See Page 4
Ci r
Latest Deadline in the State
Rumor U.S.
Has Super'
Atom Bomb
Explosion Fires
Hydrogen Blast
shot possibility exists that the
United States has developed a
"booster bomb" in the atomic
field-one in which an orthodox
bomb would touch off another ex-
plosive up to 1,000 times more
There is no official ground for
this speculation, but published
theory about "super" bombs and
the known capabilites of already
developed A-bombs employing
either uranium or plutonium, jus-
tify this reasoning:
* * *
ON PAPER, at least, we appear
to have the means of using one of
the latter bombs - enormously
powerful in themselves-to set off
a "hydrogen bomb" duplicating a
titantic process that goes on with-
in the sun and other stars.
But don't get alarmed about
the atmosphere being set afire
even if such a hydrogen bomb
were developed. Physicists are
agreed that there is no apparent
danger of setting the atmos-
jhere on fire from any large nu-
clear explosion.
Such a "booster bomb"-with
the older type bomb providing the
"~boost" for the hydrogen explosive
-would be a combination of "fis-
sion" and "fusion" in releasing
atomic energy.
FISSION MEANS splitting the
nucleus, or core, of heavy atoms,
like uranium or plutonium, to re-
lease stich energy. Fusion means
combining the nuclei of light-
weight atoms, like hydrogen atoms,
to produce a heavier one - also
with the release of enery.
Up until the first atomic
bombs were-produced, there was
no conceivable way of generat-
ing.the temperatures that would
be required to bring about the
hydrogen-helium reaction that
goes on in the stars.
But the explosion of an A-bomb
-even of the primitive type
dropped on Hiroshima-generates
a temperature of many millions of
degrees. Such a temperature con-
ceivably would be sufficient to
touch off the hydrogen-helium
The "heavy" hydrogen atoms
would have to have their tempera-
ture raised instantaneously to wefl
over a million degrees.
That a bomb of the hydrogen-
helium type was in the minds of
atomic scientists who produced the
uranium and plutoniumn bombs
was indicated in a speech made by
r former Assistant Secretary of War
John J. McCloy in 1946.
Death Takes
Espie, Dean
of Legislators
By The Associated Press
The oldest Michigan Legislator
in point of service and its most
influential member, Rep. John P.
Espie (R-Eagle), died of heart
disease yesterday at 68.
Espie, chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee,
spent untold energy visiting state
institutions, including the Uni-
versity, conferring with depart-
ment heads, shaving and paring
to make the money go around.
Last year he was awarded the
honorary degree of Doctor of Pub-
lie Administration by the Uni-
versity for "unfailing devotion to
all causes that promote the wel-
fare of the state."
ESPIE DIED quietly in his sleep
yesterday morning in his farm
home near Eagle, Mich., where he
had lived since 1909. Dr. William
De Kleine, former state health
commissioner and Espie's per-
sonal physician, reported that Es-
pie had been desperately ill since
Both Democrats and Repub-
licans were saddened by the
death of a man who, despite a
speech impediment, grew in his
quarter century of service to a
position of unequalled influence.
Remember Him
-Daily-Wally Barth
GALENS DRIVE POSTER MODEL-This child, formerly a
patient at University Hospital, was chosen for the posters an-
nouncing the 1949 Galens Christmas drive. Funds from the drive
are used to bring holiday cheer and year-round pleasure to
University Hospital children.
Ga lens Strives to Reach
Goal As Drive Co ntinues
Galens tags, vintage 194J, will
be sold again today at your favor-
ite street corners for the last time
this year.
The tags are being marketed by
members of Galens, an honorary
medical society, to raise funds
which will benefit the children
who are patients at University
AS OF 5 P.M. yesterday, the
drive had netted some $2,573 -
roughly half the hoped-for quota.
Galens drive funds are used
to give a big Christmas party
dren, many of whom must spend
for University hospital children,
many of whom must spend the
holiday far from home.
In addition, funds from the
drive will be used to finance the
operation of a year-around arts
Belin Heads
'Full Holiday'.
Student Legislator Dave Belin,
'51, has been appointed a one-
man "Subcommittee to End Class-
es on the Thanksgiving weekend."
The subcommittee was set up
by an SL resolution passed Thurs-
day calling for a full weekend
OPERATING under the citizen-
ship, committee, Belin will send
official letters of request and cop-
ies of the resolution to Dr. Frank
E. Robbins, assistant to the Presi-
dent and chairman of the Uni-
versity Calendar Committee, and
to the University Senate which
meets Dec. 12.
SL members from all indica-
tions felt that the resolution and
request will be "favorably re-
ceived" by both the Calendar
Committee and the Senate, al-
though there is no guarantee
that final action on the holiday
will be taken by the Senate.
Belin pointed out that officials
from undergraduate schools feel
that labs missed during the
Thanksgiving holiday could be
made up by dismissing school for
Christmas vacation at noon Sat-
urday instead of Friday evening.
* * *
BUT THE BIG problem is with
professional schools such as the
medical, dental and law schools,
which have certain minimum
schedules to meet, Belin declared.
One solution might be to push
classes into the professional
school's Inal exam period, Belin
said. These periods are shorter
than those of the literary college
and one day of classes may con-
ceivably be incorporated into
them, he added.
Belin will confer with the Deans
and crafts shop, also run for the
benefit of the hospital's youthful
* * *
THE SHOP contains jig saws,
looms, a pottery kiln and a large
assortment of artists' supplies, en-
abling the children to work with a
variety of materials and means.
Hired teachers instruct the
children in the use of the shop's
facilities, as well as supervising
the work of the young crafts-
Galens Christmas drives for the
benefit of hospital children have
been an Ann Arbor tradition since
GALENS Members make a
conscious attempt to keep ex-
pense for the drive to a bare mini-
mum, so that almost all the pro-
ceeds go to their projects.
This year, a local printer
greatly helped to achieve this
goal when he printed 30,000
tags for the Galens free.
In a further effort to reduce ex-
penses, Galens members man their
tag buckets themselves-forego-
ing the joys of going to class for a
day or two.
As a result of this economy pro-
gram, some 99% of the proceeds
of the drive will go to make life
more worthwhile for the children,
at University hospital, according
to Bill Newlander, '50M, drivS
Forecast End
Of ColdSnap)
The cold snap that forced ther-
mometer readings down to 19 de-
grees in this area last night,
should disappear by late this af-
teroon or tonight, according to the
U.S. Weather Bureau at the Wil-
low Run airport.
The cold air currents that are
streaming eastward to the At-
lantic coast should be followed by
a warm center that is now hover-
ing over the Dakotas.
The Ann Arbor area may be in
for another cold spell early next
week, with warm air centers usu-
ally followed closely by cold.
Vet Charges
Russians Got
Secret Data
Names Hopkins
During Broadcast
WASHINGTON-()-A former
army officer said last night Rus-
sian couriers carried secret docu-
ments from the United States to
Russia in lend-lease planes during
the war.
Interviewed by Fulton Lewis on
the Radio, the man identified him-
self as G. Racey Jordan of New
York. He said he was a captain
assigned at Great Falls, Mont., in
January, 1943, when United States
planes were flown from there to
Fairbanks, Alaska, and thence to
HE BECAME suspicious, he said,t
when Russian officers leaving on1
the planes carried "ever increasing
amounts of baggage." He made
a search, Jordan said, which un-
covered State Department docu-
ments, blueprints and maps, en-
gineering drawings and scientific]
In one suitcase, he said, "there
was a letter on White House1
stationery which impressed meI
because it had the name Harryt
Hopkins printed in the upper
left hand corner. I jotted down
part of the message-it said:
'Had a hell of a time getting1
these away from Groves.' And
it was signed with the initials
Harry Hopkins, who was high in
government circles for several
years during the time Franklin
D. Roosevelt was President, died
several years ago.
* * *
to ask him if Gen. Leslie Groves1
was head of the Manhattan Eh-
gineering District project. That
was the code name for the entire
operation through which the
atomic bomb was secretly develop-
ed during the war.1
Jordan replied that he knew
now that Groves did head that
Reds Nearly
Grab Chiang
In Chungking
By The Associated Press
As Chinese Communist troops
plunged deep into western China
yesterday word came from Cheng-
tu, the new refugee Nationalist
capital, that the Communists al-
most caught Chiang Kai-Shek,
number one on their "war crim-
inals list," at Chungking.
Chiang had refused for several
days to leave the doomed capital,
despite pleas of his staff. He in-
sisted that panic would break out
if he left.
TUESDAY NIGHT, when it be-
came impossible to delay longer,
the generalissimo went to Peishiyi
airfield in the northwestern out-
skirts, where his skymaster plane
But Chiang did not get aboard.
Insisting on waiting until day-
light, he went to air force head-
quarters and obtained the latest
battle reports.
His staff stewed until daybreak
when the plane took off. A few
hours later Communist troops oc-
cupied Chungking.
* * *
YESTERDAY the new capital,
Chengtu, was threatened when
Communists cut one of three es-
cape routes to the south. The
Nationalists admitted that the
Communists had reached Suyung,
lying on an important highway
connecting Chengtu with Kun-
ming in southwest China.
--- 4
CED Votes
To Hold Off
SL Alliance
Await Inception
Of SLProgram
Committee to End Discrimina-
tion members yesterday voted to
hold off "working through" Stu-
dent Legislature until the SL init-
iates a program of action to re-
move discriminatory questions
from admission applications.
The CED also turned down by a
10 to nine vote a proposal which
would have forced member organi-
zations to obtain CED approval
before initiating programs to re-
move certain application ques-
* * *
chairman, proposed a policy mo-
tion which was carried by a 15 to
five vote with three abstaining.
Reehtman's proposal stated
that CED is interested only in
removing questions relating to
race, religion national origin and
request for photographs from
applications for admission to
schools in the University. I
"CED will work through agen-
cies of the SL as the representa-
tive student governing body if and
when the SL initiates a program
of action to remove such questions
and requests for photographs and
gives some assurance that this
program of action will not leave
Sthe floor ofathe SL until such
questions and requests have been
"In the meantime the CED of-
fers whatever assistance it can
lend to the SL while looking into
this matter.
* * *
EARLIERIN the meeting Lyn
Marcus, 50, chairman of the Young
Democrats, had proposed an
amendment to the bylaws which
would have allowed CED to re-
strict member groups to obtain
CED approval before undertaking
action programs to remove dis-
criminatory questions. Member
groups would have been bound by
the CED decision.
After the proposal was djefeated,
Dick Morrison, '50, Interfrater-
nity Council vice president, moved
that the CED dissolve and become
a part of the SL campus action
committee. The motion was de-
Guild Stages
Bard Drama
Shakespeare will hold the cam-
pus spotlight today when the Uni-
versity Theatre Guild presents
"Romeo and Juliet" at 8 p.m. in
Pattengill Auditorium.
The Shakespearian classic will
be presented in its full length
form and will feature 23 scene
Eeanor Littlefield, '50, and Ed-
mund Johnston, 'Grad, will play
the title roles. They will be sup-
ported by Harvey Stuart, '50, as
Mercutio, Jane Baker, '51, as the
Nurse, and Donald Yates, '52, who
will portray Friar Lawrence.
A performance will also be given
at 8 p.m. tomorrow. Tickets are
now on sale in the General Ad-
ministration Building.
YULETIDE SYMBOL-Pictured above is one of a pair of 30 foot
trees which flank the entrance -to the main library. The two
giant trees which were cut by the forestry department have
become an annual sign of the yuletide spirit on campus.
Festive Spirit Envelops
Campus in Yule. Colors
i i
Ban Aid
New Policies
Revealed At
N.Y. Meeting
Truman Signals
Civil-Rights Move
NEW YORK-(M)-The govern-
ment yesterday announced that
future housing projects cannot ex-
pect federal aid if they write
clauses against tenants of any
color or creed.
However, there was no indica-
tion that the government could
prevent informal or unwritten re-
icy, as announced at a housing
meeting here, would affect:
1. FHA financing guarantees
for housing projects or one-unit
2. GI loans for veterans hous-
3. Slum clearance projects
and land transactions by public
The change in policy is not ret-
roactive. It will apply to future
developments when the new reg-
ulations take effect a few weeks
* * *
B. Perlman announced the new
policy at a meeting here of the
New York State Committee on Dis-
crimination in Housing.
The signal for the disclosure
of this new administration
move on the civil rights front
came yesterday from President
Truman in Key West, Fla.
From his vacation headquarters,
he fixed the policy for government
denial of aid to housing projects
that bar tenants because of their
race, creed or color.
The new policy, may affect as
many as 500,000 dwelling units
a year, costing up to $5 billion.
An official said FHA financing
affects nearly 35 per cent of all
residential mortgage operations.
Nathaniel S. Keith, director of
slum clearance and urban redevel-
opment, said federal aid for rede-
velopment also will adopt the new
He explained that this means
federal monies will be denied pub-
lic agencies that buy land for re-
development on racial or color
Plan Sales
Of Purchase
Cards Here
Twinkling lights, snow covered
pines and boughs of holly madeI
their annual appearances yester-
day, as University buildings spar-
kled with Christmas colors.
Over 125 trees ranging from
three to 30 feet will adorn the
entrance halls and corridors, of
most University units.
World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
TOPEKA, Kas.-Harry Darby,
long a master politician but never
a candidate, was named Kansas'
new United States Sentor yester-
day. The handsome steel manufac-
turer was chosen by Governor
Frank Carlson to fill the unex-
pired term of the late Republican
Senator Clyde M. Reed.
* * *
ans Administration yesterday set
up appeals machinery for schools
that are dissatisfied with the
contracts and tuition that VA
provides for the training of
former servicemen,' to go into
effect Dec. 16.
*. * *
WASHINGTON - The govern-
ment yesterday ordered deporta-
tion of E. V. Sittler, a native-born
American who became a German
citizen and broadcast from Berlin
Radio "Station Debunk" during
the war. Sittler was recently fired
from the faculty of Michigan Col-
lege of Mining and Technology.
THE LARGEST number of trees
will be used by the University hos-
pital which annuallyplacesover
20 of the yuletide evergreens in
hospital corridors to spread Christ-
mas cheer.
Tallest, are the 30 foot pair
that plant department workers
have set up in front of the gen-
eral library, continuing a prac-
tice that was started several gen-
erations ago.
Formerly, the University Christ-
mas tree was the living giant pine
that stands in the center of cam-
pus near the diag.
Two years ago, however, plant
department officials looked at its
straggled branches and vetoed its
further use, substituting instead
the cut pines that are set on both
sides of the library steps.
* * *
MEANWHILE plant department
purchasing officials recorded or-
ders for over 50 bundles of green
boughs, to be used by Residence
Halls, in table decorations.
Most of the holiday decora-
tions are saved from year to
year, and the largest purchases
are for trees and holly, that
would deteriorate with storage.
The trees for the most part are
purchased from local nurseries in
Washtenaw County. However, the
giant pair in front of the library
came from the, forestry depart-
ment, which cut them from for-
estry farms at Stenchfield Woods.
* * *
purchases are the yearly fluctuat-
ing tree trimmings, plant depart-
ment officials noted. Purchasing
departments hesitate to stock
See FESTIVE, Page 2
Purchase Cards will go on sale
from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday
through Friday, next week, in the
Administration Building lobby.
The cards, part of the Purchase
Card System of the National Stu-
dents Association, provide dis-
counts from five to 25 percent on
merchandise in 42 stores in the
Detroit area at the cost of $1.
Discounts will be given on pre-
sentation of the card at the time
of purchase.
* * *
DESIGNED TO save the student
money, PCS discounts on com-
modities range from clothing to
service station supplies. The De-
troit stores are mainly in the
northwestern section, around the
University of Detroit, Wayne Uni-
versity and Marygrove College.
Cards will be good until Sept.
1, 1950, and are valid for Christ-
mas shopping, according to
Leonard Wilcox, Student Legis-
lature PCS chairman.
"A list of Detroit stores will be
provided with each purchase,"
Wilcox said. "As we receive new
lists from the twenty national PCS
areas, we will mail them to Pur-
chase Card holders."
* * *
'U' Graduate
Takes Five-Month Global Jaunt
* * *
Visiting 20 foreign countries,
coverage of more than 50,000 miles
and fourteen separate plane trips
-all in five months-seems like
a stab at the impossible.
But it was no joke to Robert
Carnero, '49, who returned to the
United States early this week
ually developed into a world-
round vacation," he explained.
His travels to "as many places
as possible in the shortest time"~
took him "from Constellation to}
camel-back, through three conti.,
nents-with varied periods of lay-
A T S* * *c
C" eRsIm'Un TT1TNIC Mnmron
North African cities, he
* * *
CORDIAL Moroccan-American
relations were aided through in-
dulgence by American soldiers of
natives' children during World
War II, Carnero observed.
All North Africans think
highly of their children, conse\
which intrigued him because of its
location atop a gorge 600 ft. above
a swirling river.
"Even the fact "that an an-
gry pack of hornets almost
forced me to jump over the cliff
didn't dampen my enjoyment a
bit," he laughed.
After leaving the famed Isle of
Capri, "which is all it's cracked
I~ *'~J ~