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October 08, 1950 - Image 10

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Michigan Daily, 1950-10-08

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Freshmen Eligibility

Contrary to prevalent campus information
first-semester freshmen are actually eligible
to participate in any non-credit student
group-provided that they do not take part
in rehearsals and public performances, do
not hold office and arenot members of any
Restrictive as this rule appears it does
not prevent the freshmen from joining
any civic or town'group in Ann Arbor or
from joining campus groups such as the
Young Politicians and the athletic teams.
Also under exceptions recently granted by
the Student Affairs Committee, first semes-
ter freshmen can play in the Marching Band
and sing in the Glee Clubs.
They can participate in the University
Choir, the Concert Band and, the Symphony
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Orchestra provided that they are receiving
Moreover, the Choral Union which is not
regarded as a student group is open to all.
The only student organizations that are
restricted are the publications, the Arts
Chorale, the Gilbert and Sullivan Society
and the several dramatic groups.
The reasons behind these restrictions are
vague if at all existent. There is talk about
too much time away from studies, but with
these groups being the exception rather than,
the rule freshmen can find other organiza-
tions in which to spend their week withot
the Office of Student Affairs caring in the
Recently the SAC announced a belated
year long study of the entire freshmen eli-
gibility system. In the meantime the re-
stricted groups need to petition SAC in order
to be allowed freshmen membership.
By the spring semester, however, it can
be hoped that the inconsistencies will be re-
mover and freshmen placed on an equal
eligibility status with other students.
-Leonard Greenbaum

+ BOOKS +1

STAR OF EMPIRE, A Study of Britain
as a World Power, 1485-1945. William B.
FOT THOSE STUDENTS who have enjoy-
ed a course in English history with Prof.
Willcox, no review of his new book, "Star of
Empire," is needed to arouse enthusiasm. It
is enough to announce it for them to know
the high intellectual adventure that is theirs
for the reading. But to the many who, as a
result of numbing experience in high schol
or college, have set down history as a dreary
catalogue of facts and dates, a veritable for-
est of Roman numerals, Mr. Willcox's book is
recommended as an antidote. For those who
have stigmatized history as not merely dead
but deadly, this book will come as a happy
In a field as old and noted for distinguish-
ed scholars as English history, a writer must
be both bold and gifted with original in-
sights to produce an account of modern
Britain that is both fresh in treatment and
unhackneyed in interpretation. Yet this is
Just what Mr. Willcox has done in a single
volume. In some 400 pages he has inter-
woven all the essential threads of British
developments from the dawn of empire with
the advent of the Tudors, through the apo-
gee of empire in the 19th century, to the twi-
light of empire in the present. To a clean,
swift-moving account of the major stages
and themes of British history since 1500 he
combines a concomitantly illuminating in-
terpretation which is as lucid as it is provo-
cative for those who believe that the past
lives on to infuse in the mind of living men
a sense of continuity and direction. The re-
sut is a near masterpiece of historical liter-
* * 4
TO THE EXTENT that history is one of
the liberal arts, it must, if it is not to
remain the insulated domain of a scholarly
elect, appeal to a wide audience. This means
that to realize its function of providing per-
spective and large purpose for action in the
present, it must delight as well as instruct-
in short, It must be readable. Mr. Willcox
is keenly aware of this. For him history is
in one sense a branch of literature. And he
writes superbly.
He does so in part because he avoids
both the formidable argot of the scholar
and the condescension of the popularizer.
But more importantly, his writing excites
because he is a master of metaphor and
the precise phrase. His forte is the extend-
ed metaphor that compares, contrasts,
suggests, fires the imagination, and links
confusing elements of a complex whole to
convey meaning with clarity and force.
This is heightened by his adroit but never
pretentious use of epigramatic or poetic
excerpts from English letters. Wit and
irony, compression and control, are his
metier. I have seldom read a historical
exposition more brilliantly organized, more
economical in words.
To enhance clarity, remarkably few names
are mentioned. He includes only those per-
sons he believes indispensable to fixing the
significance of a period or problem. Each
character is fixed sharply in a few deft, or-
iginal twists of phrase. James I, for example,
is no longer pigeon-holed as "the wisest fool
in Christendom." Instead: "He was no fool,
not even a wise one, and in many ways h
was more intelligent than most of his sub-
jects . . . at bottom he was an obstinate
little man wandering in dignified bewilder-
ment through an earthquake."
His prose is as esthetically pleasing as his
argument is intellectually compelling.
* * *
. WILLCOX has not attempted to write
the whole of British history. This would
not only entail many volumes and duplicate
already extant works, but would defeat his
purpose of an integration designed to appeal
to the large audience of intelligent laymen.
Besides, as he says himself, English history
does not need telling again so much as
digestion and summary, the extraction of
vital issues and solutions from the bulk of
events, and forceful presentation for what.

nub of each period of English history and
linked the successive stages to produce an
amazingly-clear picture of the whole devel-
opment. To omit so many details, yet show
precisely how and why the elements retained
are of the essence; to compress exposition to
the limit yet state the meaning of each
component; to write leanly yet avoid the
distortions of bias-this marks the gifted
s s s
SELECTION and the handling of material
imply a criterion of values, or philosophy
of history. Whatever may be its ultimate
meaning, history is not a random chaos,
full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
But it is nnothing if not complex. No single,
simple cause or logic accounts for the
whole. In this study of moden Britain, Mr.
Willcox has emphasized one pattern and
perspective. Throughout the book he is say-
ing that because of her unique insular posi-
tion, close to, inseparable from but never
subordinate to the continent, Britain has
been able to develop a society and an em-
pire based not upon military coercion so
much as on consent, compromise, and the
rule of law. The key lies in the peculiar
role of sea power. Though naval power has
been the means by which England has kept
free of continental domination and by which
she built her empire, it has remained subor-
dinate to the civil government. This fact
has permitted England- to experment with
a system of government that minimizes co-
ercive force. The tragic exception Is Ireland,
where England, basing her rule' on sheer
military power, never achieved either a just
or stable regime. When the American revo-
lution revealed as bluntly for the empire as
Cromwell's army had for England the futil-
ity of bonds based on military force, Britain
slowly developed the dominion to replace the
colony, and the Commonwealth of Nations
with its great paradox of unity in indepen-
dence. British history is a mounting series
of variations on the profound theme that
no human society can long endure except it
rest on the ties of voluntary collaboration,
the ties which, as Edmund Burke said in
1776, are light as air but strong as links of
iron. The failures and the evils in British
history-as indeed with all nations, past and
present-lie precisely in those areas and
times when in exasperation or blindness, the
bonds of goodwill and compromise were set
aside for the shackles of military coercion.
It is true that in the past fifty years
Britain has declined as a world power.
But the empire, instead of crumbling like
the empires in Europe and Asia, has ma-
tured spiritually into a larger society of
free yet united nations. Britain in her
decline has become greater than she was
at her height. Now American power, grown
to maturity through British naval protec-
tion in the 19th century, has replaced her
waning sea power, and the two nations
have entered into voluntary collaboration.
It began with. the crisis of 1939, as the
spirit of partnership replaced the former
isolation and mutual Jealousy which were
the unhappy legacies of 1776 and 1812.
Mr. Willcox concludes that the hope of free
men everywhererests on the continuance
of this partnership and its expansion
through the United Nations to include,
eventually, if war can be averted, all
nations. The acute danger to America
and the Commonwealth, to the free United
Nations forces fighting today to contain
Soviet expansion, is that fear and military
coercion wil corrupt the basis of free
society and replace the spirit of compro-
mise and law with the cult of force. If
this occurs, and there are alarming signs
at hand that the process is far advanced
here, then it will matter little what, if
anything, emerges from the terminal wars
of the 20th century.
No one can any longer deny that the
Communists have utilized with supreme
effectiveness the Marxist philosophy of his-
tory. Its merits In truth aside-for these
are ultimately matters of faith-it gives
coherence, meaning and a sustaining sense
of destiny to its believers. The free nations
of the West can ill afford to overlook the

ISeems to Me
THOSE WHO advocate the rearming of
Germany argue that the West cannot
hope to defend itself against Soviet aggres-
sion if it does not enlist the support of
German manpower.
This argument is based on the assump-
tion that a German army of the future
could be depended upon to cooperate
with the West against Russia; but this
reasoning is open to considerable ques-
First of all, the Germans of 1950 are
not sold on our idea of democracy.
Too many people in this country labor
under the Illusion that during the past five
years Western occupation authorities have
succeeded in teaching the Germans demo-
cracy; it often is assumed that because the
Germans are strongly anti-communist, they
therefore must be staunch supporters of
democracy. This simply is not the case.
On the surface one probably would get the
impression that West Germany is a demo-
cratio country today. The constitution of the
Republic and the functioning of the Bonn
Government seem to bear this out. The
courts function effectively; the secret police
has vanished and free speech and free as-
sembly prevail throughout the Western
zones. But the mark of whether a nation is
democratic, it seems to me, is how the people
themselves view the political situation, and
not how a constitution imposed by occupa-
tion authorities is being followed. The Ger-
mans of today lack that critical attitude in
politics which we consider so essential to
the effective functioning of democracy. And
the most serious aspect of this problem is
the apathetic attitude toward politics that
exists among most Germans.
,A businessman in Nuremberg told me that
"there's too much politics and tooblittle
action in Bonn." When I asked why he
didn't do something about it he answered
quite seriously: "It isn't proper for an ordi-
nary man to criticize publicly the nation's
For many years the Germans have been
taught not to meddle in politics, to leave
the work of government in the hands of
experts who know what is best for the na-
tion. This attitude was partly responsible
for Hitler's rise to power, and it has not
been overcome sufficiently in the past
five years to insure real democratic think-
ing among the Germans.
There is no doubt that the Germans are
afraid of the Communists and the Russians.
This fear undoubtedly accounts for the fact
that Germans do not want the occupation
forces withdrawn at this time.
However, this does not mean that the
Germans have any love for our soldiers. On
the contrary, they look upon them wth
much disdain. And this hostility undoubtedly
reflects itself in the German attitude toward
democracy, which to their mind has been
imposed by the occupation powers rather
than being the true expression of German
If democracy were strongly rooted in the
German mind, if ordinary Germans like our
businessman felt free to level public blasts
agahst their leaders, as we do, the danger
of German rearmament might not be so
great. But five years of freedom is not very
long compared with a hundred years of
German militaristic occupation.
Under these conditions I believe that
German rearmament would serve to make
Germany an independent force between
Russia and the West, rather than an active
partner of the West. In such circumstances
the Germans would be in a position to bar-
gain with both East and West, a frightening
This may seem far-fetched today, but
consider the astonishing economic recovery
of Germany during the past three years;
consider also the German pride, the sense
of superiority and the nationalism which
still exist in Germany; add to this a
German army free of foreign control, and
the possibilities are there for another
aggressive Reich. ,
An enlarged German police force. for

internal security would be a wise move.
Enlisting German troops in a European army
may also be advisable; but creating a Ger-
man army with German commanders at
this time is asking for trouble.
If the Germans had an army to defend
themselves, they could rightly demand
the withdrawal of allied troops from
German soil. When this happens, we will
have lost our last hope of keeping the
Germans in line.
Prime Minister Chamberlain during the
1930's thought that he could direct the
ambitions of Nazi Germany toward the
East; he learned too late how independent
the Germans can be when- they have their
own army.
We should not make the same mistake.
-Don Nuechterlein.

The Week's News



lL ,,

-Daily-Bill Hampton
"Way I understand it, he lost one in a row.. ."
*" * * *
THIS WEEK we watched the Korean War come to a victorious cli-
max, helped launch the Phoenix Project, and began studying again.
The Daily decked itself out for its 60th anniversary celebration, and
Ann Arbor in general looked forward to another football Saturday.
Local ...
PHOENIX LAUNCHED-Four years of planning came to a head
Monday night as the Phoenix Project fund-raising campaign was
launched. The occasion was Atom Day, so proclaimed by Governor
G. Mennen Williams a few days earlier to be observed throughout
the state in recognition of the Project. Gordon E. Dean, chairman of
the Atomic Energy Commission was the chief speaker at the kickoff
rally held in Hill Auditorium, and Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, president
of Columbia University, and Warren Austin, United States delegate to
the United Nations, spoke to the assembly by special telephone hookup.
Dean hailed the University for its initiative in undertaking in the
Phoenix Project, the enormously important task of learning more
about the forces and potentials of atomic energy.
PUBLICATIONS-This week was a big one for student publica-
tions, as The Daily and the 'Ensian each opened their doors to try-
outs. The Daily prepared for its gala 60th anniversary celebration
Also, The Daily got its new rotary press operating for the first
time early Thursday morning.
SL-Wednesday night, the Student Legislature voted after warm
debate, to conduct a campaign to get signatures on the Crusade for
Freedom scroll..
PEP RALLY-One the "social" side, a pep rally and free dance
rounded out the pre-game campus week Friday night.
MUSIC-Ann Arbor concert-goers were given a treat when Helen
Traubel opened the new Choral Union Series in Hill Auditorium on
Thursday night.
OATH PROTEST - The Council of Arts, Sciences, and Profes-
sions, a group made up of faculty and graduate students, voted Thurs-
day to circulate petitions condemning the firing of 44 University of
California faculty members for refusing to sign a non-Commuiist
PRODUCTION-The Issue of increased production for defense
and war came once more to the fore this week. On Monday, the Na-
tional Production Authority, a government' agency, ordered into ef-
fect a mandatory priority system giving first call to the armed services
on any essential materials.
STASSEN-President Harold E. Stassen of the University of Penn-
sylvania announced this week that he has written a personal letter
to Soviet Premier Stalin requesting a face-to-face meeting "to stop
the drift toward war." Looked upon by some as a purely political
gesture, the suggestion brought varying degrees of disapproval from
Capitol Hill.
MARINES-Chairman Vinson of the House Armed Services Com-
mittee sparked a move Wednesday to allow the Marine Corps to double
its present size making a total of about 326,000 men.
RED PAPERS-In Pittsburgh, Judge Michael A. Musmanno pro-
duced a bundle of paper and documents which he says will prove that
the Communist Party in America Is a war machine which seeks to
overthrow the government by force.
SERIES-On the sports scene, the big news this week was the
World Series. The New York Yankees had the balance of power over
the Philadelphia Phillies as they handily took the first four games
in a row to win the world championship.
DOCTOR DRAFT - President Truman announced Friday that
registration of doctors trained at government expense would begin
soon. Registration for other medical men trained under the same
circumstances will be shortly forthcoming.
Around the World .. .
UNITED NATIONS-On Wednesday, the Political Committee of
the United Nations overwhelmingly approved an eight power plan for
uniting and rebuilding Korea under a UN commission. The action of
this committee is nearly tantamount to passage of that plan by the
whole assembly in the near future. The committee also gave tacit per-
mission for UN forces to cross the 38th parallel.
Later in the week, the UN Assembly's steering committee advised
a full airing of the question of Formosa, the last foothold of the Na-
tionalist Chinese government.
THE WAR-On the Korean front, the week was begun with the
announcement that South Korean troops had sped 35 miles into the
interior of North Korea. Other UN troops have been massing all week
along the 38th parallel boundary line, waiting for orders from the
UN to move across.
During the week, South Koreans advanced 70 miles before they
met any Communist resistance. Meanwhile, bombers continued raids
into North Korea.
VIENNA-Communist inspired strikes flared up in the four-power
city of Vienna last week, but a possible blockade and general sabotage
was avoided. The Communists ordered the strike called off on Thurs-
day after their planned program failed to live up to expectations.
ELSEWHERE-Elsewhere in the world: Turkey agreed to tie in
their defense planning with the Mediterrenean strategy of the Atlan-
tic Treaty bloc. French Indo-China lost a two-hundred mile chunk
of their border area to Communist led guerillas. Pakistan was invaded
by a force of Afgan tribesmen but successfully beat them back.
-Chuck Elliott

Publication In The Daily Official
Bulletin isconstructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 255
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LXI, No. 11
Group Hospitalization and Sur-
gical Service: During the period
from Oct. 9 through Oct. 13, the
University Business Office, 3012
Administration Building, will ac-
cept new applications as well as
requests for changes in contracts
now in effect. These new appli-
cations and changes become effec-
tive Dec. 5, with the first payroll
deduction on Nov. 30. After Oct.
13 no new applications or changes
can be accepted until April, 1951.
Lecture: Mr. Wilfred T. C. King,
editor of "The Banker" and as-
istant editor of "The Economist"
will give two lectures, the first on
Tues., Oct. 10, 4:15 p.m., Archi-
tecture Auditorium, on "Britain's
Economy since the war"; the sec-
ond on Wed., Oct. 11, 4:15 p.m.,
101 Economics Building, on "Free-
dom and Controls in British Bank-
Academic Notices
Bacteriology Seminar: Wed., Oct.
11, 10 a.m., 1520 E. Medical Bldg.
Speaker: Dr. Malcolm H. Soule,
Subject: The 5th International
Congress of Microbiology held in
Rio de Janeiro, August 17-24.
Inorganic - Analytical Seminar:
Tues., Oct. 10, 2308 Chemistry
Bldg., 7:30 p.m.
Prof. C. L. Rulfs will speak on
"Properties of the Group 7A Ele-
Geometry Seminar: Wed. Oct.
11, 2 p.m., in 3001 Angell Hall. Mr.
Titus will speak on "Topological
Properties of Special Classes of
Plane Curves."
Set Theory Seminar meets on
Mondays, 4 p.m., 3010 Angell Hall.
Mathematics Colloquium: Tues.,
Oct. 10, 4:10 p.m., 3011 Angell
Hall. Prof. L. Tornheim will speak
on "Lattice Packing In The
Doctoral Examination for John
Charles Johnson, Physics; thesis:
"Application of Geiger-Muller
Counters and Electron Multiplier
Tubes to Measurement of High
Temperatures," Mon., Oct. 9, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg.,
3:15 p.m. Chairman, R. A. Wolfe.
Doctoral Examination for Ro-
bert B. Lindberg, Bacteriology;
thesis: "The Antigenic Structure
of H. capulatum, Particularly the
Yeast Phase," Tues., Oct. 10, 1562
E. Medical Bldg., 2 p.m. Chairman,
M. H. Soule.
Concert. The University Musi-
cal Society will present Lauritz
Melchior, tenor, with George Roth
at the piano, in the opening pro-
gram of the Fifth Annual Extra
Concert Series, Tuesday evening,
Oct. 10, 8:30, in Hill Auditorium.
Mr. Melchior will present a var-
ied program, which will include
folk songs in Norwegian, Finnish,
Swedish, Danish; arias from Wag-
ner's operas "Lohengrin," "Die
Meistersinger," "The Flying
Dutchman," "Tristan nd Isolde";
as well as a group of contemporary
songs in English.
Tickets are available at the of-
fices of the University Musical So-
ciety in Burton Memorial Tower.

Organ Recital: Robert Noehren,
University Organist, will play the
second program in the current
series of recitals at 4:15 Sunday'
afternoon, Oct. 8, Hill Auditorium.
Compositions by Buxtehude, Men-
delssohn, Franck, Hindemith,
Vaughan Williams, and Alain.
Public invited.
Faculty Concert: Emil Raab, vi-
olinist, and Digby Bell, pianist, will
be heard at 8:30 Sunday evening,
Dct. 8, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
in a program of sonatas by Mo-
zart, Hindemith, and Beethoven.
Public invited.
Student Recital: Paul Pankotan,
Pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Mon-
day evening, Oct. 9, Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, presenting a
program in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor
of Music degree. A pupil of Ben-
ning Dexter, Mr. Pankotan will
play compositions by Bach, Beet-
hoven, Stravinsky, Schumann, and
Chopin. Public invited.

Museum of Art, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall: Art Schools, U.S.A., 1949;
through October 22. Weekdays 9-
5, Sundays 2-5. Public invited.
Events Today
Roger Williams Guild: 10 a.m.,
Bible Class: II Thessalonians. 6
p.m., Guild Supper and Discussion;
Prof. Charles Brassfileld: "Does
Science Cancel Religion?"
Presbyterian Guild: 9 a.m., cof-
fee and rolls. 9:30 a.m., Student
Seminar in Religion. Topic: The
New Testament Idea of Love. 1:30
p.m., CAPOS Presbytary meeting
(College Age Presbytary of Synod).
6 p.m., supper. 7 p.m., program:
"Set Aflame His Story"; speaker:
John Bathgate.
Congregational, Disciples and
Evangelical and Reformed Guild:
First Congregational Church, 6
p.m., dinner, followed by sound
movie, Prejudice, and a brief wor-
ship service.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
4:30 p.m., Lane Hall (Fireside
Room). Rev. W. Douglas Roe
Executive Secretary of the Mon-
trose Bible Conference Association
will speak on the subject: "Why
Be a Christian?"
Canterbury Club: 4 p.m. leave
Canterbury House for a picnic on
the Island. 9 a.m., Holy Commun-
ion followed by student breakfast.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club: Supper-program, 5:30
p.m. Speaker, Mr. James Zum-
berge, "Concerning the Age of the
Wesley Foundation: Seminar
and breakfast, 9:30 a.m. Meet in
the Pine Room. 5:30 p.m., Supper.
6:30 p.m., program. Subject: "Do
You Believe in Military Prepared-
ness." Discussion by student panel.
Newman Club: First general
meeting, 3 p.m. Chapel Clubrooms.
Graduate Outing Club: Meet at
2:15 p.m., northwest corner of
Rackham for paper chase followed
by a picnic. Wear old clothes. All
grads welcome.
IZFA: First general meeting,
7:30 p.m., League. Talk by mem-
bers who have returned from Is-
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2
p.m., League. Interested persons
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Election of officers and business
meeting, League, 8 p.m. Everyone
Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity:
Meeting, 2 p.m., Rm. 3R, Union.
Membes are urged to attend.
Coming Events
Economics Club: Open meeting,
Mon., Oct. 9, 7:45 p.m., Rackham
Dr. Paul W. McCracken, Profes-
sor of Business Conditions. "Eco-
nomic Policies for a Warmer
(Continued on Page )
ffir~ogau lai-




Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students CA
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Jim Brown.........Managing Editor
Paul Brentlinger.........City Editor
Roma Lipsky....... Editorial Director
Dave Thomas .......... Feature Editor
Janet Watts ...... .. Associate Editor
Nancy Bylan... .Associate Editor
James Gregory ...... Associate Editor
Bill Connolly..........Sports Editor
Bob Sandell .. Associate Sports Editor
Bill Brenton .. Associate Sports Editor
Barbara Jans. ...Women's Editor
Pat Brownson Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Bob Daniels ........ Business Manager
Walter Shapero Assoc. Business Manager
Paul Schaible .... Advertising Manager
Bob Mersereau ...... Finance Manager
Carl Breitkreitz .. Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press isexclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Past Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan. as second-class mail
Subscription during regular sokool
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.

Looking Back

A STUDEN editorial asked freshmen and
second year students "of real loyalty" to
be quick to comply with reasonable request
of upper classmen.
Huston Bros. advertised their Billiard
Room as a; place where gambling, profanity
and other undesirable elements were abso-
lutely TABOO.


Presents? Surely you childr.eo
| don't selfishly -xpec to get I

7 lflal rfrlh ie he hiIeI*in.cfs 1

"r ISS'Cr.ke.U John R.V. RP&L O~
M.O'Maley, you don't expect


On Fairy Godfathers Day)
everybody GIVES things.



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