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December 04, 1949 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-04

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Students To See Soph Cab's
'A Midwinter's Nightmare'

Colleges Prepare German Coeds
To Accept Political Responsibility

University students will be given
their first glimpse of "A Mid-
winter's Nightmare" when the
Itoorshow of Soph Cabaret, "As
You Shake It!", is presented Dec.
9 and 10.
Familiar Shakespearean char-
acters, in modern dress, will wan-
der through a maze of twentieth
century problems and events at
the University's ancestral counter-
part "Fishigan."
the way of two well-known lovers,
t Romeo Hamulet, played by Gin-
Wue Fowler and Juliet Pushpen,
portrayed by Abbie Funk.
Others in the cast include:
Nancy Watkins, as Henry VIII
Pushpen, and Joyce Howard, as
a thoroughly confusing person-
ality, Damyoutoo.
The musical chorus, under the
direction of Carol Eagle, will pre-
sent a variety of novel numbers.
The lyrics and part of the music
for these numbers were written by
Ginnie Fowler, Carol Eagle and
Shirley Stevens.
WITH TAP and ballet shoes a
new addition to their wardrobes,
the dancing chorus has been hard
at work since the beginning of the
semester creating intricate and in-
teresting steps to present to the
-~audience. The dances were ori-
ginated by Betty Bailey, Lee Ben-
jamin and Anne Gilbert.
Solos in ballet, acrobatics and
the Charleston will be present-
ed, and a trio will also perform.
Dance CIub
Will Perform
Members of the Ballet Club will
present a seasonal festive number,
"The Skater's Waltz," a ballet in
four parts, before the American
Association of University Women
Wednesday, Dec. 7 in the League
The Club will present a dance
demonstration Dec. 12 in the
dance studio of Barbour Gym, dur-
ing which "The Skater's Waltz"
will be given. The program will
also include a demonstration of
techniques, "a la barre", for be-
ginners and intermediate dancers.
Other numbers on the program
will be "Waltz Pzigane, a beg-
gar's gypsy dance, by Rosemary
Taormina and two short toe dance
solos by Inez Miller.
One of the toe solos will be done
to Chopin's "Waltz in G-Flat Ma-
jor" and the other to Tschaikow-
sky's "Sleeping Beauty Waltz."
Members of the third year Bal-
let Club who will present the
"Skater's Waltz" include: Teetah
Dondero, Doris Marsh, Norma
Turnball, Elizabeth Wargell and
Evelyn Hass.
Other members of the group
are: Jack Leadbetter, Delphine
Tyberghein, Lynn Beach, Rose-
mary ,Taormina, Carol Atherton,
t, Alice Ryan and Inez Miller.
The program is under the di-
rection of Dr. Juana Laban. The
accompanist will be John Flower.
The program will also be pre-
sented at the Veteran's Hospital
on Dec. 13.

The floorshow is under the di-
rection of Lois Eisele.
Tickets for the Cabaret are on
sale at the Union, League, Engine
a r c h, Business Administration
school and all women's residences.
There will be two performances
of the floorshow- given each night,
ind for this reason there will be
tickets printed in four colors, one
for each show. The tickets will be
used for admission to the Cabaret
and the stubs will serve for ad-
mittance to the floorshow.
Christmas Gift
Selection Eased
With Planning
Something different, something
useful, but not so utilitarian that
it lacks "sparkle," something that
the person receiving will want but
might not buy for him- -(or her)
self-these are the qualities that
mark a truly distinctive Christ-
mas gift.
In this category fall such decor-
ative gadgets as glove-holders that
clip onto one's purse and serve not
only a useful, but a decorative pur-
pose. Along the same line are
dainty silver or gold key-rings that
are fitted with an attractive pin
so that they can be fastened to
purse linings and thus prevent
keys from being lost.
Another unusual but useful gift
is a pair of quilted slippers, with
snap fasteners on the toes so that
they fit over feet-in pajamas. For
the roommate who likes to read
late at night, how about a tiny
reading lamp that she can clip
onto her book? This way she can
read as long as she likes without
worrying about keeping you awake.
Buying Christmas presents for
men poses a problem for most wo-
men. A variation on the ever-pop-
ular cuff-links is a pair that un-
snap like purse fasteners. They
come in yellow metal finish, with
would-be sapphires, rubies and
The children on your list won't
mind wearing their rubbers if they
have their names printed on them.
These come in either rubber or
zipper-boot styles.
Plan CDance
Cleveland students of the Uni-
versity will present their first "An-
nual Christmas Dance" from 9
p.m. to 1 a.m. Dec. 20 at the Wad
Park Manor in Cleveland._
Sponsored jointly by the CIeve-
land Alumni Association and the
Cleveland Club of University of
Michigan Students, the dance will
feature the music of Bob Pattie
and his orchestra. The executive
committee of the club, under the
leadership of Marvin Lubeck,
president, is planning the dance.
The club, open to all students
from Cleveland, will hold a gen-
eral meeting at 4:15 p.m. Wednes-
day in the League. A discussion of
the dance and rides to Cleveland
for Christmas vacation will be

-Daily-Roger Reinke
DANCING CLASS-Several couples from the Lea,,ue exhibition ballroom dancing class go through a
routine, under the direction of instructor John Le'as.
* " * * * * * * *
League Class Prepares Exhibitues
Of alloomDancing Tcnqe

Americans, who excel in most
sports and spend considerable time
grooming exhibition sports teams,
are generally poor dancers and
have done little to promote exhibi-
tion ballroom dancing, according
to John Lekas, instructor of the
League dancing classes.
It is unfortunate that "people
spend so much time dancing and
still do it so poorly," he added.
Much of the difficulty in learn-
ing to dance lies in the fact that
the average person does not be-
lieve that he can become a good
dancer in a reasonably short time,
Lekas explained.
IN ORDER to show that stu-
dents can become accomplished
dancers with no more than sixteen
lessons and in order to promote
exhibition dancing, Lekas, assist-
ed by his wife, has organized a
class of students who are special-
izing in exhibition ballroom work.
Lekas said that not only will
members of this group be avail-
able to provide entertainment
at dances and to demonstrate
proper dancing techniques, but
at the same time they will have
an opportunity to make danc-
ing more enjoyable for them-
Exhibition work, he said, will
give them an opportunity to im-
prove their dancing and will give
Zeta Tau Alpha
To HostFaculty
Zeta Tau Alpha has slated an
apple polishing tea for members
of the faculty from 3 to 6 p.m.
today at the chapter house, 826
Among the honored guests will
be Mary C. Bromage, Associate
Dean of Women.
Alumni who will be pouring are
Mrs. Arthur Smith, Mrs. David
Cornell, Mrs. Glenn Bauer, Mrs.
Betty Wakefield, Mrs. Peters and
Mrs. Milton.

them a chance "to do something"
with what they have accomplished.
* * *
THE GROUP will give its first
performance at a dance to be
sponsored by the League dancing
classes January 6.
The group is composed of ten
couples, who have had an aver-
age of sixteen lessons before en-
tering the class. Several grad-
uates from last year's group are
now Arthur Murray instructors.
Lekas, former Arthur Murray
instructor, said that he is striving

to build up an exhibition group as
carefully as you would any collegi-
ate team," including sports teams.
He said that although intercolle-
giate dancing contests are not
likely to appear for some time in
the future, if ever, he could see
no reason why they should not
Dancing contests are coming in-
to being in the international field,
he pointed. He cited the interna-
tional contest, sponsored by Ar-
thur Murray in Detroit this year
as an example.

No required courses, no roll-taking
and no examinations-these may
sound like the characteristics off
a Utopian university, but such1
conditions actually exist at the
Free University of Berlin and else-
where in Europe.
Dr. Edith Lindner, former in-
structor at the Free University
who is at the University of Michi-
gan observing American educa-
tional methods, said that the only
requirement which a German stu-
dent must meet in order to re-
ceive his doctor's degree is that he
be able to pass a final examina-
tion. (A degree of doctor of phil-
osophy is ordinarily awarded after
four years of college in Germany.
Preparatory school education in-
cludes an equivalent of two years
of American college work.)
When the student studies and
what he studies prior to this ex-
amination are left to his discre-
tion, Dr. Lindner said.
* * *
DR. LINDNER received her Doc-
tor of Philosophy degree from the
University of Berlin in 1944. Be-
fore coming to this country she
was an instructor in the journa-
lism department at the Free Uni-
versity. In addition to her teach-
ing duties, she was in charge of
the administration of the depart-
ment and of the press office of the
"Women were the exceptions
in Germany universities before
World War I," Dr. Lindner stat-
ed. Now about 23 per cent of all
German university students are
women, according to her esti-
"Women are going to have to
take the place of men who did
not come back from the war in
German political and public life,"
Dr. Lindner said. This makes uni-
versity education more necessary
for women than it has ever been
"''''' * * *
MAYBE WE never could use
your system and you never could
use ours," Dr. Lindner said in dis-
cussing the differences that exist
between German and American
universities. She pointed out dif-
ferences in goals and make-up.
She said that the American
system of education is more suit-
ed to a culture that places em-
phasis on practicality and con-
venience, as the American cul-
ture does. It is also suited to
mass education, such as we have
in America, she pointed out.
Dr. Lindner said that because
German students take more re-
quired courses in preparatory
schools than Americans- do, it is
not necessary for the former's
study to be supervised as closely
as study in American universities.
Shb cited the fact that there is
less technical training in German
Universities as another reason why
there are fewer required courses
there. Technical training, such as
engineering, is given in special
trade schools.

She expressed the belief that it
is worthwhile for both American
and Germany educators to realize
that different methods of educa-
tion exist in different parts of the
world and that, while they may
not be adaptable to cultural con-
ditions in other countries, they
have their strong and weak points.
She stressed the need for better
cultural understanding through-
out the world because "it is easy
for propaganda to make you hate
things you don't know."
An all - campus duplicate
bridge tournament will be held
at the Union at 2 p.m. today...
..The winning team and run-
ners-up will be awarded indi-
vidual trophies. All students are
eligible to compete in the tour-
An entrance fee of one dollar
will be charged.

Wives' Club
To Present
'Snow Ba I I'
Wives' Club will present the
"Snow Ball", its annual semi-
formal Christmas Dance, from 9
to 12 p.m. Dec. 10 at West Lodge
Music will be furnished by Ken
Norman and his orchestra, who
played for last year's dance. In-
termission entertainment will be
provided by the husbands.
Community Chorus held its or-
ganizational meeting last Monday
evening at the Ross School.
Under the direction of John
Hertzberg, the group is composed
of villagers who like to sing just
for the fun of it. They undertake
everything from folk songs to jazz.
Anyone who did not attend this
first meeting but is still interested
in joining may attend any Mon-
day evening. Information may be
obtained by contacting Hertzberg
or Bill Donnally.

make it a
} White magnolia Christmas with

new... sense-stirring cologne!

Women Qiven Wardrobe Tips
By New York Dress Institute

Shut your eyes and dream ... the
magic of Helena Rubinstein's
White Magnolia takes you to
romance drenched Southern gar-
dens. Captures the allure...the
witchery....the dreamy delight of
the South in one sense-stirring
whiff! Fabulous flower enchant-
ment.., caresses as it inflames...
heady as a love potion! Here's a
cologne at once charmingly fem-
inine... yet ardent...a cologne
that has a way with the ladies...
and is the way to a man's heart!
Be the first to wear it... to give it!
1.00-1.75 plus tax

Women who are completely con-
bused when it comes to selecting a
new wardrobe, or a single garment
that will fit in well with what she
already has, may find help in a
number of tips offered by the New
York Dress institute.
First of all the institute reminds
the shopper not to be too narrow-
minded in choosing a new dress.
Since this year's fashions offer
numerous varied silouettes and
fabrics, the woman who is buying
a new dress can afford to experi-
ment. Don't be afraid to consider
exciting colors and materials, par-
ticularly satins, the institute says.
One of the most important steps
in shopping for new clothing is the
preliminary survey of her ward-
robe that a wise shopper always
makes, according to the institute.
They suggest that, before buying,
every woman make a list of every-
thing that she has in her present
wardrobe that is in good condition.
It will be helpful to jot this in-
ventory down in a notebook. This
notebook will later serve as a place
in which to make notes of dresses
found on the shopping tour. It will
also make it easier to review one's
present wardrobe while shopping,
so that it is not difficult to tell if
a new dress will fit in wtih what is
already "on hand and still good'
or if it will be a misfit.

Don't buy clothes whimsically or
aimlessly, the institute warns.
Shop around before you buy, is
their advice, and don't be timid
about saying, "just looking, thank
you." A good store wants its cus-
tomers to be satisfied with what
they buy. s
Another warning on the insti-
tute's list is the one against buy-
ing something that doesn't fit or
that requires too many alterations
o take up sleeves, take in side
seams and shorten the waistline,
you may be buying a misses' size
when you need a junior size.
Keep up with fashion news is
one of the institutes most impor-
tant hints. Learn what's happen-
ing in the fashion world from ma-
gazines, newspapers and local
fashion shows. Don't buy anything
that's "in style," the institute says,
without carefully considering if
it is suited to your particular fig-
ure type and wardrobe.



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Happy giving .... happy receiving these fashion-
bright accessories! Choose from a bagful of Santa's
prizes . . . . gloves, bags, hosiery, blouses, scarves
and jewelry . .E.Y.E.


, 1. tll-


-.. r
u , "


E .. -j
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. ',


f :" 3 R'


HER Xmas Joy-- Is in the Bag . . .
No worry as to the size - no wondering if she
,will like it . . . . when you choose for her, one
of handsome, leather-fabric or suede handbags.
Every color -- every size and shape. Every Price
Tag Too!. . from 2.95 to 18.50
Give her something to remember you by . . . .
Necklaces -- Bracelets - Pins and Earrings .. .
A Beautiful costume RING will make her Christ-
mas a really MERRY one. Genuine ZIRCONS _-
BORODAS and Rhinestone rings from 5.00
See the Fabulous collection at our Gem Bar.
1.00 to 19.95
What a wonderful way to wish her a MERRY
CHRISTMAS . . . A fantasy of color and
design - small squares, large squares and neck
scarves. Pure silks - wools and crepes.
1.00 to 3.95
A bright, new pair of gloves . . . . for mother,


The campus darling that took
the rest of the world by storm-because
of its warmth, its comfort,
its new "chunky" look.

a. Swishy black taffeta with velvet trimming, slash
pockets. Sizes 10 to 16. 10.95
b. Celanese faille buttoning all the way down
front . . . classic hip pockets. Black, brown,
navy. Sizes 10 to 18. 7.95
c. Pleated-all-around 100% wool skirt in hand-
some plaids. Sizes 10 to 16.. .10.95
d. Whopping big pockets accent this 100% wool
skirt. Black, navy, brown, camel. Sizes 10 to
18. 10.95
e. Extremely full iridescent skirt in P.M. length
for dancing, the khou rs nuwnv, (rn. tean n

Mistletoe Skirts
For Fashion from A.M. to P.M.
Skirts in all wanted fabrics . . . right for every
occasion ... truly a complete skirt wardrobe .
collected in our sport shop to choose for yourself
or as gifts

9 i

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