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October 16, 1949 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1949-10-16

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. by Harold Jackson


"I Was Just Bending Over To Batten A Hatch
When I Got Shot In The Morale"

Letters to the Editor -


keless Set-Back .. .

ONCE AGAIN we have the cigarette wrap-
per collection marathon which yearly
places a television set in the hardest puffing
housing unit on campus.
Once again the contest is sponsored by
that cigarette which boasts a broken-down
bell-hop and countless "eminent" medi-
cal authorities.
And once again the Phi Gams, last year's
Winners, are oiling up their collection ma-
chine-intent on bringing home the TV
bacon for the second straight time.
The Phi Gams collected over 5,000
wrappers last year in an unbelievable
campaign which brought old cigarette
packages from alums as far away as Cali-
fornia and.Florida.
But, according to Dave Thomas, the most
discouraging incident during the Phi Gam
collection came the night they sent six
pledges in to Detroit's Olympia Stadium to
a hockey game to gather up cigarette wrap-
The men sifted ashcans, hunted under
seats and practically swept the ice until
long after the last hockey fan had gone
home, but came up with nary a wrapper.
Finally one of the pledges glanced up and
discovered the reason for their failure:
It was a large sign: NO SMOKING.
* * * *
War Torn Venus?.. .
ICK RORICK was genuinely impressed
by many of the great works of art he saw
in Europe this summer, but Venus de Milo
left him cold.
"The statue of Venus they've got In the
lobby of Martha Cook is a lot better than
the one in the Louvre," he declares.
"The one in Paris is all hacked up."
A Spirited Ollie .. .
OLLIE JENSEN, the philosophic Swede,
rubbed his hands together and announced
that "this rah-rah business might be all
right after all."
Until now the Swede has been aloof
from school spirit, but the announcement
that the Student Affairs Committee is
considering a clamp down on rah-rah,
because it's getting out of hand, has
stirred his interest.
"I think it's darn funny that the smart
promoters who forced rah rah on the cam-
pus are in hot water because they can't
restrict it to song singing and snake dances.
"Me for the kind of school spirit that
painted up Michigan State's campus-
betcha, with a little push we can move
Angell Hall over- to Ypsilanti some dark
"A d the next time a pep rally winds up
stormiing through the fifth floor of Stck-
well Hall, we old fellows will be there to
show 'em some rah-rah the like of which
they've never seen before."
Better'n Phi Bete . .
CARL CONLON was looking mighty pleas-
ed when we met him on the Diagonal.
We asked if he'd just made Phi Beta Kappa.
"Naw," said Carl, "it's something better
than that. I just took one of those psy-
chology maze tests and the professor told
me I was smarter than 92 per cent of all
white rats and 86 per cent of all feeble-
minded children."
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Other Rumpus
WASHINGTON - Like the row between
Secretary Johnson and the admirals,

the feud between Marshal Tito and the
Kremlin is simmering along nicely. What
makes the Tito-Kremlin feud worth a
special report at this time, is the accumu-
lating evidence that Tito's rebellion. is al-
ready doing the Kremlin real harm where
it hurts most-in the rigid control of the
world Communist parties by Moscow.
Indeed, there seems to be no doubt, any
longer, that the remarkably courageous
Yugoslav leader possesses considerable
numbers of agents and sympathizers
throughout all the satellite area.
Innumerable intellectual fellow travelers
are being tempted by Titoism's almost irre-
sistiblencombination of the consolations of
religion with none of the painful restrictions
of orthodoxy. Worse still, serious Titoist-
Stalinist splits are threatened within the
working cores of the Communist parties.
* * * *
IN THE EES of the Kremlin, these are
appalling developments. Within the Amer-
ican government, however, opinion remains
sharply divided as to the Kremlin's probable
reaction. In certain authoritative quarters,
a Soviet armed attack on Yugoslavia is now

At the Michigan...
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This article was written last
spring, when "Home of the Brave" was first re-
leased in New York. Although Samuel Grafton
is no longer writing a column, we are reprinting
this one upon the arrival of the film, in Ann
AM NOT very good at writing commer-
cials, even free ones, but I urge you by
all means to see Home of the Brave. This
film will not solve the Negro problem and it
1. 1I


WORDS ARE inadequate to describe what
took place in Hill Auditorium last night:
the Vienna Choir Boys gave a concert which
will long be remembered by those present-
they were absolute perfection from beginning
to end.
In the first group of religious songs, rang-
ing from Palestrina to Mozart, the boys ef-
fectively demonstrated just how well trained
they are. Their intonation was impeccable,
as were their attacks and releases, and in
the fugal Scarlatti "Exultate Deo," the vari-
ous entrances were remarkable.
The second part of the program was de-
voted to a performance of Offenbach's
charming operetta, Herr und Madam Denis.
It was quite obvious that the singers had
been well-coached, for they acted, as well as
sang, their parts in such a way as to seem
older and more experienced artists. Par-
ticularly fine was the boy who sang the role
of Ninette, the chamber maid.
The third and last part of the program
was devoted to songs by Schubert, Reger,
Morley, Joseph Strauss and Johann Strauss.
The commendable qualities were especially
apparent in the Schubert serenade, in which
the choir's pianissimo was beautifully con-
trolled and balanced. Equally remarkable was
their rendering of Strauss' Tales from the
Vienna Woods, in which the inimitable
Viennese waltz spirit was apparent.
The group was compelled to do three en-
cores. The most outstanding was a lullaby
sometimes erroneously attributed to Mozart.
This was enchanting beyond description,
and brought tears to the eyes of at least
one person in the audience. We are greatly
indebted to Harald Hedding, the director,
and the choir for a superlative evening.
-Harris Crohn.

doesn't pretend to, but that is no criticism,
since playwrights' answers are not usually
decisive, anyway.
What's important is that it sets the
movies to talking about the position of
the Negro in our life.
Any film that does that has got to be
important, and it is doubly important in
1949, because it indicates that perhaps we
are not going downhill into reaction as
completely as we thought, and that maybe
our health is better than we knew.
* * * *
THE THING IS that the question of race
relations is the key to how we stand with
ourselves and with our consciences in this
postwar period. If race relations deteriorate,
or even stand still, and if the subject finds
little mention in key mediums, that will
demonstrate beyond question that we have
sunk into a kind of numb rightist orthodoxy.
If in the movies of the middle of this
century, no American has a race problem
(just as, in the movies, no American ever
has a pimple) that will be a sign that, in
addition to whatever else we may be flee-
ing from, we are fleeing from ourselves.
If, however, these subjects come to the
forefront of our attention, and stay there,
that will be a sign that we are trying to
find the right way to live, instead of merely
trying to live-and the latter occupation is
much inferior to the former.
* * * *
I KNOW that other movies on the Negro
problem are being projected, and that
there have been fine films on anti-Semitism,
and what it all adds up to is that the movies
are finding out that fleeing from ourselves
is, on the whole, not very entertaining.
All our good novelists, from F. Scott
Fitzgerald on, have given testimony that
the periods in which we have most devot-
edly tried to flee from ourselves, such as
the Twenties, are precisely the periods in
which we have succeeded only in boring
ourselves silly.
There is a fallacy embedded in the enter-
tainment business, and it runs to the effect
that the only way you can stir up the peo-
ple's interest is to present them with ma-
terial that is in no way important to them.
The makers of "Home of the Brave"
have discovered that, in terms of creating
fascinated attention, an important theme
is at least as good as two additional script
writers and the loan of a star.
The answer to Hollywood's economic prob-
lems may even be involved, for important
themes are the only elements in picture
making which have not gone up in price.
(Copyright, 1949, New York Post Corporation)

The Daily accords its readers the
privilege .of submitting letters for
publication in this column. Subject
to space limitations, the general pol-
icy is to publish in the order in which
they are received all letters bearing
the writer's signature and address.
Letters exceeding 300 words, repeti-
tious letters and letters of a defama-
tory character or such letters which
for any other reason are not in good
taste will not be published. The
editors reserve the privilege of con-
densing letters.
A&P Trial ., ,
To the Editor:
N VIEW OF the latest Daily
editorial-the A & P case article
by Miss Lipsky-it is important
to note that anti-trust policy and
the A & P trial raise concepts far
more complex than Miss Lipsky
seems to realize.
While trying to restrict this let-
ter to readable size-a practice
that ought to be encouraged-let
me point out that:
1. Our anti-trust policy will not
solve the monopoly problem. We
must realize that monopolistic
competition is here to stay, and in
view of its importance in product
and service improvement, it is a
basic part of our system. The
Justice Department must develop
a sound economic norm on which
to base its trust-busting activity
and an economically trained court
to examine its charges. The norm
must be a clear statement of perm-
anent policy-a firm must know

what is "monopoly" and what is
2. Large size inevitably means
monopolistic or oligopolistic pow-
er, i.e., the common practice of
preferential rates for large quan-
tity orders.
3. Since large size often (but
not always) reflects efficient pro-
duction and service, the aim of
anti-trust laws should not be to
destroy large (monopolistic) size
(a politically impractical and eco-
nomically naive approach any-
way) but only to avoid real abuses.
The objective should be economic
efficiency, not the protection of
small, often inefficient business,
nor a political play on the word
4. A & P is the cheapest food
store in the country. Whether a
monopoly or not, the splitting of
the A & P chain would be a great
loss to the country's housewives.
--F. G. Adams
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Miss Lipsky was
not discussinganti-trust laws in gen-
eral, but attempted to point out and
criticize some "real abuses"-includ-'
ing its advertisements-which A & P
has indulged in. Whether it is "the
cheapest food store in the country"
is a matter of fact; we doubt if the
facts have been determined. Whether
tihe splitting of the A & P chain
would be "a great loss to the country's
housewives" is even more undeter-
mined and there is certainly room for
disagreement here; Miss Lipsky was
not recommending the break-up of
the chain. Anyway, thanks . for a
thoughtful-and brief-letter.)





Washington MerryGoRound

WASHINGTON-There was a terrific pro-
test from ex-GI's when the veterans
administration tried to restrict the right of
veterans to change their study courses under
the GI Bill of Rights. But their protest was
mild compared to the senatorial tongue-
lashing given the VA behind the scenes.
Senators Taft of Ohio and Pepper of
Florida-one a Republican, the other a
Democrat-who usually lash each other,
this time lashed out at the Veterans Ad-
Earlier, Taft and Pepper had rebuked the
VA for trying to sneak through Congress a
provision giving it life-or-death power ovet
private schools. Eventually, the VA did get
authority to stop tuition to "avocational or
recreational" schools - but on the strict
pledge it would not misuse its authority.
Whereupon it promptly branded all private
schools organized after June, 1944, as "avo-
cational or recreational." Simultaneously
veterans were required to "Justify" any
change in courses. In both cases, the burden
of proof was up to the veterans.
WHEN NEWS of this ruling leaked out,
VA officials were called on the carpet
by the Senate Labor Committee, the doors
were closed, and Taft and Pepper proceeded
to take off the gloves.
Angrily, Taft accused the Veterans Ad-
ministrationaof "plain arrogance."
"The Veterans Administration has set it-
self up as a censor over what kind of educa-
tion a man ought to have," he stormed.
Then the senator from Ohio brought up
examples of schools and veterans that had
been discriminated against, and charged
that VA officials had violated their word.
"I have lost my faith in the Veterans Ad-
ministration," Taft said. "You promised to
use restraint in exercising the authority we
gave you. The Veterans Administration's
promises no longer mean anything to me."
"The laws are supposed to be written by
Congress, but you are trying to rewrite
them," added the senator from Ohio.
* * * *
SPEAKING FOR the VA, assistant admin-
istrator H. V. Stirling came back with a
tirade against private schools. But Taft
cut him short.
"You people have a blind spot," he said.
"You want to wreck 140 per cent of the
private schools in order to catch the 2 per
cent that are guilty of abuses."

Pepper supported Taft with the same bit-
ing language. When assistant administrator
Stirling tried to smooth it over with some
soft soap, Pepper purred: "Mr. Stirling'
you coo like a dove but bite like an eagle."
The only senator who started to stick
up for the Veterans Administration -
Humphrey of Minnesota - changed his
tune when he read the VA regulation.
"There is only one thing wrong with this
regulation," he exploded. "There just isn't1
any damn common sense behind it."
Note-VA officials came back later, meek-'
ly changed their regulation.
SOUTHERN COAL operators can hardly
believe it, but John L. Lewis actually ad-
mitted last week that he may have made
some mistakes in administering the miner's
welfare fund. "Just give us a chance and
we'll show you that we can operate the
fund efficiently," the mine boss pleaded.
The heads of the American Legion, the
Veterans of Foreign Wars and other vet-
erans' groups-many of them hostile in
the past-will bury the hatchet publicly
at the Notre Dame-North Carolina foot-
ball game November 12. The idea was in-
spired by live-wire Clyde Lewis, new com-
mander of the VFW...
Biggest mystery in Russia is what's be-
come of Molotov. If Molotov has been purg-
ed, it's a bigger story than Russia's A-bomb
for it means that Comrade Stalin can't
trust anyone anymore.
REVOLUTIONS are not the product of an
inborn desire for radical change ex-
pressed in fiery declamations from the soap-
box. A revolutionist is a human organism
that is held and wielded by certain cultural
elements and forces that are moving in th
direction of profound change . . .
By the same token, a reactionary is a
person held firmly in the "magnetic field"
of cultural elements about to be van-
quished or rendered obsolete in the com-'
petitive interaction of the culture proc-
And the reformer or "liberal" is one who
feels the pull of both sets of forces, those
striving to preserve the obsolete, and those
struggling to destroy the old in order to

(Continued from Page 3)
in mission schools. Teachers of
elementary and secondary grades;
nurses; doctors; social workers;
office workers; dietitians; and
housemothers are needed. For
further information, call at the
Bureau of Appointments.
Placement Registration: Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information will
hold its annual registration (see
schedule below) for February,
June and August graduates as well
as graduate students or staff mem-
bers who wish to register.
It is most important to register
NOW because the Bureau contin-
ues to serve its registrants after
graduation by helping them secure
better positions. There will be
only one registration period dur-
ing the academic year. Registra-
tion material will be given out at
the meeting. No material will be
distributed before the meetings.
The Bureau has two placement
divisions: TEACHING and GEN-
. ERAL. The TEACHING division
covers all types of teaching posi-
tions as well as other positions in
the educational field. The GEN-
ERAL division includes service to
people seeking positions in busi-
ness, industry and positions other
than teaching. It is important to
register NOW because employers
are already asking for February
and June graduates. There is no
fee for registering at this time.
After the regular enrollment, a
late registration fee of $1.00 is
charged by the University.
On Mon., Oct. 17, at 4:10 p.m. a
meeting will be held in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall for those inter-
ested in GENERAL placement.
On Tues., Oct. 18, at 4:1' p.m. a
meeting will be held in Rackham
Lecture Hall for those interested
Those interested in registering
in both divisions are invited to at-
tend both meetings as different
material will be covered in the two
University Community Center,
Willow Run Village.
Sun., Oct. 16, Village Church
Fellowship (Interdenominational) :
10:45 a.m. Church service. 4:30
p.m. Study and discussion. 5:30
p.m. Pot-luck supper.
Mon., Oct. 17, 8 p.m. General
Nursery meeting.
Tues., Oct. 18, 8 p.m. Dance com-
Wed., Oct. 19, 8 p.m. Bridge.
Badminton and gymnastics for
women. Ceramics. Wives' Club
Board. Wives' Club Skit Group.
Thurs., Oct. 20, 8 p.m. Choir.
Ceramics. Water-color and textile
Fri., Oct. 21, 8:30-10:30 p.m.
Church Fellowship party.
Clare E. Griffin will speak on
"Free Enterprise: American and
European Style," Tues., Oct. 18,
8 p.m., Architecture Auditorium.
University Lecture. "John Dew-
ey. Democratic Philosopher." Hor-
ace M. Kallen, Professor of Phil-
osophy, New School of Social Re-
search, New York; auspices of the
School of Education and the De-
partment of Philosophy, Tues.,
Oct. 18., 4:15 p.m., Architecture

Academic Notices
Mathematics Orientation Semi-
nar: Mon., Oct. 17, 3 p.m., 3001
Angell Hall. Mr. Dihm will pre-
sent the "Sum of Four Squares."
Organic Seminar: 7:30 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 17, 1300 Chemistry
Bldg., Speaker: Samuel Kaufman.
Topic: "Problems in the Partial
Synthesis of 11-Oxygenated Ste-
Mathematical Logic Seminar:
Mon., Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m., 3217 An-
gell Hall. Prof. Burks will speak
on the application of primitive re-
cursive functions in Godel's in-
completeness proof.
Preliminary Examinations in
English: Candidates for the Ph.D.
degree in English who expect to
take the preliminary examinations
this semester are requested to
leave their names with Dr. Ogden,
3230 Angell Hall, before Nov. 1.
The examinations will be given as
follows: English Literature from
the beginnings to 1500, Nov. 23;
English Literature, 1500-1700, No-
vember 26; English Literature,
1700-1900, Nov. 30; and American
Literature, Dec. 3.
Faculty Recital: Harold Haugh,
tenor, will present the first facul-
ty recital at 4:15 Sunday after-
noon, Oct. 16, Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre, and will be accompanied
by Ava Comin Case. Program:
works by Mozart, Rossini, Res-
pighi, Bizet, Hugo Wolf, and two
groups of English songs. The pub-
lic is invited.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall. Jazz by Matisse: Hayter's
Five Personages, weekdays 9 to 5,
Sundays 2 to 5. The public is in-
Events Today
Graduate Outing Club will meet
2:15 p.m., Northwest Entrance,
Rackham Building, for hiking and
canoeing. Election of officers. All
graduate students invited.
IZFA, Hebrew Circle: Union,
10:45 a.m. Everybody welcome.
U. of M. Hot Record Society: A
program featuring Lu Watters and
other small label jazz groups, 8
p.m. Everyone invited.
UWF: Seminar Study Group:
8 p.m., 318 E. Madison St. Sub-
ject: "Road to World Republic;
Present Political Trends."
Westminster Guild-A seminar
in religion 9:30 a.m., kitchen of
the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Hen-
derson is the discussion leader.
Coffee and rolls served at 9 a.m.
Evening fellowship supper, 5:30
p.m., followed by worship service
and program. Dr. Lemon will
speak on "Persistant Thought Pat-
terns in World Religion."
Canterbury Club: 9:45 a.m.,
Student breakfast following the
service of Holy Communion. 5
p.m., Evening Service at St. An-
drew's Church, followed by student
supper at 6 p.m. Dr. Efimenco of
the Political Science Department

will speak on "The World Wit-'
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation:
Bridge Tournament Social, 7:30
p.m. Everyone invited.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club, 5:30 p.m., Supper and
Evangelical and Reformed
Guild: 5:30 p.m., Supper followed
by panel discussion on the United
Church of Christ and the United
Student Fellowship. Those par-
ticipating: Rev. J. Caskey, Rev. A.
Siemsen, Mrs. Dorothy Foster and
John Neepschwander.
Unitarian'-Students: 6:30 p.m.,
meet at the' church to hear Mr.
Harcd Exenberger, commentator
for Radio unich, discuss "Life in
Wartime Germany." Refreshments
and recreation following the dis-
Lutheran Student Association:
4:30 p.m., Choir rehearsal at the
Parish Hall. 5:30 p.m. Meet at
Parish Hall and leave for outdoor
supper and worship service.
Roger Williams Guild: 6 p.m. at
the Guild House. Baptist students
will hear Rev. Ernest Witham,
Personal Secretary of the Asso-
ciated Home Missionary Agencies
of the Northern Baptist Conven-
Wesleyan Guild: 9:30 a.m., Stu-
dent Seminar in the Pine Room,
discussing "Gods of the Campus."
5:30 p.m. meeting with supper,
social hour, worship and program.
Speaker: Rev. John Burt of the
Episcopal Church.
ongregational-Disciples Guild:
6 p.m. Supper at Congregational
Church. Dr. Theodore Shepherd
will speak on "Prayer in the Mod-
ern World."
Michigan Christian Fellowship:
Second in a series, "Gods Revela-
tion: HOW?" Dr. Ned Stonehouse
of Westminster Seminary, speak-
er. Meeting in the Fireside Room,
Lane Hall; 4:30 p.m. Refresh-
Coming Events
Sociedad Hispanica: Social
hour, Mon.,. International Center,
4 to 6 p.m. Refreshments.
* SRA Electorate will meet Mon-
day at 7:30 in, Lane Hall.
Alpha Kappa Psi: Business
meeting and pledging ceremonies
at chapter house, Monday, 7:30
Pi Lambda Theta campus mem-
bers and transfer members are
urged to attend a meeting, fol-
lowed by a social hour, honoring
Mrs. Florence Hazzard, winner of
the national Pi Lambda Theta
award, Mon., Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m.,
East conference room, Rackham
Assembly Fortnite skits rehear-
sal, Mon. Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m., Lydia
Mendelson. Compulsory.
I.Z.F.A. Study Group B. Meet-
ing Monday, 7:45 p.m., Michigan

tion Group: Meeting, Mon., 8 p.m.,
League Ballroom, for all those who
were members of the League
Dancing class exhibition group
last year.
Sphinx: 10 p.m., Mon., Oct. 17,
Rm., 3G, Union. Plans for a social
function and a project will be dis-.
UWF Meeting: 4 p.m., Michigan
Union, Tues., Oct. 18.
First Fall Meeting of the Ameri-
can Association of University Pio-
fessors, Michigan Chapter, Tuis.;
Oct. 18, 6-8 p.m. Dining Room of
the Faculty Club, Michigan Union
Cafeteria. A panel discussion will
be held on the subject: The Pro-y
lem of Housing for University,
Staff and Community.
(1) Vice President Robert P.
Briggs, University of Michigan-
"The University of Michigan's
Role in Housing."
(2) Neil Staebler, Builder and
Member of the State of Michigan
Housing Study Commission, "Pos-
sibilities of Housing in Terms of
Private Building and of State and
Federal Aid."
(3) Arthur M. Eastman, De-
partment of English, University
of Michigan, and former Chaim'-
man of American Veterans Com-
mittee, Town Chapter, "The Pres-
ent Housing Situation: the Need
and Distribution of the Need.
T.Z.F.A. Elementary study group
will meet Tues., Oct. 18, 7:30 p.m.,
Mich. League. Subject: "The Jew-
ish Dilemma and Basic Zionism."
Everybody welcome.


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Leon Jaroff..........Managing Editor
Al Blumrosen.............. City Editor
Philip Dawson. Editorial Director
Mary Stein.............Associate Editor
Jo Misner...........Associate Editor
George Walk~er ........ Associate Editor
Don McNeil.........Associate Editor
Alex Lmanian......Photography Editor
Pres Holmes......... Sports Co-Editor
Merle Levin.........Sports Co-Editor
Roger Goeiz..Associate Sports Editor
Miriam Cady..........Women's Editor
Lee Kaltenbach. .Associate Women's Ed.
Joan King..............Librarian
Allan Clamage......Assistant Librarian
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Business Manager
Dee Nelson. . Associate Business Manager
Jim Dangi......Advertising Manager
Bernie Aidinoff.......Finance Manager
Ralph Ziegler......Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of. The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during the regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.

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