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November 16, 1949 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-16

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Hur berds Bund
Will Be Feciturec'








* * *

# ." ..:




To Hold Style Show

Hobo Theme To Preva i I with Boxcar,
Tramps, Corn-cob Pipe Favors, Prizes

Johnny Harberd with his drums
and orchestra will provide the
musical side of the all-campus
"Bankruptcy Ball", sponsored by
the B u s i n e s s Administration
Council, which will be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Friday in the
League Ballroom.
This year marks the revival of
I the traditional campus-wide dance
which is being brought back after
an absence of approximately three
years by the newly-elected council
of the Business Administration
THE DANCE is strictly infor-
mal. Those attending will don
hobo costumes or jeans.
Harberd beats the drums in
the orchestra. Jimmy Anderson
is featured at the piano, while
Herb Jones plays tenor saxo-
phone; Eddie Lumpkins is on
the bass and Larry Thomas is
vocalist. The band is well-known
on campus for its engagements
at sorority and fraternity par-
ties. It has also played at Mich-
"igan State College and at West-
ern Michigan.
Decorations for the dance will
center around a huge boxcar with

f i g u r e s of hobos scattered
throughout the ballroom. Authen-
tic corn-cob pipes will be furnish-
ed as favors and "you can actually
smoke them", said Jack Edman
of the Business Administration
* * *
DOOR PRIZES of $25 gift cer-
tificates at local clothing stores
will be given to the lucky man and
woman whose names are selected.
There will also be a surprise gift.
Tickets have been reduced
from $1.99 to $1.49 in a fire
sale. They are available at the
General Administration Build-
ing and in the lobby of the
Business Administration Build-
ing all this week.
The dance committee includes
Betty Tancik, general chairman;
Al Garchow, prizes; Johnny Mc-
Carthy, programs; Lillian Ba't-
lett, patrons; Gerald Darrow, tick-
ets; John Bodnaruk, publicity;
and Pete Logothetis, decorations.
The patrons are Dean R. A. Ste-
venson, Assistant Dean H. F. Tag-
gart, Prof. C. L. Jamison, Prof. D.
M. Phillips, Prof. J. W. Riegel,
Prof. M. H. Waterman, Prof. E. S.
Wolaver and Prof. J. P. Wernette.


HARBERD'S HEPCATS-The-music of Johnny Harberd and his orchestra, featuring Larry Thomas
as vocalist; will highlight the traditional all-campus dance to be held this Friday by the Business
Administration School. Harberd's band has played for many fraternity and sorority dances on this
campus and is also well known at Michigan State and Western Michigan Colleges.
Energetic Coed By-Passes Sophomore Slump

Skit Planned,
At Slide Rule
"Gay Nineties" review will be the
theme of the intermission enter-
tainment of the engineers' Slide
Rule Ball, which is to be held from
9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Masonic
Master of Ceremonies Joe Chest-
nut will get the program underway
with a short welcoming speech to
the engineers and their guests.
* * *
A COMIC skit presented by Bill
Gerson, promises to be one of the
highlights of the program. Al-
though the nature of his act has
not yet been divulged, it is said
that it will be "sensational."
Other featured members of
the intermission entertainment
include Beverly Olszynsi, w
will sing those songs that were
popular when "pa was courtin'
ma," and a barber shop quartet.
In keeping with the theme of
by-gone days, the ballroom of the
Masonic Temple will be decorated
with scenes from the early 1900's.
False fronts of stores typical of
the times will be set up around the
* * *
A SIGN BEARING the name of
the proprietor will be placed over
the door of each store. The names
will be strikingly similar to those
of faculty members. Old time rep-
licas will also decorate the band-
Tickets can still be purchased
on the diagonal and at the Engi-
neering Arch, but because of com-
plaints of overcrowding last
year, the numberof tickets to be
sold has been limited.
"This is going to be one of the
best Slide Rule Balls ever present-
er," stated Al Forman, general
chairman for the dance.
Bridge Tourney
Scheduled Today
A duplicate bridge tournament
will be held at 7:30 p.m. today in
the Union Terrace Room.
Hal Sperlich of the Union stu-
dent offices urges all interested
bridge players to participate in
the weekly tournaments in order
to obtain valuable practice for the
all-campus tourney scheduled for
Dec. 4.

Willow Village Wives' Club will
present its 1949 Holiday Style
Show Nov. 30 at West Lodge Au-
ditorium in the village.
Sponsored by a local fashion
shop the show will present thirty
models featuring the latest styles
in suits, casual dresses, afternoon
apparel and formal wear.E
Committee head have been se-
lected, and plans are progressing
under their direction. Mrs. J. A.
Green is general chairman.
Working with her are Mrs. C.
W. Quillen, Mrs. John Carroll and
Blouse News
A blouse is a blouse is a blouse,
but not this year. Something
seems to be lacking and it may be
sleeves. The sleeve look is bare in
jersey, bare in velvet. Try a tweed
skirt with a satin top for spice.
It's news!
The latest styles styled by exper-
ienced haircutters. No appoint-
ments - no waiting.
Liberty near State

Mrs. Richard Lotspeich, decora-
tions chairmen; and Mrs. Vernon
Pearson and Mrs. Donald Patter-
son, publicity chairmen.
Others are: Mrs. Jack Pearson,
ticket chairman: Mrs. D. L. Miller,
dressing room chairman; Mrs. F.
D. Keister, program chairman;
and Mrs. Stanley Rado, script
writer and narrator.
Proceeds from the show will be
used to purchase Christmas bas-
kets which will be distributed to
needy families in the community.




WAA Head Runs Sports Clubs;
Keeps High Scholastic Average

Betsy Bousfield, president of the
Women's Athletic Association, is
one of the busiest and most im-
portant campus coeds at the Uni-
versity today.
Besides heading the WAA Exec-
utive Board composed of 12 mem-
bers, she also runs the 22 sports
clubs through their respective
It is highly possible that most
women would find this job a full-
time one, but not Miss Bousfield.
She also finds time to actively par-
ticipate in several of the sports
clubs, to be Recreational Director
for Wolverine Girls State spon-
sored by the American Legion
Auxiliary and to keep up a 2.97
scholastic average.
* *
the ladder which led to her pres-
ent position as athl.etic manager of
Jordan when she was a first se-
mester freshman. At this time
she was enrolled in the literary
school with -no particular desires
as to her major.
As a second semester fresh-
man she switched to the School
of Education and became a
physical education major. She
was also president of Jordan
that semester.
Miss Bousfield wasted little time
getting into extra-curricular as-
tivities her sophomore year. She
was made League House Manager
on the WAA Executive Board and
also worked on Soph Cab commit-
* * *
IN HER JUNIOR year she be-]
came WAA Secretary, was made a
member of Wyvern, the junior1
women's honorary society, worked
on JGP committees, Panhel Ball
and was chairman of Recognition
Night in January of '48.
As a senior, Miss Bousfield is'
one of the honored members of
Mortarboard which is under-t
standable considering her activi-
ties record and her close to 3
point average. -
Besides the enjoyment of meet-i
ing people and valuable leadershipI
training which Miss Bousfield re-I
ceives as WAA president, she said

she gets special pleasure in see-
ing the women's facilities for an
athletic program used to their ut-
* * *
MISS BOUSFIELD is doing her
practice teaching now at the Uni-
versity High School in field hockey
and basketball for the ninth grad-
ers and she said she "loves it."
She hopes to go into teaching
after graduation at either high-
school or college level and event-
ually to get her Masters Degree
in physical education.
Miss Bousfield made a special
comment on women's touch foot-
ball which seemed to take the sport
spotlight for a short time. She
said that it is truly loads of fun,
but that she is concerned about
the number of injuries and feels
that houses should setiously con-
sider the matter in their planning
of football games.
* * *
summers have been spent at the
National Music Camp where last
year she was waterfront director
of the Intermediate Girl's Division.
One of her biggest thrills in
relation to her WAA Board ex-
periences is in connection with
the National Convention of the
Athletic Federation of College
Women which she attended as a
Michigan delegate her juniopr
It was at this time that the
University was established as pres-
ident school which means that
Michigan will be hostess at the
next AFCW National Convention
to be held in spring of 1951.
.1 * *
THERE WAS a total of 500 peo-
ple at the convention in spring of
'49 representing 160 schools. Three
votes were taken to determine
whether the University of Nevada
or the University of Michigan
would be president school.
Another thing which has greatly
pleased Miss Bousfield this year
is the enthusiasm which the New
Women's Residence has shown for
WAA activities, and the generally
good participation of the coeds.-

According to the old saying,
right after the verdent freshmen
come the silly, silly sophomores,
but meet one person who proves
the theory all wrong, Tulane It-
Arriving on campus a year ago
last September, Tulane plunged
right into the swim of things by
taking part in the first freshmen
women's project by serving as pro-
gram chairman for the Maize
Team of Frosh Weekend. She was
the one responsible for Commo-
tion in the Ocean's commotionized
programs. '
THIS SAME YEAR she served as
secretary of the New Women's
Dorm, once again being among the
first in a new undertaking. As will
be remembered, the New Dorm
opened last year. Not busy enough,
she took part in "Hillelzapoppin',"
the annual show sponsored by Hil-
Carrying on with her usual
vim and vigor, this semester she
Union Slates
Dance Nov. 23
"Cranberry Ball", a dance spon-
sored by the Union for students
who plan to spend Thanksgiving
in Ann Arbor, will be held from 9
,p.m. to midnight Friday, Nov. 26
in the Union Ballroom.
Pilgrims and Indians complete
with tomohawks and turkeys will
decorate the walls. Red balloons
representing "cranberry balls" will
hang from the ceiling.
Dick Kamrath is general chair-
man of the dance. Decorations will
be handled by Bill Chin and Tom
Mills, publicity by Jack Beyer and
entertainment by Ned Miles, Ron
Modlin and Larry Ravick.
Tri-Delt Musicale
Delta Delta Delta will hold its
annual "Musicale" at 3 p.m. Sun-
day at the sorority house.;
Benefits from the program are
directed towards a Tri-DeltaJ
scholarship which is awarded to a
junior woman student each spring.
Ruth Stein, last year's recipientt
of the award, will perform this
year at the "Musicale." Other en-
tertainers are members of Delta
Delta Delta.
Tickets are being sold by sor-
ority members.1

is working as one of the sopho-
more members on the League In-
terviewing Council.
Much of the success of "Peter's
Panic," this year's Panhellenic
Ball, is credited to the publicity
work done under Tulane's super-
vision. With this task completed,
she is now hard at work on the
make up committee of the forth-
coming Soph Cabaret.
WHEN NOT completely sub-
merged with school work and ac-
tivities, this ball of fire some how
Fencing Club
To Organize
"En guard", the Fencing Club
will hold its organizational meet-
ing at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the
WAB for all who are interested in
the sport.
"Beginners are especially wel-
come this year," said Joyce How-
ard, manager of the club. In for-
mer years coeds were asked to
have previous instruction equiv-
alent to eight week's of training.
The club will be divided into two
sections, a beginners group which
will receive instruction and an
experienced group which will bout
during meetings.
An intra-club tournament in
which any member may partici-
pate, will be held during the sea-
son. Advanced members will have
an opportunity to enter the Mich-
igan State tournament which will
be held in Detroit.
Another activity planned for
the club will be a trip to Detroit
to witness in action the Salle de
Tuscan, one of the most famous
fencing clubs in the country.
Theta Sigma Phi
Plans Discussion
A discussion on the "Comparison
of Journalism Training in German
and American Universities" will
highlight Theta Sigma Phi's cof-
fee hour today.
. The discussion sponsored by the
women's honorary journalism so-
ciety will take place at 4 p.m. in
the Haven Hall News Rm.
Dr. Jutta Gruetzner and Dr.
Edith Lindner, two of a group of
11 students at the University for
special political science study, will
be the featured speakers.

or other; manages to squeeze in
time for her favorite hobbies of
swimming and ice skating. Com-
ing from Cincinnati, Ohio, Tulane
is completely enthusiastic about
the Michigan weather which al-
lows her plenty of opporuntity for
pursuing these interests.
When she first arrived on
campus Tulane knew nothing
about the U of M other than that
which her high school dean had
said in recommending it to her.
From the looks of things she
soon discovered the ins and outs
of life as a Michigan woman!
A sophomore in the literary
school at the present time, Tulane
is planning on transferring to the
School of Business Administration
next year, but she is undecided as
to just what her major will be.
Whatever her decision is, it
stands to reason that Tulane's re-
maining years on this campus will
be by no means dull!



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