nr m ...... . .. ...... .... ..... .. .. .. _._ _. _ .._
JEFFERSON MILITARY College has sacri-
ficed its right to be called an institution
'f learning.
For an endowment of $50 million, this
school has agreed to teach "the true prin-
ciples of Jeffersonian democracy and the
superiority of the Anglo-Saxon and Latin
American races."
This action, so contrary to everything that
Jefferson stood for, seriously jeopardizes the
nation's prestige in the eyes of the world.
Jefferson College's new charter certainly
will not make a favorable impression on
Pandit Nehru, whose country stands as a
bulwark against Communism in the Far
Russian propagandists will use the Jeffer-
sonian incident as effectively among the
satellites as they did the story of Forrestal's
suicide when they claimed he typified Amer-
ican statesmen.
Even more seriou,. than the opinions of
foreign powers is the very fact that such
an incident occurred in a nation that has
professed to struggle against discrimina-
tion, and is still suffering from the effects
of a war against exactly this kind of
Money can buy many things-now it seems
it can buy the integrity and decency of an
American college.
-Bob Vaughn.
Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON - U.S. diplomats from the
iron curtain countries meeting in Lon-
don this week had before them conclusive
evidence that Stalin now plans a showdown
with Tito. The showdown will be under-
taken, as far as possible 'without leading to
war, but if war is necessary the Kremlin has
decided to risk it.
Here are the factors which led American
diplomats to this conclusion.
1-Tito's nose-thumbing at the Kremlin
has become contagious. Other satellite coun-
tries are figuring that if Yugoslavia can get
away with it, they can too. Tito, once trained
as an NKVD agent, has sent his own agents
out to work against Moscow in Hungary,
Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Roumania.
2-The end of the Greek civil war was
not because the guerrillas were defeated, but
to rest them for an attack on Tito. Seven
thousand Greek guerrillas already have been
transferred to Bulgaria and Czechoslovakia
to get reequipped.
3-A brigade of the East German People's
Police has been sent from Berlin to Bul-
garia. They were previously trained in Yugo-
slovakia during the German occupation,
know how to fight Tito.
4-One attack on Tito has already taken
At the State:
ILLEGAL ENTRY, with Howard Duff,
Marta Toren, and George Brent.
the land will begin to deplore "bureau-
cracy" if the doggone motion picture in-
dustry does not cease and desist.
After C-Men, T-Men, G-Men, Postal
Agents and Special Agents, we are now con-
fronted with the Immigration Department's
entry into the motion picture lists.
The earlier of these documentary or
semi-documentary films were tightly con-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.-
structed and informative, but "Illegal
Entry" follows in the footsteps of so many
similar movies that it is strictly old hat.
Howard Duff, radio's Sam Spade, is the
boy who breaks up the "vicious" mob en-
gaged in smuggling immigrants into the
George Brent, once a formidable movie
name, is relegated to a minor role. He's the
bureau chief, who tells his boy Duff to
"get in there and fight."
Beautiful Marta Toren is around quite a
bit, too, functioning as the young thing who
turns out to be purer than we are supposed
to suppose.
There is nothing in this movie to dis-
tinguish it from any of the dozen or so
films it resembles.
Maybe it hasn't occurred to the movio
makers, but most of the fans would rather
see a new story instead of a new federal
-Kirk R. Hampton.
place, though no news was published in the
Yugoslav papers. The U.S. embassy reported
that Russian guerrillas crossed from Hun-
gary, fired a few shots and then retreated.
Tito hushed it up to keep from alarming his
* * *
WHAT THE KREMLIN is banking on is
the belief that the United States is not
ready to risk war, will not intervene to help
Tito. This is based partly on U.S. isolation-
ism, partly on Moscow's plan to disguise the
Tito attack as an internal revolt.
Thus the main problem confronting
American diplomats has become: How to
head off war by telling the Kremlin we
would fight-though the final decision ac-
tually lies with Congress.
Hitler never would have invaded the Ruhr
if he thought the French would have fought.
He guessed right. France wouldn't fight at
that time.
Again Hitler figured that the western allies
woull not fight if he invaded Austria, then
Czechoslovakia. Again he guessed right. They
didn't fight.
By that time Hitler was getting brash
and bloodthirsty. Perhaps he might not
have invaded Poland if he had thought the
British would fight. In any event, he
guessed wrong, and World War II began.
The situation may be the same regarding
Yugoslavia. Its invasion may be a stepping-
stone to Greece, Turkey, Suez, Africa, India.
We may not fight at first, but eventually
we will. So the state department figures it
is better to be firm at first and let the
Kremlin know exactly where we stand. That
is what American diplomats faced this week
in London.
THE NAVY has got itself into more polit-
ical hot water-this time in the blue and
sleepy waters of the Caribbean. The gov-
ernor of Puerto Rico, Luis Munoz Marin, is
so sore that he has decided to ask the recall
of Adm. Dan Barbey, commander of the
Caribbean Sea Frontier.
What happened was that the U.S.A.,
while preaching democracy for France,
Italy and the North Atlantic Pact coun-
tries, let the Navy play footsie with one of
the bloodiest dictators in all Latin Amer-
ica-President Trujillo of the Dominican
Just as Adm. Richard Conolly got some
U.S. diplomats sore by making a special cour-
tesy cruise to visit Dictator Franco in Spain,
so Admiral Barbey made a special courtesy
call on Trujillo. Furthermore, he did so
after Governor Munoz Marin had strongly
advised against it.
He pointed out to Admiral Barbey that
Dictator Trujillo had slaughtered hundreds
of Haitians, had instituted a reign of ter-
ror, and that if the United States really
believed in the democracy it talked about,
so also should its Navy.
On top of it all, Admiral Barbey has gone
on the radio to denounce Governor Maria
and his land-use policies, with the result
that Marin has now decided to ask for the
admiral's recall.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
At Hill Auditorium ..
PYGMALION, with Leslie Howard, and
Wendy Hiller.
ONE OF BERNARD Shaw's finest comedies
comes to the screen replete with the
wit, social satire and farcical situations char-
acteristic of the Irish genius. The film ver-
sion of "Pygmalion" is an almost perfect
adaptation of the play, and in addition
boasts the talents of Leslie Howard and
Wendy Hiller at their acclaimed best.
Howard, as the Shavian equivalent of
Pygmalion, the sculptor who fell in love
with his own statue and brought it to
life, is saturnine and erratic in just the
right measure. The cockney-tongued Miss
Hiller, remade into a lady by Howard's
efforts and her own will, is a superb ac-
tressand a beautiful woman.
Many of the characters are mere projec-
tions of Shaw's ego, but he gives them such
provocative things to say, that it doesn't
really matter. However, unfortunately, some
of the most piquant remarks on the social
caste system, made by the heroine's dust-
collector father, have been left out of the
Eliza's entrance into polite society, af-
ter she has mastered excellent pronun-
ciation, but is still limited in diction to her
gutter language is easily one of the clev-
erest episodes recorded on celluloid. It
is in scenes such as this that Shaw says
what he has to say about social customs,
rather than in the kind of sermonizing
which is injected in some of his plays.
A clever musical score draws a double line
of emphasis under the visual images por-
trayed on the screen, and clever photography
AA. +1tc ',fial c ro +n a cnprin, r nrin,-
W ASHINGTON-Very few people realize
as yet, what a staggering deficit the
next federal budget is likely to show, even
after the gizzard has been cut out of the
American defense program. Present fore-
casts are, in fact, that expenditure will out-
run revenue by at least $5,000,000,000 and
perhaps by $7,000,000,000.
In order to keep the deficit within
limits, President Truman has not only or-
dered the weakening of this country's de-
fenses, he has also made stringent cuts
in the special types of outlay, like rivers
and harbors, which are beloved by Con-
gress. Even so, as matters now stand, he
will almost certainly ask Congress to spend
$42,500,000,000 or a little more. And since
Congress is always generous in an elec-
tion year, many of the President's requests
are likely to be exceeded rather than re-
Obviously, the expectatioV of such a deficit
poses a massive problem of national policy.
Unfortunately, however, the Truman admin-
istration contains no economic high com-
mEid capable of solving such problems. Thus
instead of a real national policy for dealing
with the deficit, it is only possible to report
the existing conflicts of view.
'H EHARD-PRESSED Indians of the Nav-
ajo and Hopi tribes must wait a while
longer for the economic assistance that
everyone seems to agree is their due. A bill
to establish a 10-year rehabilitation pro-
gram on their reservation has been vetoed
by President Truman, acting on the advice
of the Navajo Tribal Council.
While much of the land assigned to
these tribes is desert waste, it does include
resources that are coveted by some of
their white neighbors. Among these are
water rights, vital to the growing of crops
in that region. These and other rights
of the Indians are now under federal and
tribal jurisdiction. The bill enacted by
Congress would have subjected the Indians
to the laws of their respective states--
Arizona, Utah and New Mexico. Thus
there was great concern among the In-
dians and their friends lest the white ma-
jnrities of the three states might manag6
ON THE ONE HAND, each succeeding year
of federal budgetary unbalance has
added to the fervor, and somewhat increased
the strength of the administration's "econ-
omizers." They are still plugging for sharp
cuts in spending, particularly in the foreign
and defense fields. And some of them are
also urging tax increases. Two obstacles con-
front them, however.
First, the President is not yet ready to
hurl his entire foreign and defense policy
into the discard, which in turn means that
he has had to accept the necessity of the
federal deficit of at least $5,000,000,000 men-
tioned above.
Second, no conceivable program of tax in-
creases that Truman can propose and force
through Congress, will ever raise enough
money to meet this entire deficit. Thus the
gap between income and outgo may possibly
be narrowed, but the administration econ-
omizers can never give effect to their real
policy, which is to balance the budget.
*' * *
ON THE OTHER HAND, although the
phrase "crackpot New Dealers" is now-
adays used with a straight face at the White
House, the Truman administration still con-
tains a few of this vanishing species, who
strongly oppose the economizers.
This is because the surviving Keyne-
sians hold that the country is in a mildly
recessionary situation, with unemploy-
ment growing gradually. They hold fur-
ther that this situation can be rendered
considerably more acute, either by such
external factors as prolongation of the
steel strike, or by unwise tax and economy
A new goal of a national product of
$300,000,000,000, and a budget balanced by
the vast increases in tax revenue that result
from vast increases in national income, are
currently being talked about by these men,
as the antidote to the program of the econ-
The President may be expected to jibe
the ship of state in this sort of direction,
if business really gets bad and joblessness
really spreads. Meanwhile, in effect, Tru-
man is steering neither the course recom-
mended by the Keynesians, nor the course
recommended by the economizers.
What Do You Think, Coach?"
- -
-V. t~A ovr /: -
-V ~* VV~b~ f.z.
E: WA.P6.,
The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Servant of Two Masters
To the Editor:
WE ARE TAUGHT that when
we are given a present we
should say "Thank You." Then
out of courtesyandkgratitude may
I thank the cast and staff of "Ser-
vant of Two Masters" for the gift
of two and a half hours of gaiety
and enchantment. The production
this evening of Goldoni's comedy
must have been superior to even
the best efforts of the Commedia
dell' Arte and presented to the
audience not only one of the most
lighthearted evenings imaginable
but also a window into the past, an
evening in perhaps a courtyard in
18th century Italy, an insight into
Shakespearean comedy, the bed-
room farce of the 'Thirties,' and
even the comedy of the present
Broadway stage.
A double nod of gratitude to Dr.
Halstead, to Stan Challis whose
delight with the character of Truf-
faldino communicated itself to a
delighted audience, and a general
bow to the rest of the cast who
conclusively demonstrated the
truth of the adage that "there
are no small parts, only small ac-
tors." There are no small actors
in this play!
Thank you!
-Charles Olsen.
* * *
Communists ..
To the Editor:
IN YOUR STORY of the trial of
the Communists you stated that
a few faculty members wished to
comment on the outcome. I don't
know how many were asked, and
perhaps not many would feel com-
petent to judge the legal aspects
of the case.
However, a number I have
talked to believe that the trial
has served a very useful purpose
in bringing home to the American
people the nature of the early
phase of the fifth column strategy
of the Russian imperialprogram.
People in Roumania, Czechoslo-
vakia, Jugoslavia, and other coun-
tries know at close range the later
phases of this strategy.
If the trial had turned up a
cache of hand grenades and sub-
machine guns, I suppose the guilt
of the defendants would have been
unquestioned. But such strategy
is as obsolete as the cavalry
Americans have objected in no
uncertain terms to being ruled
from Rome, Berlin, or Tokyo.
Thanks to the Communist trials
and the publicity provided, Amer-
icans do not need to be ignorant
of the designs of Moscow, and the
strategy being employed to further
those designs.
-Wm. Clark Trow.
* * *
High Cost of Living .. .
To the Editor:
WE HAVE NOTED with interest
the present controversy con-
cerning the claims that the A&P
is a cause of the HCL. In this re-
gard without trying to pass judg-
ment of the A&P, we should like
to point out that we believe there
is present in our midst another
cause of the HCL.
The reference is to the prices
charged by the local restaurateurs.
By some magic, not involving high
pr-iced help or ornate furnishings,
a local restaurant can transform
two pork chops and 15 cents
worth of potatoes, vegetables,
bread, and drink into $1.10; more-
over, following lower food prices
it can even raise this to $1.20. This
is a single instance but one need
go no further than the nearest
menu to find other examples of in-
significant initial food prices
transformed into rather consider-
able figures.
Inability to meet the prices
charged in Ann Arbor has doubt-
less kept many potential students
in the past from attending the
University. When the GI Bill dies
away, this will probably again be
felt. Generous donations for re-
search will mean much less if
promising students' careers are cut
short by HCL.
The time has come to get the
facts about HCL in Ann Arbor, if
profits of local food dealers are
improper, the full weight of public
influence should be exerted to re-
duce them. On the other hand if
the fault through some miracle is
not with the restaurateurs, this
should also be known.
It is therefore suggested that
the merchants be petitioned by the
Student Legislatureto open their
books to a committee of the Stu-
dent Legislature and that their
findings be made known. If the
local merchants are unwilling to
do so, a team of cost accountants
either as an exercise in the Bus-
iness Administration School or
hired by the Student Legislature
should be given the problem of
establishing what food costs should
be in Ann Arbor commensurate
with a proper amount of "wast-
age" and a decent profit. Let these
findings be open to rebuttal-but
let's find out the facts.
When we have cleaned out our
own backyard we can better judge
the A&P.
-Cartre Zeleznik,
C. Meillassoux,
Arnold Mann,
T. G. Naidu.
* * *
Splinter Groups .. .
To the Editor:
THE ANSWER to the dilemma
of the "splinter groups" work-
ing for world peace on this cam-
pus is not assimilation, but coop-
eration. Each group is perform-
ing a function, but in its own
sphere. What is needed is a proj-
ect or a program which will serve
to coordinate the activities of the
various groups.
The International Committee of
NSA, UNESCO, and UWF are now
working together on a project
which is open not only to "splinter
groups," but to all. Plans are
being made to hold a mock UN
Revisional Council hieeting here
at the University during spring
semester. Various mid-western col-
leges will send delegates to this
conference where the question of
revising the UN into a more ef-
fective organization will be dis-
cussed. Here is a concrete pro-
gram which needs the support of
all, which will satisfy the "needs
(continued from Page 3)
Disciples Guild, Delta Signia Phi,
Delta Zeta, Phi Iota Alpha, Strauss
House, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Wen-
ley House, Zeta Tau Alpha.
Allen Rumsey House, Alpha
Omicron Pi, Betsy Barbour House,
Chicago House, Cooley House,
Delta Chi, Delta Tau Delta, Ha-
waii Club, Hillel Foundation, Hins-
dale House, Kappa Sigma, Lamb-
da Chi Alpha, Lawyers Club,
Lloyd House, Phi Rho.Sigma, Sig-
ma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Nu, Sig-
ma Pi, Williams House, Zeta Beta
Alpha Xi Delta.
'Alpha Rho Chi.
Football game broadcast enter-
tainments for the Illinois game
have been authorized from 2:30-
5:30 p.m., Sat., Oct. 29, for the fol-
lowing groups:
Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha Delta
Pi, Beta Theta Phi, Delta Upsilon,
Delta Sigma Delta, Fletcher Hall,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Gamma
Delta, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Sigma
Kappa, Pi Lambda Phi, Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon, SigmakPhi Epsilon,
Theta Chi, Ullr Ski Club, Zeta
Beta Tau.
Housing applications for gradu-
ate and undergraduate women stu
dents now registered on campus
and wishing to move for the spring
semester of 1950 will open at 12
noon, Tues., Nov. 15, at the speci-
fied window in the Lobby ofnthe
Administration Bu i1ding. Only
those with no housing commit-
ment may apply. Applications will
be accepted for both Dormitory
and League House accommoda-
tions until the number of available
spaces are filled.
Women Students: Women's Co-
operatives are now accepting ap-
plications for roomers and board-
ers for the coming spring semester.
Contact Nina Kessler, Muriel Les-
ter House, 1102 Oakland, 2-4914.
University Lecture: Dr. E. R.
Gombrich, Warburg Institute,
University of London, England.
"The Idea of Artistic Progress in
the Italian Renaissance (illustrat-
ed); auspices of the Department of
Fine Arts. 4 p.m., Mon., Oct. 31,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Harry
David Lamb, English; thesis: "The
Escapes of Jupiter. A Transcript
of the Holograph Manuscript of
Thomas Heywood Representing
Folios 74-95 of the Egertan MS
1994 in the British Museum and a
Consideration of its Nature and
Time of Composition," Fri., Oct.
28, East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., 7 p.m. Chairman, H. T.
Doctorial Examination for Har-
old Edgar Crosier, Chemical Engi-
neering; thesis: "Washing of Liq-
uids from Porous Media and Con-
duits," Fri., Oct. 28, 3201 East En-
gineering Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman,
L. E. Brownell.
The results of the Graduate Ap-
titude Examination given in Octo-
ber are now available at the Infor-
mation Desk of the Graduate
Student Recital: Ruth Oberholt-
zer, organist, will present a recital
at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Oct. 30,
and egos" of the various member-
ship2, and which will help bridge
the gap existing among the "splin-
ter groups." Those intrested in
doing something for world peace
instead of talking about it are
now wanted to work on this pro-
gram. Please contact me at 6043
New Women's Dorm if you want
more information.
-Florence Baron.
'Deathwatch' Knocks
"Deathwatch" is the name given
to several kinds of small brownish
beetles that burrow into furni-
ture and woodwork and are often
very destructive. These beetles
have the peculiar habit of knock-
ing their heads against wood. Su-
perstitious people sometimes be-
lieve that the rapping sound this
sport produces in the quiet of the
night foretells death in the house.
NAGASAKI was formerly con-
sidered one of the safest ports
in the eastern hemisphere.
Hill Auditorium, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. A pu-
pil of Josef Schnelker, Miss Ober-
holtzer has planned a program to
include music by Buxtehude, Bach,
Brahms, Hindemith, and Fantasy
and Fugue by Homer Keller, a
member of the School of Music
faculty. The public Is invited.
Events Today
Canterbury Club: 4-6 p.m. Tea
and Open House for all Episcopal
students of foreign countries and
U.S. territories.
Congregational-Disciples Guild
and the Evangelical and Re-
formed Guild will hold a combined
Halloween Party at the Congrega-
tional Church at 9 p.m.
Halloween Party: 8 p.m., Pres-
byterian Church. Wear old clothes,
blue jeans, sweaters, etc.
Halloween "Pumpkin" party
for Baptist students at the Baptist
Church, 8:30 p.m. Refreshments.
Costumes optional. 8:30 p.m.
S.R.A. Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall. Special guests: Faculty
and students from the School of
Film Program for students, fac-
ulty, and the general public. Farms
and Towns of Slovakia and Land
Behind the Dykes-Holland, 4
p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Spon-
sored by the Audio-Visual Educa-
tion Center and the University Ex-
tension Service. No admission
Visitors' Night, Department - of
Astronomy: 7:45 p.m., Angell Hall.
Dr. Hazel M. Losh will give a short
talk, "The Evening Sky of Octo-
ber 28," at 7:45 p.m., 3017 Angell
Hall. Following the talk the stu-
dent observatory, fifth floor, An-
gell Hall, will be open for observa-
tions with the telescopes provided
the sky is clear. Children must be
accompanied by adults.
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:34
p.m., League Cafeteria. Students
and faculty members invited.
C.E.D.; (Committee to End Dis-
crimination): 4:15 p.m., Union.
All representatives to the C.E.D.
and interested individuals are
urged to attend.
Coming Events
Hillel Foundation - "Dogpatch
Stomp"-barn dance: Sat., Oct.
29, 8-12 midnight. Wear blue
jeans. Refreshments.
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting Sun-
day has been changed to 2 p.m.
instead of 4 p.m. Meet in ABC
Room, League.
Westminster . Guild: television
party, Saturday afternoon at game
time, 3rd floor lounge, Presbyte-
rian Church. All invited.
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Sta
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Editor
Al Blunirosen.... .........Cit Editor
Philip Dawson......EditorlV Director
Mary Stein..........Associate Editor
Jo Misner.............Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil...... ..Associate Editor
Alt% Lmanian. Photography Editor
Pres Holmes.........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.......... Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach. . Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King....................Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington... .Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff...Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
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The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
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All rights of republication of all other
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Entered at -the Post Office at Ann
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Saubscription during the regular school
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, I
Mr. O'Malley, couldn't you wave your
)- I - I - --%
I COULD create a whole new personality 1
But what would we do with Gus's old \ -