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October 21, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-21

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Factionalism vs. SL

HOW MUCH LONGER the Student Legis-
lature is going to be able to withstand
the pummeling it receives when its elec-
tions are used as a political football is an
important question.
It adds nothing to the still weak posi-
tion of that organization to have AIM and
JFC members make it the bases of their
annual attempts to stir up factual war-
Fortunately, voting is still an individual
affair. No one will accompany the Greek
letter man or the West quadder to the ballot
If we choose to be irresponsible and
vote for incompetents merely because they
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

belong to the same fraternity or dorm
instead of considering the important fac-
tor of whether or not they will represent
our viewpoint then we are to blame for
the outcome.
We would have been to blame if there had
not been a few good legislators (both inde-
pendent and Greek) to straighten out the
football ticket distribution program this fall.
A good job requires good people.
Personally, although I belong to a fra-
ternity, I have never voted along the block
lines suggested by any coordinating com-
mittee-nor will I.
Nor will I allow myself to be pushed
into a group war by having my dander
aroused by the attempts of a few politicos
to stratify the campus into independents
and affiliates.
It is no one's business but our own which
box we check on the ballot and any attempt
to stress where a candidate came from rather
than what he says or what he can do is
alien to the democratic philosophy of the
ballot box.
-Don McNeil.


City Editor's
1HE CAMPUS should be getting sick and
tired of the pious statements coming out
from both IFC and AIM these days.
Campus politicos, already buzzing around
in preparation for the coming election, have
studiously avoided the - phrase "BLOCK
VOTING" which played such a dominant
role last spring.
AIM OFFICIALS say they are not planning
block voting, but:
1. They will work for independent men
in the coming elections.
2. They will try to avoid having one house
run more than one man.
3. They will list candidates according to
whether they are affiliated.
The only refinement this program lacks
so far is a coordinating committee to shove
the votes around. If that isn't block voting,
then the dialecticions have got the better of
IF C IS DOING NO better in the battle of
statements. President Jacobson says that
his outfit will "continue its non-partisan
policy in the forthcoming SL election."
Who is kidding whom? The most casual
observer of campus politics knows that
organized vote -trading on the part of
fraternities is an established fact.
Calling it something else is not going to
make any difference.
AS OF TODAY, we have the campus split
down fraternity-independent lines more
emphatically than last year.
This will certainly bring out the fra-
ternity vote, since they are well organ-
ized. It is a good question whether AIM
is in any position to put up much of a
But basically, the unfortunate part of this
matter is the widening and irrational fra-
ternity-independent split.

M chigan Students Visit Pari

. _





At the Michigan ...
O'Keefe and Gail Russell.
Ruth of the pacing horses. The movie
version of his life is on a par with the movie
version of Babe Ruth's life, which was not
quite as good as a low grade Roy Rogers
It isn't old Dan Patch's fault. He doesn't
do anything but pull his sulky faster than
anyone else, but there seems to be some
people in this movie who louse up old
Dan'l's efforts.
Dennis O'Keefe the country boy who made
the twin mistakes of getting rich and marry-
ing an ambitious snob, and Gail Russell, a
pretty little country filly who loves Dennis
unrequitedly, (but. not as much as she loves
The Great Dan Patch,) are responsible for
most of the foolishness that goes on be-
tween the horse race scenes.
Though I hate to say this, even the
horse racing is not particularly exciting.
Dan Patch is just too good. He is so good
that the other horses finally refuse to go
out and chase him, and Dan is reduced to
running against time, and breaking world
Most of the film, however, is concerned
with the trials and tribulations of O'Keefe,
who yearns for the farm and La RusselL,
His sweet and good and kind and gentle
disposition is quite sickening, and his treat--
ment of his wife, a snob who chides him
about the thinness of his veneer of culture,
will make you wish Humphy Bogart would
drop around long enough to plant a solid
right on the wife's chops.
-Kirk R. Hampton.

At the State ... .
NIGHT UNTO NIGHT, starring Ronald
Reagan and Viveca Linfors.
A FAR-FETCHED TALE, this pseudo-psy-
chological opus has as its central char-
acters a young widow who cannot separate
herself from her dead husband, and a sci-
entist who is developing into a full-blown
The learned scientist, Ronald Reagan,
runs into the depressed widow, Viveca
Lindfors, when he shacks up on a deserted
Florida coast in an effort to adjust him-
self to his newly developed epilepsy. After
a series of ponderously emotional scenes,
the two inevitably fall in love. Catalytic
agents contributing to their mutual affec-
tion are first, Reagan's desire to save
Miss Linfors from herself, and second,
her efforts to stop his suicide.
In the background are an artisthwho en-
courages Miss Linfors' belief in her hus-
band's ghost; his match-making wife who
roots for Reagan; and Miss Linfors' sexy
sister who tries to catch Reagan for her-
All the characters join in one and one-
half hours of slowly moving action and
stilted, over-literate dialogue. In a vain
attempt to give some dramatic punch and
clear the air, a hurricane is brought in at
the end of the movie, with heavy show-
ers from the skies and Miss Linfors' eyes.
The paucity of entertainment in the movie
is somewhat compensated by interesting
photography, but benefits of the latter are
counteracted by a very spotty sound track.
Added attractions on the bill are an un-
imaginative cartoon and a surprisingly well-
executed technicolor short.
-Fran Ivick.

Letters to the Editor


WASHINGTON-President Truman hasn't
given up on the Brannan farm program,
despite the kicking-around it received from
Congress. It will definitely be the farm plank
of the Democratic party's 1950 campaign,
Truman recently assured national Farmers
Union boss, Jim Patton.
"The current battle over farm legisla-
tion has had at least one good effect," the
President told Patton. "It has served to
smoke the boys out into the open. We
At Architect. Auditorium
BOOMERANG! with Dana Andrews, Lee
Cobb, and Arthur Kennedy.
TENSE COURTROOM drama at its best,
"Boomerang" is one of the first, and
still best of the fact plus fiction films with
which Hollywood has been swamping a real-
ity conscious audience recently.
The pictire concerns itself with the mach-
inations of small town politics and what
happens when selfish men put their own
welfare above truth and justice. A murder
has been committed, an air-tight case built
up against a scapegoat, and a conviction is
needed to further the political aims of the
town's leaders. Dana Andrews, cast as the
prosecuting attorney with political aspira-
tions of his own is his usual polished self.
But acting honors are reserved for Lee
Cobb as the conscientious,. kindly police
chief, and Sam Levene, the prototype of
all shrewd reporters.
The basic theme is an eternal one: justice
versus personal gain. It is transmitted into

know how they all stand, including some
we'expected to support us."
The President named no names, but ob-
viously referred to Senator Clint Anderson
of New Mexico and Senate Majority Leader
Scott Lucas of Illinois. The latter, though
keeping out of the headlines, helped to lead
the fight against the Brannan income-sub-
sidy program in the Senate.
"I think it's time we took the whole
Fair Deal program once more to the peo-
ple-not only the Brannan farm program
and the nomination of Federal Power,
Commissioner Leland Olds, but everything
else Congress has scuttled," advised Pat-
ton. "After all, it's the people themselves
who have been victimized by this skull-
Truman agreed.
"The combination that fought the Olds
nomination was about the toughest lobby
I've ever seen," he remarked. "You're abso-
lutely right. We've got to take it on and I
have every intention of doing so."
W HILE PRICES of most British and Can-
adian goods have come down as a re-
sult of the pound's devaluation, the Cana-
dian newsprint companies which usually
operate as a cabal, have flatly decided not
to reduce prices to American newspapers.
This means that the highest newsprint
contract prices in history will continue.
It also means that the profits of Cana-
dian newsprint companies will continue at
their highest peak, while American news-
paper profits are off considerably.
Meanwhile the operating profits of a
typical cross section of American news-
papers dropped 54 per cent.
The interesting fact is that when the shoe
was on the other foot, the Canadians im-
mediately put it on. In 1946 when the
American dollar was pegged at $1.10 as
against $1.00 for the Canadian dollar. the

TVHOSE WHO ARE interested in the most
recent developments in contemporary
art will have an opportunity to see two of
its most interesting and dissimilar expres-
sions in the dual exhibit of work by Henri
Matisse and Stanley Hayter which will be at
the University Museum in Alumni Memorial
Hall through Sunday.
The Matisse exhibition consists of the
twenty huge color plates of a portfolio
limited to 200 copies. The identical exhibit
could be seen this summer in Paris, in the
world's largest contemporary museum. The
works were executed by painting gouache
colors on sheets of paper and then cutting
out the designs with scissors and ar-
ranging these cut-outs so as to form the
desired compositions. The results were
printed by a stencil process that allows
actual use of the artist's own hues.
And the hues are truly amazing. Freedom
breaks into laughing color across these
pages. They are mostly circus pictures-a
clown, a sword-swallower, an aquacade
swimmer, a circus horse. We are delighted
with Matisse's dexterity in showing us the
uncoiling thrust of a mad sword-thrower
in five simple curves of color. But if we
are to see it through Matisse's eyes we will
not bother long about the sword-thrower
nor the fire eater nor the world. We will
listen to the staccato rhythms of a free jazz,
played with line and color, with exuberance
and sophistication, with abandon and with
grace, to produce a mood that is com-
pletely French and yet touchessomething
In the Hayter exhibit, a series of four-
teen plates show the development of an
etching-engraving color print. The artist
tells us that the work is begun as auto-
matic drawing, though development on a
more conscious and selective level. Like
Matisse, the rhythms of the colors and
the composition are more important than
the remaining traces of subject-matter.
Unlike Matisse, there is a tortured com-
plexity of line almost without overall con-
trol, and overlaid with a further com-
plexity of muddy colors. The very elab-
orateness of the productive process, which
the artist is so anxious to show and give
written explanation to, seemed to me an
indication of the forced and overly intel-
lectual nature of the work.
Contorted and intimate rhythms such as
these are often said to reflect the contortions
and intricacy of contemporary life. But art,
even at its most violent, must.be founded on.
clear underlying structure which is har-
monious. In my opinion, Hayter's is not.
-Robert Engglass.

ThegDaily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pl-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tous letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
SL Request.. ..
To the Editor:
should like to clarify a miscon-
ception which appeared in the
report on the Student Legislature
meeting in yesterday's Daily.
From that story the reader may
have been led to believe that the
SL was asking the Regents for a
seat on the Board in Control of
Inter-Collegiate Athletics because
there had not been as The Daily
put it "true student representa-
tion" up till now.
Two students are elected from
the campus at large to sit on the
Board each year. It was certainly
not my intention as the maker of
the motion, nor, I am sure, of the
SL members who unanimously
supported it, to cast any aspersions
upon the holders of those posi-
tions 'either past, present, or fu-
We recognize an urgent need,
however, for developing a con-
tinuous liaison between the Ath-
letics Board which determines pol-
icies which are sometimes vital to
the entire student body and the
Student Legislature which is
elected to broadly represent the
student body by expressing stu-
dent opinion and taking action
for its constituents.
The most dramatic example of
the need for such continuing liai-
son was the problem which oc-
curred this fall in arranging for
group seating at the football
Had such a permanent liaison
then existed, it would not have
been necessary for a few SL mem-
bers to stay up until midnight
at an impromptu meeting with
Mr. Chrisler the night before tick-
ets were distributed in order to
-work outda distributiontpattern
that would enable students to sit
with their friends.
That a satisfactory arrangement
was reached has, I believe, been
generally recognized by both the
student body and the Athletic ad-
Student Legislature has asked
for a permanent seat on the Board
in Control of Inter-Collegiate Ath-~
letic simply because we believe
that such a closer working liai-
son would be of mutual benefit
to both the student body and the
Athletic Board.
Tom Walsh
SL Member.
* * **
AMA Campaign .. .
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to the editorial by
Phil Dawson in The Daily of
October 13th, I should like to
comment. Undoubtedly Dawson
delineates most of his knowledge
on the problem from a pamphlet+
he happened to run across at the
University Health Service. Appar-
ently the major text of this
pamphlet was reprinted as the
body of the Dawson editorial. The;
only constructive criticism that
Dawson could bring to bear
against those valid arguments op-
posed to socialized medicine were

contained in his two emotional
words: "guff" and "balony." He
drew the inference that many
members of the AMA are unprin-
cipaled because they themselves
discredit such things as faith heal-
ing, but at the same time deplore
the fact that those people who
do believe in faith healing should
be taxed for medical services
which they will not receive. Does
it seem too unreasonable to sup-
pose that medical scientists al-
though they are strongly con-
vinced of the futility of faith heal-
ing, find it impossible to respect
the views and the rights of -those'
fellow citizens of a democracy who
don't happen to agree with them?
I feel, and many medical men
will agree with me, that the chief
inadequacy in medical service re-
sults from a shortage of practic-
ing physicians in the field. Diffi-
cult as it may be, the training
facilities of our universities must
be radically " expanded to place
many more of the schools' quali-
fied applicants in training and
subsequently in the field. Concern-
ing this, the recent $3,000,000
Kresge donation to the University
of Michigan Medical School is
worth noting. We should remem-
ber that the various illusory
dreams of socialized medicine,
compulsory health insurance, or
what have you will not provide one
additional doctor, but will astro-
nomically multiply the number of
-Lyle Thumme.
Dormitory Food.. ..
To the Editor:
A about the unsavory messes
which are passing for decent food
in men's dormitories? This ques-
tion is a harsh one but it is only
At first I was able to laugh at
the inscriptions which appeared
on the door of the dining room
(e.g. Ptomaine Tavern) but then
it occurred to me that I was only
laughing at an unfortunate pre-
dicament which was not at all
hilarious but ridiculous.
Cannot the kitchen cooks realize
that the mere presence of food-
stuffs is only half the battle? I
can well imagine the turmoil
which wouldresult if someone
rashly remarked that a certain
food being prepared was not ap-
petizing !
This is not a campaign for
breast of guinea hen; nor is it a
campaign for half raw boiled po-
I would even feel tolerant to-
ward occasional food poisoning if
it tasted good going down.
-Earl D. Jelneck.
* * *
To the Editor:
son's column "On the Wash-
ington Merry-Go -Round" that ap-
pears in The Michigan Daily with
the supposedly same one that ap-
pears in the Detroit Free Press, I
have found that The Daily fre-
quently deletes part of this col-
umn. Does The Daily follow this
practice in order to provide more
space for its so-called movie re-
views and their authors? If aI
movie is no good, why not crit-
icize it in two words-it stinks-
and devote more space to Mr.
Pearson's excellent column.
-Edward Yampolsky.

(Continued from Page 3)
Approved Student sponsored So-
cial Events for the coming week-
Fri., Oct. 21
Delta Tau Delta, Graduate
School Student Council, Kappa
Nu, Phi Sigma Delta Fraternity,
Sigma Aiph Mu, Triangie Frater-
nity, Zeta Beta Tau.
Sat., Oct. 22
Acacia, Alpha Chi Sigma, Alpha
Delta Phi, Alpha Delta Pi, Alpha
Epsilon Pi, Alpha Kappa Kappa,
Alpha Kappa Psi, Alpha Sigma
Phi, Alpha Tau Omega, Beta Thete
Pi, Collegiate Sorosis, Delta Ep-
silon Pi, Delta Sigma Delta, Delta
Sigma Pi, Delta Upsilon Frater-
nity, East Quad Council, Gamma
Phi Beta, Henderson HRouse,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Lloyd House,
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Nu
Sigma Nu.
Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi Chi, Phi
Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta,
Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Phi KappaTau, Phi Rho Sigma,
Phi Sigma Delta Fraternity, Phi
Sigma Kappa, Phi Omega Frater-
nity, Psi Upsilon.
Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma
Chi, Sigma Nu Fraternity, Sigma
Phi Epsilon, Tau Delta Phi, Theta
Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Theta Xi,
Triangle Fraternity, Trigon, Zeta
Beta Tau, Zeta Psi, Alpha Rho
Chi, Sigma Chi.
Max M. Peet Lecture: "The Ap-
plication of Neuroanatomical Data
to the Diagnosis of Selected Neur-
ological and Neurosurgical Cases."
Dr. Elizabeth C. Crosby, Professor
of Anatomy, 4 p.m., Fri., Oct. 21,
Hospital Amphitheater.
David M. Cowie Lecture, aus-
pices of the Michigan Pediatrics
Society and the Department of
Postgraduate Medicine. "Progress
in the Diagnosis and Treatment of
Rheumatic Fever." Dr. Henry
Poncher, Professor of Pediatrics,
University of Illinois, 4 p.m., Fri.,
Oct. 21, Rackham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Electrical Engineering Collo-
quium: 4 p.m., Fri., Oct. 21, 2084 E.
Engineering. Mr. H. W. Welch,
Research Physicist, will speak on
Doctoral Examination 'for Olin
Carroll Karkalits, Jr., Chemical
Engineering; thesis: "The Mixing
of Dissimilar Liquids by Succes-
sive Flow Through Pipes," Fri.,
Oct. 21, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg.,
3 p.m. Chairman, G. G. Brown.
Boston Symphony Orchestra,
Charles Munch, Conductor, will
give the third program in the
Choral Union Series, Sun., Oct. 23,
7 p.m., Hill Auditorium. Program:
Overture to "Euryanthe" (Weber);
Symphony No. 5 (Beethoven) ;
Symphonic Suite (Piston); and
"Daphnis & Chloe," 2nd Suite
The Orchestra will be heard a
second time Tues., Oct. 25, 8:30
p.m., in the Extra Concert Series.
Program: Beethoven Overture to
"Egmont"; Beethoven Symphony
No. 7; and the Strauss Symphonia
A limited number of tickets are
available at the offices of the Uni-
versity Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower.
A Carillon Cencert will be pre-
sented Fri., Oct. 21, from 7:15 to

8 p.m. by Percival Price, Univer-
sity Carillonneur, and Sidney
Giles, Assistant University Caril-
lonneur. Repeating the program
which was given Wednesday eve-
ning, Professor Price will play his
own composition, Prelude 7, ,Son-
ata for 47 bells, Mr. Giles will also
perform a composition of his own,
Prelude 2, and the program will be
concluded with Mr. Price's Fourth
Rhapsody for Two Carillonneurs,
played by both men. The first per-
formance of this work was given
Events Today
Sociology Club: Steering Com-
mittee, 2 p.m., 307 Haven Hall.
Graduates and Undergraduates
Graduate Students: Monthly
Mixer, the Grad Frolic, 8:30-12
midnight, R a c k h am Ballroom.
Dancing, movies, bridge. Small ad-
mission charge.
C.E.D. (Committee to End Dis-

crimination): 4:15 p.m., Union.
Open meeting.
Canterbury Club: Tea and Open
House for all students and their
friends, 4-6 p.m.
Friday evening services: 7:45
Hillel Foundation. Rabbi Herchel
Lymon will review the book, "Why
Jesus Died."
"Paint" Party: 8:30 p.m., Bap-
tist Guild House. Recreation and
S.R.A Coffee Hour: 4:30-6 p.m.,
Lane Hall Lounge. Members from
I.C.C. are special guests.
Wesley Foundation: Work
party, 7-10 p.m. Methodist Church.
Everyone invited.
Friday Frolic: Women's Athletic
Building, 8-12 midnight; Refresh-
ments. Everyone invited. Small
admission charge.
Hawaii Club: Regular business
meeting, 7 p.m., League. (Note
change of meeting place.)
German Coffee Hour: 3:15-4:30
p.m., League Cafeteria. All stu-
dents and faculty members in-
Sigma Gamma Epsilon - Fall
picnic at the Big Fireplace at the
"Island." 3-7 p.m. Dues should be
paid this week.
Coming Events
Wesley Foundation: Alumni
home barbecue, Sat., Oct. 22,
Methodist Church, following the
Bowling: University women stu-
dents and guests (men and wom-
en) may bowl for a small fee on
the Women's Athletic Building
alleys at the following hours:
Monday through Thursday --
7:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Friday-7:30 to 11 p.m.
Westminster Guild: Post-game
weiner roast Saturday at the
Saturday Luncheon Discussion:
Sat., 11:30 a.m., Lane Hall. Reser-
vations must be made at Lane Hall
before Saturday at 10 a.m.
Movie: American Society for
Public Administration is co-spon-
sering the movie, Boomerang, 7:30
and 9:30 p.m., Architecture Audi-
Inter-Arts Union: Meeting,
Sun., 3 p.m., League. Room will
be posted on League Bulletin
Russian Circle: Meeting 8 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 24, International Cen-
ter. Open meeting.
United World Federalists: Meet-
ing of all UWF members and oth-
ers interested in effective world
government political action now,
Sun., Oct. 23, 10:30 a.m., Union.
*- *ktl





Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff............Managing Editor
Al Biumrosen............City Editor
Philip Dawson...Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil............Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin..........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady .......... Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King.........Librarian
Allan Clamage.. Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson.. Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinof. Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The' Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspape
All rights of republication of all othe,
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mal
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mall, $$.00.




Looking Back




President Hoover paid tribute to the in-
vention of the electric lamp and to its dis-

Ellen!-A telegram from the
Truth or Mayhem program-

[ It's about time I received word that my
letter has been selected as the best literary

Aren't you happy? Aren't
you proud of your mother?



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