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October 27, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1949-10-27

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1 AGE i t



______________________________________________________________________________________ I ___________________________________________ I __________________________________________________________________ I -

The American Story

rE SCENE was on the Michigan campus,
A student of the Jewish faith encoun-
tered a friend on the diagonal who belonged
to a fraternitythat the Jewish student had
rushed and been rejected by.
"Tell me," he asked, "was I rejected
because of my religious beliefs?"
"Yes", was the reluctant answer.
Then an amazing thing happened. The
Jewish student lit up a broad smile.
"That's great! I've been worrying that
Crackpot Club
ONE WAY TO solve the world's problems
is to lugh them off.
At least that is the way the Crackpot Club,
Inc., feels. The club is made up of a group
of:Grand Rapids Business men who think
the world is too "stuffy."
The latest "laugh" that the club has
thought up is a "Friendship Train in Re-
verse" on which all "un-American charac-
ters would be shipped to Russia.
Each member of the club would donate
$10 to charter a ship for the people "who
make their money in America and then
think that a country like Russia is a better
place to live in."
This attempt to give lightness to the world
situation lands with a heavy thud. In place
of aleviating any pressure arising from the
Russian situation attacks of this sort merely
keep the spot sore.
Business organizations of this type could
help relieve world tensions. In place of
crackpot schemes to "laugh off" trouble,
these men might turn their thoughts to
plans that can take the heat out of world
-Vernon Emerson.

it might have had something to do with
me personally."
And the two friends parted.
* * *
THE SPEAKER on the platform was Dr.
Ralph J. Bunche, former mediator of
the United Nations, the occasion a memorial
to the founders of a small town.
"To him, all men, irrespective of their
race or creed were brothers. But if he
were to return today he would still find
the same bigotry which characterized his
day and age," he said.
Dr. Bunche was followed to the speaker's
platform by Justice Felix Frankfurter of
the United States Supreme Court who told
of the American "bold experiment of free-
"This heritage is always endangered by
inertia and complacency, by timidity and
reluctance to keep abreast of the needs
of a progressive society."
"This is a graver challenge than any from
without. With active devotion to the ideals
we profess, it would be unworthy of our
whole past to fear challenge by any rival
Then, as the speakers finished, more
than 1,000 townspeople of Aaronsburg, Pa.
acted out the story of the man whom
they were honoring:
One hundred and fifty years ago, the
Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church opened
the doors of its first house of worship on
property given by Aaron Levy, a Dutch im-
migrant of the Jewish faith who founded
the village.
This day, October 23, 1949, twenty thou-
sand Americans of all faiths had gathered
in the tiny village to pay honor to a fellow
citizen who was "A citizen of the world, a
man of tolerance and vision."
-Don McNeil.

WASHINGTON-Congressman Franklin D.
Roosevelt, Jr., has an 8-year-old son
named Christopher who may turn out to be
another chip off the old block. Recently
Congressman Roosevelt called his son on the
telephone in New York and asked him if he
would like to come to Washington. Chris-
topher said he would under certain condi-
"If I come to Washington will I be able
'ditorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
end represent the views of the writers only.


At Lydia Mendelssohn . is
Challis, Allan Balter, James Reason, Mar-
garet Pell and Betty Ellis.
TWO CENTURIES of dramatic evolution
haven't dimmed the appeal of this old
comedy; it was funny then, is now, and un-
less people forget the fine art of laughing at
themselves, ever shall be.
When the Speech Department set out to
produce this play in the spirit of the 18th
century, they had before them the curious
task of acting the part of actors. And, de-
spite the difficulty of mimicing this ancient
spirit, of capturing the zeal of the old the-
atre, the entire cast skilfully produced a
wonderfully lively, and hilariously funny
Everything is just as it was in the Com-
media dell' Arte of 200 years ago. The pain-
ful project of moving scenery is transformed
to a pleasure by a corps of comically garbed
stagehands, who really delight in their work.
The atmosphere throughout is intimate, with
plenty of offsides and comments directed to
the audience. This gives the audience a feel-
ing of being within the plot, of sharing in
the multitude of secrets which the cast
Stan Challis as Truffaldino, the servant
of two masters, has a surplus of zest and
energy, which he deftly wields in a vast
repertoire of contortions, gesticulations
and expressions. He is wonderful.
And so are the rest of the cast, notably
Margaret Pell, Allan Balter, and Richard
Far from being a play of momentary ap-
peal, "Servant of Two Masters," as skillfully
performed as it was last night, will long
endure as an excellent example of what
comedy should be.
-George Walker.
THE FRENCHMAN is conceited frc/= sup-
posing himself mentally and physically
to be inordinately fascinating both to men
and women. An Englishman is conceited on
the ground of being a citizen of the best

to see the President?" asked Christopher.
"I think so," replied Congressman Roose-
"Well," continued Christopher, "will he
let us sleep in our own beds in the White
Roosevelt roared.
When Christopher arrived in Washing-
ton, his father drove him around the
capital, then tried to park to go inside a
government building. Only a tiny space
was available, so Roosevelt asked a police-
man if he could park in a restricted area.
The policeman, noting FDR, Jr.'s Con-
gressional license plate said okay. As
Roosevelt and his son got out of the car,
Clristopher turned on, the traditional
Roosevelt grin, looked up to the policeman
and said:
"Officer, meet my Congressman."
* * *
CONGRESSMAN Walter A. Lynch, New
York Democrat, and a conscientious
member of the Ways and Means Committee
will head a subcommittee to investigate an
important loophole in the tax laws whereby
life insurance companies do not pay income
The life insurance companies-with ad-
mitted assets of over 50 billions and invest-
ments in practically every kind of business
-paid not a dime in income taxes to the
federal government for 1947 and 1948.
And they will pay none for 1949.
Despite months of negotiations with tax
experts in the treasury department, spokes-
men for the insurance companies have re-
fused to agree to a recommendation for even
a token "stopgap" tax payment of $45,000,000
a year for 1948 and 1949-even though going
"scot free" for 1947.
At present the $1,500,000,000 annual net
investment income of life insurance com-
panies is not taxed-either as to the com-
pany or as to the policyholders. The job of
the Lynch Committee is to decide what
taxes should be collected, and then to pre-
pare legislation to close the loophole in
the present law. The committee has to do
all this in the face of a lobby considerably
more powerful than the real estate, oil or
public utility lobbies.
It will be interesting to see how Congress-
man Lynch makes out in his lonely battle
against the giants.
* * *
SOME PEOPLE were disappointed when
Prime Minister Nehru of India issued his
statement that India would take no sides
in the cold war. In view of India's strategic
position between the East and West, his
words fell with the unwelcome reverberation
of a rock on a polished ballroom floor.
Nehru's neutrality, however, was not
news to state department officials who
invited him to this country and who knew
that, as between the Russians and the
British, Nehru had spent most of his life
fearing the British. To change this sus-
picion of the western world was specifically
why they invited him.
Nehru spent 13 years in a British jail,
considers Russians more Asiatic than Euro-
pean, governs a people who are not much
more than one rice bowl ahead of starva-
tion. Instinctively, Indians think of Russia

W ASHINGTON-Like the parts of a puzzle,
the basic facts of great national prob-
lems are generally meaningless until they
are fitted together. Last week, within forty-
eight hours, three impressively authoritative
Americans gave separate utterances to the
three basic facts in the major problem now
confronting the United States.
* * *
FMST, Dr. Harold C. Urey, one of the lead-
ing American nuclear physicists, warned
the country that the Soviet Union "can
and probably will" wipe out the American
"atomic lead," which has now replaced
"atomic monopoly" as the Maginot line of
our fond hopes. Writing in the authoritative
"Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists," Dr. Urey
forecast that the Kremlin would possess a
decisive stockpile of atomic bombs "in a rela-
tively short time." He suggested further
that this time would probably be two years.
Second, Secretary of State Dean G.
Acheson, who two years ago defined the
Soviet Union as "expanding and aggres-
sive," revised and strengthened this defi-
nition. Speaking at a dinner of the Al-
fred E. Smith Memorial Foundation, Ache-
son described Soviet Russia as "the ag-
gressively imperialist power of our times,"
which was "seeking to expand its dominion
wherever its grasp and its reach coin-
Third, Secretary of Defense Louis John-
son, winding up the lamentable hearings on
the complaints of the Admirals, publicly ad-
mitted what has already been reported in
this space-that further great cutbacks in
our defense effort are now planned by the
Truman Administration.
* M q
THESE STATEMENTS require very little
annotation to bring out their full signifi-
cance. In connection with Dr. Urey's fore-
cast, however, it is well to remember that
our highest military planners regarding our
'atomic monopoly" as the main deterrent to
Soviet aggression, until the monopoly was
broken by the explosion of the Beria bomb.
In connection with the remarks of Sec-
retary Acheson, it should be borne in mind
that the Soviet Union is making a gigantic
armament effort, comparable to the effort
of Nazi Germany. By this effort the
Kremlin's "grasp and reach" must con-
stantly be extended, if no compensating
effort is made by the free world.
And in connection with Secretary John-
son's admission that our defense effort is
being cut back, it is well to investigate the
meaning of the word "economy," which he
employed rather freely before the House
Armed Services Committee.
Specifically, Secretary Johnson rauled sig-
nally to admit that reductions in outlay will
greatly impair our already inadequate
It is true, of course, that the services
have been very wasteful. But a wasteful
defense establishment is like a fat man, who
can only be safely reduced by a long, slow
and careful course of diet and exercise. A
fat man cannot lose fifty pounds the next
moning, without going to the surgeon and
having a leg cut off. Secretary Johnson is
commendably trying to cut down Army,
Navy and Air Force waste in the right way.
But he is also amputating the legs and arms
of the services in economy's sacred name.
This may be quite all right. Perhaps
Dr. Urey is wrong, and the Soviets will
always be deterred from aggression by
their inferiority in the absolute weapons.
Or perhaps Secretary Acheson is wrong,
and the intentions of the Kremlin are not
"aggressively imperialist." Yet one point is
very clear.
If President Truman and Secretary John-
son really think it prudent to impair our
defenses in the year of the Beria bomb, it
is up to them to explain plainly what they

are doing. And it is even more up to them
to explain why this is the safe thing to do,
in 'the face of the situation portrayed by
Secretary Acheson and Dr. Urey.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
Sartorial Contest
HOW LITTLE Western dress sets off men's
figures and personalities is being em-
phasized by the changes in garb of visiting
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.
On arrival he was wearing Indian dress,
on which there is now much emphasis in
his native land. In his long-skirted, tight-
fitting, chocolate coat, buttoned to the chin,
and his white "overseas" cap and white jodh-
purs, he was regal, slender, tall looking. Later
he donned a dark Western world business
suit (single breasted at that) and shrunk no-
ticeably. Since then he has been wearing
on certain occasions his native dress, each
time regaining a distinction not wholly due
to the difference of his costume.
His changes to Western attire may be
founded on practicality-the motif under-
lying the design of Western men's clothes.
Or it may be a delicate compliment to his
hosts. At any rate, the Indian leader's alter-
nation of the two garbs may remind Western
men of what they lost about a century and
a half ago when they began to be regi-
mented into the drab functional attire of
--The Washington Post.
TT T S rr nn.cx ..o.f

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
p)ublication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
thetwriter's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Russia and the Bomb.. ..
To the Editor:
IN LEON JAROFF's Editor's Note
on Tuesday, he quotes observa-
tions which claim that Russia has
acquired the atom bomb in jig
time, and will overcome our A-
bomb lead in two years. Then, in
seeking the reason for their speed-
ier scientific advances and a cure
for our lower rate of progress,
he espouses the view that our se-
curity restrictions are the prime
obstacle to rapid achievement.
It should be obvious that free
exchange of scientific information
accelerates progress. But we are
not concerned as much (at pres-
ent) with absolute progress as
with relative progress. So there
appears to be a paradox: Russia,
far more security-regulated than
America, exceeds the rate of Amer-
ican scientific advancement be-
cause America is too security-reg-
-Taylor Drysdale.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Security-regu-
lated Russia encourages and forces all
qualified persons within its borders
to work on atomic energy projects.
Among these persons, for example, are
many formerNazi scientists who
could hardly be considered god se-
curity risks. On the other hand,
many brilliant scientists and techni-
cians in the U.S. suspected of being
remotcly connected with Communist
and leftist organizations are either
barred from atomic work or so har-
ried by Congressional committees
that they resign in disgust. Partial
freedom of research is not enough.)
* * *
Liberal Education
To the Editor:
IN LINE WITH Dean Keniston's
brilliant and trenchant an-
alysis of the liberal education and
its problems and procedures, I
would like to add a few remarks
from the standpoint of the stu-
dent here at Michigan. I would
disagree with nothing that Dean
Keniston said, but I do see a
factor that militates against the
average student achieving a lib-
eral education of the type so beau-
tifully elicited by the Dean. This
factor is the intense grade oriented
competition which I believe to be
aow operating beyond the point of
diminishing returns.
We at Michigan are forced to
expend so much time and effort
over learning the rote material
of our four or five courses that
any unchanneling of interest or
effort into the other vast areas
of human learning or any attempt
to relate these courses with the
other areas or even with them-
selves, is done at the risk of jeop-
ardizing our scholastic standing.
Even a moment of inadvertant un-
departmentalized reflection may
prove fatal in the mad, feverish
effort to survive this intellectual
race track. A degree from the
University of Michigan no longer
has the strong connotation of the
liberally educated, but instad con-
notes a sort of sportive intellectual
species that has managed to sur-
vive a grueling contest in which a
blind, narrow perseverance was
the plain survival factor.
It seems evident to me that if
we continue to worship at the al-..


tar of the normal curve in this
scholastic environment we shall be
victimized by the competitive
dogma which stresses elimination
rather than realization. What is
the validity of this dogma? Are
our medical schools turning out
the best doctors possible or are
they graduating the narrowest,'
most competitive, ego oriented sur-
vivors who will undoubtedly make
the poorest practitioners? We
know from experience that the
progress of liberal science was
thwarted by the war induced com-
petition which channelized work
and perspective. Is there any evi-
dence what this competitive dogma
will have an inverse effect upon
those striving for a liberal educa-
tion. On the contrary, all evi-
dence points to the fact that the
operation of this dogma among
those seeking meaningful knowl-
edge and perspecitve, often is to
eliminate those most qualified and
to graduate the'hair-splitting, de-
partmentalized pedants. In curve
on the part of some faculty mem-
bers exhibits a lack of sympathy
with the student as a personality,
and a lack of appreciation of the
vital nature of the liberal educa-
tion in a civilized society.
-Charles Dixon.
* ***
NSA Experience...
To the Editor:
NSA, NSA! We have been read-
ing many garbled accounts of
this NSA in your column and have
heard it condemned as being com-
munistic and SL-istic. I would like
the readers to become acquainted
with my NSA experiences.
Last spring, I purchased for
$1.00 an NSA Purchase Card. The
card states that I am entitled to
rights under the Purchase Sys-
tem, also I am to receive a year's
subscription to thecNSA News.
The fact that I have never seen
nor heard of the NSA News since
my purchase doesn't bother me
nearly as much as the fact that
the Ann Arbor merchants who
were supposed to honor these cards
have refused to do so. For one
week after purchase the filling
station that was listed on the NSA
list of participants gave a dis-
count when I showed my card.
Then the remaining 51 weeks of
my card's use was nullified by ac-
tion of the Ann Arbor merchants,
as they decided to have nothing
to do with the system anymore.
Will some fellow traveler answer
these questions?
1. What happened to the $1,000
or more which was collected by
the NSA at the University of
Michigan last year?
2. Where are my copies of the
NSA News?
3. Is the $1,000 being used to
print copies of the song "God Bless
Free Enterprise" as reported by
reader Howard Hartzell?
-Charles R. Fuller.
* * *
Hammer & Sickle ..
To the Editor:
haps some if not most stu-
dents overlooked a news item re-
leased from Moscow Aug. 19 by the
AP. It read: "The Communist
Party newspaper Pravda today re-
ported to its readers a version of
life in the United States.
"The newspaper said the FBI,
having investigated everything
else, was going to undertake loy-
alty checks on grade school chil-

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 2552
Administration Building, by 3:00 p.m.
on the day preceding publication
(11:00 a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 28
Faculty, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Freshman
five-week progress reports will be
due Fri., Oct. 28, in the Academic
Counselors' Office, 1210 Angell
Students, registering with the
Bureau of Appointments, who are
graduating or whq will be avail-
able for placement in February,
1950, are reminded that their reg-
istration material is due at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building, on Fri.,
Oct. 28.
New York Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for
openings in the following fields:
Engineering and Conservation,
Health, Motion Picture, Farm
Placement, and Clerical Adminis-
Detroit Civil Service Comniis-
sion announces examinations for
the position of Intermediate Real-
ty Appraiser. Additional infor-
mation may be obtained at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
University Discipline Committee:
At a meeting of the University
dren. It suggested that nursery
schools and maternity hospitals
would also be likely fields for un-
covering Communist propaganda.
"Pravda-also reported an eating
contest between a four-month-old
piglet and a Michigan University
student. It commented:
"The 'fact that such, a contest
is held characterizes with suffi-
cient clearness the morals of the
standard bearers of dmllaraciviliza-
Forgetting that the contest
wasn't even held, I think we would
agree that it is doubtful that such
a broad implication can be drained
from an incident having prac-
tically no relation to our society
or our moral standards. It's like
saying - that a Russian peasant
kissed her husband last night.
Ergo, the Russian nation is a lov-
ing one.
I think, however, that we can
say quite justifiably that such
irresponsible, deceiving, unethical,
and propagandish reporting char-
acterize'" 'with more than suffi-
cient clearness the morals of the
standard bearers of hammer and
sickle civilization.
* **
Naive .. .
To the Editor:
REFERRING to the interview of
Prof. Kamrowski published in
the Sunday issue of The Michigan
Daily, let me point out that:
1. "Magot" does not mean "flea"
in French. It is either a grotesque
Chinese statue or a kind of a mon-
2. This very "Cafe" is not the
place where Existentialists meet. It
is famous because it was there that
"Surrealistes" met in the earlier
'20's. Existentialists are supposed
to meet at "au cafe de Flore," next
The rest of the article is of
about the same accuracy. In look-
ing for a five-word "definition" of
Existentialism shows how naive
people can be.
--Claude Meillassoux.
Reply to Thumme.. ..
To theEditor:

THIS WILL not even attempt to
argue the issue of whether or
not national compulsory health in-
surance is socialized medicine.
Students' f the subject agree al-
most unanimously that it very
definitely is not, but even such
studied unanimity will never be
sufficient to convince those who
have bowed to the emotion created
by the misnomer "socialized."
It seems unfortunate to us, how-
ever, that the emotion-stricken
opposition must rely upon state-
ments such as that made by one
Lyle Thumme in a recent letter, to
the effect that the proposed pro-
gram "will astronomically multi-
ply the number of patients."
We cannot agree that it would
be a horrible mistake to provide
medical -care to countless thou-
sands who have heretofore been
unable to afford such proper care.
And we wonder if, deep in his
heart, Mr. Thumme can justify his
position that an individual does
not deserve to be healthy-unless
he can pay for it.
It seems unfortunate to us.
-D. B. Murray.

Discipline Committee on October
25, 1949, the following actions
were taken:
Three under-aged students were
fined $25.00 each for conduct un-
becoming a student.
One senior was fined $35.00 for
furnishing intoxicants to minors.
One minor was fined $25.00 for
using a borrowed birth certificate
and draft card in attempting to il-
legally purchase beer.
In addition to the monetary
fines imposed, all five students
were placed on probation for mis-
conduct for the balance of the cur-
rent semester.
American Chemical Society Lec-
ture: D. Richard Ogg, Jr., will
speak on "Unimolecular Reactions
and the Decomposition of N205",
Thurs., Oct. 27, 8 p.m., 1300 Chem-
University Lecture: "Britain
Plan for Health and Social Wel-
fare." Margaret (Mrs. G. D. H.)
Cole, British author and lecturer;
auspices of the Departments of
Sociology and Economics. 4:1
p.m., Thurs., Oct. 27, Rackhaan
Lecture Hall.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Harry
David Lamb, English; thesis: "The
Escapes of Jupiter. A Transcript
of the Holograph Manuscript of
Thomas Heywood Representing
Folios 74-95 of the Egertan M
1994 in the British Museum and a
Consideration of its Nature and
Time of Composition," Fri., Oct.
28, East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., 7 p.m. Chairman, H. T.
Doctorial Examination for Hart
old Edgar Crosier, Chemical Engi-
neering; thesis: "Washing of Liq-
uids from Porous Media and Con-
duits," Fri., Oct. 28, 3201 East En-
gineering Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairma,
L. E. Brownell.
Seminar in Applied Mathemat-
ics: Thurs., Oct. 27, 4:15 p.m., 247
W. Engineering Building. Prof. C.
L. Dolph continues his talk on
"Theory of linear prediction."
Astronomical Colloquium: Thurs.
Oct. 27, 4:15 p.m., Observatory..
Speaker: Mr. G. M. Sisson, Gen-
eral Manager, Sir Howard Grubb,
Parsons & Company, Newcastle
upon Tyne, England.
Subject: "Astronomical ' Tele-
scope Building at Grubb Parsons."
Philosophy 307 will not meet
this Thursday. Oct. 27.
Transfinite Numbers Seminar:
Thurs., Oct. 27, 2014 Angell Hall.
3 p.m. Professor Dushnik will talk
on the Elementary Concepts of
Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers.
The results of the Graduate Ap
titude Examination given in Octo
ber are now available at the Infor-
mation Desk of the Graduate
(Continued on Page 6)






Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control - of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff........... Managing Edited
Al Blumrosen............City Zdit(W
Philip Dawson ....... EditoriaV Director
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner............Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate tr
Don McNeil........... AssociateEdr ito
Alex Lmanian.. Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady .......... Women's Editor
Lee Kaitenbach.. Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King.................Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington... .Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff ...Finance Manger
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively:
entitled to the use for republication
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otherwise credited to this newspape
All rights of republication of all other
matters hereinare also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at A 2n
Arbor, Michigan, as second-clams mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.



Now if Gus would model himself
after this character here-My!J

My Fairy Godfather needs
them... So Gus the Ghost
wil ot ideas onn arumtiner

See, Barnaby! The mad scientist is
turning the atomic ray on this monster

Cuamocree! "
7/iMr. O'MatnlIv-

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