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October 15, 1949 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1949-10-15

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Se rage 2


Latest Deadline in the State

Da ii4y

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Still Homeless

STILL NO HOME-Six-year-old Tommy O'Neill remained a ward
of the state yesterday as blood tests revealed that he is not the
kidnapped son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Thompson of Dayton, O.
The tests were made at the University Hospital.
* *
Blood Tests Prove Tommy
Can't Be Thompsons' Son
Little six-year old Tommy O'Neill was still without a home today.
Blood tests taken at University Hospital proved "conclusively"
that Tommy, a ward of the Michigan Children's Institute, is not the
kidnapped son -of- Mr. -and Mrs. Arthur Thompson, of Dayton, Ohio.
THE COUPLE'S son Ronald was carried away by a nurse five years
ago. Striking similiarities between Tommy and the missing child had
led the Thompsons to believe they had at last found their boy. 4
But geneticist Dr. C. W. Cotterman found no correspondance
between the blood cells of the Thompsons and little O'Neill. Clar-
ence Ramsey, superintendent of the MCI, said:
"Serological tests of Tommy, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and their
two children, Bobby and Jimmy, indicate conclusively that Mr. and
-*Mrs. Thompson are not the biolo-
gical parents of Tommy."

Raid Threat
Social Life
Report Residence
Drinking Down
With the threat of raids by
campus police hanging over them,
student groups have apparently
curtailed drinking in residences
and on picnics somewhat this se-
Several fraternities have report-
ed an increase in the number of
"dry" parties and a stringent en-
forcement of "no drinking" rules
in the houses. In addition, a spot
check of several local beer and
liquor stores showed at least a
slight decrease in the amount of
student business this year.
One merchant reported a "defi-
nite decline in the number of stu-
dent customers since the Univer-
sity has clamped down."
MEANWHILE many students
are continuing to agitate for a
modification of the University's
drinking regulations. The whole
issue was touched off in July,
1947, when the University changed
its ruling from "disapproving" the
use of liquor on University prop-
erty to "not permitting."
The matter came to a head,
in the fall of the same year
when official interpretation of
the rule was revised so that any
student attending a gathering at
which liquor is served is liable
to disciplinary action.
In addition, other stricter stu-
dent conduct rules put into effect
at the same time require that any
mixed gathering of students re-
ceive previous approval of the Of-
fice of Student Affairs.
Approval is automatically re-
tracted if liquor is served at the
with the revised interpretation of
existing regulations, immediately
aroused a storm of protest from
campus groups and individuals.
Dozens of "letters to the editor"
flooded The Daily office charging
that the University was "marshall-
ing the private lives of students
and infringing upon their indivi-
dual rights.
Partially in answer to these
protests, the University Commit-
tee on Student Conduct set up a
special sub-committee to study
the "liquor ban" in May, 1948.
Three faculty members and
three students were appointed.
to this committee but no action
was suggested that year.
Last January a revamped sub-
committee headed by Dean Earl V.
Moore of the School of Music be-
gan a full scale study of the con-
troversial liquor question.
* * *
held in which students and faculty
alike explored the possibilities of
changing existing regulations, de-
termine the legal points over which
the University has no control and
get together data as a framework
for working out the problem.
The faculty members of the sub-
committee will meet next week
to formulate a report on last year's
hearings to be submitted to the
Committee on Student Conduct,
according to Dean Moore.

M yr

Open Big Ten
Title Defense
'Cats Hope Rests
On Retake of '46
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan launches its 1949 Big
Ten football campaign this after-
noon against the twice beaten
Northwestern Wildcats in Dyche
The Wolverines will be defend-
ing the Conference crown for the
second consecutive year and will be
out to be the first team to win the
honor for three years running.
* * *
COACH BENNIE Oosterbaan's
charges have not lost a Western
Conference contest since Illinois
stopped the Wolverines, 13-9 in
1946. Fifteen Big Ten foes have
bowed to the Michigan eleven in
the last two and half gridiron
Northwestern will be occupy-
ing the role it held in 1946 when
it held Michigan to a 14-14 tie
following thehWolverines' 13-20
encounter with Army.
The Wildcats have suffered two
losses after their 20-6 conquest of
* * *
MINNESOTA, favorite for con-
ference honors, rolled over thej
hapless Wildcats 21-7 and a sur-c
prising Pittsburgh team upet themh
Coach Bob Voights is starting
practically the same team thatc
defeated California for the 19490
Rose Bowl title.s
The Wildcats practice sessionst
have concentrated on the Wolver-
ine weak points as revealed in the
Army clash, and Northwestern is t
prepared to send its two powerful
backs, Ed Tunicliff and Art Mura-_
kowski against the Cadet softened
Michigan line.

* * *

* * *

* * *

Wildca ts lleet To day

Party Future
In America
Five Defenders
Face Jail Terms
NEW YORK - (k') -The Com-
munist Party in America faced a
dim and troubled future yesterday
with the conviction of 11 of its top
masterminds, who may spend
years in prison.
The 11 leaders were convicted
by a federal jury of conspiring to
advocate violent revolution against
the U.S. government.
sentences next Friday. The max-
imum for .each man is 10 years
in prison and a $10,000 fine.
They took the jolting verdict
without a show of emotion. The
jury deliberated seven hours. A
dead silence in the crowded
courtroom greeted its decision,
Eugene Dennis, the party's top
defendant who acted as his own
lawyer, and the five defense at-
torneys also drew jail sentences

-Daniy-Herb Harrington
SKIPPING TOWN-These coeds, about to board the Wolverine Club's special bus for the North-
western game, are checking in with Don Greenfield of the club. The girls are (left to right)

Jane Freitag, '50, Pat Goble, '50, and Barbara Barrett, '52L.
Subversive Group Lists
A ttacked by Rev. Melish
Assailing the release of lists of subversive organizations by the
Justice Department as illegal, Rev. William Howard Melish yesterday,
charged that the purge of the leaders of such groups is leading to "a
hardening of intellectual processes in America."
A priest in the Episcopal Church and the center of a raging
controversy since he was relieved of his parish for his chairmanship
of the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, Mr. Melish
spoke at the Canterbury Club under the sponsorship of the American
Veterans Committee and the Club.
* * *
TRACING THE HISTORY of his hotly disputed case, he said
that the entire affair stemmed from the release of the names of

Lewis Offers
Money to Aid
Steel Strike
W. Va.-(P)-John L. Lewis made
a spectacular bid yesterday for
labor unity, offering to contribute
to a proposed $2,500,000-a-week
pool to help the striking CIO steel-
workers win a "vital economic
The unpredictable Lewis thus
tossed a bombshell into the coal
and steel strikes by shelving for
the moment the idleness of his own
400,000 United Mine Workers to go
to the aid of another union.
* * *
foe, AFL President William Green,
to ask at least nine of his wealthi-
est unions to match a contribution
of $250,000 weekly by the miners.
This financial credit, as Lewis
called it, would enable the Unit-
ed Steelworkers "to win beyond
peradventure the monumental
conflict which is now drawn,"
he said.
Green said he had not received
the letter in which Lewis made his
amazing proposal so he declined
comment. Philip Murray, the
Steelworkers' President, refused to
reveal his feelings also.

; I11U 110 e.aLU
For Neeet
Of 'U' Duty

Purchase of
Photo Voids

'Ens ian

Wanted: 3,500 seniors and grad-
uates, cited for neglect of duty by
Ginny Campbell, vice-president of
the literary college senior class.
The formal indictment issued by
Miss Campbell states that, "All
students graduating in the three
classes of 1950, who have yet to
make appointments for senior pic-
tures, are hereby cited for gross
neglect of duty to themselves and
to their countrymen."
* * *
WITH BUT FIVE days remain-
ing for seniors to make appoint-
ments, Miss Campbell was not
alone in her consternation. Raul
Erick, local spiritualist, said:
"With such an opportunity to
achieve immortality in one's life-
time, I cannot understand the
seeming slowness of seniors to
jump at this offering."1
"One's college days, captured
in the pages of the 'Ensian will
live forever in the memories ofj
a student's friends," he added.I
"Surely every graduate must1
want his image to be present as
a reminder."
$2.00 would be a small price to
pay for immortality and escaping
an indictment. Nearly 2,500 grad-
uates have thought so thus far.
But as the photographers leave
Oct. 21, the tardy seniors will have
to hurry.
Vets Get GI Bill
Avocational Aid
GI Bill benefits covering avo-
cational courses will again be

firmed as a matter of scientific
procedure by Dr. Alexander
Wiener, a New York specialist in
blood group analysis.
Meanwhile, the Thompsons,
broken hearted, returned to
Dayton to continue the heart
rending search, convinced that
some day they would find their
Thompson told The Daily that
through his searching for his son
that the Michigan State Police
were the most helpful to him of
any police.
Tommy, who has been, calling
himself "Ronnie," was not told the
results of the tests.
Union Scene of
Mixer .Dance
Tops in campus listening parties
this afternoon will be the Union
Mixer dance, which will start at
game time in the North Lounge of
the Union.
Live music will be provided by,
Frank House and his orchestra.
No admission will be charged for
the mixer, according to Irv Barill,
'50, chairman.

See MICHIGAN, Page 3
Vienna Choir
To Sing Work
Concert Traditionally
An Offenbach operetta, "Herr,
und Madam Denis," will be fea-1
tured in the Vienna Choir BoysI
second Choral Union Concert to
be presented at 8:30 p.m. today
at Hill Auditorium.
The Choir, which traditionally
includes an operetta performance
in its performances, will also offer
ten selected sacred and popular
choral works in its concert.
OPENING THE program will be
Palestrina's "Super flumina Baby-
lonis"; "O bone Jesu," by Ingeg-
neri; "Domine non sum dignus,"
by Vittoria; and Scarlatti's "Ex-
ultate deo." Mozart's "Alleluja"
from "Exultate, jubilate," will con-
clude the first part of the con-
The choir will begin the secu-
lar part of the program with the
popular Schubert "Serenade";
the "Cradle Song," by Roger,
and "May Now Shines," by Mor-
ley. Josef Strauss' "Pizzieato
Polka," and "Tales from the
Vienna Woods," by Johann
Strauss will conclude the con-
Made up of 20 boys from seven
to 14 years old, the 450 year oldI
Choir is making its first appear-
ance in the United States after
an absence of over a decade.'
iv r m'I TRT Tl f 1T 14 ..* _...


World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A $1,314,010,-
000 down payment on a global
anti-Communist defense program
won overwhelming House approval
yesterday amidst new warnings
that Russia's peace vows can't be
trusted. The House also voted a
$187,000,00 fund for new military
constructions in Alaska and Oki-
nawa-two key points guarding
the approaches to America's Pa-
cific coast.
* * * .
NEW YORK-Alger aiss yes-
terday lost his bid to have the
scene of his second perjury trial
shifted from New York to Ver-
HONG KONG-Chinese Com-
munist troops have cut south of
Canton, whose fate remains in
doubt, and. fighting rages only 60
miles north of here, late reports
said today.
WASHINGTON-A bill raising
the minimum wage in interstate
commerce industries from 40 cents
an hour to 75 was made ready to-
day for final action by the House
and Senate. However, in jacking
up the wage floor, the compromise
bill which was worked out by a
Senate-House conference commit-
tee removes wage-hour law cover-
age from several hundred thou-
sand workers now protected.

>subversive organizations by the
Justice Department.
He termed his appearance on
the "Town Hall of the Air" just
after the lists had been released
"a public execution" and said
that the vestry of his parish, the
Church of the Holy Trinity in
Brooklyn, asked for resignations
from him and his father shortly
after the broadcast.
Refusing to resign, Mr. Melish
and his father were removed by
Bishop James DeWolf of Long
Island. Taken into the courts of
New York state, Bishop DeWolf's
action was upheld even after the
parish had voted to support Mr.
tried to publicly stand up against
the propaganda for a third World
War which is described as a moral
war against Communism," Mr.
Melish said.
Pointing out that one of the
functions of the Church is the
effecting of reconciliation among
conflicting groups, Mr. Melish
said, "It is my duty as a Christian
minister to ask people to consider
these things."
Les Miserables'
Continues Today
Victor Hugo's famed "Les Mis-
erables" will be shown at 8 p.m.
today at the Lydia Mendelssohn
The French tale with English
sub-titles, portrays the adventures
of Jean Valjean, an ex-convict,
played by Harry Baur.

Robeson told a cheering audi-
ence of several thousand last
night that he would seek the im-
peachment of Federal Judge
Harold R.Medina, who presided
over the trial of eleven top rank-
ing GJommunists convicted in
New York.
The singer, addressing a "free-
dom rally," said he would Insti-
tute the action as chairman of
a non-partisan committee for
the defense of the accused Com-
munists, who were convicted of
conspiring to advocate a vio-
lent revolution in the United
varying from 30 days to six months
for contempt during the historic
nine-months trial. The sentences
begin Nov. 15.
IT WAS A dramatic ending to
one of the great court cases in
American history-and one of the
longest. Lawyers wrangled inside
the court day after day while pro-
Communist pickets chanted out-
side the building. Five defendants
went to jail for contempt at one
time or another.
The question at once arose as
to whether the verdict meant
the outlawing of the Communist
Party in this country. Certainly,
the party was beheaded, de-
prived of the men whom the
government branded, "profes-
sional revolutionaries."
The defendants said the Com-
munist party would continue. But
they saw in the trial an attempt
to outlaw it.
depends on the American people,"
said defense attorney Richard
Glad stein.
Communist National Commit-
teewoman Elizabeth Gurley
Flynn said the party would "op-
erate as usual" and would not go
underground. She was not a de-
If it does go underground, U.S.
Attorney John F. X. McGohey has
pledged that the FBI will go un-
derground with it.
See STORY, Page 4
S* *' *
Guilty Charge
Gets Ovation
'In Congr ess
WASHINGTON "- U/P) - Demo-
crats and Republicans yesterday
applauded the New York convic-
tion of the 11 Communist Party
leaders as sound. '
They declared it a credit to the
American jury system and some
hoped it would start a crusade to
wipe out all "subversive" elements
in this country.
* * *
THE HOUSE applauded as Reps.

IN WASHINGTON, officials
AFL headquarters were cool
Lewis' proposal. One said:


"If the steel workers need any
help, they are certainly capable
of asking for it themselves."
The miners' strike started Sept.
19 and the steel walkout on Oct. 1.
* * *
THE KNOTTED steel problem
gave no sign of becoming untan-
gled. Cyrus S. Ching, director of
the U.S. Mediation and Concilia-
tion Service, who has been talking
with Bethlehem Steel Corp. offi-
cials in New York for two days,
will return to Washington today.
It was reported previously that
they now have a "better under-
standing of the company's position
and that they found a basis for
further discussion."

Students Will Be Shot
In A nti-I nfluenza War

The first shots in an all-out war
to prevent a campus epidemic of
influenza will be given from 8
to 11:30 a.m. and from 1 to 4:30
p.m. Tuesday.
Students will not have to receive
their injections this year in alpha-

fee of one dollar at the Health
Service Cashier's office.
Students are asked to use the
north door of the Health Service
next to Felch Park and to bring
their identification cards.
nnXW IY T 47 TO ...1 *1- L.

Niit Cribbage Js a tolers

A new campus sport-midnight
cribbage on the diag-kept pas-

men, they have chosen Friday
night as the most appropriate

"It's every college student's de-
sire to do something wild," they

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