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November 16, 1949 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-16

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'Murder in the Cathedral'
To Play at St. Andrew's

St. Andrew's Episcopal Church
will be transformed into Canter-
bury Cathedral at 8 p.m. today
when Inter-Arts Union's produc-
tion of "Murder in the Cathedral"
opens at the church for a three
day run.
The audience will become a con-
gregation and witness the reen-
actment of the murder of Thomas
Becket at the altar of the Ca-
BECKET was the archbishop of
Fate of Village
Obscured by
Two Problems

(Continued from Page 1)

This conmnittee would meet
weekly at Willow Run, accord-
ing to Robert Copp, '50L, chair-
At a resident meeting last night,
interested residents discussed
problem approaches they had
brought up at a meeting last Wed-
nesday night.
gether residents had mapped plans
for organization of the Willow
Run Area Redevelopment Associa-
tion, according to Copp.
This group differs from the
Resident Council in that "it
would include other nearby pro-
perty owners," he explained.
Its purpose would be limited to
fact-finding and submission of
these findings to the Resident
Council. The latter, in turn, would
formulate a concrete disposition
policy, he added.
then brought up. They include
incorporation of the entire area
as a city, and the bringing in of
a private investor who would re-
develop the land as a low-cost
housing project, Copp said.
But he emphasized that they
were merely ideas, that expres-
sion of community sentiment as
a whole is necessary before fin-
al plans can be adopted.
Most tenants are acutely aware
of t he problem facing the de-
velopment; the rest would like to
understand the facts, but as yet
don't, according to a resident
Union Coffee
Hour Today
Students and faculty members
from the philosophy department
will be guests at the Union's coffee
hour at 4 p.m. today in the Terrace
Room of the Union.
These coffee hours are designed
to give students a chance to meet
informally .with their professors
and discuss their mutual problems
over a pleasant cup of coffee.
Other departments will be hon-
ored guests at subsequent coffee

Canterbury in the 12th century. He
became notorious because of his
head-strong opposition to the
measures of the king, and was
murdered by some overzealous
knights, an affair in which the
king had no part.
"Murder in the Cathedral" is
T. S. Eliot's verse dramatization
of the historical event. Written
in 1935, the play was first pre-
sented in England at the annual
Canterbury Festival.
Len Rosenson will play the role
of Becket. Cast as his murderers
are Ted Heusel, George Olsen and
Frank Bouwsma. The priests of
Canterbury Cathedral will be
played by Chuck Olsen, Jack
Heubler and Art Friedman.
THE DRAMA also includes a
chorus of Women of Canterbury
and the modern dance roles of
Becket's Tempters.
Dana Elar is directing the
play. The musical score was
written by Ed Chudacoff.
In addition to three Ann Arbor
performances, Inter-Arts Union
will also present "Murder" at 4:30
p.m. Sunday in Christ Church,
Tickets for the play can be pur-
chased from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
through Friday in the lobby of the
Administration Building.
To Meet Here
The University will play host to
nearly 100 representatives from 50
Michigan colleges and universities
tomorrow when the Michigan As-
sociation of Collegiate Registrars
holds its annual meeting at the
A welcome will be extended to
the registrars by President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven at the opening
meeting, scheduled for 10:00a.m.
DAVID M. TROUT, dean of
Central Michigan College of Edu-
cation and vice-president of the
association, will then give a pro-
gram preview, followed by an ad-
dress by Charles L. Anspach, presi-
dent of Central Michigan, on "The
Registrar's Office from the College
President's Point of View."
Also featured on the morning
program will be a discussion of
the relationships of the national
and state registrars' associations
by Robert L. Linton, Michigan
State College registrar.
The session will conclude with
a panel discussion, headed by Ev-
erett L. Marshall, registrar of
Michigan State Normal College,
on methods of computing the
equivalent of full-time students.
* * *
A REPORT on "Higher Educa-
tion in the Netherlands" by Ja-
cobus L. H. Cluysanaer, secretary
of the Board of Curators of the
State University of Groningen,
The Netherlands, will highlight
the afternoon session.
The program will conclude with
a business session just before ad-
journment at 3 p.m.

-Daily-Burt; Sapowitch
BLEEDS FOR FRATERNITY--Frank Miller is giving blood in the
drive to make plasma for use in emergencies in the county. Miller's
fraternity, Phi Kappa Sigma, donated blood as a group yesterday,
the only group to do so. Brother Lloyd Smith stands bshind him.
The nurse is Virginia Osario, of the State Department of Health.
* *i * *
Phi Kap's Put County Blood
Quota over Half-way Mark

U' Off icials
Answer YP
Bias Queries
Professors Deny
Admission application blanks
are not used for discriminatory,
purposes, admissions officials for
two University schools declared in
answer to a leaflet put out by the
Young Progressives.
The leaflet asked why questions
of the applicant's race, religion,
place of birth and nationality and
a request for a photograph ap-
peared on application blanks.
COPIES OF application blanks
for the School of Music, the
School of Public Health and Med-
ical School were printed in the
Prof. Otto J. Stahl, of the
School of Music, said that the
questions regarding race and
the request for a photograph
were used in providing housing
for students.
"We have no limit on the num-
ber of Negro, Jewish or foreign
students who come into the music
school," he said.
"These questions are used by
administrative officials to provide
housing. Some landladies won't
take certain students so there is
no point in sending any and all
students to them."
* * *
HE ADDED that the informa-
tion could be obtained after a stu-
dent entered the school though it
is more convenient to use the pre-
sent application form.
Dr. Henry F. Vaughan, dean of
the School of Public Health, said
that application questions are used
for job placement.
"We accept a student according
to his ability to fill job needs," he
Dr. Wayne L. Whitaker, chair-
man of the admissions committee
of the Medical School, could not
be reached for comment.

Denver Chancellor Is 'U' Alumnus


Albert C. Jacobs, new chancel-
lor of the University is a Coloradon
now, but he still calls Michigan
his home.
Jacobs, internationally known
scholar and educator had been
provost since 1947 at Columbia
University where he assumed
many of the duties of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower. during the
latter's frequent absences.
* * *
HE WILL BE inaugurated Sat-
urday as chancellor of the Colo-
rado university in the most im-
pressive ceremonies of the Rocky
Mountain region's academic his-
Besides being an honor grad-
uate of the University and an in-
structor, Jacob's ties with Ann
Arbor include a residence at 343
S. Fifth Ave., membership in
numerous Ann Arbor organiza-
tions and alumni groups and a

Blue Cross Health Protection
Plan Of fered to 'U' Students

daughter who is now a senior at
the University.
His father. Albert Poole Jacobs,
Rwas a Detroit lawyer and author,
also a graduate of the University.
* * *
WHILE AT THE University he
became a member of Phi Beta
Kappa, Psi Upsilon fraternity, a
class president and an active par-
ticipant in dramatics and intra-
mural athletics.
During his senior year in 1921
he was a teaching assistant in
English and history.
Graduated from Michigan with
"highest distinction" Jacobs later
was elected a Rhodes scholar to
study law at Oxford, where he re-
ceived a B.A. in jurisprudence in
1923 and a bachelor of civil law in
* * *
THAT SAME YEAR he received

the distinction of being the first
American to be appointed a "don"
by Oxford.
Jacobs continued to study and
teach at the English university
until 1927 when he passed the
English Bar examination and
received an invitation to join
the law faculty of 'Columbia
Before moving to the New York
school, Jacobs returned to Ann Ar-
bor to marry Loretta Field Beal,
daughter of Regent and Mrs. Juni-
ous Emery Beal.
JACOBS ROSE to associate pro-
fessor of law after two years at Co-
lumbia. In the following year he
built a worldwide reputation as an
authority on family and property
law and civil procedure, writing
widely accepted texts. In 1937 he
was made a full professor.
During World War II Jacobs
served as one of the few.reserve
captains in charge of important
Navy Bureaus. He won, the Le-
gion of Merit for duty in the
South Pacific as director of the
dependent's welfare division.
Jacobs said he took the chan-
cellorship of the University of
Denver because of the tremendous
challenge it faced as the largest
private university between the
Mississippi and the Pacific Coast.
Class Meets
The second in the Union's cur-
rent series of classes on parlia-
mentary procedure will be held at
7:30 p.m. tonight in Rm. 3RS of
the Union.
Taught by Prof. Robert Brackett
of the Engineering English De-
partment, the classes are designed
to give instruction to interested
students in the art of conducting
meetings according to Robert's
Rules of Order.
Final class in the series will be
held next Wednesday.

Sparked by a group donation of
Phi Kappa Sigma fraternity, the
campaign to get blood to make
plasma for emergency use in the
county "reached about half its
quota yesterday," according to
Mrs. L. S. McLeary, chairman of
the Washtenaw County Blood
Plasma Program.
But more volunteer blood donors
are needed today at the armory,
332 E. Ann St., from 10 to 12 a.m.
and 1 to 3 p.m., Mrs. McCleary
* *~ *
movie theatre in Ann Arbor will
be given to anybody who offers
to donate blood.
To get a free ticket, prospec-
tive donors may sign a register
at any movie theatre today. The
tickets will then be issued at the
blood donor center.
Any healthy person up to 60
years of age may donate blood.
(Continued from Page 4)
p.m., Thurs., Nov. 17, International
Center. All students who have in-
dicated an interest in Polish cul-
ture are especially invited to this
meeting. Future plans will be dis-
Student-Faculty Hour: Honor-
ing the Speech Department.
Thurs., Nov. 17, 4-5 p.m., Grand
Rapids Room, League.
Marketing Club: Meeting, Thurs.
Nov. 17, 7:30 p.m., Business Ad-
ministration Building. Program.
Visitors welcome.
Hillel-I.Z.F.A.: Hebrew class,
Thurs., Nov. 17, 8 p.m., League.
Everybody welcome.

Those under21, however, must I
have the written permission oft
their parents.
* * *
ALL BUT FOUR members of
Phi Kappa Sigma who live in the
chapter house donated blood as a
group yesterday, Mrs. McCleary
It was the only group dona-
tion, she added.
The blood donation drive is part
of a state-wide free blood plasma
program which is run by the Mich-
igan State Department of Health
in cooperation with the American
Red Cross.
* *. *
BLOOD DONATED here will be
processed into plasma in the De-
partment of Health laboratories
and returned to the local hospi-
tals, including the University and
St. Joseph Hospitals.
There the plasma will be avail-
able to county patients free of


Hospital-surgical protection af-
ter graduation, to replace Health
Service protection is available to
University students through Blue
Cross through November 25.
The State's Blue Cross Plan-
Michigan Hospital Service-is cur-
rently conducting a drive to enroll
individual members in the Ann Ar-
bor area which ends November 25.
* * *
HOWEVER, groups - such as
employees in factories-collective-
ly may join the Blue Cross plan at
any time.
A non-profit plan operated by
the voluntary non-profit hos-
pitals of Michigan, Blue Cross
issues its members a card which
is good in any hospital through-
out the world in case of an
Under the non-group plan, hos-
vital bed patients receive numer-
ous benefits for 30 days per certifi-
,ate year.
* * *
.THESE BENEFITS include pay-

ment towards hospital room and
allowance for extras, with no cash
limits. These extras include meals
and special diets, general nursing
care, use of operating room, drugs
and dressings-including penecil-
lin and streptomycin and physical
Other extras included in the
plan are anesthesia by a nurse
or lay anesthetist, use of radium
when owned or rented by the
hospital, all hospital laboratory
services, oxygen and basal meta-
bolism examinations.
There is provision for 30 days
care, of tuberculosis, nervous and
mental diseases.
Surgical protection is also avail-
able through a separate Blue Cross
program at an additional rate'to
the above hospital care program.
Students wishing to join the
Blue Cross plan may do so at eith-
er the Blue Cross office, 412 Na-
tional Bank Bldg., Ann Arbor or
the University or St. Joseph Hos-
pitals in Ann Arbor.



................................................. .................... ......... '........ ... ;
c ra 4ifit4s..:....
D nt Delay. .
Donhe't Ride TeSlwWay
Start now to make your travel arrangements
for the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays.


.9 . . .. .. ......


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