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October 30, 1949 - Image 7

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-30

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aro ia


ris Humiliate Navy, 40-0,
As They Set Modern Record

Big Ten Champs Extend Bid
For Third Straight Crown

chine-like Notre Dame bopped
Navy yesterday, 40 to 0, handing
the Middies the worst defeat in
their football series that began in
1927. It was the 33rd game with-
out defeat for the Irish who set a
modern record.
Showing their gridiron wares to
an Eastern audience for the first
time this season, the Fighting
Irish broke the game wide open
with a 20-point assault in the
second quarter. They coasted from
there on.
Navy made a whale of a game
of it for one quarter, and part of
the second. Then, zing, zing,
zing, came the touchdowns.
They were like stiletto stars in
the dark. The befuddled Middies
never knew from which direc-
tion they were coming.
The chief Notre Dame slasher
was Ernie Zalejski, a skittering
left halfback from, South Bend,
Ind., home of the Big Green Gang
that Coach Frank Leahy has
welded into the Nation's no. 1
football outfit.
Zalejski scored three of the
six Notre Dame touchdowns as
he became the main actor in the
affair put on before a sellout
crowd of 62,413 in Babe Ruth
Ernie got Notre Dame out in
front in 4:35 of the opening per-
iod. He grabbed a 22-yard toss
from Quarterback Bobby Willians
on Navy's 25. He was in the clear,
and merely romped the rest of the
way. The Irish probably would
have scored sooner, but Navy won
the toss and Notre Dame had to
wait to get the ball. It took only
five plays.
After fooling around the rest
of the period and stopping two
amazing Navy drives, Notre
Dame dropped the roof on the
boys from Annapolis in the sec-
ond quarter.
Right half Larry Coutre started
the business by taking the ball on
a delayed buck on his nine yard
line. A big hole opened in the
Navy line, and away Larry went
on a 91-yard touchdown jaunt.
Tennessee took most of the steam
out of famed Charlie (Choo Choo)
Justice yesterday, came up with
a triple-threat star in Hal Little-
ford, and defeated North Carolina
35 to 6 in one of the major upsets
of the 1949 football season.
North Carolina was a two
touchdown favorite but Tennes-
see's tough line and a glue-like
pass defense dashed the hopes
of the Tar Heels to regain na-
tional ranking in preparation
for their big game with Notre
Dame in Yankee Stadium, New
York, November 12.

powerful Army Cadets coasted to
their sixth straight victory of the
season yesterday over a deter-
mined but outmanned Virginia
Military Institute team, 40 to 14.
After the brilliant Arnold
Galiffa had propelled the Army
regulars to a safe 27-0 margin at
half time, Coach Earl Blaik sent
in all the players he could locate,
including his son Bob, with the
result that the Red Jerseyed visi-
'ors made quite a match of it in
the last two quarters.
Toward the end of the third
period, Taylor Hay, a substitute
VMI end, made the long-
est run of the game, a 77 yarder,
after snatching an Army fumble
out of the air. An intercepted
pass and a fifty yard sprint by
Halfback Fred Anson gave the
Virginians their second score
just before the contest ended.
Had not Blaik jerked his hard
smashing regulars after the vic-
tory was safe the score might
have mounted to any given fi-
gures. Gil Stephenson, the Cadets'
first string fullback, saw no action
at all, having been advised to give
his injured leg a rest.
Galiffa, who handles the ball
on every play in Army's T-forma-
tion, had an important hand in
scoring the game's first three
touchdowns. He circled end for
seven yards and the first score to
cap a 68 yard drive midway of
the opening period.

-Daily--Alex Lmanian
TENACIOUS WOLVERINES-Johnny Karas, Illini back, finds
the going rough as the unyielding Michigan line converges on
him. Captain Wistert is seen following up the play in the right
'Crippled' Spartans Rip Owls

(Continued from Page 1)
verine attack clicked and that was
more than enough.
Early in the second period
halfback Charlie Ortmann
heaved a pass from his own 49
to end Harry Allis on the Illinois
32. Allis reached up with one
hand, batted the ball into the
air, caught it on the dead run
and covered the remaining 30
yards to the goal line unmolest-
ALLIS THEN converted the
extra point to put Michigan ahead,
In the fourth quarter, the
Peterson brothers, Don and Tom,
a sterling combination yesterday
afternoon, sparked a Wolverine
drive that ended with Tom
plunging over from the 1-foot
line to put the Wolverines ahead
13-0. Allis's attempted conver-
sion was wide.
Illinois threatened seriously only
Don Dufek, Wolverine full-
back who was taken out of yes-
terday's fray with Illinois, was
not hurt seriously, it was re-
ported last night. The extent
of the leg injury to guard Lloyd
Heneveld has not been deter-
mined as yet.
ter sparked by Karras' 56 yard
twice. They marched 77 yards in
six plays early in the third quar-

jaunt but halfback Ron Clark
fumbled on the Wolverine 3 and
Wally Teninga,- who played a tre-
mendous game all afternoon, re-
covered for Michigan.
* *
THEN STANDING against his
own goal posts Teninga got off a
magnificent punt which sailed out
of bounds on the Illinois 37, a
distance of 73 yards from the point
where it was kicked.
Late in the fourth period the
Illini again drove deep into Wol-
verine territory but the Mich-
igan defense tightened and
halted the drive on the 14 yard
Cornell Routs
Erged rLions
ITHACA, N.Y. --(P)-Unbeaten
Cornell ran amok in a 34-point
fourth quarter yesterday routing
outclassed Columbia, 54-0 in a
game marred by frequent penal-
ties against the enraged Lions.
Even Coach Lou Little of Co-
lumbia drew a 15-yard fine for
walking on the field to protest a
penalty during the final minis
as Cornell threatened to matcU
Army's 63-6 romp over the Lions
last week. At times it seemed that
the field was covered with red
flags, dropped by energetic men in
white. They paced off a total of
613 yards.

Doak Kicks
Point in 7-6
DALLAS - (P) - All-America
Doak Walker came off the bench
for another golden moment yes-
terday. Kicking the extra point
that brought Southern Methodist
a breath-taking 7-6 victory over
Appearing in only 11 plays and
obviously a weak young man as
the result of a siege of influenza,
the great Walker was the man
when the time came.
Hammering Kyle Rote, great
Southern Methodist halfback,
had taken a pass and skipped to
the touchdown that tied the
score. It was 6-6, only because
Raleigh Blakeley, Southern
Methodist wingman, had
crashed through to block Ran-
dall Clay's try for point.
Then the hushed throng of
75,000 watched Walker as he stood
there and aimed at the Texas goal
posts. Back came the ball and
Walker stepped into it.

By The Associated Press
Fordham 42, Georgetown 0
Cornell 54, Columbia 0
Dartmouth 34, Yale 13
Harvard 22, Holy Cross 14
Pittsburgh 22, Pennsylvania
Princeton 34, Rutgers 14
Penn State 33, Syracuse 21
Boston University 46, Scran-
ton 6
Alabama 14, Georgia 7
Duke 27, Georgia Tech 14
Vanderbilt 26, Auburn 7
Kentucky 14, Cincinnati 7
Rice 28, Texas Tech 0
Miami (O.) 34, Western
Michigan 20
Oklahoma 34, Iowa State 7
Missouri 21, Nebraska 20
Kansase38, Kansas State 0
Marquette 68, Colorado State
Southern Calijfornf;a 40,
Washington 28
Oregon State 35,' Washington
State 6
California 35, UCLA 21

gan State warmed up for a visit by t
Notre Dame next week by over-
whelming an outclassed Temple
team by a nine touchdown 62-14t
score before 35,003 fans here yes-
It was the fifth consecutive
home stand victory for the Spar-
Michigan State Coach Biggie
Munn sent his third and fourth
stringers into action after MSC

led 41-14 at the half. But even
these boys outplayed the visiting
Owls and aided in racking up
three more touchdowns.
Temple led briefly in the first
half by virtue of a touchdown
set up by a Michigan State
fumble. The Spartans quickly
evened it up, however, and
banged in five more tallies in
the second quarter while
Temple was managing one.



JVs Valuable as Varsity's Mock Foes



What has become of the Junior
Varsity football squad?
The facts are these: (1) There
are football players generally re-
fered to as JV's running loose on
Ferry Field each day, but the only
action they see is when they crash
skulls with the varsity as they
line up in the defensive forma-
tions that the scouts have seen
the Wolverines' opponents utilize;
(2) Once in a while they are
fortunate enough to work into
some defensive action when
they run through the plays that
the same scouts have seen the
same opponents of the Maize
and Blue use in early games in
the season;
(3) The Jay-Vees had a couple
of mid-season games scheduled
with other conference schools, but
they have been canceled.
* * *
IN EXPLANATION of the can-

cellation of a game that was sche-
duled between the Michigan and
Illinois Junior Varsity squads for
last Friday, Jerry Wynn of the
Daily Illini wrote:
"The Wolverines apparently
have decided to concentrate all
their efforts on the Varsity, and
notified Illinois that they will
no longer field a junior varsity
team this year ...."
It may be that Wynn was writ-
ing in an attempt to build up the
collective ego of the Illini varsity;
but whatever his purpose, he was
flying high on the wrong beam
when he made such a statement.
discontinue their J-V schedule in
order to expend all efforts on im-
provement of the varsity squad.
The reason the games were
canceled is because there just
aren't enough men to constitute
a playing squad.

But Wynn seems to feel that
this isn't audacious enough, and
he continues by saying:
... A pre-season score from
Ann Arbor had the varsity beat-
ing their Jayvees, 90-0-could
be the reason."
Perhaps Mr. Wynn has not been
informed that no one bothers to
keep score during varsity-jayvee
scrimmages, since first downs are
not counted and the ball is usual-
ly moved back to the line of scrim-
mage regardless of gains made by
either team.





a 3G idea for SMALL boys!

(Continued from Page 4)
Unitarian Students: No meeting.
Graduate Outing Club: Hallow-
een party. Northwest entrance of
Rackham Building. 2:15-10:00.
Dress warmly and bring flash-
I.Z.F.A. picnic, 3 p.m. Meet at
W.A.B. In case of rain meet at
Hillel. Everyone welcome.
_ U.W.F. Seminar: 8 p.m., Resi-
dence of Barnet Frommer, 530
Thompson St.
U. of M. Hot Record Society:
Program featuring some new and
some old jazz, League Ballroom,
8 p.m. Everyone invited.
Coming Events
La p'tite causette: Monday, 3:30
p.m., Grill Rm., Michigan League.
All Business Education majors
and minors are invited to attend a
get acquainted coffee hours at
4:15 p.m., Mon., Oct. 31, Univer-
sity Elementary School Library,
1502 U.E.S. Recent graduates will
be present to discuss problems
which confront the beginning busi-
ness teacher.
Jazz Concert Ushers. Will all
those who wish to usher for the
Wayne King Concert and other
similar concerts come to the Hill

Auditorium box office to sign up,
Mon., Oct. 31, from 5 to 6 p.m.
Unitarian Students meet at the
Church, Mon., 8 p.m. with Mr.
Paul Henniges, National Director
of American Unitarian Youth.
Pi Sigma Alpha, U. of M. Chap-
ter of the National Political Sci-
ence invites Political Science
Graduate and Undergradu-
ate students and faculty members
to a reception to honor Professors
Thomas S. Barclay, Stanford Uni-
versity, and Wilbert L. Hindman,
University of Southern California.
The reception is to be Tues., Nov.
1, 4:30 to 5:30 p.m., Michigan
Science Research Club: The No-
vember meeting will be held in
the Rackham Amphitheatre, 7:30
p.m., Tues., Nov. 1. Program:
Studies of Visual Threshold, H.
Richard Blackwell, Department of
Psychology and Director of the
Visual Research Laboratory; Ecol-
ogy of Some Appalachian Sala-
manders, Nelson G. Hairston, De-

partment of Zoology; election of
new members.
I.Z.F.A.-Meeting on Tues., 7:30
p.m. in the League. Song, dance
and discussion groups. Everybody
U.WF.: Discussion and Forum
-Topic: "Is a peaceful and pros-
perous Germany possible without
a European Federation?" Mich.
Union, Tues., Nov. 1, 7:30 p.m.
The Mich. Dames Handicraft
and Sewing groups will hold a
joint meeting on Tues., Nov. 1, at
the home of Mrs. James Delesder-
mier, 1033 Packard St., 8 p.m.
The Mich. Dames Music group
is meeting Tues., Nov. 1, at the
home of Mrs. Robert Stauffer, 105
E. Jefferson, 8 p.m.
The Mich. Dames Book group
will meet Wed., Nov. 2, at the
home of Mrs. James Peters, 520
E. Williams. Mrs. Margaret Brad-
field will show slides about chil-
dren's books.

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