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November 26, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-26

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SATURDAY, NOVE ~8ER 26, 1949

_ _ ys__

Yuletide Decorations

DECK THE HALLS with boughs of holly,
boys, the Christmas season approacheth.
State Street has metamorphized into a
gallery of evergreen lamp posts. Shop win-
dows have acquired a glittery aura. Hard-
ware exhibits are buried in snowy nests
aind dress displays are sprinkled with
'Ere long the air will reverberate with the
ding dong of King Wenceslas. Chimneys will
be clogged with overstuffed Santas. Child
prodigies will fill the air waves with stir-
ring renditions of "The Night Before Christ-
Oh, happy tinsel time, oh joyous days of
red and green. Be sure the ribbon matches
the wrapping paper; be sure to leave some
cracker crumbs on the lawn for the birds
who couldn't quite make it to Miami
Beach; be sure you feel plenty good will-
ish toward men-this is the season to de-
light yourclandlady with an extra tweak
under the chin.
And if your Aunt Minnie only gives you
a box of scented soap to commemorate the
Yuletide, don't be irritated-just light up an
Old Christmas Tree.
-Nancy Bylan
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Pro .. .
T IS THE SEASON to be jolly.
So why shouldn't everyone be jolly?
For 11 months of the year, the nation's
hotel lobbies and lamp-posts are their same
drab selves, along with main aisles of de-
partment stores.
But after Thanksgiving, the holiday
mood overtakes even these staid fixtures
of American public life. They are trans-
formed by holly, evergreen and tinsel to
something just a little more colorful and
different from usual.
Granted, some of these decorations go up
about a month before they should. And
most of them appear only because of the
commercial interests of a host of hopeful
But must we always decide whether or
not we like things because of the motives
behind them?
The Christmas season is generally a gay
season-it is different from any other sea-
son of the year. Colorful decorations in pub-
lic places, can, if artistically contrived, con-
tribute to the "difference" of the season-
and even to its gaiety.
Life in the mechanistic, complex 20th
century is altogether too drab and stand-
ardized, as it is. Anything which serves to
pulverize the monotony and contribute to
a carefree holiday atmosphere should
draw praise rather than condemnation.
Fa La La La La La La La La.
-Paul Brentlinger

THE RESIGNATION of David Lilienthal,
chairman of the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion came as a surprise to very few people.
Seldom in the history of the United States
has a public servant been more maligned by
the press and by congressional "red" baiters
and it is remarkable that he was able to en-
dure the ordeal as long as he has.
From the stormy Senate battle for his
confirmation in 1946, Lilienthal has been
branded with every invective from "trai-
tor" to "Commie." And even more absurd
were the charges of "incredible misman-
agement" of the AEC made by Iowa's pub-
licity-seeking Senator Hickenlooper last
Certainly Lilienthal's record as a public ad-
ministrator did not justify the wild accusa-
tions made against him. Appointed director
of the Tennessee Valley Authority in 1933,
he guided the vast experiment in public en-
terprise through the depths of the depres-
sion and lifted it into a position of world-
wide prestige.
During the war years he supervised the
tremendous expansion of TVA which, in-
cidently, helped to make possible the vast
atomic center at Oak Ridge. And still he
was charged with anti-American traits
and branded as "dangerous" to our securi-
Lilienthal's administration of the AEC
also seems to be beyond reproach. A firm
believer in unhampered scientific research,
he has continually fought the stringent
atomic security measures proposed by Con-
gress. But not one shred of concrete evi-
dence has ever been produced to show that
he willfully allowed any relaxation of the
extreme security regulations once they were
Now that Lilienthal has resigned it is
to be hoped that he can exert his influence
and knowledge to bring about a removal
of the hush-hush, back-room character of
our atomic investigations.
The tremendous scientific progress which
has been made in this country during the
past century has only been possible through
an open interchange of ideas and the free-
dom to experiment in any field without buck-
ing a governmental veto. It is certainly to
be hoped that far-sighted then like Lilien-
thal will now be able to convince Congress
that the stifling security regulations are
threatening to halt all real progress in
atomic development-both for defense meas-
ures and, far more important, for peacetime
-Jim Brown

"I Don't Want You To Think I'm Conmplainig,
But -"


Publication in- The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistanttto the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 53
University Convocation: A pub-
lic convocation will be held in the
Rackham Lecture Hall at 11 a.m.,
Saturday, November 26, in con-
nection with the visit of His Maj-
esty, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi,
Shah of Iran, to the University. A
section of the auditorium will be
held until 11 o'clock for members
of the faculty; academic costume
will not be worn and there will be
no academic procession save for
the group occupying seats on the
Mr. F. A. Smart, General Agent
of the Equitable Life Insurance
Company of Iowa will be at the
Bureau of Appointments Mon.,
Nov. 28, to interview February
graduates of the Business Admin-
istration and L. S. & A. schools for
sales training in the Detroit area.
Salary and Commission. Call
3-1511, Extension 371 for appoint-
University Lecture: Dr. W.
Wayne Meinke, Radiation Labora-
tory, University of California at
Berkeley. "High Energy Nuclear
Reactions." 4:07 p.m., Tuesday,
Nov. 29, 1300 Chemistry.
University Lecture in Journal-
ism: "Newspaper Problems and
Trends." Gene Alleman, Secre-
tary-Manager of the Michigan
Press Association, Inc; auspices of
the Department of Journalism. 3
p.m., Mon., Nov. 28, Room C, Hav-
en Hall.

Academic Notices
Mathematical Logic Seminar:
7:30 p.m., Mon., Nov. 28, 3217 An-
gell Hall. Mr. G. Spencer will con-
tinue his talk on recursively enum-
erable sets of positive integers and
their decision problems.
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: Mon., Nov. 28, 3 p.m., 3001
Angell Hall. Mr. Cater will present
"Thomsen Geometry."
Organic Chemistry Seminar:
Speaker: Raymond Wilkinson.
Topic: Organic Per-acids. 7:30
p.m., Mon., Nov. 28, 1300 Chemis-
Psychology 85: Examination will
be held Mon., Nov. 28, 10 a.m. as
Events Today
Congregational-Disciples Guild:
Fireside discussion, 7:30-9 p.m.,
438 Maynard St. Topic: How to
sponsor a D-P.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting, 2
p.m., League. Room will be an-
nounced on the League bulletin
Recreational Swimming - Women
Open swimming at the Union
9-11 a.m.
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Open House, 8 p.m. Refresh-
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club: Meet-
ing, 2:15 p.m., Sun., Nov. 27, nortli-
west entrance, Rackham. Supper.
IZFA: Hebrew Circle Meeting:
Sun., Nov. 27, 2 p.m., Union. Check
Bulletin Board for room.
Russian Circle: Meeting, 8 p.m.,
International Center, Mon., Nov.
28. Visitors welcome.

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the, discretion of the


Washington Merry- Go-Round

WASHINGTON-Mrs. India Edwards, the
lady brain of the Democratic National
Committee, was debating on the New York
Herald Tribune Forum with the heads of two
leading women's clubs-Dr. K. Frances
Scott, president of the National Federation
of Business and Professional Women's Clubs
and Mrs. J. Blair Buck, president of the
General Federation of Women's Clubs.
Both these organizations are supposed to
be nonpartisan, but, in their debate with Mrs.
Edwards, Dr. Scott and Mrs. Buck both ad-
mitted frankly that they worked for the
election of Margaret Chase Smith, Republi-
can, as Senator from Maine. In fact, Dr.
Scott and Mrs. Buck almost outdid them-
selves in claiming credit for Senator Smith's
election. They said they supported Mrs.
Smith not because she was a Republican but
because she was a woman.
Many listeners expected that sparks would
fly when Mrs. India Edwards, staunch Dem-
ocrat, replied. But Mrs. Edwards sweetly
agreed. She said there should be more wom-
en in politics and she was delighted at the
support given to Senator Smith, Republican.
This took place about a month ago and
CITIZEN KANE ... Orson Welles and
the Mercury Players.
.HE PECULIAR genius of Orson Welles
has never since been so happily engaged.
In this, his first movie, the fictionalized bio-
graphy of a man amazingly like William
Randolph Hearst, Welles has found his
perfect vehicle.
Employing an omnipresent camera with
startling originality, Welles achieves some
of the most striking photographic effect in
motion picture history.
And here, unlike his later films, the spe-
cial effects he creates are kept within the
bounds of his story. They are not merely
effects for their own sake.
Yet all of the ostentatious gimmicks
that mar his later films are in evidence,
here, if one looks closely. The wonderful
* camera work, at times, overshadows the
movement of the action, and Welles, al-
though only rarely, acts for the effect of
Welles instead of Kane.
But such brilliant touches as the intro-
duction of a "March of Time," biography of
Kane, and the chronological history of
Kane's entire married life shown in an
unbroken series of scenes at the breakfast
table more than atone for any of the minor
Wellsian crimes.
The acting of the Mercury Players, Welles'
radio troupe, is a study in coordination. Such
people as Joseph Cotton, Everett Sloan,
Agnes Moorhead, Ray Collins, Ruth War-
wick, and Dorothy Comingore, work to-
gether perfectly, creating not only charac-
ters, but characters who serve as back-
ground, as canvases upon which the figure
of Kane is etched.
No list of the important films of the past
15 years would be complete without "Citizen
-Kirk R. Hampton

since then India Edwards has kept very
quiet-until the other day. By this time Dr.
Scott and Mrs. Buck had pretty much for-
gotten their New York Herald Tribune panel
discussion, but suddenly they got letters
from Mrs. India Edwards:
Continuing, Mrs. Edwards said that an-
other fine woman-namely, Congresswoman
Helen Gahagan Douglas, Democrat-was
running in California as U.S. Senator.
Mrs. Edwards said she knew it would be
consistent with the previously stated policy
of the General Federation of Women's Clubs
and the National Federation of Business
and Professional Women's Clubs to endorse
Mrs. Douglas, a Democrat, and that she was
eagerly awaiting word to this effect.
T HOUGH IT HASN'T made headlines, a
total of 28,000 foreign students are study-
ing in the U.S.A. this year, most of them
sponsored by individual colleges or student
groups, as their contribution toward break-
ing down prejudice between nations.
The list of individual colleges promoting
this people-to-people friendship is too long
to be given here, but perhaps Hastings Col-
lege, Nebraska, is typical.
The first student, a young Dutch victim of
a Nazi camp, wrote to the authorities of
Hastings College in what he thought was
perfect English. "I plan to leave here pret-
ty damn quick," he said, upon being notified
that a scholarship was available.
Other students have included a Jewish
refugee from Czechoslovakia, two Norwegian
veterans of the underground, several Ko-
reans, one Chinese, an Iranian and several
Mexicans. The college has used thse stu-
dents on speaking teams to deliver foreign-
affairs talks all through Nebraska. This has
kept Midwesterners close in touch with the
outside world and has been a factor in com-
bating the isolation that engulfed the Mid-
west after World War I.
JT LOOKS LIKE the American Medical As-
sociation was heading back toward the
dark ages. Most people don't realize it, but
in 1916 the AMA took a much more en-
lightened view of the nation's health than
in its current all-out fight against a national
health program.
Back in 1916, the AMA's House of Dele-
gates actually went on record as approv-
ing government health insurance. They
even passed a resolution submitted by their
Judicial Council which referred to gov-
ernment health insurance as "one of the
forces tending to human betterment." To-
day the language of that resolution would
probably be regarded by the AMA as down-
right dangerous to the American way of
In contrast to this 1916 pronouncement for
human betterment, here is what the AMA
stated editorially through the New York
State Journal of Medicine on Aug. 15, 1949
about preserving human life:
"We readily admit that under it (the pres-
ent system) a certain number of cases of
early tuberculosis and cancer, for example,
may go undetected. Is it not better that a
few such should perish than that the ma-
jority of the population should be encour-
aged on every occasion to run sniveling to
the doctor?"
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)




At the Michigan ..
Douglas, Celeste Holm, and Linda Darnell.
WITH ARTISTES-manquees and their
long-suffering husbands forming the
comic situation, this movie is one of the most
amusing to come to our local theatres in a
long time.
Paul Douglas, as a practical-minded
wrecking contractor, has had the misfor-
tune to marry into a family whose females
are congenitally undiscovered singers,
thinking that their great gift is being lost
on the world.
As his wife, Celeste Holm begins taking
singing lessons and hiring expensive concert
halls to show off her sweet but lack-luster
voice, which she makes convincingly medi-
ocre. With notions of greatness running
through her head and running hubby into
debt, Douglas turns to opera singer Linda
Darnell, who discovers his latent baritone
and tries to push him onto the concert
At this point, Miss Holm gets the bird
from another audience, and finally realizes
she'll never make the grade. In a fit of hyste-
rics, she gets into a knock-down drag-out
with hubby, and decides to leave him. Coach-
ing from the sidelines is mother Lucille Wat-
son, another undiscovered singer whose ar-
tistic spurts drive father Charles Coburn
into the pantry with a full bottle of whisky.
As the main character, Douglas is
charming and amusing, with his usual
bearing of the over-grown puppy. The ar-
tistes are beautifully acted, and their mis-
fired ambitions sometimes so well done
that they become pathetic. Even death-
mask Darnell contributes a little to the
All in all, the possibilities of the situation
are *fully capitalized on, to present the au-
dience wtih a very sprightly, entertaining
-Fran Ivick
HAROLD STASSEN boastfully claims cred-
it for blocking federal aid to education.
* * *
The biggest 1949 lobby bill filed to date is
$1,225,028, by the American Medical Asso-
--The New Republic

Congratulations ., .
To the Editor:
T O EVERYONE who had a part
in the production of "Murder
in the Cathedral," I should like to
extend my deepest thanks. It was
a truly inspiring performance, that
I witnessed Thursday night. The
integration of speech, music, and
the dance made a perfect whole,
and credit goes to the Inter-Arts
Union in taking the initiative of
finally bringing these all together.
Of course, special congratula-
tions should go to Len Rosensen
for his magnificent portrayal of
Thomas a Becket, but no one
should be overlooked. The choruses
were perfect, maintaining their
parts at all times; the lighting
crew never missed a cue; the
music, as written, sung, and
played, was very effective in its
blending with the drama; the cos-
tume and make-up committees did
an equally remarkable job. And so
I say, thanks again and many con-
gratulations on a memorable per-
-Judy Loud
Humor . .
To the Editor:
THE DAILY is to be congratu-
lated upon the excellent humor
in the recently printed Letters to
the Editor. On Saturday it was
amusing to read Mr. Fordney's
and Mr. Niemi's comments on
preservation of the Greek-letter
way of life, but the peak of hu-
mor came on Tuesday with the re-
plies. Having baited their trap
with the American way of life, Mr.
Fordngy and Mr. Niemi must be
grinning like Chesire cats watch-
ing the "misguided" mice get in-
-Virginia Moore
* * *
The Prince of Peace . .
To the Editor:
IT'S GETTING that time of year
when we celebrate the birthday
of Jesus, the "Prince of Peace."
Everybody's feeling mellow toward
his fellow man-especially if all
the Christmas cards have been
sent out and all the Christmas
shopping has been done.
Congress and Mr. Truman must
be feeling mellow, too. They've
done their bit for peace in the
world-by acts of commission and
of omission. While committing
us to spending billions for what is
laughingly called "national de-
fense," they've omitted to do any-
thing about S. Res. 108 (which re-
quests the President to pardon 15,-
000 conscientious objectors to
war), thus assuring that these mis-
guided creatures will have a square
meal on Christmas day in a nice
warm Federal Prison. This is their
way of honoring these young men
whose venial sin has been to inter-
pret literally the quaint and un-
realistic teachings of Jesus, called
by His admirers "the Prince of
I know Mr. Truman is one of His
admirers because only the other
day he told somebody that the
Sermon on the Mount was an ex-

cellent guide to practical conduct!
If Daily readers who also admire
Him (Jesus, not Mr. Truman)
would mail him (Mr. Truman, not
Jesus) a Christmas card with ap-
propriate quotes from that Ser-
mon,dhe (Mr. Truman) might be
moved to grant the "conchies" full
pardons. (I believe Jesus has al-
ready pardoned them.)
My greeting-on a penny post-
card-will simply say: "Blessed are
the mericiful, for they will be
shown mercy!" I'm going to send it
early! I hope the President pon-
ders it in his heart.
-John H. Davenport
* * *
Up on Stadium Hill..
To the Editor:
EDICATED to Michigan's 1949
Football Team:
Up there on Stadium Hill, there
must be something in the air
Old timers say the shades of Weeks
and Redden linger there
Some others claim from out of the
past shines forth a victory light,
Which warms the blood of Wolver-
ines, and fills them full of fight,
On Campus, they're mild-man-
nered boys, named Dick, or
Dumps, or Bill,
how they act on Stadium Hill!
What is it grips the forward line,
what force inspires each back?
What is it, when the chips are
down, brings power to the at-
When all seems lost, what is that
faith that makes 'em fight on,
And makes our goal line sacred
ground, up there on Stadium
TRADITION!-oh, that precious
voice, that speaks down through
the years
And whispers to it's stalwart sons,
when doubt of Victory neat;!
It spoke to Yost, to Kirke, Crisler,
Bennie Oosterbaan,
It speaks to every Michigan team,
and makes eleven men ONE,
It lives in hearts of Michigan men
-yes, and it always will,
Our boys BELIEVE in Michigan,
up there on Stadium Hill!
-J. Fred Lawton, '11
* * *
Law Coeds .. .
To the Editor:
AS .SENIOR ."coeds" in law
school, we have hardly felt it
necessary to defend our position to
those who are so Victorian as to
raise a commotion over women
studying law. For this reason we
have watched with amazement the
verbal battle in the Daily letter
column occasioned by an article
which in reality said nothing and
was better left without comment.
However, this whole episode has
revealed to us just one thing; that
by weathering the storm, alas, by
even daring to enter this venerable
institution, we have committed the
unpardonable sin of offending the
male ego. (Watch it LITTLE
MEN, your id is showing). In other
words, it can all be summed up in
one very apt question. What's the
matter, boys; afraid of the compe-
-R. Wanamaker, '50L
T. Angell, '50L

Ii disarmament program entered
a new stage last week, with the
reduction of Naval aviation by
thirty-five squadrons. The bland
announcement by the Defense De-
partment emphasized the result-
ing economies. No mention was
made of the more important fact,
that wartime control of the Medi-
terranean has probably now been
cast away.
This sacrifice upon the twin
altars of business-as-usual and
political expediency in turn in-
volves another, even deeper issue,
which the Defense Department al-
so signally failed to discuss. Hav-
ing cast away the chance to hold
the Mediterranean, we may also
have disastrously reduced the value
of our strategic air arm.
THE EFFECTS of these latest
economies are easily demonstrated.
Although most people assume that
the strategic air arm is entirely
composed of "intercontinental"
B-36s, ten of the fourteen strate-
gic air groups are actually equip-
ped with, planes of much lesser
range-modified B-29s and B-50s
at present. In order to attack tar-
gets within the Russian land mass,
these ten strategic air groups must
operate fromoverseas bases.
The bases we need are freely
available. Our own Air Force is
already using Tripoli and Dah-
ran in Arabia. The British hold
Cyrenaica. And it is under-
stood on the best authority that
the Egyptian Government long
ago intimated to Admiral Rich-
ard Conolly, commander in the
Eastern Atlantic and Mediter-
ranean, that there would be no
objection to the establishment of
American air bases on Egyptian
soil. In short, the only difficulty
is to hold the needed bases,
once they are secured and made
For this purpose, the late Secre-
tary of Defense, James V. Forres-
tal, included the maintenance of
sixteen ready aircraft carriers in
his plans, whenthe made his great
effort in 1948 to persuade Presi-
dent Truman to give us real de-
* * *
BESIDES providing a minimum
of carrier aviation for the Pacific,
and allowing for vessels under re-
pair, the Forrestal plans were to
put eight carriers into the Medi-
terranean in time of war. With a
force of'eight carriers, it was con-


sidered possible to keep the Medi-
terranean open from Gibraltar to
Suez, and to hold the African
shore. But with the immensely
reduced carrier force that will re-
sult from the economies of Secre-
tary of Defense Louis Johnson,
nothing of the sort will be con-
ceivably possible.
The security of the United
States, and the safety of the free
world, are being daily impaired;
yet smart talk of economy is all
the explanation we get. Surely we
have, as a people, a sort of mini-
mum right to know what is being
done to us.
(Copyright, 1949, NY Herald Tribune)
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Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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Don McNeil ......Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian...... Photography Editor
Pres Holmes..........Sports Co-Editor
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Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
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