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May 17, 1950 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-17

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Bee age 4

Latest Deadline in the State .



VOL. LX, No. 156




Duff Forges
Far Ahead
In Primary

Fine Leads Race
For Governor


ernor James H. Duff won his
bitter primary election fight
against the long-time leader-
ship of the Republican Party in
Pennsylvania this morning. Duff
was nominated to the U.S. Sen-
ate and his running mate was
conceded victory in the guber-
natorial race.
ernor James H. Duff forged far in
front and his running mate John
S. Fine took a substantial lead in
returns from 3908 of Pennsylvan-
ia's 8,347 precincts early this
morning in the bitterly-fought Re-
publican Primary.
Duff, running for the U.S. Sen-
ate nomination, was ahead from
the first precinct reported. Fine
lagged at the outset but picked up
a big lead in returns from the
first fourth of Philadelphia's dis-
* * *
* THE COUNT, from 3908 pre-
cincts across the state, gave Duff
545,723 to 176,217 for his opponent,
Rep. John C. Kunkel.
In the gubernatorial fight,
Fine rolled up 453,250 votes from
3908 precincts, to 27,198 for his
chief opponent, Jay Cooke, and
24,080 for Judge Charles S. Wil-
liams, an independent candidate.
Four other Duff-slated candi-
dates, all of them also opposed by
Y men who had the support of form-
er Senator Joseph R. Grundy, were
leading in the fight for other state
* *
BOTH KUNKEL and Cooke were
backed by former Senator Joseph
R. Grundy, long the top Repub-
lican leader in Pennsylvania. Duff
said his campaign with Fine was
aimed at ending "Grundyism -
government by a few for the bene-
fit of a few, at the expense of the
In the Democratic gubernator-
ial contest, Richardson Dilworth,
Philadelphia City Treasurer and
the organization-slated candidate
rolled up an early lead. Not ex-
pected to face much competition,
Dilworth had 7,821 votes from the
first 177 precincts reported, to
1,287 for Henry A. Morris, Schuyl-
kill County attorney, and 1,025 for
Clarence P. Bowers, Reading man-
ufacturer who announced his with-
drawal two weeks ago.
Eyes Paleface
When out from the paleface
From behind the staring moon-
Came the slow and solemn five
Telling that the evening spirit
Wanders over the woods and
Lights the campfires of the
Then the Michigamua warriors
In their feathers and their war-
Soon will gather 'round the oak
'Round the oak tree called the
There to greet the trembling pale-
Many in number wait the bidding
Of the loud rejoicing redskins
For before they take the long trail
To the home of Michdaemua
Many trails and many tortures
First must prove their strength
and courage
Ere the redman bids them wel-
Ere he calls each paleface

Ere the peace pipe smnoke goes
Honor Society,
Taps 20 Women
Twenty Sophomore girls will
wear brown skirts, yellow blouses
and yellow hairbows on campus
today, signifying that they were
tapped ladt rmight for Wyvern,
'hirn.Tumr Wonmemen's THonr-

-Daily-Wally Barth
T4OUBLES EVEN AFTER STRIKE'S END-Even the rail strike's
end early yesterday morning didn't help the situation at Ann
Arbo.'s central station, where workers sat amidst vast piles of
merchandise waiting for trains that didn't get into the city until
late yesterday afternoon.
Train Traff ic Rolls,
Rail Tie-up Ends
CHICAGO - (P) - The strike against five key rail systems -
the nation's most crippling rail tieup in four years - was settled
yesterday with the loss in business and wages estimated up to
The struck lines began rolling with passengers and freight a few
hours after the settlement. These operations were being stepped up
swiftly and all the lines said they expected to be virtually back to
normal by today.
THE CARRIERS claimed the Locomotive Firemen's Union

dropped its principal demand for
Czech,,Qui ts
Asks Asylum
Houdek resigned yesterday as
Czechoslovak delegate to the Unit-
ed Nations, severed all ties with
his Communist-dominated home-
land and appealed .to President
Truman for asylum in the United
He also sent ,a cable to Prime
Minister Stalin warning that it is
impossible in the long run to
force Russian-style Communism
on European countries.
THE 38-YEAR-OLD career dip-
lomat told reporters he ha;s no
money and has made no plans for
the future.
In a statement issued at UN
headquarters, Houdek protested
against Soviet Russia's "Rokos-
sovsky" tactics in Eastern Eur-
ope. He was referring to the in-
clusion of Soviet Marshal Kon-
stantin Rokossovsky in.the Pol-
ish Politbureau and to the re-
ports of Communist party purges
in Poland.
As, the statement was handed
out here, Houdek remained at
home in Great Neck, where police
guarded him, his wife and two
little daughters.
Houdek was scheduled to sail
last night on the Queen Elizabeth
for home. He -had made plans for
sailing but said in his statement
that information received from
Prague hours ago made him

a second firemap on big diesels,
>and declared, "t\e losses, incon-
venience and interruption of pro-
duction occasioned by this strike
simply do not make sense."
They said the railroads had
"stood their ground against the
feather-bedding demands" of
the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Firemen and Enginemen "only
at tremendous cost," and added:
'This experience should end
any illusion that the Railway La-
bor Act assures healthy labor-
management relations or protects
the public against paralyzing
* * *
HOWEVER, David B. Robertson,
union president, said the Union
merely modified its demands, and
that a board of arbitration will de-
cide whether the railroads are us-
ing supervisory personnel to do the
work of a second fireman on the
big diesels.
He termed the agreement
Some 18,000 firemen struck May
10 against parts of the Pennsyl-
vania, New York Central, Santa
Fe and Southern Railway systems.
The strike was extended to a part
of the Union Pacific Railroad May
The Pennsylvania estimated to-
day that its freight and passenger
loss was $15,000,000. It estimated
its 85,000 idle employes lost $6,-
000,000 in wages.
The New York Central put its
freight and passenger loss at
$12,000,000 and employes' wage
loss at $2,000,000 to $3,000,000.
The other roads involved did not
announce their estimates, but the
Chicago Tribune said before the
Pennsylvania and New York Cen-
tral estimates were announced that
the cost of the walkout had been
estimated variously at from $40,-
000,000 to $50,000,000.

Senate Plans
Debate on'U'
Ruthven Confers
With Governor
Debate on the University appro-
priation grant is expected to be
held today as the state budget
bill comes up for consideration of
the Senate as committee of the
Although the University appro-
priation issue was expected to be
debated yesterday, the Senate Fi-
nance Committee had previously
tied the bill up in committee and
did not report it out until Monday
Reports from Lansing last night
indicated that the University mna-
surewill have to be debated today
if the Republicans are to succeed
in ramming the bill through this
P RE S I D E N T Alexander G.
Ruthven and other state educa-
tors were called to a meeting by
Governor G. Mennen Williams yes-
terday to see what can be done to
prevent Democratic budget recom-
Calling the Republican budget
"devasting," President Ruthve
said, "to give us anything less
than the budget reconunenda-
tions would be ruinous."
"The cuts would cripple our in-
stitution to such a degree that we
would not be able to operate as
we do now. It would mean such
reductions that our staff would
lose confidence in the Administra-
tion and morale would be sure to
go down."
* * *
problem would be to increase stu-
dent fees, to fire employes and re-
duce salaries, President Ruthven
He expressed himself as ab-
solutely opposed to these mea-
sures because it would lower the
standards of the University.
And President John A. Hannah
of Michigan State College said
that the Republican budget would
mean salary cuts and firings
which would "shatter the morale
of the staff."
"Unless our colleges are ade-
quately supported it means pricing
the opportunity for higher edu-
cation put of the reach of some
of our ablest youngsters, those
who have to work their way
through college."
* * *
dent David Henry said the cuts
would set the proposed new medi-
cal facilities at the Detroit school
back about a year.
Similar arguments to those
of the University, MSC, and
Wayne presidents were offered
by representatives of the state's
smaller colleges.
At an earlier session, State cor-
rections officials told the Gover-
nor the GOP cuts would reduce
the guard forces at the state's
prisons "below the 'safety level."
About 31 employes would have
to be laid off at the Marquette
branch prison, according to Leo
A. Stafford, the prison's business
"This would be like hauling in
dynamite," he charged. "If this
cut is made someone else will have
to take the responsibility."

University Granted
Loan of $215,000
The University was granted a
federal loan of $215,000 yesterday
to finance the planning of a pro-
posed $6,000,000 medical science
buildng to be built on the campus.
Emphasizing that the loan in-
chldes no construction funds, Uni-
versity officials said the proposed
building would be part of a medi-
cal training and treatment center
to be built near the University
Authorized by the Federal Gen-
ral Services Administration, the
van is similar to others made to
t e University several years ago
t finance drawings for additions
t Angell Hall and the Campus
G neral Library,
To appropriations for starting
ac 'al construction of the pro-
posed building have been included


-Daluy-wally Barth
FEW CARED-A small number of students scattered through rows of empty chairs bear testimony
to the general lack of interest in last night's attempt to bring about significant changes in the
Michigan Union's antiquated constitution. This photo was taken in the ballroom shortly before

Taft CI


Union president Jerry Mehlman called off the meeting.

* * *

Meeting To Amend Union Constitution,
Flops As QuorumFails To Show up

Only a fistful of the Union's 15,-
000 student members showed up
last night at a meeting to amend
the Union's outdated constitution.
The meeting fizzled as just 148
members, far below the necessary
quorum, dribbled into the Union's
spacious ballroom and scattered
themselves among scores of emp-
ty chairs.
* * *
ONE OF THE proposals to be
decided on would have raised the
quorum to approximately 750 stu-

dents. Ironically, 250 students had
petitioned for last night's meet-
At 8:15 p.m., 45 minutes af-
ter the meeting was scheduled
to start, Union president Jerry
Mehlman, '51, grimly called for
order. Then with three quick
raps of the gavel and a brief
announcement that a quorum
of 400 had not been reached, he
dissolved the meeting.
Thus ten important amend-
ments, some of them backed by
the Union Board of Directors and
others pushed by interested stu-

SL To Ask, Time Limit for
Campus Groups To Ban Bias"

A motion, which would ask the
banning of campus groups with
discriminatory clauses in their
constitutions, unless certain ac-
tions are taken by those groups,
will come up for Student Legisla-
ture's consideration at 7:30 to-
night in the Union.
* * *
THE MOTION would have the
SL request the Student Affairs
Committee to incorporate into
University regulations the follow-
"All campus organizations
with discriminatory clauses in
their constitutions or constitu-
tional structures as of May 31,
1950, that have not removed
them by January 1, 1952, shall
be suspended until the clauses
halve been removed unless the
organization can show that it
has complied with the following
"1. Petitioned its national offices
to remove any bias clauses from
its constitution or constitutional
"2. Introduced a motion to re-
move the clause at its next na-
tional convention and voted for it
on the floor of the convention."
THE MOTION incorporates the
original recommendations which
the Interfraternity Sub-committee
on Discrimination proposed to the
IFC last winter.


Will Ruin Natior

Point one was passed by IFC
but SAC rejected it as not being
thoroughly enough developed.
Point two was proposed by the
IFC sub-committee but failed to
pass the larger IFC body at that
The motion will be presented by
Tom Walsh, '51L, student legisla-
Slaves Pled gek
To Pharaoh
Into the temple, where gathers
the Court, came neophyte slaves
to the Great Court of Sphinx.
Here they learned of many
Here they learned to dedicate
themselves to Michigan, and to
the Pharoah.
So came . . . Bill Putich, Tom
Johnson, Jim Eldrich, Doug Cut-
ler, Ralph Stribe, Stu Elliott, Neal
Traves, Bob Smith, Aaron Gorden,
Len Wilcox, George Qua, John
Ron Watts, Dave Space, Larry
Nelson, Bob Heathcott, John
Frazer, Don McEwen, Don Peter-
son, Dick Evans, Vernon Emer-
son, Bernie Kahn, Connie Ettl,
Bob Keith, Ed Buchanan, Jim
Skala and Dick Martin.

dents, met with automatic defeat.
* * *
AS THE small crowd dispersed,
scattered opinions were voiced as
to why the meeting drew such a
meager turnout.
Blame for the lack of participa-
tion was leveled both at "uninter-
ested students" and at the Union
itself for "poor public relations"
with its members.
The latter criticism came from
AIM president Dave Belin, '51.
* * *
A NUMBER of men sided with
Mehlman when he said the attend-
ance showed "a lack of student in-
terest toward something which
should be of great concern to
them." Mehlman added that "The
Union will strive to correct this
next year."
Tom Walsh, '50L, a former
Union vice-president, asserted
that "perhaps the Union should
be made co-educational as a
solution to developing greater
enthusiasm and participation."
Herb Leiman, '50, who got up a
petition several months ago which
led to last night's meeting, com-
mented that "the attendance, at
least seemed to be made up of
men very interested in the Union."
Expressing disappointment in
the attendance, former Union
president Bill Wise, '50BAd, ven-
tured that students are possibly
satisfied with the present con-
stitution. "But the matter of
amending does not end with to-
night's attempt. There will be
further efforts in the future," Wise
Withhold Decision
On LiquorRuling
The decision of the Student Con-
duct Committee last night, on the
proposed change in the liquor
regulations regarding students,
will be withheld until today, ac-
cording to Dean Erich A. Walter.
The outcome of the proposal
was decided in a closed three hour
session last night which marked
the first meeting of the commit-
tee in two years.

Strikes Back
At Promises
Of President
Says GOP Will
Accept Challeng'
WASHINGTON - (') - Sent
tor Taft charged last night thi
President Truman's policies woul
bankrupt the nation, convert
into a completely regiment
"handout state" and possi
plunge it into World War III.
The Ohio Republican, taking 1
the radio to answer the charg
of GOP "obstructionism" '1V
Truman made on his cross-cout
try stumping tour, angrily rak
the "political immorality" of ti
S* * *
HE SP'OKE of vote fraudsi
Kansas City and smuggling
secret documents in Washingto
And he accused the President
a "promise everything" policy the
"will wreck the United States."
In a four-network*radio. ad
dress, Taft charged that M
Truman's ' 6,400-mile trip -
"taken at your expense" - wa
part of a crusade for a "rubber
stamp Congress."
The Senator accepted the Pre
dent's challenge to "come out fi
something. and be a real oppos
tion."MVtr. Truman hurled it Moi
day night in a major address
* * *
said, stands for four-square resis
ance to Communism, an "a
powerful armed force," real fre
dom of the individual, equall
between business and labor,a
"a return to the principles
thrift and sound fiscal policy
which this nation was construc
"Ifrwe hope to progress inbth
future as we have in'the paw,
Taft said, "we can only do so i
we elect a free Congress, on
which will carry out a program
of progress based on the prin
ciples of liberty and justice an
equality on which this natio
was founded."
The Democratic 81st Congre
he declared, "has rejected t]
Truman program as definitely a
conclusively as the Republici
The people, he said, are rigl
fully alarmed over "the uncerta
basis of their prosperity" al
even more so, over "the threat
a third World War."
* * *
"I AM MYSELF hopeful th
it will never occur, but it is V
foreign policy of the Democra
administrations which has ma
it possible," the Republican lea
er said.
"'she political immorality
the Truman administration," i
said, "has shaken the confi
dence of the people in the
He spoke scathingly of 1v
Truman's "non-political tril
ended yesterday. He said t
journey was taken at a time wh
"there was plenty to occupy h;
at home" - a railroad strike,
lagging legislative program, t
Foreign Ministers' Conference
* * *
Boyle Favors

Future Tours

world News

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Advocates of the Fair Employment Practices
Commission Bill ran up more than double the required number of sig-
natures yesterday on a petition designed to force a showdown Friday
on a move to bring the bill formally before the Senate.
- * * -*

Season's First Carnival Lacks Sex

Ways and Means Committee
voted 16 to 9 yesterday to im-
pose a 10 per cent withholding
tax on corporation dividends.
It then rejected President Tru-
man's request for an increase in
inheritance and gift taxes esti-
mated to produce $400,000,000

TAIPEI, Formosa - The Chi-
nese Nationalists announced
last night they had abandoned
Chushan Island, thereby yield-
ing without firing a shot the
blockade base from which they
had been able to paralyze Com-
munist China.
Chushan is100 miles south-


No kootch show, but a search-
light and seventeen different ways
to win plaster kewpie dolls served
to lure a few people with spare
time last night to the first com-
mercial carnival of the season.
,rh _~ia .raghnR were

them. But they managed, with the
help of sundry boxes, mirrors, and
other contrivances to become: the
world's smallest girl, the girl with-
out any bones in her body, the fish
girl, the girl without any head

show which glared:
Secret of Sex," and
have Babies?"
* * *

"Learn the
"Can YOU

CHICAGO-(?P)-The Demo
tic campaign, boss said yester
the Democrats and President '
man are more popular than e
and the party is counting on i
Presidential trips to help win
William M. Boyle Jr., De
cratic National Chairman,
he is hoping and planning
more "whistle stop" tours, ai
at critical states.

were able to


under the


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