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November 30, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-30

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PAE ot




Repu blcan Prose

AMERICANISM (good, old-fashioned, 100
per cent) has in the past, infected some
of our country's worst minds. Of late, how-
ever, this malady, sometimes known as Mc-
Cormick Madness, has been less prevalent.
It is far fron dead, though. Its aroma is
definitely not that of a decomposing
corpse. With the defeat of a Republican
Party scored as too "me toish" by its more
conservative elements, "Americanism" may
even be making gains in the direction of
again taking over the GOP.
One symptom of' this possible renaissance
was recently reported from Chicago where
a group calling itself the National Republi-
can Roundup Committee held a two day
.meeting. At conclave's end they put their
gripes on the table: They issued a statement
of "Republican fundamental principles."
Among the nineteen engagingly ancient
principles the committee enunciated were
opposition to further grants and loans to
other governments, "a complete morator-
ium on immigration for the present," op-
position to government aid in housing,
education and medicine, opposition to such
bodies as the Tennessee Valley Authority,
"unreserved condemnation" of the FECP,
opposition to-well, you get the idea.
They say that reciprocal trade agreements
"confer upon the executive the power arbi-
trarily to destroy an American industry."
And the bi-partisan foreign policy. The
GOP should frame its own policy "on the
premise that the interests of its own country
should come first."

That last bit about sums up their whole
crooked philosophy-to hell with you (only
if need be, of course); ME FIRST.
Let it be known that this is in no way an
official body of the GOP. The party has lib-
eral elements too, the liberal elements are
quick to point out.
But it makes you sort of wonder when you
realize that the members of this committee
paid their respective ways to Chicago from
32 states and the District of Columbia to
mouth the afore-quoted deathless prose. Men
who would pay money to travel long dis-
tances and then meet in such a town must
deeply believe in what they're doing, must be
willing to fight hard for these beliefs.
This group has also set up machinery
to implement their deep convictions. Be-
sides putting down what they thought,
they've set up a permanent organization in
Chicago. Furthermore they've named a
committee to meet with Guy Gabrielson,
Republican national chairman. Presum-
ably, they will do more than just play
In addition they've ever -so diffidently
stepped out and offered their "help" to the
National Committee in winning the elections
in '50 and '52.
Well, there are the horrible facts. You
can't tell what this group's activities will
lead to, of course, but whatever happens,
you can't say that you weren't warned.
The throwbacks have dug themselves out
of their caves and are once more on the
prowl. As Hamlet said, "Look to it!"
-Davis Crippen


IWASHINGTON-Jack Kroll, chairman of
the .CIO's Political Action Committee,
paid a private, unannounced call on Presi-
dent Truman last week. Other recent callers
have been Secretary of Agriculture Charles
Brannan and Interior Secretary Oscar Chap-
man. CIO president Philip Murray is expect-
ed to make a similar visit to the White House
shortly. And the chief purpose of all these
callers is the same-to persuade President
Truman that Ohio farm leader Murray Lin-
coln is the best man to beat Senator Robert
A. Taft in the crucial Ohio election next
The White House calls represent the cul-
mination of the efforts by the liberal and
labor groups to find a strong candidate to
oppose Taft. Except for a run-of-the-mill
politician, State Auditor Joseph Ferguson,
and a few political eccentrics, none of Ohio's
leading Democrats has been eager to take on
the redoubtable Taft.
editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Change in Diet
Herbert Lehman would defeat John Fos-
ter Dulles in the New York senatorial race,
George Gallup of the Gallup Poll says, "I
feel that I can now quit eating crow and
try a little pheasant for a change."
But .
Gallup predicted that Lehman would
get 57 per cent and Dulles 43 per cent.
Lehman got 52 per cent and Dulles 48 per
cent. This is an error of 5 per cent-one
more than the 4 per cent "permissible er-
ror" Gallup gives himself.
Gallup predicted that Lehmann would
have a majority of more than 350,000.
Lehman's majority was less than 200,000.
If on the basis of these.comparisons Mr.
Gallup wants to serve himself pheasant, that
is his own affair. But we suggest that h
keep a little crow in the ice box to nibble
on every once in a while just to keep in
--St. Louis Star-Times
ALL POETS WHO, when reading from
their own works, experience a choked
feeling, are major. For that matter, all
poets who read from their own works are
major, whether they choke or not. All
women poets, dead or alive, who smoke
cigars are major. All poets who have sold a
sonnet for $125 to a magazine with a paid
circulation of 400,000 are major. A sonnet
is composed of fourteen lines; thus the
payment in this case is $8.93 a line, which
constitutes a- poet's majority
The truth is, it is fairly easy to tell the
two types apart; it is only when one sets
about trying to decide whether what they
write is any good or not that the thing really
becomes complicated.
-E. B. White, in "How to Tell
4 Major Poet from a. Minor Poet"

LINCOLN himself has shared this reluc-
tance, although he has been the labor
groups' favorite from the beginning. Lin-
coln's reluctance has sprung largely from
two sources. In the first place, he is a reg-
istered Republican, and lie feared that he
would not get real support from the White
House and the national Democratic organi-
zation. In the second place, he feared that
lacking this support, Ferguson, who has a
considerable personal organization in Ohio,
would beat him in the primaries, before he
had his crack at Taft.
The labor groups and their liberal allies
are convinced that only Lincoln, who is
an excellent, colorful speaker, and who has
a real farm following, has a chance to beat
the detested author of the Taft-Hartley
act. Hence the calls on the White House,
which are part of the determined cam-
paign to overcome Lincoln's hesitations.
The White House calls are reported to
have elicited no more than guarded expres-
sions of sympathy for the Lincoln candidacy.
However, AVilliam Boyle, chairman of the
National Democratic Committee, now plans
a trip to Ohio in the next week or ten days,
during which undoubtedly he will delicately
convey the President's preference for Lincoln
as the man to beat Taft.
AS FOR LINCOLN, he has been subjected
to an avalanche of persuasion. He made
a hugely successful speech at the recent CIO
convention in Cleveland. At the convention,
all the top CIO leaders, including Murray,
Kroll, auto workers chief Walter. Reuther,
and treasurer James Carey descended on
him in a body to urge him to challenge Taft.
Moreover, the efforts of the labor men
have not been limited to persuasion. As
soon as Lincoln indicated in Cleveland
that he was tempted, but was worried by
the rivalry of Ferguson, the beat-Taft
strategy committee in Ohio went into ac-
tion. This committee, which includes the
AFL machinists, and the railway brother-
hoods as well as the CIO, put renewed
pressure on Ferguson to bow out.
The betting is now very high that as a
result of all this Herculean effort on his
behalf, Lincoln will run whether or not Fer-
guson withdraws. He will not announce his
candidacy until after he confers with Boyle,
and he will certainly want assurances of all-
out support against Taft despite his vaguely
Republican background. But the chances
now are that these assurances will be forth-
coming, and that Lincoln will announce his
decision to run, probably early in December.
* * *
A LINCOLN-TAFT contest will be the most
exciting, and deeply significant, election
in many years. The two are diametrically
opposed on foreign as well as domestic poli-
cy, and the emotional, slightly consciously
Lincolnesque Lincoln will make a dramatic
contrast to the dry, downright Taft. But
more than this, Lincoln, despite the fact
that his farm background and his farm sup-
por are major assets, will be pre-eminently
the candidate of the labor groups. His candi-
dacy-if he is at last persuaded to make up
his mind to run-will be a measure of the
extent to which the Democratic Party is
now on the way to becoming an authentic
labor party.
(Convrieht. 1949. New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Parnell Thomas
ASHINGTON - Unfortunately it is not
illegal for a Congressman to keep a sol-
dier from seeing combat duty - and then
collect a political campaign fund from his
family. If this were illegal, Congressman
Parnell Thomas would be tried for another
offense in addition to taking kickbacks on
the salaries which Uncle Sam meant for his
office staff.
In 1944, when Congressman Thomas was
up for re-election, he received a contribu-
tion of $250 from Herman Kimmel of Long
Beach, N.Y., which is, of course, outside
the Congressman's New Jersey district.
Again in 1946, when the congressman
faced a primary election, he received an-
other $100 from the same Kimmel.
New Jersey votersthad no way of knowing
what was behind these two contributions,
but here are the interesting, un-American
Most people have forgotten it, but
Thomas was not only chairman of the Un-
American Activities Committee, but also
a member of the House Military Affairs
Committee, which passed on Army legis-
lation. Therefore, he had great weight with
the 'War Department.
In 1943, Private Edward Allen Kimmel,
serial no. 32801902, son of the above Herman
Kimmel, faced shipment overseas to combat
duty. So Congressman Thomas telephoned
the Second Service Command in New York
and informed them that young Kimmel was
an undercover agent for the Un-American
Committee, therefore had to be kept close
to the New York area. Accordingly, Col. C. E.
Miller, Director of Personnel for the Second
Service Command, transferred Kimmel from
Camp Upton, N.Y., and assigned him as an
investigator of the Internal Security Division
in New York.
* * *
A FEW DAYS LATER, Coionei Miller asked
Kimmel to drop in to see him and seemed
surprised that he was only 18 years old, had
no experience as an investigator, in fact
was merely a student at New York University
before entering the Army.
Skeptical, Colonel Miller telephoned
Congresman Thomas's office, reported
that Kimmel said he had never met
Thomas, had never worked for the Un-
American Activities Committee.
To patch up these crossed wires, the Con-
gressman immediately sent Ray Rockefellar,
an investigator for the Un-American Activi-
ties Committee, to see Colonel Miller. How-
ever, Colonel Miller remained skeptical. He
kept Private Kimmel in Internal Security
only 18 days, but did not transfer him over
seas. Instead, he was assigned to the Broad-
way Central Hotel in New York--a tempo-
rary Army barracks - and later to Camp
Blanding, Fla.
Private Kimmel did not go overseas. His
buddies did, many never to come back.
Waiting a very scant time after perform-
ing this priceless favor, Congressman Thom,
as attempted to cash in on it. The Congress-
man also operates an insurance agency o:,
the side - "Thomas and Godfrey"-so, on
Sept. 30, 1943, he wrote a letter to Private
Kimmel's father, introducing his insurance
"This will introduce my partner, Spencer
K. Godfrey," Thomas wrote to the father of
the boy who had been saved from overseas
duty. " . . . I know that Godfrey can be
helpful to you; at least, I would apprceiate
any courtesies which you may care to extend
The letter got no results. Godfrey sent
it back to Thomas with a notation scrib-
bled across the bottom: "This man refused
to talk-said he doesn't know you."
Later, however, Kimmel overcame his dis-
cretion. And when the Congressman who

had kept his son out of combat duty came
up for re-election, Kimmel contributed a
total of $350.
THE ABOVE INCIDENT was not the only
time the Congressman from New Jersey
used his insurance firm to cash in on favors.
For instance, Thomas helped Joseph J. Bru-
netti, a New Jersey contractor, recover some
$40,000 held in escrow by the Federal Hous-
ing Administration.
Later, when Brunetti started a huge apart-
ment project in Maywood, N.J., the Con-
gressman wrote him a letter and was re-
warded with the insurance on Brunetti's
The Congressman also used a neat
scheme for printing stationery for his in-
surance firm. It was done by the Govern-
ment Printing Office, paid for out of his
Congressional stationery a 11 o w a ri c e.
Christmas cards for the firm of Thomas
and Godfrey also were printed and paid
for by Uncle Sam in tihe same way.
Thus did the gentleman who posed as a
great American chairman of the Un-Ameri-
can Activities Committee squeeze the dollars
not only out of his office staff on salary
kickbacks but out of the government at
every turn.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

If I Were Dean .
To the Editor:
A LETTER to Dean Keniston:
Because you want this Univer-
sity to be the greatest, you invite
a letter; because I want this Uni-
versity to be the greatest, I write
a letter. Our common denominator
is a mutual interest in Michigan's
welfare. Why, to begin with, we've
a lot in common. So as one friend
to another, I'd like to slip in a
suggestion here and there if I
may :
I-Revision of Catalogue.
A. More complete, specific des-
cription of course's intentions
and coverage.
B. Encouragement of truth-ele-
ment in description.
(Personal Interpolation No. 1: I
took a course my freshman year
at another University whose cata-
logue suffered from the same mal-
ady of misconception. The course
was entitled "Early Morning Bird
Calls." Well, had 1 known just how
early these birds called before I
enrolled, I'd have gotten more
sleep that semester. Needless to
say, I dropped the course and have
never risen at four o'clock in the
morning since!)
II-Convening for one week of all
classes prior to official regis-
A. Instructors c o u1 d outline
course and better convey its
inherent meaning, intentions,
requirements, a n d signif-
icance to potential enrollees.
1. Instructor expected to pass
out mimeographed sheet in-
eluding general outline of
course's coverage.
2. Instructor able to tell per-
sonally what is expected of
students enrolling in his
course, thus possibly avoid-
ing confusion on this mat-
ter later on.
(Personal Interpolation No. 2:
This procedure would encourage
instructors to organize their ma-
terial and thus obligate him-in
a flexible sense-to approximate
some orderly presentation of that
material throughout the semester.
This sounds awfully confining; but
as long as students are expected to
write an organized examination
which determines the bulk of their
grade, then instructors should
likewise be expected to produce
their stuff in an organized fashion
ro be uniformally belched back
to them in a bluebook.)
B. Students could with better
accuracy determine course's
worth in relation to his curri-
cular or personal needs.
1. Some students have no
choice as victims of mo-
d e r n specialization and
group requirements but are
none the worse off for
knowing what they are re-
quired to know.
2. Students who have choice
could better choose in ac-
cordance with his or her
reaction to the class pre-
sentation during that week.
C. Students could not only gain
a little insight into the
course's proposed activities
but also into the teacher.
(Personal Interpolation No. 3: I,
like many others, am a 'relative

"Oh-Oh, We May Need A New Building For This One"
TSmIT ontTC roUio mats of
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

student'-relative insthat I'm "as
good as my teacher is" ... be that
bad or a boon. Many a basically
good teacher would suffer un-
necessary feelings of inferior-
ity if their worth were de-
termined by my accomplish-
ments in their classes; so
admittedly, this is not an absolute
formula for improvement. But I
sincerely insist that if I were able
to select my teachers-all of them
-a selection based on my person-
al reaction to him or her, then my
performance, contribution, and in-
terest in the course involved would
be more notable. Each person dif-
fers-to quote an obscure proverb
-so the selections, being subject-
ive would differ, too. There's an
undefinable kindling by kindred
spirits ... or ... how conceited
an approach to education can one
student have? Yet I think it's jus-
D. The Deans of each school and
the heads of the departments
could better gauge the success
of a course and the worth of
an instructor.
1. COURSE: get rid of it, al-
ter it, or keep it.
2. INSTRUCTOR:' get rid of
it, alter it, or pay him more
money and keep him!
E. Save everybody tiresome pro-
cess of dropping and adding
courses due to misunder-
standing of course's intent or
impossible ideological conflict
between student and instruc-
III-Abolition of Attendance Rec-
A. Distracting waste of valuable
time and in some instances,
B. Insult to instructor's ability,
course's appeal, and student's
self-realization and purpose.
Well, sir, I gotta go study in
hopes of passing some of my more
satisfying courses. Thank you for
your patience and attention. Good1
Hoping and waiting for the time
that Michigan soon becomes the
greatest University in the world,
I am sincerely,
-Adele Hager
THE PEOPLE of India are poor,'
but the country is rich in nat-
ural resources. Two thirds of her
wealth is estimated to be still un-
tapped. She has heavy deposits of
iron, coal, manganese, bauxite,
mica, and numerous other miner-
als-even a fissionable substance,
thorium. New coal fields and de-
posits of iron, bauxite and other
ores have been recently located.
Her farms, though starved of fer-
tilizers and in cultivation for cen-
turies, are still able to give not
one but two, and sometimes three,
crops a year.
In the Himalayan snow and
the water of her rivers she pos-
sesses hydroelectric power of sev-
eral million kilowatts and irriga-
tion for millions of acres. And she
has an industrious population, un-
skilled in modern industry but
capable of being swiftly trained in
highly complicated operations.
This was shown during the war
when India became the arsenal of
democracy in the East.
-Atlantic Monthly

(Continued from Page 3)
major, Op. 88. The public is in-
Faculty Recital Postponed: The
piano recital by Mischa Meller,
Assistant Professor in the School
of Musc, previously announced
for Mon., Dec. 12, Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre, has been postponed
until Feb. 14.
Organ Recital: Final program in
the current series of organ recitals
by Robert Noehren, University Or-
ganist, 4:15 pm., Wed., Nov. 30, 1
Hill Auditorium. Compositions by
Couperin, Bach, Franck, Vierne,
Maleingreau, Honegger, Karg -
Elert. Open to the public without
Student Recital: Shirley Fry-
man Goldfarb, student of piano
with Joseph Brinkman, will pre-
sent a program at 8:30 p.m., Wed..
Nov. 30, Rackham Assembly Hall,
in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Mas-
ter of Music. Compositions by
Haydn, Prokofieff, Bach, and
Samuel Barber. Open to the pub-
Photographs by Walker Evans
from the Collection of the Museum
of Modern Art. Lobby, Architec-
ture Bldg.
Events Today
Social Ethics Discussion: 7:15
p.m.' Lane Hall.
Canterbury Club: 7:30-10 p.m.,
Rev. and Mrs. Burt are at home to
all Episcopal students.
Wesley Foundation:
4-5:30 p.m., Do-Drop-In. Re-
freshments. Lounge.
6 p.m., Pot-luck supper.
7:15 p.m., Bible Study Group.
Currently discussing the idea of
8:30 p.m., Cabinet meeting,
Lounge. Everyone welcome.
Orthodox Student's Society:
Meeting, 7:30 9m., downstairs
conference room.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Prayer meeting, 7 p.m.; Bible
Study Groups 7:30 p.m., Upper
Room, Lane Hall.
Tea 'N Talk, 4-6 p.m., third floor
lounge, Presbyterian Church.
Acolytes Meeting: Prof. Palmer
"Historical Causation and Value
Systems." 7:30 p.m., East Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Bldg. Open
to public.
:Family Portrait: 8 p.m., Lydia
Mendessohn Theatre. The play
will be presented by the Depart-
ment of Speech Wednesday
through Saturday. Special student
rates for performances tonight
and tomorrow night. Good seats
for all shows on sale now at Men-
delssohn Box Office, open from 10
to 8 daily. Phone 6300.
Anthropology Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m., 3024 Museums Bldg. En-
trance to building by rear door.
Prof. George G. Cameron. "Ra-
cial Contacts in the Near East."
Chess Club: Regular meeting,
Room 3D, Union. Election of offi-
cers. A rapid transit tournament
will also be held.
Hiawatha Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Grand Rapids Room, League.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Postal match
with Mich. Tech. College, 8 p.m.,
ROTC rifle range. Practice from

7-9:30 p.m.
Sociedad Hispanica: Poetry
Reading contest and entertaing
ment by Latin-American quartet,
8 p.m., Hussey Room, League.
Young Progressives of America:
Membership meeting 7:30 p.m.,
changed to League. Report of 2nd
National Convention by Michigan
delegation. Plans for further ac-
tion on existence of quota system.
I.A.S.: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm.
3A, Union. Wright Aero. Corp.
Film, "Powerhouse of Aviation."
'Ensian picture will be taken at 7
ULLR Ski Club: Organizational
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Union; new
members welcome. Skiing movies.
West Quad Radio Club: Meeting,
7:30 p.m. in the "shack," 5th floor,
Williams House.
Phi Lambda Upsilon: East Con-


ference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Business meeting, 7:30 p.m. Speak-
er at 8 p.m. Prof. James M. Plumer
will discuss Japanese Art and the
American Occupation.
ADA: Meeting of the Executive
Committee, 3 p.m., League Cafe-
Coming Events
Women's Intramural Basketball
Practice space will be available
on Tuesday and Thursday at 7:15
and 8 p.m. Sign up for space on
reservation sheet in Barbour Gym-
Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Thurs., Dec. 1, Room C. Hav-
en Hall. Discussion of plans for
speaker on Dec. 8.
U. of M. Theatre Guild: Full 'e-
hearsal, 6:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 1,
practice stage, Ann Arbor High
Hillel Social Committee: Meet-
ing, 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 1, Un-
ion. Plans for this Sunday's "Bagel
& Lox" Supper. All welcome.
Wesley Foundation:
Thurs., 5:30 p.m., Kappa Phi
dinner and meeting. Wesley
Fri., Wesleyan Guild will spon-
sor the Fish Pond at the W.S.C.S.
Christmas fair. Fair lasts from 10
a.m. till evening. Steak dinner,
5:30 to 7 p.m. Make reservations
in the office by Wednesday, phone
5555. 7:30-11:30 p.m., Square dan-
cing in Room 214.
Inter-racial Association: Meet-
ing, 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 1; 18
Angell Hall. Consideration of af-
filiation with N.A.A.C.P. and dele-
gation to Lansing. Everyone in-
Student-Faculty Hour: Honor-
ing the Zoology and Botany De-
partments, Thurs., Dec. 1, 4-5
p.m., Grand Rapids RoomnLeague.
Druid: Meeting, Thurs., Dec. 1,
10:30 in Union Tower.
International Center Weekly
Tea: 4:30-6 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 1,
for all Foreign students and Amer-
ican friends.
Electrical Engineering Research
and Journal Discussion Group:
Meet Thurs., Dec. 1, 4 p.m., 3072 E.
Engineering. Mr. Floyd Schults
will discuss The Electro Magnetic
Scattering of a Prolate Ellipsoid.
Deutscher Verein: Meeting,
Thurs., Dec. 1, 7:30 p.m., Rms. K,
L, M, N, Union. "A report on Ger-
many" by four visiting German
students. Students and faculty in-
Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting,
Thurs., Dec. 1, Kalamazoo Room,
League. Action will be taken on

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson. Editorial Director
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil.........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King .................Librarian
Allan Clamage...... Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington... .Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi....... Advertising Managier
Bernie Aidloff. Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 2 3-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
Luhe Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspape
All rights of republication of all other
mattersehereintare also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-clas mail
Subscription during the regular school
Year by earier. S5.00, by mail. 8.00




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