Foreign Students Should
Know Nation's Churches
No foreign student is really ac-
quainted with the United States
unless he is familiar with its chur-
ches, according to Mrs. C. C.
Chambers, University religious
counselor for Protestant foreign
New Designs
Permit Cheap
Research is leading to the de-
velopment of a new type of low
cost school building, according to
Prof. C. Theodore Larson of the
College of Architecture and De-
Prof. Larson spoke yesterday in
Indianapolis at the annual meet-
ing of the, National Council on
Schoolhouse Construction. He de-
livered a progress report on ex-
perimental work being conducted
by the University's Engineering
Research Institute.
* * *
will permit the erection of a per-
manent building that can be en-
larged or reduced in size, the pro-
fessor said.
"It will be entirely possible to
completely dismantle the entire
building and reassemble it on an-
other location with very little loss
of parts and materials," he added.
The research project is spon-
sored by Charles W. Attwood,
president of the Unistrut Corpora-
tion of Wayne. It is trying to de-
velop a standardized unit steel
structure for use by local archi-
tects, school planners, technicians
and school boards in designing
schools to meet local needs
throughout the country.
Mrs. Chambers oelieves that a
knowledge of different religions
will create better understanding
between nations. She explained
that her job is not concerned with
inducing students to join church-
es, but with acquainting them with
Christian churches and homes.
SHE AIMS to integrate foreign
students of Protestant preference
into the local student and church
programs. Special attention is
given to foreign students educated
in Protestant mission schools.
But Protestant groups are not
Mrs. Chambers' only concern.
She also acts as counselor and
friend to individual students re-
gardless of religious preference.
Mrs. Chambers works in close
cooperation with International
Center and the Student Religious
Association. In this capacity she
attends all foreign student func-
tions on campus, and works with
the international department of
* * *
church homes and invitations to
speak to church groups is another
counseling duty.
Last Thanksgiving Mrs. Cham-
bers cooperated with Interna-
tional Center in seeing that
many foreign students were in-
vited for turkey dinner.
Before school opens, Mrs. Cham-
bers extends a personal welcome
to foreign students, asking them
to contact her at Lane Hall. Her
office hours are from 9:30 to 12
a.m. and 2 to 4:30 p.m. daily, ex-
cept Saturday.
* * *
MRS. CHAMBERS came to Ann
Arbor in Jan., 1947, when the Uni-
versity first set up the counseling
Previously she served several,
years as a missionary teacher at
the University of Shanghai. Dur-
ing the war she worked in a De-
troit church office.
'U' Department
Displays Apples
If you can't tell a northern spy
from a russet, the botany depart-
ment is currently displaying, for
your benefit, 22 kinds of apples
commonly found in the southern
part of the state.
The display, located on the sec-
ond floor at the rear of the Nat-
ural Science Building, was pre-
pared by Barbara Bowen, botany
technician, from apples grown at
the Bowen Orchards on Newport
A note for hungry students: the
apples are under glass.
(Continued :rom Page 2)
5 p.m., in the Office of Student
Affairs, Rm. 1020, Admin. Bldg.
Students must bring their tran-
Pre-medical and Pre-dental stu-
dents who expect to enter a medi-
Witch Myth ?
The Michigancoed, already la-
boring under the four-out-of-five
myth, got stepped on again last
Displayed in a State Street store
window was a pre-Hallowe'en
mask layout, featuring a vicious
looking witch revolving on a turn-
A label on the outside of the
glass, with an arrow pointing at
the witch read: "Typical Michigan
cal or dental school in the fall of
The University uses an evalua-
tion plan that is acceptable to all
American medical and dental
schools. Both the Medical and
Dental schools of this University
require applicants from the Uni-
versity of Michigan to use this
plan, and it is hoped that students
applying to other schools will use
it exclusively. The plan was de-
signed to reduce the burden of the
student of asking for numerous
letters and to relieve the faculty
members from the burden of writ-
ing numerous letters.
For further information and an
appointment, see Mrs. Collins at
1006 A.H. or call 3-1511, Ext. 2741.
Bureau of Appointments: This
office has received a call for a
part-time Speech Correctionist in
this area. For further information,
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
The Civil Service Commission of
the City of New York announces
examinations for the following po-
sitions: Civil Engineering Drafts-
man, Junior Electrical Engineer,
Junior and Senior Civil Engineer,
Assistant Civil Engineer (Sani-
tary), Mechanical , Engineering
Draftsman, Chemical Engineer,
Assistant Electrical Engineer, and
Director of Bureau of Public
Health Education. Additional i
formation may be obtained at t
Bureau of Appointmets, 3
Admin. Bldg.
The Civil Service CommIision
the City of Detroit announces
examination for Social Case Wor
er and Medical Social Case Wor
qr. Additional information r
be obtained at the Bureau of A
pointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Bureau of Appointments:
A representative of the Board.
National Missions of the Presbyt
riah Church will be at the Bire
of Appointments on Mon., Oct.
at 3 p.m. to interview students i
terested in teaching and worki
(Continued on Page 4)
EXISTENTIALIST HANGOUT-The Cafe of the "Two Fleas," a
favorite Parisian gathering place for French existentialists and
other intellectuals was snapped by Prof. Gerome Kamrowski of
the College of Architecture and Design during a recent visit to
European art centers.
War Stifyed Creative ife is
France,_Says Prof. Karnrowshi
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"Some modern American art ex-
cedes contemporary French work,"
Prof. Gerome Kamrowski of the
College of Architecture and Design
said yesterday.
"The war with its death, de-
portation and hard labor has
stifled, the creative life of the
younger generation in France
whereas young American painters
possess this new vitality the
French lack," he explained.
DURING HIS summer travels in
Europe, Prof. Kamrowski discov-
ered that many Parisian art deal-
ers and critics hold this opinion.
"These connoisseurs," he said,
"find American art is not com-
pletely occidental but has a
fluid trend towards the orien-
In France the Big Five,
Picasso, Matisse, Braque, Leger
and Miro still reign supreme, with
Picasso enjoying an almost god-
like status. Thus far, no younger
talent has arisen to challenge the
supremacy of these masters, ac-
cording to Prof. Kamrowski.
"HOWEVER, in America," he
continued, "artists like Mark To-
bey, ' Morris Graves, David Hare
and Jackson Pollack are rapidly
coming to the fore."
The philosophical doctrine of
existentialism has been adopted
in art although at present, it is
merely a word well bandied
about which no one seems able
to define, Prof. Kamrowski re-
"Sartre, its leader, has, how-
ever, written about the works of
Sandy Calder, Hare and other
American artists in connection
with this new trend," he added.
"COMMUNIST art is suffering
from the same obscurities as ex-
istentialism," Prof. Kamrowski ex-
plained. "It is undistinguishable
except when it concerns social
He noted that some of
France's artists are definitely
standing on the left side of the
political fence.
"Picasso, a bona fide Commu-
nist, gave the proceeds from his
last exhibit to the Party," Prof.
Kamrowski said, "although he is
not generally accepted by Soviet
critics, many of whom consider
him a bourgeoise decadent."
to wait for maturation of its cur-
rent struggling artists before it can
again resume its position as a
leader in art," Prof. Kamrowski
"The adventurous spirit, remin-
iscent of the early twentieth cen-
tury is momentarily gone. Today,
America leads the art world in
its search for greater expression
of new horizons," he said.
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Academic Freedom Fought for
On'U'of California Campuses
i .]Z i
Sess up-
\V 4\,
By LYNN JUNIORS -ca real head-trner in
The teapot of academic freedom
boiled fiercely last week on the
two campuses of the huge Univer-
sity of California.
Rallies, speech-making and in-
numerable petitions have kept
both campuses-at Berkeley and
Los Angeles-in a state of turmoil
ever since the beginning of the
current semester.
. *
THE RUMPUS is over a loyalty
oath which is being required of all
faculty and non-faculty employ-
ees of the university for the first
time this fall.
The oath, which was passed
by the Regents last June re-
quires that the signee affirm
that he is "not a member of the
Communist party" or a "party
to any agreement" in conflict
with the oath.
Themfacultiesaof both sections of
the university asked the Board of
Regents that the non-Communist
stipulation of the oath be deleted.
They suggested that they be re-
quired to sign only the oath taken
by officers of public trust in the
state affirming loyalty to the state
EARLY in October, however,
the Regents re-affirmed their pol-
icy and said that the oath or a
"satisfactory equivalent" will con-
tinue to be required of all the em-
ployees of the university.
With the majority of both
faculties opposed to the oath,
current speculation is centering
around what the Regents would
consider a "satisfactory equiva-
Both faculty senates adjourned
special meetings last week unable
to come to a decision on what to
do about the Regents' rejection of
their petition.
THE deadline for signing the
K.Y.A. wA
~~ 2A-(a d121,1 0'
oath had been set at Oct. 1 but
that date has passed with ap-
proximately 40-per cent of the
faculty still withholding the oaths,
according to Robert Gordon
Sproul, president of the univer-
sity. Apparently they are sitting
tight to see what will be the out-
come of further conferences with
the Board of Regents.
Apparently the university
plans no immediate action
against those who have not al-
ready signed the oath.
Students have been active in
their support of the faculty stand.
The student paper at UCLA
termed the oath: "intellectual
castration," a "medieval standard
of loyalty," and warned of the
parallel between what was hap-
pening on their campus and events
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