See Page 4
it AI
Latest Deadline in the State
Reds Accused
Of Arousing
Pit Agitation
100,000 Men
s Idle by Weekend
By The Associated Press
Mass layoffs, coal rationing and
mine picketing violence spread
through the nation today in the
Great Coal Strike of 1950.
Soft coal contract talks brought
1 "absolutely no results" yesterday
despite earlier reports that John
L. Lewis and the operators had
edged closer together on money
* * *
* * *
COAL MINER pickets idle in the
"no contract no work" walkout
set a Pennsylvania, non-Union
mine stockpile on fire with home-
made gasoline bombs in their con-
tinuing drive to choke off the last
bit of production.
In Washington, testimony in-
dicating that 50 youth leaders of
a Communist-front organiza-
tion may be seeking to prolci g
the coal strike was laid before
the House Un-American Activ-
ities Committee yesterday.
Matthew Cvetic, of Pittsburgh,
a former FBI undercover agent,
said he had been informed two
weeks ago that the alleged radi-
cals were distributing food to the
miners "as bait" while passing
around copies of the Daily Worker,
a Communist newspaper.
* * *'
more than 100,000 workers in coal-
dependent industries will be laid
+ off by the end of the week.
In Illinois a. state-wide dim-
out has been ordered and organ-
ized fuel merchants asked the
governor to close all public non-
essential institutions such as
The New York Central Railroad
reported its steam-powered pas-
senger trains running up to five
hours late because of "poor coal."
* * *
United Mine Workers agreed with
Pittsburgh authorities on a ten-
tative plan for providing a 2,000-
ton daily emergency supply for
hospitals and other essential us-
Meanwhile, David L. Cole,
Chairman of President Truman's
coal inquiry board, announced
that progress had stopped in
negotiations which failed for
the eighth day to end the strike
of 372,000 United Mine Workers.
At nine a.m. today the miners
must answer for their apparent
defiance of a Federal Court Taft-
Hartley directive.
'It was assumed that one UMW
contention would be that the min-
ers were acting as individuals in
quitting work, which the Taft-
Hartley Act permits. Lewis is on
record with two public calls for
them to go back to work.
r* * *
University Will
Help in Local
Coal Shortage
The University will add to Ann
Arbor's nearly exhausted coal sup-
ply to help the city overcome a
serious fuel shortage, according to
Mayor William E. Brown, Jr.
Brown announced yesterday that
the offer had been made by Rob-
ert P. Briggs, Vice-President of
the University. He added that the
University uses stoker type coal
which is less efficient for home
use than the type ordinarily used
in residences.
* * *
HE EXPLAINED that various
plans were considered for ration-
ing the coal and they had even
considered letting the police 1-
partment handle the job. It was
finally decided to let city coal
dealers buy the coal from the
University and sell it to residents
as emergencies arise.
Frank B. McCudden, presi-
dent of the Ann Arbor Coal
Dealers Association has been
named chairman of a board of
Atomic Pact
Still Doubtful
Truman Awaits
Kremlin Move
By The Associated Press
President Truman stood firm
yesterday in rejecting any dra-
matic new approach to Moscow on
the control of atomic weapons.
He told his news conference he
has received no "feelers" from
Russia on the subject which has
stirred grave misgivings in world
Senator Tydings (D-Md.) warn-
ed that the United States will be
"caught in a trap" if Russia ac-
cepts the current American plan
to outlaw all atomic weapons,
without effective global disarma-
ment applying to other weapons.
* * *
THE PRESIDENT also disclosed
yesterday that he will invoke an
automatic 60-day stop to head off
a threatened nationwide railroad
strike, tentatively . set to begin
at 5 a.m. Monday.
Two brotherhoods composed of
conductors and trainmen, repre-
senting between 200,000 and
250,000 workers, called the strike'
after rejecting Federal arbitra-
tion on its wage-hour demands.
The White House announced
that the President will appoint an
emergency board today or Satur-
day. The board has 30 days to sub-
mit a report, and no strike can
be called then until another 30
days has elapsed.
* * *
ed in a stern refusal yesterday to
give Congressrconfidential "loy-
alty" files on Federal employes.
He said he has promised the
Senate Foreign Relations Con-
erate with it in disproving what
he called false charges made by
mittee he will otherwise coop-
Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.)
that a Communist ring exists in
the State Department.
Senator Wherry of Nebraska,
GOP leader, promptly proposed
that, if the State Department re-
fuses to give up the records, the
Senate have Secretary Acheson
prosecuted for contempt. Thus, he
said, the powers of the Senate
would be tested in the courts.
Smith To Preside
Over Men's Judie
Jim Smith, '50 has been elected
president of the Men's Judiciary
Smith succeeded Irv Goffman,1
'50, who retired from the council.;
Joe Guttentag, '50, also retired
from the council this semester.
The council elected Duane Neu-i
chterlein, '50, secretary.I
R. Churchill Out
LONDON - () - Winston
Churchill's son Randolph lost
his bid for a seat in Parliament,
election returns showed today.
Randolph, 38, was defeated
in the Devonport district by
Michael Foot, Laborite who
represented the constituency in
the old Parliament. During the
campaign the elder Churchill
spoke in the district to bolster
his son's race.
TOWER TOPPLES-The ancient tower of historic Ferris Institute
collapses in a blazing inferno as a fire of undetermined origin
razed the campus at Big Rapids, Michigan Tuesday. Future of the
Institute apparently will not be determined until the Legislature'
meets next month. Because it is not scheduled to assume control
of the school until next July, the loss could not be charged to the
State's insurance fund.
Weak FEPC Bill Passed
Thomas Blames
House Procedure
Stripped-of Legal
Racial Barriers
The mutilation of such bills as ter defeat for the Administration,
the Fair Employment Practices the House yesterday passed a sub-
Commssin at cn ony b pr- ;stitute FEPO bill stripped of the
Commission act can only be pre- legal barriers against racial dis-
vented by giving administration- crimination in employment that
supported measures priority to de- President Truman has demanded.
bate on the floor of the House of The vote was not even close: 240
Representatives, Prof. Morgan to 177. Some of the sponsors of
Thomas of the political science de- the original Administration meas-
partment claimed yesterday. ure voted against the substitute,
"The present methods of get- although in doing so they had to
ting bills on the floor often iean get in the same column of the roll
a delay or drastic change in pol- call as the Southern Democrats
icies set forth by the chief execu- who superintended the wrecking
tive," Prof. Thomas explained. of the original bill.
* * * ' *
the people on the basis of thehavn taktnon agmosandsti
measures he presents in his plat- significance to Negrops and some
form, Prof. Thomas said. It i other minority groups, stands for
form Prf. Toma sai. I isFair Employment Practices Coin-
only good sense that they Congress mission. The bill the House passed
should consider laws on which
pubichas voiced approval, he ndenth mSn swould es-
deced. tablisli such a, commission, but
that is about all.
"This can be done by giving The board would be directed to
bills such as the one dealing work with state and local agencies
with FEPC preference over all to discourage discrimination in
others." .. the hiring and firing of minority
I's Guilty
Of Perjury
WASHINGTON-( ) - Qrim -
faced Harold Christoffel, former
Milwaukee labor leader, was con-
victed late yesterday on charges
he lied under oath in telling a
Congressional committee he had
never been a Communist.
Punishment could range from
two to 10 years on each of five
counts. Sentencing probably will
be delayed until next week.
THIS IS the second time the
one-time president of Local 248
UAW-CIO at the Milwaukee plant
of Allis-Chalmers has been con-
victed on the same charges.
His first conviction was in
1948 when he was sentenced to
a two to six year prison term.
He won a dramatic 5 to 4 re-
versal of that conviction by the
Supreme Court last year on tech-
nical grounds.
ROGGE told reporters he will
carry the case to the Supreme
Court again if necessary.
Christoffel was charged with ly-
ing before the House Labor Com-
mittee March 1, 1947. The Com-
mittee had been investigating sub-
versive activities in labor unions.
He denied that he had ever been
a Communist or had affiliations
with the party, and said did not
know two Communist officials,
Ned Sparks and Fred Blair.
IFC Officers
Dick Morrison, '50, and Stan
Crapo, '51E announced at the In-
terfraternity Council House Presi-
dents' meeting last night they In-
tend to hand in their resignations
as vice-president and secretary-
treasurer, respectively, March 1.
Their declarations came as IFC
officers and fraternity presidents
collaborated to formulate new
basic policies in preparation for a
revised constitution.
REPLACEMENT elections will
take place at the next regular
House Presidents' Assembly meet-
ing, March 9, IFC president Jake
Jacobson explained.
At that time, the present of-
fice of secretary-treasurer will
be expanded into two separate
posts, as part of the revamped
IFC structure, he added. This
move has been warranted by an
increasing complexity of the
double job, he noted.
A style committee was desig-
nated to draw up a final draft of
constitutional changes, and will
present it to the assembly at the
March 9 meeting.
Hit By 'U
Quad Snack Bar
Cited As Example
Twenty local restaurant owners
and managers gathered last night
to complain about the University's
entrance into competition with
them for local business.
A' recently opened snack bar in
the East Quadrangle was cited as
an example of this competition.
Open from 8:30 until 11:00 p.m.,
it serves food which students us-
ually obtain from shops. in the
* * *
A DAILY CHECK with the res-
taurant owners in the East Quad-
rangle area showed a decrease in
evening business varying from
10% to 50%, with a corresponding
layoff of employees, many of whom
are students.
It was generally agreed that
a percentage of this sales drop
was because of student spending
for the J-Hop and registration,
and that the adverse weather
conditions had influenced many
to remain indoors, but they said
the drop was more than usual.
Francis C. Shie;, usiness Dan-
ager of the Residence Halls, said.,
"There has been a student de-
mand for such things for some
time. Every year students petition
for the privilege of selling sand-
wicheshand milk within the resi-
dence halls."
He added that the snack bar is
not cuttingerestaurant prices, and,
when queried about the future of
such enterprises, answ~red, "If
this innovation proves successful,
there's a good chance there will be
Meeting To Be
Held Today
Student Legislature President
Quent Nesbitt last night hailed
today's meeting between the Board
of Regents and more than 75 stu-
dent leaders as "a step in the
right direction.'
He termed the coffee hour, at
5:15 p.m. in the Union, an excel-
lent opportunity for students and1
the Regents to become better ac-
quainted but expressed hope that
"it will not be an end in itself, but
the beginning of a closer rela-
tionship between the two groups."
Sponsored by the Union Student
Offices, the coffee hour is design-
ed to be "a pioneer step in the
furthering of closer student-Re-
gent relationships," according to
Union president Bill Wise, '50
"We don't hope to have all
student problems solved in an.
afternoon," Wise said, "but we
do feel that it will give students
a chance to become better ac-
quainted with the Regents and,
lead to similar meetings in the
Invitations have been sent out
by the Union staff to leaders of
nearly all major campus organi-
zations to attend the coffee hour
which is scheduled for 5:15 p.m.
in the Union Terrace Room.
Socialists Claim
LONDON-(A)-Britain's Labor Party wrapped up a five to three
lead over the Conservatives in Parliamentary election returns from
more than a third of the nation today.
Labor claimed a clear-cut victory and with it, a mandate to drive
Britain along the road to Socialism for five more years.
Returns from 261 of 625 constituencies showed Labor clinched 161
seats in the new House of Commons, the Conservatives 99 seats, and
the once-powerful Liberals, only one.
JUBILANT LABORITES predicted at least a 60-seat majority
in the new house. They had a 148-member majority in the last one.
Gloom settled over Conservative Headquarters. While Winston
Churchill's hard-fighting party had cut into Labor's ranks in
Parliament, by morning it still had a long way to go. But the
Conservatives had not yet given up the fight.
Prime Minister Attlee was relected to the house, along with
Sir Stafford Cripps, Chancellor o the Exchequer, and Aneurin
* * * Bevan, the Health Minister.
* * *
Vernon Sees
Expansion of
Labor Power
The victory of the Britist Labor
Party will mean furthered sociali-
zation of England's industries, and
will necessitate a complete revi-
sion of the Conservative party,
Manfred C. Vernon of the politi-
cal science department declared
last night.
"Although the Socialists will
not hold as large a majority as af-
ter the 1945 polling, they have
scored an impressive victory," Vr'-
non claimed, as the Laborites piled
up a five to three lead over their
HE NOTED that the vote shows
that the Englishman who put his
faith in the Labor Party five years
ago is ready to leave it there.
"The people of Britain still
attempting to recover from the
last war seem to believe that
they will receive the fairest
break from Labor."
The Labor Party will continue
its present social services plans
and will probably nationalize steel
and possibly other industries at
an early date, he speculated.
"The election results will be a
great blow to the Conservative
party," Vernon noted. "These
people will have to seek new blood
and new ideas if they expect to
make any progress in the next
election five years from now."
The Conservatives did not do
more than present a weak Labor
program, he explained
ATTLEE HAILED the results as
"pretty satisfactory."
At 4:45 a.m. (10:45 p.m. yes-
terday he told Labor Party officials
at party headquarters:
"I should say while one never
likes to anticipate a result be-
fore the finish, the results are
pretty satisfactory and the vote
is up."
The 67-year-old leader seemed
tired, but was in good spirits.
The indications were that the
vote was the heaviest in Britain's
history-somewhere in the neigh-
borhood of 26,000,000.
THE LABOR Minister of Health,
Bevan, was a four-to-one Winner
in his district in Monmouthshire,
Foreign Secretary Ernest Bev-
in was returned to The House,
but ColonialSecretary Arthur
Creech Jones lost out to his
Conservative opponent by a mar-
gin of 81 votes.
The vote in Conservative leader
"hurchill's district was not to be
counted until later today, but like
most top party leaders, his was a
"safe" constituency with election
virtually assured for the 75-year-
old leader of his majesty's loyal
IN BITING INTO labor's ma-
jority, the Conservatives took 14
Commons seats which had been
Laborite, while surrendering only
one which had been Conservative.
The Communists had won no
seats at all. They had two seats
in the last Parliament and put
100 candidates in the field this
The total popular vote at 2 a.m.
(9 p.m., Thursday was:
Labor 3,392,707.
Conservative, 2,941,838.
Liberal, 582,418.
Most Tickets
For Marriage
Lecture Sold
About two-thirds of the tickets
for the Marriage Lecture Series
have already been sold, accord-
ing to Ivan C. Parker, assistant
to the dean of students.
Remaining tickets. will be sold
from 2 to 5 p.m. today at the
Union, the League and Lane Hall.
Sales are now' open to any student,
regardless of his class standing,
at a price of $1.50 for the series
of five lectures.
ID CARDS MUST be presented
at the time of purchase.
Prof. John Useem of Michigan
State College's sociology depart-
nent will launch the series at
*8 p.m. Feb. 28 in the Rackham
Lecture Hall, when he talks on
"Contemporary Setting for Mar-
Prof. Thomas noted that other
legislation should continue to be
sorted as to importance by theI
House Committee on Rules and the
calendar system. But he termed
use of such time schedules for ad-
ministrative bills "hokum."
RnSuOf Subsidi
A proposal to develop a chain of
"subsidiary colleges"throughout
the state as a m'eans of forestall-
ing the possibility that the Uni-
versity "might become too un-
wieldy" has been advanced by
University Regent Charles S. Ken-
nedy of Detroit.
Speaking at the biennial meet-
ing of county school officers, Ken-
cgests Chaint1
Kennedy referred to the Uni-
versity as "big business" as he
pointed out that the University
plant investment is $100,000,000 to
$150,000,000, and that the annual
budget fluctuates between $20,000,-
000 and $25,000,000.
* * *
BETWEEN 1,100 and 1,200 full-
time faculty members and 700 to
World News
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
BUDAPEST - Hungary last
night demanded a reduction in the
American and British diplomatic
staffs here as a result of the trial
of Robert A. Vogeler.
Vogeler, 39-year-old American
Assistant Vice-President of Inter-
National Telephone and Telegraph
Company, was sentenced to 15
years in prison Tuesda~y on charg-
es of e,,pionag;e and sabotage, Ed-
gar Sanders, a British assistant,
was sentenced to 13 years.
HONG KONG-The Chinese
Communists won in thebSupreme
Court last night their battle for
90 former Nationalist planes
valued at $20,000,000.
FindNew Trial of Child Behavior
A new personality test has been
vides a basis for screening children
by a trained clerk, he