch for, while
each \performance should be judged solely
on its own merits, the interval has been so
short that comparisons were inevitable, and
Szell suffered by comparison.
The program itself was interesting and
worthwhile, and we are grateful to Mr.
Szell for programming two numbers which
have never before 'been played in Ann Ar-
bor. Personally I was particularly grateful,
for I had never before heard a public per-
formance of Mozart's Serenade in D ma-
jor, "With the Post Horn" (now a cornet);
it was rewarding, too, to renew acquaintance
with the lavish beauty and inconsistency of
the Mahler Fouth Symphony.
The performance of the music was not
completely satisfactory. Apart from occa-
sional and perhaps pardonable discrepan-
cies in intonation and ensemble, there was
a recurring lack of drive. Szell and his
men did not look disinterested, but occa-
sionally sounded as though they might be.
Individual players, prominent in both
numbers, sometimes played beautifully, but
more often just adequately, and the var-
ious choirs were frequently deficient in
beauty of tone, sonority and closely knit
ensemble. This does not mean there were
no beautiful moments-there were many;
but between them lay arid stretches in
which musical interest was at a standstill.
I did not like Szell's Mozart. It seemed to
me lifeless, dry and overly "precious." He
achieved some nice effects on small detail,
but became so engrossed in these effects that
structural unity, melodic continuity and
rhythmic flow were sacrificed.
Szell's grasp of the Mahler seemed much
surer and in closer harmony with the spirit
of the music. He still fell just short of im-
peccable intonation and ensemble, and sac-
rificed continuity to detail, but on the whole


i e meucai sc oo nas every-
thing to gain and nothing to lose
by elimination of these questions.
They claim that neither a per-
son's race, religion, or national ori-
gin have any bearing on his ad-
mittance. Why then, can't they
eliminate these questions and with,
it eliminate all accusations of dis-
crimination that are thrown at
-Joe Savin
Football- -
To the Editor:
WAS one among the many
Michigan alumni who last Sat-
urday, with a sickening feeling of
disgust, watched a listless, soul-
less, mentally crippled, and rnorai-
ly deteriorated Michigan team go
down to defeat after one of the,
most miserable and humiliating
performances ever displayed by the
once "Mighty Wolverines."
The 'poise, finesse, determina-
tion, mowing machine-like block-
ing, clock-work accuracy, hocus-
uocus ball handling of the once
vaunted, feared, and all-conquer-
ing Michigan offense was nowherej
to be seen on the field, having
since been replaced by fumbling,
bungling and bewilderment. There
were times when every loyal Mich-
igan alumnus could throw his chest,
out about the way a Michi-
gan player could block-out three
opposing players all by himself,
and how you could drive a truck!

opinion that the prospect of warm-
ing the bench for the "upperclass- Events Today
men" among the team does not Phoenix Project Committeemen:
look favorable to promising high- We ask that all students working
school athletes.
InhlathSaturdys.on the Student Campaign in any
In last Saturday's disappointing capacity attend the rally in Rack-
performance which saw the Uni- ham Lecture Hall, 7:30 p.m. Pro-
versity of Michigan team, formerly gram includes Vice President Nie-
the pride and joy of the State of huss, Dean Walter, and Dr. Ha-

Michigan, lose its place toMichi-
gan State College, in the hearts of
Michigan fans and in the minds
of high-school athletes of our
State, there were four players who
distinguished themselves in defeat.
Hats-off to Wahl, Johnson, Old-
ham and Bradford.
-Romilos Sarri
* * *
Reviewing ...
To the Editor:
MRS. GREENHUT'S superb re-
THIEF demands that I retract the
generalization about her social
perspective which I inferred from
her review of ALEXANDER NEV-
SKY. Though I still fully hold my
specific criticisms of the latter re-
view, my characterization of Mrs.
Greenhut's general view as
"Hearst-colored" now proves rash
and unjust. But along with my
apology, I also must leave the
question of a possible inconsis-
tency between her extreme anti-
Sovietism and her keen perception
of "the tragedy of modern man."*
°-J. G. Barense

ber. This is to be thei only mass
meeting held to prepare us for the
Campaign kick-off on Monday.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Bible Study, Fireside Room, Lane
Hall, 7:30 p.m. Topic: Romans,
chapter six.
Wesley Foundation: Do-Drop-In,
4 p.m., Lounge.
Westminister Guild: Tea and
Talk, 4-6 p.m., Third floor parlor,
First Presbyterian Church.
Roger Williams Guild: Tea 'n
Talk at Guild House, 4:30-6 p.m.
Craft Group: Lane Hall, 7:30
p,m. Instructions in knitting, mat
and rug braiding, shellcraft, clay
and paint craft. All interested stu-
dents invited.

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan 'under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown ............Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger........... City Edito :
Roma Lipsky........Editorial Director
Dave Thomas........Feature Editor.
Janet Wattss..........Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan............Associate Editor
James Gregory......... Associate Editor
Bill Connolly............Sports Editor
Bob Sandell....Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton..Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans..........Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
aBob Daniels .......... Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible.....Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau........ Finance . Manager
Carl Breitkreitz...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1


Looking Back


ring oration delivered in Hill Auditorium,
attacked the Darwinian theory as completely
"Man started with God and worked down,"
he declared.
According to the report, Bryan's Univer-
sity audience was in sympathy with him.

Member of The Associated Press
Hillelzapoppin: Meeting for re- The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
presentatives of groups who want of all news dispatches credited to it or
to enter scripts for "Hillelzapop- otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
pin," 4 p.m., League. matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan as second-class mail
Bridge Tournament: 7:30 p.m., matter i
Union. Master Point play tonight. Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

Mr. O'Malley-Your cigar burned
the string! Look! THE GOOSE-
I \

McSnoyd, you and yhave
not always seen eye to eye.
Especially since you persist
in remaining invisible. But

Let us repair to your kitchen, McSnoyd.
I'll show you! While you dress the goose,
I will prepare a dressing that will...



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