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January 19, 1950 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1950-01-19

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ONE OF THE big problems which comes
at the end of the semester is that of
what to do with the shelf full of text books
you no longer need.
You have several choices, most of which
require the expenditure of a lot of energy.
You can carefully wrap the books up and
send them home, if you can find the wrap-
ping paper, string and stamps; and if 'you.
want to haul them to the post office.
You can take them to the nearest book-
seller, and haggle with him over the price.
If you are lucky, you may sell them for a
small fraction of what you paid for them.
But the bookstore ia probably a frightful
distance from your room, especially if you
are carrying a load of obsolete texts.
You can climb to the top of your closet
or crawl under your desk in What will
probably be a vain attempt to find some
space in your room for the books. This prac-
tice is fine for a semester or two, but things
begin to pile up if it continues.
There is, however, one good way to get
rid of your old textbooks without ex-
cessive exertion. You can take them to
the University's textbook loan library.
This library provides books of all sorts for
students whose financial resources are
limited. Having no income of its own, the
library depends largely upon the contribu-
tions of generous and thoughtful students to
keep its shelves well-stacked.
Alpha Phi Omega, the service frater-
nity is now sponsoring a special drive for
the library. It has set 20,000 volumes as
its goal. Your contributions of old text-
books used in any course in the University
can help meet this goal.
By contributing your books to thja
library, you will certainly gain the lasting
gratitude of a great number of students less
fortunate ,than yourself.
-Paul Brentlinger.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
At Lydia Mendelssohn . .
cellent double-feature is on view at
Lydia Mendelssohn this weekend and de-
serves two hours stolen from anybody's
study time. The two films complement each
other admirably, "Rubens" being a fasdi-
nating study of that painter's work, and
"The Magic Horse," an enchanting ani-
mated Russian fairy-tale.
Although animation in "The Magic
Horse" is not as smooth as that in Ameri-
can cartoons, Disney et al have seldom
produced anything comparable. Color is
warm and rich and far more subtle than
the harsh, absolute tones which mark
most home-grown technicolor efforts. In
addition the drawings have a highly
decorative quality, characterized by the
Oriental influence which lends excite-
ment to "The Magic Horse" as to more
serious Russian art.
The story contains all the universal fairy-

tale elements plus traditional creatures from
Russian mythology. A modern musical
score enlivens the film adding its sprightli-
ness to the charm of the entire production.
"Rubens" presents a provacative study
of the painter's .technique and composi-
tion as evidenced in a substantial amount
of his work. The academic devices of com-
parison with other periods and other ar-
tists, and dividing the canvas into sec-
tions to illustrate construction of the
painting is used to the best advantage. But
it is novel photographic techniques such
as rotating the camera in front of the
painting to give the effect of movment
which show the particular effectiveness
of motion pictures for exploring art. -
The film presents Rubens' paintings in
such a way that they are easily compre-
hensible to even the novice and succeeds in
doing this without compromising its artistic
-Fredrica Winters.

The Hydrogen Bomb
And the Future, If Any

"Want To Meet My Friend Too?"


1WTASHINGTON - There is one single,
" simple, central fact about the hydrogen
bomb that everyone must grasp, if we are
not to wander blindly into a new age of
nightmare: The mere possibility that this
terrible weapon may be built in two or three
or four years alters the whole face of world
* * *
THIS is so, moreover, whether President
Truman settles the current controversy
within the government by deciding to build
hydrogen bombs, or by refusing to build
hydrogen bombs. For no one can be so sim-
ple as to suppose that the Kremlin will
shrink back from constructing the absolute
weapon, just because we have shrunk back.
Nor should anyone wishfully assume that
the Kremlin will not have the know-how
for the job.
Indeed, the leading Soviet physicist,
Peter Kapitza, is one of the world's two
or three greatest authorities on the major
problem of the hydrogen bomb-the be-
havior of materials at very high and very
low temperatures. We may hope to build
such bombs sooner than the Soviets. But
we must expect the Soviets to be able to
build them in the end. Unless the whole
world situation radically changes, the ex-
istence of a hydrogen bomb will, sooner or
later, become one of the facts of world
strategy and politics.
This new fact will in turn violently affect
all the old facts, causing most current politi-
TOO MANY careless people are losing
The Daily's editorialbpages, both editorials
and letters. are beginning to look like the
gathering place for people who can't afford
to pay for Want Ads.
It may be that the University began it
all when they brought in a lecturing
king who had lost his country; but what-
ever the cause here are the facts as our
readers have seen them:
James Gregory, the champion of engineer-
ing and Bus Ad professors, started all the
trouble with a plea for some of the things
"he misses-Plymouth Rock and a bunch of
Indian arrows flying around his head. He
recently extended his search to include
government eggs.
Surprisingly enough, the Letters-to-the-
Editors were soon full of queries from peo-
ple who were missing the same things.
Thien, Phil Dawson, champion of Ed
Shaffer and Ernie Ellis (former Michigan
greats in the revolutionary field) came
wanderingddazedly into print to ask "Where
are the radicals?"
There hasn't been too much response to
Dawson's question yet, but it seems to me
that if both of these boys would come
out from behind their typewriters and
use some of our American initiative (Is
that missing. too?) to meet the other
20,000 students on campus they might
FIND what they are looking for. Or
Gregory could even take a quick trip to
Massachusetts and bring back his rock.
What's the matter with these people
anyway? Questions, questions, questions.
Doesn't anybody have any answers but me?
-Don McNeil.

cal and strategic assumptions to become
outworn or groundless. And this is so be-.
cause the construction of a hydrogen bomb
will represent mankind's final, suicidal tri-
umph-the harnessing of the inmost secret
of creation for purposes of unimaginable
* * *
IN BRIEF, the process that makes the
sun the course of life is nuclear fusion,
rather than nuclear fission. In the sun's
intense heats, the lower elements in the
electronic table continuously combine into
the more inert elements of medium elec-
tronic weight. Vast energies are released in
this process of fusion. Vast heats are needed
to make fusion occur.
A hydrogen bomb is now possible, simply
because the uranium - plutonium bomb
briefly generates heats as great as those
of the interior of the sun, from 1,000,000
to 10,000,000 degrees. The principle of
the hydrogen bomb, which is known to
physicists the world over, is to use uran-
ium-plutonium fission as a trigger. Fission
of the uranium-plutonium will generate
the needed heat. The heat will send
hydrogen nuclei crashing into the hearts
of other atoms. The nuclear fusion will
continue thereafter, with hundreds of
thousands of times the destructive force
of nuclear fission, until the whole charge
of the bomb has been consumed.
There is one main characteristic of the
hydrogen bomb that set it wholly apart
from the uranium-plutonium bomb. It is
"open-ended," as the physicists put it. In,
other words, there is no critical size that
places a limitation on its power. It can be
built, in theory at least, to any size desired.
The ability to build such a bomb is, in
theory, the ability to blow up the earth.
* * *
THIS KIND OF Caligula-madness is not,
of course, the real danger. Yet the danger
is there, all the same. For instance, those
with long memories will recall the wide-
spread fear, at the time of Hiroshima, that
the radio-active by-products of uranium-
plutonium bombs might eventually poison
the world atmosphere. The scientists then
reassuringly told us that 10,000 uranium-
plutonium bombs would be needed to ren-
der the atmosphere noxious to life on earth.
Everyone stopped worrying because the ex-
plosion of this number of bombs was quite
No one can say, however, that the ex-
plosion of ten hydrogen bombs may not
be an eventual possibility. With 1,000
times the force of uranium-plutonium
bombs, the hydrogen bombs' release of
radio-active by-products will also be in-
finitely greater.
The by-products will be different. The
rise in quantity released per bomb may not
be proportional to the bomb's increase of
force. The release of by-products may even
be controlled in some measure-an Atomic
Energy Commission project is studying this
problem. But you cannot get away from the
fact that mere manufacture of hydrogen
bombs is an act that jeopardizes life on
earth, in this way and in others.
Thus a sort of circular dilemma is cre-
ated. On the one hand, it is intolerable,
because it means eventual surrender to
the Soviet Union, to let the Soviets build
these bombs while we do not. On the other
hand, it is equally intolerable for these
bombs to be competitively manufactured
by two hostile world systems, thus men-
acing all life on earth. All the current po-
litical and strategic assumptions are now
about to become obsolete, precisely be-
cause they offer no escape from this di-
(Copyright, 1950 New York Herald Tribune Inc.)

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish alliletters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Mercy-Killing .

. .

To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH I had hoped to
draw fire from some abler op-
ponents of euthanasia, I seem to
have only this letter from Mr.
Zoet (The Michigan Daily of 13
January), which is the only dis-
agreement I have thus far heard
expressed in regard to my first
letter. It had further been my
hope to steer clear of religious
argument since it always dead-
locks on some absolute truth.
To begin with, Mr. Zoet has
completely mistaken my point in
the mention of my attitude toward
our charities among certain peo-
ples abroad. I certainly am in
favor of easing their pains and
filling their stomachs insofar as
this gets at the cause of their
misery, but I oppose doing so.
when it only begets more misery.
Coning back to the case of Dr.
Sander of New Hampshire, let me
first refer all readers to the opin-
ions of Dr. Clarence Little, former
president of the Univesity, in The
Michigan Daily of 13 January. He
has a good plan for meeting the
problem. Dr. Little is, I believe,
"capable of sitting in judgement
of the life of a fellow human."
And in our society, founded upon
Christian principles, as Mr. Zoet
pointed out, many less-capable
people Are called upon to sit in
that same judgement-at least in
states where the death penality is
meted out for certain crimes.
Our civilization is in no great
danger from a change in ethics; it
has grown from the start with
changes of attitude among its
most ethical element (see Salem
trials, Inquisition, attitude toward
mercy-killing, prevention of hu-
man misery, and even, probably,
suicide must come.
Mr. Zoet, I cannot compromise
a single point. /
-George W. Byers
To the Editor:

emotional advocates to one side-
euthanasia makes sense only to
those who do not believe in God
and the eternal responsibility of
the human soul."
With the sentimental and emo-
tional aspects so effortlessly
pushed out of the way, let Manion
find meaning in love, peace or
brotherhood. As for the numerous
Protestant pastors acused of athe-
ism, I leave them to defend them-
selves as best they can.
3-". . . if the incurably sick
maybe deprived of life unnatural-
ly, then so may the insane, the
aged, the unemployed and the un-
In this instance, we have "in-
curably sick" substituted for "in-
curably sick, suffering intense and
unremitting pain, and desire to
die." We also find such emotion-
ally loaded and misleading words
as "deprived" and "unnaturally."
But the pattern of the argument
has a familiar ring. Didn't the
other one go, "If you're willing to
let a Negro sit in the front of the
bus, you must likewise be willing
to let him marry your sister"?
4-"If we may justifiably kill a
person merely because he wishes
to die we may likewise kill him
against his will."
This one is the prize of the
package! From it follows: If we
may justifiably hang a war crimi-
nal merely because he is respon-
sible for the torture and murder of
3,000,000 people, we may justifi-
ably hang anyone at all.
-Lee E. Paul.
* ~* *
To the Editor:
appeared an article in The
Daily stating that the University
of Michigan basketball team had
been invited to participate in the
Big Seven tournament. The invi-
tation had been accepted. Then a
few days ago a series of statements
between several students and
Coach McCoy concerning alleged
discrimination against Negro bas-
ketball players was published.
Coach McCoy claimed no discrim-
ination was practiced.
These three announcements tie
up in a most peculiar chain of
events. The Big Seven Conference
is famous (or infamous) for the
fact that a conference rule is that
no Negro may play in varsity
competition. One of the schools,
the University of Oklahoma, re-
cently and quite reluctantly (it
took a Supreme Court ruling) ad-
mitted one Negro Graduate stu-
dent in education. The University
of Missouri has in the past few
days issued a statement reaffirm-
ing its policy of discrimination
against Negroes.
I might point out at this time
that I am not attempting to be-
little the invitation to our basket-
ball team to play in the affore-
mentioned tournament. Undoubt-
edly the invitation was extended
in recognition of the champion-
ship caliber of the team. The im-
portant factor here is not the rea-
son for the invitation but the fact
that it was accepted. A team which
supposedly practices no discrimi-
nation accepted an invitation to
play in an area where such prac-
tices are the rule, rather than the

(Continued from Page 3)
Wesley Foundation: 5 p.m., Kappa
Phi meeting in the social hall.
Program: Displaced Persons and
Our Responsibility.
Intercultural Meeting, 7 p.m.,
Lane Hall. Plans will be made for
a retreatsduring vacation between
sem esters.
Dean. Hayward Keniston of
L.S.A. will speak on the crisis in
civil liberties today at the first
1950 membership meeting of the
University Council of Arts, Sci-
ences, and Professions, at the
Michigan League, 7:30 p.m. Prof.
Emeritus John L. Brumm will
serve as chairman. Graduate stu-
dents and faculty are urged to at-
Corning Events
German Coffee Hour: Fri., 3:15
4:30 p.m. League Cafeteria. All
students and faculty members in-
exception. If, as Coach McCoy has
stated, the only reason for the
absence of Negro players is the
lack of Negro talent in tryouts
and if the coach was alert to his
responsibility in coaching a team
from an institution where no dis-
crimination is practiced, then he
would, and indeed should, have
followed a policy which many oth-
er coaches have followed when
faced with this same situation.
The invitation would have been
firmly and diplomatically declined.
It is a hollow victory indeed when
a supposed honor is bestowed upon
a campus which is in contradiction
to the ideological foundations of
that institution.
Coach McCoy's remarks leave
me with a strange and empty feel-
ing, a feeling that all is not quite
right, when they are viewed with
respect to his actions.
-Martin Edwin Gluckstein
* * *
IFC 'Gag' Rule . -
To the Editor:
RE THE IFC's internal troubles
prolninent of late. The article
concerning the IFC censorship
resolution in Friday, the 13th's,
front page has been quite reveal-
Do M". Morrison and those sup-
porting said resolution think that
a proposal of this sort enhances
the . . . IFC'S apparent solidar-
ity in the eyes of the campus?"
An affirmative answer would be
forthcoming if one defines Soli-
darity in terms of an organization
so absolutely hamstrung that only
one mind, and one alone, exists.
Viewing this organization objec-
tively, the obvious becomes over-
bearing! There is no unity, no one
mind, no solidarity, nor is any ex-
pected. Michigan's fraternities
have banded, together giving sub-
stance to the IFC for only, one
purpose: the propagation of their
views. Now, who can claim "soli-
larity," in the strict sense, for
such a body when there exist a
diversity of groups, backgrounds,
and personalities? The passage of
the anti-bias motion typifies the
degree of "loose" solidarity that
can be reached, as does any mo-
It has been brought to light that
this motion was deceptive in char-
acter when Donald Rothschild
wrote a "Letter to the Editor."
Such action appears to be the only
method influential enough to
achieve enlightenment of this sort!
Mr. Rothschild has been under at-
tack for signing said letter as
house president of ZBT; thereby
abusing his position as an IFC
member, etc., which he has by
right of being a house president.

His accusers are either avoiding
the issue or missed the point. Is
there an intimation that ZBT's
views were not Rothschild's? Ap-
parently, this was the only avenue
afforded him and now it seems
the IFC wishes to close just that.
I find no foundation for Stan
Crapo's interpretation of the reso-
lution. It may have been designed
to prevent fradulent impressions
of IFC's views, but the passage of
such would only complete a sur-
pression of sincere individuals who
desire to expose inadequacies of
IFC action.
Next IFC meeting, every frater-
nity president should be present to
vote this resolution down. If
passed, it might someday stymie
their own honest attempts.
-Stuart Fever, '50
Coal Strike .
To the Editor:
WHY IS IT that many people
who praise Free Enterprise
also expect the government'to step
into the coal dispute? Presumably

U. of M. Hostel Club.
Sat., Jan. 21, Saline Sleighride,
supper, dance. Leaders: Dorthys
Bell and Porter. Phone 5077. Meet
at 5:30 p.m. at side entrance of
Michigan League to drive to Sa-
line Hostel. Call for reservation.
Early evening slelghride and, or,
Exhibition halls of the Univer-
sity Museums will be open to all
students and to the public Fri.,
Jan. 20, from 7 to 9 p.m. Rotunda
exhibit: "Invertebrate Life of the
Alpena Region, Michigan, three
hundred million years ago." Nat-
ural History motion pictures:
"Reptiles," and "Frogs, Toads, and
Salamanders" in Rm. 3024, Uni-
versity Museums Bldg., 7:30 p.m.
and again at 8:15 p.m.
Sigma Delta Pi (National Hon.
orary Fraternity of Hispanic Stu-
dies): Beta Omicron Chapter will
meet Fri., Jan. 20, 5:30 p.m., in the
Masonic Temple. All members and
initiates please be present. Guests
permissible for dinner at 6:45.
these people do not attack the very
existence of labor unions. If then
they believe that workers have the
right to organize, that Free Miter
prise increases our material well-
being and that government should
keep its hands off our economy,
they have no right to demand
government intervention , in the
coal mines. The word, "National
Emergency," does not belong in
the Free Enterprise vocabulary. If
business is free to act as it chooses,
labor should also be free. People
should not care if miners have a
minus-one-day work week.
Diamonds are a crystalline form
of carbon. As Marie Antoinette
might have said: "If they do't
have coal, let them heat dia-
-John Neufeld
* * *
'New Voice ..'.
To the Editor:
AFTER filling the editorial page
of The Daily the last few years
with hundreds of pieces of social-
ist propaganda ("blab," to use Mr.
Dawson's term), aren't you pinks
showing a bit of intolerance of
minority views when you whip up
a chorus of abuse of Mr. Gregory
for venturing a few remarks on
the other side? Surely the advan-
tages of the socialist state and the
merits of proposals to legislate se-
curity for all (in this very uncer-
tain world) are not so indisputably
established as to render any un-
favorable comment thereon im-
proper. You must also remember
that we still haven't quite reached
the point (as in Russia) where'tt
is treasonable for those who are
trying to preserve a traceof per-
sonal liberty and initiative (the
true liberals of this era) to speak
More power to Mr. Gregory, and
let's have a few more voices crying
in the wilderness.
-W. A. Paton
Professor of Accounting
and Economics
to rt aft







Washington Merry- Go -Round

WASHINGTON-Here is how the Repub-
lican-Dixiecrat coalition is riding
roughshod over the-right of free democratic
processes in the House of Representatives.
Meeting behind closed doors in the
Rules Committee, the Republicrat coali-
tion not only demanded the reinstatement
of the old gag rule by which the commit-
tee can bottle up any bill, but even re-
fused to let Chairman Adolph Sabath of
Illinois, who opposed the gag rule, speak.
Each time the 83-year-old Sabath start-
ed to talk he was shouted down with cries
of "Vote! - Vote!" by Democrats Gene
Cox of Georgia and Howard Smith of
Virginia and their Republican cohorts.
Finally, GOP Congressman Leo Allen of

Illinois took pity on the little chairman
"He has a right to talk," pleaded Alle
above the Bedlam. "Let him speak for tw
or three minutes."
Sabath didn't appreciate the humori
this. He was so riled by the roughhouse ta
tics of the coalitionists that he almost chok
ed up.
"We ought to have at least a publi
hearing, so that opponents of this resolu
tion can be heard," he demanded. "Thi
is a matter of vital concern to every mem
her of the House. Since we repealed th
gag procedure last year, this committe
voted out 55 rules on bills and resolutions
the greatest number in history.
"Some of you say that the resolution w
give the committee more power-thati
power to stifle legislation which you oppos
As committee chairman, I don't want th
kind of power. I want to protect the righ
of the House membership."
HOWEVER, Sabath's motion to postpo
action on the Cox resolution and
give House members a right to testify fc
or against it at a public hearing was smot]
ered under a 7-4 vote. The three member
who joined Sabath for a free discussio
were: Democrats Ray Madden of Indiar

THE Ann Arbor News (Jan. 16)
carried a statement by Clar-
ence E. Manion, dean of the Uni-
versity of Notre Dame Law School
headed, "Notre Dame Dean Blasts
'Mercy Killings'." It is not his
point of view that arouses my in-
dignation, for I have heard it de-
n, fended intelligently; but that an
o intelligent man should use the
subterfuges, twisted logic, and
emotionalism which are also typi-
in cal of the diehard race-baiter who
c- finds himself short on facts but
k- long on rhetoric. I would like to
take those statements in which he
c was directly quoted and show
- where this type of thinking can
s lead.
1.-"Voluntary euthanasia is
e death by request and death by re-
e quest is suicide."
e As all propagandists know, an
, emotionally loaded word is always
better than a neutral one. But let
ill us carry out this form of argu-
is, ment. A martyr is a person who
e. follows his convictions regardless
at of personal danger. Since at dif-
ts ferent times and in different parts
of the world following one's con-
victions means to invite death,
and inviting death is suicide, most
martyrs are suicides.
ne 2-"Pushing its sentimental and

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students O9
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editdl
Al Blumrosen............ City Editor
Philip Dawson. ..Editorial Director
Mary Stein.........Associate Editor
Jo Misner..............Associate Editor
George Walker..... .Associat. Editor
Don McNeil.........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........ Sports 00-FIt~or
Merle Levin........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady......... Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbaci. .Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King...............Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington...-BusinessMansW
Dee Nelson. .Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff...Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler. Circulationaw ee
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fhie Associated Press is exclusively
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All rights of republication of all Otbat
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Entered at the Post Officea j #W
Subscription during the regular sool
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UA W'S Political News

THE UNITED Automobile Workers have
offered their members a sober arguient
on who to vote for and who to vote against
in this year's Congressional elections.
The December issue of the Union's month-
ly paper, the United Automobile Worker, has
listed the voting record of every Senator and
Congressman in the 81st Congress on issues
T . r. +h nnn fo- n nnr o t[ om nt

This type of campaigning is a good idea.
Unions can thus accomplish black listing of
politicians without boisterous hand bill
passing, public demonstrating and mud
slinging, which only bring laughter from the
more subtle political propagandists.
And the union member is more likely to
heed this quiet record than a name calling
n~mv 4"+ v~ v n4n 4,- -A 4.--, -C.0-...,.


These pajamas will be just the thing
for the Vacuum Cleaner Pixie. Note the
r±r LI r ..LI...n.{.....ne ------------II..

Here, my man-Slip these on.

I'm terribly embarrassed.. My washing
'machine is one of the best on the market.

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