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February 28, 1950 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LX, No. 98
U.S. Vessels
Attacked In
China Port


Verbal DuelI

United 1ine

Workers Deny

Think Assailant
To Be Nationalist





NEW YORK-(3)-Two Ameri-
can ships were attacked from the
air today at the Communist-held
north China port of Tsingtao.
Officials in Washington said
.they assumed the attacking bom-
ber was a Chinese Nationalist
plane and that the Nationalists
were attempting to extend their
blockade of Red-controlled ports.
have closed Shanghai to most for-
eign shipping. Their blockade is
notarecognized by the United
United States lines here said
its 8,000-ton freighter Pioneer
Dale was bombed and strafed
as it approached Tsingtao. A
message from the captain said
one of the 50 crew members was
injured slightly.
In Washington, the State De-
partment said the master of the
8,192-ton Isbrandtsen ship Flying
Clipper reported his vessel was at-
tacked while anchored in Tsingtao
t harbor.
DETAILS about the Flying Clip-
per were not immediately avail-
able. Officials of the Isbrandtsen
Company, whose ships previously
have been shelled off Shanghai,
could not be reached.
An official of U.S. Lines said
the master of the Pioneer Dale,
JamesKnowlton, cabled from
Tsingtao :
"Attacked by bomber, one bomb
dropped six lengths astern this
vessel while approaching break-
water. Ship badly strafed. One
slight casualty. Now proceeding
seawards awaiting orders."
U.S. Lines ordered the ship to
Labor's Lead
In Parliament
Cut To Seven
LONDON-'P)--Labor's majority
in the House of Commons was
pared to seven today and Prime
Minister Attlee was reported ready
to suspend his big program of pub-
lic ownership of industry in the
interests of survival.
The British Press Association's
authoritative lobby correspondent
said King George's speech from
the throne next Monday - the
speech is written by the govern-
ment - would not even mention
the issue of nationalization of in-
* * *
IF THE REPORT is true that
Attlee has shelved his controver-
sial program to nationalize more
industry, it could mean there are
prospects of an unspoken political
truce-the Communist newspaper
Daily Worker called it a "backdoor
coalition" - for the next few
Virtually the entire press was
agreed, however, that this would
last only long enough to adopt
the annual budget in April and
transact some other necessary
government business.
Nearly all forecasts were that
by June, or not later than fall,
another election will be necessary.
Completed returns today from
three remote districts in Scotland
produced two Conservative and
one Liberal victories.
If Labor had won a convincing
margin, it had planned to push
through nationalization of sugar,
cement, water works, meat distri-
bution and warehousing, and also
possibly the chemical and ship-
building industries.

Slosson Eyes
Attlee Victory
"The new British government
may last a year, but I would be
greatly surprised if it lasts five
years," Prof. Preston Slosson of
the history department said yes-
Three ways in which Clement

-Daily-Alan Reid
SECURITY DEBATERS-Malcolm Low, left, of the University
of Edinburgh debates on whether liberty is threatened in the
welfare state with Ray Daniels, Grad. Low was supported by
Jack Wirth, '50, and Daniels by David Reid, of the University
of Glascow.
Debater Says Socialists
Wiant Personal Secfirity
"The Socialist aim in the welfare state is security-for the in-
dividual at all costs," Malcolm Low, University of Edinburgh student,
declared yesterday in the international verbal duel held at yesterday's
speech assembly in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Scottish student Low Was joined by Jack Wirth, '50, in debating
the affirmative side of the question, "Resolved, That Liberty is Threat-
ened in the Welfare State." Opposing them were the negative team
Ray Daniels, Grad., and David Reid, of the University of Glascow.
*m* * *a
DISCUSSING the .problem of economic security as opposed to

U.S. Citizen
Travel Banned
In Bulgaria
Legation Cut Demand
Draws. Official Fire
By The Associated Press
The United Stattes followed up
its break in diplomatic relations'
with Communist Bulgaria yester-
day by banning all travel of pri-
vate American citizens to that.
At the same time, the State De-1
partment fired another burst of
criticism at the Hungarian gov-
ernment for demanding the United1
States cut the size of its legation
staff in -Budapest.
Government officials said pri-
vately there is little the Unitedl
States can do but comply with the
Hungarian demand. They indicat-
ed they are studying the possibilitys
of retaliating by a similar move
against the Bulgarian legation
* * *
MEANWHILE, the Hungarian
demand that Britain reduce its
diplomatic staff in Budapest, as a
result of the Robert Vogeler spy
trial, was rejected.
Further, Bulgaria's Commun-
ist rulers are terrified of losing1
their power and are putting the
country to a perpetual purge, aC
source familiar with Bulgarian
conditions reported yesterday.
The informant, who would not
permit the use of his name saidN
the government apparently hasI
been "scared to death of its hold
over the country" ever since thee
death of Premier Georgi DimitrovI
in Moscow last July.C

economic freedom in Britain, both
Scottish debaters agreed that the
standards of liberty for the people
had not been lowered under the
Labor government.
The liberaiist's aim is for the
development of the individual,
Low continued.
Speaking for the negative side,
Daniels remarked that "what is
known in America as free enter-
prise and capitalism is really a
welfare state." He noted that such
arrangements as the government
assuming the $cost of higher edu-
cation in the GI Bill is actualll a
manifestation of the welfare stale.
* . *

COLUMBUS, O.-(P)-An at-
tractive young woman passed
out perfumed invitation cards
to convention delegates in a
hotel today.
They read: "fIm in room 5.
Come on up and see me. Nellie"
A lot of the delegates visited
room 5.
There they found a display
of granite tombstones.
It was the idea of L. M. Ka-
nuckel, a delegate to the con-
vention of Monument Builders
of Ohio. He operates a granite
business in Nellie, Coshocton
Bucks Hand
Cage Defeat
An inspired Michigan quintet
gave Ohio State 30 uneasy minutes
last night at Yost Field House but
the Buckeyes unleashed their
vaunted scoring power in the final
ten minutes to emerge victorious
by a 69-58 count.
To the delight of the 8,300 highly
partisan fans, Michigan, sparked
by Leo VanderKuy, Irv Wisniew-
ski, and Jim Skala matched bask-
ets with the Ohio Staters until
the 10:30 mark of the second half.
* * *
OHIO STATE, leading by a 52-
51 margin, cashed in on a push
shot by Dick Schnittker and a
foul' toss by Bob Burkholder to
stretch their margin and move
out of range.
The victory, their 11th in 12
conference starts, ended the
regular season for the Bucks,
Big Nine champs and second
ranking team in the country.
Schnittker lived up to his All-
America notices and hooped 23
(Continued on Page 3)

-Daily-Ed Kozma
HOPWOOD AWARDS-Freshman winners of $270 in literary prizes Roy Wilson, Jane Ellzey, Jane
Pike Dodge, Saul Gottlieb and Mary Ann McLean (l. to r.) smile happily after the presentation by
Dean Hayward Kenniston, of the literary school. Top prize went to Gottlieb, who placed first in
all three divisions-essay, fiction and poetry.
*, * * * * * * *
Freshmen Rceie Hopwood wards

Six students$receivedawards
amounting to $270 in the Hop-
wood Contest for Freshmen yes-
terday at Rackham Amphitheatre.
Top honors went to Saul Got-
tlieb, who won an award in each
of the three divisions, essay, fic-

tion and poetry. His essay manu-
script, "Contemporary Perspec-
tives for American Writers," won
first prize of $50.
* * *
GOTTLIEB'S "Show Me the

Barton Hills Home Gutted By
$300,000 Fire Early Sunday

ALSO on the negative side, Reid
declared that there is no such
thing as absolute liberty, "for lib-
erty is circumscribed in a thous-
and different ways." He compared
the development of the welfare
state to the development of law.
Each debater was cross-exam-
ined by his opposition after his
speech, after which the question
was thrown open to the floor for
audience questioning,under the
chairmanship of Prof. William
Sattler, of the speech department.
The Scottish students, now tour-
ing the United States under the
sponsorship of the Institute of
International Education, will tra-
vel to Western Michigan College
of Education for their next debate.
Open Petitioning
For '50 Michigras
Petitioning is now open to men
interested in the general publicty
chairmanship of Michigras, all-
campus carnival to be held April
21 and 22, according to Bill Peter-
son, general chairman.
Petitions must be turned in by
5 p.m. Thursday and interviewilig
will take place Friday afternoon,
Peterson said.
Promotional campaigns, stunts
and radio publicity will be covered
by this position on the central
committee, Peterson said.


Flying Saucers S imilar
To Revivals--Charters

By The Associated Press
PARIS-A smouldering strike
among French workers spread yes-
terday in both northern and south-'
ern France, to Marseille on the
Mediterranean and to Lille near
the Belgian border.
In Paris about' 30 per cent of
500,000 workers had left their
* * *
ald Borroto testified yesterday he
never asked Dr. Herman N. Sand-
er to shorten his wife's life to end
her suffering, while a young nurse
later admitted signing a statement
that the cancer-stricken woman
was dead before given an air in-
jection in a so-called "act of
* * *
WASHINGTON -- After five
hours of debate, the House yes-
terday put off final action on a
bill to set up a $25,000,000-a-
year national science foundation.
* * *
COLUMBUS, O.-Dr. Harold C.
Urey, of Chicago University, who
discovered the heavy hydrogen
atom of weight two, said yesterday
he hopes the hydrogen bomb
"doesn't work," in a speech at Ohio
PRAGUE - The U.S. Embassy
reported yesterday that a natur-
alized citizen, Imrich Solar, 56, of
New York City, was sentenced to
a year in a Slovak labor camp for
saying "in America we throw away
better food than they eat here."
* * *
OSLO, Norway-Twenty-eight
persons, including President Tru-

Fire gutted the interior of a 19-
room Barton Hills home early'
Sunday morning to cause an esti-
mated $300,000 damage.
The mansion, located at 350
Corrie Rd. belonged to Bennett E.
French, owner of a local bicycle
and toy shop.
RESIDENTS of Barton Hills
joined in the all-out fight to save
the house, as firemen from nearby
towns battled the blaze unsuccess-
fully for more than nine hours in
zero weather before they gave up
the fight.
"The red glow reflected from
the fire to the ice on the trees
was so beautiful, that I almost
forgot to fight the fire," said Bob
Thurmond, '50, who was among
the volunteers.
The interior of the house and
all the furnishings were completely
destroyed, and the insurance is
insufficient to cover the damage.
The exact cause has not yet been
* * *
..ANN ARBOR suffered two more
fires over the week-end. One dap-
aged the home of Mrs. Dorothy
Marriage Series
Tickets On Sale
A few remaining tickets for the
Marriage Lecture Series will be
placed on sale 1-4:30 today at the
student activities window in the
lobby of the Administration Build-
ing, according to Ivan C. Parker,
assistant to the dean of students.
Any registered student of the
University may purchase the $1.50
series ticket, he said.
Sellard at 519 S. Forest. This ap-

parently stemmed from an over-
heated furnace.
A bat is held indirectly respon-
sible for the fire in the Pentecostal
Church, 212 E. Kingsley St. Sun-
day afternoon. His high-flying ex-
hibition upset the congregation so
much that one member tipped over
a small oil heater.
VA Hospital
Will Care For
Mental Cases
Disclosure that the proposed
500-bed Veterans Administration
Hospital will include facilities for
psychiatric patients came as a
surprise to many Ann Arbor resi-
The news was called "in direct
opposition to the statements made
last October by Gen. Carl Gray,
VA head," by Mrs. James W.
Parker of 2101 Geddes Rd.
Gen. Gray met with residents of
the area on Oct. 6, 1949, at the
Parker home. According to Mrs.
Parker, Gen. Gray told the group
that the proposed veterans facility
"would be a general hospital and
there would be no psychiatric
cases here."
He reportedly said at the meet-
ing that "originally the hospital
was to have been for the treat-
ment of psychiatric cases."
Mrs. Parker said that at the
time she asked Gen. Gray if "he
didn't mean a TB hospital." The
visiting VA official declared that
he meant a psychiatric hospital,
not a TB hospital, she said.

Way to Go Home" and "The
Weaker Brother" won second prize
of $30 in fiction. In poetry, his
manuscript, "The Street of the
Quick and the Damned" received
second prize of $30.
"The Minister's Lot," an entry
by Phillip L. Zabawa, won third
prize of $20 in the essay division.
Second prize of $30 in this divis-
ion was not awarded.
In fiction, Mary Anne McLean
received first prize of $50 for
"High Water" and "Big Boy."
Third prize of $20 was given to
Roy Russell Wilson for "Canning
Jane Pike Dodge won first prize
of $50 for 'Seven Poems" in the
poetry division and Jane Eleanor
Ellzey was awarded third prize of
$20 for "The River."
* * *
DEAN HAYWARD Keniston of
the literary college presented the
awards. Preceding the announce-
ment of the winners, Prof. Arno
Bader of the English Department,
spoke on "What the Writer Works
Judges in the contest were Prof.
Robert Haugh and Shirley Savage
of the English department and
Frank Robbins, Assistant to the
A total of 43 contestants sub-
mitted 50 manuscripts this year,
of which 23 were in essay, 16 in
fiction and 11 in poetry. Last year
51 contestants submitted 58 manu-
scripts of which 21 were in essay,
25 in fiction and 12 in poetry.
Leopard Hat
Aided by Rain
weather came to the aid of Okla-
homa's frustrated leopard hunters
It began to rain.
Zoo Director Julian Frazier joy-
fully said: "That'll mean fresh
tracks tomorrow and good hunt-
Just before the shower began
officials directing the widespread
search for the jungle-bred leopard
which bolted the city zoo here
Saturday held a strategy huddle.

State Called
Layoffs, Violent
By The Assocated Press
The United Mine Workers plea
ed innocent of contempt charg
yesterday as the coal crisis cal
Governor Williams to declare
state of emergency and natic
wide lay-offs and violence cc
Insisting that because the Uni
had not officially called a stri
the UMW stated yesterday that
cannot be in contempt: of Fede:
Court which ordered the min
back to .work on February 11.
* * *
EACH OF THE 372,000 work
had individually decided to knc
off work, according to Union of
Meanwhile, government att
neys began to build up their arg
ments, that the men all quit
the same time and that the Uni
is responsible for its membe
Federal conciliators howeve
again arranged for contract tall
between the miners and opea
tors yesterday. But these Uste
only an hour because some o
the negotiators had to testify i
the contempt proceedings.
Officials have been press
hard for an agreement, so te f
ing that a staggering 1pw'at t
Union treasury would make t
miners more defiant and perbe
make negotiations even toug
by causing John L. Lewis, UM
President, to increase his demant
liams declared a state of eme
gency yesterday and gave lot
authorities power to freeze 1o
coal stocks.
In cities, villages and townshi
where local authorities certify
the emergency, coal may only
released from wholesale and
tail yards on presentation of ce
tificates of necessity.
The governor said he was so
to' send a letter to all local authc
ities asking them to make an it
mediate inventory of the coal th
have on hand.
** * *
MEANWHILE, new cuts in sti
production idled thousands mc
yesterday as industrial effects
the coal strike snowballed acr
the nation.
Carnegie-Illinois Steel Corpor
tion said supplies are so low it
reducing steel making in the Pitt
burgh district from 96 to 53 p
cent. Unestimated thousands w
be laid off.
* * *
1U' Will Share
Coal Supply
With Dealers
The University's plant depa
ment has coal to burn-much
the benefit of Ann Arbor cc
dealers and consumers.
With most dealers down to
one or two day supply and co:
sumer demand running high lu
ing the cold snap, the Univers]
made 1,000 tons of stoker cc

available to any and all local co
dealers Friday.
* * -*
ALTHOUGH the University
coal is highly specialized and i
tended for commercial use, o:
merchant said, consumers w
have to get along as best they cf
on it.
Frank B. McCudden, presiders
of the Ann Arbor Coal Dealer
Association, stated that< this coa


Feverish religious revivals, cur-
rently popular in certain colle-
giate circles, are similar to "flying
saucer" hysteria, according to
Prof. Werret W. Charters of the
University of Illinois.
Prof. Charters, now here as an
assistant study director ,in the
Survey Research Centei, com-
mented on the revivals which have
recently swept Wheaton College
in Wheaton, Ill., and Asbury Col-
lege, Wilmore, Ky.
"REV *VAL n *ar11 *fvinrric

the "thing to do," Prof. Charters
Uneasiness, insecurity and pre-
occupation with certain ideas
cause these outbursts, he said.
* * *
"IN THE SAUCER affair, people
were preoccupied with thoughts of
war with Russia, guided missiles,
etc. In the revivals, people are pre-
occupied with thoughts of God
and religion," the social psycholo-
gist declared.
Prof. Charters noted that in-
secure people who have no good
solution for their problems find

WSSF To Line Up Blood Donations

"Why not simply say, 'We want
people out for blood'?" Wym
Price, Spec., chairman of the
forthcoming World Student Ser-
vice Fund drive, asked yesterday.
The fund, better known around
campus as WSSF, begins a week-

sand independent independents
as possible."
"We've got a good man to head
the blood solicitation section of
our drive in Stu Stuart Horwich,
'52, who was named yesterday as
blood solicitation chairman, but
what we really-need are more peo-

real way for we American students
to send aid to foreign students.
In other words-student aid to
* *- *
"THE FUNDS will help pay," hef
went on, "not only for what they
need to get through school, but

t ,

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