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November 28, 1949 - Image 12

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-28

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______________________________________________________________________________ I

BusAd Graduates Find
Master's Degrees Pay Off

Fmployers of business adminis-
tration graduates apparently are
willing to pay a premium for the
extra year of college training
which a Master's degree entails
according to statistics released by
is with us in hairstyles to fit
your personality and holiday
needs -- for you alone!!
Liberty near State

the School of Business Adminis-
According to a class by class
salary surbvey the median start-
ing salary for 1948 recipients of
this degree was $260 per month
while that of 1948 Bachelor's de-
gree holders was $235.
THE HIGHEST median month-
ly salary, $1,250, was that report-
ed by the class of '29.
Since only graduate level
courses were offered by the
school until 1942, all the mem-
bers of these three classes held
Waster's degrees.
Of the 2,024 students who have
completed work toward a degree
since the school was opened in
1926, 823 or 41 per cent answered
the survey questionnaire.

Qvr 'r'-' REQCQRD
APPARENTLY on his way to a one-man Beethoven cycle for Colum-
bia, Bruno Walter offers a new waxing of the Ninth Symphony,
with the New York Philharmonic, the Westminister Ch'oir and four
alleged soloists (Album 900, LP SL 156).
A super-fine recording job is wasted on the Philharmonic's tones,
which range from tinny to nasal. We find both Allegro and Scherzo
overblown and loose, while the semi-unperformable finale degenerates
into a disorganized, ding-dong decibel contest between orchestra and
chorus. That the chorus usually triumphs is not all to the bad, con-
sidering the Philharmonic's occasionally wretched outpourings.
High spot of the set is Walter's genuinely eloquent Adagio, but
his orchestra remains stubbornly undistinguished throughout.
Among the soloists, only the bass, Mack Harrell, approaches com-
petence, but his jealous colleagues take revenge by out-shrieking
him at every opportunity granted them by Beethoven-and at
some that aren't.
With the warning that our opinion of Walter's Chorale seems to
be a minority one, we suggest the aging but venerated Weingartner-
Vienna performance (Columbia 227), and add our voice to the many
demanding that RCA Victor condescend to release a Ninth by its
greatest interpreter-Arturo Toscanini.
M OZART'S wonderful Piano Concerto No. 21 is the subject of an LP
effort by Robert Casadesus, with Munch leading the New York
An above-average recording is matched by generally fine play-
ing on the part of soloist and orchestra strings; it is kinder to pass
in mournful silence over the fumbling efforts of the Philharmonic's
winds. Recommended especially is Casadesus' excellent presenta-
tion of the lovely second movement.
But in no sense is the current version comparable to a superb
Schnabel-Sargent job for HMV and domestic Victor. Schnabel's finely
controlled poetry and the sensitive support of the London Philhar-
monic-than which there is none wiser in the ways of Mozart--make
this set the choice for those willing to sacrifice the mechanical advan-
tages of LP for musical considerations.
* * *I *
AT HOME in a familiar item, Koussevitsky and the Boston Sym-
phony provide the finest Tchaikovsky Fourth obtainable. With their
traditional polish and incomparable tones, the Bean-town boys follow
the leader through an obviously virtuoso performance, avoiding most
of the usual temptations to exaggerate. Recording is faithful, but
tending slightly to the over-ponderous.
* * J" *
EVER SINCE 1933, Charlie Barnet has been recording the kind of
music that the public wants to hear; but his latest records show
something more than just a realization of the people's choice.
Over The Rainbow backed by Pan Americana (Capital, 57-744) indicate
that the 'Mad Mab' may be directing the top band in the country
Rainbow is altogether too much to listen to in one sitting; the
striking (uncredited) arrangement is filled with interest for the musi-
ally educated and should keep even the unpracticed ear perked for the
full three minutes. Barnet's band is very well balanced and gets a tre-
mendous sound from smooth ensemble work and excellent color con-
trast in the arrangement. Pan is a mediocre tune of South America
vintage. The rhythm and overall picture painted by the band are not
unlike the Gillespiean Manteca.

University students remaining
in Ann Arbor over the Thanksgiv-
ing holidays did not fare as well
as University of Illinois stay-at-
schools, who were offered free
turkey dinners by a campus res-
taurant in Champaign.
The restaurant proprietor made
400 turkey meals available at no
cost to hungry student consumers.
"I know how miserable it is to
be away from home on a holiday,"
he explained. "Maybe this will
ease that feeling."

The dinners were eagerly de-
voured by the students, who added
the proprietor to their list of
things to be thankful for.
Local students received news of
the free dinners with incredulity,
later replaced by a sour view of
the Ann Arbor scene.
One disgruntled student gave
vent to indignant feelings by send-
ing the Daily a clipping of the Ill-
inois incident on which he scrib-
bled "It can't happen here."
lOLl D.AY"

Illinois Students Get Turkey
MealsFree for Thanksgiving





. . .

. --



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The World Leader
in Portable Radios!

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. . . fo~r . . .
A pair of comfortable good-looking house slippers can
be a most acceptable gift. We carry a very complete
assortment of practically every kind available.


plus batteries

"Tip-Top" Dial - biggest
ever in a portable

s New 'Tip-Top" Dial and Wavemagnet!
Swing the lid up-there's the dial, actu-
ally above the set, for tip-top tuning ease!
Wavemagnet inside the lid tips up, too-
formaximum "signal-catching"efficiency.
You get tip-top reception anywhere-on
the porch, at picnics, in any room! '

Moderately priced.

unike tne LGiiespiean Man1tecatU.
$250 to 50ENDERLY is a new tune that needs lyrics in the worst way. Les e i Ri Tneex-
SBrown'srendition (Columbia 38616) is done with a choir of voices Tip op wavemagnet* Has Zetoneitth powerful p volume. And
-extra-sensitiv quisite tone wit pwruvomend
but no words; this seems to give the band a psuedo bigness of sound the cabinet is built like a skyscraper,
that appears clumsy in parts. We contend that Brown has one of the1 fully enclosed to protect dial and grille.
best trombone sections in the business, and he shows it off to good ad- "Flexo-Grip"handlesnuggles down when
vantage on this side. The flipover, Where Are You?, may be misleading - not in use. Set comes in smart ebony or
as it is not the now-popular tune by the same name. Ray Kellogg is in two-tone blue-grey plastic. Only8x5M
DOWNTOWN BETWEEN THE DiME STORES" the driver's seat on the vocal, and, although he sounds comfortableOx11% inches. Nothing else likeit.Come
backed by the choir, he lacks the feeling and emotion to put across a Close lid-set's off. in-see and hear the proof!
--__song like this. Both sides are excellent dance numbers. *Reg. U. S. Pat. Off.
Crop Record PJhnsonComnn
r Michigan's production, of corn,
wheat, oats, barley and rye aggre- TE GENERAL ELECTRIC STORE
% gated 3,600,000 tons last year, the
e Pfrlargest in the history of the state. Phone 4124 209-211 South Fourth Ave.
* TEXTRON pajamas
Nelson Paige
Shirts .... $2.95 up \
Socks . . 55C to $2.95
Wool.........11.50 to 20.00 - These pajamas are designed for
Rayon.. . . 11.50 to 25.00 the best-dressed man in your life ... YOU!
-Made from an exclusive Textron
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by.nyou'll see that the
Neckweor . . . . . . $1.00 to $2.50 jacket sleeves and trouser legs
are finished with deep cuffs.
Leather Gloves $4.00 to $10.95The trousers are cut
over an exclusive pattern ...
4 BE LTS. . .. ... . ... . . ... .. .. .. . .. $1.50 to $4.00 y to eliminate all but
SUSPENDERS............. .....$1.50 and $2.00 the most important seams.
PAJAMAS............ ...... $3.95 to $6.00 2 ' 4Tailored of smooth, Textron rayon
SWEATERS. ............... ..$5.00 to $10.00 t or Sanforized cotton.
MUFFLERS..................... $1.50 to $3.95 In clear, solid colors
SPORT SH IRTS. . ................$3.95 to $7.50 or clean-cut prints .. .
designed for masculine tastes.
Plaid Shirts. Handkerchiefs, Jockey Under- Sizes A to D.

These beautiful cuff links
make every man the
Man of Distinction.
The exclusive Elbo bend assures
cuff alignment. That's why they're
a MUST with men who prize correct-
ness in every detail of dress f or.sport
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When you purchase your cuff links
or other accessories at Bay's, you
may have them ENGRAVED FREE OF
Bay's will also, mail your gift any-
where in the United States without
additional charge.



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