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November 23, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-23

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WSSF Concert
MUCHPLEASURE will be attached to pur-
chasing tickets for Arts Chorale Concert
\which is to be held Tuesday. This is true not
only because the Chorale group will be in its
usual fine form but also because proceeds
go to the World Student Service Fund.
WSSF is an organization devoted to ed-
ucating the peoples of the world.
Preventing the slaughter of many mil-
lions in another war is also on aim of WSSF.
There is no better place to begin preventing
wars than in college; there is no better way
to prevent war than through education and
Students and professors who form the
membership of the group believe that uni-
versity communities should share materially
as well as intellectually with needy students
all over the world.
Students have already been aided mate-
rially by WSSF supplies of food, clothing,
medical kits, books and housing. Any stu-
dents in need of aid will find WSSF ready
to help him regardless of national boun-
There can be no more pleasant way to be-
gin helping your fellow students than listen-
ing to Arts Chorale Concert on Tuesday.
-Leah Marks
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.



Washington Merry-Go-Round




WASHINGTON - Senator Pat McCarran
of Nevada, No. 1 enemy of Europe's
homeless refugees, has now set himself up as
chief volunteer public relations counsel to
Europe's No. 1 Fascist dictator.
On his latest junket abroad, supposedly to
"investigate the current refugee situation,"
McCarran gave Spain's Francisco Franco
some shrewdly cynical advice on how to
make friends and influence people. In the
course of two lengthy interviews, the Sena-
tor from Nevada assured his attentive host
that "with a little smart handling at this
end, Spain can be right back in the front
parlor by this time next year."
McCarran happens to represent a state
containing less than one-tenth of one per
cent of the U.S. population, and most Ne-
vadans are not the slightest bit interested
in Franco. Nevertheless, McCarran did not
hesitate to speak for all the American peo-
"The overwhelming majority of the
American people," he said, "are convinced
that your country has been given a raw
deal. It's just a question now of pounding
the point home and getting enough pres-
sure put on enough Congressmen to whip
the State Department pinks."
A "healthy bloc of Senators," McCarran
added, are prepared to advocate, early in the
next Congressional session, that the United

States sponsor Spain's admission to special-
ized agencies of the United Nations. "They
are also prepared to put the heat on a few
of our European charity patients so that
you can get invited into that Western Un-
ion club of theirs," McCarran said.
"However," McCarran warned Franco,
"don't let your pride keep you from blowing
your own horn, good and loud. You've got to
keep telling everybody that Spain deserves
a place on the anti-Communist team. Don't
bother about anything else, or answer any
other criticism; just keep hitting that one
line, and you'll make the grade."
Franco, whose background hasn't given
him much experience in molding public
opinion, must have been grateful for these
tips. For less than a week later, Franco fol-
lowed McCarran's suggestions closely in an
exclusive interview with a U.S. correspond-
Radio Madrid, on its short-wave broad-
casts to the Americas, has also begun to
bear down heavily on "Spain's contributions
to the struggle of Western civilization
against Russian Communist barbarism."
High point of these propaganda blurbs is the
cryptic declaration: "If it hadn't been for
Spain, England would now probably be the
only free nation in western Europe."
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

"Now To Figure A Way To Avoid Using Them"

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the





LAST NIGHT'S concert by

the violinist

Tossy Spivakovsky can be summed up
most accurately in the following manner:
(1) Incredible technique, (2) ravishingly
beautiful tone, and (3) penetrating insight
into each and every composition approached.
The first thing on the program was a
Mozart Adagio which was played with re-
markably radiant tone quality. Some pur-
ists in the audience might have objected
to the violinist's tendency to slide every
now and then, but this, one would think,
is a minor point when compared with the
otherwise perfect performance.
Next was the Brahms D minor Sonata and,
for once, it was played as a composition for
violin and piano, not merely as a violin solo.
Artur Balsom, the pianist of the evening,
played impeccably here, as in the rest of the
Perhaps the high point of the evening
was Spivakovsky's performance of Bach's
monumental Chaconne for unaccompanied
violin. This, I am told by many violinists, is
a fiendishly difficult thing to play, as it re-
quires of a violinist that which a pianist
would find a great difficulty, namely, that
many voices must be simultaneously played
with the greatest possible clarity so as to
overlook none of them. Mr. Spivakovsky
didn't seem to realize that any such difficul-
ties existed.
After the intermission, there were vari-
ous shorter works, the two most out-
standing of which were the Paganini Ca-
price No. 24 and a group of Roumanian
Dances by Bartok. The former is a very
well-known show piece, which takes for
granted the fact that the performer has
unlimited technical resources, while the
latter shows tremendous vitality, imagi-
nation and simplicity. We couldn't im-
agine either of these compositions being
played any better.
If there must be a complaint, it is simply
that this concert was too short. This, at
least, was obviously the opinion of the au-
dience, which demanded of Mr. Spivakovsky
three encorces.
Harris Crohn
HERE'S WHAT The Wayne Collegian has
to say about Thanksgiving in Ann Ar-
"University of Michigan students are only
getting this Thursday off from classes. They
must report back on Friday. This announce-
ment hardly leaves them anything to be
thankful for, unless they consider that they
at least aren't asked to make up the day
lost by also reporting in on Saturday.
"Here at Wayne, we can lapse into a joy-
ous four-day coma and realize how much we
can be thankful for not going to an eccen-
tric holiday-spiritless, dessicated, football-
worshipping madhouse located on a trunk-
line, to Ann Arbor, one of the last outposts
of the old Northwest Territory still operating
under the 1787 Ordinance."
A CATTLE DEALER in Britain was ac-
cused of selling nine cows with false
teeth, thereby defrauding the Food Ministry.
At least the dealer's face must have been
purple, if not the cows.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch


WASHINGTON - Since Secretary of State
Dean Acheson and ECA chief Paul Hoff-
man returned from their respective trips to
Europe, it has become increasingly clear that
American policy in Europe revolves about
one magic word. This word is "integration."
And it is about time to inquire what this
word really means to Acheson, Hoffman,
and the other American ,policy-makers.
A GROPER through the fog which more
and more obscures American foreign
policy soon discovers that "integration" is
the wrong word. To integrate, according to
the dictionary, means "to unite or become
united so as to form a more complete or per-
fect whole," which would suggest that this
country is trying to create a United States
of Europe overnight.
In fact, what Acheson and Hoffman are
trying to promote is nothing of the sort.
The real objective, as one of the authors
of the integration project put it, is "to
get back to 1910 by 1952." What the Unit-
ed States wants is a Europe whose inter-
nal trading relationships are as close as
possible to those which existed before the
first World War.
In brief, it is now the major aim of Ameri-
can policy in Europe to eliminate currency
controls and export and import restrictions.
Ultimately what is wanted is a real economic
union, with tariffs eliminated and a cen-
tral banking system and a common curren-
cy created. But all concerned agree that
for the foreseeable future this real "integra-
tion" is no more than a distant dream.
* * * .
THIS APPARENTLY rather modest but in
faact enormously difficult project for
turning the clock back to happier days is
envisaged as taking place in a series
of stages. In the first stage, there would be
three separate groups of "integrated" states
--France and Italy, Belgium, Holland, and
Luxembourg, and the three Scandinavian
countries. The first five countries would
then be joined, to form "Fritalux." The
Scandinavians would then probably be
brought into Fritalux. And finally, Western
Germany would be added, to make one big,
relatively free trading area in Western Eu-
Britain (to the great relief of the Brit-
ish leaders) is not being pressed to be-
come an active participant in this Ache-
son-Hoffman project. But while they were
in Europe Acheson and Hoffman politely
but firmly urged British Foreign secretary
Ernest Bevin and Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer Sir Stafford Cripps to give the
scheme "encouragement and support."
Bevin and Cripps rather reluctantly
agreed. The chief British contribution is
expected to be firm military and political
commitments to France, to balance French
fears of a revived Germany.
Since this project now clearly has first
priority in American foreign policy, it is
deeply important to ask not only what it is
expected to accomplish but also what it is
not expected to accomplish. Its authors be-
lieve that in the long run-the very long
run-"integration" will strengthen the eco-
nomies of Western Europe, and make the
continent less dependent on the United
States. A more immediately important po-
litical objective is to tie the rapidly reviv-

ing Western German economy firmly into
that of the continent, and thus prevent Ger-
many from turning again against the West.
* * *
THESE ARE HIGHLY commendable aims.
But it is necessary to examine the other
side of the coin. In Europe, two facts stand
out like large, sore, sinister thumbs. The
first is the imminent threat of British fi-
nancial collapse, which has by no means
been removed by devaluation of the pound,
and which would surely be followed by a
general economic collapse all over the conti-
The authors of the integration project
agree that even if the scheme were whole-
heartedly accepted and put into operation
immediately, no appreciable econo4ic
benefits would accrue for a number of
years. Thus the project will NOT deal
with a situation which threatens to knock
the underpinnings right out from under
American foreign policy.
The second fact which stands out in Eu-
rope is that Western Europe is still virtually
defenseless in the face of the Soviet Union's
massive rearmament effort. Again, the in-
tegration project will NOT affect the real
balance of military power, which is rapidly
swinging in favor.of the Soviet Union.
In one of Chekov's minor short stories
there appears the character of a Russian
landowner who planned vast improvements
on his property, while the roof of his house
was falling about his head. Free trade on
the continent, leading ultimately to a real
continental economic and political union,
would certainly be a vast improvement, and
a thoroughly worthy ultimate aim of Ameri-
can policy. But there is a perfectly obvious
danger that "integration" will be accepted
as a magical and marvelously inexpensive
substitute for a real policy, capable of pre-
venting the non-Communist world from cav-
ing in, like the Russian landowner's roof.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
Voice from Ohio
TUCKED AWAY at the bottom of last
week's stories about election results in
the nation was a small paragraph that could
bear long Senate study: Ohio's voters gave a
substantial margin to a proposal to end the
discriminatory tax on colored oleomargarine
in the state.
This election was one of the few in
which voters have been given a chance to
express themselves directly on the mar-
garine question. Their attitude reads un-
mistakably in the results-the mine run
of citizens doesn't like the penalties arbi-
trarily imposed on margarine.
Ohio happens to provide a rather apt lab-
oratory for a test vote on margarine's posi-
tion. There's a substantial farm population
in the state. There's a substantial urban
population, with such cities as Cleveland and
Cincinnati. Both populations combined to
wipe the unjust taxes from the books.
The U. S. senators, who last session de-
clined to vote on a House-approved bill to
end federal taxes on margarine, would do
well to bend an ear to this voice from Ohio.
-St. Louis Star-Times

Fordney & Niemi.. ..
To the Editor:
ture, we noted with interest
the response that our letter of Nov.
19 aroused. Both of us were rather
surprised with the results; irate
phone calls, people, both greek
letter mnembers and masses, rush-
ing up to us on campus, and now,
these letters. We really didn't ex-
pect any argument, for what sense
would there be in arguing about
an issue that we clearly would
win? But, since the people did see
fit to write their letters, we sup-
pose the least we can do is retort,
and show them where they make
their mistakes.
In reply to E. S. Rorem, who
talks of the outrageous sill of
throwing his fraternity pin in the
fire. Well. We don't like to drag
dirty laundry into the open, but
we are afraid that your president
will probably call you aside to re-
primand you, and only justly, too.
Any frat man who thinks of such
a thing has been associating with
too many of the AIM and should
be called down. After all, E. S.,
you shouldn't be talkinglike that,
for we aristocrats have a responsi-
bility to ourselves ... And you just
wait and see if we ever invite you
to one of our parties, Rorem.
In reply to the letter from the
AIM group, we really shouldn't ar-
gue the point, seeing that you
probably wouldn't be able to un-
derstand, but, knowing that you
won't be able to sleep until the
matter is cleared up, we will gra-
ciously lower ourselves. The opin-
ions expressed are too the typical
feelings of every frat man. Don't
let the rest of these snow artists
fake you out. You guys are being
persecu.ted, so don't forget it.
I reply to Gerald Gaull, who
liberally threw the Marx theory of
Class, the Law of Parsimony, and
a per se to boot, we are pleased to
be of service. You can just see he
is a frat man; he is so smart. Keep
it up, Gerry. If you can come up
with some more of those terms we
will really have those AIM gang-
sters confused. For how can they
know what it means when we
Now, in answer to Paul Roman.
Oh, Paul, you shouldn't have done
it. You don't have to cover up for
us. Just because you are connected
with us in an official way, we
won't let any of this be cast back
on you, even if you do think exact-
ly the same way we do .-.
You know very well that frat
men are snobbish. Why, we don't
even talk to each other, that's how
snobbish we are. As for the rest
of the junk, Paul, well, it's good.
Keep it up. This way the AIM will
never be able to pin anything def-
inte on us. Ha ha.
However, the best letter of the
day was by Hal Walsh, suggesting
that we lip-brand every AIM, then
rip off the lip if they step out of
line. That's the spirit, Hal. That's
what we want to do, too.
-Edward C. Fordney
Preston Niemi
* * *
To the Editor:

voice in protest against the two
"well informed" young men who
extol the basic principles behind
the fraternity as represented on
our campus. However this is not to
be the scathing comeback which
they so eagerly await. It is point-
less to argue their statements
since, to anyone with an iota of
common sense, they are ridiculous-
ly naive. Every sentence could be
refuted with ease. The point I
wish to make is this. They have
done something shameful and dis-
gusting in allowing these ideas to
be publicly printed. For there are
bound to be those who are waver-
ing between the two factions and
will be impressed by this dishonest
conglomeration of words.
Although they have written this
in hilarity, thinking what a mag-
nificient joke it all is, here is one
thing that can at last be called
wrong. It is their right, of course,
to say this if they frankly be-
lieve it. That is our freedom of
speech. But it is also my right to
clarify their purpose and perhaps
end any discussion which may
arise. Suffice it to say they de-
serve to be ignored.
I am not condemning fraterni-
ties and sororities. They are excel-
lent for.those who honestly believe
in their principles. I am only
against those who join and im-
mediately feel that all who don't
belong desire earnestly to do so.
Here is manifested the true infer-
iority complex, which they have
attributed to the AIM members.
As for the AIM and all others
who waste valuable time fighting
them, I can say only this. They
are such a very small minority
that the only intelligent answer
to their insipid beliefs is to ignore
them. Let them live or die out-it.
hardly merits notice.
If this letter has saved a few
who might possibly be influenced
by the "sour grapes" fallacy I have
accomplished my purpose.
-Carol Frazier
'Prove Yourself ..
To the Editor:
AGAIN three SL candidates who,
haven't taken the trouble to
learn the facts ask that "Women's
Judic be taken from the hands of
League officials and made respon-
sible to the SL as is the Men'sl
Judie. In this way women can
have a direct voice in issues which
directly affect them."
Women's Judiciary Council isI
empowered to enforce only those1
regulations made by the Board of
Women Representatives, and is
directly subordinate to them. Thes
presidents of every women's hous-
ing unit on this campus: dormi-
tories, league houses, and sorori-
ties, compose this Board of Re-
presentatives. At present this
group better represents the wo-
men on campus than does the SL.
Do something wtih the author-
ity you have, Student Legislature,
and perhaps you will prove your-
self worthy of more.
-Marian S. Trappf

Publication in Tihe Daly Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewrittenform to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
WEDNESDAY, NOV. 23, 1949
VOL. LX, No. 51
University Convocation: A pub
lic convocation will be held in the
Rackham Lecture Hall at 11 a.m,
Saturday, November 26, in con
nection with the visit of His Maj.
esty, Mohammed Reza Pahlavi
Shah of Iran, to the University. A.
section of the auditorium will b
held until 11 o'clock for member
of the faculty; academic costum
will not be worn and there will b
no academic procession save fo
the group occupying seats on th
Regents' Meeting: The nex
meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m.
Sat., Dec. 17. Communication
should be in the hands of th
President by Thurs., Dec. 8.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Members of the University Sen.
ate: Senate meeting, 4:15 p.m.
Mon., Dec. 12, Rackham Amphi-
theatre. Agenda will be an-
nounced later.
Closing hours for Thanksgiving.
Thanksgiving Eve-12:30 p.m
Thanksgiving Night-11:00 p.m
Fulbright Applications and sup-
porting credentials are due no lat-
er than December 1 in the offices
of the Graduate School. This date
will not be extended. Application
blanks are now available in 100
Rackham Bldg.
Veterans: Veterans Administra-
tion regulations state that when a
veteran who is enrolled under the
G.I. Bill (P.L. 346) interrupts
training at the official close of a
semester he will automatically re-
ceive an additional 15 days of sub-
sistence allowance deductible
from his remaining eligibility, un-
less he notifies the Veterans Ad-
ministration, Union Guardian
Building, Detroit, Michigan at
least 30 days prior to the semes-
ter's close that the leave pay is not
Interviews: Mr. Albert B. Smith,
Assistant Director, Research Bu-
reau for Retail Training, Univer-
sity of Pittsburgh, will be at the
Bureau, of Appointments Monday
and Tuesday, Nov. 28 and 29 to in-
terview students interested in do-
ing graduate work in retailing.
M' Smith would be interested in
talking with underclassmen as
well as seniors who might be inter-
ested in having more information
about their school.
Additional information and ap-
pointments may be obtained at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
The Michigan Civil Service Com-
mission announces an examination
for Special Education Teacher.
The work will be with the mental-
ly retarded or the socially malad-
justed. Closing date for applica-
tions, Dec. 14, 1949. For further
information call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments. 3528 Administration.
Approved Student sponsored So-
cial Events for the coming week-
Hawaii Club
Phi Alpha Delta
Alpha Kappa Kappa

Hillel Foundation
Phi Delta Epsilon
Mr. F. A. Smart, General Agent
of the Equitable Life Insurance
Company of Iowa will be at the
Bureau of Appointments Mon.,
Nov 28, to interview February
graduates of the Business Admin-
istration and L. S. & A. schools for
sales training in the Detroit area.
Salary and Commission. Call
3-1511 Extension 371 for appoint-
Academic Notices
AE. 160 Seminar: 4 p.m., Wed.,
Nov. 23, 1504 E. Engineering. J. W.
Hindes will speak on "Base-pres-
sure. qt Supersonic Speeds." Re-
freshments. Visitors welcome.
Astronomical Colloquium: Fri.,
Nov. 25, 4:15 p.m., Observatory.
Speaker: Dr. Yngve O h m an
Stockholm Observatory. Subject:
Recent Solar Research.*

Philosophy 34 - Section 11
(Thurs., 10 o'clock) will not meet
this week. Students should try to
attend other sections.
Student Recital: .Theodore
Powell violinist, will present a pro-
gram in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music, 8:30 p.m., Wed.,
Nov. 23, Rackham Assembly Hal.
It will include Sonata in G major-
minor, K. 379 by Mozart, Sonata in
A minor, Op. 105, by Schumann,
and Concerto in A minor, Op. 28,
by Goldmark. Open to the public.
Mr. Powell is a pupil of Gilbert
Events Today
Social Ethics Forum: 7:15 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Baptist Students in Ann Arbor
for Thanksgiving will eat dinner at
the Guild House at 2 p.m., Thurs-
day. Call 7332 today for reserva-
Westminster Guild: Tea 'n Talk,
3rd floor lounge, 4-6 p.m.
Wesleyan Guild: 4-5:30 p.m.,
Do-Drop-In. 7:15 p.m., Bible Study
Canterbury Club: 7:30-10 p.m.,
Rev, and Mrs. Burt are at home
to all Episcopal students.
Modern Dance Club: There will
be no meeting tonight. The club
will resume regular meetings next
U. of M. Rifle Club: Qualifica-
tion Match Prone, Sitting, Kneel-
ing, 7 p.m., ROTC rifle range. All
members to fire.
fast: 9 a.m., Thursday, Lane Hall.
Reservations should be made at
the Lane Hall desk by Wednesday
noon (today).
Folk and Square Dance Club:
Meeting, 7:30-10:30 p.m., W.A.B.
Everyone invited.
Coming Events
SRA Intercultural Retreat will
be held at Pinebrook Farm, No-
vember 26 and 27. The group will
leave Lane Hall at 2:30 on Satur-
day. Reservations may be made
'by calling University Extension
Wesleyan Guild: Fri., 7:30,
Square Dance in the Pine Room.
There will also be games for all.
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy: Fri., Nov. 25, 7:45
p.m., Angell Hall. Dr. Carl A.
Bauer will give a short talk enti-
tled "The Panorama of the Uni-
verse" in 3017 Angell Hall. Fol-
lowing the talk the student ob-
servatory,h5th floor, Angell Hal,
will be open for observations with
the telescopes, provided the sky is
clear. Children must be accom-
panied by adults.
V' I






Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson..Editorial I'Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner..............Associate Editor
George Walker.........Associate Editor
Don McNeil............Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goeiz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King....Librarian
Allan Cialnage.. Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jin Dangl......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aldinoff.......Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
£ne Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspape
All rights of republication of all ether
matters hereinare also reserved
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,.Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by caetrier, $5.00. by mail.$86.00.




LET ME be among the first (and
I hope the last) to raise my

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There are 79,000 hotels
France, 61,000 restaurants.



Rec.ent Solar Research.

year by c~'rier. $5.00. by mail. $8.00.


Gus is still out of focus-
My, they've added a lot of

[Nowfirst, I want to hear all yougsseam-
. -

hat happened?

}c C t t01'r,

jF , Mr.O'Mlley.You put
show right of f the air-j

I have it, Bornaby!' This truck is
standing in a dead spot-Waves

r 1




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