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October 18, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-18

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TUE~SDAY, OCTOBE18,is1949i



t RE=S N T


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At the State...

{ '. 4 I,

MacMurray, and Maureen O'Hara.
HE FIRST STRING quarterback of the
movie industry called a touchdown play
when he scheduled this movie for this town
on this particular day. It is about a football
coach with a losing team.
"Two years ago we had a great team,
last year we had a fine team ..." Need
any more be said about timeliness.
Aside from that, the film is a mass of
incongruities. MacMurray, Peggy Wood, his
youngest daughter, and Thelma Ritter, his
maid, are strictly All-American, while Mau-
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

reen O'Hara, his wife, and Betty Lynn, the
eldest daughter are as inept as Michigan's
pass defense of the last two weeks.
The script is heavy handed, overdone,
and the comic situations frequently make
and the comic situations frequently make
you feel uncomfortable, but the dialogue
is sparkling, alive, and often funny.
Thelma Ritter, the maid in "Letter to
Three Wives," is the leading laugh gainer,
and she scores with almost every one of her
The football action in the film is lim-
ited and most of what there is is pro-
vided by newsreel shots of actual games,
but the editing of them is hard to under-
stand. A Notre Dame, or maybe it was an
Illinois halfback intercepts a "State U."
pass, then the camera switches to the
unhappy Coach MacMurray's phiz, and
then back to the gridiron where Mich-
igan's Bob Mann or maybe it was Bump
Elliott, races over for a touchdown.
Actually this is not a very good movie, but
there are plenty of laughs for all qf that.
-Kirk R. Hampton.

Washington Merry-Go-Round

City Editorl s
"THANK GOD, now we are secure."
This seems to summarize the opinion
of the politicians now that the eleven Com-
munists have been convicted of conspiriis
to "teach and advocate the overthrow of the
government by force and violence."
Security was the burning issue in the press
all through the trial. The prosecution
claimed that the Commies were undermin-
ing our security.
I doubt that the Supreme Court will be
Only last May, the high court reaffirmed
Oliver Wendell Holmes classic "clear and
present danger" doctrine, with the modifica-
tion that free speech cannot be abridged
unless the danger "Rises far above public
inconvenience, annoyance and unrest."
As of today, the public has been incon-
venienced to the tune of one million dol-
lars for the trial, annoyed no end by the
antics of the C.P. and their lawyers and
very stirred up-mainly over the world
series and Shirley Temple's divorce.
So far, the C.P. doesn't constitute a
"danger" to our national security, as de-
scribed by the Supreme Court.
THE CONSTITUTION says "Congress shall
make no law abridging the freedom of
speech or of the press."
The judicial decisions mentioned above
have modified this statement, but not as
much as some ultra security conscious
people seem to think.
The usual answer to anyone who cites the
Constitution is that we have to make sure
that we are secure-but this is double talk.
Security in this country does not mean
what it means in Europe, in China, in
South America or anywhere else-and
anyone who tries to compare the U.S. with
those countries is reflecting a sad state of
ignorance about American history and
Our security is not based on formal re-
strictions of what people can say and think.'
It is based on a deep-rooted inheritance/
of self-government that changes gradually
as the social structure changes.
It has stood up under the attacks of "rad-
icals" for more than 150 years, and has been
molded in part by them.
BECAUSE our "security" is based on this
tradition, wedon't have to outlaw the
Communist party until they begin to store
guns and bombs for the Revolution..
We don't have to clamp their leaders in
jail just because they are radicals.
We can stand all the yapping and finger-
pointing that the Commies can throw-just
as long as we are doing something about
the evils they point at.

"Well, See You Again Next Year"
p 4 1t( . ri a P i " s s,..'G:. _

ASHINGTON-John L. Lewis is now
about as sore at U.S. Steel as his once
friend, now rival CIO chief Phil Murray.
This was behind John L.'s sudden walkout
from the conference with northern operators
at White Sulphur Springs, 'Va., and here is
the inside story of what happened.
Lewis had put out a "feeler" to north-
ern owners that they settle the strike by
increasing the 20-cent welfare fund pay-
ments to 30 cents a ton. Also, Lewis sug-
gested a small, straight wage increase, plus
a seven-hour day at the same wages the
miners now receive for eight hours work.
All this was not a take-it-or-leave-it de-
mand, but a suggested basis for negotiation.
The miner boss made it clear that he was
chiefly interested in a boost in wellfare-
fund payments.
The very fact that Lewis had made an
"off4r"-even through the feeler method-
was big news, since up till then both sides
had shied away from making the first over-
However, U.S. Steel, which controls the
coal strike talks almost as tightly as it
controls the position of management in
the steel strike wasn't impressed. When
the coal operators discussed big John's
secret proposal, Harry Moses, president
of the U.S. Steel's lt. C. Frick Coal Com-
pany, would have no part of it.
George Love, of the Pittsburgh Consoli-
dated Coal Company, who works hand-in-
glove with U.S. Steel, also objected-which
meant that Lewis's "feeler" was a dead duck.
REASON FOR U.S. Steel's opposition: it
can't give Lewis more than it gives Phil
In fact, U.S. Steel already has many in-
dustrial leaders sore because two years ago
it gave Lewis a welfare fund with no con-
tribution from the union. Despite this. U.S.
Steel has now turned round and is demand-
ing that the steelworkers themselves con-
tribute something to their proposed wel-
fare fund.
Therefore, if U.S. Steel's captive coal
company now increases Lewis's welfare
fund without any payments from labor,
Phil Murray would make a fresh set of
demands on behalf of the United Steel-
When Lewis learned that his "feeler" had
been rejected, he was fit to be tied. Insiders
expected him to barge into the next meeting,
spewing fire and verbal brimstone at the
northern operators. Instead, he walked in
without saying a word, sat for five minutes
scowling at the window. Then, as contemp-
tuous as when he entered, he walked out.
Figuring that Lewis ha gone to the men's
room, the northern operators waited and
waited. Finally they learned that John was
already on his way to Bluefield, W. Va., to
confer with southern operators.
* * *
Defense Johnson brought U.S. foreign
policy up to date the other day for the
men who must vote the money to finance it.
Johnson was the star witness at a
closed-door session of the Senate appro-
priations Committee. The State Depart-
ment was also represented by Undersecre-
tary of State James Webb, but he faltered
and fumbled under the Senator's wither-
ing cross-examination. With two excep-
tions, however, Johnson snapped back the
answers without hesitation. These two in-
volved Yugoslavia.
The Secretary of Defense readily admitted
that Yugoslavia was the most explosive spot
on the globe, and warned:
"Anything can happen there any day, any
But he wouldn't say whether the United
States is committed to rush arms to Tito'
or what the U.S. plans to do in case of a
clash. Those were the only questions the
secretary of defense ducked.
John n fwa m r tim ic in n ' anbo

Letters to the Editor

"Are our relations with Spain improving?"
he inquired.
"Very definitely," replied Undersecretary
of State Webb.
* * *
THE NEXT HOT subject brought up was
China. Groping a bit for words, Webb
explained that Secretary of State Acheson
had assigned three groups to study China,
then had invited 20 prominent citizens last
week to consult on the question.
Bridges promptly asked for the names
of the 20 citizens, but Webb could think of
only two-former Secretary of State
George C. Marshall and former Republican
presidential candidate Harold Stassen.
Bridges then demanded that the commit-
tee be furnished the other eighteen.
Another consistent critic of our China
policy, Senator Knowland, California Repub-
lican, asked about the $75,000,000 President
Truman had asked as a blank check to aid
"Will this $75,000,000 be used if it is au-
thorized?" asked Knowland.
Webb hesitated, but Johnson spoke up
"As far as the defense department is con-
cerned," he declared, "it wouldn't be asked
for unless we intended to use it."
(Copyright, 1949, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)




I i


(Continued from Page 3)
AE 160 Seminar: 1504 E. Engi-
neering, Wed., Oct. 19, 4:15 p.m.
Mr. A. Dunlap from the Propulsion
group of the Aeronautical Re-
search Center at Willow Run Air-
port will speak "On Flame Propa-
gation." Visitors welcome.
Botany 1 make-up examination
for those who did not take the final
examination in June, 1949, will be
given Thurs., Oct. 20, 7 p.m., 2033
Natural Science. All persons in-
tending to take this examination
must leave their names in the of-
fice of the Department of Botany,
3003 Natural Science, by Thursday
Master's Degree in History: A
foreign language examination for
the Master's Degree in history will
be held in Room C, Haven Hall,
Fri., Oct. 21 at 4 p.m. Those who
intend to take the examination
must register in the History Office,
119 Haven Hall by Oct. 20.The use
of a dictionary is permitted.
Botany Seminar: Wed., Oct. 19,
4 p.m., 4082 Natural Science. Dr.
William C. Steere will speak on
Some Vegetational Studies in Alas-
Christmas Concerts: Handel's
"Messiah" will be presented by the
University Musical Society Sat.,
Dec. 10 at 8:30 and a repeat per-
formance Sunday afternoon at
2:30, in Hill Auditorium. The per-
formers will be: Chloe Owen, so-
prano; Anna Kaska, contralto;
David Lloyd, tenor; Oscar Natzka,
bass; University Choral Union and
orchestra; Mary Stubbins, organ-
ist; Lester McCoy, conductor.
Tickets for both concerts are
now on sale at the offices of the
University Musical Society in Bur-
ton Memorial Tower.
Events Today
SL Cabinet Meeting: 4 p.m., Rm.
3D, Union.
Square Dance Group: 7 p.m., at
Lane Hall.
NSA International Sub-Com-
mittee meeting, Rm. 3R, Union, 4
p.m. Anyone interested in working
with the committee may attend.
Women of the University Facul-
ty: Dinner, 6:15 p.m., Hussey
Room, League.
Gilbert and Sullivan Society:
Girls' chorus rehearsal, 7:15 p.m.,
League. Watch DOB for notice
concerning Thursday rehearsal.
Varsity Debate: All candidates
for varsity debate meet in 4203
A.H., 7:30 p.m. Program: exhibi-
tion debate on the direct election
question. Practice debates will
again be arranged following this
IZFA Dance Group: Rehearsal,
6:30 p.m., Rm. 3L, Union.
Wolverine Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Union. Any new members,
both men and women, are invited.
Homecoming preparations will be
First Fall Meeting of the Ameri-
can Association of University Pro-
fessors, Michigan Chapter, Tues.,
Oct. 18, 6-8 p.m. Dining Room of

the Faculty Club, Michigan Unioi
Cafeteria. A panel discussion will
be held on the subject: The Prob-
lem of Housing for University
Staff and Community.
(1) Vice President Robert P.
Briggs, University of Michigan-
"The University of Michigan's
Role in Housing."
(2) Neil Staebler, Builder and
Member of the State of Michigan
Housing Study Commission, "Pos-
sibilities of Housing in Terms of
Private Building and of State and
Federal Aid."
(3) Arthur M. Eastman, De-
partment of English, University
of myichigan, and former Chair-
man of American Veterans Com-
mittee, Town Chapter, "The Pres-
ent Housing Situation: the Need
and Distribution of the Need."
Members of the faculty who are
not members of the Chapter are
invited to attend this meeting
which promises to be of consider-
able interest.
I.Z.F.A. Elementary study group
League. Subject: "The Jewish Di-
lemma and Basic Zionism." Every-
body welcome.
Mlilitary Government Reserve
Unit: Meet at 7:30 p.m., 131 School
of Blisiness Administration Bldg.
Skit illustrating new military jus-
tice procedure will be presented.
Canterbury Club: 7:30 p.m.; the
first of the Chaplain's eSminars,
conducted by Rev. John Burt, on
the Basic Doctrines of the Christ-
ian Faith.
Sigma Rho Tau, engineering
speech society: General meeting, 7
p.m., E. Eng. Bldg.
UWF Meeting: 4 p.m., Michigan
Christian Science Organization:
Testimonial meeting, 7:30 p.m.,
Upper Room, Lane Hall. All are
Coming Events
Anthropology Club: Second
meeting, Wed., Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m.,
3024 Museum. Entrance bythe
rear door. Dr. Frederick P. Thieme
will give an illustrated lecture on
"Primate Locomotion and Be-
Tea 'n Talk: 4-6 p.m., Wed.,
Oct. 19, Presbyterian Church.
U. of M. Theatre Guild: tryouts
for Shakespeare's Romeo and
Juliet, 7 p.m., and General meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Wed., Oct. 19, League.
Canterbury Club: Wed., Oct. 19,
a.m.; Holy Communion followed
by Student Breakfast.
U. of M. Hostel Club:
The following is a list of activi-
ties for the club for the following
week. All members and visitors
Sat., Oct. 22-Square Dance at
Jones School, 8-11 p.m.;
Sun., Oct. 23-Bike conditioner
and Cook-out, meet at 2 p.m. at
League for afternoon trip;
Sat.-Sun., Oct. 29-30-Hallo-
ween Bike to Harmony Valley,
meet 8:30 am., Sat., League, with
packed lunch and bike for 45 mile
cycle to hostel. Call Mary Con-
over, 257971, before Friday noon,
Oct. 28.

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general poi.
iey is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of asdefama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste . will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
SL Song ..
To the Editor:
W HILE ONE readily admits that
the NSA professes noble pur-
poses and that the SL has on oc-
casion proven its worth to the
university community, I feel im-
pelled to comment on an event
that transpired the other night
during the opening production of
the Legislature's current dramatic
I have before me a copy of a
song sheet used by the members
of the Legislature during its Rack-
ham Hall meeting the other night.
The sheet contains the words for
three musical masterpieces pro-
duced by delegates to the national
NSA Congress last summer. The
first and second songs on the
sheet amused me. The third, how-
ever, aroused my ire and made my
blood curdle. The song is entitled
"God Bless Free Enterprise" and
as would be expected from the pe-
culiar genius of those who created
it, the lyric is to be sung to the
tune of"GodBlessbAmerica." It
God Bless Free Enterprise,
Standbeside her and guide
Just so long as the profits
are mine.
Et cetera.
The work was apparently sung
with great glee by those sons of
virtuosity who like to cast con-
demnation and ridicule on the sys-
tem of self-fulfillment and free in-
vestment that built this country
and incidentally the U. of M. But
if this type of emotionalized
dogma is read into the proceedings
of the NSA and SL, I cannot but
question the intelligence, the lib-
eralism, the worthiness of the
standards upheld by those bodies.
After all has not the SL ex-
pressed the hope of holding reg-
ular meetings in Rackham Build-
ing? Was not this bigoted and
prejudiced song, a creation of
those who cast such carefree and
unqualified aspersions on free en-
terprise, sung in the soft plush and
comfort of the Rackham Build-
ing? And from where did the
funds come with which to con-
struct Rackham and several other
sumptuous University buildings?
My little book of Michigan his-
tory tells me that they came from
returns on investment (the pro-
fits) of free enterprise. The little
men and the big men who are the
capitalists of this country, we re-
mind certain individuals within
the NSA group, are on occasion
good citizens and even open a
warm heart to the needs of the
student communities....
SL's dramatic season just missed
a song hit and struck out on the
first round. Let's have a little im-
provement in the lyrics for the
next performance.
-Howard Hartzell.
Oct. 19, Rackham Amphitheatre.
Papers: "Population Decline as a
Factor in the Fall of the Roman
Empire," Prof. A. E. R. Boak,
"Some Statistical Problems Aris-
ing from Research in Biology and
Psychology," Prof. C. C. Craig.
Scabbard and Clade: Meeting, 8
p.m., Wed., Oct..19, North Hall.
Alpha Phi Omega Pledges:
Meeting of the pledges, 7:15 p.m.,
Union, Wed., Oct. 19. Organiza-
tional meeting. All pledges be

Young Progressives of America:
Meeting, Wed., Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m.,
Union. Prof. John F. Shepard of
Psychology Dept., will speak on
"How to Fight Discrimination."
Semester program of YPA on Jim
Crow will be projected. Election of
executive board. New members in-
vited. Refreshments.
A.S.M.E., Student Branch: Open
meeting, Wed., Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m.,
Architecture Auditorium. Film:
"Steam for Roger."
U. of M. Rifle Club: Firing and
instruction, 7-9 p.m., Wed., Oct.
19, ROTC rifle range. Practice
hours this semester, Mon.-1&2;
Tues.-11; Thurs.-11; and Fri.-
Sociedad Hispanica: Meeting,
Wed., Oct. 19, Hussey Room,
League, 8 p.m. Mexican film
"Tierra Mexicana."

A&P Trial.. .
To the Editor:
has given a cogent statement
of the point of view which favors
giving rather free rein to mono-
polistic practices in business. I
take it that the keystone of his
excellent logic is the phrase "The
objective should be economic effi-
ciency . .." Reading this, I realize
how little the choice between Mr.
Adam's position and the one op-
posed to it, that the government
should act so as to discourage
monopolistic enterprise as far as
possible, is a logical one. For one
can also argue that the experience
of this country and of Europe be-
tween the two world wars-I am
thinking of the Harding adminis-
tration and of the growth of the
German and Italian regimes-
shows that when monopolies be-
come a great economic power in
the land, they tend to protect
their interests by assuming great
political power, and that if this
power falls into the hands of un-
scrupulous men, they are in a
position to make life hard for the
So as I see it, the choice be-
tween Mr. Adam's position and the
one given here is a matter of
taste, and my own taste is that I
don't want to take the risk, how-
ever remote, of being controlled
by a government in which I am
not represented, and that to se-
cure against this I am willing to
sacrifice "economic efficiency,"
that is, if necessary, to take a cut
in my standard of living. I am
willing to pay for my continued
existencetas a small, independent
political power in cold, hard cash,
-David Park.
* * *
To the Editor:
I READ WITH great interest the
editorial in today's Daily on the
A&P ads that have been so prom-.
inently displayed lately. I fully
realize and agree that all monop-
olies should be curbed and curbed
so well that complete and full
competition returns to the specific
industry in question or that tries
to corner any industry. But let's
remember that monopoly can exist
with many small companies being
involved as well as a few mon-
strous ones. Witness the optical
lens business plus a part of the
medical profession (Many doctors,
but in a lot of cases same out-
rageous set of prices).
However, anyone can see that if
sound competition is removed
prices will go up in the local
stores. If the mass buying, effi-
cient selling methods, and a steady
market for the farmers' produce,
are being provided within the
present structure of the A&P let's
not play politics with it.
Speaking of monopolies how
about the one now busily defend-
ing "Haberdasher" Harry Tru-
man's odvote getting plans and
positions on such things as Olds
appointment. Is it possible to pre-
sent both sides fairly in The
-David Cargo.







WASHINGTON-For the second time in
a little more than a year, Dr. Edwin
Nourse, chairman of the Economic Advisory
Council, has sent his resignation to the
White House. On the previous occasion, Dr.
Nourse yielded to President Truman's pleas
to stay on. This time, however, it is under-
stood that Nourse is more determined to go,
and that Truman is less reluctant to part
with him. Hence a new EAC chairman is
now being sought.
Ordinarily, it would be no great dis-
closure that another economist was leav-
ing the government. But Dr. Nourse is,
in the first place, the official top dog
among all government economists. And
Looking Back


A TOTAL of 3,197 students made up the
largest enrollment in the University's
* * *
An educator of the Boston University
College of Business Administration estimated
that the cash value of a college education
was $72,000. He estimated that the maximum
earning capacity of a college graduate was
$6,000 and that thegraduate at the age
of 60 could earn a maximum of $160,000.
The death penalty was asked by the United
States government for the kidnapper of Mrs.
Alice B. Stoll. Thomas H. Robinson, named
by police as her kidnapper, was liable to the
extreme penalty under the Lindbergh law.
In startling contrast to Saturday's game,
the Wolverines rolled over Northwestern 28-
0. Leo Koceski's three touchdowns led the
way to Michigan's 18th straight win.
-From the Pages of The Daily.
(r hosts

his departure says much, in the second
place, about the critically important trend.
of economic thinking and planning within
'the Truman administration.
The Noursean economics have had their
peculiarities. Hints of government controls
have almost always caused Dr. Nourse to
declare that business was leveling off, or
even to predict deflation. Suggestions of gov-
ernment spending equally regularly have led
Dr. Nourse to forecast immediate inflation of
terrible proportions. In short, he has pic-
tured the American economy as somewhat
resembling sweet Alice Ben Bolt, who trem-
bled with joy when you gave her a smile
and burst into tears at a frown.
None the less, Dr. Nourse has been one'
of the very few, government economists
(as distinguished from members of the
Truman Cabinet and White House en-
tourage) with marked sympathy for the
business viewpoint toward government. He
has generally fought a losing fight for this
viewpoint. And there is a good -deal of
reason to believe that he decided to.shake
the dust of government off his feet, when
he was again defeated in this summer's
debate over next year's budgetary policy.
In brief, it is known that Dr. Nourse both
advocated even deeper cuts in foreign and
defense spending than those already being
made, and also suggested reductions of ex-
penditure in the social welfare field. Since
his proposals amounted to advice to the
President that he abandon his entire pro-
gram, they were hardly likely to be received
with enthusiasm.
* * *
WHATEVER may have been the circum-
stances of Nourse's decision, his retire-
ment, if it materializes, will probably mean
two things. First, it will mean a decided
change in the character of the economic
Advisory Council. It is difficult to believe
that the President will replace him with
another man who is so completely out of
step with Fair Deal social-political thinking.
Second,the loss of Dr. Nourse will mean
a considerable reduction in strength of the
Administration group which has been fight-

Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff........... Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen...............City Editor
Philip Dawson.......Editorial Director
Mary Stein...........Associate Editor
Jo Misner..............Associate Editor
George Walker.......Associate Editor
Don McNeil ....... ,... Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes........Sports Co-Editor
Merle. Levin .......... Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goelz.....Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady...........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach.. Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King................Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
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Telephone 23-24-1
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The Associated Press is exclusively
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Entered at the Post, Office at Ann
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Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.


Research Club: 8 p.m.,



fG2us has fainted again..cs i rbal.nije

When I have effected my miraculous cure,
I may do a paper on my methods. To read
before the next psychiatrist's convention.

Rest, of course, is the first thing any good
physician prescribes. We'll let him sleep-
I've iust time to catch that excellent movie


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