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November 05, 1949 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-05

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Latest Deadline in the State





. .. ...... . -

CIO Offered
Pension Plan
By Republic
Ching Acts To
End Coal Strike
By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND - Republic
Steel Corp., the nation's third
largest steel producer, last night
offered the CIO United Steelwork-
ers a proposal for pensions for
54,000 production workers.
A conference was set for 9 a.m.
today between Republic union
leaders and CIO President Philip
Murray to discuss the Republic
WILLIAM F. Donovan, Cleve-
land district director of the steel-
workers and leader in company-
wide negotiations with Republic,
said of the company proposal:
"With Murray's approval, we'll
accept it."
Republic would have to start
from scratch on a pension plan,
since it has no company-paid
pensions for its wage earners.
Meanwhile, in Washington, Fed-
eral Mediator Cyrus S. Ching held
a two-hour parley with John L.
Lewis yesterday and then called
southern mine owners to meet in
Washington on Monday in a
drive to end the 47-day-old coal
sections of the country will be
called later, Ching said.
Both Lewis and Ching were
silent on details of their long
talk behind closed doors.
Ching would not comment on
Lewis' reaction to his call for
section - by - section conferences
1 with -the operators. He said he
and Lewis "discussed all the
* * - *
MEANWHILE, President Tru-
man travelled back to Washington
still facing a qecision whether to
undertake another showdown bat-
tle with Lewis over the coal stop-
page. He had made a speech Fri-
day night at St. Paul, Minn.
Some of Mr. Truman's, aides
were reported urging him to pro-
ceed under the Taft-Hartley
Law, as he. did once before, in an
attempt to halt the crippling
coal walkout.
Lewis met a double-barreled set-
back yesterday in a renewed bid
to end the strike on a sectional
where cracks have developed, the
coal operators held a solid front
against Lewis' maneuvers to ne-
gotiate settlements one by one.
Only a few hours before Ching
made his move, Lewis widened
an earlier offer to talk with In-
diana operators alone. This time
he made it a two-state proposi-
tion, taking in Illinois.
Both turned him down cold.
But while the steel issue hung
fire, the Ford Motor Co. sounded
a note of cautious optimism with
the announcement that it will
continue nearly full production in
all divisions except Lincoln auto-
mobiles throughout November.
* * *
PREVIOUSLY, Ford had plan-
ned to shut down its huge Rouge
Plant between Nov. 11 and 15,
with the consequent layoff of
about 100,000 Ford workers.
At the same time, in Detroit Wil-
liam Green, president of the

American Federation of Labor,
said that the AFL favors higher
social security payments, rather
than industrial pensions.
The most desirable pension, he
declared, is one which provides re-
tirement for a worker regardless
of where he has been employed, or
for how long.
Debaters to Argue
At School Clinic
The University's Varsity debat-
ers will give a demonstration to-

IFC Groups Act
On Bias Clause.
Subcommittee's Legal Section
Recommends Prohibition Removal
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Because*the IFC has not released official information
regarding the activities of the discrimination subcommittee, The Daily has
been forced to rely on unofficial sources. Every attempt has been made to
insure the accuracy of this story.)
The legal action section of IFC's subcommittee on discrimination,
meeting secretly Wednesday night, recommended that IFC actively
oppose discriminatory clauses in fraternity constitutions.
Five members of the subcommittee attended the meeting. They
are not empowered to formulate IFC policy.
* * * *
THEIR ACTION is in no way binding on IFC.
News of the meeting reached The Daily from a source close
to the subcommittee.
Those at the meeting assumed that a discrimination poll being
taken among fraternities on campus would show that most affiliated
men oppose discriminatory clauses.
* *' * *
ON THE BASIS of this assumption, they suggested the following
course of action:
1. The,'subcommittee, at the legal section's recommendation,
would prepare a report recommending that the local IFC declare

its opposition to discriminatory c
* * *
IFC Silence
-- orrison
Dick Morrison, '50, chairman of
IFC's subcommittee on discrimi-
nation, yesterday upheld his com-
mittee's "no comment" policy as
a defense against "outside pres-
"A two-week 'no comment' pol-
icy is necessary to allow the entire
subcommittee to develop its or-
ganization and initial scope with-
out outside pressures being placed
on it," Morrison said.
"IN THAT WAY, a true reflec-
tion of the fraternity attitude
toward the problem can be devel-
oped," he explained.
Ile said the subcommittee
felt that "publication of ac-
tipns of component parts of the
group would only confuse the
public and hinder the real
work of the committee."
Morrison defined this work as
"the total elimination of discrimi-
nation from the fraternity sys-
* * *
son, '50, had this to say of his
group's policy on discrimination:
"Last spring the IFC actively went
on record as opposing discrimina-
tory clauses. Naturally this policy
will be carried out.
"The motion that brought it
up also instituted the present
IFC subcommittee working on
discrimination," Jacobson re-
"The committee report will serve
as a reinforcement of last spring's
policy," he predicted.
* * *
JACOBSON said that in the fu-
ture "IFC will gladly release in-
formation as soon as it becomes
Men jon Will
.deliver Talk
On Hollywood
Adolphe Menjou, one of Holly-
wood's leading personalities, will
bring his knowledge of the film
kingdom to the Hill Auditorium
stage 8:30 p.m. Monday in a talk
cn the "Stairwayto Stardom."
Veteran of more than 30 years
in the motion picture industry,
Menjou will be the third speaker
in the University's Lecture Series
this year.
* * *
MENJOU HAS achieved almost
as much fame in the world of fash-
ion as on the screen. Virtually no

lauses in fraternity constitutions.
2. The local IFC would recom-
mend to the Big Ten IFC that it
also oppose discriminatory clauses.
3. The Big Ten IFC, if it agreed
to do this (and the men at Wed-
nesday's meeting predicted it
would), would further recommend
to the National Interfraternity
Conference that it put pressure on
national fraternities to remove
the discriminatory clauses from
their charters.
* * *
THE FIVE MEN thought that
the movement would finally get
that far, and that national fra-
ternities would eventually remove
the offending clauses from their
The legal action section ac-
'cordingly prepared a report rec-
ommending this course of action to
the subcommittee on discrimina-
tion. The report will be consid-
ered at the subcommittee's meet-
ing Wednesday.
CED Pushes
Committee to End Discrimina-
tion acted yesterday to contact
Student Legislature on the inclu-
sion of the discrimination refer-
endum in the coming SL elections.
The referendum concerns dis-
criminatory questions on Univer-
sity application blanks.
CED has conferred with the
deans of various University schools
on the question in the past.
MEMBERS ALSO mapped final
plans to put into circulation peti-
tions to acquaint students with
CED's purposes. The petitions will
be passed out after a short meeting
5 p.m. Monday, a Committee
spokesman said.
Represented at yesterday's
meeting were Angell House, Stu-
dents for Democratic Action,
United World Federalists, Lester
House, Cooley House and Beta
Other organizations attending
were Young Progressives, East
Quad Council, American Veterans'
Committee, Strauss House, Inter-
Racial Association, Anderson
House and the Unitarian Student

Acheson Will
Fly To Paris
For Meeting
To Confer With
Bevin, Schuman
By The Associated Press
Secretary of State Acheson will
fly to Paris early next week for a
swift conference on German and
European unity problems with
Foreign Ministers Bevin of Brit-
ain and Schuman of France, it
was announced in Washington,
The Western Big Three also will
discuss organization of the North
American-Western European de-
fenses under the Atlantic Treaty,
the State Department said.
* * *
ANOTHER development on the
international economic scene was
the announcement yesterday that
the government was clamping new
controls on strategic U.S. goods to
keep them from slipping into Rus-
sia via Communist China-or ly
practically any other route.
To prevent reshipment to the
Soviet bloc in Europe, already
banned from getting direct
shipments of necessary goods
from the U.S., the government
said a license must be obtained
from the commerce department
to ship "security" goods to any-
where in the world, except Can-
This gives the agency a chance
to "screen" such shipments and
prevent them if it suspects the
goods will be forwarded to Russian
areas from the listed destinations.
* * * . .
ACTION HAS come almost si-
multaneously with the United
States' relaxation of policy toward
Yugoslavia, the former Russian
satellite now opposing the Krem-
Meanwhile in Czechoslovakia,
its 9,000,000 Catholics wondered
anxiously last night if their pri-
mate, Archbishop Josef Beran,
would swear allegiance to the
Communist-led regime he has
so bitterly opposed.
If he obeys a decree, issued yes-
terday by the Czech government,
demanding his allegiance to the
"People's Democratic Regime," it
will mark his first emergence from
his five-months' isolation.
The Czech government also re-
jected U.S. diplomatic protests
yesterday against the recent oust-
ing of two American attaches and
jailing of an Embassy employee on
espionage charges.
Vulcan Inducts
New Members
Mighty Vulcan, holding court in
his forge, Mt. Aetna, sat embit-
tered at man's misuse of his be-
loved fire. Then came to him his
faithful followers, saying, "Mighty
Vulcan, hear these candidates for
admission to our Sacred Order."
These, being engineers, the only
forms of mankind the god would
hear, were forthwith put to the
test, and, having passed the or-
deal and proven their worthiness,
were admitted:
Thus entered the Sacred Order
of Vulcan:
Richard C. Allen, John R. Dav-
ies, Rcbert D. Keiser, Harvey E.
Schatz, S. Lee Setomer, Alexan-
der T. Topping, Justin C. Wil-

liams and Prof. Joseph H. Cannon.

SINGS TONIGHT-Nancy Evans, vocalist with the Wayne King
Orchestra, will be featured in the Wayne King Show to be held at
Hill Auditorium at 8 p.m. today. The show which is sponsored
by the Men's Glee Club, includes Harry Hall, the Don Large
Chorus and numerous other choral groups. See story page 5.
MacA rthur Expects Jap
Peace Treaty by 1950

MANILA-(A)-A high source in
occupation headquarters says that
General MacArthur expects a
peace treaty with Japan to be
signed early in 1950.
The source, who may not" be
identified but to whom this cor-
respondent talked recently in
Tokyo, describes the occupation
commander as highly gratified at
the recent progress made by the
United States and Britain towards
a Japanese treaty.
World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
LONDON-The Labor govern-
ment won an election to the Lon-
don County Council yesterday and
political observers pounced on it
as a significant straw-in-the-wind
for next year's general elections.
FRANKFURT, Germany -
The Allied High Commission
announced last night it has
transferred to the West German
Government complete responsi-
bility for International Transit
Communications circuits in
Western Germany.
*1 **
NEW YORK-Nearly 400 extra
police patrolled Harlem yester-
day and last night, alert for any
new disorder among its tense Ne-
gro residents.
A torchlight welcome-home pa-
rade last night for Negro Commu-
nist Benjamin J. Davis ended in a
roaring flareup which officers at-
tributed to "hoodlums."
sembly's political committee yes-
terday called on two Soviet-bloc
countries, Albania and Bulgaria, to
stop giving help to Greek guerillas
warring against the Athens gov-

Acheson and British Foreign Sec-
retary Ernest Bevin agreed on the
urgent need of a treaty during
their conference in Washington
two months ago.
Word from London is that the
United States and Britain will soon
raise the 'question of inviting all
of the 11 nations of the Far East-
ern Commission to a treaty con-
ference at a definite date yet to
be fixed.
THE TOKYO source says that
this means Russia and Commu-
nist China may be present-but
only if they agree to the already
well-developed British and Ameri-
can plans. Otherwise, the West-
erns Powers are described as ready
to proceed on their own..
Plane Crash
DeathsHit 70
By The Associated Press
News of three more plane
crashes yesterday, in Bermuda,
Ohio and Louisiana, raised to 70
the number of dead in air acci-
dents spanning four days.
Near Hamilton, Bermuda, a Su-
perfortress pilot nursing a faulty
engine let a commercial airliner
into the airport ahead of him,
then crashed to his death with
nine other Americans yesterday.
An Air Force "flying boxcar"
belly-landed on a cottonfleld near
Shreveport, La., yesterday, killing
a crew member and one of the1
100 pickers working in the field.
The crack-up of an unscheduled
twin-engine DC-3 one mile south
of Akron-Canton airport report-
edly cost three lives last night.
Veanwhile, in Washington, an-
nouncement was made of a pub-
lic hearing slated for next Wed-
nesday, to open formal investiga-
tion of Tuesday's DC-4 plane col-
lision which claimed 55 lives.

'Good Luck'
When tie Michigan State
Spartans take the field
against Notre Damne today in
East Lansing, a floral good-
luck horseshoe from a group
of University students will
be on the sidelines to spur
them on to victory.
Or at least that's the hope
of 46 men of Hinsdale Iouse.
They chipped in to buy a
omne-foot-high horseshoe of
green and white carnations.
A ribbon on it reads "Good
The horseshoe was sent to
the Spartan team in care of
Captain Hal Vogler.
C~IO Ousts
Red, Closes
Con vent ioln
yesterday ousted one admitted
Communist from its executive
board and refused to seat on the
board nine other union leaders
whose "eligibility" was questioned.
President Philip Murray and
other right wing officers all were
re-elected by acclamation as the
CIO convention closed.
* * *
THE RIGHT of the nine left
wing unionists to serve under a
newly enacted constitutional
amendment bar ring Communists
from the executive board will be
decided by the board itself, possi-
bly at a meeting today.
The unions they represent
face expulsion from the CIO for
violating CIO policies and pro-
grams. Anong those whom the
convention refused to approve
for the board today were long-
shoreman Harry Bridges, Presi-
dent Abram Flaxer of the Unit-
Public Workers, and President
Donald Henderson of the Food
and Tobacco Workers.
The others were James E. Durk-
ing of the United Office and Pro-
fessional Workers, Joseph Selly of
the American Communications As-
sociation, Morris Pizer of the
United Furniture Workers, Joseph
Jurich of the Fishermen's Union,
John Clark of Mine, Mill and
Smelter Workers and Hugh Bry-
son of the Marine Cooks and Stew-
Fur and Leather Workers, aeCom-
munist Party leader, was ruled in-
eligible to keep his executive
board post under the non-Com-
munist amendment adopted Tues-
Board action on expulsion of
unions which Gold and the oth-
er nine lead, and on seating of
the nine, may be delayed for a
month or two.
Most observers had believed that
virtually all 12 left-wing CIO un-
ions would be thrown out at the
convention. As it turned out, only
the electrical workers and the
farm equipment workers were
ejected for violating CIO policy.
Big Ten Prof.
Lauds Goethe
As Great Poet
Goethe's poetry is the magnifi-
cent reflection of a great human

being, said Prof. Friedrich Bruns
of the University of Wisconsin yes-
terday in a lecture on "Goethe,
Man and Poet."
The talk was sponsored by the
German department in commemo-
ration of the bicentiennial anni-
versary of the poet's birth.
"GOETHE IS both our greatest
modern poet and also a practical
man of affairs."
This combination of a "reflec-
tive observer" and a "doer" in
one man gives Goethe's poetry a
universal greatness and a "real-
istic immediacy to everyday
life," Prof. Bruns declared.

'M' Will Take
No Chances
With 7th Foe
Szillborski Main
Offensive Threat
(Sports Co-Editor)
The "We Beat the Gophers
Club" meets at 2 p.m. today in
the Michigan Stadium.
Looking in on the meeting will
be 97,239 football fans eager to
be in on the physical discussion
to decide which club member is
to be president' of the organiza-
The Wolverines founded the club
this year on October 22, when
they toppled the undefeated North-
men, 14-7. Many were of the
opinion that the club would .be
completely exclusive, but last Sat-
urday a second member joined
the group.
An underdog Purdue eleven,
still looking for its first victory
of the season, completely out-
played the Gophers and wound
up on the long end of the 13-7
If comparative scores mean any-
thing, on the basis of this game
Michigan should be given a one-
point edge. The experts, however,
figure a little differently and post
the Wolverines as 20-point favor-
ites. Minnesota,-incidentally, was
picked to beat the Boilermakers
by the same total last week.
* * *
aware now of the new-found pow-
er the Boilermakers exhibited last
week and are disregarding any
See PICTURES, Page 6
prophecies of an easy victory. This
afternoon's game is going to be
the seventh battle in a row for
The biggest thing Michigan
has to contend with is the whirl-
wind offense Purdue uncorked
against Minnesota. In 70 plays
the Boilermakers reeled off 354
yards, which tops Michigan's
best offensive mark by 73 yards.
Oddly enough, the Wolverines'
best effort was their loss to
Northwestern. They racked up
281 yards in 81 plays that day.
The Boilermakers may meet
their master this afternoon, how-
ever. Michigan again rates as the
top defensive team in the Confer-
ence, the position they have held
the past two years as they won
the Conference blue ribbon.
THE MAN THE Maize and Blue
Prospects for
Kickoff Today
Despite yesterday's snow and
slush, prospects appeared good
last night for fine football weather
The United States weather bu-
reau predicted clearing skies last
night, followed by partly cloudy
conditions today.
BUT OVERCOATS and gloves
appear to be the order of the day
for the football game. The weath-
er bureau communique predicted
a high of only 40 degrees today,
after last night's low of 28.

Ann Arbor police reported
only a few minor accidents yes-
terday which could be traced to
slippery streets.
One look at the window, reveal-
ing a snow-covered lawn and gray
skies, sent many students back
into the sack for another precious
hour of sleep yesterday morning.
A HASTY POLL of the student
body indicated that most students
took the snow in stride.
Hope Schaidler, '51, however,
complained that "long skirts,
bobby sox and backs of legs get
very muddy on days like this." She
implied that "new look" designers

Szell To Direct Hill Concert Sunday

George Szell, conductor of the
Cleveland Symphony appearing at
7 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audito-
rium, is a musician with a cosmo-
politan history.
Born in Budapest, Hungary, in

tra, and immediately appointed
him to the Berlin State Opera con-
ductoral staff.
Szell remained as an assist-
ant to Strauss for two years,
when nn; tfhe a1 f.ta e?mcr'

tor of the German Opera House
and began making guest conduct-
ing appearances with the leading
European orchestras.
* * *
HE FIRST appeared in this

leading U.S. symphony groups
followed, including three Choral
Union concert orchestras-the
Boston, Philadelphia and Chi-
cago. Before his appointment
as conductor of the Cleveland

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