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October 29, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-29

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Washington Merry-Go-Round

WASHINGTON--Here are some of the
things that are taking place backstage
in the steel strike discussions.
companies are divided regarding the con-
tributory or noncontributory pension plan.
Inland Steel already has a good pension
plan, while Jones and Laughlin, together
with Bethlehem, favor a pension plan where-
by labor does not contribute; for the follow-
ing reasons:
Only 10 per cent of the workers con-
tinue in their employ until they reach the
age of 65. When they leave before that age
under a worker-contribution plan, they
take their contributions with them, which
entails complicated bookkeeping. But when
they do not contribute, the amount set
aside for them by the company stays in
the fund and mounts up. Thus the com-
pany, over the years, contributes less and
less money.
Flatly opposed to Bethlehem, Jones and
Laughlin, and Inland is the giant of the
industry, U.S. Steel, which sets the competi-
tive pace. Despite all arguments, U.S. Steel
has held out against a company-contributed
pension plan-chiefly as a matter of prin-
ciple. It claims that labor should not get
something for nothing, that labor should
contribute at least a small part of the
Possibly this view is influenced by the fact
.that directors of U.S. Steel include heads of
other companies-Walter Gifford, of Amer-
ican Tel and Tel; Sewell Avery, of Mont-
gomery Ward and U.S. Gypsum; James
Black, of Pacific Gas and Electric-which
might be affected by any pension precedent
set for the steel industry.
* * *
THE WHITE HOUSE-Presidential ad-
visors have discussed with Truman the idea
of invoking the Taft-Hartley Act, but he is
opposed for this reason:
The United Steel Workers already have
suspended a strike for 77 days at his re-
quest-practically the equivalent to the
80-day suspension possible under the Taft-
Hartley Act. If the President now in-
voked the T-H Act, it is feared labor
might refuse to obey the injunction. And
if half a million men refused to obey
their government, the nation would face
not only a breakdown of democracy, but
reverberating ammunition would be hand-
ed to Moscow for use in every country in
the w6rld.
Furthermore, the President's fact-finding
board's recommendations have been accepted
by the union, though rejected by manage-
ment. That is why other White House
ffinds,~iclufhdiir Mayoi' David Lawrence of
Pittsburgh, Jack Arvey of Chicago ond
Chairman boyle of the Democnatic National
Committee have been urging Truman to
put the bee squarely on the steel companies.
RONIC TWIST of fate: The Navy is now
bitter at Adm. Louis Denfeld even
though he went all-out for them before
Congress. Other admirals felt his blast was
too late, that he had played footsie with
the Army and Air Force in the privacy of
the joint chiefs of staff . . . Navy lobbyists
pulled wires to get Adm. William H. Blandy
appointed in Denfeld's shoes as Chief of
Naval Operations.
Adm. Forrest Sherman isn't popular
with his co-admirals. They figure he was
the first to drill a hole in the dike that
led to unification. What happened was
that Sherman was appointed by Secretary
Forrestal to sit down with Gen. Lauris
Norstad of the Air Force and work out
unification. Result was the milk-and-
water unification bill of 1947, now con-
siderably strengthened. Brother admirals
never forgave Sherman for this . . . Ad-
miral Sherman was top war planner on
Admiral Nimitz's staff in the Pacific, is a
brilliant strategist, fought for airplane
carriers when other admirals were still
fighting for battleships....

While the Navy's friends in Congress are
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Looking Back
A CURIOUS astronomical discovery-the
fact that the North Star was composed
of three stars rather than one as was prev-
iously believed-was made by Professor W.
W. Campbell, a former Ann Arborite. Prof.
Campbell graduated from the University in
1886 and was an instructor of astronomy
here until he became head of the Link Ob-
servatory in California.
* * *

pleading for peace, the Navy is still waging
an undercover campaign against usually
gentle Gen. Omar Bradley. They enlisted the
powerful voice of Walter Winchell, long-
time Naval reserve officer, in a campaign
against Bradley. Winchell did his best for
the Navy during the war, got kicked around
for his pains, but is still loyal . . . also it
was considered no accident that Congress-
man John McCormack of Boston unloosed
an out-of-the-blue blast at General Bradley.
The Boston Navy Yard is about to feel the
effect of Secretary Johnson's economy move,
and some of McCormack's constituents will
lose their jobs.
* * *
the Detroit Democrat who staged a sit-
down strike against the aid-to-education
bill, is already in for reelection trouble. Wal-
ter McNary, a Wyandotte, Mich., shoe re-
tailer, will run against him in the primary.
McNary stands strong with labor.
There is an ironic twist in the New York
Senate race between John Foster Dulles and
ex-Governor Herbert Lehman. What most
people don't know is that Dulles' law firm,
Sullivan and Cromwell, have been the law-
yers for Lehman Brothers for many years.
Usually, the lawyer helps his client.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
At the Orpheum .. .
INTERMEZZO: Ingrid Bergman, Leslie
Howard and Edna Best.
AS THE VEHICLE that transported In-
grid Bergman to the attention of Amer-
ica, "Intermezzo" has been widely heralded.
It has earned its acclaim. With a combina-
tion of restraint and good taste, the movie
presents the story of two musically-gifted
people whose sensitive natures lead them
into a tender, moving love affair and sub-
sequently to adultery.
There are several excellent touches evi-
dent in the movie. Spared a picture of
rapturous "love at first sight," the audi-
ence witnesses a gradual realization of
love between Anita and Holger. Thrown
together by circumstances, the one recap-
tures the feeling of a young love, the other
finds a temporary happiness with a man
whom she had long admired as an artist.
Their escape from reality, although im-
practical off the screen, effectively and
artistically portrays the paradox and
agony in an unsanctified love.
Not seriously detrimental, but worth ob-
serving, is the fact that the film loses ground
on occasions that the principles get bogged
down emotionally. And when it suddenly
catapults into a "happy" conclusion wherein
each is granted the thing that is "best"
for him, the movie unhappily loses validity
Because the Intermezzo melody dom-
inated the airways so persistently ten
years ago, it palled a little on me this
time. The music generally, however, by
avoiding the error of pretentiousness and
consequent interference with the plot, fig-
ures as a very pleasing addition to the film.
As Anita, Ingrid Bergman is both appeal-
ing and competent. Leslie Howkard doesn't
quite match the picture I'd conjured up of
him since his death. Edna Best does a
superbly believable job as the forsaken wife
-Jim Graham.
Fake Defense
WASHINGTON-It is hard to imagine any-
more serious than President Truman's
decision to weaken America's defenses in the

year of the Beria bomb. The vast issues in-
volved in this decision may be simply sum-
marized, in the manner of a high school
debating society:
Shall America have real defenses?
At the State Department many policy
makers believe that the Kremlin desires to
expand by infiltration and political con-
quest, and does not want war. They there-
fore argue that the political aspects of the
world struggle are all-important and that
strategic requirements can be met by
assuming a mere "posture of defense." The
idea is, in short, that the Soviets will be
deterred from aggression if we make them
think we are willing to fight, even if we
are patently unable to fight successfully.
The principle has become established, that
fake defense would do as well as real defense.
Since that momentous event, there have been
three further developments.
First, the Beria bomb has exploded, three
years before the Joint Chiefs' planning date
of 1952. Logically, therefore, a much more
rapid defense buildup is now necessary.
Second, President Truman, having dis-
carded the idea of a defense buildup last

ACCIDENTALLY or not, some semblance
of plain truth has been achieved by IF'C
and AIM leaders in their latest pre-election
Their approaches to the campus bugaboo
of bloc voting are different on the surface,
but their attitudes on the subject are basi-
cally the same.
IFC's and AIM's unstated attitude to-
ward the coming SL election can be
summed up in this way:
They will not overtly encoourage bloc
voting, and have said as much. But they
know perfectly well that it exists among
houses on campus, and that they can't
stop it.
So they've decided to olpose it vocally,
while actually letting it help their respective
sides. This is the summit of good public
relations, they realize. Why, it may even
win a couple of votes!
AIM President Walt Hansen and IFC
President Jake Jacobson, two exceptionally
able campus leaders, are also consum-
mately successful politicians.
This is evidenced by the IFC statement
that it can of course do nothing about bloc
voting and vote swapping among individual
fraternities. It shows up in AIM claims
that it is powerless to prevent the practices
among independent houses.
AIM did slip up a little when, bucking
Hansen momentarily, it voted to back in-
dependent candidates, as such. IFC kept
strictly "non-partisan," and to that extent
it has AIM over a barrel. Both sides
know it.
But Hansen speedily patched things up as
best he could, by declaring that the AIM
policy is not an encouragement of bloc
voting. Maybe it isn't.
At any rate, having gotten the proper
platitudes and pious proclamations off their
chests, both Walt and Jake deserve a rest.
Bloc voting will carry on their fight from
here on.
-James Gregory.
Teacher Oaths
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following editorial, re-
printed from the Washington Post, seems to us
a definite statement on loyalty oaths for teach-
THE EDUCATIONAL Policies Commission
of the National Education Association
some months ago took the position that
"members of the Communist Party of the
United States should not be employed as
teachers." Now the commissioh has issued
a statement saying that while it still ad-
heres to its earlier position, it wishes "to
emphasize again that citizens should be espe-
cially alert at this time to defend the essen-
tial need of their schools for freedom of
teaching and learning." At the same time
it declared that State laws requiring special
loyalty oaths of teachers are a menace to
educational freedom.
The essential test of a teacher's fitness
should be his teaching competence. If he
employs his position to advocate the Com-
munist Party line-or the Republican
Party line or the Democratic Party line
-he indubitably disqualifies himself. If he
keeps his personal political philosophy to
himself, then it can no more properly be
made a test of his fitness than his religion.
The question whether an individual teach-
er corrupts his function by injecting pri-
vate prejudices into his teaching is a
question that can best be answered by his
professional colleagues. It is to their
hands, rather than to the hands of trustees
or legislators, that the determination of
tenure ought to be entrusted. At the
university level in particular, it is of the
essence of academic freedom that a fac-
ulty should be the judge of the qualifica-
tions of its own members.

To require teachers whose performance
has earned them tenure to swear that they
are not members of the Communist Party
is to subject them to a test which at once
impairs their dignity and limits their liberty
as individual citizens. Such an oath (as
distinguished from an affirmative declara-
tion of loyalty and devotion to duty) is as
offensive to an upright man as an oath
that he is not a bigamist or a burglar. And
the humiliation it inflicts is exceeded only
by its futility. It cannot reach the crypto-
Communists or fellow travelers who preach
the party line out of sheer soft-headedness.
These can be detected and weeded out only
by their associates. But "uniform tests and
criteria of loyalty," as the Educational Pol-
icies Commission now points out, "impair
the vigor of local school autonomy and thus
do harm to an important safeguard of free-
dom in education."
The point of this can perhaps best be
illustrated by a news story just reported
from Japan where General MacArthur has
ordered a purge of Communists from Jap-
anese universities. The purge, according
to Allen Raymond in the New York Herald
Tribune, is being resisted by non-Com-
munist and conservative professors who
demand a careful distinction between
freedom of thought and freedom of action.
Perhaps a purge of professors on political
grounds is tolerable in a country under
military occupation and until lately riled
by "thought police." It is not tolerable in
a society that considers itself free. And
it comes a little hard to have this lesson

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The Daly accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which,
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Liberal Education.. ..
To the Editor:
letter to the editor (Thursday,
Oct. 27, 1949) was like looking at
a mirror image of my impressions
of the so-called liberal education
here at Michigan.
As a transfer student (Fall, '47)
from an equally large university,
I have some basis for comparison
of student attitude concerning
grades. Grades here at Michigan
have become an end in themselves
-not a means to an end as they
should be. Mr. Dixon has ade-
quately described the results.
I feel as does Hutchins of Chi-
cago that education is a develop-
ment of the "thinking process."
To say more would be redundant.
If The Daily would print Mr.
Dixon's letter on the front page
where it would attract more at-
tention, I'll bet there would be a
terrific response. May I further
suggest that The Daily as a repre-
sentative student voice investigate
this situation. I'd like to know
what Dean Keniston's reaction is.
(President Ruthven and others).
Maybe it's just me!
-George F. Flaridis.
*~ * *
Appreciation .. .
To the Editor:
express the enthusiastic appre-
ciation felt by all the cadets and
officers for the hospitality accord-
ed us by the University of Mich-
igan. The Commandant of Cadets
also wishes me to express his own
keen appreciation for the many
courtesies extended to the cadets
and officers accompanying them.
I wish you could hear the enthus-
iastic comments I have received
from the Cadets covering all
phases of the visit.
For my own part, I wish to ex-
press my deep appreciation for the
invaluable assistance rendered me
by Dean Walter, Dean Rea, by Dr.
Ostafin, by Miss McCormick and
by Mr. George Roumell, president
of the West Quadrangle Council. I
doubt if it would be possible for
anyone to receive more generous
and cooperative assistance in any
assignment. It is my sincere hope
that some day we may have an
opportunity to repay your hospi-
tality and renew our acquaintance.
-D. V. Bennett,
Lt. Col., F. A.
Officer in charge of football
.* * *
NSA Answers . .
To the Editor:
RE CHARLES R. Fuller's letter
to The Daily (October 27):
Question -1. What happened to
the $1,000 or more which was col-
lected by the NSA at the Univer-
sity of Michigan last year?
Answer: Every dollar collected
by NSA through the sale of PCS
cards was allotted on the follow-

ing basis: 65c was deposited in the
treasury of the Student Legisla-
ture for the use of that body; 20c
was sent to the National Office of
the NSA; 10c was sent to the Re-
gional Office of NSA; 5c was sent
to the Area PCS Committee. The
last three delegations of funds
covered PCS operation costs exclu-
Question 2. "Where are my cop-
ies of the NSA News?"
Answer: It was announced in
The Daily and at the time of sale
of the PCS cards that no sub-
scription to the NSA News would
accompany the purchase of a PCS
card. Though a statement is made
on the PCS Card that a subscrip-
tion to NSA News is included, it
was decided after the printing had
been done not to include the sub-
scription but rather to turn that
amount into the local student gov-
ernment body instead. Several
cards were issued without the
statement of subscription crossed
out. This was an administrative
error of which C. R. Fller was
a victim.
Question 3. " . . . Ann Arbor
merchants who were supposed to
honor these cards have refused to
do so."
Answer: Fuller is using the fill-
ing station listed on the NSA list
of participants as an example. This
participant was a member of a
national . chain. He accepted the
NSA Purchase Card plan and
agreed to operate under it in Ann
Arbor for the benefit of Michigan
students. This filling station par-
ticipant dropped out of the Pur-
chase Card System without notify-
ing the PCS Committee or without
reference to the contract he signed
with NSA dated to expire Novem-
ber 1, 1949.
-Leonard Wilcox,
Chairman PCS,
NSA Committee.
* * *
Comm 'unists . .
To the Editor:
AFTER ALMOST nine months of
- trial, eleven Communist Party
leaders were found guilty, in a
New York federal court, of crim-
inal conspiracy against the United
States government, for teaching
and applying the principles of
That Friday evening, and on
the following days, people all over
our country were "slightly
stunned," whether they agreed or
disagreed with the verdict. We, on
campus, were so impressed with
this historic outcome that the
news rated one article, one edi-
torial, I believe, and one letter to
the editor in The Daily. Can we,
in these higher halls of learning,
be so detached that we are unim-
pressed at the broad reverbera-
tions this case may have on us as
students, thinkers, and as cit-
izens? Such would seem the case . .
This trial was based on the
Smith Act which was passed dur-
ing the height of a war psychosis
back in 1940. At that time, we
were about to enter a war to over-
come the "real and present dan-
gers" of fascism.
That war is now over, but the
Smith Act is still very much alive.
Perhaps we will continue to have
external enemies to our country,
but I can think of no greater in-
ternal enemy to our democracy
than this act which abridges- a
section of the Bill of Rights-

Publication in The Daily Official tals," 4 p.m., Mon., Oct. 31, 130
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices Chemistry Bldg.
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552 Academic Notices
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication Application blanks for the Laa
(11:00 a.nm. Sat ur Aplctinblnk orte.a
School Admission Test to be giv
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1949 en Nov. 12 are available at the Bu
VOL. LX, No. 30 reau of Psychological Services
110 Rackham Bldg. Application
Notices are due in Princeton, New Jerse
not later than Wed., Nov. 2.
Women Students: Women's Co-
operatives are now accepting ap- Bacteriology Seminar: Tues
plications for roomers and board- Nov. 1, 10:30 a.m., 1520 E. Medi
ers for the coming spring semester. cal Building. Speaker: Dr. Rut.
Contact Nina Kessler, Muriel Les- Lofgren. Subject: A Brief Stud
ter House, 1102 Oakland, 2-4914. of Some Chromogenic Marine Bac
Curtiss-Wright Scholarships:
The scholarships of $500 each are Mathematical Logic Seminar
for one year. The remaining 7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 31, 3217 A.F
scholarship is open to stu- Professor Burks will conclude hi
dents who have completed at discussion of recursive function
least the freshman year of study and the Godel incompletenes
in the Engineering College, or its proof.
equivalent, and whose field of in-
terest is manufacturing and pro- Mathematics Orientation Semi
duction. To be eligible, students nar: Mon., Oct. 31, 3 p.m., 300
must be American citizens, par- A.H. Mr. Norman will continue hi
tially self-supporting, with an talk on "Dehn's Theorem."
academic standing above average.
Applications should be filed with Organic Chemistry Seminar
Professor H. W. Miller, Chairman 7:30 p.m., Mon., Oct. 31, 130
of the Committee on Scholarships, Chemistry. Speaker: Williar
Room 414 West Engineering Build- Spliethoff. Topic: The Addition o
ing, by November 1st. Maleic Anhydride to Monoolefin
Lectures Concert
Lecture, auspices of Sigma Xi. Student Recital: Ruth Obei
"Atomic and Splar Energy" (illus- holtzer, organist, will present
trated). Farrington Daniels, Pro- recital at 4:15. Sunday afternoo
fessor of Chemistry, University of Oct. 30, Hill Auditorium, in parti
Wisconsin, National Lecturer, So- fulfillment of the requirements fc
ciety of the Sigma Xi, 8 p.m., the degree of Master of Music.
Mon., Oct. 31, Kellogg Auditorium. pupil of Josef Schnelker, Mi
Oberholtzer has planned a prc
Dr. Farrington Daniels, profes- gram to include music by Buxt
sor of physical chemistry, Univer- hude, Bach, Brahms, Hindemit]
sity of Wisconsin, will speak on and Fantasy and Fugue by Home
"Thermoluminescence of Crys- (CGntnued on Page 6)
and that abridgement during munist trial in New York "migi
peace time.j make a difference in two camp
This case is of vital importance organizations" and quoted m
to us all. Personally, I would like about CP members in Detroit.
to see the act declared unconsti7 was heralded as the campus de
tutional (as I believe it is) and fender of Communism.
have an end to. the abridgement To all skeptics I openly and o
of our democratic rights. But, ficially declare myself NOT
whatever my feelings on this case, Communist and those who sa
it is important for all lovers of >therwise had better provide the
freedom to see the outcome that selves with an able lawyer. I kno
this verdict may have for our nothing about CP members t
country. Detroit, and the only change i
-Phyllis Ranstead. the YP on campus has been
* * * great increase in membership.
Health Insurance Again *I am opposed to the Commt
nist Party and their beliefs, bi
To the Editor: will readily defend their right I
express them. Recent history h
DO NOT WISH to engage in a shown only too well that the Con
drawn out Daily tirade on prin- munists are the first to be a
ciples which are common knowl- tacked, and reaction has goals e
edge to most readers. But I am wiping out everything left of 9
compelled to straighten out a mis- degrees right. After Communisn
conception which has resulted it will be the trade unions, N
from D. B. Murray's letter of the groes, Jews, and then all thos
twenty-seventh. He quoted in that remain. Liberals must n
part from my letter, thus alter- be divided on the red scare. To d
ing the inference. My original so will be suicide.
statement was, in substance, In the future I should like t
"Compulsory Health Insurance see The Daily make correct qu
would increase the number of pa- tations and represent viewpoin
tients without increasing the num- fairly.
ber of doctors." Murray feels that -Gordon MacDougall.
this suggests my wish to withhold
medical attention from those who
cannot afford it. THIS IS NOT
TRUE. I am merely pointing out
the impasse that since most
mnedical men are working at ca - t ICttt
pacity, how can they conceivably
take care of more patients-needy
or otherwise. The only practical
solution for this difficulty is more - -
doctors turned out by our univer-
sities; to attain this end no effort
should be spared. Providing the

care potential for the population}'
is the essential first step in rais-
ing our comparatively high na-
tional health standards still high-
Not until this potential is creat- Fifty-Ninth Year
ed will it be possible for any sig- Edited and managed by students
nifiantaddiionl cre t bepro the University of Michigan under tt
nificantadditional care to be pro- authority of the Board inControl
vided for anybody. Then we will Student Publications.
have the opportunity to furnish
the voluntary clinical and hos- Editorial Staf
pital facilities to those needy in- Leon Jaroff.........Managing Edit
Al Blumrosen.............City. Edit(
dividuals who cannot afford op- Philip Dawson ......EditoriaV Direct
timum medical care. It appears Mary Stein.............Associate Edit
.Jo Misner ............Associate Edit'
that such an optional clinical pro- George Walker.......Associate Edit
gram- which puts a floor under Don McNeil.........Associate Edit
Alex Lmanian ...Photography Edit'
standards below which none may Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Edit
fall, makes far more sense than Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Edit'
a system of "Compulsory Health Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Edit
HelhMiriam Cady.......... Women's Edit(
Insurance" that would place an all Lee Kaltenbach. .Associate Women's E
inclusive ceiling over everyone Joan King...................Libraril
whether they need it or not. Allan Clamage......Assistant Libraria
-Lyle Thumme. Business Staff
* * * Roger Wellington....Business Manag
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manag
At It Again . . . Jim Dangi......Advertising Manag
Bernie Aidinoff. Finance Manag
To the Editor: Ralph Ziegler....C..Circulation Manag
Telephone 23-24-1
THE DAILY is at it again-try-
ing to have the Young Pro- Member of The Associated Press
gressives appear as a subsidiary of The Associated Press is exclusive
the Communist Party. This is the entitled to the use for republicatic
only possible conclusion that one of all news dispatches credited to it
otherwise credited to this newspape
could draw from the feature ar- All rights of republication of all oth
ticle appearing, on page one of matterseherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at An
Wednesday's issue under the head- Arbor, Michigan, as second-class ma
ing "No Direct Effect Here." matter.
The article said that the Com- year by crier. t5.00. by mail. 600.

I'll just wipe this point off-Ooops!

Snrvlifl nrl AIw.a

Such carelessness. Leaving loose-stamps al l I

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