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October 06, 1949 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1949-10-06

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Faulty Formula

Uicing oehr f i h leinof
Ferry F:eld.
Their prtctice is- aruous; and exacting.
They drill themn=_l-.es in co-mlicated man-
euver- and Ii tricaorches-trations of
well-known tune-. They walkn in circle.
octagons and trapezoids. Theyiy re-
hearse square-dancing and min-strel-showe
antics. In short. they- labor hugely and
complaineth not.
theysaeo sucaisn:cmety
a-,!dIngass mf,--= eere. nfat
tines. h aei eava:~ u
Tosmba aanabadi us a,

Where are the stirring, noble marches
of the Sousa and Goldman tradition? Fur-
ther, where are the rigid drill and pre-
cision marching which are a delight to
ThisisCn : osa.tatnone of the large
i.. u.i can get alitte tiresome wieek i
it diecoof. WlimD. Reve -, he
M -hian Band ha_.:s come :to be .recognized as
onee oftebe i the country.But us
becauseth .a-'e few persin te executo
of a cetai "tye of exercise does not- neces-
sarilyme-anthat:tey are alwaysenter-
it is the formula and not the band it-
s-elf that is at fault. What is needed is
fewer of these perambulating dinosaurs
and more marching and playing in the
great band tradition.
No one=":_who has1heard teband in one
of ,s_ Hill Auditorium concer-s :i.. doubt'
tha tiscan be done.
-Dare Thomas.


At the State:
Robinson. Richard Conte. ,Susan Hayward,
and Luther Adler.
woodwihnteps er
a iea ch -c n~n.alveafi
codctinn:andAdl erblyaete.d
abotch s::rd o e ma or-th ackrmaof r
pope. The conflicts w3hich are explored
are no more iol ent than in miany another
moie, but the effect is more intense be-
caus the chiara-terizatioDns are solid.

Robinso.as the 1Itai animmr ant bank-
ersbrliat ut no more-so tan dler,
ca st as his5:eldest son who leads two of his
brothers in a rev.olt against Robinsont.
Conte. the single son who remains loyal
'to the father. is the focal point of the
drama. It is he who is forced to choose
between his desire to avenge Robinson.
and the chance for a life with Susan Hay-
Thesear-e the- important r oles, but the
stentho tisfimdoes not r est' solely
wihte.The secondary parts, especially
tseof themoter and te slow, powerful1
'.nes o. r andled su.perbly, and as a
resultanentire family i createdC, each of
whom=isbaced upon in._an idviulway by
In ddiiontoex ellen t acti ng' House of
Staner- sbless ed wit.h intelligent, effi-
cetand iaiaiecamera Ywork.
a -Kirk Hampton.

..*by Harold Jackson
Puddings Proof .
A MONwG THE NMANtY su : ' .u
the local ch ' t =uk. a
each day. how ranyres,
restauranteur vwho two Tc3" -5 t:::u:__4
he'd made a novel cn:~outu
knife and fork setn
It was a big idea that failed-and fast
-because his vision clearly outditanced
his stomach.
A t.g fsgs:oo:e:>O ~
first day of classes : ,_rad r
s Business was exce"e--
Pally by foreign students to;~roin te es-
taurant was a boon. Butt" 7CC:
jthe door was locked. and a sqz'
And the epitaph to a C..t:eaeae
the following week ,n tre hua. r
1Hectic Housingo .
T HE UNIV'ERSIT.i=ndur >
loyaly Than bylg ch._-...kAN-
OTHER domitory uni: Hl« fG inz s House
If you're afraid of beinz confus. c:._ten
by their full names:
For men, it's Burke Aaro :-L.nrsdae Iu se.
East Quadrangle.
For women, it s 'Mary 'Ltza H-f-srae
House. New Womens Dcrn .cr.
We hope the Board of Reents has to
personally, deliver all the mail. news-
papers, laundry, dry leaning.. COD par-
cels and pet fish that are mnissent because
of the duplicity of names.
And we will wat paten:.-';
evitable event-the day a n -u mo :-
moves in bag and baz?:c:c:n w
Hinsdale Ho-use-and rek-;.es -o o '.
Double Escape? .. .
been teaching -e~r.-:r -.tt . __c
for over 25 years r° -4Clnrl ._. rr. v n _
"Professor." someone inquired "have
you met Stan Swinton?"
"Oh my. yes." was te rEP"-' S r nand I
quit Sunday Schloo -oC; ctv n_, .e
pupil and I was the ::ahei
ijustDutcv .. .
A DD TO THE LIST of ' '16o~n
by professors : n ooru'
was thrust uPon a Anaa__nu:l . :o
class several days ao:
Two morons went duck hunting. One
pointed his gun straight into the air and
sfired. A duck fell squarely into the boat.
very dead. The other moron admonished
Sthe first, saying:
"You didn't have to-s20-: ...:.. 'e, wo:':
have been lulled by he .. ar_'


Wvashuoiiton IMerry-Go-Round

On Friday-. Sept. 23), the readheaded
chief of the Untitedc Aut-.o Workers suddenly
broke off his n egotiations . Both sides had
been pretty m-uch in agreemnent. Every-
thinc was goN well. But suddenily PReu-
ther toild JohnlBgas chief n.egotiator for
Henri- Ford:

NOBODY MU',iCH has heard of innuesota's
sad-faced Senator Joe Ball since hewas
defeated last year. AtirtJoe todc it
the:Gideaof ecomig a news:papercouns
-amta tough'_ ^er r aCct atha eing a
Senatorv. But.that:didn't6seem to pan cout,
of0d_ iin has turn.ed up as a lobbyiS..

So negotiation were brokIen off. Strike
news flared in the headlines. A strike
deadline wsas even issued for midnight,
Thursday, Sept. 2'? Heny, Ford had beena
entirely w-illiing to iv the auto workers
an old-age pension of clre a month in-
cluding g=_overnmen t pensions, but the wily
Walter PReuthrwanted to sell his union
on the idea that he wa winning a tough
~iare epur3 Bt in :TerenDiz strike
hullabaloo=""had:heped f t~hr e tsn.his

Joe's job is quite a modest one when
you consider his once-high place in GOP
counsels, and when you consider that some
lobbyists rake down around fifty grand.
For the ex-Senator from M1innesota is
drawing only around S8.400 as the lobby-
ist for the Association of American Ship
Theseare e EshipCowers ~who don't get
governentsbsidies, and part of Joe's job
is.t see that thy do get them. If youl
r ecallho igrusyJoe fought--against
so-aled*'satsm wen he was inth
S .enate. you'1cangt:some idea how:+dis-
tasteful tis lbbyingjobs o ic7ng to be-
also,.o broke Joe mus t have been to
However, Joe's bosses, the unsubsidized
ship owners, have pulled a neat trick
which should materially lessen his work.
In fact, it's one of the neatest tricks ever
pulled in a town which has seen all sorts
of lobby-ing tricks. For they managed to
put their former lobbyist, Lynne Mote,
in as assistant counsel of the House mer-
chant marine and fisheries committee.
Mot.-who oc e receiv.ed$8.000 aS a 'lobby-
ist or he hipownrno r eceives$8.800
from the congressional comit4.tee which.
,cts the legisl.ationthe ship owrners want_
passed. tanyway, thranks to Mfote's pro-
motinmad-faced Joe Ball, now has a job.
(Copyright, 1845, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

At Hill A udiftrium.
s FDOM i iean. :':
Duoeapad wihu deon a;thcr':-
ctarde. menta d e Inc or :. , : b
ofderp rivi-en c tin-z :> ? yar
cprbnlm"en ie ta : i;t .un.,hr.

Student Recital: -Mirchelese
Donla_. ianist. wil.preet a
Lyda Mndesson Theat. i


c toatrn:E5sc i:c truuo"_ &~
to-swicaav mdeD t.___'-tnt
are p e e cinial Tt'e.
het snte pora:.'edt ':th ; tnt sn:.
to r h sdificuties.,No,'r lie - 2 ma'
of optim im.how ern tip hu-- 'itt
than tanadpoint. n" s nr~r.'
ththslf4 ~ lno o;rr~x'I

Okkeerc.and i at presenapu
pi f HlenTits.The geneal:
Nelson Eddy, Baritone, it
S~~~~C' rtsicuetE-oto Seym-
phonyOrchstra Chales unch
Conucor r~s. Ot.25;:Tss
SpvkosyVolnst Ge._Nv

chapter husI3251Wshtnaw
Com7ing Erentis
The Economics Club m.eets Mo.
O. 10. T7:45p.m.. RBkha _.n
phirhater.Pr-of. Clare_ .Gif
Srion agellra oterG iter

Alpha Kappa Psi: Prfssoa
com er e f at rni y nvies al

and op csEnul.se tonthihr:h

our ._ct.. a r the - -'t
_.tia , lev. l- o r r '; _o m_ h '-
_. _ an.C-_ . OtO--'.t_ . 1' i
Tuesay 'o >verir~oross o
u,.e &n&_ _ _- _nr:.te.y. k
a'a'- .__ _ntn o P - d t
Trmn- c>tno-f un
O-d-a- a -m er_ f .- ed a

Tiitm~nth Yar
LiziorEdl Staf
---- '..........M _nag am-G1dito
p Dawon ,,....EjCoril er
M~r' 5 r..,,..,..AsO~~teEd-tr
J' M§ri'r AssoiateEdo
=t 7. c'eJt Asoiat EiPres
S- a~r .,.htgab d i t or
M~rt ~port CEditopr.
ni~r Co~z,.,As=c _n SorssEdit
- tar ,,,~..omns Edior,


JASHING'I ON-A zre:t effort by the
United ~- :tet ta rec-utred to prevent
Asia suco z:.ur: t. 5: v~: ~wer. wn:cn
would cc:>:>" ho the prelude of a third
world wan But no effort well be enough un-
less we know. not only that we do not
want a Commnrut As:a but what k:nd
of Asia we do v inn:.
In onsidering this question. it is useful

munst.idforpoera in astheir own 7 rans
Moeovete Inonsin atio nits 'om
A ian-poin Cincascumlngi
a lk aveybad bt
r ,T.cs h~am~rn~r oe


I Bznb~eeds $9,91?9.42 to 9o
n~ c _ c e He now has one

anxious to 1oin hi:s clasis-


R - ~
* Bor~ooy ,~ U be 'e fl's c :~:
I Yo~ mean we

e 7 .L_ o 2? VUd



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