rAGF 11"'
PAGE Ta ... .
YankeesdReSox Dominate All-Star
* *
Baseball Poll
Varsity Readies Defense,
Air Attack for Hoosiers
AP Sportswriters Shun
Pennant Winning Phils
Hunt Tries New Brace on Leo's Knee
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Eight clubs are
represented on the 1950 Associated I
Press All-Star baseball team, but!
the National League ChampionE
Philadelphia Phillies drew a sur-
prising blank.
Not even their Jim Konstanty,
the loop's most valuable player,
could make the grade. The great
relief specialistgplaced fourth
among righthanded pitchers.
* 4 4
ON THE OTHER hand, Phil
Rizzuto, the AL's most valuable
player, was an overwhelming fav-
orite. The New York Yankeel
shortstop was named on the most
ballots, 360, in outdistancing the:
Phils' Gran Hamner, who receiv-
ed a mere nine votes.
The American League, as us-
ual, dominated the team, as se-
lected by 381 sports writers and
sportcasters. Seven junior lea-
guers were honored, compared to
only four for the National.
The All-Star team (batting av-
erages and won and lostrecords
in parenthesis):
First base-Walt Dropo, Red
Sox, .323.
Second base-Jackie Robinson,
Dodgers, .328.
Third base-George Kell, Tig-
ers, .341.
Shortstop-Phil Rizzuto, Yan-
kees, .324.
Right field-Stan Musial, Car-.
dinals, .346.
Center Field-Joe DiMaggio,
Yankees, .301.
Left Field-Ralph Kiner, Pi-
rates, .272.
Catcher--Yogi Berra, Yan-
kees, .320.
Right-handed pitcher-Bob"
Lemon, Indians, 23-11.
Left handed pitcher-Warren
Spahn, Braves, 21-17.
Utility-Bill Goodman,- Red
Sox, .354.
Rizzuto, Robinson, Kell, Musi-
al and Kiner are holdover fromj
the 1949 team.
. . .Clipper still tops.
Tiger Stars, Heilmann To Meet
Local Fans Here Tomorrow
Detroit Tiger baseball celebrities
will make an appearance at the
Ann Arbor Armory tomorrow eve-
ning at 8:00. This is another in
their series of talks in Michigan
The program sponsored by the
Ann Arbor Quarterback Club is
open to all- that want to attend.
Tickets are available throughout
the city.
PARTICIPATING in the event
will be baseball broadcaster Harry
Heilmann along with four other
Tigers, George Kell, Charlie Keller,
Freddy Hutchinson, and Gerry
Heilmann, who will act as
master of ceremonies, is a form-
er American League hitting star
who won the batting title four
times in the 1920's. Now "Old
Slug" broadcasts all the Tiger
baseball games.
The program will be primarily
a question and answer affair with
the quintet giving their opinions
of the 1950 season in which the
Tigers finished a close second to
the New York Yankees.
THESE FOUR players were in-
strumental in the -Tiger's high
standing under the managerial
genius of Red Rolfe. Third base-
man George Kell, known as the
ultimate in class among third sack-
ers in baseball, has hit in the
.300's for five consecutive seasons.
Hutchinson is a reliable right
hander who won 17 games for
the Tigers in 1950. Two other
Bengals appearing at the Ar-
mory, Keller and Priddy, are
former New York Yankees who
contributed heavily to a fine
season for the Detroiters.
Affectionately known as "Old
King Kong," Keller has been class-
ed as one of the most popular
players ever to wear a Yankee uni-
form. When Keller received "his
day" at Yankee Stadium a few
seasons back, he set up a scholar-
ship fund for underprivileged
youths to attend his alma mater,
the University of Maryland.
Associate Sports Editor
"The knee" is playing an impor-
tant role in the fortunes of the
Michigan football team.
Chances are that it will continue
to do so too. Right now this in-
tricate and undependable piece of
anatomy is responsible for three-
fourths of the ailments of the ap-
parently jinxed Wolverine wing-
FRANK HOWELL is out with a
broken arm, but Leo Koceski, Don
Peterson, and Don Oldham are all
plagued with bad knees as are sev-
eral other Wolverines.
Michigan trainer Jim Hunt
claims that knee injuries are the
bugaboo of all athletic trainers.
Outside of the fracture Hunt
claims that they are the most
disabling type of injury common
to a football team.
Of major interest to Bennie Oos-
terbaan's crew right now is the
ailing leg of Koceski's. It has been
reported that Leo might be able
to go against Indiana this Satur-
* * *
WHETHER he does or not might
depend on the result of some ex-
perimenting that Hunt has been
doing recently. Last week he had
Leo try a metal brace on his leg.
Yesterday afternoon the vete-
Crisler .Denies
A report that H. O. (Fritz) Cris-
ler would become head coach of
the Detroit Lions next year was
spiked by the University of Michi-
gan's director of athletics himself
The Detroit Times stated in a
recent article that the Lions were
not satisfied with "Bo" McMillan's
win-deficient teams during his
three years at the helm of the
Motor City's professional football
The article, written by the
Times' sports editor, also stated
that Crisler had been asked to
take over the reins of the Lions.
In a statement to The Daily
yesterday Crisler said, "It's all
news to me." He had not been ap-
proached by a representative of
the Lions to take the position of
head coach.
_ 4- ,
ran trainer was working on
somthing else. He had a plastic
cast of Koceski's leg and was
forming a mold around it.
This mold was made of cloth
and a chemical compound that
will harden over night and form
a tough hard cast that will slip
over Koceski's leg.
* * *
it will work or not. The idea in
both cases is to keep the knee from
twisting and from bending side-
wise, both of which tend to stretch
the ligaments.
At the same time Koceski
must be able to bend his leg free-
ly and not have his running
hampered when he attempts to
skirt the enemy ends.
These two devices that Hunt is
trying are only a few of the many
ideas that trainers and doctors
alike have worked on. Hunt ad-
mits that the idea of a plastic cast
has undoubtedly been tried .nany
times before.
* * *
WHETHER ANY of thesel
schemes work depends largely on
the individual's case. Some injuries
are worse than others, making the
knee too weak even to work in a
The Wolverines settled down to:
the task at hand, that of the In-
diana game, with a long workout
yesterday afternoon which empha-
sized the passing attack and a
strengthened defense for the ih-,
vading Hoosiers to cope with Sat-
urday afternoon.
Although Indiana is presently in
the depths of a slump similar to
Michigan's present status, the
Hoosiers have the ability to ex-
plode at any time as they did in
their 20-7 victory over Notre
Dame two and a half weeks ago.
* * *
IN BOBBY Robertson they have
one of the Conference's leading
ground gainers. Robertson has ac-
counted for over one-half of In-
diana's yardage by the land route
and is a dangerous man on punt
returns. Robertson does all of In-
diana's punting, with a better than
35 yard average, and on occasions
has done some passing, so he may
be classified as a triple threat.
The hard driving left half-
back has accounted for five of
Indiana's 11 touchdowns to date,
two of them coming in the win
over the Irish. Robertson en-
joyed his best day against Notre
Dame, ripping off 185 yards on
the ground, 83 of these coming
on Indiana's final touchdown.
With the halting of Robertson
one of their big tasks on Saturday
the Wolverines worked on defen-
sive maneuvers against the re-
serves' running attack which used
Indiana plays out of the T-for-
* * *
THE WOLVERINES, also, spent
considerable time on their own
passing attack, which seems to
be their most potent weapon.
Chuck Ortmann threw from his
customary left half spot and Pete
Palmer did some pitching, both
hitting with excellent success as
they moved up and down the field
against the reserves.
Donald Dugger, reserve guard,
who sustained a head injury in
practice Monday was back in uni-
form yesterday, while Norman
Canty, a bright prospect in the
freshmen backfield, was reported
to be improving in the Health
With Indiana claiming a very
effective passer in D'Achille the
reserves gave the Wolverine de-
fense a taste of the passing at-
tack they can expect from Indiana.
... knee gets attention.
I-M Results
What's worse is the fact that
the diagnosis of a knee is a dif-
ficult task to begin with. The
reason for this is that many dif-
ferent injuries can cause the
The most common is stretching
or bruising the ligaments, but of-
ten the cartilage is split, usually
resulting in an operation.
Hunt says an English scientist
has been experimenting on cats1
to try to determine more about
the treatment of knees. Evidently
the leg bone structure of the ani-
mal is similar to that of a human.
The Englishman's work has al-
ready produced some new ideas in
the treatment of this footballer's
Delta Sigma Phi 18 Alpha Tau
Omega 0
Phi Chi defeated Phi Delta Chi
Alpha Omega defeated Phi Al-
pha Kappa (forfeit)
Sigma Nu 6 Lambda Chi Al-
pha 0
Law Club A 6 Delta Sigma
Delta 0
Alpha Chi Sigma 7 Psi Omega
Delta Upsilon 13 Zeta Beta
Tau 7
Phi Kappa Psi 14 Chi Phi 7
Psychology 4, English 2
Navy 6, Law 0
Math 4, Public Health 2
OrChids, Large & Beautiful.......$2.5
Gardenias (2) .................$1.6
Campus Corsage Service
Mike, Milt, & Al ... at 5-1824 --7-11 P.M.
"A Student Service For Students"'
Let's Get Aboard!
Bus Going to J. D. Miller's Cafeteria
Leaves Bus. Ad. Bldg.-12:01 P.M.
Leaves Engine Arch-12:05 P.M.
Eat Lunch at J. D. Miller's
And hop return bus at 12:45 P.M.
- ~ t a
pnd no
BY Ronnie,
;. 4 ~columbIa
G 1 G
rSe in Chemis~rYf
n~ Fact~ion;h
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of
the Assistant to the President, Room
2552 Administration Building, by
3:00 p.m. on the day preceding pub-
lication (11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LXI, No. 38
Approved Student Sponsored So-
cial Events for the Coming Week-
November 10 - Angell House,
Delta Upsilon, Jordan Hall, Klein-
stueck House.
November 11 - Acacia, Adams
House, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Al-
pha Kappa Psi, Alpha Phi Alpha,E
Chi Phi, Chicago House, Delta
Sigma Delta, Greene House, Kap-
pa Sigma, "M" Club, Michigan
Co-op House, Phi Delta Phi, Phi
Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi
Kappa Tau, Phi Sigma Kappa, Psi
Omega, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sig-
ma Alpha Mu, Sigma Chi, Sigma
Phi-Beta Theta Pi, Theta Chi,
Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi, Tri-
angle, Trigon.
November 12 - J. Raleigh Nel-
son House, Phi Delta Phi.
Bureau of Appointments an-
nounces the following companies
interviewing at its office:
Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri-
day, Nov. 8-10 the RCA Victor
(Continued on Page 4)
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