See Page 4
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LX, No. 32
Edward Stettinius
Succumbs at 49
Former Secretary of State, UN
Founder, Yields to Heart Attack
GREENWICH, Conn.-(P)-Former Secretary of State Edward
R. Stettinius, Jr., wartime lend-lease chief and a founder of the
United Nations, died of a heart attack yesterday at the age of 49.
The genial, prematurely white-haired Stettinus was found uncon-
scious in bed this morning at the Greenwich home of Juan Trippe,
head of Pan-American World Airways, and died at 6:30 a.m. Mrs.
Trippe is his sister.
DR. C. STANLEY KNAPP, the Greenwich medical examiner, said
death apparently resulted from a blood clot and hardening of the
Stettinius had been under treatment for a heart condition
for some time. His condition prevented his testifying last summer
at the perjury trial of former * * *
State Department official Alger
His wife and her mother, Mrs.
W. J. Wallace, were with Stettin-
ius when he died. He also leaves'
three sons, Edward R., Wallace
and Joseph.
* * * a e
STETTINILTS WAS a rich man's
son who became Board Chairman
of the U.S. Steel Corporation at
37 and reached the -top post in
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Cabinet
at 44.
In January, 1941, when Allied
fortunes were at a low ebb in
the war, Stettinius became Lend-
Lease Administrator and direct-
ed the $60,000,000,000 flow of
supplies that played a major
role in the defeat of the Axis
President Roosevelt named him
Undersecretary of State after the
resignation of Sumner Welles in
1943, and he succeeded Cordell
Hull as Secretary the following
HE RESIGNED after seven
months to become the first U.S.
delegate to the United Nations
General Assembly, a post he oc-
cupied until 1946.
Spain Offers
'Aid forCash'
MADRID - (A)) - Spain has of-
fered the Atlantic Powers a guar-
antee of active aid in any war with
Russia in exchange for American
financial assistance, it was relia-
bly reported yesterday.
No communique was issued
after the meetings, however, and
it has been impossible to obtain
official confirmation of the report
either here or in the Portuguese
DIPLOMATIC informants here
say Generalissimo Franco's offer
was a move in his drive to obtain
American credits for vitally need-
ed raw materials and supplies.
For some time the Spanish gov-
ernment has been giving an im-
petusto this campaign by extend-
ing facilities to important Ameri-
can legislators and personalities,
as well as French and British fig-
ures to visit Spain for conferences
with Franco and other government
Blasts Fired
Den ounce Firing
of Admn. Denfeld
Congress members yesterday joint-
ly accused Secretary of Defense
Johnson and Secretary of the Navy
Matthews of resorting to "trick-
ery, broken pledgesvand smear
tactics" in the row over national
The legislators, two Democrats
and two Republicans, fired their
broadside in a hotly worded state-
ment demanding that congress act
to prevent "gag rule and intimida-
tion" of congressional witnesses.
SPECIFICALLY, they denounc-
ed what they termed "injustices"
in the firing of Admiral Louis E.
Denfeld as chief of naval opera-
Denfeld was ousted by Presi-
dent Truman last week on Sec-
retary Matthews' recommenda-
tion that it was vital "for the
good of the country." The ous-
ter followed Denfeld's critical
testimony against high defense
policies during recentdhearings
before the House Armed Services
Yesterday's four - man blast
against the civilian defense chiefs
was signed by Reps. Sasscer (D-
Md.), Hebert (D-La.), Arends (R-
Ill.) and Cole (R-N.Y.). All are
members of the House committee.
* * *
MEANWHILE, the White House
had no further word on reports
that Vice Admiral Forrest P. Sher-
man, may succeed Denfeld as the
Navy's top admiral.
Stopping over in London, en
route to Washington from his
post in the Mediterranean, Sher-
man told newsmen crisply:
"I have no comment to make
on any subject."
Capitol Hill resentment over the
crackdown on Denfeld broke out
anew in the bi-partisan statement
by four members . of the House
Armed Services Committee. The
committee chairman, Rep. Vin-
son (Dem.,. Ga.) has already said
that the affair will be "dealt with"
when Congress returns next Janu-
e he Steel Approves
$ 100-1V t
U.S. Expels
Two Czech
D iplomats
Retaliation Move
Seen in Ouster
ed States partially evened its score
with Communist Czechoslovakia
yesterday by demanding the im-
mediate recall of two Czech at-
taches from this country.
Two American diplomatic of-
ficials were expelled from Prague
within the last 10 days on charges
of spying which Secretary of State
Acheson denounced as "obviously
trumped up." A U.S. embassy clerk
is still being held in jail.
* * -
THE CZECHS 'ordered out were
Ervin Munk, consul general at New
York, and Jan Horvath, listed as
"housekeeper" of the Embassy
here. Actually, he is rated by offi-
cials as much more important in
Communist affairs than the title
would indicate.
The State Department said
only that the two are personally
objectionable to this govern-
The timing and other circum-
stances of the announcement,
however, left little doubt that the
expulsion order was intended to
have a tit-for-tat effect.
World News
Round- Up
AIBy The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
Truman yesterday signed long-
ranged farm legislation which per-
mits the government to support
prices of most farm products at or
near wartime levels. This law re-
places most major provisions of
the so-called Aiken Law enacted
by the Republican GOP Congress.
* * *
PARIS - (P) - Paul G. Hoff-
man, Marshall Plan Chief, urged
upon Western Europe yesterday
the removal of trade quotas,
monetary barriers and all tariffs
to create a single market of
270,000,000 European for mass-
production industry.
* * *
PITTSBURGH-About 12,500
Allegheny Ludlum Steel Corpo-
ration employes struck at 12:01
a.m. today.
The walkout in plants in New
York and Pennsylvania began
less than 10 minutes after a
whole day of last-ditch negotia-
tions ended in disagreement.
* * *
LONDON-Britain's Labor Gov-
ernment clipped the powers of the
House of Lords yesterday, clear-
ing the way for enactment of its
hotly controversial measure to so-
cialize the iron and steel industry.
i _ _ _.
-Daily-Wally Barth
WIDE-EYED LITTLE SPOOKS ENJOY IIALLOWE'EN-Small fry gape at pumpkins entered in
the pumpkin-carving contest, a part of the activities that took place at the Hallowe'en Party last
night at Yost Field House. Later in the evening more than 2400 children with noise-makers and
funny faces paraded in a contest to choose the b 9y or girl with the best looking costume.
* * *
Spook' Party Entertains
Youthful Hallowe'eners
Czech am
asked and
ment with1
James E. V
partment o
sence from
After a
Webb, he
an explar
sion, but
bassador, immediately Pint-sized hobgoblins, devils, and imps raised ,the roof at Yost
obtained an appoint- Field House last night in a rollicking "spook" party.
Undersecretary of State Tramping around the Field House with the Ann Arbor High School
Aebb, the top state de- band roaring in their ears, the small fry, in every conceivable cos-
Wfficialin Acheson's ab- tume, shrieked with delight.
iWashington. * M
15-minute talk with
said he had sought NOISE-MAKERS handed out at the beginning of the festivities
nation of the exclu- added to the crash of the bass drum, the clash of the cymbals, and
'I didn't hear any the shouting of little gremlins, to make a howling din of noise and
He added, however, confusion.
a country asks a for- Sponsored by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the fun
mat to leave it need started with a parade, led by ten of the members colorfully
Atomic, Solar Energy
May Save Civilization
T haveels that when
v yeeign diplo
A e enot explai
He told
Against jont not
StCf fs- W an"quest, add
Fears Non-Military THE STA
Leaders Confused no time lim
the two Cz
By BOB VAUGHN trast to t
The Navy is rebelling not so Jemand th
much against civilian control as John G. H
against the decisions made by the taches, le
joint chiefs of staffs, according iours. Ac
to Robert E. Ward of the political courtesies."
science department. The Cze
"But the Navy seems to fear that have both k
the present civilian administra- Communist
tors do not understand naval prob- was made4
lins," he said. York after
* * * jas rankingc
ADMIRAL LOUIS E. Denfeld, embassy ea
former Chief of Naval Operations I _ -
recently expressed his distrust in eetir
the present Department of Defense
and brought the armed forces con- For SI
troversy to the public eye.
"Denfeld was probably dis- The first
charged because the necessary Legislature'
close relationship between the program wi
joint chiefs of staffs could not day in Rm.
exist after his testimony at the All candi
(recent IDouse N~rmed Services attend, acco
Committee hearing," Ward said. son, trainin
President Truman stated that Campaigi
Denfeld had been discharged "for rules and S
the good of the service" and not proportiona
because of the accusations he be discusse
made before the Committee.
"THERE IS A limited validity to R A P
Army and Airforce charge that
the Navy tends to put too much
emphasis on outmoded weapons
and techniques," Ward comment-
.n its action.
newsmen he was "not
surprised" at the re-
ing: "Diplomats as a
are not easily sur-
ecially in these times."
it on the departure of
echs. This was in con-
he Czech government
at Isaac Patch, Jr., and
eyn, the American at-
ve Prague within 24
heson declared this a
f "usual international
echs ordered expelled
been reported active in
party affairs. Munk
consul general in New
serving several weeks
official in charge of the
iry last year.
ig Today
t meeting of Student
s candidate training
ll be held at 5 p.m. to-
3G of the Union.
idates are required to
arding to Howard Johnr-
g program chairman.
n expenditures and
L's version of the Hare
al system of voting will
* *' *
Ann Arbor Hit
By Hallowe'en
False Alarms
THE HALLOWE'EN party began
with a parade of apparitions from
Another prank-filled Hallowe'en which was selected the best dis-
went by the boards last night as guised little citizens. Among doz-
Ann Arbor police reported 20 to 30 ens of skeletons, hula dancers, and
false alarms, turned in from all tramps, little ladies with over-
sections of the city., stuffed bosoms, bums with baggy
But mischief wasn't the inten- long underwear, and a scarecrow
tion of merely the younger set. An with arms twice his height made
East Quad resident reported that their bid for fame.
someone there sounded a fake After much comical debate the
alarm which sent three fire trucks clowns, to whom fell the difficult
speeding to the scene. task of choosing the winner,
BESIDES THIS, police claimed awarded a fierce, one-eyed pi-
they spent a relatively peaceful rate whose pet parrot myster-
night. Nothing more than the iously winked an electric eye,
usual leaf fires, soaped windows first prize of a new radio for his
and overturned trash cans beset costume.
them, officers said. Pumpkins made up as witches,
Earlier, Police Chier Casper crooks, demons, and bums were
Enkemann issued warning to then judged, and a happy winner
"trick or treat-ers" to avoid de- rode away on a two-wheel bike.
struction of property. * * *
He noted that damage wrought MUNCHING apples and candy,
so far this year has been con- the kids watched a quick-fingered
siderably less than in previous accordianist and a real hillbilly
Hallowe'en seasons. go into action. Michigan cheer-
Public parties held last night at leaders entertained the kids with
Yost Field House and Northside a few tricks on the unicycle.
School helped -a great deal in Dodgeball and tag kept the lit-
restraining would-be terrorists, tle people romping until they
Enkemann commented. could hardly stand.
dressed in clown costumes.
Gleefully, they led their jolly
crew to the Field House where
Howard Thompson, in charge of
the affair, estimated more than
2,000 kids enjoyed the evening's
* * *
Heart Attack,
Proves Fatal
To CityClerk
City Clerk Fred C. Perry, 77
years old, holder of that office for
20 years, died suddenly yesterday
morning at his Fourth St. home,
following a heart attack.
He had held the city clerk's post
longer than any of his predeces-
sors, having first been elected in
1929 and reelected every two years
since then. Perry was a Repub-
LAST APRIL, when voters ap-
proved a City Charter amendment
making city clerks appointive of-
ficers, he became Ann Arbor's last
elected clerk.
According to a member of his
family, Perry arose early yester-
day as usual. He reportedly
complained of a severe chest
pain after tending the furnace
and went to his bedroom.
He died about 8:15 a.m. while
sitting in a chair, the relative
TWO YEARS AGO, Perry had
suffered a mild stroke. He became
ill with pneumonia last spring,
subsequently recovered and re-
sumed regular working hours.
Ile was born Dec. 15, 1871 in
Clayton township, Genesee
County. After attending schools
in Flushing, Perry took a job as
freshman telegrapher for the
Ann Arbor Railroad in 1892.
Perry launched his civil career
as deputy clerk in 1923.
In addition to his wife, Emma
Taylor Perry, Perry is survived by
a son, three daughters, a step-
daughter, a sister, 10 grandchil-
dren and 18 great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at
10:30 a.m. tomorrow in the Mueh-
fig Chapel,
S.P i n
Steel To
Renew Talks
Will Study the
Bethlehem Plan
CLEVELAND -- (P)-A jubilant
Philip Murray last night signed
a strike-ending agreement for 80,-
000 Bethlehem Steel Co., workers.
He said he hoped it \would
hasten an end to the month-old
industry-wide shutdown.
A $100 monthly company-paid
pension, including Federal social
security, will go to employes with
25 years service at age 65 or over..
A Bethlehem statement said the
agreement was subject to ratifica-
tion by the stockholders.
MURRAY, president of the CIO
and the Steelworkers, said the
strike ended at midnight yesterday
in plants of Bethlehem, second
largest producer in the nation.
The nation-wide walkout has idled
more than 500,000 basic steel
Less than an hour after the
announcement here, United
States Steel Corp. offered to re-
new negotiations.
"Big steel," speaking through
President Benjamin F. Fairless,
said in a statement:
"Wedrenew our earlier proposal
to sit down with the Steelworkers
Union in an endeavor to negotiate
a mutually satisfactory program of
insurance and pensions for our
"OF COURSE we will study the
Bethlehem settlement which was
announced tonight."
Murray admitted that there had
been "a great many rumors of
offers from other companies as a
result of the Bethlehem settlement
which had been in the air for
about 48 hours."
The CIO leader pointed out
that the agreement provides that
the steelworkers cannot strike to
improve the pension plan until
after five years. A strike over
wages could occur after Dec. 31,
Murray estimated it would cost
the company $300,000,000 to fi-
nance for the next five years the
pension-insurance program agreed
upon last night.
* * *
CIO May Oust
Left-Win gers
Executive Board Will
Also Check Affiliates
yesterday set up part of the ma-
chinery by which some of its left-
wing unions may be thrown out.
The Constitution Committee
readied a report to the convention
recommending amendments:
1. EMPOWERING the CI0 ex-
ecutive board by a two-thirds vote
to forbid any Communist or Fas-
cist from serving on the board or
to remove any such person now in
2. Giving the board further
power by a similar vote to lift
the"charter of any affiliate
whose "policies and activities
are consistently directed toward
the achievement of the program
or the purposes of the Commu-
nist Party, any Fascist org'ani-,
zation, or other totalitarian
movement" rather than those of
the CIO.
The important question of
throwing out unions controlled by
Communist sympathizers is ex-
pected to hit the convention floor
by Wednesday.
* **
REPORTS FROM the Resolu-
tions Committee presumably also
Civilization may be kept going
largely on atomic and solar energy
after coal and oil deposits have
been depleted-provided an effec-
tive research program can ac-
cumulate fundamental knowl-
edge fast enough, members of Sig-
ma Xi were told last night in Kel-
logg Auditorium.
Prof. Farrington Daniels, physi-
cal chemist at the University of
Wisconsin, wartime director of the
metallurgical laboratory of the
Manhattan District atomic energy
project, and presently member of
the Board (f Governors of Ar-
gonne National Laboratory for
atomic research, spoke on "Atomic
and Solar Energy" before the sci-
entific honorary society.
* * *
BOTH ATOMIC and solar en-
ergy are technically possible
sources of power, though there are
still many obstacles to be over-j
come, he said.
And while "no prediction can
he made rezairdini theip econic~
* * *
1ofessor Questions Cadetratic
"But there still remains very
important tasks for the Navy to
perform," he added.
The underlying argument of the
current military feud seems to
concern the Navy's place in mod-
ern warfare.
"Army and Airforce experiences
are probably more directly trans-
ferable to a war with Russia,"
Ward said.
Repercussions of the Army
Michigan football game are being
felt at West Point, Harvard and
Congress, thanks to Prof. W. H.
Hobbs, former head of the geology
Prof. Hobbs, after gathering in-
formation on the game from sev-
eral observors and officials who
'sQII t o g me f l( (Vinig that, it-way;
enson to other plays when Erben false attitude that a defeated team
and Farrar were put out of com-
mission the same way by the same
halfback, Army was obviously out
to cripple their opponents, Prof.
Hobbs claimed.
dent" came from a deliberate blow
on the head, which was even put
should not complain of mayhem,
Prof. Hobbs asserted, but he felt
that it should be brought out into
the open.
* * *
HE WROTE TO A former play-
er and official at Harvard, the
commandant of West Point and
to the chairmen of the committees
had blown to stop play. He hasn't
been on the field since," he said.
* * *
THE HARVARD official added
that in the last quarter, Harvard's
so-called third string safety man,
Walsh, showed he was able to dish
out punishment as well as take it.
"Twice after he had tackled the
mighty Army halfback, Mr. Steph-