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April 25, 1950 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1950-04-25

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vv omen





at Installation


Yesterday saw the installation
of the new officers and committee
of the League, Assembly, Panhel-
lenic, WAA and Women's Glee
President of the League for the
coming year will be Jennie Quirk
of Collegiate Sorosis. Lydia Wil-
helm, Kappa Delta, will occupy
the vice-president's chair. Trea-
surer will be Doris Egan of Alpha
Phi and Virginia Bauer of Kappa
Kappa Gamma will serve as sec-
* * *
Delta Delta is the new Judiciary
A Council Chairman, and chairman
of the Interviewing and Nomina-
ting Committee is Patricia Breon
also of Delta Delta Delta.
Chairman of. the League's ad-
ministrative committees will be:
Merit Tutorial, Marian Larson,
Martha Gook; Personnel, Yvonne
Johnson, Alpha Omicron Pi; Spe-
cial Projects, Maxine Pearson, Al-
pha Phi; Candy Booths, Patricia
Patsloff, Mosher; Orientation,
Joan Broomfield, Gamma Phi Be-
ta; Public Relations, Ileana Lindh,
Kappa Kappa Gamma; Dance
Classes, Alice Coburn, Alpha Omi-
A cron Pi; Social, Myra Hahn, Al-
pha Phi; Parlimentaria, Tulane
Itkoff, Sigma Delta Tau; Junior
Girl Play, Cathy Sotir, Jordan and
Sophomore Cabaret, Nancy Eich-
enlaub, Alpha Gamma Delta.
PRESIDENT of the new As-
sembly Board is Adele Hager of
Martha Cook. Other officers on
the board include: vice-president,
Kitty Clark, Helen Newberry; sec-
retary, Mary Gratzer, Stockwell;
treasurer, Terry Mussin, Helen
Newbery; personnelrchairman,
Mintzer, Betsy Barbour; social
chairman, Sally Peterfreud, Jor-
dan; and projects chairman, Sal-
ly Jones, Jordan.
Heading the new Panhellenic
Board will be president, Jane Top-
per, Delta Gamma; vice-president
Sally Strauss, Pi Beta Phi; second
vice-president Doris Buser of Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma.
Recording secrtary, Virginia El-

Y f i

lis, Delta Delta Delta; new rush-
ing secretary, Nancy Clark, Alpha
Gamma Delta; treasurer, Mary
Helen King, Delta Zeta; assistant
rushing secretary Beverly Clarke,
Alpha Phi.
man will be Barbara. Little, Delta
Delta Delta; secretary Mary, Mar-
tin, Chi Omega; senior member
Lu Levine of Martha Cook. Junior
members are Margaret Blackford,
Pi Beta Phi; Constance Newman,
Betsy Barbour; NaomicSchlosberg,
Moshier and Ann Waterman, Ann
Sophomore Aides are: Joan
Brown, Stockwell; Maryanna Lar-
son, Pi Beta Phi; Jeanette Scoville,
Delta Gamma; Murine Shapiro,
Sigma Delta Tau and Connie Si-
monds, Kappa Delta.-
Chairman of the Interviewing
and Nominating Committee will
be Patricia Breon, Delta Delta Del-
ta and secrtary, Jeanne Schrie-
ber,'Chi Omega.
Junior members: Marguerite
Adams, Mosher; Margaret Ryburn,
Collegiate Sorosis and Nancy Wat-
kins, Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Sophomore members: Nancy
Baehre, Alpha Phi; Phyllis Kauf-'
fman, Angell House and Jo Phil-
lips, Alpha Epsilon Phi.
* * *
D A N C E C L A S S ,Committee
Chairman: Alice Coburn, Alpha
Omicron Pi and Marianne VanDu-
zer of Alpha Gamma Delta, Fi-
nance Chairman.
Junior Captains: Diana .Danzig-
er, Angell House; Peggy Gates, Chi
Omega; Dianne Lahde, Alpha
Omicron Pi and Sally Smith, Col-
legiate Sorosis.
Sophomore Captains: Janet
Gast, Alpha Xi Delta;: Lucille
Grawberg, Stockwell; Connie Stil-
ler, Alpha Gamma Delta and Char-
lotte Yalowitz, Stockwell."
New chairman of the Public Re-
lations Committee: :Ilena Lindh,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, with Mar-
tha Chandler, Martha Cook, as
her assistant chairman in charge
of art.
Junior assistants: Nancy Ericke,

Pi Beta Phi; Jo Ketelhut, Chi
Omega; Joan Nelson,. Stockwell;
Mary J. Scott, Kappa Delta and
Joan Young, Jordan.
Chairman of the Orientation
Committee: Joan Broomfield,
Gama Phi Beta. Social chairman,
Lois Eisele, Pi Beta Phi and sec-
retary, Emily Blair of Jordan.
chairman of the Candy Booths
Committee, and Maxine Pearson
of Alpha Phi, in charge of the
Special Projects Committee.
Yvonne Johnson, Alpha Omi-
cron Pi, chairman of the Person-
nel Committee, and her junior as-
sistants: Lorainne Hewitt, Alpha
Gamma Delta; Janet Speith, Al-
pha Omicron Pi; Martha Tom-
kins, Mosher and Helen Yeager,
also of Mosher.
Chairman of the Merit Autorial
Committee: Marian Larson, Mar-
tha Cook, junior assistants: Ma-
rian Dane, Alpha Gamma Delta;
Liesl Ellenberger, Angell House;
Marian Gessner, Delta Zeta, Vir-
ginia Gish, Alpha Chi Omega and
and Judith Sinclair, Kappa Alpha
Social Committee chairman:
Myra Hahn of Alpha Phi. Assis-
tants for the Ruthven Teas in-
clude: Elizabeth Adams, Pi Beta
Phi; Jane Barker, Kappa Delta;
Anne Cleary, Collegiate Sorosis
and Barbara Wundrum, Alpha
Special events chairmen: Sally
Hughes of Kappa Alpha Theta and
Mary Watt of Delta Gamma.
* * *
Committee chairmen: general,
Cathy Sotir, Jordan; assistant,
Mary Moore, Collegiate Sorosis;
director, Mickey Sager, Mosher;
assistant Evelyn Hager, Alpha Del-
ta Pi; secretary, Nancy Porter,
Chi Omega; treasurer, Johanna
Leonard, Kappa Delta and cos-
tumes, Alics Lowe, Collegiate So-
The list continues with assis-
tant, Suzanne Sears, Alpha Phi;
make-up, Carole Eiserman, Alpha
Delta Pi; music, Margaret Strand,
Chi Omega; composer and arrang-
er, Ellen Axon, Angell House; lyr-
ics, Lou Leonard, Alpha Phi;
choral, Guenevere Dorn, Klein-
stuck House; programs, Pat Doyle,
Gamma Phi Beta; properties, Bar-
bara Johnson, Zeta Tau Alpha
and assistant, Beverly Young, Al-
pha Delta Pi.
Other chairmen include: pub-
licity, Janice James, Kappa Delta;
Daily, Mary, Alice Davis, Alpha
Chi Omega; stunts, Geraldine
Mauralo, Alpha Phi, scenery,
Yvonne LeDuc, Alpha Phi; script,
Joan Striefling, Mrs. Elliott's Lea-
gue House; stage manager, June
Laurin, Delta Delta Delta; asis-
tant, Jane Zoghibe, Alpha Omi-
cron Pi; tickets, Enid Frank, Sig-
ma Delta Tau and ushering, Ina
Sussman, Hinsdale House.
* * * -
eral Chairman Nancy Eichenlaub
of Alpha Gama Delta, and assis-
tant: Peggy Reed, Delta Delta
Secretary: Marjorie Ann Black,'
Stockwell, Assistant, Mary Ellen
Hastie, Alpha Xi Delta. Suzanne
Hemping, Stockwell, is treasurer
and assistant is Robin Glover,
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Other chairmanships include:
Hostess, Ruth Rykoff, Sigma Del-
ta Tau; programs, Joan Kay
Brush, Alpha Chi Omega; public-
ity, Doris Hymen, Sigma Delta
Tau; stunts, Alice Spero, Stock-
well; Posters, Beverly Arble, Al-
pha Delta Pi; special booths, Ber-
ta Houston, Kappa delta and tic-
kets, Jean Carson, Alpha Xi Delta.
The list continues with assis-
tant, Susie Shobe, Mosher; direc-
tor, Frances Reitz, Barbour; assis-
tant, Judith Davies, Collegiate
Sorosis; costumes, Shelley Stro-

matt, Ann Arbor, dance, Joan
Snodgrass, Delta Delta Delta;
make-up, Marilyn Hey, Alpha Phi;
and assistant, M'ary Claire Mathe-
son, Kappa Alpha Theta.
Other central committee mem-
bers include : assistant music
chairman, Sally Hansen, Alpha
Xi Delta; stage manager, Pat
Tester, Chi Omega; assistant, Ann
L. Stuart, Kappa Alpha Theta;

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Script, Joyce Ford, Delta Delta
Delta and ushering, Adrianne
Shufro, Hinsdale.
* * *
PANHELLENIC Counselors Del-
ta Gamma, Rosemary Wise; Del-
ta Zeta, Katherine, Murtha; Gam-
ma Phi Beta, Carol Ann Miller;
Kappa Alpha Theta, Judy Sin-
clair; Kappa Delta, Jane Barker;
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Marilyn
Collins; Pi Beta Phi, Ellen Van
Wagoner; Sigma Delta Tau, End
Frank and Zeta Tau Alpha, Erna
Staff of the Pipes of Pan, the
Panhellenic newspaper: Literary
editor, Pauline Zimmerman, Pi
Beta Phi; literary staff, Lynn
Berg, Alpha Delta Pi, and Nancy
Bergdahl, Collegiate Sorosis; bus-
iness manager, Jane Ellzey, Gam-
ma Phi Beta and cartoonist, Mary
Beth Howe, Alpha Chi Omega.
* *-*
NEW president of WAA: Mari-
lyn Thisted Chi Omega; Mary
Louise Hook, Alpha Xi Delta, is
the National Convention Chair-
man and Eleanor Doersam, Bar-
bour, is the vice-president in
charge of student relations. Vice-
president in charge of projects is
Judy Johannsen, Gamma Phi
New secretary, Barbara Hansen,
Chi Omega, and treasurer Bar-
bara Simmons, Pi Beta Phi. Bar-
bara Molyneaux, is Co-recreation
A.F.C.W. Representative: Nancy
Somers, Chi Omega, participation
manager, Mary Peterson, Alpha
Phi and dormitory manager,
Marge Ingram, Jordan.
SUE ROSE, Mosher: league
house manager, and Jean Knibbe,
Alpha Omicron Pi, in charge of
public relations, while Pat Smith,
Delta Delta Delta handles Daily
Club managers include: archery,
Barbara Hart, Chi Omega; bad-
minton, Mona Pick, Delta Delta
Delta; ballet, Doris E. Marsh, Jor-
dan; basketball, Lois M. Middle-
ton, Mosher; bowling, Barbara
Krause, Delta Delta Delta and
compus counselors, Nancy Fitch,
The list continues with fencing,
Betty Comstock, Kappa Kappa
Gamma; golf, Abby Funk, Pi Beta
Phi; field hockey, Barbara Keim,
Kappa Kappa Gamma; ice skat-
ing, Carole Somer, Martha Cook;
lacrosse, Dorothy Warmeling, Al-
pha Omicron Pi; Michifish, Janet
Dewey, Kappa Kappa Gamma;
officials and coaches, Barbara Ri-
ley, Alpha Xi Delta; outing, Mari-
lyn Groons, Alpha Chi Omega;
riding, Pat Gullberg, Delta Gam-
ma; rifle, Gratia Whitworth, Chi
Omega; speedball, Barbara Busch-
man, Gamma Phi Beta; softball,
Diana Lahde, Alpha Omicron Pi
and tennis, Pam Price, Kappa Al-
pha Theta.
WOMEN'S Glee Club officers
include: president,Jane Buell, Ann
Arbor; vice-president, Martha C.
Bryant, Kappa Kappa Gamma;
secretary, Ellen Traxler, Jordan;
business manager, Jean Allen,
Jordan, publicity, Marion Stepan-
auskas Alpha Omicron P and
librarian, Ina Sussman, Hinsdale
Orientation leaders for next
fall include, for the freshmen
groups: Barbara Johnson, Zeta
Tau Alpha, Cecily Hume, Alpha
Phi; Priscilla Ball, Collegiate Sor-
osis; Mary Muller, Kappa Kappa

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Gamma; Mary Beth Howe, Al-
pha Chi Omega; Peggy Zager,
Jordan; Bluma Zilber, Betsy Bar-
bour; Ethel Cada, Alpha Xi Del-
ta; Pat Brownson, Alpha Xi Del-
ta; Ilena Lindh, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Sally Slocum, Collegiate
Sorosis; Barbara Hansen, Chi
Omega; Mary Helen King, Delta
Zeta; Pat Smith, Delta Delta Del-
ta and Sally Reed, Delta Delta
The list continues with Sandra
Sipkin, Alpha Epsilon Phi; Nancy
Bylan, Martha Cook, Jane Buell,
Ann Arbor; Alice Mencher, Mosh-
er; Lora Franklin, Zeta Tau Al-
phe; Arlene Jewell, Martha Cook;
Suzanne Shawacker, Delta Gam-
ma; Pat Walker, Gamma Phi
Beta; Virginia Granse, Helen
Newberry; Ann Black, Stockwell;
Jo Phillips, Alpha Epsilon Phi;
Connie Symonds, Jordan; Jeanne
Marshall, Pi Beta Phi and Judy
McMillan, Betsy Barbour.
* * *
OTHER leaders include: Paul-
ine Kurta, Chi Omega; Jody Beh-
rens, Kappa Kappa Gamma; Ruth
Spillman, Alpha Phi; Rosemary
Wise, Delta Gamma; Rosemary
Owen, Chi Omega; Renee Pregul-
man, Alpha Epsilon Phi; Joanne
Matz, Helen Newberry; Joan
Trites, Alpha Omicron Pi and
Sally Soldthrope, Jordan.
Also among those serving will
be Grace Fink, New Dorm; Mary
Ellen Hastie, Alpha Xi Delta;
Bonnie Honke, Alpha Delta Pi;
Donna Malone, Delta Delta Del-
ta; Agnes Waddell, Alpha Gam-
ma Delta; Joanna Cannon, New
Dorm; Cathy Sotir, Jordan; Nan-
cy Fitch, Betsy Barbour; Marion
Thompson, Gamma Phi Beta; He-
len Yeager, Mosher and Charlotte
Will, Kappa Delta.
The list continues with: Alice
Coburn, Alpha Omicron Pi;
Yvonne Johnson, Alpha Omicron
Pi; Jeanne Schreiber, Chi Omega;
Betsy Saunders, Gamma Phi Beta;
Jane Barker, Kappa Delta; Joan
Giessow, Helen Newberry; Joan
Mintzer, Betsy Barbour; Connie
Newman, Betsy Barboui'; Alice
Richmond, Collegiate Sorosis;
Martha Tomkins, Mosher; Mary
Watt, Delta Gamma; Barbara An-
derson, Alpha Phi; Janette Marc-
zi, Lloyd Hall; Nancy Eichenlaub,
Alpha Gamma Delta and Donna
Davenport, Betsy Barbour.
* * *
ORIENTATION leader for
freshmen in Dental Hygiene is
Dolores Janusch, Delta Gamma,
and Carol Schaler, Helen New-
berry, and LaVerne Schmitkons,
Martha Cook, are leaders for the
physical education groups.
Mary Jean Cash, Jordan; Joan
Coutes, Angell Hall, Julia Henny,
Alpha Omicron Pi; Betty Mon-
cre f, GammaPhi Beta and Sally
Hanson, Kleinstuck are leaders
for freshmen in the School of
The list concludes with Mary
Gallagher of Chi Omega. In the
School of Architecture and De-
sign, orientation leaders are Shel-
ley Stromatt, Ann Arbor; Donna
Mayer, Jordan; Rhola Uhlendorf,
Ann Arbor; Carol Lutz, Stockwell;
Ann Bigman, Betsy Barbour and
Pamilla Wagner, Martha Cook.
Virginia Gish, Alpha Chi Omega
and Fumiko Ikemori, Helen New-
berry, are leaders for pharmacy

TRANSFER orientation leaders
include: Myrna Rees, Alpha Chi
Omega; Nancy Notnagel; Delta
Gamma, Barbara Molyneaux, Del-
ta Delta Delta; Jean Schutt, Delta
Gamma; Nancy Porter, Chi Ome-
go; Nancy Clark, Alpha Gamma
Delta;' Patricia Gullberg Delta
Gamma; Betty Borgen, Angell
House; Mary J. Scott, Kappa Del-
ta; Bette Krickstein, Alpha Epsi-
lon Phi; Mary Myrna Norton,
Gamma Phi Beta; Valerie Lemper,
Delta Delta Delta and Patricia
Williamson, Delta Zeta.
The list continues with Mary
Eger, Angell House, Nancy Cole-
man, Alpha Xi Delta; Sara Jane
Stephenson, Hollis; Deora Nelson,
Martha Cook; Virginia Byers, Chi
Omega and Sue Sears, Pi Beta
Jeri Rich, Gamma Phi Beta;
Carol Schumacher, Alpha Chi
Omega; Enid Frank, Eigma Delta
Tau; Lois Ryna, Marianne Van-
Duzer, Alpha Gamma Delta; Sue
Wilcox, Delta Zeta, Dolores Rosh-
id, Angell House and Beryl Clay-
ton, Betsy. Barbour continue the
Janet Sherzer, Delta Gamma;
Lois Comb, Pi Beta Phi; Judith
Raub, Angell House; Diana Lahde,
Ann Arbor; Gail Foster, Alpha
Omicron Pi; Judy Grossman, Chi
Omega and Cecilia Woodworht,
Delta Zeta conclude the list.
Transfer leaders for the School
of Music include: Mary Jo Pfoten-
hauer, Henderson; Ellen Axon,
Angell House; Margaret Strand,
Chi Omega and Mary Turner, Zeta
Tau Alpha.
* * *
JANE ZETTEL; Mosher, trans-
fers leader in the pharmacy school
and Esther Malkoun of Stockwell
for the engineering college.
In the School of Architecture
and Design, Portia Prettie, Alpha
(Continued from Page 4)
Generation, Literary Staff. Final
reading of manuscripts and eval-
uation meeting; Wed., 7 p.m., Con-
ference Room, Student Publica-
tions Building.
Square & Folk Dance . Club
Meeting: Wed., April 26, 7:30-9:45
p.m. Women's Athletic Building.
Everyone welcome.
Michigan Arts Chorale Regular:
Rehearsal, Rm. B, Haven Hall,
Wed., 7 p.m. Full attendance re-
ADA: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Wed.,
April 26, Union. Convention report.
Young Democrats: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Union, Wed., April 26. Bring
money for VictoryInstitute.
Romance Journal Club: Meet-
ing, April 26, 4:15 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Prof. Theodore E. Heger, School
of Music, will speak on the music
of the troubadours and trouveres
(with recordings). Guests wel-

Delta Pi and Rosemary Michel-
man, Alpha Phi, transfer leaders.
Ann Flitcraft, Delta Delta Delta,
Shila McComb, Gamma Phi Beta,
Helen Carpenter, Gamma Phi Be-
ta and Virginia Reese, Alpha Gam-
ma Delta, leaders for the School
of Education.
In the public health school, Eu-
genia Wassell, Ann Arbor, trans-
fer leader, and Mary Lou Scan-
lon, Kappa Delta, and Doris Egan,
Alpha Phi, are the leaders for the
School of Business Administra-
SENIOR SOCIETY, honor soci-
ety for independent women, tap-
ped the following women: Nancy
Bylan, Catherine Clairmont, Elea-
nor Doersam, Lita Hagen, Marilyn,
Klafer, Ethel Morris, Mary Jo
Pfotenhauer, Judith Raub, La-
Verne Schmitkons, Anita Seiler,
Lois Sieber, Joyce Simon, Marion
Stelling, Barbara Traub, Char-
lotte Voelker, Harriette Wilson and
Dorianne Zipperstein.
New members of Scroll, honor
society for affiliated women, in-
clude: Priscilla Ball, Virginia
Bauer, Patricia Breon, Patricia
Brownson, Patricia Dressler, Myra
Hahn, Jean Heidgen, Dolores Jan-
usch, Margaret Kennedy, Mary
Helen King and Ileana Lindh.
The list continues with Jennie
Quirk, Myrna Rees, Jeanne Schrei-

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