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May 16, 1950 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-05-16

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r _. ,

lichigan Netmen Rout S C

7-1; Linksmen Lose

Volverine Nine To Face
roncos at Kalamazoo

* * *

Tennis Squad Sweeps .Five
Singles,Takes Both Doubles

* * *

Purdue Ends Michigan Golf
Streak at Six, 14 -12


/lichigan has a chance to square
non-conference record this af-
noon when it journeys to Kala-
zoo to engage Western Michi-
i's Broncos.
lthough the two victories over
-due over the weekend padded
Wolverine's Big Ten league
d, they have won two while los-,
three in non-conference play
ce returning from the Southern
?he Maize and Blue slipped by
Broncos, 8-7, early in the
nth at Ferry Field for one of its
) non-conference triumphs.
n the first game between the
teams Coach Ray Fisher in-
ted four pitchers into the Mi-
gan lineup, and this procedure
1 probably be put into practice
tin today.
Uthough happy with the double
tory over Purdue, Fisher was
initely displeased with the woe-I
failure of his pitching corps
I plans to use today's game as
newhat of a testing grounds for
nger pitchers in an attempt to
d someone ready for Big Tei
the Michigan pitching staff
ided 13 runs and 28 hits in the
game series and presents a
.inite problem with two crucial
iference series coming up-one
;h Wisconsin and the other with
-.io State.
ienry Burmeister who hurled
first inning of collegiate ball
turday is Fisher's nominationto
e the Broncos this afternoon.
rmeister is to be followed by
*ty Bob Larson and Al Virgona
;h Dave Settle a fourth choice.

Western Michigan currently in
the race for honors in the Mid-
America conference used three
hurlers against Michigan in the
first game. Jerry Hogan, the ace,
of the staff was the starter and
was tagged with the loss. Hogan
is the probable selection for to-
day's contest.
Don Groggel, slugging right-*
fielder, is the Broncos' big offen-
sive weapon. Groggel collected*
three hits in five trips to the plate
against Michigan. One of his hits
was a long homer.
Michigan developed into quite a'
long ball hitting team over the
weekend with Bob Fancett's two
homers and Leo Koceski's singleton
highlighting the extra base bar-

-Daily-Wally Barth
. . . power plus

Depth Deficiency Impairs T akC neec oe
Trc Cofrec Hoe
1 4

Saturday's Illinois-Northwest-
ern-Michigan triangular t r a c k
meet, which went right down to
the wire, and ended up about the
same way the Illinois-Michigan
meet did indoors, showed up some
weaknesses in the Wolverine squad
which may be injurious to their
conference chances.
Although the Maize and Blue
picked up five first places and a
reasonable collection of seconds,
they took only five thirds, while
plating nine in the fourth spot.

Villiams, Tyler Enter Finals
If IM Residence Hall Softball

OUT OF THIS maze of figures
can be drawn the inference that
Michigan has a lot of men who
can place in dual meets, but who'll
be out of the money in conference
competition. It's just the other
way around with the Illini and
Ohio State's Buckeyes, who have
the good but not great men who
can be counted on for place points.
Saturday's fracas did throw a
little bright light in the way of
the Wolverine, however. Don
Hoover, for instance, proved that
his 23.3 time in the Ohio State
meet was no fluke of the wind,
as he turned in a 23.7 mark, only
two tenths of a second off the
varsity record.
And Don McEwen added anoth-
er varsity record to his growing
collection, with a 4:12 mile clock-
ing which cracked the 4:14.6 rec-
ord set by the Hume brothers in
1945 and tied by Herb Barten in
McEWEN NOW has only one
varsity mark left to shoot at-and
it looks like the toughest of all.
He'll have to turn in a peak per-
formance to top Ralph Schwarz-
kopf's 11-year-old outdoor two
mile record of 9:03.5.

Michigan's tennis team did in
four hours yesterday what Wol-
verine teams have been trying to
do since midwinter. They beat
Michigan State.
Posting their twenty-second
consecutive win, the Maize and
Blue netmen strangled Vhe Spar-
tan tenniA squad 7-1 on Ferry
Field's Varsity courts.
OLD RIVALS faced each other
in the number one singles match
as Wolverine Don MacKay and
Len Brose of Michigan State stood
cross net. Brose had beatenMac-
Kay twice last year and once in
But this time it, was the top
man on the Wolverine totemj
pole all the way, taking Brose in
two quick sets 6-1, 6-2.
In one of the neatest matches
of the day Al Hetzeck overpower-
ed his game Spartan opponent,
Dave Mills, with a series of hard
overhead smashes 6-2, 6-1.
* * '
Lincoln, working for tho Maize
and Blue in the number three spot,
whisked past the Green and
White's Dick Rieger in a first set
6-0. Then he 'coasted to an easy
6-3 second to cinch the third
Michigan win.
Steve Bromberg was up for
the Wolverines at the number
four card. He took the first set
from Spartan Kieth Kimble in
an easy 6-3, but Kieth came
back to claim the second by the
same score.
With the cards down Bromberg
opened up on the tire, Kimble t3
come up on the heavy end of a
6-2 third sethand number four
for Michigan.
OKKIE BRUMM had the most
ups and downs of the day. He
started hard but lost the first set
to Michigan State's Dan Perillo.
But then the steady Brumm
settled down, and despite a cou-
ple of lapses finished things off
in the longest match of the day
with the final score 6-8, 8-6,
It was the number six singles
where Michigan suffered her only

match loss. Ross Herron for the
Wolevrines played a game and
seesawing match with Doug Cur-
ley of the Green and Wiite with
the finals adding up Mister Cur-
ley E-t, 4-6, 6-4.
man put Brose and MlWl.; on the
spot ir front of MacKay aadnHot-
zeck with the Michigan pair drop-
ping the first game but rallying to
take the match 3-6, 6-4, 6-3.
Spartan captain Ken Kimble
and brother Keith failed before
the power and placements of Lin-
coln and Bromberg as Michigan
clipped off number seven 8-6, 6-1.
Th" rumber three dotbles was
called because of the late 'iur by
mutual consent of the coaches.

... bows out

Michigan chances of repeating
as Big Ten golf king were given a
shattering jolt yesterday when it
was officially announced that the
school's number one linksman,
Bob Olson, will not be allowed to
compete for the remainder of the
Scholastic difficulties have caus-
ed Coach Bert Katzenmeyer to
sideline his ace, thus removing the
backbone of his squad. As a result
of this action, the Wolverines must
relinquish their role of title favor-
ites in the blue chip tournament
scheduled for Columbus in less
than two weeks.
* * *
WITH OLSON the club had a
potent par threat in combination
with balanced support right down
the lineup, superior on paper, at
least, to any other team in the
Without him, Michigan retains
what must be classified as a
"good" squad, but one which
will have a real dogfight on its
hands when it runs up against
the Buckeyes of Ohio State and

Purdue's Boilermakers in the
The big, blond swinger from
Grosse Pointe was considered a
good bet to be in the running for
this year's individual champion-
ship, also. Now he will have to
direct his efforts to school work to
establish his eligibility for next
season, which will be his last.
* * *
KATZENMEYER has nominated
Keith LeClair to take over the
number one, slot in match play,
and the diminutive senior has re-
sponded well. LeClair,, who is
known as "Ish" by his teammates,
is as game a player as Michigan
possesses, and can be depended
upon to carry the fight to his op-
ponent over the entire 18 hole

Golf Team Loses Olson
For Remaining Contests

A stubborn Purdue golf team
made an early two point margin
stand up against the Wolverines
yesterday to hand them their first
links setback in seven matches.
The score was 141/2 to 12%1/.
* * *
IT WAS A wide open affair with
neither team ever in possession of
a commanding advantage. The
Boilermakers were able to com-
mit their errors in less crucial
spots than the losers, and that
made the difference.
When firing had ceased in
three best ball morning rounds,
Purdue found itself on the long
end of a 51/2-32 score, thanks
to somhe bungling on the 18th
green by Michigan.
Dick Evans and Leo HauserI
swept three points from Boiler-
makers Bud Marsee and Norm
Dunlap to keep alive their un-
usual string of doubles victories.
They have not been scored upon
since they began playing together
four meets ago.
* * *
JOHN HARE and Dave Laflin
retrieved those tallies for Purdue
by throttling Chuck MacCaThum
and John Fraser for a clean
sweep. The other doubles encoun-
ter went to Fred Wampler and
Gene Coulter who derailed Keith
LeClair and Dean Limd of the
Wolverines, 2%-1/2.
In the latter pairing Michi-
gan could have salvaged 1 ! ex-
tra points on the last hole when
Wampler and his partner took
bogey fives, !but LeClair and
Lind leach three-putted avvy
their advantage. For al! prac-
tical purposes that was the
turning point.
With 18 points at stake in the
afternoon individual m a t c h e s,
Hauser and Lind were the only
Woevrines equal, to the task of
overhauling their opponents. Hau-

ser topped Marsee, 3-0, and Lind
spanked Hare 21/2-/2.
F1.OM THERE on down it was
all Pudue with the exception of
the number three pairing in which
Evans staggered to an even break
with Gene Coultei. Laflin and
Wampler stopped MacCalium and
LeClair, 2/2-1/2, and Dunlao took
two of three from Fraser.
Sports' Gate
Unhurtby TV
sports have nothing to fear at the
gate from television, a University
of Pennsylvania graduate student
contended yesterday.
"Television is not a major at-
tendance factor," Jerry N. Jor-
dan, who conducted a two-year
study of the effect of telecasts on
sports attendance, told the Na-
tional Association of Newspaper
Promotion Managers.
* * *
JORDAN SAID his statements
were based on actual attendance
figuresalldover the country-"on
just about every kind of condi-
tion we could find anywhere."
The recent action of the West-
ern Conference in banning live
television of football next fall, for
the protection of small college at-
tendance, was challenged by Jor-
dan. He said more college football
was telecast in the Big Ten area a
year ago than in any other see-
tion-"and a higher percentage of
schools increased their attendance
than in any other area in the
"Small colleges in the Western
Conference television areas had an
even better attendance record
than in other sections," he added.

3y virtue of their semi-final
tories yesterday afternoon at
rry Field, Williams and Tyler
uses are scheduled to clash in
Same next week which will de-
e the championship of the I-M
sidence Hall Softball League.
Williams slugged out a 10-4 vie-
.y over Hayden, while Lloyd
s being trounced by Tyler 11-5
yesterday's semi-finals.
ndians Win
n Exhibition
CLFZELAND-(P) -Pinch-hit-
Thurman Tucker raced in
f m third on Bob Kennedy's out-
Id fly to score the winning run
the seventh inning tonight as
e Cleveland Indians beat the
ttsburgh Pirates 6 to 5 in an
';-hibition game. Wally Westlake
d Ralph Kiner hit homers for
e Pirates.
l At Brooklyn, rain forced the
stponement of a night game
tween the Dodgers and the Bos-
a Braves. All other Major
ague teams were idle.

TYLER PUSHED across seven
runs on only one hit in the sec-
ond inning, and went on to trim
Lloyd 11-5, as a seven-run rally
by the losers was erased from the
books when the game was called
at the end of three and one-half
When play was called to halt,
due to lack of time, Lloyd was
leading 12-11. However, the
seven runs scored by Lloyd in
the top half of the fourth inn-
ing did not count as the score of
the game reverted back to the
last completed inning.
With John Pieliemier pitching a
four-hitter, Williams had little
trouble in disposing of Haydn,
* * *
THREE RUNS in the third inn-
ing, aided by a home run by Harry
Roberts broke a 3-3 tie for Wil-
Joe Stone smashed out a three-
run double, a single, and stole five
bases for the winners. John Rob-
ertson hit a home run for Hayden,
but poor fielding lost the game for

Musial D. DiMaggio Lead Major Loops

Last Minute Cuts Hit Yanks;
Mize, Lindell Pillette Freed

NEW YORK-(A)-The Champ-
-14 z New York Yankees cut five
iyers loose yesterday-two of
hem. by outright sale-and they
11 haven't landed that addition-
starting pitcher Manager Casey
engel has been yelping for.
Several of the Yanks cut loose
d been dangled as "trade bait"
Stengel's desperate quest of a
* * *
NOW THE champs are down to
se-inside the 25-player limit
iich must be met by tomorrow
midnight-and they have little
Pt to offer in swap other than
gorge Stirnweiss, a somewhat
irtly infielder, and a spare catch-
or two.
Three excess Yanks, headed
iy big Johnny Mize, long the
error of National League pitch-
ers, were shipped to the club's
ransas City farm team in the
4mericar Association on a 24-
tour recall basis. Duane Pillette,
26-year-old pitcher, and Al
Billy) Martin, a 22-year-old
nfielder tabbed for future
reatness with the Yanks, ac-
nmnanied Mize to the minor

cost Johnny his last chance with
the Yanks, who are well loaded
with outfielders.
* * *
CLARENCE (Cuddles) Marshall,
right-handed pitcher, was sold to
the St. Louis Browns for an un-
announced sum, possibly not in
excess of $10,000. He, along with
Lindell, Stirnweiss and catchers
Gus Niarhos, Charlie Silvera and
Ralph Houk, have been offered to
other American League clubs-
especially Washington-all spring
in exchange for a proven pitcher.
As Mize, now 37, has been in
the Majors over 10 years he had
to give his consent to the Kansas
City deal. He could have insisted
on his outright release and then
tried to deal himself to another
big league team.

American League
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO-Boston's Dom Di-
Maggio has taken over two Ameri-
can League batting specialties in
the young 1950 season.
The Red Sox outfielder has col-
lected the most hits, 36, and the
most runs, 26, in the 24 games in
which he has played. In addition
his .371 batting average through
games of Sunday was good for a
tie for fourth place with Paul
Lehner of Philadelphia.
DIMAGGIO has played in more
games this season than any of the
other American League leaders.
His teammate, Walter Dropo, was
a .400 average after 14 games and
stands atop the leaders' list.
Larry Doby of Cleveland is in
second place only four points
behind with .396. Other leaders
are Cliff Mapes, New York, third
with .373; Walter Evers, De-
troit, sixth with .367; Victor
Wertz, Detroit, seventh with
.364; Ed Stuart, Washington,
eighth, with .352; Ed Yost,
Washington, ninth with .349,
and Tom Henrich, New York,
tenth with .346.
Three players--Red Sox Al Zar-
illa and Vern Stephens and Dick
Kryhoski of Detroit-are tied for
most doubles, eight. Four others
are tied with four triples apiece;
Yankees Henrich and Mapes; Bob
Doerr of Boston and Bob Dillinger
of Philadelphia.
* * *
TED WILLIAMS of Boston has

the most homers, nine. Stephens
has batted in the most runs, 29,
and Dillinger and Herbie Adams
of Chicago are tied with three
stolen bases each.
Charles Stobbs of Boston is the
leading pitcher with two wins and
no losses. Mel Parnell of Boston
and Art Houtteman of Detroit
each have won four and lost one.
Bob Lemon of Cleveland has the
most strikeouts, 28.
* * *
National League
Stan Musial of the St. Louis
Cardinals continued to hammer
the stuffing out of the bill during
the past week as he boosted his
average to an astronomical .467
through Sunday's games.
This represents a gain of 14
points for "The Man" and puts
him 85 points ahead of his closest
rival in the National League, Dick
Sisler of, the sizzling Phillies.
* * *
MiUSIAL'S TOTAL of 35 hits is
matched only by Sam Jethroe, the
Boston Braves' sensational rookie
outfielder. His 11 doubles are two
more than have been whaled by
runner-up Jackie Robinson of
Third behind Sisler's .382
mark comes Andy Pafko of the
Chicago Cubs, who dropped
abruptly from his towering av-
erage of .439 only a week ago to
Veteran Johnny Hopp of Pitts-

burgh went on a clubbing ram-
page, including a 6-for-6 game, to
boost his average to .363 and take
over fourth place. Tommy Glavi-
ano, Cardinals third baseman,
tacked on 24 points and climbed
into fifth with a lofty .357.
* * *.
JETHROE stands sixth with
.343; Eddie Waitkus, Phillies, sev-
enth, .330; Jackie Robinson,
Brooklyn, eighth, .329; Johnny
Wyrostek, Cincinnati, ninth, .328,
and Del Ennis, Philadelphia,
tenth, .324.
The league-leading Phils not
only have three batters in the se-
lect group, but their Willie Jones
leads in runs scored with 24 and
Ennis was tops in runs batted in
with 26.
Sid Gordon of the Braves ham-
mered his eighth home run to
take the lead in that specialty,
followed by Ralph Kiner of Pitts-
burgh and Jones of the Phils, each
with seven. Jethroe and Buddy
Kerr of the Braves each had belt-
ed three triples. PeeWee Reese of
the Dodgers continued to lead the
base stealers with five thefts.

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