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November 03, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-11-03

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T he Comunnist Trial:
No Help to U.S.

On the Cold War

Who's Afraid?

SINCE the conviction of the II American
Communists, the impression has been
growing that the Justice Department has
fumbled the ball very badly indeed.
For not only is the Communist Party both
here and abroad mkaing political hay out
of what they call an unconstitutional in-
vasion of civil liberties, but the act of
denying bail to the group seems likely to
promote the martyrdom they so eagerly
* * *
BY REFUSING BAIL to the 11 convicted
Communists, Judge Medina has provoked
a storm of protest from liberals all across
the country. And not all of them are of
the party-line variety.
Defense lawyers have already filed an
appeal on the bail question in the U.S.
Circuit Court of Appeals. The govern-
ment, by recommending to this court
that if bail is granted, it should total
one million dollars for the group, seems
to have dropped the ball again.
It could not be expected that the Justice
Department would have reversed itself and
reversed itself and recommend that bail
be granted. To do so would cut the ground
out from under Judge Medina who has
already had a trying enough time of it for
the last nine months.
But once the bail had been denied and
the damage done, the government should
have maintained a firm silence. Now if
their recommendation is adopted it may
prove a boomerang of immense propor-
Nothing could suit the Communist Party
better than the opportunity to conduct a
mammoth campaign to raise the bail b4
popular subscription and free their brether
from the clutches of a "vindictive" govern-
If the appeal is refused, it means that
the 11 Communists will be forced to re-
main in jail during the tedious months
and even years which may pass before
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

the Supreme Court hands down a decision
on the constitutionality of the Smith Act
under which the Communists were con-
Should the Smith Act be ruled unconsti-
tutional, and there seems to be a fair
chance of this happening, the Commu-
nists would thus not only be able to make
political capital out of their unconstitu-
tional prosecution but also become popular
martyrs because of the unjust imprisonment
which they have suffered.
The government, of course, fears that if
allowed out on bail, the Communists will
pull a fade-out of the Gerhart Eisler variety
or perhaps go underground. The point is,
that such a move would never be attempted
by them because to do this would be to
admit guilt, and weaken the propaganda
appeal of the Communist Party.
* * *
ON THE LARGER question of the trial
as a whole, many believe that the govern-j
ment erred in ever opening the prose
Even if the Supreme Court upholds they
constitutionality of the Smith Act, the
Justice Department has gained nothing but,
the imprisonment of 11 men.
Judge Medina made it very clear dur-
ing the course of the trial that the Com-
munist Party was not on trial and the
defendants were not being tried by rea-
son of their membership. As"Nation"
magazine contends, it would hardly be
feasible to go through the nightmare of
another trial of the convicted Commu-
nists' successors on the national board.
Thus no real crippling blow has been
struck against the Communist Party and
should the Smith Act be thrown out, the
Communists will have won an immense
propaganda victory.
The only positive thing which the Ameri-
can people stand to gain from the whole
proceedings is the possible voiding by the
Supreme Court of an odious and undemo-
cratic bit of legislation which threatens civil
The tragedy is that the government has
managed things in such a way that the
Communist Party will be the biggest win-
ner of all, if and when the Smith Act N
declared unconstitutional.
-Dave Thomas



TASHINGTON-Atomic-war preparations
in Britian have been intensified sins
news of the Russian A-bomb. London would
be the first object of attack. Therefore the
British Army has ordered 500,000 vest-
pocket geiger counters to detect radioac-
tivity. Air-raid wardens will use them to re-
port on what parts of the city are radio,
active. . . .
Chief result of the American ambassa-
dorial conference in London was to appoint
"Chip" Bohlen, ace expert on Russia, to
mastermind U.S. strategy behind the iron
curtain... .
Stalin recently called Tito the "Little
Hitler." The truth is Stalin is shorter than
Tito. . . . Tito's chief trouble in defending
Yugoslavia is ammunition. Yugoslavia's ar-
tillery, guns and tanks were supplied by the
Soviet, so now Tito can't get spare parts
and ammunition. . . . The Yugoslavs are
dickering with the Italians to manufacture
ammunition in northern Italy. And it was
only a short time ago the two countries
were rowing over Trieste! . . .
* * *
UNSUNG HERO of the steel negotiations
was long, lanky Cy Ching who, at the
age of 71, resigned from the U.S. Rubber
Company two years ago to help his country
as a labor conciliator.
Ching's patience is that of Job's. All
week long, hour after hour, day after
day, like a broken phonograph record, he
listened to the same company arguments
that workers must contribute to the pen-
sion fund.
I "But your captive coal mines have a non-
contributory agreement with John L. Lewis,"
Ching told U.S. Steel vice president John
"Yes, and look what happened to Lewis's
pension fund," Stephens replied. "It's been
bankrupted because it never was set up on
a sound, actuarial basis in the first place.
We want to establish a sound pension plan
for U.S. Steel employees."
Ching argued that Phil Murray had
proved his responsibility by hisrelentless
fight against communist elements in the
CIO. In fact, Murray's leadership was
now being endangered because of his
broad-gauged acceptance of the fact-
finding board's proposals for ending the
steel strike, which management had re-
jected. As a result, CIO left-wingers were
yelling for his scalp.
Didn't it mean something to the coipany
to be able to do business with a high-oa;s,
levelheaded, responsible American like Phil
Murray? asked Ching.
"Well, this question of contributory pen-,
sions is a matter of principle with us," in-
terposed Roger Blough, counsel for U.S.
Steel. The presidential factfinders would
have come up with a different solution if
they had to run a steel mill, he intimated.
Maybe the factfinders also took into
consideration the problems of those who
work in a steel mill, slyly suggested Chng.
"But contributory pensions are now an
accepted fact-a part of our economy," ar-
gued Stephens. "Social-security penions
are contributory. The Railroad Retirement
Act is based on the same principle. Private
industry cannot be criticized for going
along with the pattern established by Con-
So it went-sometimes into the night.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Fair Employment
SPEAKING at the annual conference of
the American Management Association.
John E. O'Gara, vice-president and general
manager of Macy's, recently declared that
the employment of Negroes in jobs utiliz-
ing their highest skills would add $6,000,-
000,000 to the, buying power of the nation's
Employment discrimination, he said,

denies ,to American business a "no-cost
big market right here at home ......The
damage comes directly home to roost in
the markets of commerce and industry."
In addition, he stated, it creates "a soft
spot for subversive penetration" and
forces the Negro to become an economic
burden on the community.
Although more fundamental arguments
than those of economic self-interest and
the prevention of "subversive penetration"
could have been marshaled by Mr. O'Gara,
it is good to hear an important business exe-
cutive denounce discriminatory employment
-The Nation.
Good Ad(lce
THE NEW BUILDING that will house the
United Nations secretariat will have
5,400 double-hung windows whose surface
will be more than six acres.
How does that old adage go? "People who
live in glass houses . .."
-St. Louis Star-Times.

The Daiiy welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited, or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

it Ffit TIT
by b. s. brown
THIS MAY SOUND like treason, but I like Champaign, Ill.
Continuing on the Big Nine merry-go-round, I discovered last Sat-
urday that there is no rule at Illinois which prohibits the consumption
of beer on campus.
If there ever was a stupid and ineffectual measure, it is the
Ann Arbor ordinance which forbids the sale of tap beer east of
Anyone who is thirsty enough for the alcoholic suds will not re-
fuse to walk a few blocks in order to satiate their desire. So why the
I'm sure the sale of draught beer on State Street would not
damage the reputation of campus-town. It didn't seem to affect
the main thoroughfare's integrity at Illinois.
If beer be the drink students, flow on!
* * * *
INCIDENTALLY, the hours situation at Illinois is comparable to
Michigan's. The lasses at the Injun school are allowed to roam the
Champaign-Urbana plains until 10:30 every night of the week, includ-
ing Sunday, but are granted 1:00 a.m. permission Friday and Satur-
* * * *
THERE WAS QUITE a celebration at the Tumble-Inn, which sets up
quarters in down-town Champaign, after Michigan stole the Illini
pelt last Saturday afternoon.
What was most amusing was a bitter gang -of Indian follow-
ers. They made a substitution in that familiar droning chant of
theirs which ordinarily says, "Go, Illini. Beat Michigan."
The change was prompted by a hearty musical outburst emitted
by the transported Michiganders, who were doing all the celebrating.
After the Wolverine fans had sung "The Victors," the Illinois diehards
countered with "Go Ohio State. 2 Beat Michigan."
But the Wolverines were not to be out-done. Knowing that
agreement would infuriate the Illini students, the AA crowd
showed extreme geniality-they could afford to since their team
had won-as they sang Ohio State's "Fight The Team Across The
Field." The song left the Illini without an argument and slightly
With the frustration that followed the rebuttal of the antagonistic
Illinois cheer, a psychologist would have had a field day.
* * * *
BUT THE BEST story which has come out of the triumphant week-
end took place last Sunday at West Lafayette, home of the Pur-
due Boilermakers.
A car loaded with victory-flushed Michigan students made its
return voyage from Champaign through the Indiana city. It ar-
rived at Purdue in the midst of a welcoming home celebration for
the Boilermakers team which had the day before beaten the as-
sive Gophers of Minnesota.
The Michigan students waited until the parade passed them by,
and then maneuvered into a position where their car brought up the
parade's rear echelon.
Hanging Michigan pennants from the windows, the Ann Ar-
bor invaders proceeded to yell "Beat Purdue.,"
By some strange quirk of fate, those Michigan stalwarts returned
to Ann Arbor safely.
HOW about this:
A professor in an education course yesterday asked one of his stu-
dents for the facts on a certain international discussion which has
had serious repercussions in an American university.
THE student began, "I don't know what the true facts of the
situation are. I just read them in a newspaper.... "
How to make members of the Fourth Estate ecstatic!
A NOTED UNIVERSITY educator yesterday offered his opinion on
the noon-day fruit addict who attacks the apple tree on the west
lawn of Betsy Barbour.
For the past two weeks, this apple-snatcher has polished off at
least two of the pomes a day, pilfering them from the lasses' tree.
When told of the activity, the noted educator said, "Abominable.
Not only is this individual committing a misdemeanor, he is also cast-
ing aspersions on the State of Michigan whose state flower is the
blossom of the tree of the Malus genus."
Curling his lower lip and uttering a snarl, the noted educator add-
ed, "Furthermore, he is nothing but an apple-polisher!"
That covers everything for today!




Tell Mr. Armstrong ...
To the Editor:
WILL YOU PLEASE allow me a
. space in your celebrated
journal to write a word of two in
answer to Mr. George W. Arm-
strong of Texas, who thinks that
in this atomic age he can buy the
ideas of men with money.
L.-Tell George that Africans,
Asiatics and Jews of today are
2.-Tell George that the youths
of these three nations want dig-
nity, liberty and equality in all
things if they should believe in
American Democracy.
3.-Tell George that when
Africa built her ancient civiliza-
tion of Egypt, people of all races
and creeds drank fSeelysfrom the
celestial, academic fountains that
flowed on Egyptian institutional
4.-Ask George where Egyptian
civilization is today? Egyptian
civilization like the Grecian Hellas
still lies in the sunny paradise of
Africa which is ignorantly known
by the escotic appellation of im-
perialists as the "Dark Conti-
5.-Tell George that Christ came
to save* all men and not the Jewish
race alone.
6.-Tell George to play only on
either the white or black keys of
his piano and verify things for

himself if the black can give him a
melodious air without the white.
7.-Tell George that Premier
Nehru will build tomorrow great
universities in Asia which will
cater to the maximum interest of
all men irrespective of race or
8.-Tell George that strong
democratic America can only de-
feat Communistic idealogy only
when she opens her academic
doors to students of all races.
9.-Tell George that as Stalin
cannot buy Nehru's India with
sugar-coated words, so also
George's money cannot buy the
southern democratic e ducated
leaders of the great nation of the
United States.
10.-Finally tell President Um-
phrey Lee that the youths of
Africa, Asia and Palestine believe
that he is a leader of true demo-
cratic youths of the world and not
of a particular master race.
Long live the progressive and
democratic leaders of the United
States of America.
-J. Dickson
W~ouldn't It!
To the Editor:
WOULDN'T IT BE nice if The
Daily sportswriters learned
how to spell Bob Hollway's name!.
-H. M. Taggart






WASHINGTON - Althought President
Truman has made no formal announce-
fynt on the subject, another fact about
Soviet military development is almost as
significant as the explosion of the Beria
bomb. In brief, the intelligence services 4Qf
the western powers have now proved to be
just as wrong about other Russian techn-
cal capabilities, as they were about the
time schedule of the Russian atomic energ
This means, very simply, that the re-
maining grounds for western complacency
are going the same way as the American
"atomic monopoly."
THE stark warning which a fire protection
and safety engineer gives the nation's
colleges is that at all of them there are
dormitories that "can easily be converted
into blazing tombs." John J. Ahern of the
Illinois Institute of Technology makes no
exception in his speech to the National
Safety Congress. "It can happen to any
school," he declares. "Almost none is pre-
pared to cope with it. All are riding their
The Kenyon College fire of last Feb. 27,
at Gambier, O., should still be so keen a
memory that no one need be reminded of
the price that may be paid if Mr. Ahern's
words are not heeded. Not every college
has a dormitory 122 years old, as was the
one that burned at Kenyon, but many of
them are old enough to be especially vul-
nerable to fire.
Foremost among their hazards are in-
adequate emergency exits, lack of automatic
alarm systems, inadequate watchman sef-
vice, and central stairways up which a fire
could surge furiously.
There has been no dearth of timely
examples ofswhat fire can do in buildings
that are not reasonably well protected
against it. The Winecoff hotel fire in At-'
lanta and the LaSalle hotel fire in Chicago
three years ago, the St. Anthony's Hospital
fire at Effingham, Ill., last year, the Noronic
ship fire at Toronto this year-all these,
as well as the Kenyon holocaust, should sti-
mulate action. If consciences have not yet
been pricked enough to produce results,
what catastrophe are we waiting for?
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

In 1945, the Soviets had no strategic avia-
tion. Their fighter aviation was primitive.
They had no adequate radar warning net
to protect their cities and industries from
hostile air attack. And their war-damaged
steel industry had a maximum capacity of
not more than 18,000,000 tons per annum.
* * *'
THESE FACTS, in and of themselves, for
a long time constituted a sufficient answer
to those who asked why the Kremlin, if bent
upon aggression, didtnot use its great armi
immediately. Even the confused demob-
zation of the West, in 1945 and 1946, did
not deprive America and Britain of the
capability of strategic air attack on Russia.
Furthermore, the extremely limited So-
viet steel output (only about a fifth of
the American .capacity) meant that the
Kremlin also lacked the capability of sus-
taining a war of any duration. Thus the
Soviet war-planners for a long time faced
several other problems every bit as basic
as the problem of atomic development.
And the very multiplicity of these Rus-
sian problems gave a strong but false
sense of security, even to the minority
of experts who predicted that the Soviets
would rather rapidly devise atomic wea-
Such problems as devising an air defense
and increasing steel output would not be
solved. And even after the Soviets had an
atomic bomb of their own, their military
organization would still remain hopelessly
vulnerable in other ways. It is this forecast
which is now proving incorrect.
* * *
IT IS WELL KNOWN, of course, that the
Soviets have remedied their deficiency in
strategic aviation by copying captured
American B-29s.
In addition, as is much well known, intel-
ligence assessments of the new Yak and
Lacovin fighter aircraft have shown these
Russian interceptors to be quite as good yr
any fighters in the West. Quantity produc-'
tion of the new Soviet jet fighters is re-
ported to have been begun already, which
is more than can be said of the competing
British and American designs.
In the field of steel production, the So-
viet effort is also on the upgrade.
In short, every gap is being rapidly filled,
except in the electronic field. Yet here too,
recent intelligence suggests that great pro-
gress is just now beginning. These are grave
facts, but they should be faced. J
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)





(Continued from Page 2)
21 in C, Op. 53, Gieseking, piano;
SCHUBERT, Trio No. 1 in B Flat,
Op. 99, Rubinstein, Heifetz, Feuer-
mann; MOZART, Concerto in A,
K488, Curzon, piano, Nat. Symph.
Orch., Neel conducting; STRA-
VINSKY, scenes de Ballet, 1944,
N.Y. Philharmonic, Stravinsky. All
graduate students invited; silence
Inter-Racial Association: 7:30
p.m., Union. Election of officers.
Visitors welcome.
Gargoyle Business Staff Try-
outs: Meeting, 4 p.m., Student
Publications Bldg.
Polonia Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., International Center. Speak-
er: Rev. Fr. Valeri Jaszinski from
the Orchard Lake Seminary.
Topic: "The Function of a Polish
Club in the American University."
All students invited.
PCS Committee-NSA: Meeting,
5 p.m., Union.
U. of M. Skating Club: Movies
and refreshments. 7:30 p.m., Bar-
bour Gymnasium. New members
Botany Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Botanical Seminar Room. Speak-

er: Dr. W. R. Taylor on his work
at Bikini during the atom bomb
tests. Refreshments.
Modern Poetry Club: 8 p.m.,
League. See bulletin board for
Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting, 7
p.m., Union. All members bring
eligibility cards.

Gilbert and
Full rehearsal,
Final listing of

Sullivan Society:
7:15 p.m., League.
women 's chorus.

cept of Ethics and its Cognitive
Westminster Guild: Friday eve-
ning party will be moved to the
Methodist Church for an Inter-
guild party. Wear old clothes. 8:30
Scalp and Blade: Buffalo and
Erie County students are invited
to attend an organizational meet-
ing of- the Michigan Chapter of
Scalp and Blade Fraternity, Sun.,
Nov. 6, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 3A, Union.
Hiawatha Club: Mixer, 9L pm.,
Fri., Nov. 4, ABC Room, League.
Guests of members welcome.
NSA-UWF: Planning meetingt
for Mock United Nations Review
Conference, Fri., Nov. 4, 4 p.m.,
Union. Visitors welcome.
Film Program for students, fac-
ulty, and the general public. No-
mads of the Jungle-Malaya and
Tropical Mour\ n Island-Java,
4 p.m., Fri., Nov. 4, Kellogg Audi-
torium. Sponsored by the Audio-
Visual Education Center and the
University Extension Service. No
admission charge.
Inter Guild Bum-Di-Gras Party:
8:30 to 12 midnight, Fri., Nov. 4,
Methodist Church.
Friday Frolic: 8-12 midnight,
Fri., Nov. 4, Women's Athletic
Bldg. Refreshments. Everyone wel-
U. of M. Hostel Club: Sun., Nov.
6. Work trip at Ann Arbor hostel.
Call John Amneus, 250075 by to-

Committee for Displaced Stu-
dents: 4 p.m., Lane Hall. Repre-
sentatives from all groups partici-
pating in the DP Student program
are asked to be present.
Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Union. Report on State Con-
vention. Announcement of Na-
tional speakers.
Coming Events
German Coffee Hour: Fri., Nov.
4, 3:15-4:30 p.m., League Cafe-
teria. Students and faculty mem-
bers invited.
Acolytes: Meeting, Fri., Nov. 4,
7:30 p.m., East Conference Room,
Rackham Bldg. Prof. Stevenson
will speak on "The Emotive Con-

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed' by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board In Control of,
Student Publications.
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Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.............City Editor
Philip Dawson ....Editoria Director
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Waiker ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil..... .Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Go-Editor
Merle Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King................Librarian
Allan Ciamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Weington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager
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Entered at th~e Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by m crier, $5.00. by mail. $6.00.

t C~t tlt tI




. - :..



Gus looks Yes. Can't examine him
much better if I can't see him...
.xL L _ L , . ..... a , L . , . _

Try running up and down
stairs a few times, Gus. To Bt-
A . ., , . ..A - -

Say, who's that coming up the drive?

!f you get tired running up
and down those stairs, try 'O4t:c
4 n-L a .. nr n r_ . .

Well, Mr. Sparks, there's the Jackson place
Mrs. Baxter wrote about.We of the Chamber
,f Commerce will he very Proud' if you decide /

And that's Mr. Bush from the Chamber
of Commerce. I bet the other man is
from that television oroaram and.. .


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