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June 02, 1950 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1950-06-02

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FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 1950

Plan Packed
'U' Summer
Art Schedule
Will Star Drama,
A varied program of music,
drama and exhibits will be pre-
sented at the summer session.
The music department has sche-
duled the world premieres of three
contemporary American composi-
tions-one by a University pro-
fessor-and a series of faculty,
student and guest concerts and re-
* * *
TWO OF the new works to be
given their first public perform-
ance are "String Quartet No. 8"
by Quincy Porter and "Quintet
for Piano and Strings" by Alvin
Both 'compositions were com-
missioned by the University un-
der their program to encourage
and support American music.
The works will be performed by
the Stanley String Quartet in their
annual series of chamber music
concerts. Both composers will be in
Ann Arbor to attend the premieres.
"Quartet in A Minor" by Prof.
Ross Lee Finney will also be play-
ed at the first concert while two
works by Mozart will be included
in each of the last two programs.
THE THIRD world premiere of
the summer will be "Three Ballads
from the Catskills," an orchestral
suite by Prof. Norman Cazden.
Also included in the program
is the first Ann Arbor perform-
ance of "Piano Concerto" by f a-
culty member, Prof. Homer Kel-
* * *
THE SUMMER program at the
speech department includes a ser-
ies of plays to be staged by stu-
dents and a two day stand of the
Oxford University Players. .
Students will produce "The
Corn is Green", "Antigone and
the Tyrant", "The Time of Your
Life", and "The Great Adven-
ture". "The Alchemist" and
"Eig Lear" will be offered by
the Oxford Players.
Art exhibits for the summer in-
clude three showings of modern
painting and a library exhibit fea-
turing outstanding books on mo-
dern music, art and literature.
Both the art exhibits which will
feature prints and drawings by
Picasso, Matisse and Rounault
and the library exhibit are being
held in conjunction with contem-
porary arts and society sympo-







* * * *







Campus To Attract
Famous Persons
Kaleidoscopic Schedule To Offer
Art, Atomic Energy Symposiums
A raft of special activities ranging from summer camping to
symposiums on contemporary art and atomic energy has been sche.-
duled for the 1950 Summer Session.
Poets, famous astronomers and, painters, internationally knowpn
guest professors and a U. S. Senator will flock to Ann Arbor to take
part in the kaleidoscopic schedule of activities.
* * * *
THE NEW INSTITUTE on the Near East will get under way wit
a distinguished guest faculty list and the music school will premie
several string works. Institutes and symposiums will cover everything
from living in later life to the problems of a rural firefighter.
An enrollment of approximately 10,000,students is expected.
But while summer students are delving into the intricacies of
labor relations and microwave electron tubes, a majority of a record-
breaking 4,645 former classmates


Session Plans Program
Of Talks, Symposiums

A crowded schedule of special
lectures, institutes and seminars
is featured for the 1950 Summer
Session June 26 through August
In addition to the regular Uni-
versity program a far-reaching
program on Near Eastern Studies
will be inaugurated and sympo-
siums dealing with topics ranging
from contemporary art to atomic
energy will be held on campus.
* * *
HEADED by Prof. George- C.
Cameron, the new Institute on the
Near East will get under way this
summer with an impressive list
of visiting lecturers andprofessors.
Described by Prof. Cameron
as the first major attempt to
understand the traditions and
problems of the Near Eastern
countries, the program is divi-
ded into three sections.
The first of these is "The Con-
temporary Near East," an inte-
grated area course which contains
a variety of disciplines including

Survey Reveals Seniors
Face Big Job Shortage
A large portion of the record-breaking 4,645 University of Michigan
graduates who are scheduled to receive their degrees at commence-
ment will spend the summer months looking for jobs.
The job situation is tighter than at any time since the war and
the new alumni may have quite a hunt ahead of them before they
find what they are looking for, as indicated by the national job
survey published below.
* * * <4- -- --- - -- -

geography, anthropology, e c o-
nomics, sociology, political science,
religion, law and fine arts.
The second section of the course
deals with modern and ancient
languages of the area and the
third section will cover modern
and ancient civilization and his-.
tory of the Near East.
* * *-
LECTURES will be drawn from1
governmental agencies, other col-
leges here and abroad, and infor-
mation agencies.
According to Prof. Cameron
the program is aimed at produc-
ing experts on the Near East who
can interpret the situation in
an area which Prof. Cameron
regards as the geographical key
to the future history of the civ-
ilized world.
A special program on social se-
curity headed by Prof. William Ha-
ber of the economics department
will draw to the campus eight au-
thorities on the problem, includ-
ing Senator Paul H. Douglas of
Titled "The Quest for Social
Security," the program will con-
sider the problem of how much
social security the country can
afford and what part the gov-
ernment should play in it.
The Contemporary Arts and So-
ciety Program will be composed of
lectures, panel discussions, gallery
talks, exhibits and concerts.
It will be centered around a
three-week seminar dealing with
the problems of communication
in contemporary art to be given
the second, third and fourth
weeks of the session.
The class will meet four times a'
week, three of the meetings being
devoted to guest lecturers in lit-
erature, music and the visual arts.
The fourth meeting will be a pan-
el discussion involving all three of
the week's lecturers.
SCHEDULED lecturers are: Pu-
litzer-prize-winner Prof. Ross
Finney of the School of Music,
Prof. Edward Rannellsachairman
of the art department at the Uni-
versity of Kentucky and Prof. John
Ciardi of Harvard University, well-
known poet and former Hopwood
Award winner.
The astronomy department's
summer program will feature a
symposium on the structure of
the galaxy on June 23. The dis-
cussion is being presented in
conjunction with the dedication
of the 24-inch Heber D. Curtis
Schmidt Telescope at Portage
In addition, a series of lectures
by four eminent astronomers will
be given at various times through-
out the session.
* * *
sion series of special events is
scheduled as usual.
This year's Law School Sum-
mer Institute will be on "Law

State Village
To Be Site
Of IU'Study
A small Michigan town in south-
ern Genessee County will be the
center of an experiment in social
class analysis this summer.
For the past two months, a
group of graduate students in so-
ciology have been collecting data
concerning the historical and so-
cial setup of Linden. The town
was chosen as experimental ground
becau~se of its location, off a main
highway near Flint, and its man-
ageable size.
The group, under the direction
of Prof. Amos H. Hawley of the
sociology department, plans to ap-
ply five methods of social class
analysis to the village population
of about 700 in an attempt to cor-
relate methods devised for analyz-
ing social strata.
The experiment will provide val-
uable information for town mer-
chants and businessmen and will
also aid social welfare groups
within the community.
Groups PFlan
Michigan ROTC and NROTC
members will join in the Army and
Navy programs this summer, de-
signed to train these men in ac-
tual duty techniques.
ROTC men will journey to one of
six Eastern camps run in conjunc-
tion with the ROTC where they
will receive training in such var-
ied fields as tactics,'use of techni-
c a 1 equipment, communication
techniques, and Medical Corps
The facilities of battleships and
destroyers will be opened to the
NROTC men who embark from
Eastern ports during July.
The tours will cover the Atlan-
tic seaboard, and will train the
future 'Admirals' for the Marine
Corps, the amphibious service, and
for the regular Navy.
Quest for Economic Security in
America," the series will explore
questions of public policy and
the role of government in the
quest for economic security.
Canadians and Americans will
study mutual problems in the pro-
gram on American-Canadian re-
AN EIGHT-WEEK seminar will
also be devoted to the problems
of atomic energy. "Public Policy
and Atomic Energy," a political
science course to be conducted by
Marshall Dimock, former assis-
tant secretary of labor, will deal
with international atomic energy
programs and governmental re-
lations with research institutions.
Also included in the schedule
are institutes on linguistics,
living in later years and survey
research techniques. Sympo-
siums will be held in biology,

-Courtesy News Service
OUTDOOR CLASSROOM--Geology students at the University's
Camp Davis at Jackson Hole Wyoming take notes while their
professor explains the formation of the Jackson Hole-Teton
Mountains in the background. Students will pursue credit courses
at seven other University camps during the summer scattered
from Lake Patterson outside Ann Arbor to Ontario, Canada.
Archeology, speech, music, art, geography and botany are some
of the subjects offered.
* * * * * *
Summer CampS TO Offer
Various Credit.Program
University students will pursue their studies in eight summer
camps during the 1950 summer session located in different parts of
the country from Killarney, Ontario to Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Activities will include music, speech improvement, forestry and
social work.
* * * *
GEOLOGY STUDENTS will journey to Camp Davis, Wyoming
to study geology and surveying at the foot of the Jackson Hole-Teton
Archaeological field methods are taught at Camp Killarney
in Ontario, Canada.
Other University camps include the biological station at Douglas
Lake in Cheboygan County, Michigan, which offers a wide variety
of courses in botany and zoology,

will be pounding the pavements
looking for work.
AFTER commencement exerci-
ses on June 17, the new alumnii
will find themselves in a job mar-
ket competing with 500,000 other
new graduates for the smallest
number of available job openings
since the war.
Other students will desert the
campus for The Grand Tour.
Many have spent the last few
weeks getting their travel inoc-
ulations at the Health Service.
Faculty men are also surren-
dering in wholesale lots to the tra-
vel itch.
* * *
already in Japan on the first leg
of a flying tour of the Far East.
He will shortly leave for South
Korea where he has arranged an
interview with President Syng-
men Rhee. Hle will return to the
U.S. by Way of India and the
Prof. Harold Dorr will fly to
Frankfurt, to act as consultant
to the state department on Ger-
man affairs.
Other faculty members will
range as far abroad as Zurich and
Egypt in pursuit of further study
or on special missions for private
and governmental agencies. -
* * *
WHEN STUDENTS and faculty
return to the campus in the fall
they will find that an old land-
mark has disappeared in their ab-
The mosaic University seal, long
a campus landmark, will be ripped
up along with the steps and side-
walk and replaced with concrete,
according to Walter M. Roth of
the plant department.
Will Complete
Phoenix Plans
Final touches to plans for the
gigantic Michigan Memorial-Phoe-
nix Project fund drive in the fall
will be made this summer by the
Project's national publicity com-
The nation-wide campaign to
raise $6,500,000 will begin in Oc-
tober, and regional chairmen will
have to complete details for con-
ducting an all out push to obtain
pledges then during the summer

Many Foreign
Students Seek
A variety of activities will keep
the University's foreign students
busy this summer.
A large number of the students
are applying to the Immigration
Service for special employment
permits, according to Robert Klin-
ger, assistant counselor at the In-
ternational Center.
* * *
THE STUDENTS plan to work
at everything from camp counsel-
ling to road construction. Most of
them secure their jobs through the
Michigan Employment Service, the
Bureau of Appointments, a n d
sometimesh even through the em-
bassy of their, homeland.-
Because so many of the foreign
students will be working this sum-
mer, a smaller number than before
are expected to attend the sum-
mer session in ratio to those en-
rolled for the spring term, Kling-
er said.
Some students secure admission
to several universities to. assure
their coming here, and then make
their choice after arrival, he said.
"Or they may meet some zealous
alumnus of another schoolon the
boat and be converted."
Some of the students, while not
attending the University this sum-
mer, will transfer to summer
schools on other campuses.
Lane Hall Set
For Summer
Lane Hall will serve as a hot-
weather mecca for the religious
and recreational activities of sum-
muer school students.
In co-sponsorship with the Uni-
versity, Lane Hall will bring to
campus Chancellor T. R. Milford,
head of the theological college at
Oxford, England, and legal cus-
todian of the Magna Carta. Mil-
ford will be here July 15 to 22 and
will talk on the famous document
under his care on July 20.
Featured among the regular
summer projects of Lane Hall are
a series of intercultural retreats.
Lane Hall also hopes to hold
Saturday luncheon discussions.

and Camp Filibert Roth in Iron
County at which forestry students
gain field experience.
* * *
A GEOGRAPHY camp is oper-
ated in the Upper Peninsula near
Seney, and at Shady Trails, speech
improvement camp on the shore
of Grand Traverse Bay near
Northport, impaired speech cases
are treated by advanced speech
students working under the super-
vision of qualified professionals.
And at Interlochen, in north-
ern Michigan, the University's
nationally-known National Mu-
sic Camp will throw its doors
open to 1,200 students-250 on
the college level-who will pur-
sue studies in art, drama, dance,
music, camp counseling and re-
But closest to the hearts of most

University students is the Fresh
Air Camp. Scene of many a stu-
dent picnic and square dance dur-
ing the school year it provides a
summer of wholesome outdoor life
for 240 underprivileged boys.
* * *
THE BOYS who would not
otherwise be able to enjoy a camp-
ing experience because of financial
difficulties and behavior problems
are closely supervised by a group
of University students from the
education, sociology and psychol-
ogy departments working under
faculty and professional supervi-
Participating students receive
University credit for their work
and the boys enjoy a sun-filled
summer at the camp site on Pat-
terson Lake, 17 miles outside
Ann Arbor.




By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The nation's
employers will be swamped next
month when nearly 500,000
new college graduates start look-
ing for jobs.
About half these additions to
the country's educated elite will
be veterans, many of whom held
jobs before the war.
But neither past job experi-
ence norsa degree nor an hon-
orable discharge is a pass-key
today to a job in professional-,
semi-professional or adnini-
strmtive fields, the kind most
attractive to college graduates.
Ewan Cleague, commissioner of
labor statistics, has this to say
about job prospects:
"In 1950, probably also in
1951 and 1952, many will be un-
able to find jobs immediately in
the occupations for which they
have been trained."
He said there are fewer jobs
for college graduates this year
than in any post-war year and
that an "unprecedented number"
of new graduates is competing for
'An - - --_ _ ^1--- -.rlle11 11f

The Bureau of Labor Statistics,
in cooperation with the Veterans
Administration, is trying to help
college men and women, especial-
ly veterans, pick occupational
fields which have the rosiest out-
Trouble is, no outlook seems
rosy today.
Iere are some highlights from
a recent government report which
show the white-collar job scarci-
LAW - Already overcrowded
and likely to become more so.
Twice as many lawyers passed
bar exams last year as in the
years just before the war. "Un-
precedented numbers" are now
enrolled in law courses.
professions growing so fast," says
Harold Goldstein of BLS. He said
300,000 professionals were work-
ing in engineering in 1945. By
1960, he said, the number will be
more like 450,000. But for the
early 1950's the number of gradu-
ates will exceed the number of
CHEMISTRY - Competition
will be "keen" for chemists with


'U' Students
University students will tour Eu-
rope from Spain to Sweden this
summer, on individual trips or in
travel groups gathered from all
over the country.
According to Health Service sta-
tistics, inore than 190 Michigan
students have already received
vaccinations and other inoculation
shots necessary for travel in such
countries as France and Greece.
MANY of these students plan
to see Europe as members of or-
ganized tours.
Others will live with private
families under the "Experi-
ment in International Living,"
and a number of students will
attend universities in France
and Switzerland, making sight-
seeing excursions during free
France, England, Italy and Ger-
many will be a few of the coun-
tries visited by students on the

Plan Long Summer Junkets m Europe
* * * * * ** * *


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