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November 04, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-11-04

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See Page 4

Lates~t Deadline i~n the State

:43 a t ly










* *





Enemy Push
Stopped in
Supplies Dropped
To Leathernecks
nese Communists this morning cut
off two Marine battalions north
of Sudong after penetrating posi-
tions of the attacking Seventh
An official source said a Chi-
nese roadblock was set up behind
the two battalions.
The Marines, attacking north
from Sudong, 20 miles south of'
the bitterly defended Changjin
reservoir, encountered strong op-
position, a 10th Corps officer said.
The forward Marine elements
were being supplied by airdrops.,
In northwest Korea, meanwhile,
the Red counter-drive ground to
a halt.
Escape of at least half of a trap-
ped U.S. regiment was disclosed
this morning.
* * *
A U.S. EIGHTH ARMY spokes-
man said action was limited last
night, in contrast with recent days
which saw heavy Red attacks force
Allied withdrawals of up to 50
Smiles. '
The spokesman said at least half
of the U.S. First Cavalry's Eighth
Regiment, trapped north of Kunu
and west of Unsan, had escaped.
Others were trying to filter
through and rejoin friendly forces.
EIGHTY MILES southwest of
Sudong, Korean Reds isolated a
Marine battalion at Majon, 16
miles west of Wonsan. The Ma-
rines had gone there to block the
northern escape route of bY-passed
North Korean Reds, but were1
themselves cut off.
At the same time, Marine fliers
bombed a force of 2,000 by-passed
Reds only five miles from Won-
san, big east coast port and site
of tie largest Allied airfield in
North Korea. Tanks were called up
to protect the airfield.
AP Correspondent Stan Swinton
said the First Marine Division was
strung out over 100 miles from
Sudong southward to Kojo, 30
miles south of Wonsan, in what
many Marine officers called an
almost impossible tactical situa-
But an intelligence spokesman
at General MacArthur's Tokyo
headquarters said the United Na-
tions still held the initiative in
North Korea generally, despite the
U' Committee
Backs Burke
For Legislature
A committee composed of 10
University faculty members sent
out 3,000 letters to their colleagues
yesterday in behalf of the candi-
dacy of George J. Burke, Jr. for
state legislator in the 1st Wash-
tenaw District.
The letters made a non-partisan
appeal for the support of Burke, a
Democrat, who, it was said, stands
for "higher education."
The Republican incumbent,'
Lewis Christman, who is opposing
Burke in the Nov. 7 elections, was
accused of voting for the recent

cut in state appropriations to the
Members of the faculty com-
mittee include: Prof. Robert An-
gell, chairman of the Sociology De-
nartment. Prof Trvina A Teonard,

Veto-Free Army Russia Ask
Approved by UN io

Rose Bowl Trip
May Go.T oVictor
Both Teams Hampered by Injuries;
Loss of Koceski Hinders Wolverines
Associate "Sports Editor
Two football locomotives each with the same destination-Pasa-
dena, California, Jan. 1, 1951-and each fired by the same fuel-in-
tense desire to play in the Rose Bowl game-meet head on today.
when Michigan battles Illinois at the Wolverine Stadium.
The Wolverines and Illini were co-favorites for the Conference
title when the campaign opened. Ohio State has upset this applecart,
but today's battle may still be the deciding one in naming the
league's Rose Bowl representative. And injury, spelled with a capital
I' may decide today's game.
RAY ELIOT and Bennie Oosterbaan, respective Illini and Wol-
verine coaches, know that this win is a must on any Rose Bowl time-
table. And both also know that old",

NEW YORKLW)-The United Nations Assembly yesterday ap-
proved by 52 to five Secretary of State Acheson's program for a
veto-free system of collective security giving the U.N. power to meet.
aggression with armed force on a few hours notice.
For the first time in U.N. history, the assembly was empowered
to ask for troops if the Security Council fails to handle aggression
Later in the day the U.N. Assembly's Political Committee ap-
proved an Eight-Power proposal describing any aggression, whether
committed openly or by a fifth column, as the gravest crime against
the world's security.
* * * *.
ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT Nasrollah Entezam hailed the As-
sembly's action as the most important taken by this Fifth General

I . E 344, e WI I' i.

A rmy Drives
Near .Lhasa
NEW DELHI, India-(P-Chi-
nese Communists invading Tibet
were reported 'yesterday by the
Kalimpong correspondent of the
Calcutta newspaper Statesman to
be only 150 miles from Lhasa, cap-
ital of the priest-ruled country.
The Red invaders have reached
Nagchuka, on the road from Kye-
kundo in the Chinese province of
Chinghai, the dispatch said. Nag-
chuka lies on the easiest route
westward to Lhasa.
Tibetans in Kalimpong were re-
ported to have regarded the recent
fall of Chamdo, a main caravan
center 370 miles east of Lhasa, as
a disaster. Lhas had posted some
when the Tibetans could fight no
longer. Of the entire force only
one officer surrendered, it was
Word reaching Kalimpong said
the Chalnoo battle ended only
the Tibetans could fight no longer.
Of the entire force only one officer
surrendered, it was said.
A Pravda correspondent said the
ninth regiment of Tibet's small
army surrendered in a body to the
Chinese and "joined in the struggle
for the liberation of Tibet."
world News
By The Associated Press
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico--Gov.
Luis Munoz Marin told Puerto
Ricans in a broadcast last night
that free elections are the best
defense against disorders such as
the abortive Nationalist revolt
this week.
ROME - A rule of unanimity
caused the European Council's
committee of foreign ministers to
decide last night against taking
any action on a unified European
LONDON-Diplomatic officials
reported last night the United
States wants German armed forc-
es equal to about ten divisions,
which would be scattered through
the projected European Army, to
help defend West Europe.
* * *
ATHENS, Greece-A new coa-
lition cabinet headed by Pre-
mier Sophocles Venizelos - his
fourth in 11 months and exclud-
ing Constantin Tsaldaris and six
members of his Populist (Royal-
ist) party, who held ministries in
the former cabinet-was sworn
in yesterday.
LAKE SUCCESS - Nationalist
China charged in the UN yester-
day that Communist China is giv-
ing substantial aid to North Korea,

Assembly and perhaps the most
important ever taken by any U.N.
Assembly. Many delegates agreed
that aggression of the North Ko-
rean type m1st not occur again.
Soviet Foreign Minister An-
drei Y. Vishinsky accepted for
Russia a place on a Peace Ob-
servation Commission, but voted
with the four other members of
the Russian Bloc against the
whole resolution. India and Ar-
gentina abstained.
In brief, the Assembly yester-
1. Voted itself authority to meet
on 24-hour notice in the event of
an emergency caused by the fail-
ure of the Security Council to_ act
to meet aggression.
S * S
2. SET UP A Peace Observation
Commission of 14 members and
charged it with responsibility for
investigating quickly any threat
of the peace anywhere.
3. Asked the U.N. members to
maintain within their national
military establishment forces so
trained and equipped that they
could be male available prompt.
ly for service as U.N. units upon
recommendation by the Security
Council or the General Assem-
4. Established a collective mea-
sures committee of 14 members to
study and report to the Security
Council and the Assembly not later
than. Sept. 1, 1951, on methods to
maintain and strengthen interna-
tional peace and security.
5. RECOMMENDED that the
five permanent 'members of the
Security Council - the United
States, France, China, Britain and
the Soviet Union-meet and dis-
cuss their disagreements and try
for a settlement.
The Assembly also adopted a
resolution denouncing Russia's
Balkan Satellites, Romania, Bul-
garia and Hungary, for tram-
pling on human rights.
The action grew out of the trial
and imprisonment of Josef Cardi-
nal Mindszenty in Hungary.

Proposal Would
WASHINGT6N - (P) - Russia
last night proposed a meeting of
the foreign ministers of the Unit-
ed States, Britain and France on
its -Prague Proposals for creation
of an All-German Constitutional
Council to unify Germany under
one government.
Such a proppsal was handed
U.S. Ambassador Alan G. Kirk in
Moscow last night, the State De-
partment said.
THE CREATION of an All-Ger-
man Constitutional Council to uni-
fy Germany under one govern-
ment was first proposed in Prague
on Oct. 21 by Russia and seven
satellite countries.
Four proposals were made by
the Soviet Bloc:
1. A proclamation by the So-
viet Union, Britain, France and
the United States "That they will
not allow the remilitarization of
2. "The removal of all hindran-
'ces in the road to the developnenV
of a peaceful German economy
and the inadmissibility of the re-
habilitation of the German war
* s -
3. "THE UNDELAYED conclu-
sion of a peace treaty with Ger-
many," the creation of a unified
German State, and the withdraw-
al of all occupation forces a year
after the signing of the treaty.
4. "The creation of an All-
German Constitutional Council on
the basis of balanced representa-
tion of Western and Eastern Ger-
many, which should prepare for
the establishment of an interim
democratic, peace-loving, all-Ger-
man Sovereign Government."
However, there was little indi-
cation last night that Russia's
suggestion sfor a foreign ministers
conference on the Prague Plan
would be accepted.
Ann Arbor Area
Gets First Snow
Ann Arbor's first snow of the
season and the prediction of the
weatherman put an end tcf a rec-
ord-breaking Indian Sumn er last
With the mercury falling more
than 30 degrees in little more than
a day, mixed rain and snow was
predicted until 10 a.m. today, turn-
ing to rain in the afternoon.

HELD-Mrs. Rosa Collazo is escorted by two FBI men from
Federal Court House building in New York, where she was held on
$50;000 bail and charged with conspiring to injure President
Truman. Mrs. Collazo is the wife of one of the Puerto Rican
conspirators involved in the assassination attempt.
Trluman ~tVisits Gua-rds
Wounded n u Battle

heavy guard, President Truman
yesterday walked from the White
House to Emergency Hospital to
visit the two policemen wounded
in Wednesday's furious gun battle
in defending him from assassina-
Five Secret Service men closely
flanked the President as he made
the two-block trip to and from the
hospital. Other Secret Service
agents rode slowly along in an
escort car.
MR. TRUMAN chatted for about
five minutes with the two wounded
men-Pvts. Joseph A. Downs and
Donald T. Birdzell-and later he
told newsmen:
"They are getting along fine."
Presidential Secretary Charles
G. Ross said Mr. Truman expressed
"his deep gratitude" to the men.
Hospital physicians described the
condition of both guards as "very
* * *
MEANWHILE, the body of
Griselio Torresola, one of the two
Puerto Rican gunmen involved in
the assassination attempt, lay un-
claimed in the city morgue.

In New York, the young widow
of Greselio Torresola went to
prison, her lips tight, her head.
She was unable to raise $50,000
bail and was held on a charge of
plotting to injure the President.
Truman Will
By The Associated Press
President Truman will speak to
the nation tonight for the first
time since the attempt on his life.l
The spectacular Blair House
shooting is figured to swell the
vast audience the Democrats have
sought to line up to hear his frank-
ly political broadcast from St.
Louisr at 10 p.m. Ann Arbor time.
He will address a Democratic Party
rally in Kiel Auditorium.
The GOP has engaged only one
network, Mutual, for Stassen while
the Democrats have'dug deep into
their treasury and bought time for
the President on 1,200 radio and
72 television stations, including all
major networks.

man injury may very well reroute
the Pasadena express for either
Eliot has engineered his
charges through four wins, one
of them over highly-touted
Washington, but the lone de-
feat came against Wisconsin's
Badgers-unfortunately a Big
Ten foe. Michigan stands at an
even .500 percentage, but the
losses were meted out by Army
and Michigan State, both high-
ly-ranked clubs.
In the Conference, the Wolver-
ines played their best game in de-
cisively trimming Wisconsin, but
faded to a miserable 7-7 tie against
Minnesota's stumbling Gophers
last week.
THE SPECTRE of Ohio State'
looms large over the Conference
championship picture, but since
the Buckeyes saw California last
year, the New Year's berth is still
open. And Michigan and Illinois
took the trip long enough ago to
qualify, if they can get their Con-
ference-championship passport in
The day's biggest question-
mark centers around one John
Karras, guiding star of a
ground-eating Illinois backfield
and in his junior year heralded
as another "Red" Grange.
Karras' accomplishments have
been only slightly short of fan-
tastic. As a sophomore, the Argo
express roared to a 732-yard Big
Ten rushing record, and he is
well on his way to snapping that
mark with 227 yards in 1950's first
two Conference, games.
MICHIGAN supporters pulled
their hearts out of their mouths
after the Illini speedster was
hauled down from behind in two
1949 runs against the Maize and
Blue. Michigan won, 13-0, through
no fault of Mr. Karras.
(Continued on Page 3)
Airliner Lost
In Alp, Region;
48 OnBoard
GENEVA - () - A chartered
Constellation Airliner en route
from Bombay to London with 40
East Indian seamen and a crew
of eight was missing last night and
believed to have crashed in the
Alpine approaches to Geneva Air-
No word has been received from
the plane since it radioed Geneva
2:43 a.m. (Ann Arbor time). At,

Town Tense
As, Football
Duel Nears
A hush of expectancy crept
over Ann Arbor this morning as
97,000 fans headed for town to
witness the football duel which
may well determine who is to smell
the roses of sunny Pasadena.
The arrival of real fall weather
yesterday with its leaden sky and
wet snow will keep the temperature
down, below the sixties today as
gloves and gay mufflers make
their first stadium appearance
of the year.
At half-time the Michigan
Marching Band will share the
field with the band of the Illini.
* * *.
depict several scenes reminiscent
of the '20s to the tunes of "Deane,"
"In Our Merry Oldsmobile," "Al-
exander's Ragtime Band," "It's A
Grand Old Flag" and a John Phil-
lips Sousa march.
During the game a flash-card
section' of 1,620 students will
manipulate shiny, blue and yel-
low cards purchased by the Wol-
verine Club after two years of
planning and saving.
All students sitting in the flash-
card section have been asked by
the Wolverine Club to be sure to
get a, special set' of instructions
which will be handed out with
the cards.
MEANWHILE this morning,
special trains bearing hopeful Illi-
ni rooters cars conspicuously
branded "Illinois" were on their
way to the game.
Men in blue, ingluding mem-
bers of the state police force,
faced their usual job of keeping
about 30,000 cars from making
left-hand turns from right-hand
lanes and crinkling shiney fen-
Cider sales have dropped off and
more potent beverages seem to be
in demand. Local restaurants have
laid in extra supplies of coffee in
anticipation of pre and post game
rushes of cold customers.
The Union's football ticket re-
sale booth, located in the lobby,
will be open from 9 a.m. to noon
today. Non-student tickets for to-
day's grid-iron clash will be ac-
cepted for resale at list price.
The stage is set and the war-

Moody Calls For Preparedness To Prevent War

"We cannot afford to be the
neighborhood fat boy who is un-
prepared to resist-the bully," Blair
Moody warned yesterday, as he
voiced a plea for armed prepared-
ness before a University journalism
Moody, Detroit News Washing-
ton correspondent, declared that
we can only avoid war by making
the Kremlin realize that they
would be seeking their own de-
struction in attacking us.
THE REPORTER, just returned
from a three week European tour,
said that the American people
must sacrifice now to build up a
defense force of men and mater-
"Russia has not abandoned

He suggested that in a crisis the
disgruntled Baltic states might be
relied upon to furnish active as-

THE NEWS correspondent
praised the current bi-partisan
conduct of U.S. foreign policy. He
said he felt that the attaceks on
Secretary of State Dean Acheson
had been "unscrupulous and un-
just," and that the secretary has
done a magnificent job.
"The bi-partisan civilian de-
fense job here in Michigan has
attracted world wide attention,
Moody asserted.
He revealed that Britain's top
civil defense expert had heaped
praise on the state's efficient ci-
vilian defense machinery, set up

that time the British pilot, Capt. riors are preparing to don foot-
Alan Saint, said he was in the vi- ball armors. All that remains is
cinity of Grenoble, France, 65 miles the long procession to the field of
south of Geneva, and expected to battle and perhaps a Michigan
land at Geneva Airport at 3:05 prayer.

A French laborer from the vil-'
lage of Villaroger, in the Savoy
region, told authorities he heard
two loud explosions a few seconds
apart in the direction of Mont
Pass on the French-Italian fron-'
tier. Search parties were sent out.
The four-engined Air India
plane, chartered by a British ship-
ping firm, was transporting the
seamen to Britain to man a newly

New Chrysler
Head Named
DETROIT - (/P)- Directors of
Chrysler Corp.' yesterday named
Lester L. Colbert president and
elevated K. T. Keller to Chairman
of the Board.
In his new position Colbert, who




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