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December 07, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-07

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___________________________________ - I I

No Records
For Students
AS A DESPERATE music literature stu-
dent, I would like to enter a plea for a
University record library with a full stock
of classical records for the listening purposes
of all students.
It doesn't seem fair that a student's
grade in a course depend on whether he
has the money to buy the records studied
in class-and yet that appears to be the
If one happens to live in a dormitory, sor-,
ority or fraternity in which generous pre-
decessors have donated the desired album to
the house's "general collection," everything
is fine. But if a student is not so fortunate
as to live in a residence so thoughtfully
"endowed" by affluent antecedents, the out-
look is quite bleak.
Not only will the student suffer because
he has not had the chance to hear the com-
positions enough to be able to identify any
spot on the record within twenty seconds,
but the contrastingly higher grades of those
who own the records make him a sad victim
of the "normal" curve.
If literary college exams included ques-
tions based, on information from twenty
dollar textbooks not available at the Gen-
eral Library, the result would be a parallel
example of "un-democracy."
Other colleges, including the University
of Illinois, have made such record facilities
available to students, and our music school
boasts one of the largest record collections
in the country. So why can't our students
enjoy its benefits, for both pastime and
academic reasons?
--Joan Willens

i, II

'd~~~itr oe


trend toward the forced removel of dis-
criminatory clauses from the constitutions
of campus organizations has, in general,
been unfavorable.
Some of the reaction has, of course, come
from those who have strong racial and reli-
gious prejudices. To deny that such preju-
dice exists, even in the "enlightened" at-
mosphere of the University, is ridiculous.
Other reaction has come from frater-
nity men who are indifferent or opposed
to racial and religious prejudice, but who
strongly resent any attempt by outside
groups to interfere with fraternity mat-
But, if any valid opposition exists, it has
come from a third group which sincerely
wishes to do away with discriminatory
clauses but is hamstrung by rigid restrictions
imposed by the national fraternity organi-
The first two of the above-mentioned
groups have no logical arguments to support
their opposition.
* * *
TO THOSE who assert that the removal of
the discriminatory clauses would de-
prive fraternity men of their most important
right-the right to discriminate in choosing
friends-there is an obvious answer.
Without the restrictive clauses, a frater-
nity can have complete freedom of choice in
picking new members. If it wishes to dis-

criminate intelligently, or on the
of race or religion, it may.


Washington Merry-Go-Round

On the other hand, a fraternity desir-
ing to pledge a student whose race or
religion makes him ineligible under the
restrictive clauses is completely helpless.
Where is the freedom of choice?
The Student Affairs Committee provided
an answer last spring to those who say that
the problem of discriminatory clauses is
entirely a fraternity matter and not the
businesz of anyone else when it ruled that
no new organization would be recognized
with discriminatory clauses in its constitu-
Fraternities, as recognized campus organi-
zations, are entitled to all those benefits
which recognition brings. But, in accepting
these benefits, they must also accept some
regulation by the University and, to a cer-
tain extent, by the student body.
* * *
j.OWEVER, on the subject of restrictions
imposed and enforced by national fra-
ternity organizations, fraternity spokesmen
present some very strong and convincing
arguments for their stand.
Many fraternities have apparently made
efforts to eliminate their discriminatory
clauses at national fraternity conventioi(.
But, more often than not, their efforts have'
been met by a stone wall of resistance-
mostly from powerful alumni.
Some national fraternities actually have
regulations which forbid chapters from
introducing any legislation or resolutions
pertaining to the removal of the discrim-
inatory clauses,
In short, many fraternities feel that, if
forced to strike the bias clauses from their
constitutions, they will lose the support and
possibly the recognition of their nationO.
This, in turn, would result in severe finan-
cial difficulties as well as the loss of the
many advantages of belonging to a nation-
al group.
Is the fear of the University chapters jus-
* * *
FRATERNITY spokesmen point to the case
'of the chapter at Amherst College which
was suspended from the national fratern ty
for pledging a Negro in violation of the ie-
strictive clauses in its constitution.
It must be observed, however, that the
the Amherst chapter was small and weak
compared to most of the chapters at
Michigan. Would a national fraternity
take the same action against a Michigan
chapter if it struck out its bias clauses?
If the University decides that discrimina-
tory clauses must go at some future date
(and indications seem to point to the fact
that it will) it must realize the possible ser-
ious consequences to local chapters and take
steps to protect them.
But, at this point, it appears that only
University action will ever make any head-
way against the power of the national fra-
ternities and their ally, the status quo.

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"Well, I see the University finally came through with a new
paint job for old R. L."
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Drama Criticism

. . .

WASHINGTON-Two men with bristling
eyebrows glowered, snorted and shout-
ed at each other last week when the miners'
welfare fund trustees met behind closed
doors. They were John L. Lewis and Charles
Dawson, ex-federal judge of Louisville, Ky.,
representing the operators.
In the middle sat Senator Styles Bridges
of New Hampshire, neutral trustee.
Calling the meeting to order, Lewis an-
nounced: "the people present today are
trustee Bridges and interloper Dawson."
Then Dawson tried to present his cre-
dentials, and Bridges moved to accept
them. But Lewis rapped the table and
called the roll. He spat out a surly "No;
Bridges voted "Yes."
Dawson also clamored to vote, but Lewis
cut him off.
This same routine was repeated over
every question that came up. Each time
Dawson demanded to vote, and each time
Lewis refused to recognize him.
Lewis called him a "rank outsider," pre-
sent only by "sufferance." Dawson shouted
back his right to be heard. Finally the
meeting adjourned. Nothing was accom-
plished, except that the two bushy-eye-
browed trustees were still sputtering at each
*-* *
WHILE THE American Public has res-
ponded to many worthy drives to make
our people healthier and happier citizens,
the government-and particularly Congres
-has been blind to a disgraceful social'
problem-the lack of public school facilities
for feeble-minded children. -
While we have been making great strides
in the scientific development of the atom
chiefly for war purposes-we are still
in the Dark Ages relative to caring for
close to a million mentally retarded chil-
Some of these unfortunate youngsters
happen to belong to families who can af-
ford to send them to expensive private
schools, where they receive adequate care.
However, the great majority are the chil-
dren of poor families and either live lik
hermits, because their parents are afraid to
expose them to the ridicule of other children,
or-worse still, perhaps-roam the streets
of our big cities, because there is no room for
them in overcrowded training schools main-
tained by state governments.
A few states, notably Wisconsin, are
making real progress in educating men-
tally retarded, youngsters to be self-sup-
porting. Also, a few cities like Cincinnati
and Euclid, Ohio, have made starts-with
the help of the American Legion, the
Kiwanis and other civic-minded groups.
However, the sad fact is that less than
90,000 retarded children--about one-tenth of
the total number-are receiving attention in
special classes of our public school system.
Note-Every state-operated training school
for the feeble-minded has a long waiting
list. Two states, Nevada and Mississippi, do
not even have a training school for this
purpose. Arizona is building one.
* * *
ica's national income of $262 blions
annually is by far the highest in the history
of the world.
But it looked like small potatoes the oth-

rope as a result of Russia's atomic-bomb ex-
The Joint Chiefs now think it will take
60 divisions instead of 30 to defend the
The reason is that, now that both sides
have the atomic bomb, they don't think
either side will use it, which makes the in-
fantry twice as important as ever.
* * *
Denfeld came back to the Pentagon for a few
hours recently, called on Secretary of the
Navy Matthews and the new Chief of Naval
Operations, Admiral Sherman.
Both urged him to stay in the Navy and
take a four-star assignment in Europe as
fleet commander.
Denfeld wouldn't answer a flat yes or no,
but seemed to be weakening.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.



To the Editor:
WONDER which is more dis-
concerting to a person who has
worked many hours and many
nights on a show-to read a bad
but well thought-out commentary
or to read a good but noticeably
hasty and inaccurate commentary.
Tis my humble opinion that well-
deserved criticism is far better
than hasty compliments. I am re-'
ferring to the reviews that have
recently appeared in the Drama
column of The Daily.
Does the reviewer have trouble
counting or is it the late hour?
For instance, in "Murder in the
Cathedral," wasn't it Henry II,
not Henry VIII, and in "Family
Portrait," aren't there four broth-
ers of Jesus not just three? Also,
Margaret Bell is undoubtedly
pleased with her comments, but
I bet Margaret Pell would be even
more pleased.
Furthermore, wouldn't it be far
wiser to devote more attention to
personal performances than to the
basic plots of the plays. The plot
is usually covered quite aptly in
articles written before the play,
and even if this isn't true, sure-
ly one must admit that the point
for emphasis is not the plot it-
self, but how the plot is handled
and interpreted.
We all realize that these com-
mentaries are written at late
hours and under strained condi-
tions-but remember too that the
work that goes into a production
is also done at late hours and
under strained conditions. There-
fore, I don't believe it is too much
to ask that the reviews show a
little more evidence of interest,
time and accuracy.
-Mickey Sager.
P.S. I have heard that the mis-
take concerning Henry II was
corrected. Congratulations.
The Library Problem
To the Editor:
AFTERNEARLY five years at
the University of Michigan, I
am seriously beginning to wonder
when and if any action will ever
be taken to eliminate the ex-
cessively long waiting period by
students who wish to draw a book
out of the library. I am quite
certain that more students would
utilize the library if the circula-
tion desk bottleneck could be
overcome. Every semester this
matter comes up but it is diffi-
cult to see where any improve-
ment has been made concerning
this problem.
So far this semester, in each
instance I have had to wait well
over a quarter of an hour to re-
ceive a book at the circulation
desk. Today, after spending an
hour and a half looking up a U.S.
Senate Document, I was forced to
wait 45 minutes at the circula-
tion desk.. When I finally asked
why I had not received the docu-
ment, I was informed that due to
a power failure my call slip was
lost deep in the bowels of the
library's pneumatic tube system!
Certainly a five- to eight-min-

ute wait should be adequate for
locating a book. Perhaps a new
system is needed. Why can't
something be done about this?
-Robert D. Brackett, Jr.
Progressives' Leaflet...
To the Editor:
LEAFLETS can be disturbing,
particularly when they point
up the essentially fascistic nature
of our University officials and ad-
ministration. In Germany, they
segregated and generally limited
the democratic rights of Jews. At
the University of Michigan, the
same types of "ghettos" and the
same forms of quota systems are
in existence (witness the state-
ments by Prof. Stahl of the music
school and Dr. Vaughn of the
School of Public Health.)
Is this the type of "democracy"
that President Truman is so will-
ing to export to "backward" areas
of the world? How puny are the
rationalizations of those who
would deny the full benefits of
democracy to Negro people!
How to reconcile inactivity with
the support of the Negro people by
those groups who speak much and
act little? The AIM, as did tie
fascists in Germany, provide +!'e
clue with their whine that the "ul-
tra-left" forces dominate all forms
of activity aimed at the break-
down of Jim Crow. The Vogue of
Our Times: Dispense with a good
argument and seek a good label
(Pink,. Pinko, Commie, Commie-o,
I trust that the majority of
students will recognize these ac-
tions for what they are and press
for the removal of discriminatory
questions on University applica-
tion blanks.
-Ily Bershad
* * *
To the Editor:
RECENTLY the Y.P.A. circulated
its second leaflet in its current
campaign to end discrimination in
applications. They entitle it "Proof
Positive" that such discrimination
exists in the university. They say
(and we quote) 'Questions per-
taining to 'race' and 'religion' are
used to maintain segregated hous-
ing and job discrmination in Ann
Arbor." No one can say that uni-
versity-operated dormitories are
segregated, and in as much as the
university does not control private
housing, why is the university un-
de: attack for something that is
out of its jurisdiction? And fur-
the;-more, since the university does
not control the requirements set
forth by employers, why should it
be said that the university is
guilty of job discrimination?
We, the undersigned, would like
to see, instead of vague generalit-
ies, real "proof positive," if there is
-Roger Hubbell, William Hub-
bell, Ara Berberian, Reimar Talc,
John W. Webster, Robert F. Huber
December Days
One's always quite aghast,
They grow so short so fast.
-San Francisco Chronicle.

(Continued from Page 3) {
101 W. Engineering. All interested
persons welcome.
Organic Chemistry S em in a r:
7:30" p.m., Wed., Dec. 7, 1300
Chemistry. Speaker: Mr. Robert
Craven. "I-Sterols."
Student Recital: Harriet Boden
Brask, Mezzo-soprano, will present
a program in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Master of
Music degree at 8:30 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 7, Rackham Assembly Hall.
Mrs. Brask is a pupil of Arthur
Hackett. Program. compositions by
Donaudy, Faure, Chausson, Vidal,
Debussy, Cornelius, and a group of
English songs arranged by John J.'
Niles and Victor Young. Open to'
the public.
Exhibit of photographs by Irv-
ing Penn, collection from the Mu-
seum of Modern Art; Dec. 6
through Dec. 15. First floor corri-
dor, Architecture Bldg.
Events Today
Social Ethics Discussion: 7:15'
p.m., Lane Hall.
Westminster Guild: Tea 'n Talk,
4-6 p.m., 3rd floor lounge, Presby-
terian Church.
Roger Williams Guild: Tea and
"Chat" at the Guild House, 4:30 to
6 p.m.
Wesleyan Guild:
4 p.m., Do-Drop-In. Christmas
tree will be trimmed.
6 p.m., Pot Luck Supper. All
students invited.
7:15 p.m., Bible Study Seminar.
10-11 p.m., Organizational meet-
ing of Sigma Theta Epsilon, na-
tional Methodist fraternity. All
men invited.
Canterbury Club: 10 p.m., Rev.
dna Mrs. Burt are at home to all
Episcopal students and their
Library Science Discussion
Grbup: First meeting, 7:30 p.m.
East Conference Room, Rackham.
Topic" Stump the experts - a
roundtable of General Library de-
partment heads. Public is invited.
Inter-Arts Union: 7:30 p.m.,
Rm: ;C, League, Organizational
meeting for proposed magazine of
the' arts.
Chess Club: Tournament to
pick University rapid - transit
champion, 7:30 p.m., League Cof-
fee Shop. Non-member competi-
tors and spectators welcome.
Michigan Arts Chorale: Meeting,
7 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall.
Women's Research Club: 8 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre, Dr. Helen
Dodson, McMath-Hulbert Observ-
atory, "An Astronomer Looks at
the Sun."
Phi Delta Kappa: Supper meet-
ing, 6 p.m. Meet in Faculty Dining
Room, Union, before going through
cafeteria line. Speaker: Dr. L, E.
Vredevoe, Director, Bureau of
School Services.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Postal match
with U. of Cincinnati, 8 p.m. All
membersto fire match scores.
ROTC range.
Varsity Committee of the SL:
7:15 p.m., Union.
Cleveland Club: Meeting, 4 p.m.

Sociedad Hispanica: Christmas
Party, Henderson Room, League,
8 p.m. Refreshments. Members
urged to bring a gift to exchange
with Latin Americans.
Pre-Medical Society: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., 1400 Chemistry. Guest
speaker: Mr. James B. Wallace, in-
structor in music literature.
Co-Recreational Badminton
Night: 7-9 p.m., Waterman Gym.
All men and women invited.
ULLR Ski Club: Business meet-
ing and movies, 7:30 p.m., 2003 An-
gell Hall.
I.A.S.: Meeting 7:30 p.m., RMS.
K-L-M Union.
Speakers: Mr. Tom Courtney, of
McDonnell Aircraft. Technicolor
Film, on the XF-88; also on the
"Little Henry" Helicopter.
Coming Events
Senior Engineers: Mr. George M.

Chute of the General Electric
Company will present the general
story regarding technical employ-
mnt with that company at 5 p.m.,
'Thur, Dec. 8, 343 W Engineer-
in g.
American Chemical Society: Dr.
Gordon K. Moe will speak on "The
Pharmacological Action of Some
Quaternary Ammonium Salts," 8
p.m., Thurs., 1300 Chemistry An-
nual business meeting.
American Society of Civil Engi-
neers: Meeting, 7:15 p.m., Thurs.,
Dec. 8, Rm. 3KLM, Union. The
chapter picture will be taken; of-
ficers will be elected; Movie.
Alpha Phi Omega: Special meet-
ing, Thurs., Dec. 8th, Kalamazoo
Room, League. 'Ensian picture will
be taken.
Michigan Gothic Film Society:
Meeting, Thurs., Dec. 8, 8 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. A fea-
ture-length film will be shown,;
Peter Lorre in 'M" (German,
1931), directed by Fritz Lang.
Members will be required to show.
their membership cards.
Ruth Seabury-Christian Edu-
cator and Lecturer, 8 p.m., Thurs.,
Dec. 8, University Lutheran Chapel
1511 Washtenaw. Topic "Chris-
tians in the New Japan." Every-
one welcome.
International Center Weekly
Tea: 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 8;
for all Foreign students and Amer-
ican friends.
Student-Faculty Hour: Honor-
ing the Germanic and Classic Lan-
guage Departments, 4-5 p.m.,
Thurs., Dec. 8, Grand Papids
Room, League.
Druid: Meeting, 10:30 p~m.,
Thurs., Union Tower.
U. of M. Theatre Guild: General
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 8,
U. of M. Marketing Club: Meet-
ing, Thurs., 7:30 p.m., 130 Busi-
ness Administration. Guest speak-'
er. Everybody invited.
United World Federalists: For-
um, "Is U.S. Foreign Policy Pro-
moting WorldWar IT' Union,
7:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 8. Partici-
pants: Dr. Kenneth Boulding, Dr.
Marshall Knappen, Mr. Henry
Bretton and Dr. John Braumm.
Open meeting. Students and facul-
ty invited.
Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:30L
p.m., Thurs., Kellogg Auditorium.
Speaker: Attorney General Steph-
an Roth. Everyone invited.
IFC Glee Club: 7:30 p.m., Thurs.,
7th floor, Burton Tower.
V. of M. Hostel Club: Meeting,
7:30 .m., Thurs., Dec. 8, Lane
Hall. Election of new president.
Prof. Allen will show slides on trailI
riding. Refreshments.
IU~lip~t ae 1.


WASHINGTON-It is time to record that
the State Department has sheared
away from the scheme for closer union be-
tween the United States and the British
Commonwealth, which was put forward by
George Kennan last summer in the heat of
the British monetary crisis.
This development is of crucial importance,
as representing a tentative choice between
the Department's two major schools of
thought about American foreign relations.
Kennan, the Department's chief planner, is
the most important figure in the school
which must now be considered the minority.
* *.*
RUDELY SPEAKING, the Kennan view is
that the Anglo-American partnership is
the central element in the strength of the
Western world, and that maintaining this
partnership should have first priority.
For this reason, Kennan has long be-
lieved that the Anglo-American partner-
ship ought to be given more organic ex-
pression. And the famous "Kennan plan"
for something like an Anglo-American
union, which was put up to Secretary of
State Acheson when Sir Stafford Cripps
and Ernest Bevin came to Washington iu
September, was no more than the logical
outgrowth of the State Department plan-
ner's previous work on the problem.
So far as could be judged at that time;
the State Department here was then strong-
ly inclined to accept the Kennan arguments.
Indeed, the Kennan plan would probably
have been discussed with the British minis-
ters in September, if Secretary of the Treas-
ury John Snyder had not disliked the idea.
On the other hand, when the existence
of a project for closer Anglo-American rela-
tions became known, the repercussions were
violent. The French government, always

The chief men in the State Department
here, who are always easily impressed by
protests from Paris, were already shaken by
the French government's reaction. The sup-
port given the French viewpoint by Harri-
man, Bruce and Bohlen was apparently de-
cisive. The project for giving organic form
to the Anglo-American partnership has
therefore been shelved by Secretary of State
Dean G. Acheson, at least for the time being.
* * *
THIS, in turn indicates a larger tendency
of American foreign policy, to pursue
the shadow rather than the substance. After
all, something very like a working partner-
ship already exists between this country
and Britain. If the partnership is ever dis-
solved (as it may well be, by the conse-
quences of Britain's economic trouble) the
whole Western front against Soviet im-
perialism will collapse in ruins. The object
of the Kennan plan was precisely to avert
this danger.
Furthermore, if there is to be a Euro-
pean union, which must be considered'
far from certain, its best re-insurance
would consist of a strong Britain and, a
strong America, further strengthened by
a close working relationship, and stand-
ing as the new union's unchallengeable
guarantors. Far from leaving France
naked before Germany, a European un-
ion guaranteed by a united Britain and
America would be France's best hope of
protection from aggression, whether by
the Germans or the Soviets.
Finally, the formation of a closer rela-
tionship between this country and Britain
is a practical project, which can be carried
through rapidly and will bear immediate
fruit. Yet this project has now been sac-
rificed. if the signs mean anvthina t.n the


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students,-of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control 'of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson.......Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner..............Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don .McNeil... .Associate Editor"
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King..................Librarian
Allan Clamage...... Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoir.......Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
the Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspape
All rights of republication of all otier
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-cla.. mall
Su oscription during the regular school
year by carrier. $5.00. by mail. $6.00.


Your mother doesn't need to hire a man
to fix this refrigerator, Barnaby... t

m s
SThe motor's in the top,
rIBarnoby, so our first I ., \

There! The worst part of the
iob's done. What say we knockI



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