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October 26, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-26

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City Editor's
A NEW TREND OF thinking has been
started on campus.
It involves "human relations," "campus
attitudes" and "University integration."
You may have read various items about
this program in the paper in the' last few
It is time that the campus knows what is
going on in the minds of some of its mem-
Basically, the idea is this:
Much of the friction among various groups
on campus, social, religious and racial, comes
from a lack of understanding on the part
of the individuals in one group about the
ideas, impulses and personalities of indivi-
duals in the other group. It is a man to man
If some of this friction is to be eliminated,
the "campus attitude" toward these areas of
misunderstanding will have to undergo a
The only way that these attitudes can
be changed is by personal, individual con-
tact among the different groups, i.e., "hu-
man relations."
This is the thesis upon which a group
of students, with the help of some people
in the faculty are building up a loose or-
At present, theyare laying the ground
work. They axe trying to find out exactly
where these so-called "problem areas" are,
and then see how they can implement the
"human relations" angle of the program.
So far, students from most of the larger
organizations on campus have taken an in-
terest in the program. The several com-
mittees working in these different "problem
areas" will soon be representative of or-
ganized campus activities.
THE IDEA IS THERE. At present it is still
in a rather vague stage of talking,
planning and questioning.
'By the next Student Legislature meeting;
the planners will probably have something
more concrete to present.
** *
THIS "human relations" idea was partially
developed last summer at the NSA Con-
gress. It is part of an overall program aimed
at "University integration." Dubbed the
"Michigan Plan" by local students who pre-
sented it to the Congress, the program is
being pushed at colleges all over the country.
The first phase of the program was carried
out here last spring when it was decided
to deny University recognition to any new
campus organization which had a "discrim-
#'atory clause" in its constitution.
The NSA is now working to get other col-
leges to adopt a ruling similar to the one
passed here.
Backers of the plan believe that such leg-
islation, if carried out at many schools will
help get rid of "discriminatory clauses" in
constitutions of national organizations.
They feel that nothing further can be
gained here by legislation, that it is time
to bring the issue down to the individual
level where it belongs.
We will undoubtedly hear a lot more about
this idea as it becomes more concrete. It is
a long range program and its success de-
pends entirely on individual student reac-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


No Duplication

S- And This Is The Member From The U. S. S. R."



A DAILY EDITORIAL yesterday suggested
that some of the campus political groups
which claim to work for world peace com-
bine in one large organization in order to
concentrate their efforts in a single line of
The difficulty in such a proposal is
that few of the groups would have a basis
for an amalgamation. The groups exist
to provide a means of expression for per-
sons professing every shade of political
belief. And in no case is there a duplica-
tion of beliefs.
Each group has its specific program, which
enables individuals to develop political ma-
turity. And group members wish to make
their political growth in different ways. For
example, one group desires to study gov-

ernment policy while another plans action
to cut down on discrimination on campus.
The number of such groups is not a dis-
advantage. Instead, it is fortunate that
students may find a variety of political
organizations to satisfy their own curiosity
and desires for political action.
The difference in poitical groups means
that students can find almost every line of
thought on any specific issue. Since world
peace and the means of achieving it are
matters for thought and discussion, not
for immediate, unified action, all political
groups must continue to contribute their
own individual ideas. Only in this way will
students be able to determine which pro-
gram is right for them.
--Janet Watts.

(Continued from Page 2)

W. Engineering Building. Visitors
i English 127 (Victorian Litera-
r^,ture): Written exercise will be
Sy ,given today as scheduled.
- . u I Y Philosophy 307 will not meet
this Thursday, Oct. 27.
Cancellation of Faculty Concert:
(r The program by the Woodwind
Quintet, previously announced for
r- Wed., Nov. 2, in Lydia Men-
r-= j; delssohn Theatre, has been post-
{,y poned until a later date.
__ Events Today
YuGoStA -' Modern Dance Club: Meeting,
C7....dance studio, Barbour Gym. Ele-
mentary group, 7 p.m.; Advanced
.,: group, 8 p.m.
Square Dance Club: 7:30-9 p.m.,
Social Ethics Discussion Group:
t lec ttCI4Jeto*1i4re

New Welfare Laws

IN CONDEMNING the proposals for tight-
ening Michigan's welfare laws as.archaic,
Prof. A. E. Wood of the sociology depart-
ment has pointed out the essential weakness
of the new plan.
Some of the new proposals: Three years'
residence in a county .required to be elig-
ible for relief; a legislative formula to
determine how much blood relatives must
contribute to the care of indigents; the
exclusion from relief aid of a woman with
a husband in another state unless she ob-
tained a divorce; the enactment of a law
making it a crime for a social worker to
grant relief knowing it to be fraudulent;
the establishment of some method of ob-
taining reinbursement, where possible,
from relief recipients.
Any laws which so plainly refuse to
recognize present day realities surely re-
duce the poor to their medieval status
under the poor laws.
What is needed, as Prof. Wood pointed out,
is not a change of welfare laws but higher

wages for social workers who are trained
for civil service. It is only logical that if good
workers replace incompetent ones, 'the in-
creased cost would be offset by the savings
made in preventing abuses of the welfare
Furthermore, there is a need for central-
izing the administrative setup. This could
easily be accomplished, as Prof. Wood sug-
gests, if the state welfare commission were
to take over the coordination and direction
of county welfare boards.
However, there is a change needed in
the welfare system that is more basic than
either of these. It is a change of attitude
toward those who need relief.
Since Middle Ages the unthinking people
of the world have condemned the poor as
lazy beggars. The politicians are still doing
Only when this attitude has changed can
effective welfare administration be accom-
-Vernon Emerson.


Washington MerrymGo-Round

WASHINGTON - President Truman's
warning that there must be a tax in-
crease recalls the fact that Bureau of In-
ternal Revenue experts estimate they could
collect close to a billion dollars more an-
nually without increasing taxes-if they had
better income-tax enforcement.
Two years ago the 80th *Congress
chopped off a huge army of income-tax
examiners, a group of hard-working, un-
derpaid public servants who have the un-
pleasant but necessary job of checking on
people's income taxes. While part of this
cut personnel has been reinstated, the tax
examiners are still woefully understaffed
and able to inspect only a fraction of the
On top of this has developed another tax-
payment deterrent - namely, delays and
wire-pulling in the prosecution of tax frauds.
When the average taxpayer sees certain
big shots getting away with spectacular
tax violations, naturally he figures he is
entitled to do the same.
This is not the fault of the treasury tax
examiners nor the prosecution officers of
the justice department, most of whom are
diligent public servants.
But when tax frauds are sent to U.S.
district attorneys for criminal prosecution,
interminable delays sometimes develop. Some
district attorneys just do not want to prose-
cute. Sometimes local politics are involved,
and since U.S. district attorneys are ap-
pointed under a political spoils system on
the recommendation of local senators and
congressmen, they are sometimes more in-
clined to take orders from congressmen
rather than from the justice department.
* * *
BUT WHATEVER the reasons, here are
some tax-fraud cases which have been
delayed or sidetracked between the justice
department and the district attorneys in the
field. In some cases no politics may be in-
volved; but in any case the effect on the
rest of the taxpaying public is bad.
Just outside Washington, D.C., the T-men
found that the sheriff of Prince Georges
County, Md., Earl Sheriff, had collected
about $49,000 from gamblers during four
years though he reported a total income of
only $8,400. But when the justice depart-
ment sent this case to U.S. Attorney Bernard
Flynn in Baltimore, he sent it back with ad-
vice that it was a difficult case to prose-
Again out in Kansas City, Kansas, the T-
men caught an eminent doctor, Herbert
Hessler, failing to report as income 1,000
fees received from patients during three
years. The justice department sent the case
to U.S. attorney Lester Luther in Topeka
for criminal prosecution, but Luther wrote
back that he did not want to prosecute, be-
cause Dr. Hessler was too prominent in the
community. The justice department in-
structed him to proceed anyway, however,

available in 1945, and that Raymond Pat-
enotre was in this country from 1945
on. Yet thanks to Patenotre's ability to
hire one of the shrewdest tax attorneys
in Washington, Ellsworth Alvord, no in-
dictment was brought until 1948. Mean-
while there were libel threats against this
Even after the indictment, however, an-
other year dragged by, with much legal
haggling over a compromise. Finally it was
arranged that Madame Patenotre would
plead guilty and pay a $2,000,000 cash settle-
ment if she didn't have to go to jail.
Most folks, of course, can't afford top
lawyers or such big cash settlements.
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
UN Proposal
O NE OF THE MANY things which Con-
gress left undone when they adjourned
last Wednesday was passage of a resolution
favoring the development of the United Na-
tions into a world federation.
Introduced on the floor in June by 91 Rep-
resentatives, the resolution is as follows:
"That it is the sense of the Congress
that it should be the fundamental ob-
jective of the foreign policy of the United
States to support and strengthen the
United Nations and to seek its develop-
ment into a world federation, open to all
nations, with defined and limited powers
adequate to preserve peace and, prevent
aggression through the enactment, inter-
pretation, and enforcement of world law."
The resolution was brought before the
House through the constant agitation of
world federalist groups including UWF and
the Atlantic Union and closely resembles
clauses in the new French, Italian and
West German constitutions.
It was reported to the House Foreign
Affairs Committee which began hearings or
the measure last week.
Speaking for the Atlantic Union which
favors an immediate federation of the "west-
ern" democracies, former Associate Justice
Owen J. Roberts asked that the resolution
authorize President Truman to call a con-
vention of the Western Union nations and
the United States to explore such a plan.
Although the favorable reporting of the
resolution back to Congress in some form
was expected, discussion and action was cut
short by the adjournment of Congress.
Recognizing the weakness of the United
Nations, the sponsors of the resolution feel
that far from impairing the UN, the res-
olution would strengthen it so as to make
it a more effective instrument for peace.
They likened the UN to the Articles of
Confederation from which a group of weak
and jealous states drew up a stronger
government which weathered the storms
of more than 160 years and they urged the

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, thergeneral pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
.Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
Down with Devine.. .
To the Editor:
W E LOYAL supporters of the
Michigan football team would
like to suggest to all other fol-
lowers of the Maize and Blue that
they rise in righteous anger to pro-
test against the babblings of
"Tommy" Devine of the Detroit
Free Press.
His obvious prejudice against
the Michigan team, as manifest-
ed in his articles about the team,
should not go unanswered. His re-
markable attempts to deliberate-
ly overlook the Michigan brilliance
in the Minnesota game is a final
bitter blow in a long vituperative,
insidious and asinine campaign to
belittle the Wolverines.
Tell the Free Press that the rep-
utation of their sports department
is not being enhanced by writing
of this caliber.
Honest mistakes, freely admitted,
can always be tolerated, but delib-
erate distortions, in order to main-
tain a dubious reputation, are an
unethical utilization of journalistic
privilege. This, coupled with ob-
vious incompetence, makes for an
intolerable situation.
Wolverines arise! Take your pen
in hand and go forth to battle.
Let us smother him in an ava-
lanche of protest. The pen is
mightier than the Linotype! Go
-Ray Malos,
George Cusulas,
Phylis Cusulas,
Bill Baker.

appeal of the Communists result
in upholding the verdict, as it
probably will, then the Communist
Party will in all probability be out-
lawed. The next logical step is a
renewed effort on the part of the
House Un - American Activities
Committee to secure texts used by
all Universities and so remove all
forms of "subversive" material.
The simple act of reading will ac-
quire new overtones, for there now
exists the possibility of being tried
in a law-court if our reading ma-
terial is not sanctioned by gov-
ernment agencies! Some states
have already taken steps to re-
move all books written by Marx,
Lenin, etc. from public libraries.
These are the consequences of a
thought-control trial.
Roger Baldwin, director of the
American Civil Liberties Union,
protested the verdict with this
statement: "The conviction of the
Communist leaders indicted for
conspiracy to advocate political
doctrines made criminal by the
Smith Sedition Act of 1940 was
almost inevitable. Once the theory
of that law is accepted that mere
language may be criminal in the
absence of any criminal acts, con-
viction is only too easy . . . The
ACLU opposed the Smith Act in
Congress . . . It urged in the
court the dismissal of the indict-
ment of the Communists ... Noth-
ing in the' trial has changed our
view. No overt criminal acts were
proved. If . . . the conviction
stands, the logical consequence is
the outlawry of the Communist
Party, a departure from historic
American principles, destructive of
democratic process."
The sands are running out.-Only
you can save your liberties. Write
to the President and request a
-Hy Bershad.
To the Editor:
IN RESPONSE to Messrs. Daw-
son's and Raphael's statement
that the Communist Party should
not, under the Smith Act, be pros-
ecuted because their action does
not constitute a "clear and pres-
ent danger rising far above public
inconvenience, annoyance, and un-
rest," may I submit the follow-
In 1946, while editing a weekly
newspaper in Illinois, this person
wrote a series of editorials in op-
position to the then-proposed
sharing of atomic secrets with the
Soviet Union. The editorials, in
part, were reprinted in various
publications throughout the state,
and at least one was aired over an
Illinois radio station.
The Communist party, under the
guise of the frontist American
Youth for Democracy, threatened
that "either these editorials cease,
or the writer will find himself in
a dark alley some night with his
back broken."
The editorials did not cease, and
fortunately, the writer did not
suffer a broken back.
The significance of this illustra-
tion is rather obvious. The Com-
munist Party, which today protests
its innocence under the United
States Constitution was ready, in
1946, to coerce a free press to
silence . . . ready to violate the
Fifth Amendment of that same
The legal question arises im-
mediately, "Does threat or intent
of violence approach active vio-
lence to the extent that threat

and action are both considered
lawfully at fault?
If s, a threat to gag an Amer-
ican newspaper would appear to
constitute far more than "public
inconvenience, annoyance, and un-
rest." It. would seem, ironically
enough, to constitute a real threat
to the same civil liberties which
the Party leaders today so loudly
claim are being denied them.
Jacques E. LeStrang.
* * *
Franco's Friend .. .
To The Editor:
SEN. McCARRAN (Dem., Nev.),
who is chairman of the Sen-
ate Judiciary Committee, pulled
some transatlantic telephone wires
from Spain, where he is visiting
his friend Franco, and the dis-
placed persons bill went right back
to the Committee, where McCar-
ran had managed to keep it for so
The Senate wants to adjourn.
President Truman asked for a
more liberal law than the present
one which requires that 30 per
cent of the DP's must be farmers
and that 40 per cent of the DP's
must come from Latvia, Estonia
and Lithuania. This discriminates
against Catholics and Jews.
Under the new law, 339,000
rather than 205,000 displaced per-
sons would be permitted to enter
the United States. The new pe-
riod would be three years, whereas
the present program is a two-year
one. Thus on a yearly basis there
would be only a slight increase of
Up to now, only 90,000 DP's
have been admitted by the United
States. This, according 'to Sen.
Irving M. Ives (Rep., N.Y.), is 15
per cent of the total for all coun-
To this one may reply that Is-
rael, which took in most immi-
grants, was duty-bound in its he-
roic effort to resettle the survivors
of Dachau, Buchenwald and Os-
wiecim. One may also say that
other countries, like Canada, Aus-
tralia and New Zealand, are quite
underpopulated, and France still
has a low birth-rate.
But the U.S., with its huge ca-
pacity to absorb people, has not
acted purely unselfishly. In some
Southern areas, DP's have taken
over jobs vacated by North-bound
Negroes. The DP's were often-
times treated like indentured ser-
vants, and church groups had to
intervene -in behalf of their DP
Sen. Ives said: "Is 15 per cent a
reasonable, honorable number for
a country which prides itself on its
humanity, its resources and its
leadership in world affairs?"
-William W. Stephenson, Jr.
Books at the Library
Algren, Nelson, The Man With The
Golden Arm. New York, Double-
day, 1949.
Carroll, Gladys Hasty, West of the
Hill. New York, Macmillan Co.,
Ley, Willy, The Conquest of Space.
New York, The Viking Press,
Lilienthal, David E., This I Do Be-
lieve. New York, Harper, 1949.
Miller, Merle, The Sure Thing.
New York, William Sloane, 1949.
Nathan, Robert, The River Jour-
ney. New York, Alfred Knopf,

7:15 p.m., Lane Hall. Everyone
Undergraduate Psychology Club
is sponsoring a talk by Dr. Morse,
Director of the Fresh Air Camp,
7:45 p.m., League (not the Union).
Phi Lambda Upsilon:: East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg.
7:15 p.m., Business meeting with
election of new members;
8:15 p.m., Dr. R. H. Fifield of
the Political Science Department
will speak on "Prospects for World
Members and guests invited.
Baptist Student "Chat" today
at the Guild House, 4:30 to 6 p.m.
Tea n' Talk: Presbyterian
Church, 3rd floor parlor, 4-6 p.m.
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Prayer meeting, 7 p.m.; Bible study
groups, Hebrews chapter IV; 7:30
p.m., Lane Hall.
Canterbury Club: 7:15 a.m., Holy
Communion followed by Student
Canterbury Club: 7:30-10 p.m.,
Rev. and Mrs. Burt are at home,
702 Tappan, to all Episcopal Stu-
Orthodox Student's, Society:
Lane Hall, 7:30 p.m. Visitors wel-
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet-
ing, 12:15 p.m., 3054 Natural Sci-
ence Building. Picnic will be held
Thurs., Oct. 27, from 3 to 7 at the
big fireplace at the Island. If .it
rains picnic will be held Friday,
same place, same time.
{ U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting
7:30 p.m., 311 W. Eng.
U. of M. Rifle Club: Postal
Match with Queens College,'8 p.m.,
ROTC rifle range. Practice at 7
Varsity Committee of the SL: 7
p.m., Union. All new candidates
W8ZSQ West Quad Radio Club:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m. in the "shack"
on the 5th floor, Williams House.
Union Membership Cards: For
the benefit of those men unable
to secure Union Membership Cards
during the regular student office
hours, the office will be open to-
night from 7 to 8:45 p.m. A cash-
ier's receipt is necessary to secure
a membership card.
ADA: Business meeting, 7'30
p.m., League. Discussion: "The
Smith Act-Its Impact on Politi-
cal Action." Talks by Prof. Estep
of the Law School and Prof. Slos-
son of the History Dept.
A.I.A.(Student chapter): Mem-
bership and Activities Meeting,
(Continued on Page 5)
flutrImau t UIlj









Symphony proved to be a most interest-
ing experience, which showed what Charles
Muench has done with the orchestra both
technically and interpretively since his ap-
The first half of the program was devoted
to performance of Beethoven's Egmont Over-
ture and Seventh Symphony in A major. In
both of these there was ample drive and
energy, but it was of a hectic and nervous
sort. Muench always seemed to be grabbing
violently at the music instead of gripping
it solidly. What we objected to, then, wos
the lack of what can be called German
weightiness which is so evident in the work
of such men as Mengelberg and Furtwangler.
On 4he credit side, it must be said that
there was superb clarity throughout both
performances, with the brasses being par-
ticularly laudable.
In the Symphony there was an unmistak-
able logic. Muench chose to pace the first
movement fast, and so, to maintain his orig-
inal impression, kept the whole thing a little
faster than is usually heard. This may have
been detrimental in certain spots, but it
created a feeling of unity throughout
The second half of the program was de-

To the Editor:
ENGINEERS: Tonight at 7:30 in
the Union Ballroom the Engi-
neering student organizations and
societies will present "Engineering
On behalf of the Engineering
Council I want to extend a per-
sonal invitation to every engineer
to attend Engineering Nite.
Speeches will be brief, displays will
be colorful, and the entertainment
will be the best of student talent.
The purpose of Engineering Nite
is to enable engineers to find out
easily the number and variety of
profitable extra-curricular activ-
ities and to encourage participa-
tion. Here is the opportunity for
you to question representatives of
these engineering organizations
about their particular activities
and to learn how you can join.
Engineerfhg Nite is tonight!
-Norm Steere,
Engineering Council.
* * *
Communists ...
To the Editor:
verdict of the trial of the 11
Communist leaders, swept over the
country like a barely-audible
ripple and then died away. It's
evident that the full importance
and significance of this verdict
has not been realized. Should the

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Leon Jaroff.........Managing Fditor
Al Biumrosen.............City Editor
Philip Dawson.......EditoriaV Director
Mary Stein............AssociateEditor
Jo Misner............. Associate Editor
George Walker....... Associate Editor
Don McNeil..........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goei.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady.........Women's Editor
Lee Katenbach..Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King ................:-Librarian
Allan Clamage...... Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi....... Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff.......Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspape
All rights of republication of all other
mattersherein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-clas mail'
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier. $5.00, by mail, $6.00.

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