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December 07, 1949 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-07

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Michigtan Cagers
Wolverine lce Defense
Sets for Season Opener .

WIip Aliaml - 79-48

Olympic Veterans, Pretty
Girls Highlight Swim Gala

McIntosh, VanderKuy Lead
olverine Scoring Parade

* * *

Two major defensive problems
are confronting Michigan hockey
Coach Vic Heyliger as he prepares
his Wolverines for the 1949-50
hockey season.,
The first-finding replacements
for such exceptional defensemen
as Connie Hill and Dick Starrak
-will present itself when the
Tickets for the hockey game
Saturday night with McMaster
University will go on sale Fri-
day morning at 8:30. Tickets
for all other Michigan hockey
home games will be on sale
starting Tuesday, December 13.
Ticket prices for students and
coupon holders will be $.60 in-
cluding tax, while general ad-
mission rates are $1:50 unre-
served and $2.00 reserved. Stu-
dents are requested to bring
theirID cards when obtaining
--Don Wier
Michigan Pucksters open their
season against McMaster Univer-
sity this Saturday at the Coli-
BRIGHTENING t h e picture
somewhat is the return of four
lettermen from last year's squad
and the addition of two promis-
ing sophomores.
In practice Heyliger has used
sophomore Graham Cragg to-
gether with three-year veteran
Ross Smith in what will prob-
ably form the Wolverine's start-
ing defense combination.
Cragg, a 20 year-old newcomer
to Michigan hockey, is from Ed-
; nionton, Alberta, and has impress-
ed the Wolverine mentor with his


and stick-handling abil-
* * *

TWENTY-THREE year-old Ross
Smith, a rugged body checker, was
teamed on defense for two years'
with Hill and last year combined
with Starrak for the first semes-
ter, being ineligible the second se-
Another two-year veteran,
John Griffin, has recently re-
covered from a virus infection,
but his playing this season is
still undecided.
Eddie May is another defense-
man lacking experience, but the
Edmonton sophomore is one of
the best shots of all the defense-
Coach Heyliger will be the filling
of Jack McDonald's goalie position
when the three-year veteran net
tender exhausts his eligibility at
the end of this semester.
Last year the 26 year-old sen-
ior from International Falls,
Minn., maintained a 2.68 goals-
against average in 25 games and
his presence will be greatly
missed when next semester rolls
Top contender for McDonald's
job is Hal Downes, a junior from
Melrose, Mass. Although needing
experience, the 24 year-old goalie
has shown improvement with each
Another net tender Heyliger will
have to help make up for McDon-
ald's loss is Paul Milanowski, a
senior from Detroit. A two-year
veteran, Milanowski saw service
in four games last season.

. . . defensive bear
OSU, UC Pull
'49',s Top-Play
NEW YORK -- (P) - The most
thrilling and dramatic single play
of the 1949 college football season
turns out to have been twins after
a count of ballots in a country-
wide poll conducted by the Asso-
ciated Press.
Drawing exactly the same num-
ber of votes for the year's top
thriller-diller was a 102-yard kick-
off return on Oct. 15 by Frank
Brunk of California against USC,
and a simple point-after-touch-
down booted by Jimmy Hague of
Ohio State on Nov. 19 against
Hague's vital kick gave the Ohio
State Buckeyes a 7-7 tie with
Michigan in their closing game.

Michigan's new basketball team
made its first appearance before
a select gathering of critical home
supporters last night, and respond-
ed to their presence with a lop-
sided triumph over Miami Uni-
versity of Ohio.
The score was 79-48.
* * *
AN ESTIMATED crowd of 4,000
which braved bad weather to ap-
pear saw the contest progress as
advertised. The Wolverines took
full advantage of superiority in
Blue Moon. *.
Skalag..........3 2 2 8
Gutowski f .......3 0 0 6
Suprunowicz f .... 3 3 0 9
Popp f ........... 0 0 0 0
McIntosh f-g...... 8 1 2 17
Olson f.......... 2 1 1 5
Tiernan f........ 1 1 1 3
VanderKuy c-f ... 6 4 2 16
Wisniewski c ......0 1 2 1
Morrill g .........4 2 2 10
Murray g.........1 0 0 2
Doyle g.......... 0 1 2 1
Martin g ......... 0 0 0 0
Frame g ......... 0 1 0 1
TOTALS .......31 17 14 70
Heckaman f .......1 0 4 2
Macki f........1 0 0 2
Schousen f........ 1 2 3 4
Stephenson f ......2 0 1 4
Peticca c .........4 3 5 11
Kretch c.......... 3 2 3 8
McPhee g.........4 1 3 9
Tiberchein g....... 0 1 2 1
Griesinger g ......1 1 1 3
Thompson g ......1 0 0 2
Cole g ........... 0 2 0 2
TOTALS .......18 12 24 48
'Half Time Score: Michigan 45,
Miami 27.

height, speed, and staying power
in piling up a formidable 45-27
halftime margin over the weary
The tall men among Michi-
gan's regulars were the stand-
outs on offense and defense.
Forward Don McIntosh poured
17 points through the netting to
lead the scorers. Leo VanderKuy
at center was close behind with
16, and Hal Morrill came next
with 10. This trio completely
dominated both backboards.
At the outset Miami managed
to trade baskets on fairly even
terms with the Wolverines al-
though the latter never were be-
hind. With five minutes gone the
Redskins pulled up to a 12-11
deficit whereupon VanderKuy,
Morrill and Jim Skala blasted the
lid off Michigan's basket for a
25-14 lead. During this splurge
the lanky center tapped in four
field goals and one free throw.
UP TO THIS point McIntosh
had not made an appearance on
the floor. When he got the nod
from coach Ernie McCoy the fire-
works really got under way.
Before the halftime buzzer
sounded he distinguished him-
self as, the outstanding ball
handler on the winning quintet.
In addition he registered five
nifty baskets from diverse spots
on the floor to thoroughly be-
wilder Miami's defenders.
The Redskin attackers were lost
in the shuffle. Center Frank Pe-
ticca was able to slip past Michi-
gan for 11 points, the best indi-
vidual showing among the losers.
Bob McPhee and Dick Kretch col-
lected nine and eight respectively.
* * *
THE SECOND half began ser-
iously enough with McCoy send-
ing all his regulars to battle. Mc-

.and pretty girls in bathing
That is part of what Wolverine
assistant swimming coach Bill
Kogen said when asked who was
going to appear in the Michigan
Amateur Athletic Association
championships Saturday in the
Varsity Pool.
* * * .
THE WOMEN are entered in
the 18th annual Swim Gala as
teams from Michigan State Col-
lege, Wayne University, and Wom-
en's City Club of Detroit, as well
as several unattached stars.
Four championship events are
planned for the women, high-
lighted by the 50-yard breasti
Kogen also said that Olympic
record holder Adolf Keifer will be
on hand with an exhibition of va-
rious swimming strokes, including
his precision back stroke. This is
the same stroke that won for him
the 100-meter record of 1:05.9 in
the 1936 Olympics, when he was a
mere 16 year old.
KEIFER WILL present his f a-
mous synchronized swimming act,
with the aid of his crew of female
assistants and background music.
Three veterans of the 1948
Olympics in London have sub-
mitted their entries. Howard
Patterson, Michigan State Gol-
lege backstroker, represented the
United States last year, and will
lead his Spartan team into the

DAVIES WAS a member of the
Australian Olympic tean as a
breast stroker, and in one of the
closest finishes ever recorded in
the games, he was touched out by
Wolverine Bobby Sohl for third
So close was the finish be-
tween these two, that the offi-
cial timers gave Davies a faster
time than Sohl, although the
Michigan swimmer was given
the third spot.
Davies is a second semester
freshman, and will be eligible for
varsity competition for the major
part of the season next semester.

... top pointer
* * *
Intosh, Morrill and Captain Mack
Suprunowicz kept the scorekeep-
er's adding machine humming al-
most at will. When Michigan
doubled the Miami total at 66-33,
the Wolverine bench crew took
Gradually the game developed
into a circus in which just about
everything happened. There
were several wild scrambles in
which there were no holds bar-
red. Once a kicked ball bounded
off the shin of a Redskin guard,
took a right angle turn, and
rolled along the floor a court's
width into the waiting hand of
reserve center, Irv Wisniewski.
From a statistical standpoint
the Wolverine offense functioned
well, making good on 31 of 88
field goal attempts for a com-
mendable 35.2 per cent.

Keller Released
BALTIMORE - (IP) - The New
York Yankees cleared the decks
for a trade yesterday by releasing
Charles (King Kong) Keller, an
old stadium standby.
at the
;.._.Ann Arbor
for All University Students
or Personnel interested in flying.
Complete with FREE Airplane Rides.
Saturday 10 9 to4.


(Continued from Page 2)
For further information call at the
Bureau of Appointments.
The Connecticut General Life
If you are interested in
riding on a chartered bus
to and from Cleveland for
Christmas vacation . . .
Come to the
TODAY, 7 December

Insurance Company of Hartford,
Connecticut has openings for
young college trained men gradu-
ating in February, 1950. These
openings are in every phase of the
life insurance business including
group sales, acturial, executive
training, etc. Those interested
please contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration
Detroit Civil Service Commission
announces examinations for Pub-
lic Service Attendants (men and
women) and Assistant Public Serv-
ice Attendants (men and women)
to establish an eligible register for
summer positions. Filing period
closes Dec. 22. For further infor-
mation call at University Bureau

of Appointments, 3528 Administra-
tion Bldg.
Detroit Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examination for
Playleaders (men and women) for
summer playground work. Filing
period closes Dec. 21. For further
information call at University Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Bldg.
The University Bureau of Ap-
pointments has received announce-
ment that Cejwin Camps, Port
Jervis, New York are now organiz-
ing their camp staff for the com-
ing summer. Openings are for men
and women general and specialty
counselors. Minimum academic re-
quirement is Senior status in col-
lege as of July 1 next. For further
information, call at 3528 Adminis-
tration Bldg.
Michigan Memorial - Phoenix
Project Lecture: "Age Determina-
tion by Radiocarbon Content."
Professor James J. Arnold, Insti-
tute for Nuclear Studies, Univer-
sity of Chicago; auspices of the
Michigan Memorial - Phoenix
Project, 4 p.m., Wed., Dec. 7, Kel-
logg Auditorium.

4:15 p.m., Wed., Dec. 7, Rackham
University Lectures in Journal-
ism: Two lectures by Carroll Bind-
er, Editorial Editor, The Minneap-
olis Tribune, auspices of the De-
partment of Journalism. "The
Outlook for Freedom'of Informa-
tion," 3 p.m., Room C, Haven Hall;
"The Road Ahead in World Af-
fairs," 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 7, Kellogg
University Lecture: "The Evolu-
tion of the Stars." Dr. Otto Struve,
Chairman, Department of Astron-
omy, University of Chicago; aus-
pices of the Department of Astron-
omy. NOTE: This lecture takes

theplace of the Visitors' Night at
the Student Observatory, previ-
ously announced. 8 p.m., Fri., Dec.
9, Rackham Amphitheater. The
public is invited.
Academic Notices
AE. 160 Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed..
Dec. 7, 1504 E. Engineering. Mr.
Philip Culbertson, from the Uni-
versity of Michigan Supersonic
Wind Tunnel, will speak "On
Problems in Supersonic Tunnel.
Measurements and Calibration."
Refreshments. Visitors welcome.
Astronomical Colloquium: 4:15
p.m., Fri., Dec. 9, 4:15 p.m., at the
Observatory. Speaker: Dr. Otto
Struve, Chairman, Department of

Astronomy, University of Chicag'o.
"Spectroscopic Binaries."
Chemical Colloquium: 4:15 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 7, 1300 Chemistry. Prof.
R. K. McAlpine, Department of
Chemistry. "The Auto-oxidation
reduction of Iodine in Alkaline
Engineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: Prof. J. A. Van den Broek,
Department of Engineering Me-
zhanics. "History of Theory of
Strength." 4 p.m., Wed.. Dec. 7,


on Page 4)



WHAT A SPOT for Christmas Shopping
£%,to*& land and 7 towL'4
2nd FLOOR . . . State Street at North U.

University Lecture: "Human Re-
lations in Business and Industry."
Charles T. Estes, Special Assistant
to the Director, Federal Mediation
and Conciliation Service, Wash-
ington, D.C.; auspices of the De-
partment of Speech. 4 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 7, Rackham Lecture Hall.
University Lectures: "Three-Di-
mensional Visualization of Heart
Potentials," Dr. Otto H. Schmitt,
Professor of Zoology and Physics,
University of Minnesota; auspices
of the Department of Physics.





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