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December 02, 1949 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1949-12-02

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e lll-


ballroom of Detroit's Statler Hotel Wednesday night and said
goodby and thanks to Michigan football.
They did it in a manner that will be long remembered by
the 1,000 members of the University of Michigan Club of Detroit
assembled there to pay tribute to the 1949 Michigan football team
-and to three All-American tackles named Frances, Albert and
Alvin Wistert.
With a sincerity that brought a deep hush over the crowded
room, the three brothers whose All-American activities at Michigan
covered nearly a score of years poured forth words of gratitude in
simple heart-felt words.
They spoke reverently of their father who had gone on
working past the retirement age as a Chicago policeman so that
his sons mibht have the benefits which the half pay of a retired
policeman wouldn't bring-and who died by a gunman's bullet as
a result. And they spoke of their deep feelings for Michigan
and for each other.
You knew this wasn't the usual half-hearted malarky handed
out at testimonials as you watched Alvin Wistert, 33 years old, 225
pounds of football player, standing up there trying to keep his voice
from breaking.
You didn't notice him too clearly though because you were trying
to keep the tears from your own eyes, afraid of looking a little
foolish in front of all those people crowded around you. Out of the
corner of your eye you noticed that there were a lt of other foolish
; people sitting around you and you felt a little better.
THERE WERE OTHER HIGH SPOTS in the long evening, of course.
There was the awarding of Patterson' Scholarship awards to
co-winners Tom Peterson and Bob Van Summern and the award-
ing of 'M' rings to 17 graduating seniors.
There was Bennie Oosterbaan paying tribute to his boys for their
great play in the Minnesota game and for their refusal to let up the
following week against an inspired Illinois squad. And there was
Oosterbaan praising a bunch of guys who accepted a tie for the
Western Conference football championship with tears in their eyes.
"I loved them for that," said Bennie and you knew he meant it.
There was Dick Kempthorn moving to the center of the stage
to receive his ring amid a storm of applause shortly after Ooster-
baan, perhaps Michigan's greatest All-American, had pointed to
the All-American table reserved for former Wolverine greats and,
stated that, "If I belong at that table so does Dick Kempthorn."
There was Wally Teninga, whose speaking ability matches his
football ability, handling the raffling of six autographed footballs
and nearly breaking an expensive mirror with an errant toss of a
football to a lucky winner, and there was this same Teninga squirm-
ing in his seat as much-deserved praise was lavished on him.
But after all was said and done it was a night that belonged to
the Wisterts. Michigan can be as proud of them as they are of

Skala Stirs
Watch Jim Skala when Michi-
gan's Wolverines tangle with Mich-
State at East Lansing tomorrow
That's the word buzzing around
Yost Field House in this week's
* * *
SKALA WILL play opposite
Captain Mack Suprunowicz at the
forward post, filling a gap that re-
mained after the 1948-49 season.
He has made a speedy conversion
from football to basketball and
from practice appearances will be
ready for the MSC opener.
With one of the fastest teams
of past years, the Wolverine five
may use more fast breaks this
season. Controlled ball methods
in the set plays may be in for
less use also with experienced
guards like Bob Harrison and
Pete Elliott gone, and clever for-
wards like Skala and Suprun-
Outstanding in this week's
scrimmages were Skala who pos-
New Bowl Set
College of Pacific and Baylor
have agreed to play in a Press
Club bowl football game in this
area either December 26 iir
January 2, Leo C. Lee, president
of the San Francisco Press Club
said yesterday.
Pacific has run up 500 points
against 66 for the opposition in
winning 10 straight. It was
ranked 10th in the nation in
the final Associated Press poll.
sesses nearly every scoring shot,
Leo Vanderkuy, deadly with a hook
shot from his center post and Hal'
Morrill, best bet to replace Bob
Harrison's one-handed accuracy.
* * *
SUPRUNOWICZ, third scorer in
the Conference last season, has
been the usual clever ball-handler
and accurate shooter. Chuck Mur-
ray, diminutive guard, has also
been impressive with steady ball-
handling and tricky drive-in shots.
Don McIntosh, 6 foot 4 inch
center from the championship
1947-48 squad, seems slow round-
ing into shape. A hard worker,
however, his pivot accuracy from
either the center or forward post
is certain to be an asset to the
McCoymen this year.
Others in starting contention are
Bill Doyle, letterman guard from
last year, Irv Wisniewski, round-
ing into shape after football and
Bob Olson, a promising jump shot

Harvard Drops Intersectional Contests

Kircher Parallels McCoy
Debut in Spartan Opener

CAMBRIDGE, Mass.-(A')-The
richest college in the world waved
goodbye yesterday to "Big Time"
football and at the same time pre-
pared to underwrite an athletic
program "good for everybody."
THE ACTION follows Harvard's
poorest football season on record
land answers the critical torrent of
"What's the matter with Harvard
football?" and "What's Harvard
going to do about it?"-that has

poured over Athletic Director Bill
Binxham's head since the Yale de-
Bingham, speaking for the
University whose football teams
in a little over a quarter of cen-
tury have plunged from tops in
the nation to the bottom of the
Ivy League, said in an interview:
"We have reached two mile-
stones in our football history.
"Intersectional games are out.

We are not going to compete with
the West or the South. We are
going to play in our own class. We
are going to stick to theIvy
League." Bingham made it clear
te:ims already scheduled would
be met.
* * *
HE ADDED that even in the Ivy
League Harvard was cutting out
Pennsylvania, "We can't compete
against their state scholarships."

Walker Sidelined for Notre Dame-SMU Battle

DALLAS-(/P-One of the great-'
est aggregations of All-Americas
in a single college football game
comes up here tomorrow when
Southern Methodist plays unde-
feated,untied Notre Dame.
Also, the two men who have won
both the Maxwell and Heisman
awards within the past three sea-
sons will be on the same field.
NOTRE DAME pitches in with
three All-Americas - end Leon
Hart, tackle James Martin and

back Pmil Sitko. Southern Meth-
odist has one - Doak Walker,
Hart and Walker furnish the
"awards" duo. Hart this year
won the Heisman Trophy, an
honor that went to Walker in
1948. Hart was awarded the
Maxwell Trophy last season,
Walker got it in 1947.
The biggest fly in the ointment,
however, comes from the fact that
Walker probably will sit this game

out. He has a severe leg injury
and Coach Matty Bell said today
he didn't see how the Doaker could
even hobble out onto the field.
*- * *
to play against any of the All-
Americas this season. Charlie
Justice of North Carolina missed
the game with the Irish because
of an injury. Notre Dame didn't
meet any of the other teams that
furnished All-Americas.

Coaches Disagree on Rose Bowl Champion

In December of 1948 the Wol-
verine cagers opened their first
season under Head Coach Ernie
McCoy against Michigan State in
Yost Field House.
Tomorrow night in Jenison Field
House in East Lansing a similar
scene will take place. A new coach
will be making his debut as his
team opens its season's schedule on
its home court.
WHEN MICHIGAN State's cag-
ers take the floor against the
Maize and Blue five tomorrow,
they they will be making their
A lI-Nation
Honors To
C handnois
NEW YORK - (,') - "Collier's
Weekly" announced its 1949 All-
Star Football team yesterday and
the name of Southern Methodist's
Doak Walker was omitted-at his
own request.
The crack SMU back, picked by
"Collier's" in 1948, was out of
action part of the season with the
flu and a leg injury. Aware that
he was being considered again
this year, the magazine said Walk-
er wrote its Coaches' Board, "I
believe that there are other All-
American candidates who have
seen more action and therefore are
more deserving of consideration."
T rhe action prompted "Collier's"
editors to name the Doaker "Play-
er of the Year for Sportsmanship."
The All-Stars
End, Leon Hart, Notre Dame
Tackle, Wade Walker, Oklahoma
Guard, Rod Franz, California
Center, Clayton Tonnemaker,
Guard, Bernie Barkouskie, Pitts-
Tackle, Leo Nomellini, Minnesota
End, Jim Williams, Rice
Quarterback, Arnold Galiffa, Army
Halfback, Charley Justice, North
Halfback, Lynn Chandnois, Michi-
gan State
Fullback, Emil Sitko, Notre Dame

first appearance under Head Coach
Al Kircher, a former Michigan
State athlete.
Kircher moves up to the head
coaching position to succeed Ben
Van Alstyne, who guided the
Spartan quint for 23 years. Kir-
cher previously served as assist-
ant coach under Van Alstyne.
Similarly, McCoy acted as as-
sistant to Ozzie Cowles before
advancing to the top coaching
The comparison between last
year's opener and this season's
may be extended even further.
McCoy is Michigan's number one
football scout while Kircher ranks
high on the Spartans' list of grid
IN LAST YEAR'S starter the
Maize and Blue quint rolled over
the Spartans by 66-33 with Bob
Harrison featuring the attack.
The Wolverines went on to
win 15 more games while drop-
ping six. Included in theirrlist
of wins was another defeat of
MSC. In Western Conference
play during their first campaign
under McCoy they copped third
place with seven victories against
five losses.
McCoy will be seeking to keep
his record against the Spartans
unblemished when he leads Mich-
igan into East Lansing tomorrow
for the season's opener. The game
will be the 56th in a series dating
back to 1909. Of this total Michi-
gan has emerged victorious 38
Iowa 76, Colorado College 54
Northwestern 54, Western Michi-
gan 43
Detroit 2, Toronto 0

MADISON, Wis. -(OP)- Maybe
Ivy Williamson and Jeff Cravath
should get together on picking the
Rose Bowl winner.
The two coaches are in the best
position in the country to voice
opinions - their teams are the
only ones to play both Pasadena
contestants this year.
* * *
WILLIAMSON, in his first year
as a Western Conference coach
at Wisconsin, said yesterday he
figures California will whip Ohio
State. Cravath, a Pacific Coast

Conference coach at Southern Cal-
ifornia for several years, said yes-
terday it looked to him like the
Williamson's Badgers dropped
a 35-20 verdict to California and
suffered their lone shutout --
21-0 - at Ohio State's hands.
Cravath's Trojans battledthe
Big Ten Buckeyes to a 13-13
draw and lost to Lynn Waldorf's
Golden Bears, 16-10, on a last
minute, 100-yard touchdown run.
"I'm basing my opinion strictly
on what we saw when the two

* * *



clubs played us here," said Wil-
liamson. "The Bears have a bet-
ter offensive club, more talented
backs, more versatility. They have
Bob Celeri at quarterback, and the
Buckeyes have no one to match
him. For that reason I must give
the Bears an edge."
* * *
CRAVATH FELT just the op-
posite in an interview at Tulsa,
Okla., where he was visiting.
"Ohio State almost chased us
out of the park,"' he commented.
"Much as I'd like to see Lynn's
team win, I think Ohio State
will grab it. They've got great
running backs. We played Cali-
fornia on even terms, and might
have won."
Williamson said that from what
Ohio State showed here, the Buck-
eyes had a stouter defense and
that "maybe the Rose Bowl game
will be closer than we figure."
"I feel that Big Ten has a fine
representative in Ohio State," Wil-
liamson added, "and I hope they
surprise me and come away with
another victory for our confer-
"But they have a rugged job
ahead of them."


ANQUET BITS: Some 97 Michigan schoolboy gridders attended
the banquet with their coaches and a good share of them were
introduced to the crowd by a loquacious Wally Weber who did so
without the aid of a microphone which he scornfully disdained to
use . . also coming in for introductions were 13 former Michigan
All-Americans in attendance including Germany Shultz, Ernie All-
mendinger, Pat Smith, John Maulbetsch, Bob Westfall, Harry New-
man, Julie Franks, Jack Blott, Dick Rifenberg, Oosterbaan, and, of
course, the Wisterts.
OWN on

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 58
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Meeting,
4:10 p.m., Mon., Dec. 5, 1025 Angell
1. Consideration of the minutes

Why Worry About
Parking? Shop at the



Announcing. .



of the meeting of Nov. 7, 1949 (pp.
2. Consideration of reports sub-
mitted with the call to this meet-
a. Executive Committee-Prof.
I.-A. Leonard.
b. Executive Board of Gradu-
ate School - Prof. J. M. Cork.
c. Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs-Prof.
Clark. Hopkins.
d. Deans' Conference - Dean
Hayward Keniston. No report.
3. Special Order. Resolution
regarding changes in the program
in Letters and Law (pp. 1553-
4. Special Order. Resolution re-
garding changes in the program in
Letters and Medicine (pp. 1556-
5. The Phoenix Project--Dean
R. A. Sawyer and Prof. William
6. Announcements.
7. New business.
Applications for fellowships and
scholarships in the Graduate
School for 1950-51 are now avail-
able. Applications for renewal
should also be filed at this time.
Competition closes February 15,
1950. Blanks and information may
be obtained at the Graduate
School Offices, Rackham Bldg.
Application bLanks for Alum-
nae Council Educational Awards
($200 each) may be secured in the
Dean of Women's Office for the
Stockwell Hall-3 awards
Couzens Hall-1 award
Martha Cook Building-1 award
Sarah Caswell Angell House 1
Mary Louise Hinsdale House-i
Henderson House-1 award
Mosher Hall-2 awards
Jordan Hall-2 awards
Caroline Hubbard Kleinstueck
House-1 award
Applications will be accepted
through -December 16 inclusive.
(Continued on Page 4)

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